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BACKGROUND: Growth factors and their receptor tyrosine kinases play pivotal roles in development, normal physiology, and pathology. Signal transduction is regulated primarily by receptor endocytosis and degradation in lysosomes ("receptor downregulation"). c-Cbl is an adaptor that modulates this process by recruiting binding partners, such as ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes. The role of another group of adaptors, Sprouty proteins, is less understood; although, studies in insects implicated the founder protein in the negative regulation of several receptor tyrosine kinases. RESULTS: By utilizing transfection of living cells, as well as reconstituted in vitro systems, we identified a dual regulatory mechanism that combines human Sprouty2 and c-Cbl. Upon activation of the receptor for the epidermal growth factor (EGFR), Sprouty2 undergoes phosphorylation at a conserved tyrosine that recruits the Src homology 2 domain of c-Cbl. Subsequently, the flanking RING finger of c-Cbl mediates poly-ubiquitination of Sprouty2, which is followed by proteasomal degradation. Because phosphorylated Sprouty2 sequesters active c-Cbl molecules, it impedes receptor ubiquitination, downregulation, and degradation in lysosomes. This competitive interplay occurs in endosomes, and it regulates the amplitude and longevity of intracellular signals. CONCLUSIONS: Sprouty2 emerges as an inducible antagonist of c-Cbl, and together they set a time window for receptor activation. When incorporated in signaling networks, the coupling of positive (Sprouty) to negative (Cbl) feedback loops can greatly enhance output diversification.  相似文献   

In many rhythmic behaviors, phasic sensory feedback modifies the motor pattern. This modification is assumed to depend on feedback sign (positive vs. negative). While on a phenomenological level feedback sign is well defined, many sensory pathways also process antagonistic, and possibly contradictory, sensory information. We here model the locust flight pattern generator and proprioceptive feedback provided by the tegula wing receptor to test the functional significance of sensory pathways processing antagonistic information. We demonstrate that the tegula provides delayed positive feedback via interneuron 301, while all other pathways provide negative feedback. Contradictory to previous assumptions, the increase of wing beat frequency when the tegula is activated during flight is due to the positive feedback. By use of an abstract model we reveal that the regulation of motor pattern frequency by sensory feedback critically depends on the interaction of positive and negative feedback, and thus on the weighting of antagonistic pathways.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Feedback loops, both positive and negative are embedded in the Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) cascade. In the three layer MAPK cascade, both feedback loops originate from the terminal layer and their sites of action are either of the two upstream layers. Recent studies have shown that the cascade uses coupled positive and negative feedback loops in generating oscillations. Two plausible designs of coupled positive and negative feedback loops can be elucidated from the literature; in one design the positive feedback precedes the negative feedback in the direction of signal flow and vice-versa in another. But it remains unexplored how the two designs contribute towards triggering oscillations in MAPK cascade. Thus it is also not known how amplitude, frequency, robustness or nature (analogous/digital) of the oscillations would be shaped by these two designs. RESULTS: We built two models of MAPK cascade that exhibited oscillations as function of two underlying designs of coupled positive and negative feedback loops. Frequency, amplitude and nature (digital/analogous) of oscillations were found to be differentially determined by each design. It was observed that the positive feedback emerging from an oscillating MAPK cascade and functional in an external signal processing module can trigger oscillations in the target module, provided that the target module satisfy certain parametric requirements. The augmentation of the two models was done to incorporate the nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling of cascade components followed by induction of a nuclear phosphatase. It revealed that the fate of oscillations in the MAPK cascade is governed by the feedback designs. Oscillations were unaffected due to nuclear compartmentalization owing to one design but were completely abolished in the other case. CONCLUSION: The MAPK cascade can utilize two distinct designs of coupled positive and negative feedback loops to trigger oscillations. The amplitude, frequency and robustness of the oscillations in presence or absence of nuclear compartmentalization were differentially determined by two designs of coupled positive and negative feedback loops. A positive feedback from an oscillating MAPK cascade was shown to induce oscillations in an external signal processing module, uncovering a novel regulatory aspect of MAPK signal processing.  相似文献   

