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Recent studies which estimated foot segment kinetic patterns were found to have inconclusive data on one hand, and did not dissociate the kinetics of the chopart and lisfranc joint. The current study aimed therefore at reproducing independent, recently published three-segment foot kinetic data (Study 1) and in a second stage expand the estimation towards a four-segment model (Study 2).Concerning the reproducibility study, two recently published three segment foot models (Bruening et al., 2014; Saraswat et al., 2014) were reproduced and kinetic parameters were incorporated in order to calculate joint moments and powers of paediatric cohorts during gait. Ground reaction forces were measured with an integrated force/pressure plate measurement set-up and a recently published proportionality scheme was applied to determine subarea total ground reaction forces. Regarding Study 2, moments and powers were estimated with respect to the Instituto Ortopedico Rizzoli four-segment model. The proportionality scheme was expanded in this study and the impact of joint centre location on kinetic data was evaluated.Findings related to Study 1 showed in general good agreement with the kinetic data published by Bruening et al. (2014). Contrarily, the peak ankle, midfoot and hallux powers published by Saraswat et al. (2014) are disputed. Findings of Study 2 revealed that the chopart joint encompasses both power absorption and generation, whereas the Lisfranc joint mainly contributes to power generation.The results highlights the necessity for further studies in the field of foot kinetic models and provides a first estimation of the kinetic behaviour of the Lisfranc joint.  相似文献   

There are minimal data describing the between-day repeatability of EMG measurements during running. Furthermore, there are no data characterising the repeatability of surface EMG measurement from the adductor muscles, during running or walking. The purpose of this study was to report on the consistency of EMG measurement for both running and walking across a comprehensive set of lower limb muscles, including adductor magnus, longus and gracilis. Data were collected from 12 lower limb muscles during overground running and walking on two separate days. The coefficient of multiple correlation (CMC) was used to quantify waveform similarity across the two sessions for signals normalised to either maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) or mean/peak signal magnitude. For running, the data showed good or excellent repeatability (CMC = 0.87–0.96) for all muscles apart from gracilis and biceps femoris using the MVIC method. Similar levels of repeatability were observed for walking. Importantly, using the peak/mean method as an alternative to the MVIC method, resulted in only marginal improvements in repeatability. The proposed protocol facilitated the collection of repeatable EMG data during running and walking and therefore could be used in future studies investigating muscle patterns during gait.  相似文献   

The intrinsic and extrinsic muscles are considered to stabilize the foot and contribute to propulsion during walking. This study aimed to clarify the functional relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic muscles during walking. Thirteen healthy men participated in this study. The muscle activities of the intrinsic muscles (quadratus plantae and abductor hallucis), and the extrinsic muscles (flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus, and tibialis posterior) were measured using fine-wire and surface electromyography during walking. The muscle onset timing after foot contact was calculated and compared among muscles using the one-way ANOVA. The stance phase was divided into early and late braking, and early and late propulsion phases. Muscle activity among phases was compared using repeated-measures ANOVA. The onset time of the abductor hallucis was significantly earlier than those of the flexor digitorum longus and tibialis posterior. The quadratus plantae demonstrated significantly earlier onset than that of the tibialis posterior. In the late propulsion phase, the activity of extrinsic muscles decreased, whereas intrinsic muscles were continuously active. Early activation of the intrinsic muscles may stabilize the foot for efficient torque production by the extrinsic muscles. Furthermore, the intrinsic muscles may contribute to the final push-off after the deactivation of extrinsic muscles.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown a possible effect of running speed and the sole material of footwear on lower-limb mechanics and soft tissue vibrations, while little information has been offered concerning the influence of the shape of the footwear’s sole. The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of running speed and rocker shoes on muscular activity, ground reaction force, and soft tissue vibrations. Twenty participants performed heel-toe running with two shoes, differentiated only by their sole shape (i.e. rocker and non-rocker), at four running speeds. Ground reaction force and electromyograms of the gastrocnemius medialis and vastus lateralis were measured, and soft tissue accelerations of the same muscles were recorded with tri-axial accelerometers. A continuous wavelet transform was applied to the accelerometer’s signals to analyse them in the time-frequency domain. The rocker of the shoes did not change the muscular activations, ground reaction force, nor power of soft tissue vibrations. In opposite, increased running speed led to an augmentation of all of the measured parameters. Interestingly, running speed augmentation led to a greater increase in high frequencies component of soft tissue vibrations (25–50 Hz, 242%) than lower ones (8–25 Hz, 111%). Consequently, we indicated a 10% increase in the relative part of the high frequencies of the total power. In conclusion, although rocker shoes have shown an effect on lower-limb kinetics in some studies, no influence on soft tissue vibration is denoted. By contrast, soft tissue vibrations may be modulated by changing running speed.  相似文献   

