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Subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness (SCATT) has for many years been measured using skinfold calipers, but calipers have several disadvantages, not least that they compress the skinfold. Measuring SCATT using ultrasound was validated by comparing thicknesses at 12 sites with soft-tissue radiographs in 24 adults and with depth gauge measurements on a cadaver. Correlation coefficients ranged from 0.87 to 0.99, and the regression statistics showed no significant difference between ultrasound and the other procedures. The standard errors of estimate of body density from SCATT measured by calipers and ultrasound in 63 young men was +/- 7.8 and 7.3 kg X m-3, respectively. Although problems in the identification of the adipose tissue-muscle interface can arise, ultrasound is a viable alternative to skinfold calipers and is to be preferred when measuring uncompressed SCATT.  相似文献   

It was recently shown that short-term changes in the whole body mass and associated changes in the vertical position of the center of mass (COM) modify anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs) [Li X, Aruin AS. The effect of short-term changes in the body mass on anticipatory postural adjustments. Exp Brain Res 2007;181:333–46]. In this study, we investigated whether changes in the body mass distribution and related changes in the anterior–posterior COM position affect APA generation. Fourteen subjects were instructed to catch a 2.2 kg load with their arms extended while standing with no additional weight or while carrying a 9.08 kg weight. Adding weight to a backpack, front pack or belly pocket was associated with an increase of the whole body mass, but it also involved changes in the anterior–posterior (A/P) and vertical positions of the COM. Electromyographic activity of leg and trunk muscles, body kinematics, and ground reaction forces were recorded and quantified within the typical time intervals of APAs. APAs were modified in conditions with changed body mass distribution: increased magnitude of anticipatory EMG activity in leg and trunk muscles, as well as co-activation of leg muscles and decreased anticipatory displacement of the COM in the vertical direction, were seen in conditions with increased body mass. Changes in the COM position induced in both A/P and vertical directions were associated with increased anticipatory EMG activity. In addition, they were linked to a co-activation of muscles at the ankle joints and significant changes in the center of pressure (COP) position. Modifications of the COM position induced in the A/P direction were related to increased anticipatory EMG activity in the leg and trunk muscles. At the same time, no significant differences in anticipatory EMG activity or displacement of COP were observed when changes of COM position were induced in the vertical direction. The study outcome suggests that the CNS uses different strategies while generating APAs in conditions with changes in the COM position induced in the anterior–posterior and vertical directions.  相似文献   

The proportion of obese population has been gradually increasing in the US over the past few decades. In this study I investigate how education is associated with Body Mass Index (BMI) in later stages of life. BMI, weight(kg)/height(m)2, is the principle measure used for classifying people as obese. Using sibling data and methods that take account of unobserved endowments and environment shared by siblings, I find that there is large variation in BMI between siblings and that education is negatively associated with BMI. One more year of schooling is associated with an estimated reduction of 0.15 in BMI. When considering different education levels, completing college education is associated with 0.7 reduction in BMI relative to high school graduation only. The significant effect of education on obesity that remains in the long-run has policy implications.  相似文献   

Increased time-delay in the neuromuscular system caused by neurological disorders, concussions, or advancing age is an important factor contributing to balance loss (Chagdes et al., 2013, 2016a,b). We present the design and fabrication of an active balance board system that allows for a systematic study of stiffness and time-delay induced instabilities in standing posture. Although current commercial balance boards allow for variable stiffness, they do not allow for manipulation of time-delay. Having two controllable parameters can more accurately determine the cause of balance deficiencies, and allows us to induce instabilities even in healthy populations. An inverted pendulum model of human posture on such an active balance board predicts that reduced board rotational stiffness destabilizes upright posture through board tipping, and limit cycle oscillations about the upright position emerge as feedback time-delay is increased. We validate these two mechanisms of instability on the designed balance board, showing that rotational stiffness and board time-delay induced the predicted postural instabilities in healthy, young adults. Although current commercial balance boards utilize control of rotational stiffness, real-time control of both stiffness and time-delay on an active balance board is a novel and innovative manipulation to reveal balance deficiencies and potentially improve individualized balance training by targeting multiple dimensions contributing to standing balance.  相似文献   

