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For kinematic studies of the shoulder, electromagnetic sensors are commonly placed on the humerus, scapula, and trunk. The trunk sensor is used to describe humeral and scapular kinematics with respect to the trunk. There are two common trunk sensor placements, the sternum or third thoracic vertebrae (T3). It is currently unclear if placement of the trunk sensor affects kinematics, making it difficult to compare data across studies. The purpose of this study was to compare two trunk sensor placements (T3 and sternum) on trunk and scapular kinematics during arm elevation. An electromagnetic tracking system was used to collect kinematic data during five consecutive repetitions of ascending and descending arm elevation in the sagittal plane. The results indicate that trunk sensor placement had no significant effect on trunk kinematics or scapular upward/downward rotation and internal/external rotation. Scapular anterior/posterior tilt was significantly greater when the trunk sensor was on the sternum compared to the T3 vertebrae during ascending 30°–120°: mean difference = −3.51° (95%CI: −5.61, −1.40), and descending 120°–30°: mean difference = −3.27° (95%CI: −6.07, −0.48). However, the difference in anterior/posterior tilt did not exceed the error (minimal detectable change), and thus is likely not a meaningful difference. These results indicate the trunk sensors can be affixed on T3 or the sternum, depending on the needs of the study.  相似文献   

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) is a 3D spinal deformity characterized by curvature and rotation of the spine. Markerless surface topography (ST) analysis has been proposed for diagnosing and monitoring AIS to reduce the X-ray radiation exposure to patients. This method captures scans of the cosmetic deformity of the torso using visible, radiation-free light. The asymmetry analysis of the torso, represented as a deviation contour map with deviation patches outlining the areas of cosmetic asymmetries, has previously been shown to predict the severity and progression of the condition in comparison with radiographs, by using classification trees. While the classification results were promising, it was reported that some mild curves were erroneously diagnosed. Furthermore, this approach is highly sensitive to threshold values selected in the decision trees. Therefore, this study aims to define a custom Neighbourhood Classifier algorithm for AIS classification to improve the accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of predicting curve severity and curve progression in AIS. Curve severity was predicted with 80% accuracy (sensitivity = 81%; specificity = 79%) for thoracic-thoracolumbar curves and 72% (sensitivity = 93%; specificity = 53%) for lumbar curves. This represents an improvement over the previous method with curve severity accuracies of 77% and 63% for thoracic-thoracolumbar and lumbar curves, respectively. Additionally, curve progression was predicted with 93% accuracy (sensitivity = 83%; specificity = 95%) representing a substantial improvement over the previous method with an accuracy of 59%. The current method has shown the potential to further reduce radiation exposure for AIS patients by avoiding X-rays for mild and non-progressive curves identified using ST analysis.  相似文献   

Identification of scapular dyskinesis and evaluation of interventions depend on the ability to properly measure scapulothoracic (ST) motion. The most widely used measurement approach is the acromion marker cluster (AMC), which can yield large errors in extreme humeral elevation and can be inaccurate in children and patient populations. Recently, an individualized regression approach has been proposed as an alternative to the AMC. This technique utilizes the relationship between ST orientation, humerothoracic orientation and acromion process position derived from calibration positions to predict dynamic ST orientations from humerothoracic and acromion process measures during motion. These individualized regressions demonstrated promising results for healthy adults; however, this method had not yet been compared to the more conventional AMC. This study compared ST orientation estimates by the AMC and regression approaches to static ST angles determined by surface markers placed on palpated landmarks in typically developing adolescents performing functional tasks. Both approaches produced errors within the range reported in the literature for skin-based scapular measurement techniques. The performance of the regression approach suffered when applied to positions outside of the range of motion in the set of calibration positions. The AMC significantly underestimated ST internal rotation across all positions and overestimated posterior tilt in some positions. Overall, root mean square errors for the regression approach were smaller than the AMC for every position across all axes of ST motion. Accordingly, we recommend the regression approach as a suitable technique for measuring ST kinematics in functional motion.  相似文献   

