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It is difficult to study the breakdown of lumbar disc tissue over several years of exposure to bending and lifting by experimental methods. In our earlier published study we have shown how a finite element model of a healthy lumbar motion segment was used to predict the damage accumulation location and number of cyclic to failure under different loading conditions. The aim of the current study was to extend the continuum damage mechanics formulation to the degenerated discs and investigate the initiation and progression of mechanical damage. Healthy disc model was modified to represent degenerative discs (Thompson grade III and IV) by incorporating both geometrical and biochemical changes due to degeneration. Analyses predicted decrease in the number of cycles to failure with increasing severity of disc degeneration. The study showed that the damage initiated at the posterior inner annulus adjacent to the endplates and propagated outwards towards its periphery in healthy and grade III degenerated discs. The damage accumulated preferentially in the posterior region of the annulus. However in grade IV degenerated disc damage initiated at the posterior outer periphery of the annulus and propagated circumferentially. The finite element model predictions were consistent with the infrequent occurrence of rim lesions at early age but a much higher incidence in severely degenerated discs.  相似文献   

Finite element models for hydrated soft biological tissue are numerous but often exhibit certain essential deficiencies concerning the reproduction of relevant mechanical and electro-chemical responses. As a matter of fact, singlephasic models can never predict the interstitial fluid flow or related effects like osmosis. Quite a few models have more than one constituent, but are often restricted to the small-strain domain, are not capable of capturing the intrinsic viscoelasticity of the solid skeleton, or do not account for a collagen fibre reinforcement. It is the goal of this contribution to overcome these drawbacks and to present a thermodynamically consistent model, which is formulated in a very general way in order to reproduce the behaviour of almost any charged hydrated tissue. Herein, the Theory of Porous Media (TPM) is applied in combination with polyconvex Ogden-type material laws describing the anisotropic and intrinsically viscoelastic behaviour of the solid matrix on the basis of a generalised Maxwell model. Moreover, other features like the deformation-dependent permeability, the possibility to include inhomogeneities like varying fibre alignment and behaviour, or osmotic effects based on the simplifying assumption of Lanir are also included. Finally, the human intervertebral disc is chosen as a representative for complex soft biological tissue behaviour. In this regard, two numerical examples will be presented with focus on the viscoelastic and osmotic capacity of the model.  相似文献   

Anterior shear has been implicated as a risk factor in spinal injuries. A 3D nonlinear poroelastic finite element model study of a lumbar motion segment L4-L5 was performed to predict the temporal shear response under various single and combined shear loads. Effects of nucleotomy and facetectomy as well as changes in the posture and facet gap distance were analyzed as well.  相似文献   

《Journal of biomechanics》2014,47(15):3734-3743
In this study, a three-dimensional finite element model was used to investigate the changes in tissue composition and mechanical signals within human lumbar intervertebral disc during the degenerative progression. This model was developed based on the cell-activity coupled mechano-electrochemical mixture theory. The disc degeneration was simulated by lowering nutrition levels at disc boundaries, and the temporal and spatial distributions of the fixed charge density, water content, fluid pressure, Von Mises stress, and disc deformation were analyzed. Results showed that fixed charge density, fluid pressure, and water content decreased significantly in the nucleus pulposus (NP) and the inner to middle annulus fibrosus (AF) regions of the degenerative disc. It was found that, with degenerative progression, the Von Mises stress (relative to that at healthy state) increased within the disc, with a larger increase in the outer AF region. Both the disc volume and height decreased with the degenerative progression. The predicted results of fluid pressure change in the NP were consistent with experimental findings in the literature. The knowledge of the variations of temporal and spatial distributions of composition and mechanical signals within the human IVDs provide a better understanding of the progression of disc degeneration.  相似文献   

