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This study examined the patterns of activation in the superficial and deep parts of the first dorsal interosseus muscle and in the antagonist muscle, second palmar interosseus, during postural tasks (position holding) and slow movements (position tracking) of the index finger performed by young and old adults. The position-tracking task involved the index finger lifting light loads (2.5, 10, and 35% of maximum) with shortening and lengthening contractions as steadily as possible. Steadiness was quantified in both tasks as the standard deviation of index finger acceleration. The fluctuations in acceleration during the two tasks were greater for the old subjects (62-72 yr) compared with young subjects (19-27 yr), especially with the lightest loads. The two groups of subjects activated the superficial and deep parts of first dorsal interosseus at similar intensities during the position-holding task, whereas the deep part was more active during the shortening and lengthening contractions of the position-tracking task. The nonuniform activation of first dorsal interosseus, therefore, was not associated with the difference in the standard deviation of acceleration between the young and old subjects. Furthermore, there was no association between the average level of coactivation by the antagonist muscle and the standard deviation of acceleration for either group of subjects across these tasks. Thus the greater variability in motor output exhibited by the older adults could not be explained by either the nonuniform activation of the agonist muscle or the average level of coactivation by the antagonist muscle.  相似文献   

When old adults participate in a strength-training program with heavy loads, they experience an increase in muscle strength and an improvement in the steadiness of submaximal isometric contractions. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of light- and heavy-load strength training on the ability of old adults to perform steady submaximal isometric and anisometric contractions. Thirty-two old adults (60-91 yr) participated in a 4-wk training program of a hand muscle. Both the light- and heavy-load groups increased one-repetition maximum and maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) strength and experienced similar improvements in the steadiness of the isometric and shortening and lengthening contractions. The increase in MVC strength was greater for the heavy-load group and could not be explained by changes in muscle activation. Before training, the lengthening contractions were less steady than the shortening contractions with the lightest loads (10% MVC). After training, there was no difference in steadiness between the shortening and lengthening contractions, except with the lightest load. These improvements were associated with a reduced level of muscle activation, especially during the lengthening contractions.  相似文献   

Numerous studies on different taxonomic groups have found thatvigilance behavior is negatively correlated with group size,as predicted by several theoretical models. This follows thelogical argument that each individual in a larger group canspend less time scanning for predators (and more time feeding),while the group as a whole maintains a high probability of detectingan approaching predator. We investigated the relationship betweenthese variables in the population of silvereyes (Zosterops lateralischlorocephala) on Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef. The studyused procedures of field observation that controlled or measuredother variables with which vigilance is often correlated: fooddensity and quality, temperature, time of day, distance fromcover, habitat obstructions, observer proximity, breeding status,age, sex, and dominance. There was no relationship between scanningbehavior and group size under these conditions. There are severalpossible explanations, related to the silvereyes' biology, forthis lack of covariation. An additional explanation is thatHeron Island is a predator-free environment for this species,and covariation between group size and vigilance is not expectedin the absence of predators.  相似文献   

The mechanism(s) responsible for beta2-adrenergic receptor-mediated skeletal muscle and cardiac hypertrophy remains undefined. This study examined whether calcium influx through L-type calcium channels contributed to the development of cardiac and skeletal muscle (plantaris; gastrocnemius; soleus) hypertrophy during an 8-day treatment with the beta2-adrenergic receptor agonist clenbuterol. Concurrent blockade of L-type calcium channels with nifedipine did not reverse the hypertrophic action of clenbuterol. Moreover, nifedipine treatment alone resulted in both cardiac and soleus muscle hypertrophy (6% and 7%, respectively), and this effect was additive to the clenbuterol-mediated hypertrophy in the heart and soleus muscles. The hypertrophic effects of nifedipine were not associated with increases in total beta-adrenergic receptor density, nor did nifedipine reverse clenbuterol-mediated beta-adrenergic receptor downregulation in either the left ventricle or soleus muscle. Both nifedipine and clenbuterol-induced hypertrophy increased total protein content of the soleus and left ventricle, with no change in protein concentration. In conclusion, our results support the hypothesis that beta2-adrenergic receptor agonist-induced muscle hypertrophy is mediated by mechanisms other than calcium influx through L-type calcium channels.  相似文献   

