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It was found that in the Graafian oocytes of laboratory mice Mus musculus the population of electron-dense bodies contains two patterns of structures. One of these, designated as cortical granules, originated from the Golgi complex and was surrounded by a membrane. The other was discovered as cristae-containing mitochondrial derivatives lacked an outer membrane. It was found that the mitochondrial derivatives underwent progressive condensation and transformed into electron-dense bodies similar to germinal bodies of metazoan animals. Based on examination of Graafian follicle oocytes from 5 female individuals, about 15% of electron-dense bodies were cortical granules. However, about 85% of electron-dense bodies were condensing mitochondrial derivatives transforming into electron-dense bodies.  相似文献   

Many woody plant species that depend upon fire-cued seed germination lack the ability to resprout. As the ability to resprout is widely assumed to be the ancestral condition in most plant groups, the failure to sprout is an evolutionary derived trait. Models for the evolutionary loss of sprouting assume a trade-off between seedling success and vegetative resprouting ability of adults. Such models require higher seedling success rates in nonsprouters than in sprouters. On the other hand, there seem to be few a priori reasons why a strong sprouter might not also have highly competitive post-fire seedlings. To test the hypothesis that nonsprouting plants have higher growth rates and/or drought survival, we grew seedlings of Ceanothus tomentosus from sprouting and nonsprouting populations in a common garden experiment. Each of these C. tomentosus populations was paired with a sympatric Ceanothus species that differed in resprouting ability. Sprouters exhibited greater allocation to root carbohydrate storage than did nonsprouters, but overall relative growth rates did not differ. Nonsprouters had earlier onset of flowering. These results provide mixed support for models of a sprouting/nonsprouting allocation trade-off.  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative genetic analysis of life span in experimental adult animals predicts that resistance to stress and longevity are positively correlated, but such studies on field populations of animals are rare. We tested this hypothesis using dauer juveniles of 15 natural populations of the entomopathogenic nematode, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, collected from diverse localities. Dauer juvenile longevity at 25 degrees C in autoclaved tap water and tolerance to major environmental stresses including heat (survival at 40 degrees C for 2 h), ultraviolet (UV) radiation (original virulence remaining after exposure to 302 nm UV for 5 min), hypoxia (survival at approximately 0% dissolved O2 at 25 degrees C for 96 h), and desiccation (survival in 25% glycerol at 25 degrees C for 72 h) differed significantly among populations. Intrinsic dauer juvenile longevity, defined as the number of weeks to 90% mortality (LT90) estimated using probit analysis of nematode survival data at 25 degrees C varied between 6 and 16 weeks among populations. Longevity was most strongly correlated with heat followed by UV and hypoxia tolerance, respectively, but showed no correlation with desiccation tolerance. The strong positive correlation of longevity with heat tolerance was further confirmed through principal components analysis which showed almost identical variance for heat and longevity. Among the stress factors, only UV tolerance was positively correlated with heat and hypoxia tolerance. Differences in longevity and stress tolerance in nematode populations isolated from a single 200 m2 grassland locality further support another hypothesis that population structure of heterorhabditid nematodes is highly fragmented, thus suggesting the existence of metapopulation dynamics.  相似文献   

Pneumocystis fungi represent a highly diversified biological group with numerous species, which display a strong host-specificity suggesting a long co-speciation process. In the present study, the presence and genetic diversity of Pneumocystis organisms was investigated in 203 lung samples from woodmice (Apodemus sylvaticus) collected on western continental Europe and Mediterranean islands. The presence of Pneumocystis DNA was assessed by nested PCR at both large and small mitochondrial subunit (mtLSU and mtSSU) rRNA loci. Direct sequencing of nested PCR products demonstrated a very high variability among woodmouse-derived Pneumocystis organisms with a total number of 30 distinct combined mtLSU and mtSSU sequence types. However, the genetic divergence among these sequence types was very low (up to 3.87%) and the presence of several Pneumocystis species within Apodemus sylvaticus was considered unlikely. The analysis of the genetic structure of woodmouse-derived Pneumocystis revealed two distinct groups. The first one comprised Pneumocystis from woodmice collected in continental Spain, France and Balearic islands. The second one included Pneumocystis from woodmice collected in continental Italy, Corsica and Sicily. These two genetic groups were in accordance with the two lineages currently described within the host species Apodemus sylvaticus. Pneumocystis organisms are emerging as powerful tools for phylogeographic studies in mammals.  相似文献   