As humans walk or run, external (environmental) and internal (physiological) disturbances induce variability. How humans regulate this variability from stride-to-stride can be critical to maintaining balance. One cannot infer what is “controlled” based on analyses of variability alone. Assessing control requires quantifying how deviations are corrected across consecutive movements. Here, we assessed walking and running, each at two speeds. We hypothesized differences in speed would drive changes in variability, while adopting different gaits would drive changes in how people regulated stepping. Ten healthy adults walked/ran on a treadmill under four conditions: walk or run at comfortable speed, and walk or run at their predicted walk-to-run transition speed. Time series of relevant stride parameters were analyzed to quantify variability and stride-to-stride error-correction dynamics within a Goal-Equivalent Manifold (GEM) framework. In all conditions, participants’ stride-to-stride control respected a constant-speed GEM strategy. At each consecutively faster speed, variability tangent to the GEM increased (p ≤ 0.031), while variability perpendicular to the GEM decreased (p ≤ 0.044). There were no differences (p ≥ 0.999) between gaits at the transition speed. Differences in speed determined how stepping variability was structured, independent of gait, confirming our first hypothesis. For running versus walking, measures of GEM-relevant statistical persistence were significantly less (p ≤ 0.004), but showed minimal-to-no speed differences (0.069 ≤ p ≤ 0.718). When running, people corrected deviations both more quickly and more directly, each indicating tighter control. Thus, differences in gait determined how stride-to-stride fluctuations were regulated, independent of speed, confirming our second hypothesis.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the center of mass (CoM) during walking and running at various gait conditions are well described by the mechanics of a simple passive spring loaded inverted pendulum (SLIP). Due to its simplicity, however, the current form of the SLIP model is limited at providing any further information about multi-segmental lower limbs that generate oscillatory CoM behaviors and their corresponding ground reaction forces. Considering that the dynamics of the CoM are simply achieved by mass-spring mechanics, we wondered whether any of the multi-joint motions could be demonstrated by simple mechanics. In this study, we expand a SLIP model of human locomotion with an off-centered curvy foot connected to the leg by a springy segment that emulates the asymmetric kinematics and kinetics of the ankle joint. The passive dynamics of the proposed expansion of the SLIP model demonstrated the empirical data of ground reaction forces, center of mass trajectories, ankle joint kinematics and corresponding ankle joint torque at various gait speeds. From the mechanically simulated trajectories of the ankle joint and CoM, the motion of lower-limb segments, such as thigh and shank angles, could be estimated from inverse kinematics. The estimation of lower limb kinematics showed a qualitative match with empirical data of walking at various speeds. The representability of passive compliant mechanics for the kinetics of the CoM and ankle joint and lower limb joint kinematics implies that the coordination of multi-joint lower limbs during gait can be understood with a mechanical framework.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine the effects of orthoses designed to support the forefoot and rearfoot on the kinematics and kinetics of the lower extremity joints during walking. Fifteen participants volunteered for this study. Kinematic and kinetic variables during overground walking were compared with the participants wearing sandals without orthoses or sandals with orthoses. Orthoses increased knee internal abduction moment during late stance and knee abduction angular impulse, and reduced the medial ground reaction force during late stance, adduction free moment, forefoot eversion angle, ankle inversion moment and angular impulse, hip adduction angle, hip abduction moment, and hip external rotation moment and angular impulse (p<0.05). Orthoses decreased the torsional forces on the lower extremity and reduced the loading at the hip during walking. These findings combined with our previous studies and those of others suggest that forefoot abnormalities are critically important in influencing lower extremity kinematics and kinetics, and may underlie some non-traumatic lower extremity injuries.  相似文献   