Finite element (FE) models are advantageous in the study of intervertebral disc mechanics as the stress–strain distributions can be determined throughout the tissue and the applied loading and material properties can be controlled and modified. However, the complicated nature of the disc presents a challenge in developing an accurate and predictive disc model, which has led to limitations in FE geometry, material constitutive models and properties, and model validation. The objective of this study was to develop a new FE model of the intervertebral disc, to validate the model?s nonlinear and time-dependent responses without tuning or calibration, and to evaluate the effect of changes in nucleus pulposus (NP), cartilaginous endplate (CEP), and annulus fibrosus (AF) material properties on the disc mechanical response. The new FE disc model utilized an analytically-based geometry. The model was created from the mean shape of human L4/L5 discs, measured from high-resolution 3D MR images and averaged using signed distance functions. Structural hyperelastic constitutive models were used in conjunction with biphasic-swelling theory to obtain material properties from recent tissue tests in confined compression and uniaxial tension. The FE disc model predictions fit within the experimental range (mean±95% confidence interval) of the disc?s nonlinear response for compressive slow loading ramp, creep, and stress-relaxation simulations. Changes in NP and CEP properties affected the neutral-zone displacement but had little effect on the final stiffness during slow-ramp compression loading. These results highlight the need to validate FE models using the disc?s full nonlinear response in multiple loading scenarios.  相似文献   

In the biomechanics field, material parameters calibration is significant for finite element (FE) model to ensure a legit estimation of biomechanical response. Determining an appropriate combination of calibration factors is challenging as each constitutive component responds differently. This study proposes a statistical factorial analysis approach using L16(45) orthogonal array to evaluate material nonlinearity and applicable calibration factor of the intervertebral disc FE model in pure moment. The calibrated model exhibits improved agreement to the experimental findings for all directions. Appropriate combination of calibration parameter reduces the estimation gap to the experimental findings, ensuring agreeable biomechanical responses.  相似文献   

A full understanding of the mechanisms of action in the percutaneous triple hemisection technique for tendo-achilles lengthening has yet to be acquired and therefore, an accurate prediction of the amount of lengthening that occurs is difficult to make. The purpose of this research was to develop a phenomenological damage model that utilizes both matrix and fiber damage and replicates the observed behavior of the tendon tissue during the lengthening process. Matrix damage was triggered and evolved relative to shear strain and the fiber damage was triggered and evolved relative to fiber stretch. Three examples are given to show the effectiveness of the model. Implementation of the damage model provides a tool for studying this common procedure, and may allow for numerical investigation of alternative surgical approaches that could reduce the incidence rates of severe over-lengthening.  相似文献   

Individual differences in bone mass distribution at the proximal femur may be determined by daily weight-bearing physical activity (PA) since bone self-adapts according to the mechanical loads that is submitted. The aim of this study was to analyse computationally the effect of different weight-bearing PA types in the adaptation of the femoral neck (FN) by analysing regional differences in bone mineral density (BMD) at the integral FN and its superior, inferior, anterior and posterior subregions. To achieve this, it was adopted a 3-D femoral finite element (FE) model coupled with a suitable bone remodeling model. Different PA types were determined based both on ordinary lifestyle and mechanically more demanding PA as low magnitude impacts (L–I), moderate-magnitude impacts from odd directions (O–I) and high-magnitude vertical impacts (H–I). It was observed that as time spent in weight-bearing PA increases, BMD augment around the integral FN, but with different bone mass gain rates between subregions depending on the magnitude and directions of the hip contact forces; H–I was the type of weight-bearing PA which structurally most favor the gain of bone mass superiorly at the FN while both the H–I and the O–I types of PA promoted the largest bone mass gain rates at the anterior and posterior subregions of the FN. Because these types of weight-bearing PA were associated with a more uniform bone mass spatial distribution at the FN, they should provide a potential basis for targeted PA-based intervention programs for improving hip strength.  相似文献   

