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Calcium ion titrations were performed on solutions of tobacco mosaic virus coat protein using a calcium-specific ion-exchange electrode. Isolated coat protein was found incapable of binding calcium ions under equilibrium conditions at pH values above its iso-ionic point (pH 4.3 to 4.6). However, calcium ions were found to bind to coat protein under non-equilibrium conditions, which suggests that the isolated coat protein has the proper conformation to bind calcium ions at the iso-ionic point.  相似文献   

Selective inhibition of ferricyanide reduction in photosystem II by lipophilic thiols indicates a unique pathway of electron transport, which is not involved in reduction of class III acceptors or transfer of electrons to photosystem I. Both aromatic and aliphatic thiols induce the inhibition, but thiol binding reagents such as p-hydroxymercuribenzoate or N-ethylmaleimide do not inhibit. The inhibition can be observed using either dibromothymoquinone or bathophenanthroline to direct electrons away from photosystem I. No pretreatment of chloroplasts with thiols in the light was necessary to inhibit ferricyanide reduction by photosystem II or the O2 evolution associated with ferricyanide reduction.  相似文献   

We present a statistical mechanical model based on the principle of mass action that explains the main features of the in vitro aggregation behavior of the coat protein of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). By comparing our model to experimentally obtained stability diagrams, titration experiments, and calorimetric data, we pin down three competing factors that regulate the transitions between the different kinds of aggregated state of the coat protein. These are hydrophobic interactions, electrostatic interactions, and the formation of so-called "Caspar" carboxylate pairs. We suggest that these factors could be universal and relevant to a large class of virus coat proteins.  相似文献   

The kinetics of thermal aggregation of coat protein (CP) of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) have been studied at 42 and 52°C in a wide range of protein concentrations, [P]0. The kinetics of aggregation were followed by monitoring the increase in the apparent absorbance (A) at 320 nm. At 52°C the kinetic curves may be approximated by the exponential law in the range of TMV CP concentrations from 0.02 to 0.30 mg/ml, the first order rate constant being linearly proportional to [P]0 (50 mM phosphate buffer, pH 8.0). The analogous picture was observed at 42°C in the range of TMV CP concentrations from 0.01 to 0.04 mg/ml (100 mM phosphate buffer, pH 8.0). At higher TMV CP concentrations the time of half-conversion approaches a limiting value with increasing [P]0 and at sufficiently high protein concentrations the kinetic curves fall on a common curve in the coordinates {A/A lim; t} (t is time and A lim is the limiting value of A at t ). According to a mechanism of aggregation of TMV CP proposed by the authors at rather low protein concentrations the rate of aggregation is limited by the stage of growth of aggregate, which proceeds as a reaction of the pseudo-first order, whereas at rather high protein concentrations the rate-limiting stage is the stage of protein molecule unfolding.  相似文献   

Summary A coat-protein-free mutant of tobacco mosaic virus as well as mutants with a non-functional coat protein were found to interfere with the establishment and spread of challenging strains of TMV. The results do not support an earlier concept, according to which the genome of a related challenging virus could be captured by the coat protein of the virus introduced in advance. The presence of a viral coat protein is obviously not essential and a competition among the viral genomes for some specific site seems to be a more likely mechanism of cross protection.A part of the data was presented at the 5th International Congress for Virology, Strassburg, August 2–7, 1981  相似文献   

Treatment of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) RNA with T1 RNase under mild conditions cuts the RNA molecule into a large number of fragments, only a few of which may be specifically recognized by disks of TMV protein. It has been shown elsewhere that these specifically recognized RNA fragments are a part of the coat protein cistron, the portion coding for amino acids 95 to 129 of the coat protein. It is reported that different size classes of partially uncoated virus particles were prepared by limited reconstitution between TMV RNA and protein or by partial stripping of intact virus with DMSO. Both procedures produce nucleoprotein rods in which the 5'-terminal portion of the RNA is encapsidated and the 3'-terminal region is free. The free and the encapsidated portions of the RNA were each tested for the ability to give rise to the aforesaid specifically recognized fragments of the coat protein cistron upon partial T1 RNase digestion. It was found that only the 3'-terminal third of the virus particle need to be uncoated in order to expose the portion of the RNA molecule from which these fragments are derived. We conclude, therefore, that the coat protein cistron is situated upon the 3'-terminal third of the RNA chain, i.e. within 2000 nucleotides of the 3'-end.  相似文献   

