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The evolution of floral traits is often attributed to pollinator‐mediated selection; however, the importance of pollinators as selective agents in arctic environments is poorly resolved. In arctic and subarctic regions that are thought to be pollen limited, selection is expected to either favor floral traits that increase pollinator attraction or promote reproductive assurance through selfing. We quantified phenotypic selection on floral traits in two arctic and two subarctic populations of the self‐compatible, but largely pollinator‐dependent, Parrya nudicaulis. Additionally, we measured selection in plants in both open pollination and pollen augmentation treatments to estimate selection imposed by pollinators in one population. Seed production was found to be limited by pollen availability and strong directional selection on flower number was observed. We did not detect consistently greater magnitudes of selection on floral traits in the arctic relative to the subarctic populations. Directional selection for more pigmented flowers in one arctic population was observed, however. In some populations, selection on flower color was found to interact with other traits. We did not detect consistently stronger selection gradients across all traits for plants exposed to pollinator selection relative to those in the pollen augmentation treatment; however, directional selection tended to be higher for some floral traits in open‐pollinated plants.  相似文献   

Correlations between phenotypic traits are common in many organisms, but the relative importance of nonadaptive mechanisms and selection for the evolution and maintenance of such correlations are poorly understood. In polymorphic species, morphs may evolve quantitative differences in additional characters as a result of morph‐specific selection. The perennial rosette herb Primula farinosa is polymorphic for scape length. The short‐scaped morph is less damaged by grazers and seed predators but is more strongly pollen limited than the long‐scaped morph. We examined whether morph‐specific differences in biotic interactions are associated with differences in selection on two other traits affecting floral display (number of flowers and petal size) and on one trait likely to affect pollination efficiency (corolla tube width) in three P. farinosa populations. Differences in selection between morphs were detected in one population. In this population, selection for more flowers and larger petals was stronger in the short‐scaped than in the long‐scaped morph, and although there was selection for narrower corolla tubes in the short‐scaped morph, no statistically significant selection on corolla tube width could be detected in the long‐scaped morph. In the study populations, the short‐scaped morph produced more and larger flowers and wider corolla tubes. Current morph‐specific selection was thus only partly consistent with trait differences between morphs. The results provide evidence of morph‐specific selection on traits associated with floral display and pollination efficiency, respectively.  相似文献   

Aims Adaptive evolution of invasive species is both particularly exciting for the evolutionary biologist and worrisome for those interested in controlling or halting spread. Invasive species often have a distinct timeline and well-recorded population expansion. As invaders encounter new environments, they undergo rapid adaptive evolution. Our aim in this study was to measure variation of floral size in the invasive shrub Cytisus scoparius (Scotch broom) and measure natural selection by pollinators on that trait. Past research has found that this invasive plant is pollinator limited in Washington State and that declines in pollinator populations can contribute to local extinction in another invaded range (New Zealand). This plant is pollinated by both native and introduced species of bees, representing a broad range of pollinator sizes. Cytisus scoparius has a flower structure that is highly conducive to studies on pollinator choice, even in the absence of direct pollinator observations.Methods We surveyed urban and rural sites in and around the city of Olympia in Washington State. Measuring banner width, we were able to show that flower size varies substantially between plants but minimally within plants. By measuring the proportion of flowers that were 'tripped', we could determine pollinator visitation rates and thus determine the level of selection due to pollinator choice alone.Important findings We found that C. scoparius is under natural selection by pollinators for increased flower size. However, such positive natural selection was only seen in urban populations although it was consistent across two flowering seasons. Rural populations of Scotch broom do not appear to be under selection on flower size. The natural selection by pollinators on broom flowers could result in adaptive evolution into a new pollination niche by an invading species. A higher level of variation in broom flowers seen here than seen in previous works in native regions suggests that C. scoparius may be highly diverse and primed for adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is one of the most widespread and recognizable patterns of phenotypic variation in the biotic world. Sexual dimorphism in floral display is striking in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia, with males making many, small flowers compared to females. We investigated this dimorphism via artificial selection on two populations to determine whether genetic variation exists within populations for flower size and the extent of the between-sex correlation, whether a flower size and number trade-off exists within each sex, and whether pollen and ovule production vary with flower size. We selected for decreased flower size (calyx width) in females and increased flower size in males and measured the response to selection in size and correlated responses in flower dry mass, flower number, and pollen or ovule number per flower. Four bouts of selection in each of two selection programs were performed, for a total of three selection lines to decrease size, three to increase it, and two control lines. Flower size always significantly responded to selection and we always found a significant correlated response in the sex not under selection. Selection decreased but did not eliminate the sexual dimorphism in flower dry mass and number. A negative relationship between flower size and number within each sex was revealed. Whereas ovule number showed a significant correlated response to selection on flower size, pollen number did not. Our results indicate that although substantial additive genetic variation for flower size exists, the high between-sex genetic correlation would likely constrain flower size from becoming more sexually dimorphic. Furthermore, floral display within each sex is constrained by a flower size and number trade-off. Given this trade-off and lack of variation in pollen production with flower size, we suggest that sexual dimorphism evolved via sexual selection to increase flower number in males but not females.  相似文献   

