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The spontaneous folding of two Neisseria outer membrane proteins, opacity-associated (Opa)(60) and Opa(50) into lipid vesicles was investigated by systematically varying bulk and membrane properties. Centrifugal fractionation coupled with sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis mobility assays enabled the discrimination of aggregate, unfolded membrane-associated, and folded membrane-inserted protein states as well as the influence of pH, ionic strength, membrane surface potential, lipid saturation, and urea on each. Protein aggregation was reduced with increasing lipid chain length, basic pH, low salt, the incorporation of negatively charged guest lipids, or by the addition of urea to the folding reaction. Insertion from the membrane-associated form was improved in shorter chain lipids, with more basic pH and low ionic strength; it is hindered by unsaturated or ether-linked lipids. The isolation of the physical determinants of insertion suggests that the membrane surface and dipole potentials are driving forces for outer membrane protein insertion and folding into lipid bilayers.  相似文献   

In cells, β-barrel membrane proteins are transported in unfolded form to an outer membrane into which they fold and insert. Model systems have been established to investigate the mechanisms of insertion and folding of these versatile proteins into detergent micelles, lipid bilayers and even synthetic amphipathic polymers. In these experiments, insertion into lipid membranes is initiated from unfolded forms that do not display residual β-sheet secondary structure. These studies therefore have allowed the investigation of membrane protein folding and insertion in great detail. Folding of β-barrel membrane proteins into lipid bilayers has been monitored from unfolded forms by dilution of chaotropic denaturants that keep the protein unfolded as well as from unfolded forms present in complexes with molecular chaperones from cells. This review is aimed to provide an overview of the principles and mechanisms observed for the folding of β-barrel transmembrane proteins into lipid bilayers, the importance of lipid–protein interactions and the function of molecular chaperones and folding assistants. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Lipid–protein interactions.  相似文献   

Dong H  Sharma M  Zhou HX  Cross TA 《Biochemistry》2012,51(24):4779-4789
Among the growing number of membrane protein structures in the Protein Data Bank, there are many transmembrane domains that appear to be native-like; at the same time, there are others that appear to have less than complete native-like character. Hence, there is an increasing need for validation tools that distinguish native-like from non-native-like structures. Membrane mimetics used in protein structural characterizations differ in numerous physicochemical properties from native membranes and provide many opportunities for introducing non-native-like features into membrane protein structures. One possible approach for validating membrane protein structures is based on the use of glycine residues in transmembrane domains. Here, we have reviewed the membrane protein structure database and identified a set of benchmark proteins that appear to be native-like. In these structures, conserved glycine residues rarely face the lipid interstices, and many of them participate in close helix-helix packing. Glycine-based validation allowed the identification of non-native-like features in several membrane proteins and also shows the potential for verifying the native-like character for numerous other membrane protein structures.  相似文献   

Veerappan A  Cymer F  Klein N  Schneider D 《Biochemistry》2011,50(47):10223-10230
Many membrane proteins appear to be present and functional in higher-order oligomeric states. While few studies have analyzed the thermodynamic stability of α-helical transmembrane (TM) proteins under equilibrium conditions in the past, oligomerization of larger polytopic monomers has essentially not yet been studied. However, it is vital to study the folding of oligomeric membrane proteins to improve our understanding of the general mechanisms and pathways of TM protein folding. To investigate the folding and stability of the aquaglyceroporin GlpF from Escherichia coli, unfolding of the protein in mixed micelles was monitored by steady-state fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy as well as by seminative sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analyses. On the basis of our results, it appears most likely that GlpF unfolds in a two-step process, involving the equilibrium of tetrameric, dimeric, and monomeric GlpF species. A kinetic analysis also indicates an intermediate along the kinetic GlpF unfolding pathway, and thus, two phases are involved in GlpF unfolding. While three-state unfolding pathways and a dimeric folding intermediate are not uncommon for water-soluble proteins, a stable (un)folding intermediate with a decreased oligomeric structure has not been detected or reported for any α-helical membrane protein.  相似文献   