Supraphysiological levels of clenbuterol (CL) reduce muscle degradation in both young and old animals; however, these pharmacological levels induce side effects that are unacceptable in the elderly. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that a "physiological" dose of CL (10 microg. kg(-1). day(-1)) would attenuate the loss of in situ isometric force and mass in muscles of senescent rats during hindlimb suspension (HS). Adult (3 mo) and senescent (38 mo) Fischer 344 x Brown Norway rats received CL or a placebo during 21 days of normal-weight-bearing or HS conditions (8 rats/age group). HS reduced soleus muscle weight-to-body weight ratio by 31%, muscle cross-sectional area by 37%, and maximal isometric tetanic force (P(o)) by 76% in senescent rats. CL attenuated the loss of P(o) and muscle weight by 17 and 8%, respectively, in the soleus of senescent rats relative to HS+placebo conditions, but it did not improve muscle weight normalized for body weight. CL did not reduce the decrease in soleus P(o) or mass after HS in adult rats. CL failed to reduce the loss of plantaris weight (-20%) and P(o) (-46%) in senescent rats after HS. Our data support the conclusion that physiological levels of CL do not improve fast muscle atrophy and only modestly reduce slow muscle atrophy, and, therefore, it is largely an ineffective countermeasure for preventing muscle wasting from HS in senescent rats.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of elevated muscle vitamin E content on skeletal muscle damage from eccentric exercise. Sixty Sprague-Dawley rats were put on a normal (40 IU vitamin E/kg food) or supplemented (10,000 IU vitamin E/kg food) diet for 5 wk. Injury in soleus muscle was determined using several criteria: reductions in maximal tetanic force and number of intact fibers per square millimeter and elevations in muscle glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity and plasma creatine kinase activity, either immediately (0 h) or 2 days (48 h) after a downhill walking protocol. Sedentary animals were also tested but did not exercise. Muscle vitamin E levels were significantly elevated (approximately 3- to 4-fold), and susceptibility of the muscles to oxidant stress was decreased, after supplementation. However, vitamin E supplementation did not attenuate injury by any of the criteria employed. Maximal tetanic force decreased approximately 20% at 0 and 48 h after exercise in both groups. The number of intact fibers per square millimeter decreased approximately 30-35% in both groups at 0 and 48 h. Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity increased approximately 50-100% in both groups at 48 h, and plasma creatine kinase activity was elevated approximately 2- to 2.5-fold at 0 h in both groups. These findings do not support a major role for free radical damage to muscle membranes in the initiation of injury from eccentric exercise, although they do not disprove free radical involvement in the etiology.  相似文献   

Aging is associated with a progressive decrease in appetite and food intake. Both A and B orexins, expressed in specific neurons of the lateral hypothalamic area, have been implicated in the regulation of sleep and feeding. In this study, the stimulatory effect of intracerebroventricular administration of the orexins on food intake was compared between young (4-mo-old) and old (25- to 27-mo-old) male Wistar rats. A stainless steel cannula was implanted stereotactically into the left lateral ventricle. After a 7-day recovery period, different doses (0-30 nmol) of orexins were injected into the left lateral ventricle without anesthesia. Food and water consumptions were measured at 1, 2, and 4 h after injection. The protein levels of orexin receptors, a specific receptor for orexin-A (OX1R) and a receptor for both orexin-A and -B (OX2R), in the hypothalamus were determined by Western blot analysis and compared between young and old rats. Intracerebroventricular administration of orexin-A stimulated food intake in a dose-dependent manner in young rats. However, no effects were observed at any dose in old rats. The protein level of OX1R in the hypothalamus was significantly lower in old rats than in young rats, although the protein level of OX2R was comparable between groups. Results of the present study indicate that the function of the orexin system is diminished in old rats. The decrease in the OX1R protein level in the hypothalamus could be responsible for orexin-A's lack of stimulation of food intake in old rats.  相似文献   

Glucose infusion attenuates fatigue in rat plantaris muscle stimulated in situ, and this is associated with a better maintenance of electrical properties of the fiber membrane (Karelis AD, Péronnet F, and Gardiner PF. Exp Physiol 87: 585-592, 2002). The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that elevated plasma insulin concentration due to glucose infusion ( approximately 900 pmol/l), rather than high plasma glucose concentration ( approximately 10-11 mmol/l), could be responsible for this phenomenon, because insulin has been shown to stimulate the Na+-K+ pump. The plantaris muscle was indirectly stimulated (50 Hz, for 200 ms, 5 V, every 2.7 s) via the sciatic nerve to perform concentric contractions for 60 min, while insulin (8 mU x kg-1x min-1: plasma insulin approximately 900 pmol/l) and glucose were infused to maintain plasma glucose concentration between 4 and 6 [6.2 +/- 0.4 mg x kg-1x min-1: hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic (HE)] or 10 and 12 mmol/l [21.7 +/- 1.1 mg. kg-1. min-1: hyperinsulinemic-hyperglycemic clamps (HH)] (6 rats/group). The reduction in submaximal dynamic force was significantly (P < 0.05) less with HH (-53%) than with HE and saline only (-66 and -70%, respectively). M-wave characteristics were also better maintained in the HH than in HE and control groups. These results demonstrate that the increase in insulin concentration is not responsible for the increase in muscle performance observed after the elevation of circulating glucose.  相似文献   