The shoulder (glenohumeral) joint has the greatest range of motion of all human joints; as a result, it is particularly vulnerable to dislocation and injury. The ability to non-invasively quantify in-vivo articular cartilage contact patterns of joints has been and remains a difficult biomechanics problem. As a result, little is known about normal in-vivo glenohumeral joint contact patterns or the consequences that surgery has on altering them. In addition, the effect of quantifying glenohumeral joint contact patterns by means of proximity mapping, both with and without cartilage data, is unknown. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to (1) describe a technique for quantifying in-vivo glenohumeral joint contact patterns during dynamic shoulder motion, (2) quantify normal glenohumeral joint contact patterns in the young healthy adult during scapular plane elevation depression with external humeral rotation, and (3) compare glenohumeral joint contact patterns determined both with and without articular cartilage data. Our results show that the inclusion of articular cartilage data when quantifying in-vivo glenohumeral joint contact patterns has significant effects on the anterior–posterior contact centroid location, the superior–inferior contact centroid range of travel, and the total contact path length. As a result, our technique offers an advantage over glenohumeral joint contact pattern measurement techniques that neglect articular cartilage data. Likewise, this technique may be more sensitive than traditional 6-Degree-of-Freedom (6-DOF) joint kinematics for the assessment of overall glenohumeral joint health. Lastly, for the shoulder motion tested, we found that glenohumeral joint contact was located on the anterior–inferior glenoid surface.  相似文献   

The fixed position of force plates has led researchers to pursue alternative methods of determining centre of pressure (CoP) location. To date, errors reported using alternative methods to the force plate during dynamic tasks have been high. The aim of this study was to investigate the accuracy of a motion analysis marker-based system to determine CoP during a two-legged hopping task. Five markers were attached to the left and right feet of eight healthy adults (5 females, 3 males, age: 25.0±2.8 years, height: 1.75±0.07 m, mass: 71.3±11.3 kg). Multivariate forward stepwise and forced entry linear regression was used with data from five participants to determine CoP position during quiet standing and hopping at various frequencies. Maximum standard error of the estimate of CoP position was 12 mm in the anteroposterior direction and 8 mm in the mediolateral. Cross-validation was performed using the remaining 3 participants. Maximum root mean square difference between the force plate and marker method was 14 mm for mediolateral CoP and 20 mm for anteroposterior CoP during 1.5 Hz hopping. Differences reduced to a maximum of 7 mm (mediolateral) and 14 mm (anteroposterior) for the other frequencies. The smallest difference in calculated sagittal plane ankle moment and timing of maximum moment was during 3.0 Hz hopping, and largest at 1.5 Hz. Results indicate the marker-based method of determining CoP may be a suitable alternative to a force plate to determine CoP position during a two-legged hopping task at frequencies greater than 1.5 Hz.  相似文献   



Genetic locus linked to chromosome 19p for Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) has been described. This study was carried out with the aim to find any significant linkage or association between three microsatellite markers (D19S216, D19S894, and DS1034) of chromosome 19p13.3 in Saudi Arabian girls with AIS.


In eleven unrelated Saudi Arabian girls who were treated for AIS with Cobb angle of ≥30 degrees and in 10 unrelated healthy individuals, linkage analysis was performed using parametric and nonparametric methods by use of GENEHUNTER version 2.1. Multipoint linkage analysis was used in specifying an autosomal dominant trait with a gene frequency of 0.01 and an estimated penetrance of 80% at the genotype and the allele level. Fisher''s exact test was used in the analysis of contingency tables for the D19S216, D19S894, and DS1034 markers.


The analysis between the patient group and healthy girls showed that at genotypic level there was no significant association of the markers and scoliosis D19S216 (P = 0.21), D19S894 (P = 0.37), and DS1034 (P = 0.25). Whereas, at the allele level, there was statistically significant association between the marker DS1034 (P = 0.008) and no significant association with the other two markers D19S216 (P = 0.25) and D19S894 (P = 0.17).


Our study shows that at genotypic level none of the markers reported earlier were associated with scoliosis but at allele level, marker DS1034 was significantly associated with patients with AIS. This allele marker on chromosome 19p appears important in the etiology of AIS.  相似文献   



Idiopathic scoliosis is the most common type of spinal deformity. Scoliosis is defined as a lateral curvature of the spine greater than 10° accompanied by rotation of the vertebrae. The treatment available for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is observation, orthosis, and surgery. The surgical options include open anterior release and instrumentation, posterior instrumentation, and thoracoscopic approaches. The Scoliosis Research Society Questionnaire (SRS-30) is a specific instrument to measure health-related quality of life in patients with scoliosis, who had or had not undergone surgery. The purpose was to assess the post-operative functional outcome using SRS-30 in children who underwent anterior release, instrumentation, and fusion using autogenous rib graft for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS).