For current state-of-the-art methods, the prediction of correct topology of membrane proteins has been reported to be above 80%. However, this performance has only been observed in small and possibly biased data sets obtained from protein structures or biochemical assays. Here, we test a number of topology predictors on an "unseen" set of proteins of known structure and also on four "genome-scale" data sets, including one recent large set of experimentally validated human membrane proteins with glycosylated sites. The set of glycosylated proteins is also used to examine the ability of prediction methods to separate membrane from nonmembrane proteins. The results show that methods utilizing multiple sequence alignments are overall superior to methods that do not. The best performance is obtained by TOPCONS, a consensus method that combines several of the other prediction methods. The best methods to distinguish membrane from nonmembrane proteins belong to the "Phobius" group of predictors. We further observe that the reported high accuracies in the smaller benchmark sets are not quite maintained in larger scale benchmarks. Instead, we estimate the performance of the best prediction methods for eukaryotic membrane proteins to be between 60% and 70%. The low agreement between predictions from different methods questions earlier estimates about the global properties of the membrane proteome. Finally, we suggest a pipeline to estimate these properties using a combination of the best predictors that could be applied in large-scale proteomics studies of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins serve as cellular gatekeepers, regulators, and sensors. Prior studies have explored the functional breadth and evolution of proteins and families of particular interest, such as the diversity of transport-associated membrane protein families in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, the composition of integral membrane proteins, and family classification of all human G-protein coupled receptors. However, a comprehensive analysis of the content and evolutionary associations between membrane proteins and families in a diverse set of genomes is lacking. Here, a membrane protein annotation pipeline was developed to define the integral membrane genome and associations between 21,379 proteins from 34 genomes; most, but not all of these proteins belong to 598 defined families. The pipeline was used to provide target input for a structural genomics project that successfully cloned, expressed, and purified 61 of our first 96 selected targets in yeast. Furthermore, the methodology was applied (1) to explore the evolutionary history of the substrate-binding transmembrane domains of the human ABC transporter superfamily, (2) to identify the multidrug resistance-associated membrane proteins in whole genomes, and (3) to identify putative new membrane protein families.  相似文献   

An important question that is addressed here is whether the modeling of protein folding can catch the difference between the folding of proteins with similar structures but with different folding mechanisms. In this work, the modeling of folding of four α-helical proteins from the homeodomain family, which are similar in size, was done using the Monte Carlo and dynamic programming methods. A frequently observed order of folding of α-helices for each protein was determined using the Monte Carlo method. A correlation between the experimental folding rate and the number of Monte Carlo steps was also demonstrated. Amino acid residues that are important for the folding were determined using the dynamic programming method. The defined regions correlate with the order of folding of secondary-structure elements in the proteins both in experiments and in modeling.  相似文献   

The folding and function of membrane proteins is controlled not only by specific but also by unspecific interactions with the constituent lipids. In this review, we focus on the influence of the spontaneous lipid curvature on the folding and insertion of peptides and proteins in membranes. Amphiphilic α-helical peptides, as represented by various antimicrobial sequences, are compared with β-barrel proteins, which are found in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. It has been shown that cationic amphiphilic peptides are always surface-bound in lipids with a negative spontaneous curvature like POPC, i.e. they are oriented parallel to the membrane plane. On the other hand, in lipids like DMPC with a positive curvature, these peptides can get tilted or completely inserted in a transmembrane state. Remarkably, the folding and spontaneous membrane insertion of β-barrel outer membrane proteins also proceeds more easily in lipids with a positive intrinsic curvature, while it is hampered by negative curvature. We therefore propose that a positive spontaneous curvature of the lipids promotes the ability of a surface-bound molecule to insert more deeply into the bilayer core, irrespective of the conformation, size, or shape of the peptide, protein, or folding intermediate. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Lipid-protein interactions.  相似文献   

