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As fixation of cementless total knee replacement components during the first 4–6 weeks after surgery is crucial to establish bony ingrowth into the porous surface, several studies have quantified implant-bone micromotion. Relative motion between the tray and bone can be measured in vitro, but the full micromotion contour map cannot typically be accessed experimentally. Finite element models have been employed to estimate the full micromotion map, but have not been directly validated over a range of loading conditions. The goal of this study was to develop and validate computational models for the prediction of tray-bone micromotion under simulated activities of daily living. Gait, stair descent and deep knee bend were experimentally evaluated on four samples of a cementless tibial tray implanted into proximal tibial Sawbones™ constructs. Measurements of the relative motion between the tray and the anterior cortical shell were collected with digital image correlation and used to validate a finite element model that replicated the experiment. Additionally, a probabilistic analysis was performed to account for experimental uncertainty and determine model sensitivity to alignment and frictional parameters. The finite element models were able to distinguish between activities and capture the experimental trends. Best-matching simulations from the probabilistic analysis matched measured displacement with an average root mean square (RMS) difference of 14.3 µm and Pearson-product correlation of 0.93, while the mean model presented an average RMS difference of 27.1 µm and a correlation of 0.8. Maximum deviations from average experimental measurements were 40.5 and 87.1 µm for the best-matching and average simulations, respectively. The computational pipeline developed in this study can facilitate and enhance pre-clinical assessment of novel implant components.  相似文献   

The two major problems that have been reported with the use of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) cement are thermal necrosis of surrounding bone due to the high heat generation during polymerisation and chemical necrosis due to unreacted monomer release. Computer models have been used to study the temperature and monomer distribution after cementation. In most of these models, however, polymerisation is modelled as temperature independent and cancellous bone is modelled as a continuum. Such models thus cannot account for the expected important role of the trabecular bone micro-structure. The aim of this study is to investigate the distribution of temperature and monomer leftover at the cancellous bone–cement interface during polymerisation for a realistic trabecular bone—cement micro-structure and realistic temperature-dependent polymerisation kinetics behaviour.

A 3-D computer model of a piece of bovine cancellous bone that underwent pressurization with bone–cement was generated using a micro-computed tomography scanner. This geometry was used as the basis for a finite element model and a temperature-dependent problem for bone cement polymerisation kinetics was solved to simulate the bone cement polymerisation process in the vicinity of the interface. The transient temperature field throughout the interface was calculated, along with the polymerisation fraction distribution in the cement domain.

The calculations revealed that the tips of the bone trabeculae that are embedded in the cement attain temperatures much higher than the average temperature of the bone volume. A small fraction of the bone (10%) is exposed to temperatures exceeding 70°C, but the exposure time to these high temperatures is limited to 50 s. In the region near the bone, the cement polymerisation fraction (about 84%) is less than that in the centre (where it is reaching values of over 96%). An important finding of this study thus is the fact that the bone tissue that is subjected to the highest temperatures is also subjected to high leftover monomer concentration. Furthermore the maximum bone temperature is reached relatively early, when monomer content in the neighbouring cement is still quite high.  相似文献   

In this study, two micro finite element models of trabecular bone–cement interface developed from high resolution computed tomography (CT) images were loaded under compression and validated using the in situ experimental data. The models were then used under tension and shear to examine the load transfer between the bone and cement and the micro damage development at the bone–cement interface. In addition, one models was further modified to investigate the effect of cement penetration on the bone–cement interfacial behaviour. The simulated results show that the load transfer at the bone–cement interface occurred mainly in the bone cement partially interdigitated region, while the fully interdigitated region seemed to contribute little to the mechanical response. Consequently, cement penetration beyond a certain value would seem to be ineffective in improving the mechanical strength of trabecular bone–cement interface. Under tension and shear loading conditions, more cement failures were found in denser bones, while the cement damage is generally low under compression.  相似文献   