Host plant resistance to the Diaprepes root weevil, Diaprepes abbreviatus (L.) was assessed for seedlings of 54 Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. selections and two families of progeny from crosses between Citrus and P. trifoliata. Weight gain was consistently lower when larvae were reared in pots containing the progeny of Citrus reticulata Blanco 'Sunki' x P. trifoliata 'Flying Dragon' compared with larvae reared on progeny of 'Pearl' (C. reticulata x C. paradisi Macf.) x 'Flying Dragon'. This is the first evidence of genetic control of resistance to the Diaprepes root weevil within sexually compatible citrus rootstock germplasm. There was a significant positive correlation between percentage root loss and larval weight gain within the resistant progeny, indicating a possible antixenotic effect. Two varieties of P. trifoliata were identified as more resistant than 'Flying Dragon' based on larval weight gain.  相似文献   

Questions: What is the current distribution of pine and oak species along environmental gradients in southern Spain? Do pine and oak regeneration niches differ from the environmental niches of adults? Is oak species regeneration favoured under the canopy of pine forests? Location: Forest areas of Andalusia (~87 600 km2, southern Spain). Methods: We compiled extensive forest inventory data to explore differences in abundance (basal area, m2 ha?1) patterns of adults (dbh >7.4 cm) and regeneration (dbh ≤7.4 cm) of five pine and five oak species. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and generalized linear models were applied to explore species–environment relationships along climatic, edaphic, topographic and fire‐frequency gradients. Results: Both pines and oaks segregated along complex environmental gradients, with pines generally dominating in more severe (colder and drier) environments, while oaks dominated in milder, wetter winter areas. In 40‐55% of mature pine stands there was a lack of regeneration in the understorey, while in two oak species (Q. suber and Q. canariensis) 70% of stands did not show regeneration. Pine recruits were found at a higher frequency and abundance under the canopy of their congeners, whereas some oaks (Q. ilex) had greater regeneration under mixed pine–oak canopies. Conclusions: Climatic limitations and soil properties partly explained the regional distribution of pines and oaks. We found evidence for an upward shift of Q. ilex recruits towards areas with colder conditions in pine forests, which could be explained by a possible facilitative effect of the pine canopy on seedling establishment.  相似文献   

The scientific literature on cat genetics contains a presumed typical example of natural selection affecting l frequencies (long hair) in 16 Brazilian cat populations. It has been observed that the hotter and more tropical the climate in Brazil, the lower the values of l frequencies in the cat populations. Nevertheless, this study of some new cat populations in Latin America showed that all of them, independent of the climate, had high or very high l frequencies. l postulate that an alternative migrational-historical hypothesis exists that explains the correlation between the l frequencies and climate characteristics (which are correlated with the latitude) without using natural selection explanations concerning the appearance of the l allele in Brazil.  相似文献   

