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BackgroundIn a dental implant/bone system, the design factors affect the value and distributions of stress and deformations that plays a pivotal role on the stability, durability and lifespan of the implant/bone system.ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to compare the influence of different abutment designs on the biomechanical behavior of one-piece zirconia dental implants and their surrounding bone tissues using three-dimensional finite element analysis.MethodsA three-dimensional geometrical model of a zirconia dental implant and its surrounding bone tissue were created. The occlusal loading force applied to the prosthetic abutments was a combination of 114.6 N in the axial direction, 17.1 N in the lingual direction and 23.4 N toward the mesial direction where these components represent masticatory force of 118.2 N in the angle of approximately 75° to the occlusal plane.ResultsThe system included implant abutment Model 01 showed a decrease of 9.58%, 9.92% and 3.62% at least in the average value of maximum von Mises stress compared to Model 02, Model 03 and Model 04 respectively. The results also showed that the system included implant abutment Model 01 decreases the average value of maximum deformation of 16.96%, 7.17% and 9.47% at least compared to Model 02, Model 03 and Model 04 respectively.ConclusionThe one-piece zirconia dental implant abutment Model 01 presents a better biomechanical behavior in the peri-implant bone than others. It can efficiently distribute the applied load and present more homogeneous behavior of stress distribution and has less deformation than others, which will enhance the stability of implant/bone system and prolong its lifespan.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been growing interest in estimating the degree of heating caused by the diagnostic ultrasound in clinical practice. Both theoretical and experimental methods have been suggested for estimating the heating potential, or thermal hazard, of diagnostic ultrasound. Aim of this study was to evaluate in vivo effects of ultrasound exposure of variable duration (from 10 up to 20 min) with commercially available imaging systems commonly used for diagnostic imaging. Numerical results related to the thermal effect are obtained by simulation program based on B-mode (scanning) and Doppler (non-scanning). To investigate the biological effects of the ultrasound exposure to the brain and liver tissues, the antioxidant enzyme activity and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) of the tissues were evaluated. In liver tissue, as a lipid peroxidation index, TBARS levels very significantly increase in Doppler group compared to control. However, in B-mode, TBARS levels are the same with the control group. Use of B-mode in foetal tissue is more reliable than Doppler mode because temperature rise is very small compared to the Doppler mode. On the other hand, the antioxidant enzyme activities tend to increase in B-mode and Doppler groups compared to the control group as a defensive mechanism. In the brain tissue, lipid peroxidation is increased slightly in B-mode compared to the control group. This situation is related to the molecular structure of the brain tissue because of its high lipid concentration. In brain tissue, the antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation were significantly increased, such as liver tissue in Doppler groups. Doppler ultrasound may produce harmful effects in rat foetus liver and brain tissues as a result of the high temperature rises.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the application of a particular two-phase partitioning system to the isolation of plasma membranes from heterogeneous starting material, differing in physiological age. Plasma membranes were isolated from hypocotyl segments of mung beans ( Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) on four successive days in order to examine the variation caused by ageing of the seedling. Additionally, the segments were cut at different positions of the hypocotyl to measure variation caused by position-related ageing. To assess purity and degree of contamination of the plasma membrane-enriched preparations, a series of membrane enzyme markers were screened for all isolated fractions. Glucan synthetase II activities were enriched in the plasma membrane fractions, but enrichment and recovery became less pronounced with increasing age. Plasma membrane ATPase activity affected by VO43-, Ca2+ and K+ was similar in all segments throughout the time-course of the experiment (4 days). However, control ATPase activity varied with segment origin: the physiologically oldest segments showed only 75% activity compared to the youngest ones. Km and Vmax values indicated a smaller proportion of active enzyme but higher substrate affinity as the age of the segments increased. Contamination by intracellular membranes was minimal and unrelated to tissue age.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of artificial sweeteners (aspartame, saccharin, and sucralose) on rat brain. Twenty‐four adult male Sprague–Dawley rats were included in the study. The control group (n = 6) received regular tap water, whereas other groups received aspartame (3 mg/kg/day, n = 6,) or saccharin (3 mg/kg/day, n = 6) or sucralose (1.5 mg/kg/day, n = 6) in the drinking water. Following 6 weeks, the passive avoidance learning (PAL) test was performed to evaluate the neurobehavioral effects of sweeteners. The brains were assessed for lipid peroxides, neuron count, and Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunohistochemistry. Our results demonstrated that chronic intake of sweeteners significantly impaired PAL performance in all groups. Hippocampal CA1–CA3 areas revealed significantly lower neuronal count in aspartame and increased GFAP expression in all groups. Brain lipid peroxides were significantly higher in all groups. Our findings suggest that long‐term consumption of artificial sweeteners may have harmful effects on cognition and hippocampal integrity in rats.  相似文献   