The Shear-slip Mesh Update Method (SSMUM) is being used in flow simulations involving large but regular displacements of one or more boundaries of the computational domain. We follow up the earlier discussion of the method with notes on practical implementation aspects. In order to establish a benchmark problem for this class of flow problems, we define and report results from a two-dimensional viscous flow around a rotating stirrer in a square chamber. The application potential of the method is demonstrated in the context of biomedical design problem, as we perform an analysis of blood flow in a centrifugal left ventricular assist device, or blood pump, which involves a rotating impeller in a non-axisymmetric housing.  相似文献   

A method is presented to find orthotropic elastic symmetries and constants directly from the elastic coefficients in the overall stiffness matrix of trabecular bone test specimens. Contrary to earlier developed techniques, this method does not require pure orthotropic behavior or additional fabric measurements. The method uses high-resolution computer reconstructions of trabecular bone specimens as input for large-scale FE-analyses to determine all the 21 elastic coefficients in the overall stiffness matrix of the specimen, using a direct mechanics approach. An optimization procedure is then used to find the coordinate transformation that yields the best orthotropic representation of this matrix. The method is illustrated here relative to two trabecular bone specimens. The techniques developed here can be used to obtain a complete characterization of the mechanical properties of trabecular architecture. With the development of in vivo reconstruction techniques, even in vivo measurements will be possible.  相似文献   

A hip replacement with a cemented or cementless femoral stem produces an effect on the bone called adaptive remodelling, attributable to mechanical and biological factors. The objective of all of cementless prostheses designs has been to achieve a perfect transfer of loads in order to avoid stress-shielding, which produces an osteopenia. In order to quantify this, the long term and mass-produced study with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) is necessary. Finite element (FE) simulation makes possible the explanation of the biomechanical changes which are produced in the femur after stem implantation. The good correlation obtained between the results of the FE simulation and the densitometric study allow, on one hand, to explain from the point of view of biomechanical performance the changes observed in bone density in the long-term, where it is clear that these are due to a different transfer of load in the implanted model compared to the healthy femur; on the other hand, it validates the simulation model, in a way that it can be used in different conditions and at different time periods, to carry out a sufficiently precise prediction of the evolution of the bone density from the biomechanical behaviour in the interaction between the prosthesis and femur.  相似文献   

It has been recently suggested that mechanical loads applied at frequencies close to the natural frequencies of bone could enhance bone apposition due to the resonance phenomenon. Other applications of bone modal analysis are also suggested. For the above-mentioned applications, it is important to understand how patient-specific bone shape and density distribution influence the natural frequencies of bones. We used finite element models to study the effects of bone shape and density distribution on the natural frequencies of the femur in free boundary conditions. A statistical shape and appearance model that describes shape and density distribution independently was created, based on a training set of 27 femora. The natural frequencies were then calculated for different shape modes varied around the mean shape while keeping the mean density distribution, for different appearance modes around the mean density distribution while keeping the mean bone shape, and for the 27 training femora. Single shape or appearance modes could cause up to 15% variations in the natural frequencies with certain modes having the greatest impact. For the actual femora, shape and density distribution changed the natural frequencies by up to 38%. First appearance mode that describes the general cortical bone thickness and trabecular bone density had one of the strongest impacts. The first appearance mode could therefore provide a sensitive measure of general bone health and disease progression. Since shape and density could cause large variations in the calculated natural frequencies, patient-specific FE models are needed for accurate estimation of bone natural frequencies.  相似文献   