Inverse dynamics is a standard tool in biomechanics, which requires low-pass filtering of external force and kinematic signals. Unmatched filtering procedures are reported to affect joint moment amplitudes in high impact movements, like landing or cutting, but are also common in the analysis of distance running. We analyzed the effects of cut-off frequencies in 94 rearfoot runners at a speed of 3.5 m/s. Additionally, we investigated whether the evaluation of footwear interventions is affected by the choice of cut-off frequencies. We performed 3D inverse dynamics for the hip, knee and ankle joints using different low-pass filter cut-off frequency combinations for a recursive fourth-order Butterworth filter. We observed fluctuations of joint moment curves in the first half of stance, which were most pronounced for the most unmatched cut-off frequency combination (kinematics: 10 Hz; ground reaction forces (GRFs): 100 Hz) and for more proximal joints. Peak sagittal plane hip joint moments were altered by 94% on average. We observed a change in the ranking of subjects based on joint moment amplitude. We found significant (p < 0.001) footwear by cut-off frequency combination interaction effects for most peak joint moments. These findings highlight the importance of cut-off frequency choice in the analysis of joint moments and the assessment of footwear interventions in distance running. Based on our results, we propose to use matched cut-off frequencies around 20 Hz in order to avoid large artificial fluctuations in joint moment curves while at the same time avoiding a severe removal of physiological high-frequency signal content from the GRF signals.  相似文献   

It was the purpose of this investigation to: 1) compare the ratings of perceived exertion (RPEs) in high and low fit individuals when walking and running at comparable exercise intensities and 2) to determine if ventilation (VE) provides a central signal for RPEs. Nine high fit and nine low fit male subjects completed two exercise bouts on a treadmill, one uphill walking and the other level running. Workloads for each bout were set at 90% of each subject's ventilatory threshold (VT) as determined from a graded exercise test. Oxygen consumption (Vo2), heart rate (HR), and VE were all similar between the walk and run trials for the low fit subjects (P greater than 0.05). HR were found to be significantly greater during the walk trial vs. the run trial (P less than 0.05) for the high fit subjects, whereas, VE was significantly greater during the run trial. Oxygen consumption was similar for the high fit subjects during both trials (P greater than 0.05). During the walk and run trials, central (12.1 +/- 1.6 vs. 11.4 +/- 1.5), local (14.0 +/- 1.3 vs. 13.9 +/- 1.1) and overall (12.8 +/- 1.2 vs. 12.4 +/- 1.4) RPEs were not found to be significantly different for the low fit group (P greater than 0.05). In contrast, during the walk vs. the run trial there was a significant increase in central (10.7 +/- 2.0 vs. 9.2 +/- 1.9), local (11.5 +/- 2.0 vs. 9.8 +/- 1.8) and overall (11.2 +/- 2.4 vs. 9.6 +/- 2.3) RPEs for the high fit group (P less than 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   


Objective: The way how individual bars of sensorimotor insoles influence the gait kinematics is not fully understood yet. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the effect of three sensorimotor orthotic conditions (the medial calcaneal and retrocapital lateral bars and their combination) on the gait parameters in healthy adults during the stance phase of gait cycle.

Materials and methods: Twenty-six young adults performed 20 gait cycles in each condition using their self-selected cadence and provided standardised shoes with the base-sole and the three types of orthotics. A three-dimensional motion analysis system (8 cameras; 200?Hz) was used and a six-degrees of freedom model was applied. The cadence, the stride length, the first peaks of foot external rotation, eversion and dorsal flexion as well as the first peak of hip adduction were analysed.

Results: Significant differences (p?<?0.05) were found for all parameters between the orthotic conditions, except the cadence. Significant difference in the first peak of hip adduction (p?=?0.008) was found between the dominant and non-dominant leg. There were no significant interactions between the factors of condition and leg dominance (p?>?0.05).