Su X  Chu Y  Li H  Hou Y  Zhang B  Huang Q  Hu Z  Huang R  Tian Y 《PloS one》2011,6(9):e24614
Commercial and non-commercial plants face a variety of environmental stressors that often cannot be controlled. In this study, transgenic hybrid poplar (Populus × euramericana 'Guariento') harboring five effector genes (vgb, SacB, JERF36, BtCry3A and OC-I) were subjected to drought, salinity, waterlogging and insect stressors in greenhouse or laboratory conditions. Field trials were also conducted to investigate long-term effects of transgenic trees on insects and salt tolerance in the transformants. In greenhouse studies, two transgenic lines D5-20 and D5-21 showed improved growth, as evidenced by greater height and basal diameter increments and total biomass relative to the control plants after drought or salt stress treatments. The improved tolerance to drought and salt was primarily attributed to greater instantaneous water use efficiency (WUEi) in the transgenic trees. The chlorophyll concentrations tended to be higher in the transgenic lines under drought or saline conditions. Transformed trees in drought conditions accumulated more fructan and proline and had increased Fv/Fm ratios (maximum quantum yield of photosystem II) under waterlogging stress. Insect-feeding assays in the laboratory revealed a higher total mortality rate and lower exuviation index of leaf beetle [Plagiodera versicolora (Laicharting)] larvae fed with D5-21 leaves, suggesting enhanced insect resistance in the transgenic poplar. In field trials, the dominance of targeted insects on 2-year-old D5-21 transgenic trees was substantially lower than that of the controls, indicating enhanced resistance to Coleoptera. The average height and DBH (diameter at breast height) of 2.5-year-old transgenic trees growing in naturally saline soil were 3.80% and 4.12% greater than those of the control trees, but these increases were not significant. These results suggested that multiple stress-resistance properties in important crop tree species could be simultaneously improved, although additional research is needed to fully understand the relationships between the altered phenotypes and the function of each transgene in multigene transformants.  相似文献   

Exercise training is known to induce a molecular adaptation process involving inflammatory responses. However any time-of-day effect of exercise on inflammatory responses remains unknown. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether acute bouts of intense exercise performed at different times of the day would affect the release Interleukin-6 (IL-6), one of the most abundant cytokines in mammalian endocrine response to exercise. Cortisol levels were measured as a confirmation of correct timing of exercise and to determine any impact it may have on the cytokine release. Twelve healthy male participants carried out 30 min of intense exercise (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions for 4 resistance exercises at 70% of 1RM) in morning (08:15-09:00 h), and evening (18:15-19:00 h) sessions. An 8h fasting period was required before each exercise session. Blood samples were taken immediately pre and post each exercise sessions to determine IL-6 and cortisol levels. Our data show that whilst the training group showed no post-exercise changes in serum_IL-6 levels (P>0.05), the control group on the other hand showed significant time-of-day modifications in serum_IL-6 levels (P=0.008). Moreover, a significant interaction between intervention phase (pre-post training, AM vs. PM) and group (Exercise vs. Control) is evidenced in terms of serum_IL-6 levels (P=0.014). This interaction however was nullified when the between group differences at baseline were partialled out in a covariate analysis (P>0.05). We also found that the main effect of experimental phase on Cortisol was present in both the trained (P=0.004) and control groups (p<0.001) with no significant interaction (P>0.05). Based on the current data, we would propose that exercise and/or time-of-day would not interfere with clinical endocrine profiling of IL-6 in a population.  相似文献   

First raised some 60 years ago, the question of whether chemically denatured proteins are fully unfolded has, in recent years, seen significantly renewed interest. This increased attention has been spurred, in large part, by new spectroscopic and computational approaches that suggest even the most highly denatured polypeptides contain significant residual structure. In contrast, the most recent scattering results uphold the long-standing view that chemically denatured proteins adopt random coil configurations. Here we review the evidence both for and against residual structure in chemically denatured proteins, and attempt to reconcile these seemingly contradictory observations.  相似文献   

Summary This investigation addresses the shape of radiation survival curves of cells cultured as multicell spheroids. It is shown that spheroids of cells capable of intercellular communication by gap-junctions display survival curves lacking a radioresistant fraction of hypoxic cells. Compared to the corresponding monolayers, these spheroid survival curves exhibit a uniform increase in radioresistance due to the contact effect. In contrast, biphasic survival curves indicative of hypoxic cells are obtained with non-communicating spheroids, however, without indication of a contact effect. Evidence is presented that this relationship between intercellular communication, hypoxia, and contact effect may possibly also hold for survival curves of solid tumors.  相似文献   

