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The effects of a short-term strength training programme on resting lymphocyte subsets and stress hormone concentrations were analysed in 32 elderly sedentary subjects. Out of these 32 subjects, 8 women and 8 men [mean age 70.1 (SEM 1.0) years] were randomly assigned to a 8-week strength training programme which consisted of three sets of eight repetitions at 80% of one repetition maximum, for leg press, bilateral leg extension and seated chest press, 3 days a week. The remaining 8 women and 8 men [mean age 70.5 (SEM 0.9) years] served as controls. Absolute counts of lymphocyte subsets (CD20+, CD3+, CD3+CD4+, CD3+CD8+, CD3-CD56+CD16+) were measured with a new technique combining fluorescent microspheres and flow cytometry. In the trained subjects, substantial increases in strength took place in one repetition maximum during the 8-week training period for leg press [from means of 20.7 (SEM 1.0) to 23.6 (SEM 1.0) N x kg(-1) LBM (lean body mass)], chest press [from means of 5.4 (SEM 0.3) to 6.2 (SEM 0.3) N x kg(-1) LBM] and bilateral leg extension [from means of 6.3 (SEM 0.2) to 7.4 (SEM 0.3) N x kg(-1) LBM] movements. Baseline cortisol concentration (P < 0.01), CD20+ cell count (P < 0.05), CD3+ cell count (P < 0.05), and CD4+ cell count (P < 0.01) decreased in both groups secondary to circannual variations between winter and summer. No significant effect of strength training on resting adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol concentrations or distributions of lymphocyte subsets at rest was observed. The main finding of this study was to demonstrate that 8-week is too short a duration for a strength training programme to modify counts of lymphocyte subsets at rest in elderly sedentary adults.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the characteristic differences in tendinocytes derived from tendons in the equine forelimb, superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT), deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) and common digital extensor tendon (CDET), in morphology, proliferation, collagen production ability and ability for synthesis of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Significant differences were observed in cell number in vivo. The cellular number was largest in the SDFT and smallest in the CDET. The values of in vitro proliferation ratios and ability for synthesis of collagen and MMPs were largest in the SDFT and smallest in the CDET. Addition of TNFα to culture of all three types of tendinocytes increased the synthesis of both proMMP-9 (except CDET) and collagen and decreased proMMP-13 synthesis and had no effect on proMMP-2 synthesis. Flexor tendons in forelimbs (SDFT and DDFT) restore energy during locomotion and are more easily injured than are extensor tendons. This structural property would cause active ECM and MMPs synthesis. And CDET have very low turnover potential; in the small number of cells, low cellular proliferation, lower ability for synthesis of collagen and MMPs. The isolated tendinocytes provided much information on the characteristics and properties of tendons for the ECM turnover system and responsiveness of tendinocytes to complex inflammatory responses in tendinopathy.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the mechanical determinants of walking energetics, we investigated the effects of aging and arm swing on the metabolic cost of stabilization. We tested two hypotheses: (1) elderly adults consume more metabolic energy during walking than young adults because they consume more metabolic energy for lateral stabilization, and (2) arm swing reduces the metabolic cost of stabilization during walking in young and elderly adults. To test these hypotheses, we provided external lateral stabilization by applying bilateral forces (10% body weight) to a waist belt via elastic cords while young and elderly subjects walked at 1.3m/s on a motorized treadmill with arm swing and with no arm swing. We found that the external stabilizer reduced the net rate of metabolic energy consumption to a similar extent in elderly and young subjects. This reduction was greater (6-7%) when subjects walked with no arm swing than when they walked normally (3-4%). When young or elderly subjects eliminated arm swing while walking with no external stabilization, net metabolic power increased by 5-6%. We conclude that the greater metabolic cost of walking in elderly adults is not caused by a greater cost of lateral stabilization. Moreover, arm swing reduces the metabolic cost of walking in both young and elderly adults likely by contributing to stability.  相似文献   