The muscle pump theory holds that contraction aids muscle perfusion by emptying the venous circulation, which lowers venous pressure during relaxation and increases the pressure gradient across the muscle. We reasoned that the influence of a reduction in venous pressure could be determined after maximal pharmacological vasodilation, in which the changes in vascular tone would be minimized. Mongrel dogs (n = 7), instrumented for measurement of hindlimb blood flow, ran on a treadmill during continuous intra-arterial infusion of saline or adenosine (15-35 mg/min). Adenosine infusion was initiated at rest to achieve the highest blood flow possible. Peak hindlimb blood flow during exercise increased from baseline by 438 +/- 34 ml/min under saline conditions but decreased by 27 +/- 18 ml/min during adenosine infusion. The absence of an increase in blood flow in the vasodilated limb indicates that any change in venous pressure elicited by the muscle pump was not adequate to elevate hindlimb blood flow. The implication of this finding is that the hyperemic response to exercise is primarily attributable to vasodilation in the skeletal muscle vasculature.  相似文献   

Certain phosphocreatine preparations contain a contaminant that inhibits phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase assays. The contaminant can be separated from phosphocreatine by anion exchange chromatography. After appropriate purification, phosphocreatine has no effect on phosphofructokinase or pyruvate kinase; thus, there is no evidence that it serves muscle as a regulator of these enzymes. Although the inhibitory preparations of phosphocreatine contain inorganic phosphate and trace amounts of more negatively charged phosphorylated contaminants, the inhibitor is not inorganic phosphate or pyrophosphate. The nature of the inhibitor remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Young women are less fatigable than young men for maximal and submaximal contractions, but the contribution of supraspinal fatigue to the sex difference is not known. This study used cortical stimulation to compare the magnitude of supraspinal fatigue during sustained isometric maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs) performed with the elbow flexor muscles of young men and women. Eight women (25.6 +/- 3.6 yr, mean +/- SD) and 9 men (25.4 +/- 3.8 yr) performed six sustained MVCs (22-s duration each, separated by 10 s). Before the fatiguing contractions, the men were stronger than the women (75.9 +/- 9.2 vs. 42.7 +/- 8.0 N.m; P < 0.05) in control MVCs. Voluntary activation measured with cortical stimulation before fatigue was similar for the men and women during the final control MVC (95.7 +/- 3.0 vs. 93.3 +/- 3.6%; P > 0.05) and at the start of the fatiguing task (P > 0.05). By the end of the six sustained fatiguing MVCs, the men exhibited greater absolute and relative reductions in torque (65 +/- 3% of initial MVC) than the women (52 +/- 9%; P < 0.05). The increments in torque (superimposed twitch) generated by motor cortex stimulation during each 22-s maximal effort increased with fatigue (P < 0.05). Superimposed twitches were similar for men and women throughout the fatiguing task (5.5 +/- 4.1 vs. 7.3 +/- 4.7%; P > 0.05), as well as in the last sustained contraction (7.8 +/- 5.9 vs. 10.5 +/- 5.5%) and in brief recovery MVCs. Voluntary activation determined using an estimated control twitch was similar for the men and women at the start of the sustained maximal contractions (91.4 +/- 7.4 vs. 90.4 +/- 6.8%, n = 13) and end of the sixth contraction (77.2 +/- 13.3% vs. 73.1 +/- 19.6%, n = 10). The increase in the area of the motor-evoked potential and duration of the silent period did not differ for men and women during the fatiguing task. However, estimated resting twitch amplitude and the peak rates of muscle relaxation showed greater relative reductions at the end of the fatiguing task for the men than the women. These results indicate that the sex difference in fatigue of the elbow flexor muscles is not explained by a difference in supraspinal fatigue in men and women but is largely due to a sex difference of mechanisms located within the elbow flexor muscles.  相似文献   