Gerodermia osteodysplastica (GO) is a segmental progeroid disorder caused by loss-of-function mutations in the GORAB gene, associated with early onset osteoporosis and bone fragility. A conditional mouse model of GO (GorabPrx1) was generated in which the Gorab gene was deleted in long bones. We examined the biomechanical/functional relevance of the GorabPrx1 mutants as a premature aging model by characterizing bone composition, tissue-level strains, and whole-bone morphology and mechanical properties of the tibia. MicroCT imaging showed that GorabPrx1 tibiae had an increased anterior convex curvature and decreased cortical cross-sectional area, cortical thickness and moments of inertia, compared to littermate control (LC) tibiae. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) imaging indicated a 34% decrease in mineral/matrix ratio and a 27% increase in acid phosphate content in the posterior metaphyseal cortex of the GorabPrx1 tibiae (p < .05), suggesting delayed mineralization. In vivo strain gauge measurement and finite element analysis showed ∼two times higher tissue-level strains within the GorabPrx1 tibiae relative to LC tibiae when subjected to axial compressive loads of the same magnitude. Three-point bending tests suggested that GorabPrx1 tibiae were weaker and more brittle, as indicated by decreasing whole-bone strength (46%), stiffness (55%), work-to-fracture (61%) and post-yield displacement (47%). Many of these morphological and biomechanical characteristics of the GorabPrx1 tibia recapitulated changes in other animal models of skeletal aging. Future studies are necessary to confirm how our observations might guide the way to a better understanding and treatment of GO.  相似文献   

It is essential to calculate micromotions at the bone-implant interface of an uncemented femoral total knee replacement (TKR) using a reliable computational model. In the current study, experimental measurements of micromotions were compared with predicted micromotions by Finite Element Analysis (FEA) using two bone material models: linear elastic and post-yield material behavior, while an actual range of interference fit was simulated. The primary aim was to investigate whether a plasticity model is essential in order to calculate realistic micromotions. Additionally, experimental bone damage at the interface was compared with the FEA simulated range.TKR surgical cuts were applied to five cadaveric femora and micro- and clinical CT- scans of these un-implanted specimens were made to extract geometrical and material properties, respectively. Micromotions at the interface were measured using digital image correlation. Cadaver-specific FEA models were created based on the experimental set-up. The average experimental micromotion of all specimens was 53.1 ± 42.3 µm (mean ± standard deviation (SD)), which was significantly higher than the micromotions predicted by both models, using either the plastic or elastic material model (26.5 ± 23.9 µm and 10.1 ± 10.1 µm, respectively; p-value < 0.001 for both material models). The difference between the two material models was also significant (p-value < 0.001). The predicted damage had a magnitude and distribution which was comparable to the experimental bone damage. We conclude that, although the plastic model could not fully predict the micro motions, it is more suitable for pre-clinical assessment of a press-fit TKR implant than using an elastic bone model.  相似文献   

The understanding of load support mechanisms in cartilage has evolved with computational models that better mimic the tissue ultrastructure. Fibril-reinforced poroelastic models can reproduce cartilage behaviour in a variety of test conditions and can be used to model tissue anisotropy as well as assess stress and pressure partitioning to the tissue constituents. The goal of this study was to examine the stress distribution in the fibrillar and non-fibrillar solid phase and pressure in the fluid phase of cartilage in axisymmetric models of a healthy and osteoarthritic hip joint. Material properties, based on values from the literature, were assigned to the fibrillar and poroelastic components of cartilage and cancellous and subchondral compact bone regions. A cyclic load representing walking was applied for 25 cycles. Contact stresses in the fibrillar and non-fibrillar solid phase supported less than 1% of the contact force and increased only minimally with load cycles. Simulated proteoglycan depletion increased stresses in the radial and tangential collagen fibrils, whereas fibrillation of the tangential fibrils resulted in increased compressive stress in the non-fibrillar component and tensile stress in the radial fibrils. However neither had an effect on fluid pressure. Subchondral sclerosis was found to have the largest effect, resulting in increased fluid pressure, non-fibrillar compressive stress, tangential fibril stress and greater cartilage consolidation. Subchondral bone stiffening may play an important role in the degenerative cascade and may adversely affect tissue repair and regeneration treatments.  相似文献   

