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A laboratory trial evaluated four phytoseiid species for their potential as biological control agents of spruce spider mite, Oligonychus ununguis (Jacobi) (Acari: Tetranychidae). An augmentative biological control approach, using the predatory mites Neoseiulus fallacis Garman and Galendromus occidentalis Nesbitt (Acari: Phytoseiidae), was evaluated for reducing pest mite densities and injury, and economic costs on Juniperus chinensis 'Sargentii' A. Henry (Cupressaceae) in an outdoor nursery. Sequential releases of predator species, individually and in combination, were tested and compared with two commonly used miticides, a low-toxicity miticide, horticultural oil, and a conventional miticide, hexythiazox. Timing of treatments was based on grower-determined need, and predator release rates were based on guidelines in literature received from producers of beneficial organisms. Predator releases were more expensive and provided less effective suppression of spruce spider mites, resulting in greater spider mite injury to plants, compared with conventional pesticides. However, spider mite damage to plants did not differ in an economically meaningful way between treatments. Unsatisfactory levels of control seem related to under estimations of actual spider mite abundance based on grower perceptions and the beat sampling technique used to estimate predator release rates. These data suggest that when initial populations of spruce spider mite are high, it is unlikely that sequential releases of predator species, individually or in combination, will suppress spider mite populations. In this trial, augmentative biological control control was 2.5-7 times more expensive than chemical controls.  相似文献   

Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) is an important pest of clementine mandarins, Citrus reticulata Blanco, in Spain. As a first step toward the development of an integrated crop management program for clementines, dispersion patterns of T. urticae females were determined for different types of leaves and fruit. The study was carried out between 2001 and 2003 in different commercial clementine orchards in the provinces of Castelló and Tarragona (northeastern Spain). We found that symptomatic leaves (those exhibiting typical chlorotic spots) harbored 57.1% of the total mite counts. Furthermore, these leaves were representative of mite dynamics on other leaf types. Therefore, symptomatic leaves were selected as a sampling unit. Dispersion patterns generated by Taylor's power law demonstrated the occurrence of aggregated patterns of spatial distribution (b > 1.21) on both leaves and fruit. Based on these results, the incidence (proportion of infested samples) and mean density relationship were developed. We found that optimal binomial sample sizes for estimating low populations of T. urticae on leaves (up to 0.2 female per leaf) were very large. Therefore, enumerative sampling would be more reliable within this range of T. urticae densities. However, binomial sampling was the only valid method for estimating mite density on fruit.  相似文献   

Five strawberry (Fragaria sp.) and five raspberry (Rubus ideaus L.) cultivars were evaluated for resistance to two spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch.). Two methods of assessing the development of two spotted mite populations using detached leaves were compared. The number of eggs laid and mites which developed were compared. The strawberry cvs Hapil and Pegasus had significantly greater development of two spotted mite populations than the cvs Rhapsody, Symphony and Elsanta. The raspberry cv. Joan Squires had higher populations of two spotted mite whilst the raspberry cv. Leo the least, when compared with cvs Glen Clova, Glen Moy and Glen Prosen. Differences were observed in oviposition sites and mite distribution when comparing raspberries with strawberries. The method of assessing the populations development of two spotted mite which involved maintaining the cut leaf stem in water may be of potential use for studying population dynamics of both two spotted mite and possible predators over extended periods of time.  相似文献   

The responses of Tetranychus urticae Koch from Australian cotton to chlorfenapyr has been monitored since the 1997–1998 growing season. Resistance was first detected in the 2001–2002 season and then increased quickly in both level and proportion of resistant strains detected. In response, the resistance management strategy for chlorfenapyr use in cotton was altered and now recommends a further restriction of use from two to one spray per season. There was no evidence of negative cross-resistance to the pyrethroid bifenthrin, but chlorfenapyr was associated with an undefined negative cross-resistance.  相似文献   