Treatment of spinach thylakoids with the adenosine affinity inhibitor 5′-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl adenosine (FSBA) resulted in at least 95% inhibition of phosphorylation of the light-harvesting protein complex of Photosystem II (LHC II), while the Mr 10 000 polypeptide showed a 35% decrease in phosphorylation. This residual kinase activity after FSBA treatment appears to have the same properties as the control, since phosphorylation of the Mr 10 000 polypeptide subsequent to FSBA treatment could be achieved with either light or reducing conditions in the dark. [14C]FSBA labelled several polypeptides, but only the Mr 50 000 band was protected against the label by prior addition of ADP or adenosine, making it a possible candidate for the LHC II kinase. FSBA had no effect on electron transport, and [14C]FSBA did not label LHC II or the Mr 10 000 polypeptide, indicating that the FSBA was not interfering with activation of the kinase or modifying the substrates, but rather acting at the level of the LHC II protein kinase. Inhibition of LHC II phosphorylation by FSBA resulted in the elimination of the slow ATP-induced decrease in variable fluorescence, a parameter believed to be associated with phosphorylation of the LHC II. The half-times and time-course for inhibition of LHC II phosphorylation and inhibition of the ATP-induced decrease of fluorescence yield were identical, consistent with the concept that LHC II phosphorylation plays a major role in this fluorescence change.  相似文献   

The expression of viral coat protein (CP) in transgenic plants has been shown to be very effective in virus plant protection. However, the introduction of CP genes into plants presents the potential risk of the encapsidation of a superinfecting viral genome in the transgenic protein, an event which could change the epidemiology of the disease. To detect the potential heterologous encapsidation of the cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) genome by alfalfa mosaic virus (AIMV) CP expressed in transgenic tobacco plants, a system of immunocapture (IC) and amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was optimized. This provided high sensitivity and reliable selection of the heterologously encapsidated CMV genome in the presence of natural CMV particles. As little as 2 pg of virus could be detected by immunocapture/polymerase chain reaction (IC/PCR) technique. Evidence for heterologous encapsidation of the CMV genome was found in 11 of the 33 transgenic plants tested two weeks after CMV inoculation. This demonstrates a significant rate of heterologous encapsidation events between two unrelated viruses in transgenic plants. Since CP is involved in the interactions of the virus particle with its vector, the release in the field of such transgenic plants could alter the transmission properties of some important viruses.  相似文献   

The coat protein (CP) of tobacco streak virus (TSV) can substitute for the early function of alfalfa mosaic virus (AIMV) CP in genome activation. Replacement of the CP gene in AIMV RNA 3 with the TSV CP gene and analysis of the replication of the chimeric RNA indicated that the TSV CP could not substitute for the function of AIMV CP in asymmetric plus-strand RNA accumulation but could encapsidate the chimeric RNA and permitted a low level of cell-to-cell transport.  相似文献   

The flavum strain of Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) differs from the wild-type (wt) virus by causing strong yellow and green mosaic in the systemically infected developing leaves, yellowing in the fully expanded leaves, and distinct malformations of chloroplasts in both types of infected tissues. Analysis of the thylakoid proteins of flavum strain-infected tobacco leaves indicated that the chlorosis in mature leaves was accompanied by depletion of the entire photosystem II (PSII) core complexes and the 33-kDa protein of the oxygen evolving complex. The only change observed in the thylakoid proteins of the corresponding wt TMV-infected leaves was a slight reduction of the alpha and beta subunits of the ATP synthase complex. The coat proteins of different yellowing strains of TMV are known to effectively accumulate inside chloroplasts, but in this work, the viral movement protein also was detected in association with the thylakoid membranes of flavum strain-infected leaves. The mRNAs of different enzymes involved in the chlorophyll biosynthesis pathway were not reduced in the mature chlorotic leaves. These results suggest that the chlorosis was not caused by reduction of pigment biosynthesis, but rather, by reduction of specific proteins of the PSII core complexes and by consequent break-down of the pigments.  相似文献   

RNA of Tobacco Mosaic Virus is shown to be able to migrate into isolated mouse liver mitochondria, whence it can be reisolated intact. The migration of RNA is accompanied by enhanced rate of protein synthesis, which is sensitive to chloramphenicol, but not to cycloheximide. Evidence is presented showing that, among the products formed is the coat protein of Tobacco Mosaic Virus.  相似文献   

Transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi-nc) plants were regenerated after cocultivation of leaf explants withAgrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 harboring a plasmid that contained the coat protein (CP) gene of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV-As). PCR and Southern blot analyses revealed that the CMV CP gene was successfully introduced into the genomic DNA of the transgenic tobacco plants. Transgenic plants (CP+) expressing CP were obtained and used for screening the virus resistance. They could be categorized into three types after inoculation with the virus: virus-resistant, delay of symptom development, and susceptible type. Most of the CP+ transgenic tobacco plants failed to develop symptoms or showed systemic symptom development delayed for 5 to 42 days as compared to those of nontransgenic control plants after challenged with the same virus. However, some CP+ transgenic plants were highly susceptible after inoculation with the virus. Our results suggest that the CP-mediated viral resistance is readily applicable to CMV disease in other crops.  相似文献   