正Dear Editor.Transmembrane proteins withβ-barrel topology are mainly found in the outer membranes (OMs) of Gram-negative bacteria,mitochondria and chloroplasts (Wimley,2003).These proteins usually contain even numbers ofβ-strands,ranging from 8-36.To achieve an overall cylindrical topology,the polypeptide chain of aβ-barrel OMP must fold to form a series of anti-parallelβ-strands with eachβ-strand hydrogen-bonding to its neighboring strands (Otzen and Andersen,2013).The folding and insertion of aβ-barrel OMP in vivo requires an evolutionarily conserved multiprotein complex termedβ-barrel assembly machinery(BAM) complex (Noinaj et al.,2015).The structures of the  相似文献   

A protocol is described for the reconstitution of a transmembrane β-barrel protein domain, tOmpA, into lipid bicelles. tOmpA is the largest protein to be reconstituted in bicelles to date. Its insertion does not prevent bicelles from orienting with their plane either parallel or perpendicular to the magnetic field, depending on the absence or presence of paramagnetic ions. In the latter case, tOmpA is shown to align with the axis of the β-barrel parallel to the magnetic field, i.e. perpendicular to the plane of the bilayer, an orientation conforming to that in natural membranes and favourable to structural studies by solid-state NMR. Reconstitution into bicelles may offer an interesting approach for structural studies of membrane proteins in a medium resembling a biological membrane, using either NMR or other biophysical techniques. Our data suggest that alignment in the magnetic field of membrane proteins included into bicelles may be facilitated if the protein is folded as a β-barrel structure.  相似文献   

Alpha-synuclein (αS) is a 140-amino-acid protein that is involved in a number of neurodegenerative diseases. In Parkinson's disease, the protein is typically encountered in intracellular, high-molecular-weight aggregates. Although αS is abundant in the presynaptic terminals of the central nervous system, its physiological function is still unknown. There is strong evidence for the membrane affinity of the protein. One hypothesis is that lipid-induced binding and helix folding may modulate the fusion of synaptic vesicles with the presynaptic membrane and the ensuing transmitter release. Here we show that membrane recognition of the N-terminus is essential for the cooperative formation of helical domains in the protein. We used circular dichroism spectroscopy and isothermal titration calorimetry to investigate synthetic peptide fragments from different domains of the full-length αS protein. Site-specific truncation and partial cleavage of the full-length protein were employed to further characterize the structural motifs responsible for helix formation and lipid-protein interaction. Unilamellar vesicles of varying net charge and lipid compositions undergoing lateral phase separation or chain melting phase transitions in the vicinity of physiological temperatures served as model membranes. The results suggest that the membrane-induced helical folding of the first 25 residues may be driven simultaneously by electrostatic attraction and by a change in lipid ordering. Our findings highlight the significance of the αS N-terminus for folding nucleation, and provide a framework for elucidating the role of lipid-induced conformational transitions of the protein within its intracellular milieu.  相似文献   

Kornelius Zeth 《BBA》2010,1797(6-7):1292-1299
Gram-negative bacteria are the ancestors of mitochondrial organelles. Consequently, both entities contain two surrounding lipid bilayers known as the inner and outer membranes. While protein synthesis in bacteria is accomplished in the cytoplasm, mitochondria import 90–99% of their protein ensemble from the cytosol in the opposite direction. Three protein families including Sam50, VDAC and Tom40 together with Mdm10 compose the set of integral β-barrel proteins embedded in the mitochondrial outer membrane in S. cerevisiae (MOM). The 16-stranded Sam50 protein forms part of the sorting and assembly machinery (SAM) and shows a clear evolutionary relationship to members of the bacterial Omp85 family. By contrast, the evolution of VDAC and Tom40, both adopting the same fold cannot be traced to any bacterial precursor. This finding is in agreement with the specific function of Tom40 in the TOM complex not existent in the enslaved bacterial precursor cell. Models of Tom40 and Sam50 have been developed using X-ray structures of related proteins. These models are analyzed with respect to properties such as conservation and charge distribution yielding features related to their individual functions.  相似文献   