A study of 1 year was performed on nine elite endurance-trained athletes (swimmers) and on eight elite strength-trained athletes (weightlifters) in order to examine the effects of training on the endocrine responses and on physical performance capacity. The measurements for the determination of serum hormone concentrations were performed at about 4-month intervals during the course of the year. The primary findings demonstrated that during the first and most intensive training period of the year in preparing for the primary competitions similar but statistically insignificant changes were observed in the concentrations of serum testosterone, free testosterone and cortisol in both the endurance-trained and strength-trained groups. After that period the changes in hormonal response over the year were infrequent and minor. A significant (p less than 0.01) decrease occurred in the strength-trained group in serum-free testosterone during the second period, which was characterized by the highest overall amount of training. Over the entire year the concentrations of serum hormones remained statistically unaltered in both groups. Slight but statistically insignificant increases of 1.2% +/- 0.8% and 2.1% +/- 5.1% were observed in the competitive performances over the year in the endurance-trained and strength-trained groups, respectively. The present findings in the two groups of elite athletes, who differed greatly with regard to the type of physiological loading, demonstrated that the overall hormonal responses both during the most intensive and during prolonged training periods were rather similar and the infrequent small changes remained well within the normal physiological range.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Effect of aging on monoamines and their metabolites in the rat brain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Concentrations of dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE), serotonin (5-HT) and their acid merabolites were assayed in specific brain areas of Wistar rats of various ages. DA and its metabolite 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) were significantly lower in striatum and mesolimbic areas of old (24 mos) rats than young adult (3 mos), but not mature (12 mos) rats. The decrease of homovanillic acid (HVA) was significant in mesolimbic areas but not in striatum. Neither cortical NE nor its metabolite methoxydroxyphenylglycol sulphate (MHPG-SO4) were significantly changed by aging. 5-HT and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) in the brainstem showed a tendency to a decrease and increase respectively in aged animals compared with young adults, but the differences were not statistically significant. However, the ratio of 5-HIAA to 5-HT concentrations was significantly higher in aged animals. The conclusion can be drawn that, in these brain areas, DA is more vulnerable to aging than NE and 5-HT, the metabolism of the latter being even enhanced.  相似文献   

To elucidate the changes in neuro-muscular function during strength training and detraining, five male subjects underwent progressive isotonic strength training of their calf muscles three times a week for 8 weeks with additional detraining for the same periods. Electrically evoked twitch contractions were induced in the triceps surae muscles of each subject every 4 weeks during the training and detraining periods. At the same time, maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVC) and the maximal girth of the calf (MGC) were measured. During the training period, MVC increased significantly from 98.4 to 129.6 Nm (31.7%, P less than 0.01) for the first 4 weeks of training but MGC showed little increase. Neither of the changes correlated with each other. Twitch contraction parameters, i.e. maximal twitch torque (Pt), maximal rate of torque development (max dT/dt) and rate of relaxation (relax dT/dt) showed no statistical change. During detraining, on the contrary, a large and significant increase (22.5%, P less than 0.01) was observed in max dT/dt without any changes in Pt and relax dT/dt. The MVC/Pt showed both significant increases during training and decreases during detraining. Our data suggest that short term strength training as employed in the present study does not induce changes in the contractile properties of the muscle during training, but may significantly affect the rate of force development during the subsequent detraining period, indicating the possible existence of complex post-training muscle adaptation.  相似文献   



In the present study, we investigated the effects of 8 weeks of progressive resistance training on the level of skeletal muscle derived BDNF as well as glucose intolerance in Zucker diabetic rats.


Six week-old male Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) and Zucker lean control (ZLC) rats were randomly divided into 3 groups: sedentary ZLC (ZLC-Con), sedentary ZDF (ZDF-Con), and exercised ZDF (ZDF-Ex). Progressive resistance training using a ladder and tail weights was performed for 8 weeks (3 days/week).


After 8 weeks of resistance training, substantial reduction in body weight was observed in ZDF-Ex compared to ZDF-Con. Though the skeletal muscle volume did not change, grip strength grip strength was significantly higher in ZDF-Ex compared to ZDF-Con. In the soleus, the level of BDNF was increased in ZDF-Con, but was significantly decreased (p<0.05) in ZDF-Ex, showing a training effect. Moreover, we found that there was a negative correlation (r=-0.657; p=0.004) between grip strength and BDNF level whereas there was a positive correlation (r=0.612; p=0.008) between plasma glucose level and BDNF level in skeletal muscle.