Elderly adults consume more metabolic energy during walking than young adults. Our study tested the hypothesis that elderly adults consume more metabolic energy during walking than young adults because they perform more individual limb work on the center of mass. Thus we compared how much individual limb work young and elderly adults performed on the center of mass during walking. We measured metabolic rate and ground reaction force while 10 elderly and 10 young subjects walked at 5 speeds between 0.7 and 1.8 m/s. Compared with young subjects, elderly subjects consumed an average of 20% more metabolic energy (P=0.010), whereas they performed an average of 10% less individual limb work during walking over the range of speeds (P=0.028). During the single-support phase, elderly and young subjects both conserved approximately 80% of the center of mass mechanical energy by inverted pendulum energy exchange and performed a similar amount of individual limb work (P=0.473). However, during double support, elderly subjects performed an average of 17% less individual limb work than young subjects (P=0.007) because their forward speed fluctuated less (P=0.006). We conclude that the greater metabolic cost of walking in elderly adults cannot be explained by a difference in individual limb work. Future studies should examine whether a greater metabolic cost of stabilization, reduced muscle efficiency, greater antagonist cocontraction, and/or a greater cost of generating muscle force cause the elevated metabolic cost of walking in elderly adults.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that pulmonary injury and inflammation-induced histamine release from airway mast cells may contribute to exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia (EIAH). Because stress failure of pulmonary capillaries and EIAH are routinely observed in exercising horses, we examined whether preexercise administration of an H1-receptor antagonist may mitigate EIAH. Two sets of experiments, placebo (saline) and antihistaminic (tripelennamine HCl at 1.10 mg/kg iv, 15 min preexercise) studies, were carried out on seven healthy, exercise-trained Thoroughbred horses in random order 7 days apart. Arterial and mixed venous blood-gas and pH measurements were made at rest before and after saline or drug administration and during incremental exercise leading to maximal exertion at 14 m/s on 3.5% uphill grade for 120 s. Galloping at this workload elicited maximal heart rate and induced exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage in all horses in both treatments, thereby indicating that capillary stress failure-related pulmonary injury had occurred. In both treatments, EIAH, desaturation of hemoglobin, hypercapnia, and acidosis of a similar magnitude developed during maximal exertion, and statistically significant differences between the placebo and antihistaminic studies could not be demonstrated. The failure of the H1-receptor antagonist to modify EIAH significantly suggests that pulmonary injury-induced histamine release may not play a major role in bringing about EIAH in Thoroughbred horses.  相似文献   

Mothers influence their offspring phenotype by varying egg quality. Such maternal effects may be mediated by transmission of antibodies and antioxidants. Mothers should adjust allocation of maternal substances depending on embryonic sex because of differences in reproductive value, potentially dependent on paternal genetic effects as reflected by secondary sexual characters. We manipulated sexual attractiveness of male barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) and investigated maternal investment in eggs in relation to offspring sex. Mothers allocated more antibodies against a pathogen to eggs with a daughter than a son. However, concentration of antioxidants was independent of embryonic sex. Sex-dependent allocation was independent of paternal attractiveness. Thus, mothers adjusted allocation of substances to offspring in a complex manner, that may be part of a strategy of favouritism of daughters, which have larger mortality than sons. Such effects may have important consequences for secondary and tertiary sex ratios, but also for ontogeny of adult phenotype.  相似文献   

Muscle fiber length adaptation to static stretch or shortening depends on age, with sarcomere addition in young muscle being dependent on mobility. Series sarcomere number can also increase in young animals in response to increased muscle excursion, but it is not clear whether adult muscles respond similarly. The ankle flexor retinaculum was transected in neonatal and adult rats to increase tibialis anterior muscle excursion. Sarcomere number in tibialis anterior was determined after 8 wk of adaptation. Muscle moment arm and excursion were increased 30% (P < 0.01) in both age groups. Muscle cross-sectional area was reduced by 12% (P < 0.01) in response to the increased mechanical advantage, and this reduction was unaffected by age. Fiber length change was also unaffected by age, with both groups showing a trend (P < 0.10) for slightly (6%) increased fiber length. Retinaculum transection results in shorter muscle length in all joint configurations, so this trend opposes the fiber length decrease predicted by an adaptation to muscle length and indicates that fiber length is influenced by dynamic mechanical signals in addition to static length.  相似文献   