This study partitions selection in a natural metapopulation of a riparian plant species, Silene tatarica, into individual- and patch-level components by using contextual analysis, in which a patch refers to a spatially distinct stand of individual plants. We estimated selection gradients for two morphological characters (plant height and number of stems), their respective patch means, and plant density with respect to reproductive success in a two-year study. The approach was also extended to partition selection separately within habitats with varying degrees of exposure to river disturbances and herbivory. The selection differentials and gradients for plant height were positive at both individual and patch levels, with selection forces highest in the closed habitat with low exposure to disturbance. This pattern suggests that local groups with taller than average plants are more visible to pollinators than to groups that are shorter than average plants; and, within patches, individuals with short stature are visited less often than taller ones. Selection on the number of stems was in opposition at individual and patch levels. At the individual level the character was selected toward higher values, whereas selection at the patch-level favored smaller mean number of stems. The strength of the latter component was associated with the intensity of herbivory in different habitats, suggesting that the patch-level selection against a large number of stems might be due to high attractiveness of such patches to the main herbivore, reindeer. Consequently, direction and strength of selection in spatially structured populations may depend significantly on fitness effects arising at the group level.  相似文献   

Measures of selection on floral traits in flowering plants are often motivated by the assumption that pollinators cause selection. Flowering plants experience selection from other sources, including herbivores, which may enhance or oppose selection by pollinators. Surprisingly, few studies have examined selection from multiple sources on the same traits. We quantified pollinator-mediated selection on six floral traits of Lobelia cardinalis by comparing selection in naturally and supplementally (hand-) pollinated plants. Directional, quadratic and correlational selection gradients as well as total directional and quadratic selection differentials were examined. We used path analysis to examine how three herbivores--slugs, weevils and caterpillars--affected the relationship between floral traits and fitness. We detected stronger total selection on four traits and correlational selection (γ(ij)) on three trait combinations in the natural pollination treatment, indicating that pollinators caused selection on these traits. Weak but statistically significant selection was caused by weevil larvae on stem diameter and anther-nectary distance, and by slugs on median-flower date. In this study, pollinators imposed stronger selection than herbivores on floral traits in L. cardinalis. In general, the degree of pollen limitation and rate of herbivory are expected to influence the relative strength of selection caused by pollinators or herbivores.  相似文献   