Fecundity and survival of the two-spotted spider mite,Tetranychus urticae Koch, were examined on bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants that had been subjected to mite feeding injury in the laboratory. Different numbers ofT. urticae were restricted on the first two leaves of young bean plants, and spider-mite fecundity and survivorship was assayed on the third leaf. Each plant received four recently enclosed females, one female from each of four mite lineages. Using changes in the ratio of root mass to shoot mass of bean plants as a continuous measure of plant stress from spider-mite feeding, fecundity was positively related to stress for three out of four experiments. In two out of four experiments, survival of females was also positively related to stress, but reached an asymptote at slight or moderate stress levels. No evidence for induced resistance in beans was found. Mite lineage and the interaction between lineage and stress affected female survival but not fecundity. The implications of these results for understanding spider-mite outbreaks are discussed.  相似文献   

Generalist predatory mites are the common phytoseiid fauna in many agroecosystems, but little attention has been paid to their potential as biological control agents. In this study, we determined the functional responses of adult females of the generalist predator Neoseiulus barkeri Hughes on eggs, larvae, and adults of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, in the laboratory. Predation experiments were conducted on pepper leaf discs over a 24 h period at 25±1°C, 70–80% RH and 16L:8D photoperiod. Prey densities ranged 5 to 80 eggs, or 5 to 40 larvae, or 1 to 8 female adults of T. urticae per disc. The predation rate of N. barkeri adult females on T. urticae eggs was the same as on its larvae, but the predation rate on adult females was much lower. The role of generalist predatory mites in integrated and biological control of greenhouse pests was discussed.  相似文献   

Several factors which may affect harem ownership by males ofSchizotetranychus miscanthi Saitō (a new subsocial species of theSchizotetranychus celarius complex) were experimentally tested. A marking method was developed and used for studying spider mite behavior. Nest ownership (longer male residence in a nest) had little influence on the consequence of male-male combat. Furthermore, age differences in males never affected the outcome of the combats. Length of male leg I, however, appeared to be an important factor. Factors affecting variation in male leg size were examined. Length of leg I was strongly affected by host plant quality but not by male age.  相似文献   

Previous reports indicate that applications of imidacloprid, a neonicotinoid insecticide, can lead to population buildups of twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, in the field. Moreover, laboratory studies showed enhanced fecundity of T. urticae after an imidacloprid treatment. In this study, experiments were conducted in the greenhouse to investigate the potential effects of imidacloprid and several other neonicotinoid insecticides on fecundity, egg viability, preimaginal survivorship, and sex ratio of T. urticae (German strain WI) on French beans, Phaseolus vulgaris L. Four insecticides, i.e., imidacloprid (Confidor 200SL), thiacloprid (Calypso 480 SC), acetamiprid (Mospilan 70 WP), and thiamethoxam (Actara 25 WG), were tested at field-relevant (100, 120, 125, and 95 ppm) and sublethal doses (10, 12, 12.5, and 9.5 ppm), respectively. Both spray and drench applications were tested. At field-relevant doses, fecundity of T. urticae decreased and was lower in the treatments compared with the untreated control, whereas preimaginal survivorship and proportion of female offspring (i.e., sex ratio) were lower compared with the control. At sublethal doses, no significant differences were found among the treatments. Data on egg viability, preimaginal survivorship, and sex ratio at sublethal doses followed the same trends as at field-relevant doses. In an additional experiment, the metabolism of imidacloprid into monohydroxy-imidacloprid, olefine, guanidine, and 6-chloronicotinic acid was compared with the oviposition pattern of T. urticae. These findings are discussed with regard to previous laboratory and field observations of imidacloprid-induced fertility increases in T. urticae.  相似文献   

