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Cooperatively breeding birds have been used frequently to study sex allocation because the adaptive value of the sexes partly depends upon the costs and benefits for parents of receiving help. I examined patterns of directional sex allocation in relation to maternal condition (Trivers-Willard hypothesis), territory quality (helper competition hypothesis), and the number of available helpers (helper repayment hypothesis) in the superb starling, Lamprotornis superbus, a plural cooperative breeder with helpers of both sexes. Superb starlings biased their offspring sex ratio in relation to prebreeding rainfall, which was correlated with maternal condition. Mothers produced relatively more female offspring in wetter years, when they were in better condition, and more male offspring in drier years, when they were in poorer condition. There was no relationship between offspring sex ratio and territory quality or the number of available helpers. Although helping was male biased, females had a greater variance in reproductive success than males. These results are consistent with the Trivers-Willard hypothesis and suggest that although females in most cooperatively breeding species make sex allocation decisions to increase their future direct reproductive success, female superb starlings appear to base this decision on their current body condition to increase their own inclusive fitness.  相似文献   

Experimental alteration of litter sex ratios in a mammal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adaptive theory predicts that mothers would be advantaged by adjusting the sex ratio of their offspring in relation to their offspring's future reproductive success. Studies investigating sex ratio variation in mammals, including humans, have obtained notoriously inconsistent results, except when maternal condition is measured around conception. Several mechanisms for sex ratio adjustment have been proposed. Here, we test the hypothesis that glucose concentrations around conception influence sex ratios. The change in glucose levels resulted in a change in sex ratios, with more daughters being born to females with experimentally lowered glucose, and with the change in glucose levels being more predictive than the glucose levels per se. We provide evidence for a mechanism, which, in tandem with other mechanisms, could explain observed sex ratio variation in mammals.  相似文献   

The Trivers-Willard hypothesis (TWH) predicts that a mother will treat a son or daughter differently depending on her ability to invest and the impact of her investment on offspring reproductive success. Although many studies have investigated the hypothesis, few have definitively supported or refuted it because of confounding factors or an inappropriate level of analysis. We studied maternal investment in sons and daughters in feral horses, Equus caballus, which meet the assumptions of the TWH with a minimum of confounding variables. Population level analyses revealed no differences in maternal behaviour towards sons and daughters. When we incorporated mare condition, we found that sons were more costly to mares in good condition, whereas daughters were more costly to mares in poor condition, although no differences in maternal behaviour were found. However, since the TWH makes predictions about individual mothers, we examined investment by mares who reared both a son and a daughter in different years of the study. Mares in good condition invested more in their sons in terms of maternal care patterns, costs to maternal body condition and costs to future reproduction. Conversely, mares in poor condition invested more in daughters. Therefore, with an appropriate level of analysis in a species in which confounding variables are minimal, the predictions of the Trivers-Willard hypothesis are supported. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Maternal lineage influences performance traits in horses. This is probably caused by differences in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) transferred to the offspring via the oocyte. In the present study, we investigated if reproductive traits with high variability—gestation length and fetal sex ratio—are influenced by maternal lineage. Data from 142 Warmblood mares from the Brandenburg State Stud at Neustadt (Dosse), Germany, were available for the study. Mares were grouped according to their maternal lineage. Influences on the reproduction parameters gestation length and sex ratio of offspring were analyzed by simple and multiple analyses of variance. A total of 786 cases were included. From the 142 mares, 119 were assigned to six maternal lineages with n≥10 mares per lineage, and 23 mares belonged to smaller maternal lineages. The mean number of live foals produced per mare was 4.6±3.6 (±SD). Live foal rate was 83.5%. Mean gestation length was 338.5±8.9 days (±SD) with a range of 313 to 370 days. Gestation length was affected by maternal lineage (p<0.001). Gestation length was also significantly influenced by the individual mare, age of the mare, year of breeding, month of breeding and sex of the foal (p<0.05). Of the 640 foals born alive at term, 48% were male and 52% female. Mare age group and maternal lineage significantly influenced the sex ratio of the foals (p<0.05). It is concluded that maternal lineage influences reproductive parameters with high variation such as gestation length and foal sex ratio in horses. In young primiparous and aged mares, the percentage of female offspring is higher than the expected 1:1 ratio.  相似文献   

