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BackgroundGambian human African trypanosomiasis (gHAT) is a neglected tropical disease caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense transmitted by tsetse flies (Glossina). In Côte d’Ivoire, Bonon is the most important focus of gHAT, with 325 cases diagnosed from 2000 to 2015 and efforts against gHAT have relied largely on mass screening and treatment of human cases. We assessed whether the addition of tsetse control by deploying Tiny Targets offers benefit to sole reliance on the screen-and-treat strategy.Methodology and principal findingsIn 2015, we performed a census of the human population of the Bonon focus, followed by an exhaustive entomological survey at 278 sites. After a public sensitization campaign, ~2000 Tiny Targets were deployed across an area of 130 km2 in February of 2016, deployment was repeated annually in the same month of 2017 and 2018. The intervention’s impact on tsetse was evaluated using a network of 30 traps which were operated for 48 hours at three-month intervals from March 2016 to December 2018. A second comprehensive entomological survey was performed in December 2018 with traps deployed at 274 of the sites used in 2015. Sub-samples of tsetse were dissected and examined microscopically for presence of trypanosomes. The census recorded 26,697 inhabitants residing in 331 settlements. Prior to the deployment of targets, the mean catch of tsetse from the 30 monitoring traps was 12.75 tsetse/trap (5.047–32.203, 95%CI), i.e. 6.4 tsetse/trap/day. Following the deployment of Tiny Targets, mean catches ranged between 0.06 (0.016–0.260, 95%CI) and 0.55 (0.166–1.794, 95%CI) tsetse/trap, i.e. 0.03–0.28 tsetse/trap/day. During the final extensive survey performed in December 2018, 52 tsetse were caught compared to 1,909 in 2015, with 11.6% (5/43) and 23.1% (101/437) infected with Trypanosoma respectively.ConclusionsThe annual deployment of Tiny Targets in the gHAT focus of Bonon reduced the density of Glossina palpalis palpalis by >95%. Tiny Targets offer a powerful addition to current strategies towards eliminating gHAT from Côte d’Ivoire.  相似文献   

BackgroundEven though the international combat against Neglected Tropical Diseases such as schistosomiasis or soil-transmitted helminthiases depends on reliable therapeutics, anthelminthic pharmacovigilance has been neglected on many national African drug markets. Therefore, quality and composition of Albendazole, Mebendazole and Praziquantel locally collected in Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana and Tanzania were analysed.MethodsSamples of 88 different batches were obtained from randomly selected facilities. Sampling took place in Northwest Tanzania, Western Burkina Faso, Southeast Côte d’Ivoire and Southwest Ghana. Visual examination of both packaging and samples was performed according to the WHO ‘Be Aware’ tool. Products were then screened with the GPHF Minilab, consisting of tests of mass uniformity, disintegration times and thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Confirmatory tests were performed according to international pharmacopoeiae, applying assays for dissolution profiles and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).FindingsDespite minor irregularities, appearance of the products did not hint at falsified medicines. However, 19.6% of the brands collected in Ghana and Tanzania were not officially licensed for sale. Mass uniformity was confirmed in 53 out of 58 brands of tablets. 41 out of 56 products passed disintegration times; 10 out of the 15 failing products did not disintegrate at all. Evaluating TLC results, only 4 out of 83 batches narrowly missed specification limits, 18 batches slightly exceeded them. Not more than 46.3% (31 / 67) of the tablets assayed passed the respective pharmaceutical criteria for dissolution. HPLC findings confirmed TLC results despite shifted specification limits: 10 out of 83 tested batches contained less than 90%, none exceeded 110%.ConclusionIn the four study countries, no falsified anthelminthic medicine was encountered. The active pharmaceutical ingredient was not found to either exceed or fall below specification limits. Galenic characteristics however, especially dissolution profiles, revealed great deficits.  相似文献   