Based upon our results, we demonstrated that resistance training inhibited the elevation of skeletal muscle derived-BDNF expression concomitant with the improvement of muscle strength in zucker diabetic rats. In addition, muscle-derived BDNF might be a potential mediator for the preventive effect of resistance training on the progress of type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Accumulation of mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) defects is a recognized hallmark of the age-associated decline in cardiac bioenergetics; however, the molecular events involved are only poorly understood. In the present work, we hypothesized that age-related ETC deterioration stemmed partly from disassociation of large solid-state macromolecular assemblies termed “supercomplexes”. Mitochondrial proteins from young and old rat hearts were separated by blue native-PAGE, protein bands analyzed by LC-MALDI-MS/MS, and protein levels quantified by densitometry. Results showed that supercomplexes comprised of various stoichiometries of complexes I, III and IV were observed, and declined significantly (< 0.05, = 4) with age. Supercomplexes displaying the highest molecular masses were the most severely affected. Considering that certain diseases (e.g. Barth Syndrome) display similar supercomplex destabilization as our results for aging, the deterioration in ETC supercomplexes may be an important underlying factor for both impaired mitochondrial function and loss of cardiac bioenergetics with age.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether age-related changes in motor unit (MU) contractile properties are reflected in parameters of motor unit action potentials (MUAPs). MUs of the medial gastrocnemius muscle were functionally isolated in anaesthetized Wistar rats. A control group of young animals (5–10 mo) was compared to two groups of old rats (24–25 mo and 28–30 mo). The basic contractile properties of MUs as well as the amplitude, total duration, peak-to-peak time, and number of turns within MUAPs were measured. Effects of aging were mainly observed for fast fatigable MUs (a prolongation of MUAPs and increased number of turns). The MUAP amplitude did not change significantly with aging in either MU type, but it correlated to the twitch or tetanic forces, which tended to increase with age, especially for slow MUs. We concluded that the prolongation of MUAPs and the greater incidence of signal turns was probably a result of a decrease in muscle fiber conduction velocity and/or an increase in their dispersion, and enlargement of MU territories – presumably caused by axonal sprouting of surviving motoneurons. The latter might also be responsible for the observed age-related tendency for a increase in MUAP amplitudes in slow MUs.  相似文献   

In this study, we have used two-dimensional electrophoresis, protein sequencing, immunoblotting, and immunohistochemistry to identify proteins that were differentially expressed during aging in human and rat skeletal muscles. Ubiquitin was identified. It was expressed at high levels in old fast-twitch muscles but at low levels in young fast-twitch muscles. It was also discovered that exogenous ubiquitin could suppress the growth of C2C12 cells, in vitro. The reduction in C2C12 cell growth was not attributed to an increase in apoptosis but to an inhibition in cell cycle entry. Furthermore, it was possible to induce muscles to degenerate in vivo by injecting a high dose of exogenous ubiquitin into young healthy skeletal muscles. These results suggest that hyperactivity of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway is involved in the aging process of fast-twitch muscles. In addition, ubiquitin-dependent growth suppression in satellite cells may be associated with the poor healing potential of old skeletal muscles.  相似文献   

The concentrations of serum testosterone, sex-hormone-binding-globulin (SHBG) and luteinizing hormone (LH) were examined throughout 1-year of training in six elite weightlifters. A systems model, providing an estimation of fatigue and fitness, was applied to records of training volume and performance levels in clean and jerk. The analysis focused on a 6-week training period during which blood samples were taken at 2-week intervals. A 4-week period of intensive training (period I) could be distinguished from the following 2-week period of reduced training (period II). During period I, decreases in serum testosterone (P less than 0.05) and increases in serum LH concentrations (P less than 0.01) were observed; a significant correlation (r = 0.90, P less than 0.05) was also observed between the changes in serum LH concentration and in estimated fitness. The magnitude of LH response was not related to the change in serum androgens. On the other hand, the change in testosterone:SHBG ratio during period II was significantly correlated (r = 0.97, P less than 0.01) to the LH variations during period I. These finding suggested that the LH response indicated that the decrease in testosterone concentration was not primarily due to a dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system control, and that the fatigue/fitness status of an athlete could have influenced the LH response to the decreased testosterone concentration. The negative effect of training on hormonal balance could have been amplified by its influence on the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. A decrease in physiological stress would thus have been necessary for the completion of the effect of LH release on androgenic activity.  相似文献   