Fumigant activity of 34 commercial essential oils was assessed on female adults and eggs of twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) at three temperatures (5, 15, and 25 degrees C). Common thyme, cinnamon, and lemongrass oils were equally effective on twospotted spider mite adults showing 85.8-100% mortality at 5 and 10 microl/liter air at 25 degrees C. At a lower temperature of 15 degrees C, lemongrass and peppermint resulted in > or =90% mortality of adults at 10 microl/liter air. Only lemongrass was relatively active at 5 microl/liter air, at 15 degrees C. At 5 degrees C, lemongrass and peppermint caused significantly higher adult mortality than controls but only at 10 microl/liter air. Common thyme oil showed the highest ovicidal activity at 5 microl/liter air at 25 degrees C. Among the main components of common thyme and lemongrass oils, citral was lethal to twospotted spider mite adults at all tested temperatures. Carvacrol, thymol, and citral caused the same inhibitory effects on the hatch of twospotted spider mite eggs at 25 degrees C. However, citral was more active than other compounds to twospotted spider mite eggs at 15 degrees C. Therefore, we conclude that citral has the best potential for development as a fumigant against twospotted spider mite on agricultural products harvested late in the growing season.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to assess the damage of the glasshouse cucumber by twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, and to investigate when the economic yield begins to decrease after T. urticae infestations. To assess the damage, dry matter partitioning in the cucumber plant was quantified and plant growth analyses were conducted at four different T. urticae infestation levels. T. urticae infestations decreased leaf productivity by reducing the total number of leaves per plant. Approximately 14% reductions of total leaf areas could result in significant yield loss. The decreased leaf productivity by T. urticae feeding caused biomass reductions and altered the pattern of dry matter partitioning in the plant; damaged plants accumulated more dry matter in the leaf, and partitioning of dry matter to fruits was hindered. The economic yield of cucumber began to significantly decrease as early as 4 wk after heavy mite infestations. This study also showed the seasonal differences in T. urticae-cucumber damage interactions among mite infestation levels.  相似文献   

Amphitetranychus viennensis (Zacher) is a serious economic pest of various fruit trees. Due to its restricted geographic distribution in Asia and Europe, it is an important quarantine species in the North American countries. Despite its significance in agricultural damage and quarantine, the genetic diversity of this species has not been studied in detail. In this study, we determined the nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene and internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region of the nuclear ribosomal DNA in A. viennensis collected from various regions of Korea. Variations in the COI and ITS2 sequences of the Korean samples ranged up to 6.92 and 4.02 %, respectively. A sequence comparison showed that the Korean samples were divided into two groups, one comprising the Geoje and Jinju samples, and the other comprising all samples except for the Geoje/Jinju samples. In most samples, except for the Geoje/Jinju samples, variations in both COI and ITS2 sequences were less than 1.04 and 0.99 %, respectively. However, the variations between two groups were 6.23–6.92 % and 3.02–4.02 %, respectively. In addition, the phylogenic analysis performed with sequences in the GenBank database showed that the samples from Geoje/Jinju, which are located in the southern region of Korea, were most similar to the Japanese samples, but the others were most similar to those of China and Taiwan. Thus, our study suggests that two genetically different groups of A. viennensis exist in Korea.  相似文献   

Lycopersicon hirsutum Dunal is very resistant to arthropod herbivory, and research on causes of resistance has often implicated trichomes and their secretions. To better understand relationships among resistance, repellency, and 2,3-dihydrofarnesoic acid, a trichome-borne sesquiterpenoid spider mite repellent, two tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Miller, varieties were interbred with a highly resistant, spider mite repellent accession (LA1363) of L. hirsutum. Backcross and F2 generations were produced with each tomato variety. Whole leaves of 99 hybrids were bioassayed with twospotted spider mites, Tetranychus urticae Koch, allowing selection of six hybrids (two susceptible and four resistant) for each generation of each family. When these 24 hybrids were characterized for spider mite repellency with thumbtack bioassays, two hybrids had repellent leaflets, demonstrating that repellency was genetically transferred to interspecific tomato hybrids. Leaflet washes containing trichome secretions from each of three hybrids, including the two having repellent leaflets, were repellent in bridge bioassays. For the two hybrids having repellent leaflets and leaflet washes, removal of trichome secretions by dipping leaflets in methanol eliminated leaflet repellency. 2,3-Dihydrofarnesoic acid was present in trichome secretions of the hybrids having leaflet repellency, and it also was present in secretions of other hybrids, indicating that its presence is essential, but not sufficient for leaflet repellency. With regard to resistance, 16 of the hybrids tested had been identified as resistant in a whole leaf bioassay, but only two had repellent leaflets, indicating that other mechanisms of resistance are present in the resistant L. hirsutum parent.  相似文献   