BackgroundLittle is known about the diagnostic performance of rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) for passive screening of human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) in Côte d’Ivoire. We determined HAT prevalence among clinical suspects, identified clinical symptoms and signs associated with HAT RDT positivity, and assessed the diagnostic tests’ specificity, positive predictive value and agreement.MethodsClinical suspects were screened with SD Bioline HAT, HAT Sero-K-Set and rHAT Sero-Strip. Seropositives were parasitologically examined, and their dried blood spots tested in trypanolysis, ELISA/Tbg, m18S-qPCR and LAMP. The HAT prevalence in the study population was calculated based on RDT positivity followed by parasitological confirmation. The association between clinical symptoms and signs and RDT positivity was determined using multivariable logistic regression. The tests’ Positive Predictive Value (PPV), specificity and agreement were determined.ResultsOver 29 months, 3433 clinical suspects were tested. The RDT positivity rate was 2.83%, HAT prevalence 0.06%. Individuals with sleep disturbances (p<0.001), motor disorders (p = 0.002), convulsions (p = 0.02), severe weight loss (p = 0.02) or psychiatric problems (p = 0.04) had an increased odds (odds ratios 1.7–4.6) of being HAT RDT seropositive. Specificities ranged between 97.8%-99.6% for individual RDTs, and 93.3–98.9% for subsequent tests on dried blood spots. The PPV of the individual RDTs was below 14.3% (CI 2–43), increased to 33.3% (CI 4–78) for serial RDT combinations, and reached 67% for LAMP and ELISA/Tbg on RDT positives. Agreement between diagnostic tests was poor to moderate (Kappa ≤ 0.60), except for LAMP and ELISA/Tbg (Kappa = 0.66).ConclusionIdentification of five key clinical symptoms and signs may simplify referral for HAT RDT screening. The results confirm the appropriateness of the diagnostic algorithm presently applied, with screening by SD Bioline HAT or HAT Sero-K-Set, supplemented with trypanolysis. ELISA/Tbg could replace trypanolysis and is simpler to perform.Trial registrationClinicalTrials.gov NCT03356665.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe existence of an animal reservoir of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (T. b. gambiense), the agent of human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), may compromise the interruption of transmission targeted by World Health Organization. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of trypanosomes in pigs and people in the Vavoua HAT historical focus where cases were still diagnosed in the early 2010’s.MethodsFor the human survey, we used the CATT, mini-anion exchange centrifugation technique and immune trypanolysis tests. For the animal survey, the buffy coat technique was also used as well as the PCR using Trypanosoma species specific, including the T. b. gambiense TgsGP detection using single round and nested PCRs, performed from animal blood samples and from strains isolated from subjects positive for parasitological investigations.ResultsNo HAT cases were detected among 345 people tested. A total of 167 pigs were investigated. Free-ranging pigs appeared significantly more infected than pigs in pen. Over 70% of free-ranging pigs were positive for CATT and parasitological investigations and 27–43% were positive to trypanolysis depending on the antigen used. T. brucei was the most prevalent species (57%) followed by T. congolense (24%). Blood sample extracted DNA of T. brucei positive subjects were negative to single round TgsGP PCR. However, 1/22 and 6/22 isolated strains were positive with single round and nested TgsGP PCRs, respectively.DiscussionFree-ranging pigs were identified as a multi-reservoir of T. brucei and/or T. congolense with mixed infections of different strains. This trypanosome diversity hinders the easy and direct detection of T. b. gambiense. We highlight the lack of tools to prove or exclude with certainty the presence of T. b. gambiense. This study once more highlights the need of technical improvements to explore the role of animals in the epidemiology of HAT.  相似文献   

BackgroundWork to control the gambiense form of human African trypanosomiasis (gHAT), or sleeping sickness, is now directed towards ending transmission of the parasite by 2030. In order to supplement gHAT case-finding and treatment, since 2011 tsetse control has been implemented using Tiny Targets in a number of gHAT foci. As this intervention is extended to new foci, it is vital to understand the costs involved. Costs have already been analysed for the foci of Arua in Uganda and Mandoul in Chad. This paper examines the costs of controlling Glossina palpalis palpalis in the focus of Bonon in Côte d’Ivoire from 2016 to 2017.Methodology/Principal findingsSome 2000 targets were placed throughout the main gHAT transmission area of 130 km2 at a density of 14.9 per km2. The average annual cost was USD 0.5 per person protected, USD 31.6 per target deployed of which 12% was the cost of the target itself, or USD 471.2 per km2 protected. Broken down by activity, 54% was for deployment and maintenance of targets, 34% for tsetse surveys/monitoring and 12% for sensitising populations.Conclusions/SignificanceThe cost of tsetse control per km2 of the gHAT focus protected in Bonon was more expensive than in Chad or Uganda, while the cost per km2 treated, that is the area where the targets were actually deployed, was cheaper. Per person protected, the Bonon cost fell between the two, with Uganda cheaper and Chad more expensive. In Bonon, targets were deployed throughout the protected area, because G. p. palpalis was present everywhere, whereas in Chad and Uganda G. fuscipes fuscipes was found only the riverine fringing vegetation. Thus, differences between gHAT foci, in terms of tsetse ecology and human geography, impact on the cost-effectiveness of tsetse control. It also demonstrates the need to take into account both the area treated and protected alongside other impact indicators, such as the cost per person protected.  相似文献   