The study investigated the mediolateral control of upright stance in 16 healthy, young adults. The model analyzed the body weight distribution and center of pressure location mechanisms under three stance width conditions (feet close, under standard condition, and apart). Our first objective was to discuss some methodological requirements to investigate the contribution of both mechanisms by means of two platforms. It is proposed that both the amplitude contribution (in variability analyses) and active contribution (in cross-correlation analyses) need to be studied distinctively. These analyses may be concerned with the strength and the degree of active contributions, respectively. Based on this theoretical proposition, we expected and found that the amplitude contribution of both mechanisms was higher and lower in wide and narrow stances compared with that in the standard stance, respectively. Indeed, the closer the two reaction forces, the lower their mechanical contribution. As expected, the active contribution of both mechanisms was significantly lower and higher in wide and narrow stances, respectively. Indeed, the further the feet apart, the less active both mechanisms needed to be to control mediolateral stance. Overall, only the center of pressure location mechanism really changed its significant contribution to control mediolateral stance under the three conditions. The result is important because this mechanism is known to be secondary, weaker than the body weight distribution mechanism to control mediolateral stance. In practical terms, these findings may explain why the mediolateral variability of center of pressure displacement was significantly higher in narrow stance but not lower in wide stance.  相似文献   

Postural control is commonly investigated by observing responses to perturbations. We developed a perturbation paradigm mimicking self-generated errors in weight shifting, which are a common cause of falling among older adults. Our aim was to determine the effects of this small, but complex, perturbation on postural sway of healthy young adults and evaluate the role of vision and cognition during movement dependent perturbations. Fifteen participants stood hip-width apart with their eyes open, closed and while performing two different cognitive tasks. Participants were continuously perturbed by medial-lateral (ML) support surface translations corresponding to, and hence doubling, their own center of mass sway. We analyzed the standard deviation (SD), root mean square (RMS), range, and mean power frequency (MPF) of center of pressure displacements. ML postural sway increased due to the perturbation (SD p ≤ .001, range p < .001, RMS p ≤ .001, MPF p < .001). Cognitive load increased the ML sway range (p = .048). Lack of vision increased ML MPF (p = .001) and anterior-posterior (AP) range (p < .001), SD (p < .001), and RMS (p = .001). Significant interaction of vision with the perturbation was found for the ML range (p = .045) and AP SD (p = .018). The perturbation specifically affected ML postural sway. Increased MPF is indicative of a postural control strategy change, which was insufficient for fully controlling the increased sway. Despite being small, this type of perturbation appears to be challenging for young adults.  相似文献   

In research regarding postural stability, leg preference is often tested and controlled for. However, leg preference may vary between tasks. As athletes are a group of interest for postural stability testing, we evaluated the effect of five leg preference tasks categorization (step up, hop, ball kick, balance, pick up) on single-leg postural stability of 16 field hockey athletes. The ‘center of pressure speed’ was calculated as the primary outcome variable of single-leg postural stability. Secondary variables were ‘mean length of the GRF vector in the horizontal plane’, ‘mean length of the ankle angular velocity vector’, and ‘mean length of the hip angular velocity vector’, as well as the separate outcomes per degree of freedom. Results showed that leg preference was inconsistent between leg preference tasks. Moreover, the primary and secondary variables yielded no significant difference between the preferred and non-preferred legs, regardless of the applied leg preference task categorization (p>0.05). The present findings do not support the usability of leg preference tasks in controlling for bias of postural stability. In conclusion, none of the applied leg preference tasks revealed a significant effect on postural stability in healthy field hockey athletes.  相似文献   

The effect of Ro 28-2653, a synthetic matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitor, on adipose tissue development was studied in mice kept on a high fat diet (HFD). Five-week-old male wild-type (C57Bl/6J) mice were fed the HFD (42% kcal as fat, 20.1 kJ/g) and received daily p.o. instillations of inhibitor (30 mg/kg) or vehicle. After 15 weeks of the HFD, the body weight gain was lower in the inhibitor-treated group (7.4 +/- 0.88 g versus 10 +/- 1.4 g) whereas the weights of the isolated subcutaneous (SC) or gonadal (GON) fat deposits were 10-15% lower. The number of adipocytes in adipose tissues of the inhibitor-treated mice was somewhat higher (10-17%) but their diameter was smaller (about 10%). In situ zymography showed reduced gelatinolytic activity in SC (about 2.7-fold) and GON (1.4-fold) adipose tissue of inhibitor-treated mice, whereas their fibrillar collagen content was higher (1.5- and 4.7-fold, respectively). In both SC and GON adipose tissues of inhibitor-treated mice, MMP-2 (gelatinase A) and MMP-14 (membrane type-1 MMP) were 2- to 3-fold upregulated, whereas MMP-9 (gelatinase B) mRNA levels were not affected. Thus, in this in vivo model partial inhibition of gelatinolytic activity is associated with moderate effects on adipose tissue development and cellularity. Possibly, enhanced MMP expression to some extent counteracts the in vivo effect of the inhibitor in adipose tissue.  相似文献   