Modeling genetic switches with positive feedback loops   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper, we develop a new methodology to design synthetic genetic switch networks with multiple genes and time delays, by using monotone dynamical systems. We show that the networks with only positive feedback loops have no stable oscillation but stable equilibria whose stability is independent of the time delays. In other words, such systems have ideal properties for switch networks and can be designed without consideration of time delays, because the systems can be reduced from functional spaces to Euclidian spaces. Therefore, we can ensure that the designed switches function correctly even with uncertain delays. We first prove the basic properties of the genetic networks composed of only positive feedback loops, and then propose a procedure to design the switches, which drastically simplifies analysis of the switches and makes theoretical analysis and design tractable even for large-scaled systems. Finally, to demonstrate our theoretical results, we show biologically plausible examples by designing a synthetic genetic switch with experimentally well investigated lacI, tetR, and cI genes for numerical simulation.  相似文献   

Positive feedback loops are common regulatory elements in metabolic and protein signalling pathways. The length of such feedback loops determines stability and sensitivity to network perturbations. Here we provide a mathematical analysis of arbitrary length positive feedback loops with protein production and degradation. These loops serve as an abstraction of typical regulation patterns in protein signalling pathways. We first perform a steady state analysis and, independently of the chain length, identify exactly two steady states that represent either biological activity or inactivity. We thereby provide two formulas for the steady state protein concentrations as a function of feedback length, strength of feedback, as well as protein production and degradation rates. Using a control theory approach, analysing the frequency response of the linearisation of the system and exploiting the Small Gain Theorem, we provide conditions for local stability for both steady states. Our results demonstrate that, under some parameter relationships, once a biological meaningful on steady state arises, it is stable, while the off steady state, where all proteins are inactive, becomes unstable. We apply our results to a three-tier feedback of caspase activation in apoptosis and demonstrate how an intermediary protein in such a loop may be used as a signal amplifier within the cascade. Our results provide a rigorous mathematical analysis of positive feedback chains of arbitrary length, thereby relating pathway structure and stability.  相似文献   

We describe a mechanism for context-dependent cell signaling mediated by autocrine loops with positive feedback. We demonstrate that the composition of the extracellular medium can critically influence the intracellular signaling dynamics induced by extracellular stimuli. Specifically, in the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) system, amplitude and duration of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation are modulated by the positive-feedback loop formed by the EGFR, the Ras-MAPK signaling pathway, and a ligand-releasing protease. The signaling response to a transient input is short-lived when most of the released ligand is lost to the cellular microenvironment by diffusion and/or interaction with an extracellular ligand-binding component. In contrast, the response is prolonged or persistent in a cell that is efficient in recapturing the endogenous ligand. To study functional capabilities of autocrine loops, we have developed a mathematical model that accounts for ligand release, transport, binding, and intracellular signaling. We find that context-dependent signaling arises as a result of dynamic interaction between the parts of an autocrine loop. Using the model, we can directly interpret experimental observations on context-dependent responses of autocrine cells to ionizing radiation. In human carcinoma cells, MAPK signaling patterns induced by a short pulse of ionizing radiation can be transient or sustained, depending on cell type and composition of the extracellular medium. On the basis of our model, we propose that autocrine loops in this, and potentially other, growth factor and cytokine systems may serve as modules for context-dependent cell signaling.  相似文献   

Highlights? Activation surge reconstituted in vitro with purified SK and RR ? ADP can be endogenously generated from ATP to stimulate an SK's phosphatase activity ? SK's affinity for ADP governs the switch from the kinase to phosphatase state ? Lid region of SK PhoQ controls its phosphatase activity and surge of RR PhoP  相似文献   