Adaptive theory predicts that mothers would be advantaged by adjusting the sex ratio of their offspring in relation to their offspring's future reproductive success. Studies investigating sex ratio variation in mammals have produced notoriously inconsistent results, although recent studies suggest more consistency if sex ratio variation is related to maternal condition at conception, potentially mediated by changes in circulating glucose level. Consequently, we hypothesized that change in condition might better predict sex ratio variation than condition per se. Here, we investigate sex ratio variation in feral horses (Equus caballus), where sex ratio variation was previously shown to be related to maternal condition at conception. We used condition measures before and after conception to measure the change in condition around conception in individual mothers. The relationship with sex ratio was substantially more extreme than previously reported: 3% of females losing condition gave birth to a son, whereas 80% of those females that were gaining condition gave birth to a son. Change in condition is more predictive of sex ratio than actual condition, supporting previous studies, and shows the most extreme variation in mammals ever reported.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory predicts that mothers of different condition should adjust the birth sex ratio of their offspring in relation to future reproductive benefits. Published studies addressing variation in mammalian sex ratios have produced surprisingly contradictory results. Explaining the source of such variation has been a challenge for sex-ratio theory, not least because no mechanism for sex-ratio adjustment is known. I conducted a meta-analysis of previous mammalian sex-ratio studies to determine if there are any overall patterns in sex-ratio variation. The contradictory nature of previous results was confirmed. However, studies that investigated indices of condition around conception show almost unanimous support for the prediction that mothers in good condition bias their litters towards sons. Recent research on the role of glucose in reproductive functioning have shown that excess glucose favours the development of male blastocysts, providing a potential mechanism for sex-ratio variation in relation to maternal condition around conception. Furthermore, many of the conflicting results from studies on sex-ratio adjustment would be explained if glucose levels in utero during early cell division contributed to the determination of offspring sex ratios.  相似文献   

The generalized Trivers-Willard hypothesis (gTWH) [Kanazawa, S., 2005a. Big and tall parents have more sons; further generalizations of the Trivers-Willard hypothesis. J. Theor. Biol. 235, 583-590] proposes that parents who possess any heritable trait which increases the male reproductive success at a greater rate than female reproductive success in a given environment have a higher-than-expected offspring sex ratio, and parents who possess any heritable trait which increases the female reproductive success at a greater rate than male reproductive success in a given environment have a lower-than-expected offspring sex ratio. One heritable trait which increases the reproductive success of sons significantly more than that of daughters in the ancestral environment is the tendency toward violence and aggression. I therefore predict that violent parents have a higher-than-expected offspring sex ratio (more sons). The analysis of both American samples and a British sample demonstrates that battered women, who are mated to violent men, have significantly more sons than daughters.  相似文献   

1.  The Trivers–Willard model of optimal sex ratios predicts that in polygynous species mothers in better condition should produce more male than female offspring. However, empirical support for this hypothesis in mammals and especially ungulates has been equivocal. This may be because the fitness of mothers has been defined in different ways, reflecting morphological, physiological or behavioural measures of condition. In addition, factors other than maternal condition can influence a mother's fitness. Given that recent studies of wild ungulates have demonstrated the importance of the timing of conception and birth on offspring fitness, litters conceived at different stages of the rut might be expected to exhibit differences in types and embryonic sex ratio.
2.  Based on a 6-year survey of the reproductive tracts of female moose harvested in Estonia, we investigated the effect of conception date on the types of litters produced and on the foetal sex ratio.
3.  There was a clear relationship between conception date and litter characteristics. Overall, earlier conceived litters were more likely than those conceived late to contain multiple embryos and a high proportion of males. However, while foetal sex ratio varied nonlinearly with conception date in yearlings and subadults, no relationship was found in adults.
4.  We conclude that female moose adjust foetal sex ratio and litter type/size depending on their age and the date of conception, and that these adjustments are in accordance with the Trivers–Willard hypothesis if females that conceive earlier are in better condition.  相似文献   