Previous studies have increased antioxidant capacity in skeletal muscle to attenuate oxidative stress and muscle atrophy during limb immobilization (Appell HJ, Duarte JAR, and Soares JMC. Int J Sports Med 18: 157-160, 1997; Kondo H, Miura M, Nakagaki I, Sasaki S, and Itokawa Y. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 262: E583-E590, 1992). The purpose of this study was to determine the level of oxidative stress in muscle during hindlimb unweighting (HLU) and whether antioxidant supplementation can attenuate the atrophy and changes in contractile properties resulting from 14 days of unweighting. Muscle unweighting caused a 44% decrease in soleus (Sol) and a 30% decrease in gastrocnemius (GS) mass, a 7% decrease in body weight, and 28% decrease in tetanic force in the GS. Protein carbonyls increased by 44% in the Sol with HLU. Antioxidant supplementation did not attenuate the GS or Sol atrophy or the decrease in GS force generation during HLU. Sol and GS protein concentration was not different between groups. The GS was also subjected to three different oxidative challenges to determine whether the supplement increased the antioxidant capacity of the muscle. In all cases, muscles exhibited an increased antioxidant capacity. These data indicate that antioxidant supplementation was not an effective countermeasure to the atrophy associated with HLU.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance is commonly observed in patients prior to the development of type 2 diabetes and may predict the onset of the disease. We tested the hypothesis that impairment in insulin stimulated glucose-disposal in insulin resistant patients would be reflected in the gene expression profile of skeletal muscle. We performed gene expression profiling on skeletal muscle of insulin resistant and insulin sensitive subjects using microarrays. Microarray analysis of 19,000 genes in skeletal muscle did not display a significant difference between insulin resistant and insulin sensitive muscle. This was confirmed with real-time PCR. Our results suggest that insulin resistance is not reflected by changes in the gene expression profile in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance of skeletal muscle is a major defect in obesity and type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance has been associated with a chronic subclinical inflammatory state in epidemiological studies and specifically with activation of the inhibitor kappaB kinase (IkappaBK)-nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) pathway. However, it is unclear whether this pathway plays a role in mediating insulin resistance in muscle in vivo. We separately overexpressed the p65 subunit of NF-kappaB and IkappaBKbeta in single muscles of rats using in vivo electrotransfer and compared the effects after 1 wk vs. paired contralateral control muscles. A 64% increase in p65 protein (P < 0.001) was sufficient to cause muscle fiber atrophy but had no effect on glucose disposal or glycogen storage in muscle under hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp conditions. Similarly, a 650% increase in IkappaBKbeta expression (P < 0.001) caused a significant reduction in IkappaB protein but also had no effect on clamp glucose disposal after lipid infusion. In fact, IkappaBKbeta overexpression in particular caused increases in activating tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1 (24%; P = 0.02) and serine phosphorylation of Akt (23%; P < 0.001), implying a moderate increase in flux through the insulin signaling cascade. Interestingly, p65 overexpression resulted in a negative feedback reduction of 36% in Toll-like receptor (TLR)-2 (P = 0.03) but not TLR-4 mRNA. In conclusion, activation of the IkappaBKbeta-NF-kappaB pathway in muscle does not seem to be an important local mediator of insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Due to the current lack of clarity, we examined whether 5 days of dietary creatine (Cr) supplementation per se can influence the glycogen content of human skeletal muscle. Six healthy male volunteers participated in the study, reporting to the laboratory on four occasions to exercise to the point of volitional exhaustion, each after 3 days of a controlled normal habitual dietary intake. After a familiarization visit, participants cycled to exhaustion in the absence of any supplementation (N), and then 2 wk later again they cycled to exhaustion after 5 days of supplementation with simple sugars (CHO). Finally, after a further 2 wk, they again cycled to exhaustion after 5 days of Cr supplementation. Muscle samples were taken at rest before exercise, at the time point of exhaustion in visit 1, and at subsequent visit time of exhaustion. There was a treatment effect on muscle total Cr content in Cr compared with N and CHO supplementation (P < 0.01). Resting muscle glycogen content was elevated above N following CHO (P < 0.05) but not after Cr. At exhaustion following N, glycogen content was no different from CHO and Cr measured at the same time point during exercise. Cr supplementation under conditions of controlled habitual dietary intake had no effect on muscle glycogen content at rest or after exhaustive exercise. We suggest that any Cr-associated increases in muscle glycogen storage are the result of an interaction between Cr supplementation and other mediators of muscle glycogen storage.  相似文献   

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