Four male subjects aged 23-34 years were studied during 60 days of unilateral strength training and 40 days of detraining. Training was carried out four times a week and consisted of six series of ten maximal isokinetic knee extensions at an angular velocity of 2.09 rad.s-1. At the start and at every 20th day of training and detraining, isometric maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), integrated electromyographic activity (iEMG) and quadriceps muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) assessed at seven fractions of femur length (Lf), by nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, were measured on both trained (T) and untrained (UT) legs. Isokinetic torques at 30 degrees before full knee extension were measured before and at the end of training at: 0, 1.05, 2.09, 3.14, 4.19, 5.24 rad.s-1. After 60 days T leg CSA had increased by 8.5% +/- 1.4% (mean +/- SEM, n = 4, p less than 0.001), iEMG by 42.4% +/- 16.5% (p less than 0.01) and MVC by 20.8% +/- 5.4% (p less than 0.01). Changes during detraining had a similar time course to those of training. No changes in UT leg CSA were observed while iEMG and MVC increased by 24.8% +/- 10% (N.S.) and 8.7% +/- 4.3% (N.S.), respectively. The increase in quadriceps muscle CSA was maximal at 2/10 Lf (12.0% +/- 1.5%, p less than 0.01) and minimal, proximally to the knee, at 8/10 Lf (3.5% +/- 1.2%, N.S.). Preferential hypertrophy of the vastus medialis and intermedius muscles compared to those of the rectus femoris and lateralis muscles was observed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Scaling of mandibular dimensions in male Old World monkeys was investigated. Mandibular condyle length, width, and area were regressed separately against body mass and mandibular length for a total of 14 species of Cercopithecoids. Scaling of mandibular depth and width against both body mass and mandibular length were also investigated. When results of regression analysis using the two different independent variables (body mass and mandibular length) were compared, there were significant pattern differences in scaling of cercopithecines versus colobines. Compared to body mass, male cercopithecines had relatively large mandibles (length, width, and depth) and also relatively large condyles (length, width, and area). However, compared to mandibular length, cercopithecines had relatively transversely thin and shallow mandibles and relatively narrow condyles. It is shown that a “biomechanical” interpretation of mandibular scaling patterns against body mass in Old World monkeys demonstrates only that cercopithecines have prognathic faces, an already well-known and well-documented condition. When the biomechanical effects of prognathic faces are controlled for (by scaling against mandibular length), it is shown that cercopithecines possess special adaptations in condyle length while colobines possess special adaptations in condyle width and mandibular depth and width. These results clearly demonstrate the importance of selecting a relevant reference variable in scaling studies where biomechanical interpretations are attempted.  相似文献   

Glutamate and related amino acids were determined in 53 discrete brain areas of 3-and 29-month-old male Fischer 344 rats microdissected with the punch technique. The levels of amino acids showed high regional variation-the ratio of the highest to lowest level was 9 for aspartate, 5 for glutamate, 6 for glutamine, and 21 for GABA. Several areas were found to have all four amino acids at very high or at very low level, but also some areas had some amino acids at high, others at low level. With age, in more than half of the areas, significant changes could be observed, decrease occurred 5 times more frequently than increase. Changes occurred more often in levels of aspartate and GABA than in those of glutamate or glutamine. The regional levels of glutamate and its related amino acids show severalfold variations, with the levels tending to decrease in the aged brain.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of 6-weeks of heavy-resistance training on physical fitness and serum hormone status in adolescents (range 14-16 years old) 19 male handball players were divided into two different groups: a handball training group (NST, n = 10), and a handball and heavy-resistance strength training group (ST, n = 9). A third group of 4 handball goalkeepers of similar age served as a control group (C, n = 4). After the 6-week training period, the ST group showed an improvement in maximal dynamic strength of the leg extensors (12.2%; P < 0.01) and the upper extremity muscles (23%; P < 0.01), while no changes were observed in the NST and C groups. Similar differences were observed in the maximal isometric unilateral leg extension forces. The height of the vertical jump increased in the NST group from 29.5 (SD 4) cm to 31.4 (SD 5) cm (P < 0.05) while no changes were observed in the ST and C groups. A significant increase was observed in the ST group in the velocity of the throwing test [from 71.7 (SD 7) km x h(-1) to 74.0 (SD 7) km x h(-1); P < 0.001] during the 6-week period while no changes were observed in the NST and C groups. During a submaximal endurance test running at 11 km x h(-1), a significant decrease in blood lactate concentration occurred in the NST group [from 3.3 (SD 0.9) mmol x l(-1) to 2.4 (SD 0.8) mmol x l(-1); P < 0.01] during the experiment, while no change was observed in the ST or C groups. Finally, a significant increase (P < 0.01) was noted in the testosterone:cortisol ratio in the C group, while the increase in the NST group approached statistical significance (P < 0.08) and no changes in this ratio occurred in the ST group. The present findings suggested that the addition of 6-weeks of heavy resistance training to the handball training resulted in gains in maximal strength and throwing velocity but it compromised gains in leg explosive force production and endurance running. The tendency for a compromised testosterone:cortisol ratio observed in the ST group could have been associated with a state of overreaching or overtraining.  相似文献   

The concept of reserve arose from the mismatch between the extent of brain changes or pathology and the clinical manifestations of these brain changes. The cognitive reserve hypothesis posits that individual differences in the flexibility and adaptability of brain networks underlying cognitive function may allow some people to cope better with brain changes than others. Although there is ample epidemiologic evidence for cognitive reserve, the neural substrate of reserve is still a topic of ongoing research. Here we review some representative studies from our group that exemplify possibilities for the neural substrate of reserve including neural reserve, neural compensation, and generalized cognitive reserve networks. We also present a schematic overview of our ongoing research in this area. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Imaging Brain Aging and Neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