A positive feedback loops induce extreme robustness in metastatic cancer, relapsed leukemia, myeloma or lymphoma. The loops are generated by the signaling interactome networks of autocrine and paracrine elements from cancer hypoxic microenvironment. The elements of the networks are signaling proteins synthesized in hypoxic microenvironment such as the vascular endothelial growth factor, HIF‐1α, hepatocyte growth factor, and molecules nitric oxide and H2O2. The signals from upstream or rebound downstream pathways are amplified by the short or wide positive feedback loops, hyperstimulating AKT‐inducing cancer extreme robustness. Targeting the phosphorylated AKT locus by an oxidant/antioxidant modulation induces collapse of positive feedback loops and establishment of negative feedback loops leading to stability of the system and disappearance of cancer extreme robustness. This is a new principle for the conversion of cancer positive loops into negative feedback loops by the locus chemotherapy. J. Cell. Physiol. 228: 522–524, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We discuss the influence of positive and negative feedback on the stability of a system, which is not clear-cut, and involves complex, mathematical problems. We show in particular that positive feedback can have a stabilising effect on some systems. We also point out the role that positive feedback plays in the digital treatment of signals required by cellular signalling, drawing on analogies from electronics, and the role that negative feedback plays in making a system robust against alteration of its parameters. Both positive and negative feedback can be seen as important enhancers of the properties of biological systems.  相似文献   

In this theoretical paper we propose a quantitative minimal model for circadian gene expression based on two negative feedback loops. We perform numerical simulations to analyse its dynamics and parameter sensitivities in free-running conditions, and verify the entrainability by a single periodic driver. We furthermore apply two simultaneously acting external drivers, leading to aperiodic oscillations in the case of a single-loop system. These can be turned into regular periodic oscillations by introduction of a second loop. Our studies confirm the increasing evidence that multiple feedback loops increase the robustness of regulatory systems, and stress the particular situation of systems that are close to transition from free-running oscillation to steady-state behaviour. We discuss possible molecular realisations of the featured feedback loops and suggest the application of complex patterns of external stimulation as a generally useful approach to assess the functionality of models of circadian systems.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated an age-related decline in gonadotropins and a decrease in pituitary responsiveness to GnRH, indicating that aging influences the neuroendocrine components of the female reproductive axis independently of changes in ovarian function. To determine whether aging might also affect the luteinizing hormone (LH) negative and positive feedback responses to gonadal steroids, we administered a controlled, graded sex steroid infusion to 11 younger (45-56 yr) and nine older (70-80 yr) postmenopausal women (PMW) in whom endogenous ovarian steroids and peptides are uniformly low. The doses of estradiol (E(2)) and progesterone (P) were chosen to mimic levels across the normal follicular phase and have been shown previously to induce negative followed by positive feedback on LH. Similar E(2) and P levels were achieved in younger and older PMW (P = 0.4 and 0.3, respectively) and produced a biphasic LH response in all subjects. The early decline in LH to 53% of baseline was not different in older vs. younger PMW. However, the positive feedback effect was attenuated in older compared with younger PMW (peak LH 144.4 ± 19.5 vs. 226.8 ± 22.3 IU/l, respectively, P = 0.01). In conclusion, these studies in PMW demonstrate preservation of short-term steroid negative and positive feedback in response to exogenous E(2) and P with aging. Attenuation of positive feedback in older compared with younger PMW is consistent with previous reports of declining GnRH responsiveness with aging.  相似文献   

Feedback loops play an important role in determining the dynamics of biological networks. To study the role of negative feedback loops, this article introduces the notion of distance-to-positive-feedback which, in essence, captures the number of independent negative feedback loops in the network, a property inherent in the network topology. Through a computational study using Boolean networks, it is shown that distance-to-positive-feedback has a strong influence on network dynamics and correlates very well with the number and length of limit cycles in the phase space of the network. To be precise, it is shown that, as the number of independent negative feedback loops increases, the number (length) of limit cycles tends to decrease (increase). These conclusions are consistent with the fact that certain natural biological networks exhibit generally regular behavior and have fewer negative feedback loops than randomized networks with the same number of nodes and same connectivity.  相似文献   

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