A central theme underlying studies of adaptive radiation is that ecologically mediated selection drives diversification. However, demonstrating the ecological basis of natural selection and linking this process to patterns of morphological diversity represents a formidable challenge. This is because selection experiments that test correlations between an organism's phenotype and its ecology are difficult to perform in the wild. Previous studies of Anolis lizards have shown that divergent morphologies are correlated with habitat use and have evolved repeatedly on islands throughout the Greater Antilles. Here, we show that the forms of selection acting within a species support an ecological mechanism for diversification. In natural populations, performance-related traits such as limb length are subject to correlational and disruptive selection driven by differences in habitat use. Experimental manipulations in the wild verify the same pattern of selection and indicate that both the targets and forms of selection are consistent through time. Elsewhere, we have demonstrated that these traits are heritable and should therefore evolve in response to selection. Our results provide evidence for the short-term repeatability of selection and its potency in the diversification of anoles.  相似文献   

植物的花部性状在异质环境中表现出不均一的适应性进化, 其自然变异可能在时空格局上呈现一定的规律性。选择同一物种的不同地理居群进行花部表型变异分析, 能揭示花部性状随地理梯度的变异模式。海仙花报春(Primula poissonii)属于典型的二型花柱植物, 依赖昆虫传粉实现严格的型间异交。该物种广布于横断山地区亚高山-高山草甸, 其分布海拔跨度大且花部性状在种内具有较高变异, 但这些变异在不同地理梯度(海拔梯度和经纬度梯度)的特定选择因子作用下的变化规律尚不清楚。本研究选择海仙花报春16个居群, 对8个花部关键性状和二型花柱繁殖器官的互补度与海拔和经纬度的关系进行研究, 探究花部性状随地理梯度变异的模式及其潜在的选择因素。研究表明, 海仙花报春两种花型的花冠管开口大小、花药高度以及短柱花柱头高度与海拔均呈正相关, 但两种花型的花冠大小, 长柱花的花瓣长度、柱头到花冠管开口的距离, 以及短柱花的花冠管长度与海拔高度间均呈负相关, 其余性状与海拔无显著相关性。除短柱花中柱头高度以外的性状均随着纬度升高而逐渐减小。长柱花中除花药和柱头间的距离以及柱头到开口的距离外, 其余性状均随着经度的增加而减小; 短柱花的花瓣长度、花药高度以及花药和柱头间的距离随着经度的增加而变大, 其余性状均随着经度的增加而减小。繁殖器官间的互补度并不随地理环境的变化而变化。花部性状的地理变异可能受访花昆虫组成的地理变化驱动。繁殖器官间互补程度的高度保守表明非选型交配在居群二态性的维持和稳定过程中起关键作用。本研究为进一步深入开展报春花属(Primula)花部性状及其选择压力的地理变异研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Parasites are ubiquitous and have well-documented ecological consequences. In contrast, the extent to which parasites drive phenotypic evolution in hosts remains obscure. We use a recently developed statistical technique--selective source analysis--to analyse the strength of phenotypic selection acting on floral traits in the plant Heuchera grossulariifolia attributable to attack by the seed-parasitic moth, Greya politella. This analysis spanned 3 years and included two sympatric populations of the host plant H. grossulariifolia that differ in ploidy. Our analyses revealed that attack by G. politella contributed to phenotypic selection for flowering time and floral display size, favouring earlier flowering in the polyploid population, later flowering in the diploid population and increased floral display size in the polyploid population. Although selection imposed by parasite attack was generally quite weak, in one of the 3 years parasites generated a modestly strong selection gradient (beta = -0.059) that explained 38.6% of total observed phenotypic selection for earlier flowering in the polyploid population. Together, our results demonstrate parasites can generate significant phenotypic selection, but that such selection may be sporadic across populations and time.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The common morning glory, Ipomoea purpurea , exhibits a flower color polymorphism at the W locus throughout the southeastern North America. The W locus controls whether flowers will be darkly pigmented ( WW ), lightly pigmented ( Ww ), or white with pigmented rays ( ww ). In this report, we describe results of a perturbation, or convergence, experiment using five plots designed to determine whether balancing selection operates on the W locus. The pattern of gene frequency changes obtained are indicative of balancing selection operating at the W locus, providing direct evidence that both the alleles are actively maintained by selection.  相似文献   