Phytoseiid mites which contaminated the spider mite colony and interfered with the mass-rearing of spider mites were controlled by dipping in hot water. Immersion for 60 s in water of 50°C killed all stages ofAmblyseius fallacis (Garman),A. womersleyi Schicha andPhytoseiulus persimilis (Athias-Henriot) (Acari: Phytoseiidae). Only approximately 0.3% of theA. womersleyi eggs hatched, and this seems negligible. The populations ofTetranychus kanzawai Kishida andT. urticae (Koch) (Acari: Tetranychidae) were reduced. However, they recovered well. Although this treatment resulted in the withering of some soybean seedlings, the next trifoliate leaf to be produced was normal. A very satisfactory result was obtained when this technique was applied to the mass-rearing system.  相似文献   

The spider mites belonging to the genus Stigmaeopsis constructextremely dense oval woven roofs (web-nests) over depressionson the lower surface of host leaves and are known to have akind of sociality. The four species that occur on bamboo plantsin Japan show different nest areas. The nest area of Stigmaeopsislongus is the largest, followed by that of S. celarius, S. takahashii,and S. saharai in decreasing order. Smaller nests effectivelyprevent adults of several predator mite species from intruding.We hypothesized that variation in nest size reflects differentanti-intruder adaptations of this mite group in relation totheir sociality. The larger nest makers may adopt an alternativeanti-intruder strategy, namely, counterattack by a large group,so as to compensate for the disadvantage of large nests. S.longus and S. celarius adults effectively defended their largenests against potential predators, and the effects of nest defenseincreased with the number of individuals in a nest. S. takahashiiand S. saharai revealed no counterattack effect. Counterattackabilities that increase with the adult density, and thus, socialitymay compensate for the vulnerability of larger nests.  相似文献   

Abstract:  ' Candidatus Cardinium hertigii ( Cardinium )' from the Bacteroidetes group is a symbiont that has recently received attention as a reproductive manipulator of its arthropod hosts. Though the spatial distribution of symbionts depends heavily on that of their hosts, evidence has shown that dispersal limitations also have effect on some micro-organisms. In order to estimate the distribution of Cardinium in Chinese populations of the carmine spider mite, twenty seven geographical populations of Tetranychus cinnabarinus were collected and screened, using Cardinium -specific primers for the 16S ribosomal DNA. Six geographical populations collected between 30° and 36°N tested positive for the presence of Cardinium , whereas it could not be detected in populations collected between 19°–29°N and 37°–46°N, suggesting that the symbiont is not evenly distributed, comparing with a wider distribution of Wolbachia previously reported in the same populations. In addition, the infection rates of Cardinium seem to increase from the south to the north of China. All the six Cardinium -infected populations were found to be doubly infected with Wolbachia . Phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rDNA gene sequence of Cardinium shows a close relationship between Cardinium in Chinese carmine spider mite and symbionts found in other species in the Tetranychidae.  相似文献   