The short-term effects of p -chloromercuribenzenesulphonic acid (PCMBS) on the transmembrane potential difference (PD) of broad bean ( Vicia faba L. cv. Aguadulce) cotyledon cells and on sugar beet ( Beta vulgaris L. cv. Klein E.) leaf cells were studied by the electrophysiological method. These effects were compared with that of the permeant thiol reagents N-ethylmaleimide and HgCl2. N-Ethylmaleimide and HgCl2 markedly and rapidly depolarised the PD of all the material studied, while PCMBS caused either a slight depolarisation (cotyledon cells) or no depolarisation (leaf cells) during the first 30 min of treatment. In cotyledons, PCMBS markedly inhibited sucrose uptake (89%) and the sucrose-induced depolarisation associated with the proton-sucrose symport (67%), while it decreased the proton-motive force only marginally (7%). It is concluded that during short treatments (30 min or less). PCMBS inhibits sucrose uptake directly by blocking the sucrose carrier, and not the proton pump. For longer treatments, indirect effects cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Synopsis Effects of water depth and cover availability on predation rates by adult rock bass, Ambloplites rupestris, on juvenile central stoneroller, Campostoma anomalum, pumpkinseed, Lepomis gibbosa, and fantail darter, Etheostoma flabellare, were measured in a laboratory stream. A predation rate experiment and a prey activity experiment were conducted. In the first experiment, each prey type shared experimental chambers with predatory rock bass under all combinations of two depths (shallow and deep) and two cover levels (absent and present). Predation rates after 72 h were greater in deep (35–38 cm) than in shallow (7–10 cm) water for fantail darter and two sizes of central stoneroller, but not for pumpkinseed. Presence of cover (opaque plastic tubes) on the stream bottom had no direct effect on predation rates, which were higher for pumpkinseed and small stoneroller (35–64 mm total length) than for fantail darter and large stoneroller (70–89 mm total length). In the second experiment, diel patterns of small stoneroller activity were monitored under all combinations of two water depths and three levels of predation risk. Small stonerollers were more active during the day and in the absence of rock bass, but were not affected directly by water depth. My results suggest that effects of habitat features (e.g., depth, cover) on predator-prey interactions vary according to the natural history and behavior of particular prey and predators. Future research should integrate habitat-specific responses of prey to predation risk into models that predict the distribution of prey among available habitats.The unit is jointly supported by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, the Wildlife Management Institute, and Virginia Polutechnic Institute and State University.  相似文献   

In the pregnant domestic rabbit, scent marking (“chinning”) and sexual behavior are inhibited by ovarian-derived progesterone (P). In order to distinguish behavioral effects of P that are PR-dependent from those mediated by its ring A reduced metabolites, we administered P, P+RU486 (PR antagonist), chlormadinone acetate (CA, synthetic progestin that does not form ring A reduced metabolites), or vehicle to ovariectomized (ovx) estradiol-benzoate (EB)-treated female rabbits, via sc injection, on experimental day 0. Chinning was quantified daily, and mating tests were done on days -1, 1, 3, 5, and 7. On day 1, chinning was significantly decreased, and the latency to be mounted by the male was significantly increased (indicating decreased sexual attractivity of the female) in P-treated females. The effect of P on chinning, but not its effect on sexual attractivity, was completely blocked by RU486 and replicated by CA. Although CA had no effect on attractivity on day 1, it decreased both sexual receptivity and attractivity on day 3. In a preference test in which the male could interact with either an ovx EB-treated female or an ovx female that had received one of the above hormone treatments 24 h earlier, P decreased sexual attractivity and increased aggression. The effect of P on aggression, but not its effect on attractivity, was blocked by RU486 and replicated by CA. These results indicate that both PR-dependent and PR-independent mechanisms decrease sexual attractivity, whereas PR activation is necessary for the inhibition of chinning and sexual receptivity, and for the stimulation of aggression.  相似文献   

