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Functional calibration methods were devised to improve repeatability and accuracy of the knee flexion–extension axis, which is used to define the medio-lateral axis of the femur coordinate system in gait analysis. Repeatability of functional calibration methods has been studied extensively in healthy individuals, but not accuracy in the absence of a benchmark knee axis. We captured bi-plane fluoroscopy data of the knee joint in 17 subjects with unilateral total knee arthroplasty during treadmill walking. The prosthesis provided a benchmark knee axis to evaluate the functional calibration methods. Stereo-photogrammetry data of thigh and shank marker clusters were captured simultaneously to investigate the effect of soft tissue artefact (STA). Three methods were tested, the Axis Transformation Technique (ATT) finds the best single fixed axis of rotation, 2DofKnee finds the axis that minimises knee varus–valgus and trajAJC finds the axis perpendicular to the trajectory, in the transverse plane of the femur, of a point located on the longitudinal axis of the tibia. Using fluoroscopy data, functional axes formed an angle of less than 2° in the transverse plane with the benchmark axis. True internal–external range of movement was correlated with decreased accuracy for ATT, while varus–valgus range of movement was correlated with decreased accuracy for 2DofKnee and trajAJC. STA had negative impact on accuracy and variability. Using stereo-photogrammetry data, the accuracy of 2DofKnee was 1.7°(SD: 5.1°), smaller than ATT 2.9°(SD: 5.1°) but not to trajAJC 1.7°(SD: 5.2°). Our results confirm that of previous studies, which utilised the femur condylar axis as reference.  相似文献   

Estimating joint kinematics from skin-marker trajectories recorded using stereophotogrammetry is complicated by soft tissue artefact (STA), an inexorable source of error. One solution is to use a bone pose estimator based on multi-body kinematics optimisation (MKO) embedding joint constraints to compensate for STA. However, there is some debate over the effectiveness of this method. The present study aimed to quantitatively assess the degree of agreement between reference (i.e., artefact-free) knee joint kinematics and the same kinematics estimated using MKO embedding six different knee joint models. The following motor tasks were assessed: level walking, hopping, cutting, running, sit-to-stand, and step-up. Reference knee kinematics was taken from pin-marker or biplane fluoroscopic data acquired concurrently with skin-marker data, made available by the respective authors. For each motor task, Bland-Altman analysis revealed that the performance of MKO varied according to the joint model used, with a wide discrepancy in results across degrees of freedom (DoFs), models and motor tasks (with a bias between −10.2° and 13.2° and between −10.2 mm and 7.2 mm, and with a confidence interval up to ±14.8° and ±11.1 mm, for rotation and displacement, respectively). It can be concluded that, while MKO might occasionally improve kinematics estimation, as implemented to date it does not represent a reliable solution to the STA issue.  相似文献   

The accurate location of the main axes of rotation (AoR) is a crucial step in many applications of human movement analysis. There are different formal methods to determine the direction and position of the AoR, whose performance varies across studies, depending on the pose and the source of errors. Most methods are based on minimizing squared differences between observed and modelled marker positions or rigid motion parameters, implicitly assuming independent and uncorrelated errors, but the largest error usually results from soft tissue artefacts (STA), which do not have such statistical properties and are not effectively cancelled out by such methods. However, with adequate methods it is possible to assume that STA only account for a small fraction of the observed motion and to obtain explicit formulas through differential analysis that relate STA components to the resulting errors in AoR parameters. In this paper such formulas are derived for three different functional calibration techniques (Geometric Fitting, mean Finite Helical Axis, and SARA), to explain why each technique behaves differently from the others, and to propose strategies to compensate for those errors. These techniques were tested with published data from a sit-to-stand activity, where the true axis was defined using bi-planar fluoroscopy. All the methods were able to estimate the direction of the AoR with an error of less than 5°, whereas there were errors in the location of the axis of 30–40 mm. Such location errors could be reduced to less than 17 mm by the methods based on equations that use rigid motion parameters (mean Finite Helical Axis, SARA) when the translation component was calculated using the three markers nearest to the axis.  相似文献   

The estimation of joint kinematics from skin markers is hindered by the soft tissue artefact (STA), a well-known phenomenon although not fully characterized. While most assessments of the STA have been performed based on the individual skin markers displacements, recent assessments were based on the marker-cluster geometrical transformations using, e.g., principal component or modal analysis. However, these marker-clusters were generally made of 4–6 markers and the current findings on the STA could have been biased by the limited number of skin makers analysed. The objective of the present study was therefore to confirm them with a high-density marker set, i.e. 40 markers placed on the segments.A larger number of modes than found in the literature was required to describe the STA. Nevertheless, translations and rotations of the marker-cluster remained the main STA modes, archetypally the translation along the proximal-distal and anterior-posterior axes for the shank and the translation along the proximal-distal axis and the rotation about the medial-lateral axis for the thigh. High correlations were also found between the knee flexion angle and the amplitude of these modes for the thigh whereas moderate ones were found for the shank.These findings support the current re-orientation of the STA compensation methods, from bone pose estimators which typically address the non-rigid components of the marker-cluster to kinematic-driven rigid-component STA models.  相似文献   

This paper presents a mathematical model for the propagation of errors in body segment kinematics to the location of the center of rotation. Three functional calibration techniques, usually employed for the gleno-humeral joint, are studied: the methods based on the pivot of the instantaneous helical axis (PIHA) or the finite helical axis (PFHA), and the “symmetrical center of rotation estimation” (SCoRE). A procedure for correcting the effect of soft tissue artifacts is also proposed, based on the equations of those techniques and a model of the artifact, like the one that can be obtained by double calibration. An experiment with a mechanical analog was performed to validate the procedure and compare the performance of each technique. The raw error (between 57 and 68 mm) was reduced by a proportion of between 1:6 and less than 1:15, depending on the artifact model and the mathematical method. The best corrections were obtained by the SCoRE method. Some recommendations about the experimental setup for functional calibration techniques and the choice of a mathematical method are derived from theoretical considerations about the formulas and the results of the experiment.  相似文献   

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