Lethal and sublethal effects of the biopesticide Kingbo (oxymatrine 0.2 % + psoralen 0.4 %) on the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) were investigated in laboratory bioassays. The biopesticide was applied to bean leaf discs or primary leaves by using a Potter spray tower. Acute toxicity tests showed no significant ovicidal action: toxic effect (LC50 = 55.49 μl/l) was the result of a residual activity against larvae that hatched from the treated eggs. Preovipositional females and female teleiochrysales showed similar susceptibility (LC50 = 52.68 and 59.03 μl/l, respectively), whereas larvae, protonymphs and female deutonymphs were the most susceptible stages (LC50 = 6.88, 13.03, and 8.80 μl/l, respectively). In a choice test, females preferred the untreated halves of leaves over the halves treated with 2,000, 1,000, and 500 μl/l in the first 24 h, and their oviposition in those treatments was significantly greater on the untreated halves after 24 and 48 h, as well as the summed oviposition over 72 h. Viability and reproduction of survivors, as well as population growth, were strongly affected after the treatments of preovipositional females and female teleiochrysales with 100, 50 and 25 μl/l. On the other hand, sublethal effects on the females that survived treatment at the egg stage or reached adulthood from the eggs laid on the treated surface (treatments with 50 and 25 μl/l) were significantly weaker. Acaricidal and sublethal effects of the biopesticide Kingbo were discussed as a starting point for further research aimed to improve management of T. urticae populations. Regulatory issues and safety concerns regarding further commercialization of this biopesticide are addressed as well.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1989,19(8):715-722
The interaction of several formamidine pesticides, chlordimeform (CDM), N-demethylchlordimeform (DCDM) and amitraz with octopamine receptor(s) and the resulting enhancement of cyclic-AMP (cAMP) production in vitro were investigated in the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch. DCDM and amitraz clearly stimulated the production of cAMP when added to a homogenate of the spider mite. Among various biogenic amines tested, octopamine and synephrine were most active but dopamine (DA) and 5-hydroxytroptamine showed only marginal potency to elevate cAMP production. An additivity study was devised to find whether these formamidines interact with the same target site as octopamine. The results indicate that all these chemicals act on the same receptor which functions to transduce the signal of certain biogenic amines to elevate the intracellular cAMP level. Phentolamine (PH) and propranolol (PR) showed an antagonistic effect against the portion of cAMP production which was elevated by DCDM. Among pesticides tested, deltamethrin, fenvalerate, DDT and benzenehexachloride showed no such effect, whereas dicofol, chlorobenzilate, parathion and aldicarb showed slight stimulatory effects on cAMP production. Both DCDM and octopamine cause an increase in the phosphorylation of proteins that are also phosphorylated by exogenous cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The results of pharmacological characterization studies confirmed the overall theory that the agonistic effects of formamidines are expressed primarily through the octopamine-sensitive adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

Our research was designed to determine the effects of a mite complex consisting of the Banks grass mite (BGM),Oligonychus pratensis (Banks), and the two-spotted spider mites (TSM),Tetranychus urticae Koch, on corn yield and plant lodging. For BGM, mite days and damage rating for the whole plant and leaves in the lower third of a corn plant had the best correlation with corn yield. The best correlation with yield for TSM was plant damage ratings. The percentage loss per unit for most independent variables (mite densities, mite days, or percentage of the leaf area damaged on a plant) was very similar for BGM and TSM. Therefore, the same economic threshold can be used for either mite species. When TSM fed on corn in the dent growth stage, yield was not reduced, and their feeding did not influence corn plant lodging.  相似文献   

To quantify the damage caused by twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, feeding on cucumber, Cucumis sativus L., leaf-cell and -tissue damage was assessed. On the abaxial leaf surface, adult T. urticae could feed through the spongy parenchyma and part of the palisade parenchyma of the leaf, while immature T. urticae could feed only through the sponge parenchyma. T. urticae punctured individual epidermal cells and consumed the contents of the mesophyll cells. Injured leaves had more empty space in the spongy parenchyma and fewer chloroplasts per cell. Damage also occurred even in the adjacent uninjured parenchyma cells without additional T. urticae feeding injury. Net photosynthetic rate, total chlorophyll content, and greenness of the leaf were significantly affected by feeding as quantified by mite-days. The percent loss of these parameters increased linearly or nonlinearly as mite-days increased, regardless of mite developmental stages. At 1,000 mite-days per 6 cm2, net photosynthetic rate was reduced by approximately 50 and 95%, total chlorophyll content was reduced by approximately 55 and 80%, and greenness was reduced by approximately 50 and 80% by feeding by immature and adult T. urticae, respectively.  相似文献   

The successful use of chemical rotations to manage insecticide resistance requires reversion between alternate chemical applications. We tested a tebufenpyrad resistant population of Tetranychus urticae Koch after some 55 months laboratory culture without pesticide selection and found LC50 level resistance had dropped from 63.29- to 2.41-fold. However, the population was still heterogeneous with LC99 level resistance at 38.03-fold. It is likely that a lack of reversion contributed directly to the initial tebufenpyrad control failure. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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