BackgroundExcess body mass alters gait biomechanics in a distribution-specific manner. The effects of adding mass centrally or peripherally on biomechanics during sitting and rising from a chair are unknown.MethodsMotion analysis and lower extremity EMG were measured for fifteen healthy, normal weight subjects during sit-to-stand (SitTS) and stand-to-sit (StandTS) from a chair under unloaded (UN), centrally loaded (CL), and peripherally loaded (PL) conditions.ResultsCompared to UN, PL significantly increased support width (SitTS and StandTS), increased peak trunk flexion velocity (SitTS), and trended to increase peak trunk flexion angle (SitTS). During StandTS, CL significantly reduced peak trunk flexion compared to UN and PL. EMG activity of the semitendinosus, vastus lateralis and/or medialis was significantly increased in CL compared to UN during SitTS and StandTS.ConclusionsAdding mass centrally or peripherally induces contrasting biomechanical strategies to successfully sit or rise from a chair. CL limits trunk flexion and increases knee extensor muscle activity whereas; PL increases support width and trunk flexion, thus preventing increased EMG activity.  相似文献   

Our purpose was to identify the effect of diminished plantar cutaneous sensation on time-to-boundary (TTB) measures of postural control during double and single limb quiet standing. Thirty-two healthy young adults underwent 10 min of ice immersion of the plantar aspect of the feet prior to balance testing. On a different day, the subjects did not receive this intervention prior to testing. A 2 × 2 vision (eyes open, eyes closed) by sensation (control, hypoesthesia) repeated measures design was used to analyze the TTB measures. In double limb stance, there were significant interactions between sensation and vision for the absolute TTB minimum and the mean of TTB minima in the anteroposterior (AP) direction. There was a significant increase in both measures after sensation was diminished with eyes closed compared to the control, but not with eyes open. In single limb stance, the TTB absolute minimum, the mean of TTB minima in the AP direction, and the standard deviation of TTB minima significantly increased with hypoesthesia regardless of vision. No significant differences were found in the medial–lateral (ML) direction for any of the TTB measures in double or single limb stance. Sensory information from the plantar cutaneous receptors appears to be most important in the maintenance of AP postural control.  相似文献   

Background: Impaired balance in patients with hemiparesis caused by stroke is frequently related to deficits in the central integration of afferent inputs, and traditional rehabilitation reinforces excessive visual reliance by focusing on visual compensation.

Objective: The present study investigated whether a balance task involving a haptic biofeedback (BF) system, which provided supplementary vibrotactile sensory cues associated with center-of-foot-pressure displacement, improved postural control in patients with stroke.

Methods: Seventeen stroke patients were assigned to two groups: the Vibrotactile BF and Control groups. During the balance task (i.e., standing on a foam mat), participants in the Vibrotactile BF group tried to stabilize their postural sway while wearing the BF system around the pelvic girdle. In the Control group, participants performed an identical postural task without the BF system.

Results: Pre- and post-test measurements of postural control using a force plate revealed that the stability of bipedal posture in the Vibrotactile BF group was markedly improved compared with that in the Control group.