Trissolcus nigripedius Nakagawa (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) is an egg parasitoid of Dolycoris baccarum L. (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), a polyphagous insect pest of many crops including soybean. As a method for mass-rearing to augment the parasitoid, cold storage of host eggs were evaluated in the laboratory. After 0 (control), 8, 20, 60, 90, and 120 days of refrigeration, host eggs were given to adult female T. nigripedius. Host acceptance behaviors of the parasitoid, categorized as drumming, oviposition, and marking, on the refrigerated eggs and biological attributes of offspring were assessed. Most of the attributes examined were affected by the refrigeration of host eggs. But host eggs could be refrigerated for up to two months without significant change in emergence rate and sex ratio and with 90% of parasitism. In addition, the second generation of the parasitoid was not negatively affected at all. However, frozen eggs of D. baccarum can not be used for rearing the parasitoid since parasitism rate decreased to 44% on host eggs frozen for 8 days. Refrigeration of D. baccarum eggs could be useful for mass-rearing and augmentation of T. nigripedius to control D. baccarum without reduction in the quality of parasitoid’s progeny. Furthermore, refrigerated eggs could be supplemented in the field to boost the population of T. nigripedius since immature D. baccarum can not hatch after 20 days of refrigeration.  相似文献   

In the frame of the largest French project of artificial production reefs, initiated by the city of Marseilles in 2001, the present study aimed at describing the hydrodynamic pattern of the coastal area considered, by the use of a 3D numerical modelling. Results were local wind statistics, bottom current fields and drifting particle maps. The knowledge of the hydrodynamic connexions between particle (such as larvae) sources or targeted areas linked to the reefs, allows us to explain the success or failure of the reefs' colonizing. Moreover, the study confirms the wind spatial variability and demonstrates the error resulting from the use of an average but locally absent wind direction.  相似文献   

Habitat suitability index (HSI) models are commonly used to predict habitat quality and species distributions and are used to develop biological surveys, assess reserve and management priorities, and anticipate possible change under different management or climate change scenarios. Important management decisions may be based on model results, often without a clear understanding of the level of uncertainty associated with model outputs. We present an integrated methodology to assess the propagation of uncertainty from both inputs and structure of the HSI models on model outputs (uncertainty analysis: UA) and relative importance of uncertain model inputs and their interactions on the model output uncertainty (global sensitivity analysis: GSA). We illustrate the GSA/UA framework using simulated hydrology input data from a hydrodynamic model representing sea level changes and HSI models for two species of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in southwest Everglades National Park: Vallisneria americana (tape grass) and Halodule wrightii (shoal grass). We found considerable spatial variation in uncertainty for both species, but distributions of HSI scores still allowed discrimination of sites with good versus poor conditions. Ranking of input parameter sensitivities also varied spatially for both species, with high habitat quality sites showing higher sensitivity to different parameters than low‐quality sites. HSI models may be especially useful when species distribution data are unavailable, providing means of exploiting widely available environmental datasets to model past, current, and future habitat conditions. The GSA/UA approach provides a general method for better understanding HSI model dynamics, the spatial and temporal variation in uncertainties, and the parameters that contribute most to model uncertainty. Including an uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in modeling efforts as part of the decision‐making framework will result in better‐informed, more robust decisions.  相似文献   

Daphne genkwa contains a novel class of anticancer diterpene esters that inhibit DNA topoisomerase I. Fingerprint and quantitative analysis by HPLC were performed in order to characterise and evaluate D. genkwa. A standard fingerprint of Daphne diterpene esters from the root extract was first established by HPLC-UV, and the major peaks in the fingerprint profile were preliminarily determined using HPLC-MS. The principal Daphne diterpene esters, yuanhuacine (1), yuanhuadine (2), yuanhuajine (3) and yuanhuagine (4), were isolated and identified using a combination of UV, IR, MS, 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR spectral data. Quantitative analysis indicated that 1 was the principal component in the root, and that 2 was the major component in the buds. The average extraction rates of 1 and 2 were 0.0151 and 0.0033% (n=10) from the root, respectively, and 0.0020 and 0.0078% (n=3) from the buds, respectively.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis was induced in expanding leaf explants excised from epicormic shoots forced from branch segments taken at four different times of year from a mature oak (Quercus robur L.). Branch segments 2–4 cm in diameter produced most shoots when collected in March. Somatic embryos were induced on explants derived from branches of all collection dates, although collection in November seemed to afford the best results. Germination and conversion ability of embryos of embryogenic lines derived from six oak trees depended heavily on genotype, conversion rates ranging from 0 to 70%. RAPD analyses found no evidence of genetic variation either within or between the embryogenic lines established from three of these trees, or between these lines and the trees of origin, or between somatic embryo derived plantlets and the trees of origin. The embryogenic system used in this study appears to be suitable for true-to-type clonal propagation of mature oak genotypes.  相似文献   