Computer tomography (CT)-based finite element (FE) models of vertebral bodies assess fracture load in vitro better than dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, but boundary conditions affect stress distribution under the endplates that may influence ultimate load and damage localisation under post-yield strains. Therefore, HRpQCT-based homogenised FE models of 12 vertebral bodies were subjected to axial compression with two distinct boundary conditions: embedding in polymethylmethalcrylate (PMMA) and bonding to a healthy intervertebral disc (IVD) with distinct hyperelastic properties for nucleus and annulus. Bone volume fraction and fabric assessed from HRpQCT data were used to determine the elastic, plastic and damage behaviour of bone. Ultimate forces obtained with PMMA were 22% higher than with IVD but correlated highly (R2 = 0.99). At ultimate force, distinct fractions of damage were computed in the endplates (PMMA: 6%, IVD: 70%), cortex and trabecular sub-regions, which confirms previous observations that in contrast to PMMA embedding, failure initiated underneath the nuclei in healthy IVDs. In conclusion, axial loading of vertebral bodies via PMMA embedding versus healthy IVD overestimates ultimate load and leads to distinct damage localisation and failure pattern.  相似文献   

We study a system of partial differential equations which models the disease transmission dynamics of schistosomiasis. The model incorporates both the definitive human hosts and the intermediate snail hosts. The human hosts have an age-dependent infection rate and the snail hosts have an infection-age-dependent cercaria releasing rate. The parasite reproduction number R is computed and is shown to determine the disease dynamics. Stability results are obtained via both analytic and numerical studies. Results of the model are used to discuss age-targeted drug treatment strategies for humans. Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis is conducted to determine the role of various parameters on the variation of R. The effects of various drug treatment programs on disease control are compared in terms of both R and the mean parasite load within the human hosts.  相似文献   

Arterial stiffness is highly correlated with the functions of the artery and may serve as an important diagnostic criterion for some cardiovascular diseases. To date, it remains a challenge to quantitatively assess local arterial stiffness in a non-invasive manner. To address this challenge, we investigated the possibility of determining arterial stiffness using the guided circumferential wave (GCW) induced in the arterial wall by a focused acoustic radiation force. The theoretical model for the dispersion analysis of the GCW is presented, and a finite element model has been established to calculate the dispersion curve. Our results show that under described conditions, the dispersion relations of the GCW are basically independent of the curvature of the arterial wall and can be well-described using the Lamb wave (LW) model. Based on this conclusion, an inverse method is proposed to characterize the elastic modulus of artery. Both numerical experiments and phantom experiments had been performed to validate the proposed method. We show that our method can be applied to the cases in which the artery has local stenosis and/or the geometry of the artery cross-section is irregular; therefore, this method holds great potential for clinical use.  相似文献   

Medial opening wedge high tibial osteotomy (MOWHTO) is a surgical procedure intended to alter the coronal and sagittal plane alignment of the lower limb to primarily relieve the symptoms of osteoarthritis in the medial compartment of the knee. The purpose of this work was to develop and validate a finite element model to simulate the opening of a high tibial osteotomy and determine whether a pilot hole at the cortical hinge reduces the risk of lateral cortical fracture. Fifteen models were reconstructed from CT images of eight cadaveric specimens. The validated models indicated that the addition of the pilot hole increased the stresses and likelihood of a type-I and type-II fractures during the opening of a medial open wedge high tibial osteotomy compared to the no-hole condition.  相似文献   


Prediction of the biomechanical effects of fusion surgery on adjacent segments is a challenge in computational biomechanics of the spine. In this study, a two-segment L3-L4-L5 computational model was developed to simulate the effects of spinal fusion on adjacent segment biomechanical responses under a follower load condition. The interaction between the degenerative segment (L4-5) and the adjacent segment (L3-4) was simulated using an equivalent follower spring. The spring stiffness was calibrated using a rigid fusion of a completely degenerated disc model at the L4-5 level, resulting in an upper bound response at the adjacent (L3-4) segment. The obtained upper bound equivalent follower spring was used to simulate the upper bound biomechanical responses of fusion of the disc with different degeneration grades. It was predicted that as the disc degeneration grade at the degenerative segment decreased, the effect on the adjacent segment responses decreased accordingly after fusion. The data indicated that the upper bound computational model can be a useful computational tool for evaluation of the interaction between segments and for investigation of the biomechanical mechanisms of adjacent segment degeneration after fusion.  相似文献   