Conclusions: A balance task involving a vibrotactile BF system improved postural stability in patients with stroke immediately. This confirms the potential of a haptic-based BF system for balance training, both in routine clinical practice and in everyday life.  相似文献   

Although napping is commonly used as a strategy to improve numerous physical and cognitive performances, the efficacy of this strategy for improving postural balance has not yet been elucidated. Thus, the aim of this study was to conduct a comprehensive examination of the effect of a 60 min nap opportunity (N60) on different components of postural control. Ten highly active individuals (age = 27 ± 3.5 y, height = 1.75 ± 0.52 m, weight = 66.02 ± 8.63 kg) performed, in a randomized order, two afternoon test sessions following no nap (NN) and N60. Postural balance was assessed using the sensory organisation test (SOT), the unilateral stance test (UST), and the limits of Stability Test performed on NeuroCom® Smart Balance Master. The subjective rating of sleepiness before and after the nap conditions was also assessed. Compared to NN, N60 improved the composite balance score (p < 0.05, ES = 0.75, Δ = 5.3%) and the average and maximum percentage balance in the most challenging postural conditions of the SOT (p < 0.05 for SOT-4 and 5 and p < 0.0005 for SOT-6; ES range between 0.58 and 1.1). This enhanced postural balance in N60 was accompanied with improved visual (p < 0.05; ES = 0.93; Δ = 8.9%) and vestibular (p < 0.05; ES = 0.81; Δ = 10.5%) ratios and a reduced level of sleepiness perception (p < 0.001, ES = 0.87). However, no significant differences were found in any of the UST and LOS components’ scores (p > 0.05). Overall, a 60 min post lunch nap opportunity may be viable for improving static balance, although further work, involving larger samples and more complex motor activities, is warranted.  相似文献   



Visceral fat (VF) accretion is a hallmark of aging in humans. Epidemiologic studies have implicated abdominal obesity as a major risk factor for insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and death.


Studies utilizing novel rodent models of visceral obesity and surgical strategies in humans have been undertaken to determine if subcutaneous (SC) abdominal or VF are causally linked to age-related diseases.


Specific depletion or expansion of the VF depot using genetic or surgical tools in rodents has been shown to have direct effects on disease risk. In contrast, surgically removing large quantities of SC fat does not consistently improve metabolic parameters in humans or rodents, while benefits were observed with SC fat expansion in mice, suggesting that SC fat accrual is not an important contributor to metabolic decline. There is also compelling evidence in humans that abdominal obesity is a stronger risk factor for mortality risk than general obesity. Likewise, we have shown that surgical removal of VF improves mean and maximum lifespan in rats, providing the first causal evidence that VF depletion may be an important underlying cause of improved lifespan with caloric restriction.

General significance

This review provides both corollary and causal evidence for the importance of accounting for body fat distribution, and specifically VF, when assessing disease and mortality risk. Given the hazards of VF accumulation on health, treatment strategies aimed at selectively depleting VF should be considered as a viable tool to effectively reduce disease risk in humans.  相似文献   

IFN-alpha induces apoptosis of adipose tissue cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interferon alpha (IFN-alpha) is produced in response to viral infections and used clinically in the therapy of a variety of cancers and viral infections. IFN-alpha treatment is often associated with severe weight reduction. To elucidate the mechanism of IFN-associated weight loss, we studied its effect on adipocytes in vitro and in vivo. Diet-induced obese (DIO) C57BL/6 mice were treated continuously for 8 days with human IFN-alpha A/D (100 U/g body weight) or with vehicle alone. The body weight and adipose cell size of IFN-alpha A/D-treated DIO mice were significantly lower (P<0.05 and P<0.001, respectively) as compared with those of control DIO mice. PI3K and Bcl-2 were down-regulated whereas Bax expression was elevated in adipose tissue following IFN treatment as compared to adipose tissue of control DIO mice. Treatment of differentiated 3T3-F442A adipocytes with IFN-alpha A/D (250 U/ml, 36 h) significantly increased the number of apoptotic cells from 15.8% in control cells to 56+/-6%. In conclusion, weight loss following IFN-alpha therapy is due at least in part to increased apoptosis of adipocytes.  相似文献   



We tested whether intermittent short-radius centrifugation was effective for mitigating alteration in balance and gait following bed rest.


Ten male subjects were exposed to 5 days of 6° head-down tilt bed rest with: (a) no countermeasure; (b) daily 1-g centrifugation for a continuous 30-min period; and (c) daily 1-g centrifugation for six periods of 5 min. During and after the bed rest, subjects were asked to scale the severity of neurovestibular symptoms that followed centrifugation or 80º head-up tilt. Following the bed rest, equilibrium scores were derived from anterior-posterior sway while standing on a foam pad with the eyes open or closed while making pitch head movements, and gait was evaluated by grading subjects’ performance during various locomotion tasks.