In order to investigate feeding synchronization in miniature pigs, a computer-controlled laboratory setup has been developed, recording the feeding behavior of two pigs at a time for weeks. Since, this setup delivers time series with a binary data structure, and thus Fourier-Spectral analysis is difficult to perform, Walsh - Fourier Spectral analysis for ordinal or binary data was utilized. Synchronicity between pigs housed together was estimated by coherency values, determined for the highest sequences of the Walsh - Fourier power spectra. Feeding behavior was recorded in 12 pigs (26 - 50 kg) housed in pairs, in separate, but adjacent pens. Pigs were conditioned to operate feeders and feeding was recorded for two weeks. Pigs housed adjacent to one another showed an overlap in the dominant sequencies which was confirmed by high corresponding coherency values. Furthermore, pairs of pigs were matched according to age, weight and gender, and combined by chance. Compared to these pairings, coherencies were higher and more consistent in pigs housed in adjacent pens. If the data structure is binary, Walsh - Fourier Spectral analysis utilizing coherencies as a measure of correlation between the spectra has been shown to be a useful tool in the investigation of behavioral synchronization.  相似文献   

Summary The influences of Colorado pinyon pine (Pinus edulis) cone crop size, cone and seed weight, cone length, number of seeds per cone, number of viable seeds, and percent viable seeds on the foraging behavior of avian seed dispersal agents were examined in field and laboratory settings. In the field, there was a significant positive relationship between cone number per tree and both the absolute number of cones and the percentage of the cone crop from which seeds were harvested. Cone weight and the number of viable seeds were also significantly related to seed harvest intensity. Laboratory experiments examined the relationship between crop size and cone characters on seed harvest by 18 Clark's Nutcrackers (Nucifraga columbiana). Nutcrackers were offered a choice of two tree types: one with 20 cones attached, and another with 10 cones attached. Significantly more birds chose to remove seeds first from the tree with 20 cones than the tree with 10 cones. In timed trials, they also harvested seeds from significantly more cones on the tree with the higher cone density. In the laboratory, cones chosen for seed removal by the nutcrackers had significantly more viable seeds, more seeds, and were longer compared to cones that were not chosen. Such discriminatory foraging behavior may increase avian foraging efficiency and result in differential reproductive success of pinyon pines. This behavior may therefore influence the evolution of pinyon pine reproductive traits.  相似文献   

Comprehension of ecological processes in marine animals requires information regarding dynamic vertical habitat use. While many pelagic predators primarily associate with epipelagic waters, some species routinely dive beyond the deep scattering layer. Actuation for exploiting these aphotic habitats remains largely unknown. Recent telemetry data from oceanic whitetip sharks (Carcharhinus longimanus) in the Atlantic show a strong association with warm waters (>20°C) less than 200 m. Yet, individuals regularly exhibit excursions into the meso‐ and bathypelagic zone. In order to examine deep‐diving behavior in oceanic whitetip sharks, we physically recovered 16 pop‐up satellite archival tags and analyzed the high‐resolution depth and temperature data. Diving behavior was evaluated in the context of plausible functional behavior hypotheses including interactive behaviors, energy conservation, thermoregulation, navigation, and foraging. Mesopelagic excursions (= 610) occurred throughout the entire migratory circuit in all individuals, with no indication of site specificity. Six depth‐versus‐time descent and ascent profiles were identified. Descent profile shapes showed little association with examined environmental variables. Contrastingly, ascent profile shapes were related to environmental factors and appear to represent unique behavioral responses to abiotic conditions present at the dive apex. However, environmental conditions may not be the sole factors influencing ascents, as ascent mode may be linked to intentional behaviors. While dive functionality remains unconfirmed, our study suggests that mesopelagic excursions relate to active foraging behavior or navigation. Dive timing, prey constituents, and dive shape support foraging as the most viable hypothesis for mesopelagic excursions, indicating that the oceanic whitetip shark may regularly survey extreme environments (deep depths, low temperatures) as a foraging strategy. At the apex of these deep‐water excursions, sharks exhibit a variable behavioral response, perhaps, indicating the presence or absence of prey.  相似文献   

Gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae)) larvae were reared from hatch on 1.25% N or 3.5% N artificial diet (previous diet) and switched reciprocally to the other diet (current diet) after molting into the second, third, fourth, or fifth instar. The nitrogen concentration of food consumed during previous instars had a strong residual effect on the growth rate in subsequent instars when a diet switch was made during instars two through four, but did not affect growth rate of fifth-instar larvae despite effects on food consumption and utilization. In early instars, larvae reared on 1.25% N artificial diet and then switched to 3.75% N diet had lower mass-adjusted growth rates than larvae continuously reared on 3.75% N diet. Conversely, larvae reared on 3.75% N diet and switched to 1.25% N had higher mass-adjusted growth rates than larvae reared continuously on 1.25% N diet. Relative to larvae previously reared on 1.25% N diet, fifth-instar male larvae previously reared on 3.75% N diet had slightly lower consumption rates, higher net growth efficiency (ECD), and higher gross growth efficiency (ECI). Larvae previously reared on 3.75% N diet tended to have lower food assimilation efficiency (AD) and lower nitrogen assimilation efficiency (AD(N)). Although both previous and current diet nitrogen concentration strongly affected larval growth and food utilization, the interaction term between these was not significant for any response variables except ECD and ECI. Because the interaction term reflects the effect of switching per se, the results indicate that there was a metabolic cost associated with switching, but no inherent net cost or benefit of diet-switching to growth.  相似文献   

Biodegradation is an effective technique to remediate polluted soil and groundwater. In the present experimental study, a mixed microbial culture obtained from the wastewater treatment sludge of a chemical industry was used to degrade liquid phase benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylene (BTEX), at individual initial concentrations varying between 15 and 75 mg/l. Experiments were conducted according to 2 k−1 fractional factorial design at the low (15 mg/l) and high (75 mg/l) levels of BTEX concentrations, to identify the main and interaction effects of parameters and their influence on biodegradation of individual BTEX compounds in mixtures. The individual removals varied between 16% and 75% when the concentrations of B, T, E, and X were sufficiently low in the mixture. However, both synergistic (removal of ethyl benzene) and antagonistic (removal of benzene) behavior were noticed when the concentrations of toluene and xylene was increased to higher levels. The individual removals were greater than 67% at their center point levels. The total BTEX removal values were later statistically analyzed and based on the Fischer’s variance ratio (F) and Probability values (P) it was observed that the main effects for total BTEX removal were significant than the squared and interaction effects.  相似文献   

One approach to study interactions between behavior and genetics is to use inbred mice with different genetic backgrounds. To examine the effect of background on a specific gene, we conducted a series of experiments with a well-characterized knockout (KO) mouse, the estrogen receptor alpha KO (ERalphaKO). The ERalphaKO mouse has so far been examined in one inbred line, C57BL/6J. Here, we examined the behavior of ERalphaKO mice within three different backgrounds mixed with C57BL/6J; DBA/2J, BALB/c, and A/J. First, we assessed masculine sexual behavior in both intact male and testosterone-treated female offspring. More ERalphaKO males in the DBA/2J (5/12) and BALB/c (5/13) backcrosses displayed intromissions and many ejaculated as compared with males in a C57BL/6J and A/J mixed background. Many fewer ERalphaKO females than males displayed masculine sexual behavior in any of the three hybrid crosses. We assessed fertility in males from the C57BL/6J by DBA/2J cross and found that one of 12 ERalphaKO males sired a litter. Several other characteristics of sexual behavior and physiology were unaffected by genetic background in ERalphaKO mice. Our data suggest that genetic background has dramatic effects on male sexual behavior and its dependence on the ERalpha gene.  相似文献   

A molecular approach, using aphid-specific monoclonal antibodies, was used to test the hypothesis that alternative prey can affect predation on aphids by linyphiid spiders. These spiders locate their webs in cereal crops within microsites where prey density is high. Previous work demonstrated that of two subfamilies of Linyphiidae, one, the Linyphiinae, is web-dependent and makes its webs at sites where they were more likely to intercept flying insects plus those (principally aphids) falling from the crop above. The other, the Erigoninae, is less web-dependent, making its webs at ground level at sites with higher densities of ground-living detritivores, especially Collembola. The guts of the spiders were analysed to detect aphid proteins using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Female spiders were consuming more aphid than males of both subfamilies and female Linyphiinae were, as predicted, eating more aphid than female Erigoninae. Rates of predation on aphids by Linyphiinae were related to aphid density and were not affected by the availability of alternative prey. However, predation by the Erigoninae on aphids was significantly affected by Collembola density. Itinerant Linyphiinae, caught away from their webs, contained the same concentration of aphid in their guts as web-owners. However, nonweb-owning Erigoninae, living away from Collembola aggregations at web-sites, contained significantly higher concentrations of aphid. For both subfamilies there was evidence of a disproportionate increase in predation on aphids once Collembola populations had declined. It was concluded that nonaphid prey, by helping to maintain spiders in the field, can significantly affect predation on aphids.  相似文献   

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