Interactions between transition metal ions and polyphenols can result in complexation, redox or polymerization, but the relative importance of these reactions is unclear. The present paper reports results from the reaction of gallic acid (GA) with Cu(II) using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and UV/visible spectroscopy for various relative concentrations and pH values. Reduction of Cu(II) by GA does not occur under strongly acidic or strongly alkaline conditions. Di- or polymerization reactions between Cu(II) and carboxylate groups of GA dominate the results at acidic pH, whereas mononuclear complexes increase in importance at higher pH and GA concentrations. There was no evidence for any redox reaction between Cu(II) and GA and free radical formation from GA at high pH was shown to be the consequence of auto-oxidation, which was inhibited by Cu(II). Serious questions are thus raised about the existence of the frequently assumed redox reactions between Cu(II) and polyphenols.  相似文献   

Leidi  E.O.  Saiz  J.F. 《Plant and Soil》1997,190(1):67-75
Physiological responses to salt stress were studied in two cotton cultivars previously selected on the basis of growth under salinity. Plants were grown in nutrient solutions under controlled conditions. In the first experiment, the genotypes were grown at different salt concentrations (0, 100 and 200 mt M NaCl) and growth rates, water contents and ion accumulation were determined. In a second experiment, both genotypes were grown at the same salt concentration (200 mt M NaCl). Dry matter partitioning in individual leaves, stem and roots, water contents, specific leaf area (SLA), ion accumulation (K+, Na+, Cl) and leaf water potentials were measured. Finally, an experiment with low salt levels (2.7 and 27 mt M NaCl) was run to compare K and Na+ uptake and distribution.There were no differences in growth between the cultivars in the absence of salt stress, whereas under stress genotype Z407 had higher leaf area and dry matter accumulation than P792. Leaf water potential and leaf water content were lower in cv P792 than in cv Z407. There were no significant differences in the levels of Cl accumulation between genotypes. The main feature of the tolerant genotype (Z407) was a higher accumulation of Na+ in leaves and an apparent capacity for K+ redistribution to younger leaves.We postulate that the higher tolerance in Z407 is the result of several traits such as a higher Na+ uptake and water content. Adaptation through adequate, but tightly controlled ion uptake, typical of some halophytes, matched with efficient ion compartmentation and redistribution, would result in an improved water uptake capacity under salt stress and lead to maintenance of higher growth rates.  相似文献   

Within the frame of World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines for the control of soil transmitted helminth (STH) infections, a baseline survey has been conducted in Queimadas Indian schoolchildren (group A) as compared with urban schoolchildren (group B), both located in Ortigueira, Paraná, Brazil, with the aim of orientating investigations. In an opportunistic study, the possible relationship between STH infection and nutritional status has been investigated. A total of 236 schoolchildren aged 5-15 years were enrolled, 100 in group A and 136 in group B. Prevalence of STH infections and heavy intensity infections were significantly higher in the group A (P < .001). A statistical significant correlation between stunting (Z-score < -2) and intensity of STH infections was noted. These results strongly suggested that mass treatment would be indicated in the indigenous community, possibly leading to improved nutritional status.  相似文献   