In a retrospective cohort study, 25 patients between the ages of 11 and 17 years, who underwent anterior release, instrumentation, and fusion using autogenous rib graft for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) between 2008 and 2014, were included in the study.


The total average score was 4.26 with a SD of 0.014 and had maximum average score 4.5 (for pain) and minimum average score 3.8 (for self-image).


Anterior release, instrumentation, and fusion using autogenous rib graft is having good functional outcome in all domains.

Simulating realistic musculoskeletal dynamics is critical to understanding neural control of muscle activity evoked in sensorimotor feedback responses that have inherent neural transmission delays. Thus, the initial mechanical response of muscles to perturbations in the absence of any change in muscle activity determines which corrective neural responses are required to stabilize body posture. Muscle short-range stiffness, a history-dependent property of muscle that causes a rapid and transient rise in muscle force upon stretch, likely affects musculoskeletal dynamics in the initial mechanical response to perturbations. Here we identified the contributions of short-range stiffness to joint torques and angles in the initial mechanical response to support surface translations using dynamic simulation. We developed a dynamic model of muscle short-range stiffness to augment a Hill-type muscle model. Our simulations show that short-range stiffness can provide stability against external perturbations during the neuromechanical response delay. Assuming constant muscle activation during the initial mechanical response, including muscle short-range stiffness was necessary to account for the rapid rise in experimental sagittal plane knee and hip joint torques that occurs simultaneously with very small changes in joint angles and reduced root mean square errors between simulated and experimental torques by 56% and 47%, respectively. Moreover, forward simulations lacking short-range stiffness produced unreasonably large joint angle changes during the initial response. Using muscle models accounting for short-range stiffness along with other aspects of history-dependent muscle dynamics may be important to advance our ability to simulate inherently unstable human movements based on principles of neural control and biomechanics.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) tongue movements are central to performance of feeding functions by mammals and other tetrapods, but 3D tongue kinematics during feeding are poorly understood. Tongue kinematics were recorded during grape chewing by macaque primates using biplanar videoradiography. Complex shape changes in the tongue during chewing are dominated by a combination of flexion in the tongue''s sagittal planes and roll about its long axis. As hypothesized for humans, in macaques during tongue retraction, the middle (molar region) of the tongue rolls to the chewing (working) side simultaneous with sagittal flexion, while the tongue tip flexes to the other (balancing) side. Twisting and flexion reach their maxima early in the fast close phase of chewing cycles, positioning the food bolus between the approaching teeth prior to the power stroke. Although 3D tongue kinematics undoubtedly vary with food type, the mechanical role of this movement—placing the food bolus on the post-canine teeth for breakdown—is likely to be a powerful constraint on tongue kinematics during this phase of the chewing cycle. The muscular drivers of these movements are likely to include a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles.  相似文献   

We have combined kinematic and electromyogram (EMG) analysis of running Blaberus discoidalis to examine how middle and hind leg kinematics vary with running speed and how the fast depressor coxa (Df) and fast extensor tibia (FETi) motor neurons affect kinematic parameters. In the range 2.5–10 Hz, B. discoidalis increases step frequency by altering the joint velocity and by reducing the time required for the transition from flexion to extension. For both Df and FETi the timing of recruitment coincides with the maximal frequency seen for the respective slow motor neurons. Df is first recruited at the beginning of coxa-femur (CF) extension. FETi is recruited in the latter half of femur-tibia (FT) extension during stance. Single muscle potentials produced by these fast motor neurons do not have pronounced effects on joint angular velocity during running. The transition from CF flexion to extension was abbreviated in those cycles with a Df potential occurring during the transition. One effect of Df activity during running may be to phase shift the beginning of joint extension so that the transition is sharpened. FETi is associated with greater FT extension at higher running speeds and may be necessary to overcome high joint torques at extended FT joint angles. Accepted: 24 May 1997  相似文献   