E. Fliers  D.F. Swaab 《Peptides》1983,4(2):165-170
The activity of the hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal system (HNS) was determined in male Wistar rats from 3 to 32 months of age. Plasma levels of vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OXT) were measured by means of a radioimmunoassay. In addition, the distribution of the Golgi apparatus marker enzyme thiamine-pyrophosphatase (TPP-ase) was measured as a parameter for neurosecretory activity in the hypothalamic supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei (SON and PVN). Plasma levels of radioimmunoassayable AVP were increased in the 32-month-old animals. Plasma levels of radioimmunoassayable OXT in 32-month-old animals did not differe from the levels found in the youngest group, but were higher than in 11-month-old animals. Neurosecretory activity in the SON was similar in 3- and 32-month-old animals, whereas in the PVN neurosecretory activity was increased in the 32-month-old animals. Urine excretion decreased between 6 and 11 months of age and remained on the same level until 32 months of age. In other words, instead of a loss of HNS function as has been suggested in the literature, an increased neurosecretory activity was observed in aged rats.  相似文献   

Cross-sectional data, consisting of anthropometric measurements for 347 adult males and 261 adult females in western Ireland measured during the 1930s, were used to determine the effects of aging and secular change upon stature. Estimates of statural loss due to aging were obtained using partial regression of stature on age while controlling for subischial length, and regression of the difference between observed stature and maximum predicted stature on age. Males show the effects of aging to a greater extent than do females. After correction for the effects of aging, the adjusted values of stature were regressed on age to estimate secular trend of stature. For males, there is a general increase of stature with time, excepting those born around 1878, while females generally show random variation with time. Both male and female adjusted stature decrease sharply around 1878, for which alternative historical explanations are proposed, relating to differential migration and survival.  相似文献   

The effects were investigated in ten women of intensive heavy resistance strength training lasting for 3 weeks on electromyographic (EMG) activity, muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) and voluntary force production characteristics of leg extensor muscles. Blood samples for the determinations of serum hormones were taken from five of the subjects. Significant increases occurred in the higher force portions of the isometric force-time curve with an increase of 9.7 (SD 8.4)% (P less than 0.01) in maximal peak force. An increase of 15.8 (SD 20.9)% (P less than 0.05) took place also in the maximal neural activation (integrated EMG) of the trained muscles, while an enlargement of 4.6 (SD 7.4)% (P less than 0.05) occurred in the CSA of the quadriceps femoris muscle. Maximal force per muscle CSA increased significantly (P less than 0.05). No statistically significant changes were observed during the training in the mean concentrations of serum testosterone, free testosterone, cortisol and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). The individual concentrations of serum testosterone:SHBG ratio correlated with the individual changes obtained during the training in the muscle CSA (r = 0.99; P less than 0.01). The present findings in women indicated that the increases in maximal strength during short-term but intensive strength training were primarily due to the increased voluntary activation of the trained muscles, while muscle hypertrophy remained limited in magnitude. Large interindividual differences in women in serum testosterone concentrations could indicate corresponding differences in muscle hypertrophy and strength development even during a short-term but intensive strength training period.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare pure eccentric and concentric isokinetic training with respect to their possible specificity in the adaptation of strength and morphology of the knee extensor muscles. Ten moderately trained male physical education students were divided into groups undertaking eccentric (ETG) and concentric (CTG) training. They performed 10 weeks of maximal isokinetic (90 degrees x s(-1)) training of the left leg, 4x10 repetitions - three times a week, followed by a second 10-week period of similar training of the right-leg. Mean eccentric and concentric peak torques increased by 18% and 2% for ETG and by 10% and 14% for CTG, respectively. The highest increase in peak torque occurred in the eccentric 90 degrees x s(-1) test for ETG (35%) whereas in CTG strength gains ranged 8%-15% at velocities equal or lower than the training velocity. Significant increases in strength were observed in the untrained contra-lateral leg only at the velocity and mode used in ipsilateral training. Cross-sectional area of the quadriceps muscle increased 3%-4% with training in both groups, reaching statistical significance only in ETG. No major changes in muscle fibre composition or areas were detected in biopsies from the vastus lateralis muscle for either leg or training group. In conclusion, effects of eccentric training on muscle strength appeared to be more mode and speed specific than corresponding concentric training. Only minor adaptations in gross muscle morphology indicated that other factors, such as changes in neural activation patterns, were causing the specific training-induced gains in muscle strength.  相似文献   

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