Conclusions: There seems to be overall tendencies in immediate changes in ankle joint kinematics caused by all three sensorimotor orthotic conditions and besides the mechanical principles, also ‘proprioceptive mechanism’ seems to play a role. However, maximum observed average angular change was 2° and some variability in reactions to each orthotic condition exists among the individuals. Therefore, clinical relevance of such changes remains unclear and careful analysis of expected outcomes should be the common part of every orthotic intervention.  相似文献   

Direct kinematic-kinetic modelling currently represents the “Gold-standard” in leg stiffness quantification during three-dimensional (3D) motion capture experiments. However, the medial-lateral components of ground reaction force and leg length have been neglected in current leg stiffness formulations. It is unknown if accounting for all 3D would alter healthy biologic estimates of leg stiffness, compared to present direct modelling methods. This study compared running leg stiffness derived from a new method (multiplanar method) which includes all three Cartesian axes, against current methods which either only include the vertical axis (line method) or only the plane of progression (uniplanar method). Twenty healthy female runners performed shod overground running at 5.0 m/s. Three-dimensional motion capture and synchronised in-ground force plates were used to track the change in length of the leg vector (hip joint centre to centre of pressure) and resultant projected ground reaction force. Leg stiffness was expressed as dimensionless units, as a percentage of an individual’s bodyweight divided by standing leg length (BW/LL). Leg stiffness using the line method was larger than the uniplanar method by 15.6%BW/LL (P < .001), and multiplanar method by 24.2%BW/LL (P < .001). Leg stiffness from the uniplanar method was larger than the multiplanar method by 8.5%BW/LL (6.5 kN/m) (P < .001). The inclusion of medial-lateral components significantly increased leg deformation magnitude, accounting for the reduction in leg stiffness estimate with the multiplanar method. Given that limb movements typically occur in 3D, the new multiplanar method provides the most complete accounting of all force and length components in leg stiffness calculation.  相似文献   

The modulation of walking speed results in adaptations to the lower limbs which can be quantified using mechanical work. A 6 degree-of-freedom (DOF) power analysis, which includes additional translations as compared to the 3 DOF (all rotational) approach, is a comprehensive approach for quantifying lower limb work during gait. The purpose of this study was to quantify the speed-related 6 DOF joint and distal foot work adaptations of all the lower extremity limb constituents (hip, knee, ankle, and distal foot) in healthy individuals. Relative constituent 6 DOF work, the amount of constituent work relative to absolute limb work, was calculated during the stance and swing phases of gait. Eight unimpaired adults walked on an instrumented split-belt treadmill at slow, moderate, and typical walking speeds (0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 statures/s, respectively). Using motion capture and force data, 6 DOF powers were calculated for each constituent. Contrary to previously published results, 6 DOF positive relative ankle work and negative relative distal foot work increased significantly with increased speed during stance phase (p < 0.05). Similar to previous rotational DOF results in the sagittal plane, negative relative ankle work decreased significantly with increased speed during stance phase (p < 0.05). Scientifically, these findings provide new insight into how healthy individuals adapt to increased walking speed and suggest limitations of the rotational DOF approach for quantifying limb work. Clinically, the data presented here for unimpaired limbs can be used to compare with speed-matched data from limbs with impairments.  相似文献   