Although rarely tested, it is often assumed that interspecific competition results in the divergence of traits related to resource use. Using a plant-pollinator system as a model, I tested the prediction the presence of a competitor for pollination influences the strength and/or direction of pollinator-mediated selection on floral traits. I measured phenotypic selection via female fitness on five floral traits of Ipomopsis aggregata in seven populations. Four contained only conspecifics (I only) and three also contained the competitor Castilleja linariaefolia (C + I). Directional selection via fruits/plant and conspecific pollen deposited/flower on corolla length was positive and significantly stronger in C + I populations. This difference in selection was apparently driven by interpopulation variation in the degree to which reproduction of I. aggregata was pollen limited. Consistent with expectations of interspecific competition, I. aggregata plants in C + I populations received less conspecific pollen per flower and set fewer seeds per fruit and fruits per plant than those in I only populations. Ipomopsis aggregata's corollas were also significantly longer in C + I populations, suggesting that there had been a response to a similar selective regime in past generations. Phenotypic correlations between corolla length and width, which determine the variation in I. aggregata's flower shape, were significantly weaker in C + I populations. These data suggest that competition for pollination can influence the strength of selection on and patterns of correlations among floral traits of I. aggregata. If I. aggregata populations with and without competitors for pollination are linked by gene flow, then measuring selection in competitive and noncompetitive environments maybe necessary to accurately predict how floral traits will evolve.  相似文献   

银露梅亚雌雄异株种群的多倍化和花特征性二态 性二态是性别分离植物的常见性状,对植物的雌性和雄性功能可能产生不同的影响。本文以青藏高原特有植物银露梅(Dasiphora glabra)为研究对象,利用银露梅同时存在两性、雌性和雄性植株的种群,探讨银露梅与传粉相关的花特征性二态现象及其对传粉者访问、花粉流和结实的影响。另外,本文还利用流式细胞仪检查了两性植株、雄性植株和雌性植株之间基因组大小的差异。研究结果表明:银露梅雌性植株和雄性植株数量约占种群中植株总数量的40%,表明银露梅两性植株数量多于雄性和雌性的植株数量。两性植株的花数量显著多于雄性和雌性植株的花数量。雄花的花大小显著大于雌花和两性花的花大小。雄花的花粉数量与两性花的花粉数量没有差异,但是雌花的胚珠数量显著高于两性花的胚珠数量。双翅目的蝇类是银露梅最主要的访花者,尽管访花者偏好访问更大的花,但是在花间连续访问对大花没有表现出偏好。模拟花粉流实验表明,两性植株和雄性植株的有效花粉转移都很低,从而导致较低的结实率。雌性植株和雄性植株的DNA含量约为两性植株的4倍,并且单性植株和两性植株之间相互授粉不能结实。以上结果表明,与两性花相比,雌花和雄花在与传粉相关的花特征二态性上分别在雌性和雄性功能上表现出优势,但这种优势在很大程度上被低效的花粉转移所掩盖。银露梅的雌性植株和雄性植株经历了多倍化事件,导致与两性植株之间存在繁殖隔离,从而维持了3种性别植株的共存。  相似文献   

We tested whether selection by pollinators could explain the parapatric distribution of coastal red- and inland yellow-flowered races of Mimulus aurantiacus (Phrymaceae) by examining visitation to natural and experimental populations. As a first step in evaluating whether indirect selection might explain floral divergence, we also tested for local adaptation in early life stages using a reciprocal transplant experiment. Hummingbirds visited flowers of each race at similar rates in natural populations but showed strong (>95%) preference for red flowers in all habitats in experimental arrays. Hawkmoths demonstrated nearly exclusive (>99% of visits) preference for yellow flowers and only visited in inland regions. Strong preferences for alternative floral forms support a direct role for pollinators in floral divergence. Despite these preferences, measures of plant performance across environments showed that red-flowered plants consistently survived better, grew larger and received more overall pollinator visits than yellow-flowered plants. Unmeasured components of fitness may favour the yellow race in inland habitats. Alternatively, we document a marked recent increase in inland hummingbird density that may have caused a change in the selective environment, favouring the eastward advance of red-flowered plants.  相似文献   