The White‐winged Flufftail (Sarothrura ayresi) is known to occur in the highland marshes of Ethiopia, as well as almost 4000 km in South Africa. The White‐winged Flufftail is listed globally as Critically Endangered. In South Africa the population is estimated to be <50 birds. These birds are severely threatened by habitat destruction. Thus far, no genetic studies have been conducted on S. ayresi to confirm genetic connectivity between the South African and Ethiopian populations. In this study, analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear markers was conducted for White‐winged Flufftail samples from South African and Ethiopian birds, as well as Red‐chested Flufftail (Sarothrura rufa) for species comparison. Analyses of the DNA regions identified three variations between the two populations, supporting the hypothesis that these two populations are not different species or subspecies but are rather one migrating population with different seasonal occupied ranges. However, these results do not exclude the possibility of additional breeding and nonbreeding sites. Low genetic diversity in the populations of White‐winged Flufftails was observed, which needs to be further elucidated with fast evolving co‐dominant markers such as microsatellites, as this low diversity may ultimately contribute to the extinction of the species.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is generated from l-arginine by NO synthases, of which three forms have been identified: endothelial, inducible and neuronal (eNOS, iNOS and nNOS, respectively). The l-arginine metabolite asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) is a potent, noncompetitive inhibitor of nNOS, while its congener N(G)-monomethyl-l-arginine (l-NMMA) is a less potent, competitive inhibitor. In rat neurons large amounts of ADMA are found, suggesting its importance in modulating neuronal activity. Humans generate approximately 300mumol ( approximately 60mg) ADMA per day. It is released from myelin basic proteins that are highly expressed in neuronal tissue. ADMA is mainly degraded by the action of the enzyme dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase (DDAH), which exists in two isoforms. DDAH1 is highly expressed in brain, suggesting specific function in this area. The presence of nNOS and DDAH1 in brain suggests that ADMA may have specific CNS activity and be more than an unregulated metabolite. Increased NO production-either prior to or concurrently with opioid administration-results in an enhanced rate and extent of development of tolerance to morphine in mice. NO produces an alteration in the mu-opioid receptor that increases constitutive receptor activity. It thereby reduces the ability of a selective mu-opioid agonist to activate the mu-opioid receptor; these in vitro molecular effects occur in a time course consistent with the in vivo development of antinociceptive tolerance in mice. Amongst many other synthetic NOS inhibitors of varying specificity, 7-nitroindazole (7-NI) has been shown to have a high affinity (IC(50) 0.71 microM) to nNOS. Selective blockade of nNOS by 7-NI attenuated morphine withdrawal in opiate dependent rats, suggesting nNOS as a viable target for development of pharmacotherapies. We hypothesize that, by inhibiting nNOS and reducing NO levels, ADMA may decrease mu-opiate receptor constitutive activity, resulting in alteration of the analgesic dose-response curve of morphine.  相似文献   

Native populations of perennial grasses subjected to heavy grazing are typically shorter and more prostrate than ungrazed or lightly defoliated ones. However, it is often difficult to find out whether the morphological modifications are the result of genetic differentiation or phenotypic plasticity. Piptochaetium napostaense (Speg.) Hack. is a native perennial cool-season palatable grass with a dwarf form abundant in the areas subjected to heavy grazing. In this study, we tried to determine whether the populations with different grazing histories are genetically differentiated. We considered three different grazing conditions: enclosure (prevented from grazing during 20 years), livestock grazing, and burrow (heavily grazed by cattle and a wild rodent herbivore, the vizcacha). Isozyme analyses were carried out in order to assess the genetic variability of the populations under study. We further studied the progeny of plants with different grazing histories to determine whether the morphological differences are transmitted to the next generation. Seedlings obtained from seeds belonging to enclosure and burrow were grown in the greenhouse and their vegetative and reproductive response under different water and nutrient availability levels were recorded. From the isozymes analyses we found low levels of genetic variation in the populations studied, with an average of 20.5% polymorphic loci, 1.2 alleles per locus and 0.015 mean expected heterozygosity. From the total genetic diversity, only 1.4% was due to differences among population. In addition, either enclosure or burrow populations had the same growth and reproductive response over treatments differing in water and nutrient levels. The morphological differentiation among plants with different grazing histories appears to be the outcome of a phenotypically plastic response of adapted genotypes.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the invasive spread of Rhododendron ponticum in the British Isles is influenced by the more favourable environmental conditions in the new territory than in the species' home range. In this study, we asked whether the species' invasion success might also involve a genotypic background for higher growth and germination rates in invasive populations. We tested the hypotheses that invasive populations have higher absolute germination rates, germinate faster and exhibit higher growth rates. We present data from greenhouse and climate chamber experiments with seed material and Rhododendron cuttings from six populations each of native Georgian, native Spanish and invasive Irish populations subjected to different temperature environments.
There were no differences in the maximum germination rate and optimum germination temperature between native and invasive origins. We found significant differences in germination velocity with the Irish seeds responding most rapidly to all germination treatments. Accordingly, in the growth experiment the invasive Irish origins had the highest relative growth rates in all environments tested.
Our results provide evidence for a genetic shift in invasive populations towards an increased investment in growth and towards a faster germination rate. Both traits would contribute to explaining this species' range expansion. The underlying evolutionary mechanisms for this shift are discussed, including the possibility of hybridisation or of an ecological release from hitherto experienced constraints in the native area.  相似文献   

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