Retrospective data obtained from a sample of 926 mothers of European ancestry (AEA) and 368 mothers of Japanese ancestry (AJA) living in Hawaii were used to evaluate two hypotheses, the selective male affliction hypothesis and the Trivers-Willard female condition hypothesis, for male-biased perinatal mortality and altered sex ratio at birth. Logit analyses using pregnancy outcome (live-birth versus stillbirth or miscarriage) as the dependent variable and either sex of prior sib, sex of offspring, parity, age of mother, or interval since last pregnacy as independent variables did not support either hypothesis. In contrast to the prediction of the selective male affliction model, sex of previous pregnancy was not related to perinatal mortality. Although each of the other independent variables exerted significant effects on perinatal mortality and, therefore, presumably affected female condition, in no case did natal sex ratios become female-biased. The Trivers-Willard hypothesis predicts that female-biased sex ratios are expected when female condition is reduced. The results are discussed in relation to the possibility that degree of sexual dimorphism may favor male-biased perinatal mortality and explains the observed decline in sex ratio with parity.  相似文献   

The generalized Trivers-Willard hypothesis (gTWH) [Kanazawa, S., 2005. Big and tall parents have more sons: further generalizations of the Trivers-Willard hypothesis. J. Theor. Biol. 235, 583-590) proposes that parents who possess any heritable trait which increases the male reproductive success at a greater rate than female reproductive success in a given environment will have a higher-than-expected offspring sex ratio, and parents who possess any heritable trait which increases the female reproductive success at a greater rate than male reproductive success in a given environment will have a lower-than-expected offspring sex ratio. One heritable trait which increases the reproductive success of daughters much more than that of sons is physical attractiveness. I therefore predict that physically attractive parents have a lower-than-expected offspring sex ratio (more daughters). Further, if beautiful parents have more daughters and physical attractiveness is heritable, then, over evolutionary history, women should gradually become more attractive than men. The analysis of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) confirm both of these hypotheses. Very attractive individuals are 26% less likely to have a son, and women are significantly more physically attractive than men in the representative American sample.  相似文献   

We propose a model for sex-ratio adjustment complementary to that of Trivers and Willard. In addition to the three basic assumptions of the Trivers-Willard model, our model assumes that the sex with more variable reproductive success (normally male) is also the sex less constrained for reproduction. This assumption seems realistic, because several studies have demonstrated that poor-condition males may adopt alternative mating strategies and sire some offspring, whereas females have physiological constraints for gestation or egg production that cannot be avoided. Thus, under these circumstances, sons of both poor and good condition would be more valuable for parents than daughters, whereas daughters would be relatively more valuable than sons at intermediate condition. This model predicts, therefore, a U-shaped relationship between parental condition and offspring sex ratio. We present a case study for the monogamous lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) that fulfills the assumptions and predictions of the model. The minimum body condition for breeding, measured as pectoral thickness, was lower for sons than for daughters. Below this minimum, males had a higher chance of breeding than females. Above this minimum, however, the lifetime reproductive success was condition dependent in males but not in females. Thus, males in better body condition attain, on average, higher reproductive success than females. Offspring sex ratio varied with the size of the father's ornaments and mother condition according to the U-shaped pattern predicted by the model.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the generalized Trivers-Willard hypothesis (gTWH), which suggests that parents who possess any heritable trait which increases male reproductive success at a greater rate than female reproductive success in a given environment will have a higher-than-expected offspring sex ratio, and parents who possess any heritable trait which increases female reproductive success at a greater rate than male reproductive success in a given environment will have a lower-than-expected offspring sex ratio. Since body size (height and weight) is a highly heritable trait which increases male (but not female) reproductive success, the paper hypothesizes that bigger and taller parents have more sons. The analysis of both surviving children and recent pregnancies among respondents of the National Child Development Survey and the British Cohort Survey largely supports the hypothesis.  相似文献   