A potential effective treatment for prevention of osteoporotic hip fractures is augmentation of the mechanical properties of the femur by injecting it with bone cement. This therapy, however, is only in research stage and can benefit substantially from computational simulations to optimize the pattern of cement injection. Some studies have considered a patient-specific planning paradigm for Osteoporotic Hip Augmentation (OHA). Despite their biomechanical advantages, customized plans require advanced surgical systems for implementation. Other studies, therefore, have suggested a more generalized injection strategy. The goal of this study is to investigate as to whether the additional computational overhead of the patient-specific planning can significantly improve the bone strength as compared to the generalized injection strategies attempted in the literature. For this purpose, numerical models were developed from high resolution CT images (n = 4). Through finite element analysis and hydrodynamic simulations, we compared the biomechanical efficiency of the customized cement-based augmentation along with three generalized injection strategies developed previously. Two series of simulations were studied, one with homogeneous and one with inhomogeneous material properties for the osteoporotic bone. The customized cement-based augmentation inhomogeneous models showed that injection of only 10 ml of bone cement can significantly increase the yield load (79.6%, P < 0.01) and yield energy (199%, P < 0.01) of an osteoporotic femur. This increase is significantly higher than those of the generalized injections proposed previously (23.8% on average). Our findings suggest that OHA can significantly benefit from a patient-specific plan that determines the pattern and volume of the injected cement.  相似文献   

Computational models are employed as tools to investigate possible mechanoregulation pathways for tissue differentiation and bone healing. However, current models do not account for the uncertainty in input parameters, and often include assumptions about parameter values that are not yet established. The objective of this study was to determine the most important cellular characteristics of a mechanoregulatory model describing both cell phenotype-specific and mechanobiological processes that are active during bone healing using a statistical approach. The computational model included an adaptive two-dimensional finite element model of a fractured long bone. Three different outcome criteria were quantified: (1) ability to predict sequential healing events, (2) amount of bone formation at early, mid and late stages of healing and (3) the total time until complete healing. For the statistical analysis, first a resolution IV fractional factorial design (L64) was used to identify the most significant factors. Thereafter, a three-level Taguchi orthogonal array (L27) was employed to study the curvature (non-linearity) of the 10 identified most important parameters. The results show that the ability of the model to predict the sequences of normal fracture healing was predominantly influenced by the rate of matrix production of bone, followed by cartilage degradation (replacement). The amount of bone formation at early stages was solely dependent on matrix production of bone and the proliferation rate of osteoblasts. However, the amount of bone formation at mid and late phases had the rate of matrix production of cartilage as the most influential parameter. The time to complete healing was primarily dependent on the rate of cartilage degradation during endochondral ossification, followed by the rate of cartilage formation. The analyses of the curvature revealed a linear response for parameters related to bone, where higher rates of formation were more beneficial to healing. In contrast, parameters related to fibrous tissue and cartilage showed optimum levels. Some fibrous connective tissue- and cartilage formation was beneficial to bone healing, but too much of either tissue delayed bone formation. The identified significant parameters and processes are further confirmed by in vivo animal experiments in the literature. This study illustrates the potential of design of experiments methods for evaluating computational mechanobiological model parameters and suggests that further experiments should preferably focus at establishing values of parameters related to cartilage formation and degradation.  相似文献   

External remodelling is significant in the bone healing process, and it is essential to predict the bone external shape in the design of artificial bone grafts. This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of the evolutionary structural optimisation (ESO) method for the simulation of bone morphology. A two-dimensional ESO strategy is developed which is capable of finding the modified bone topology beginning with any geometry under any loading conditions. The morphology of bone structure is described by the quantitative bone adaptation theory, which is integrated with the finite element method. The evolutionary topology optimisation process is introduced to find the bone shape. A rectangle, which occupies a larger space than the external shape of the bone structure, is specified as a design domain; the evolutionary process iteratively eliminates and redistributes material throughout the domain to obtain an optimum arrangement of bone materials. The technique has been tested on a wide range of examples. In this paper, the formation of trabecular bone architecture around an implant is studied; as another example, the growth of the coronal section of a vertebral body is predicted. The examples support the assertion that the external shape of bone structure can be successfully predicted by the proposed ESO procedure.  相似文献   