At the beginning of bed rest, one single 30-min period of centrifugation induced more severe neurovestibular symptoms than six periods of 5-min centrifugation. After bed rest, although equilibrium scores and gait performance were not significantly altered, subjects felt less neurovestibular dysfunction with orthostatic stress when centrifugation was used.


Centrifugation was effective at reducing the severity of neurovestibular symptoms after bed rest, but this decrease was not different between one or multiple daily sessions.  相似文献   

In some chronic disease studies, distinctions have been made regarding the importance of body mass index (BMI) as a risk factor in younger versus older men and women. In order to determine the significance of these differences in BMI-disease associations, we determined the extent of age-dependent variations in the relation of BMIs to body composition in large probability samples of U.S. men and women from the First and Second U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES I and II). BMIs are more highly correlated with estimates of body fat in younger than in older men and women, and with muscle mass in older than in younger adults. Caution should be exercised in interpreting the significance of BMI as a risk factor for chronic disease, particularly in comparison of age groups.  相似文献   

The objectives of this paper are to explore the potential of the ultrasound technique to quantify subcutaneous adipose tissue, and to explain the differences between skinfolds and ultrasound measurements across a large range of ages and levels of adiposity. The sample consisted of 115 men and 117 women aged 35 to 51 years, 132 girls and 145 boys aged 12 to 20 years. Subcutaneous fat thickness was measured at four sites using skinfolds calipers, and at seven sites using a real-time B-mode ultrasound scanner. Anthropometric measurements were obtained, and percent body fat was estimated using electric impedance. The agreement between skinfolds and ultrasound measurements was calculated for each age and sex group. The agreement between techniques, and the levels of correlation between body composition and fatness measurements were high in the sample of young men. However, the results were less consistent in the other groups. Site specific differences were also noted.  相似文献   

Obesity is associated with a significantly increased risk for cancer suggesting that adipose tissue dysfunctions might play a crucial role therein. Macrophages play important roles in adipose tissue as well as in cancers. Here, we studied whether human adipose tissue macrophages (ATM) modulate cancer cell function. Therefore, ATM were isolated and compared with monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) from the same obese patients. ATM, but not MDM, were found to secrete factors inducing inflammation and lipid accumulation in human T47D and HT-29 cancer cells. Gene expression profile comparison of ATM and MDM revealed overexpression of functional clusters, such as cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction (especially CXC-chemokine) signaling as well as cancer-related pathways, in ATM. Comparison with gene expression profiles of human tumor-associated macrophages showed that ATM, but not MDM resemble tumor-associated macrophages. Indirect co-culture experiments demonstrated that factors secreted by preadipocytes, but not mature adipocytes, confer an ATM-like phenotype to MDM. Finally, the concentrations of ATM-secreted factors related to cancer are elevated in serum of obese subjects. In conclusion, ATM may thus modulate the cancer cell phenotype.  相似文献   

Technical advancements in instrumentation and analytical methods have improved the ability of assessing balance control. This study investigated the effects of early stages of aging on postural sway using traditional and contemporary postural indices from different domains. Eleven healthy young adults and fourteen healthy non-faller older adults performed two postural tasks: (a) functional limits of stability and (b) unperturbed bipedal stance for 120 s. Postural indices from spatial, temporal, frequency, and structural domains were extracted from the body’s center of pressure (COP) signals and its Rambling and Trembling components. Results revealed a preservation of functional limits of upright stability in older adults accompanied by larger, faster, and shakier body sway in both anterior-posterior and medio-lateral directions; increased medio-lateral sway frequency; increased irregularity of body sway pattern in time in both directions; and increased area, variability, velocity, and jerkiness of both rambling and trembling components of the COP displacement in the anterior-posterior direction (p < 0.02). Such changes might be interpreted as compensatory adjustments to the age-related decline of sensory, neural, and motor functions. In conclusion, balance assessment using postural indices from different domains extracted from the COP displacement was able to capture subtle effects of the natural process of aging on the mechanisms of postural control. Our findings suggest the use of such indices as potential markers for postural instability and fall risk in older adults.  相似文献   

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