A new method for deriving limb segment motion from markers placed on the skin is described. The method provides a basis for determining the artifact associated with nonrigid body movement of points placed on the skin. The method is based on a cluster of points uniformly distributed on the limb segment. Each point is assigned an arbitrary mass. The center of mass and the inertia tensor of this cluster of points are calculated. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the inertia tensor are used to define a coordinate system in the cluster as well as to provide a basis for evaluating non-rigid body movement. The eigenvalues of the inertia tensor remain invariant if the segment is behaving as a rigid body, thereby providing a basis for determining variations for nonrigid body movement. The method was tested in a simulation model where systematic and random errors were introduced into a fixed cluster of points. The simulation demonstrated that the error due to nonrigid body movement could be substantially reduced. The method was also evaluated in a group of ten normal subjects during walking. The results for knee rotation and translation obtained from the point cluster method compared favorably to results previously obtained from normal subjects with intra-cortical pins placed into the femur and tibia. The resulting methodology described in this paper provides a unique approach to the measurement of in vivo motion using skin-based marker systems.  相似文献   

The rate of growth in height and the timing of adolescent growth events are analyzed for two samples of Guatemalan children. One sample includes Mayan school children, 33 boys and 12 girls between the ages of 5.00 to 17.99 years, living under poor conditions for growth and development. The second sample includes ladino children, 78 boys and 85 girls of the same age range, living under favorable conditions for growth. The Preece-Baines model I function is used to estimate mean values for rates and timing of childhood and adolescent growth events for the two groups. Significant statistical contrasts (t-tests) of these means show Mayan boys reach the age of "take-off" (TO; the onset of the adolescent growth spurt) 1.45 years later, achieve peak height velocity (PHV) 1.68 years later, and continue growing for about 2.0 years longer than do the ladino boys. Despite the Mayan boys' increased duration for growth they grow significantly more slowly than the ladinos. Mayan boys are 6.60 cm shorter than ladinos at the age of TO and are estimated to be 7.71 cm shorter than the ladinos at adulthood. Mayan girls reach the age of TO 0.93 years later than do the ladina girls, but the two groups do not differ in the age at PHV or the age at adulthood. The mean height of Mayan girls is significantly less than that of ladinas at the age of TO (6.5 cm), and this difference increases to an estimated 11.14 cm at adulthood. Possible causes of these ethnic and sex-related differences in amounts and rates of growth are discussed in relation to hypotheses about the genetic and environmental determinants of human development.  相似文献   

BackgroundAlthough treatment advances have increased childhood and adolescent cancer survival, whether patient subgroups have benefited equally from these improvements is unclear.MethodsData on 42,865 malignant primary cancers diagnosed between 1995 and 2019 in individuals ≤ 19 years were obtained from 12 Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results registries. Hazard ratios (HRs) and 95 % confidence intervals (CIs) for cancer-specific mortality by age group (0–14 and 15–19 years), sex, and race/ethnicity were estimated using flexible parametric models with a restricted cubic spline function in each of the periods: 2000–2004, 2005–2009, 2010–2014 and 2015–2019, versus 1995–1999. Interactions between diagnosis period and age group (children 0–14 and adolescents 15–19 years at diagnosis), sex, and race/ethnicity were assessed using likelihood ratio tests. Five-year cancer-specific survival rates for each diagnosis period were further predicted.ResultsCompared with the 1995–1999 cohort, the risk of dying from all cancers combined decreased in subgroups defined by age, sex and race/ethnicity with HRs ranging from 0.50 to 0.68 for the 2015–2019 comparison. HRs were more variable by cancer subtype. There were no statistically significant interactions by age group (Pinteraction=0.05) or sex (Pinteraction=0.71). Despite non-significant differences in cancer-specific survival improvement across different races and ethnicities (Pinteraction=0.33) over the study period, minorities consistently experienced inferior survival compared with non-Hispanic Whites.ConclusionsThe substantial improvements in cancer-specific survival for childhood and adolescent cancer did not differ significantly by different age, sex, and race/ethnicity groups. However, persistent gaps in survival between minorities and non-Hispanic Whites are noteworthy.  相似文献   