BackgroundCulex mosquitoes are vectors for a variety of pathogens of public health concern. New indicators of exposure to Culex bites are needed to evaluate the risk of transmission of associated pathogens and to assess the efficacy of vector control strategies. An alternative to entomological indices is the serological measure of antibodies specific to mosquito salivary antigens. This study investigated whether the human IgG response to both the salivary gland extract and the 30 kDa salivary protein of Culex quinquefasciatus may represent a proxy of human exposure to Culex bites.Methodology/Principal findingsA multidisciplinary survey was conducted with children aged 1 to 14 years living in neighborhoods with varying exposure to Culex quinquefasciatus in the city of Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire. Children living in sites with high exposure to Cx quinquefasciatus had a significantly higher IgG response to both salivary antigens compared with children living in the control site where only very few Culex were recorded. Moreover, children from any Culex-high exposed sites had significantly higher IgG responses only to the salivary gland extract compared with children from the control village, whereas no difference was noted in the anti-30 kDa IgG response. No significant differences were noted in the specific IgG responses between age and gender. Sites and the use of a bed net were associated with the level of IgG response to the salivary gland extract and to the 30 kDa antigen, respectively.Conclusions/SignificanceThese findings suggest that the IgG response to Culex salivary gland extracts is suitable as proxy of exposure; however, the specificity to the Culex genus needs further investigation. The lower antigenicity of the 30 kDa recombinant protein represents a limitation to its use. The high specificity of this protein to the Culex genus makes it an attractive candidate and other specific antibody responses might be more relevant as a biomarker of exposure. These epidemiological observations may form a starting point for additional work on developing serological biomarkers of Culex exposure.  相似文献   

We aimed to examine outcomes, moderators and mediators of a preventive school-based mental health intervention implemented by paraprofessionals in a war-affected setting in northern Sri Lanka. A cluster randomized trial was employed. Subsequent to screening 1,370 children in randomly selected schools, 399 children were assigned to an intervention (n=199) or waitlist control condition (n=200). The intervention consisted of 15 manualized sessions over 5 weeks of cognitive behavioral techniques and creative expressive elements. Assessments took place before, 1 week after, and 3 months after the intervention. Primary outcomes included post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depressive, and anxiety symptoms. No main effects on primary outcomes were identified. A main effect in favor of intervention for conduct problems was observed. This effect was stronger for younger children. Furthermore, we found intervention benefits for specific subgroups. Stronger effects were found for boys with regard to PTSD and anxiety symptoms, and for younger children on pro-social behavior. Moreover, we found stronger intervention effects on PTSD, anxiety, and function impairment for children experiencing lower levels of current war-related stressors. Girls in the intervention condition showed smaller reductions on PTSD symptoms than waitlisted girls. We conclude that preventive school-based psychosocial interventions in volatile areas characterized by ongoing war-related stressors may effectively improve indicators of psychological wellbeing and posttraumatic stress-related symptoms in some children. However, they may undermine natural recovery for others. Further research is necessary to examine how gender, age and current war-related experiences contribute to differential intervention effects.  相似文献   

C-reactive protein (CRP) is a marker of metabolic and cardiovascular disease. To study the effects of lifestyle on CRP in a high-risk population we conducted a randomized controlled trial on 200 obese subjects (BMI > 27 kg m?2) with impaired glucose tolerance recruited from primary care settings. They were randomized to either a 1-month stay at a wellness centre focusing on diet, exercise and stress management (intervention group) or 30–60 min of oral and written information on lifestyle intervention (control group). A significant reduction of CRP was observed after 1 month and 1 year in the intervention group. They reduced their CRP levels more than the control group 1 year after intervention (p=0.004). In conclusion lifestyle intervention can decrease CRP in obese individuals with impaired glucose tolerance for up to 1 year. Further research is needed to evaluate whether the CRP level reduction translates into a decreased risk for cardiovascular morbidity.  相似文献   

Despite major successes in its control over the past 50 years, schistosomiasis japonica continues to be a public health problem in the People’s Republic of China (P.R. China). Historically, the major endemic foci occur in the lakes and marshlands along the Yangtze River, areas where transmission interruption has proven difficult. The current endemic situation may alter due to the closure of the Three Gorges Dam. Considerable environmental and ecological changes are anticipated that may result in new habitats for the oncomelanid intermediate snail host of Schistosoma japonicum (Sj), thereby increasing the risk of transmission. The current national control program for P.R. China involves a multi-component integrated strategy but, despite targeting multiple transmission pathways, certain challenges remain. As the Chinese government pushes towards elimination, there is a requirement for additional tools, such as vaccination, for long-term prevention. Whereas the zoonotic nature of schistosomiasis japonica adds to the complexity of control, it provides a unique opportunity to develop a transmission blocking vaccine targeting bovines to assist in the prevention of human infection and disease. Mathematical modelling has shown that control options targeting the various transmission pathways of schistosomiasis japonica and incorporating bovine vaccination, mass human chemotherapy and mollusciciding could lead to its elimination from P.R. China. Here we present the study design and baseline results of a four-year cluster randomised intervention trial we are undertaking around the schistosomiasis-endemic Dongting Lake in Hunan Province aimed at determining the impact on schistosome transmission of the multi-component integrated control strategy, including bovine vaccination using a heterologous “prime-boost” delivery platform based on the previously tested SjCTPI vaccine.  相似文献   

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