Recombinant DNA derived tobacco mosaic virus (vulgare strain) coat protein (r-TMVP) was obtained by cloning and expression in Escherichia coli and was purified by column chromatography, self-assembly polymerization, and precipitation. SDS-PAGE, amino terminal sequencing, and immunoblotting with polyclonal antibodies raised against TMVP confirmed the identify and purity of the recombinant protein. Isoelectric focusing in 8 M urea and fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry demonstrated that the r-TMVP is not acetylated at the amino terminus, unlike the wild-type protein isolated from the tobacco plant derived virus. The characterization of r-TMVP with regard to its self-assembly properties revealed reversible endothermic polymerization as studied by analytical ultracentrifugation, circular dichroism, and electron microscopy. However, the details of the assembly process differed from those of the wild-type protein. At neutral pH, low ionic strength, and 20 degrees C, TMVP forms a 20S two-turn helical rod that acts as a nucleus for further assembly with RNA and additional TMVP to form TMV. Under more acidic conditions, this 20S structure also acts as a nucleus for protein self-assembly to form viruslike RNA-free rods. The r-TMVP that is not acetylated carries an extra positive charge at the amino terminus and does not appear to form the 20S nucleus. Instead, it forms a 28S four-layer structure, which resembles in size and structure the dimer of the bilayer disk formed by the wild-type protein at pH 8.0, high ionic strength, and 20 degrees C.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) coat protein disk suggests a possible pathway for the early evolution of the virus self-assembly mechanism.The coat protein contains a 2-fold repeated structural pattern in the folding of both its four alpha helices (A,B,C,D), which run alternately forward and back along the radius of the disk, and the four-stranded antiparallel pleated sheet which links these helices to the hydrophobic girdle at the outer rim of the disk. Helices A and B can be approximately superposed on C and D by a screw rotation about a molecular pseudo-dyad axis which lies nearly parallel to the plane of the protein disk. This operation relates 29 pairs of α-carbon positions with a root-mean-square deviation of 1.77 Å. A second pseudo-dyad in the pleated-sheet region relates 14 more atom pairs with a deviation of 2.32 Å and forms a distorted continuation of the relationship between the helices. The helix dyad also relates repeated pairs of functionally important amino acids which take part in intersubunit contacts.We have analysed these structural repeats and tested their significance by comparing them with repeats in other “helix quartet” proteins, cytochrome b5 and the hemerythrins, as well as with an irregular helix cluster in thermolysin. TMV is noticeably more repetitive than the others, including hemerythrin which is thought to have evolved by gene duplication.We propose that the primitive TMV coat protein was a dimeric structure of two smaller units paired about a 2-fold axis. Each unit was a pair of helices, linked at the inner radius of the virus rod by a short bend, where the RNA binding site formed, and connected at the outer radius by two short strands of beta sheet. A tandem gene duplication joined the two units and formed the present helix quartet. The flexible loop which now runs into the centre of the virus and connects helix C to helix D developed later. The assembly origin RNA may have evolved from part of the coat protein RNA which codes for this loop.  相似文献   

Induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was observed within seconds of the addition of exogenous tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) to the outside of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv Samsun NN, EN, or nn) epidermal cells. Cell death was correlated with ROS production. Infectivity of the TMV virus was not a prerequisite for this elicitation and isolated coat protein (CP) subunits could also elicit the fast oxidative burst. The rapid induction of ROS was prevented by both inhibitors of plant signal transduction and inhibitors of NAD(P)H oxidases, suggesting activation of a multi-step signal transduction pathway. Induction of intracellular ROS by TMV was detected in TMV-resistant and -susceptible tobacco cultivars isogenic for the N allele. The burst was also detected with strains of virus that either elicit (ToMV) or fail to elicit (TMV U1) N' gene-mediated responses. Hence, early ROS generation is independent or upstream of known genetic systems in tobacco that can mediate hypersensitive responses. Analysis of other viruses and TMV CP mutants showed marked differences in their ability to induce ROS showing specificity of the response. Thus, initial TMV-plant cell interactions that lead to early ROS induction occur outside the plasma membrane in an event requiring specific CP epitopes.  相似文献   

A study was made of the coat protein (CP) of thermosensitive semidefective tobacco mosaic virus strain K1 (TMV-K1). In contrast to CP of other TMV strains, K1 CP showed high nonspecific aggregation and did not form normal two-layered cylindrical aggregates. In none of the conditions tested, K1 CP formed virions with cognate K1 RNAin vitro. The abnormal properties were attributed to substitution Lys53→Glu differentiating the K1 CP from those of other tobamoviruses. It is assumed that the high structural plasticity allows the tobamovirus virions to incorporate CP subunits even with unfavorable amino acid changes.  相似文献   

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