ObjectivesLysyl oxidase like 2 (LOXL2) is associated with poor prognosis in idiopathic pulmonary disease (IPF) and cancer. We developed an Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) targeting the LOXL2 neo-epitope generated through the release of the signal peptide during LOXL2 maturation.Design and methodsAn ELISA targeting the N-terminal site of the human LOXL2 was developed including technical optimization and validation steps. Serum LOXL2 was measured in patients with breast, colorectal, lung, ovarian, pancreatic and prostate cancer, melanoma, IPF and in healthy controls (n = 16).ResultsA technically robust and specific assay was developed. LOXL2 was detectable in serum from healthy controls and showed reactivity towards recombinant LOXL2. Compared to controls, LOXL2 levels were significantly (p < 0.001–0.05) elevated in serum from patients with breast, colerectal, lung, ovarian and pancreatic cancer (mean range: 49–84 ng/mL), but not in prostate cancer (mean: 36 ng/mL) and malignant melanoma patients (41 ng/mL). Serum LOXL2 was elevated in IPF patients compared to healthy controls (mean: 76.5 vs 46.8 ng/mL; p > 0.001)ConclusionsA specific ELISA towards the N-terminal neo-epitope site in LOXL2 was developed which detected significantly elevated serum levels from patients with above-mentioned cancer types or IPF compared to healthy controls.  相似文献   

The relationship between shoulder pain and scapular dyskinesis (SDK) is unclear. Differences between groups with and without SDK have been demonstrated, focusing on the amount of scapular motion at specific degrees of humeral elevation. However, this approach does not consider the temporal information and shape of the scapular motion temporal series. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) may clarify this variability and advance current understanding of ‘abnormal’ movement patterns. This study aimed to evaluate the scapular kinematics in patients with shoulder pain and in asymptomatic participants with and without SDK using PCA. Data were collected in 98 participants separated in four groups: Pain + SDK (n = 24), Pain (n = 25), No Pain + SDK (n = 24), and No Pain (n = 25). Scapulothoracic kinematic data were measured with an electromagnetic tracking device during arm elevation and lowering phases. PCA and analysis of variance were used to compare the groups. The No Pain + SDK group had a progressive increasing in anterior tilt over the elevation phase compared to the Pain (effect size = 0.79) and No Pain (effect size = 0.80) groups. During the arm-lowering, the Pain + SDK group had a progressive increasing in anterior tilt over this phase in comparison to the No Pain + SDK group (effect size = 0.68). Therefore, PCA demonstrated differences in the scapular anterior tilt related to SDK and shoulder pain. The presence of SDK revealed a scapular pattern with progressive increasing in anterior tilt over the elevation phase. However, during the arm-lowering phase, asymptomatic participants with SDK changed their motion pattern, unlike the symptomatic group, reinforcing the suggested association between scapular modifications and shoulder symptoms.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was threefold: i) to analyse the load-velocity relationship of the shoulder press (SP) exercise, ii) to investigate the stability (intra-individual variability) of this load-velocity relationship for athletes with different relative strength levels, and after a 10-week velocity-based resistance training (VBT), and iii) to describe the velocity-time pattern of the SP: first peak velocity [Vmax1], minimum velocity [Vmin], and second peak velocity [Vmax2]. This study involves a cross-sectional (T1, n = 48 subjects with low, medium and high strength levels) and longitudinal (T2, n = 24 subjects randomly selected from T1 sample) design. In T1, subjects completed a progressive loading test up to the 1RM in the SP exercise. The barbell mean, peak and mean propulsive velocities (MV, PV and MPV) were monitored. In T2, subjects repeated the loading test after 10 weeks of VBT. There were very close relationships between the %1RM and velocity attained in the three velocity outcomes (T1, R2: MV = 0.970; MPV = 0.969; PV = 0.954), being even stronger at the individual level (T1, R2 = 0.973–0.997). The MPV attained at the 1RM (~0.19 m·s-1) was consistent among different strength levels. Despite the fact that 1RM increased ~17.5% after the VBT programme, average MPV along the load-velocity relationship remained unaltered between T1 and T2 (0.69 ± 0.06 vs. 0.70 ± 0.06 m·s-1). Lastly, the three key parameters of the velocity-time curve were detected from loads > 74.9% 1RM at 14.3% (Vmax1), 46.1% (Vmin), and 88.7% (Vmax2) of the concentric phase. These results may serve as a practical guideline to effectively implement the velocity-based method in the SP exercise.  相似文献   

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