The amount of herbivore damage to the petals of 41 species of herbaceous plant was surveyed from April to September in a limestone grassland in central England. Damage was recorded as the percentage of the petal area removed. Most damage was caused by invertebrates, particularly slugs. The amount of invertebrate damage differed significantly between plant species and with time of year. The mean damage across all species was only 2 %, ranging from an average of 0 % in Galium sterneri to 8 % in Primula vulgaris. In most species, less than a quarter of flowers received any damage, so those that were damaged were often severely affected. Species flowering early or late in the season received more damage, possibly because of greater slug activity. Hypotheses to explain the inter-specific variation in the amount of herbivory were examined by testing for correlations with a range of plant variables. No correlations with flower-stem length, flower-stem thickness or the longevity of flowers were apparent. The amount of petal damage correlated strongly with flower size and petal thickness. This appeared to result from the prevalence of large-flowered species early and late in the season rather than from a preference for flower size and petal thickness per se. The evolutionary significance of floral herbivory is discussed.  相似文献   

Aims Foliar herbivory and water stress may affect floral traits attractive to pollinators. Plant genotypes may differ in their responses to the interplay between these factors, and evolution of phenotypic plasticity could be expected, particularly in heterogeneous environments. We aimed at evaluating the effects of simulated herbivory and experimental drought on floral traits attractive to pollinators in genetic families of the annual tarweed Madia sativa, which inhabits heterogeneous environments in terms of water availability, herbivore abundance and pollinator abundance.Methods In a greenhouse experiment with 15 inbred lines from a M. sativa population located in central Chile (Mediterranean-type climate), we measured the effects of apical bud damage and reduced water availability on: number of ray florets per flower head, length of ray florets, flower head diameter, number of open flower heads per plant, flowering plant height and flowering time.Important findings Apical damage and water shortage reduced phenotypic expression of floral traits attractive to pollinators via additive and non-additive effects. Plants in low water showed decreased height and had fewer and shorter ray florets, and fewer and smaller flower heads. Damaged plants showed delayed flowering, were less tall, and showed shorter ray florets and smaller flower heads. The number of ray florets was reduced by damage only in the low water treatment. Plant height, flowering time and number of flower heads showed among-family variation. These traits also showed genetic variation for plasticity to water availability. Ray floret length, flower head size and time to flowering showed genetic variation for plastic responses to apical damage. Plasticity in flowering time may allow M. sativa to adjust to the increased aridity foreseen for its habitat. Because genetic variation for plastic responses was detected, conditions are given for evolutionary responses to selective forces acting on plastic traits. We suggest that the evolution of adaptive floral plasticity in M. sativa in this ecological scenario (heterogeneous environments) would result from selective forces that include not only pollinators but also resource availability and herbivore damage.  相似文献   

Natural selection is thought to have shaped the evolution of floral scent; however, unlike other floral characters, we have a rudimentary knowledge of how phenotypic selection acts on scent. We found that floral scent was under stronger selection than corolla traits such as flower size and flower color in weakly scented Penstemon digitalis. Our results suggest that to understand evolution in floral phenotypes, including scent in floral selection, studies are crucial. For P. digitalis, linalool was the direct target of selection in the scent bouquet. Therefore, we determined the enantiomeric configuration of linalool because interacting insects may perceive the enantiomers differentially. We found that P. digitalis produces only (S)-(+)-linalool and, more interestingly, it is also taken up into the nectar. Because the nectar is scented and flavored with (S)-(+)-linalool, it may be an important cue for pollinators visiting P. digitalis flowers.  相似文献   

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