Individual differences in bone mass distribution at the proximal femur may be determined by daily weight-bearing physical activity (PA) since bone self-adapts according to the mechanical loads that is submitted. The aim of this study was to analyse computationally the effect of different weight-bearing PA types in the adaptation of the femoral neck (FN) by analysing regional differences in bone mineral density (BMD) at the integral FN and its superior, inferior, anterior and posterior subregions. To achieve this, it was adopted a 3-D femoral finite element (FE) model coupled with a suitable bone remodeling model. Different PA types were determined based both on ordinary lifestyle and mechanically more demanding PA as low magnitude impacts (L–I), moderate-magnitude impacts from odd directions (O–I) and high-magnitude vertical impacts (H–I). It was observed that as time spent in weight-bearing PA increases, BMD augment around the integral FN, but with different bone mass gain rates between subregions depending on the magnitude and directions of the hip contact forces; H–I was the type of weight-bearing PA which structurally most favor the gain of bone mass superiorly at the FN while both the H–I and the O–I types of PA promoted the largest bone mass gain rates at the anterior and posterior subregions of the FN. Because these types of weight-bearing PA were associated with a more uniform bone mass spatial distribution at the FN, they should provide a potential basis for targeted PA-based intervention programs for improving hip strength.  相似文献   

The finite element (FE) method based on high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT) use a variety of tissue constitutive properties and boundary conditions at different laboratories making comparison of mechanical properties difficult. Furthermore, the advent of a second-generation HR-pQCT poses challenges due to improved resolution and a larger region of interest (ROI). This study addresses the need to harmonize results across FE models. The aims are to establish the relationship between FE results as a function of boundary conditions and a range of tissue properties for the first-generation HR-pQCT system, and to determine appropriate model parameters for the second-generation HR-pQCT system. We implemented common boundary conditions and tissue properties on a large cohort (N = 1371), and showed the relationships were highly linear (R2 > 0.99) for yield strength and reaction force between FE models. Cadaver radii measured on both generation HR-pQCT with matched ROIs were used to back-calculate a tissue modulus that accounts for the increased resolution (61 µm versus 82 µm), resulting in a modulus of 8748 MPa for second-generation HR-pQCT to produce bone yield strength and reaction force equivalent to using 6829 MPa for first-generation HR-pQCT. Finally, in vivo scans (N = 61) conducted on both generations demonstrated that the larger ROI in the second-generation system results in stronger bone outcome measures, suggesting it is not advisable to convert FE results across HR-pQCT generations without matching ROIs. Together, these findings harmonize FE results by providing a means to compare findings with different boundary conditions and tissue properties, and across scanner generations.  相似文献   

Background: The mechanical response of patient-specific bone to various load conditions is of major clinical importance in orthopedics. Herein we enhance the methods presented in Yosibash et al. [2007. A CT-based high-order finite element analysis of the human proximal femur compared to in-vitro experiments. ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 129(3), 297–309.] for the reliable simulations of the human proximal femur by high-order finite elements (FEs) and validate the simulations by experimental observations.

Method of approach: A fresh-frozen human femur was scanned by quantitative computed tomography (QCT) and thereafter loaded (in vitro experiments) by a quasi-static force of up to 1250 N. QCT scans were manipulated to generate a high-order FE bone model with distinct cortical and trabecular regions having inhomogeneous isotropic elastic properties with Young's modulus represented by continuous spatial functions. Sensitivity analyses were performed to quantify parameters that mostly influence the mechanical response. FE results were compared to displacements and strains measured in the experiments.

Results: Young moduli correlated to QCT Hounsfield Units by relations in Keyak and Falkinstein [2003. Comparison of in situ and in vitro CT scan-based finite element model predictions of proximal femoral fracture load. Medical Engineering and Physics 25, 781–787.] were found to provide predictions that match the experimental results closely. Excellent agreement was found for both the displacements and strains. The presented study demonstrates that reliable and validated high-order patient-specific FE simulations of human femurs based on QCT data are achievable for clinical computer-aided decision making.  相似文献   

A numerical model of the medial open wedge tibial osteotomy based on the finite element method was developed. Two plate positions were tested numerically. In a configuration, (a), the plate was fixed in a medial position and (b) in an anteromedial position. The simulation took into account soft tissues preload, muscular tonus and maximal gait load.