The influence of maternal rank and experience on patterns of maternal care and social relationships of foals were investigated in a managed herd of Sorraia horses, Equus caballus. Social interactions and spatial relationships of 13 foals (seven females and six males) born to seven mares were examined from birth to 10 months of life, within the three major periods of foal development. Conflict over suckling between dam and foal was not generally affected by rank and experience, but higher-ranking mothers allowed more suckling during late lactation than lower-ranking mothers. Foals of higher-ranking mares spent more time in proximity to the mother during socialization. Maternal rank and experience did not significantly affect maternal protectiveness, foal independence from the mother or the development of affiliative relationships between foals and group members. Foals of higher-ranking mares received lower frequencies of aggression from other horses only in the first month of life. Dominance relationships among foals depended mainly on aggressiveness and were not associated with maternal rank. The large variability in maternal behaviour, the absence of a significant association between maternal rank and body condition at parturition and the stable social environment within this herd may partly account for the reported results.  相似文献   

Mothers that experience different individual or environmental conditions may produce different proportions of male to female offspring. The Trivers‐Willard hypothesis, for instance, suggests that mothers with different qualities (size, health, etc.) will use different sex ratios if maternal quality differentially affects sex‐specific reproductive success. Condition‐dependent, or facultative, sex ratio strategies like these allow multiple sex ratios to coexist within a population. They also create complex population structure due to the presence of multiple maternal conditions. As a result, modeling facultative sex ratio evolution requires not only sex ratio strategies with multiple components, but also two‐sex population models with explicit stage structure. To this end, we combine nonlinear, frequency‐dependent matrix models and multidimensional adaptive dynamics to create a new framework for studying sex ratio evolution. We illustrate the applications of this framework with two case studies where the sex ratios depend one of two possible maternal conditions (age or quality). In these cases, we identify evolutionarily singular sex ratio strategies, find instances where one maternal condition produces exclusively male or female offspring, and show that sex ratio biases depend on the relative reproductive value ratios for each sex.  相似文献   

According to theory, in species in which male variance in reproductive success exceeds that of the females, sons are more costly to produce; females mated with high quality males or those in better condition should produce more sons. In monogamous species, however, the variance in the reproductive success of the two sexes is often similar and mate choice is often mutual, making predictions regarding sex allocation more difficult. In the rock sparrow Petronia petronia, both males and females have a sexually selected yellow patch on the breast, whose size correlates with individual body condition. We investigated whether the brood sex ratio co‐varies with the size of the yellow patch of the father and the mother in a sample of 173 broods (818 chicks) over 8 breeding seasons. While the size of the yellow patch of the mother and the father did not predict per se a deviation from the expected 1:1 sex ratio, brood sex ratios were predicted by the interaction of male and female yellow patch size. This result is surprising, as the ornament is sexually selected by both males and females as an indicator of quality in both sexes and should therefore be inherited by all offspring irrespective of their sex. It indirectly suggests that other sex‐specific traits associated with patch size (e.g. polygyny in males and fecundity in females) may explain the sex allocation bias observed in rock sparrows. Thus, female individual quality alone, as expressed through the size of the yellow patch, was not associated with the biases in sex ratios reported in this study. Our results rather suggest that sex allocation occurs in response to male attractiveness in interaction with female attractiveness. In other words, females tend to preferentially allocate towards the sex of the parent with more developed ornament within the pair.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that females should produce more sons when the reproductive success of sons is expected to be high, whereas they should produce more daughters, not daughters when the reproductive success of sons is expected to be low. The guppy (Poecilia reticulata) is a live‐bearing fish, and female guppies are known to produce broods with biased sex ratios. In this study, we examined the relationship between brood sex ratio and reproductive success of sons and daughters, to determine whether female guppies benefit from producing broods with biased sex ratios. We found that sons in male‐biased broods had greater mating success at maturity than sons in female‐biased broods when brood sizes were larger. On the other hand, the reproductive output of daughters was not significantly affected by brood sizes and sex ratios. Our results suggest that female guppies benefit from producing large, male‐biased brood when the reproductive success of sons is expected to be high.  相似文献   