Computational biomechanics for human body modeling has generally been categorized into two separated domains: finite element analysis and multibody dynamics. Combining the advantages of both domains is necessary when tissue stress and physical body motion are both of interest. However, the method for this topic is still in exploration. The aim of this study is to implement unique controlling strategies in finite element model for simultaneously simulating musculoskeletal body dynamics and in vivo stress inside human tissues. A finite element lower limb model with 3D active muscles was selected for the implementation of controlling strategies, which was further validated against in-vivo human motion experiments. A unique feedback control strategy that couples together a basic Proportion-Integration-Differentiation (PID) controller and generic active signals from Computed Muscle Control (CMC) method of the musculoskeletal model or normalized EMG singles was proposed and applied in the present model. The results show that the new proposed controlling strategy show a good correlation with experimental test data of the normal gait considering joint kinematics, while stress distribution of local lower limb tissue can be also detected in real-time with lower limb motion. In summary, the present work is the first step for the application of active controlling strategy in the finite element model for concurrent simulation of both body dynamics and tissue stress. In the future, the present method can be further developed to apply it in various fields for human biomechanical analysis to monitor local stress and strain distribution by simultaneously simulating human locomotion.  相似文献   

This article introduces a new approach for the construction of a risk model for the prediction of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) as a result of a car crash. The probability of TBI is assessed through the fusion of an experiment-based logistic regression risk model and a finite element (FE) simulation-based risk model. The proposed approach uses a multilevel framework which includes FE simulations of vehicle crashes with dummy and FE simulations of the human brain. The loading conditions derived from the crash simulations are transferred to the brain model thus allowing the calculation of injury metrics such as the Cumulative Strain Damage Measure (CSDM). The framework is used to propagate uncertainties and obtain probabilities of TBI based on the CSDM injury metric. The risk model from FE simulations is constructed from a support vector machine classifier, adaptive sampling, and Monte-Carlo simulations. An approach to compute the total probability of TBI, which combines the FE-based risk assessment as well as the risk prediction from the experiment-based logistic regression model is proposed. In contrast to previous published work, the proposed methodology includes the uncertainty of explicit parameters such as impact conditions (e.g., velocity, impact angle), and material properties of the brain model. This risk model can provide, for instance, the probability of TBI for a given assumed crash impact velocity.  相似文献   

An approach was developed to evaluate the load transfer mechanism in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) area before, during and after mandibular ramus elongation by distraction osteogenesis (DO). In a concerted approach using computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and finite element analysis, three-dimensional numerical models based on a young male patient, with a dento-facial deformity were generated. The magnitude and direction of the muscle forces acting on the mandible were assessed using both values derived from the muscles volume and cross-section as retrieved from the MRI-scan data-sets and taken from the literature. The resistance of the soft tissue envelope towards elongation during the DO-phase was also included. The finite element analyses showed that before skeletal correction by DO the load transfer was asymmetrical with high peak stresses in the affected joint. Following ramus elongation a more symmetrical loading in TMJs was predicted. The reaction forces in the TMJs during DO were low.  相似文献   

Sustainable urbanization requires streamlining of resource management in urban systems which in turn requires understanding of urban metabolism (UM). Even though various methods have been applied for UM analysis, to date there is no standardized method for comprehensive accounting of material flows in urban systems. Moreover, the accounting of material flows is rarely implemented with a bottom‐up approach that can provide a thorough analysis of UM. This article presents the Urban Accounting Model (UAM) which aims to allow comprehensive accounting of urban material flows based on a bottom‐up approach. The model comprises two interlinked sub‐models. The first was developed by integrating a new physical input output table (PIOT) framework for urban systems into a three‐dimensional structure. The second comprises a set of physical accounts for systematic accounting of material flows of each economic sector in the system in order to support the compilation of the PIOTs. The functions of the UAM were explored through its application to two urban neighborhoods in the Stockholm Royal Seaport district. The application highlighted that the UAM can describe the physical interactions between the urban system and the environment or other socioeconomic systems, and capture the intersectoral flows within the system. Moreover, its accounts provide information that allow an in‐depth analysis of the metabolism of specific sectors. Overall, the UAM can function as a useful tool for UM analysis as it systematizes data collection and at the same time depicts the physical reality of the urban system.  相似文献   

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