The maximal stresses observed in the four structural elements (bone, plate, wedge, screws) of an osteotomy with plate in medial position were substantially higher (1.13–2.8 times more) than those observed in osteotomy with an anteromedial plate configuration. An important increase (1.71 times more) of the relative micromotions between the wedge and the bone was also observed. In order to avoid formation of fibrous tissue at the bone wedge interface, the osteotomy should be loaded under 18.8% (~50 kg) of the normal gait load until the osteotomy interfaces union is achieved.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to predict time-dependent bone remodeling around tissue- and bone-level dental implants used in patients with reduced bone width. The remodeling of bone around titanium tissue-level, and titanium and titanium–zirconium alloy bone-level implants was studied under 100 N oblique load for one month by implementing the Stanford theory into three-dimensional finite element models. Maximum principal stress, minimum principal stress, and strain energy density in peri-implant bone and displacement in x- and y- axes of the implant were evaluated. Maximum and minimum principal stresses around tissue-level implant were higher than bone-level implants and both bone-level implants experienced comparable stresses. Total strain energy density in bone around titanium implants slightly decreased during the first two weeks of loading followed by a recovery, and the titanium–zirconium implant showed minor changes in the axial plane. Total strain energy density changes in the loading and contralateral sides were higher in tissue-level implant than other implants in the cortical bone at the horizontal plane. The displacement values of the implants were almost constant over time. Tissue-level implants were associated with higher stresses than bone-level implants. The time-dependent biomechanical outcome of titanium–zirconium alloy bone-level implant was comparable to the titanium implant.  相似文献   

目的:对股骨骨折髓内钉术后1年骨愈合模型快速建模,通过有限元分析研究对比术前术后模型,通过术前判定内固定取出后骨折断端是否断裂。方法:运用Mimics、Geomagic Studio、Abaqus等软件采用快速个体化建模方法对股骨骨折髓内钉术后1年内固定取出术前后的多层螺旋CT数据进行快速建立模型,术前模型模拟剥除钢板后进行有限元分析,施加人体单腿站立时的静力载荷和约束,并将分析结果与术后模型进行对比,观察米塞斯应力分布情况、最大值及其所处部位。结果:按照材料属性进行区别显示米赛斯应力的最大值及最小值,在不同应力载荷下,手术前后各类型材料的米赛斯应力最大值及最小值部位相同,各类型材料中,最大值均没有位于骨折断端,不同方法的最大应力值部位相近,均在股骨中远端1/4交界处,手术前后应力分布基本相同。结论:采用个体化建模方法可以对骨折内固定取出前的骨愈合模型进行运算分析,快速预判术后是否导致骨折断端断裂。  相似文献   

Recent research effort in bone remodeling has been directed toward describing interstitial fluid flow in the lacuno-canalicular system and its potential as a cellular stimulus. Regardless of the precise contents of the mechanotransduction “black box”, it seems clear that the fluid flow on which the remodeling is predicated cannot occur under static loading conditions. In an attempt to help continuum remodeling simulations catch up with cellular and subcellular research, this paper presents a simple, strain rate driven remodeling algorithm for density allocation and principal material direction rotations. An explicit finite element code was written and deployed on a supercomputer which discretizes the remodeling process and uses an objective hypoelastic constitutive law to simulate trabecular realignment. Results indicate that a target strain rate for this dynamic approach is |D I *| = 1.7% per second which seems reasonable when compared to observed strain rates. Simulations indicate that a morpho-mechanically realistic three-dimensional bone can be synthesized by applying a few dynamic loads at the envelope of common daily physiological rates, even with no static loading component.  相似文献   

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