Where maternal condition affects condition and reproductive potential of offspring differentially with respect to sex, mothers in relatively good condition should produce more of the sex whose fitness is more dependent on condition. We experimentally manipulated body-condition in unmated zebra finches by feeding them for three months on high- or low-quality diets. Birds were then allowed to breed, while keeping the same diets. Females on the lower quality diet were in better condition and hatched significantly more males than females. Poorer condition females hatched an equal sex ratio. Chicks fed on the low-quality diet, but not on the high-quality diet, showed female-biased mortality. These results show that facultative sex ratio manipulation and sex-biased mortality can act together to produce extreme sex ratios in this vertebrate.  相似文献   

Because the incidence of retained placenta in Friesian mares is estimated to be high, and no reports have been published on the reproductive performance of Friesian mares after retained placenta, we studied postpartum reproductive performance in Friesian brood mares with (n = 54) and without (n = 50) retained placenta. We defined a retained placenta as the failure to expel all fetal membranes within 3 h after the delivery of a foal. We subdivided the group of mares with retained placenta into mares in which the placenta had been removed manually (n = 30) and mares in which it had not (n = 24). Within each group, we compared reproductive performance after breeding in the foal heat and breeding in a subsequent heat. We also recorded the age of the mares, number of mares treated with antibiotics after insemination, and number of mares treated with prostaglandins. The interval between delivery and conception, efficacy rate (number of served cycles divided by the number of mares that had a positive pregnancy diagnosis), seasonal pregnancy rate, pregnancy rate after first insemination, pregnancy loss rate, and foaling rate did not differ between mares with and without retained placenta or between mares with and without manual removal of the retained placenta. Within each group, the pregnancy rate after first insemination did not differ between breeding for the first time in the foal heat and breeding for the first time in a subsequent heat. We concluded that reproductive performance did not differ between (1) Friesian mares with and without retained placenta and (2) Friesian mares with and without manual removal of the placenta. With regard to reproductive performance, retained placenta and manual removal of the placenta are not valid reasons to avoid foal heat breeding in Friesian mares.  相似文献   

Variation in birth sex ratios in primates can be accounted for by two hypotheses: the local resource competition hypothesis [Silk: American Naturalist 121:56–66, 1983] and the hypothesis of Trivers & Willard [Science 179:90–92, 1973] concerning the maternal effect on the quality of a male. We examined the effects of female dominance rank on aspects of reproduction in three well-established captive groups of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis). High-ranking females produced a higher proportion of sons than low-ranking females, and factors other than rank did not have significant effects on birth sex ratios. Interbirth intervals following daughters were longer than those following sons, but they were independent of the mother's rank. The sons of high-ranking mothers had better survival prospects than sons of low-ranking mothers in some of the groups; no such difference was found for daughters. Overall, there was no sex difference in survival up to 5 years of age. These results support the Trivers-Willard hypothesis rather than the local resource competition hypothesis. An analysis of interbirth intervals suggested that the deviation in birth sex ratio is already established at conception.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Trivers-Willard (1973) model suggests maternal control of offspring sex, in utero or by the end of parental investment, may be an adaptive advantage in some species. We tested for differential sex allocation using 11,408 known-sex fetal elk (Cervus elaphus) from biological collections and hunter harvest returns from 2 southwestern Montana, USA, elk populations (1961–2007). We included maternal and environmental condition covariates measured pre- and postconception and throughout pregnancy. Results suggested that adult female elk in southwest Montana did not differentially invest in male offspring when conditions were beneficial. We found evidence that, when the Northern Yellowstone elk herd was at low density, beneficial spring (May-Jun) growing conditions, as indexed by a local precipitation measure and a regional drought indicator, correlated with production of more female fetuses (1 SD increase in precipitation and 1 SD decrease in drought resulted in 6% and 5% more F fetuses, respectively). In the same herd, we found evidence that improved maternal condition, as indexed by kidney fat mass and heart fat mass, also correlated with production of more female fetuses (1 SD increase in kidney fat mass and heart fat mass resulted in 8% more F fetuses). When the same elk herd reached higher densities under different ecological conditions, no covariate was associated with a deviation in the 50:50 female-to-male sex ratio. Similarly, there was no association between covariates and fetal sex ratios in a nearby elk herd at high population density. In modeling, wildlife managers should consider factors that could alter sex ratios at birth, and also how biased sex ratios postpartum could affect population models.  相似文献   

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