The increased use of gait analysis has raised the need for a better understanding of how walking speed and demographic variations influence asymptomatic gait. Previous analyses mainly reported relationships between subsets of gait features and demographic measures, rendering it difficult to assess whether gait features are affected by walking speed or other demographic measures. The purpose of this study was to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the kinematic and kinetic profiles during ambulation that tests for the effect of walking speed in parallel to the effects of age, sex, and body mass index. This was accomplished by recruiting a population of 121 asymptomatic subjects and analyzing characteristic 3-dimensional kinematic and kinetic features at the ankle, knee, hip, and pelvis during walking trials at slow, normal, and fast speeds. Mixed effects linear regression models were used to identify how each of 78 discrete gait features is affected by variations in walking speed, age, sex, and body mass index. As expected, nearly every feature was associated with variations in walking speed. Several features were also affected by variations in demographic measures, including age affecting sagittal-plane knee kinematics, body mass index affecting sagittal-plane pelvis and hip kinematics, body mass index affecting frontal-plane knee kinematics and kinetics, and sex affecting frontal-plane kinematics at the pelvis, hip, and knee. These results could aid in the design of future studies, as well as clarify how walking speed, age, sex, and body mass index may act as potential confounders in studies with small populations or in populations with insufficient demographic variations for thorough statistical analyses.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to compare electromyographic activity during fitness exercises, walking, and running among 3 different dorsiflexion shoes (+2 degrees , +4 degrees , and +10 degrees ) and standard shoes (-4 degrees ). The 3 different dorsiflexion shoes tested in this study have a curvature placed in the middle of the sole. This design was specially projected to decrease the metatarsus flexion. Electromyographic activity of 9 lower limb muscles was measured on 12 healthy female subjects during 5 fitness exercises (unload squat, side and front step, submaximal ballistic plantar flexion, and lunge exercise), and during running (10 km x h(-1)) and walking (4.5 km x h(-1)) on a treadmill. EMG signal was analyzed with the root mean square (RMS) and integrated EMG. All RMS data measured during these exercises were expressed as percentages of maximum voluntary isometric contraction. The results show that dorsiflexion affects muscle recruitment and reorganizes the motor pattern. The general tendency was that the tibialis anterior activity increased with dorsiflexion. However, an optimal dorsiflexion existed for various exercises. It is concluded that shoes with moderate dorsiflexion can activate lower limb muscles differently compared with both standard shoes and shoes with large dorsiflexion during submaximal exercises and locomotion.  相似文献   

Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is a major site of nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) during cold acclimation for most mammals. Repetitive nonthermal stress such as immobilization has been shown to enhance the capacity of NST as cold acclimation. In the present study, the effects of running training, another type of nonthermal stress, were investigated on in vitro thermogenesis and the cellularity of interscapular BAT in rats. The rats were subjected to treadmill running for 30 min daily at 30 m/min under 8° inclination for 4–5 weeks. In vitro thermogenesis was then measured in minced tissue blocks incubated in a Krebs-Ringer phosphate buffer containing glucose and albumin at 37° C, using a Clark type oxygen electrode. The trained rats showed less body weight gain during the experiment. The weights of BAT and epididymal white adipose tissue were smaller in the trained rats. Noradrenaline- and glucagon-stimulated oxygen consumption were also significantly smaller in the trained rats. The tissue DNA level was greater in the trained rats, but the DNA content per tissue pad did not significantly differ. The results indicate that running training reduces BAT thermogenesis, possibly as an adaptation to conserve energy substrates for physical work.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of worn-out shoes on lower leg stability, shock absorption and energy cost during prolonged walking. Seven male subjects (23.4 +/- 0.5 yr) walked at 4.8 km/h for 60 minutes wearing three different pairs of shoes: two of these pairs had severely and moderately worn soles (EASC: Excessive Attrite Shoe Condition and MASC: Moderate Attrite Shoe Condition, respectively) and the other pair had no wear (NASC: No Attrite Shoe Condition). Impact acceleration at the subtalar at heel strike, rearfoot angles (the subtalar joint and the lower leg) during stance phase, and oxygen uptake (VO2) were measured throughout the 60-minute walk. At the 10th minute of walking, worn-out shoes increased the supination of the subtalar joint and extortion of the lower leg. In addition, VO2 was significant larger in EASC (808.3 ml x min(-1)) than in NASC (749.5 ml x min(-1)). During the 60-minute walk, however, there were no time effects of shoe condition on the rearfoot angles and on VO2. In contrast, impact acceleration at the subtalar joint in EASC remained almost constant until the 30th minute of walking, and then began to elevate. In conclusion, worn-out shoes increased the energy cost and reduced lower leg stability during walking, although these changes were not influenced by walking duration within 60 minutes. However, prolonged walking showed the potential negative effect of worn-out shoe on shock absorption.  相似文献   

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