Kroncke BM  Horanyi PS  Columbus L 《Biochemistry》2010,49(47):10045-10060
Understanding the structure and dynamics of membrane proteins in their native, hydrophobic environment is important to understanding how these proteins function. EPR spectroscopy in combination with site-directed spin labeling (SDSL) can measure dynamics and structure of membrane proteins in their native lipid environment; however, until now the dynamics measured have been qualitative due to limited knowledge of the nitroxide spin label's intramolecular motion in the hydrophobic environment. Although several studies have elucidated the structural origins of EPR line shapes of water-soluble proteins, EPR spectra of nitroxide spin-labeled proteins in detergents or lipids have characteristic differences from their water-soluble counterparts, suggesting significant differences in the underlying molecular motion of the spin label between the two environments. To elucidate these differences, membrane-exposed α-helical sites of the leucine transporter, LeuT, from Aquifex aeolicus, were investigated using X-ray crystallography, mutational analysis, nitroxide side chain derivatives, and spectral simulations in order to obtain a motional model of the nitroxide. For each crystal structure, the nitroxide ring of a disulfide-linked spin label side chain (R1) is resolved and makes contacts with hydrophobic residues on the protein surface. The spin label at site I204 on LeuT makes a nontraditional hydrogen bond with the ortho-hydrogen on its nearest neighbor F208, whereas the spin label at site F177 makes multiple van der Waals contacts with a hydrophobic pocket formed with an adjacent helix. These results coupled with the spectral effect of mutating the i ± 3, 4 residues suggest that the spin label has a greater affinity for its local protein environment in the low dielectric than on a water-soluble protein surface. The simulations of the EPR spectra presented here suggest the spin label oscillates about the terminal bond nearest the ring while maintaining weak contact with the protein surface. Combined, the results provide a starting point for determining a motional model for R1 on membrane proteins, allowing quantification of nitroxide dynamics in the aliphatic environment of detergent and lipids. In addition, initial contributions to a rotamer library of R1 on membrane proteins are provided, which will assist in reliably modeling the R1 conformational space for pulsed dipolar EPR and NMR paramagnetic relaxation enhancement distance determination.  相似文献   

The proteome of the outer membrane of mitochondria and chloroplasts consists of membrane proteins anchored by α-helical or β-sheet elements. While proteins with α-helical transmembrane domains are present in all cellular membranes, proteins with β-barrel structure are specific for these two membranes. The organellar β-barrel proteins are encoded in the nuclear genome and thus, have to be targeted to the outer organellar membrane where they are recognized by surface exposed translocation complexes. In the last years, the signals that ensure proper targeting of these proteins have been investigated as essential base for an understanding of the regulation of cellular protein distribution. However, the organellar β-barrel proteins are unique as most of them do not contain a typical targeting information in form of an N-terminal cleavable targeting signal. Recently, it was discovered that targeting and surface recognition of mitochondrial β-barrel proteins in yeast, humans and plants depends on the hydrophobicity of the last β-hairpin of the β-barrel. However, we demonstrate that the hydrophobicity is not sufficient for the discrimination of targeting to chloroplasts or mitochondria. By domain swapping between mitochondrial and chloroplast targeted β-barrel proteins atVDAC1 and psOEP24 we demonstrate that the presence of a hydrophilic amino acid at the C-terminus of the penultimate β-strand is required for mitochondrial targeting. A mutation of the chloroplast β-barrel protein psOEP24 which mimics such profile is efficiently targeted to mitochondria. Thus, we present the properties of the signal for mitochondrial targeting of β-barrel proteins in plants.  相似文献   

α-Helical membrane proteins (MPs) are the targets for many pharmaceutical drugs and play important roles in human physiology. In recent years, significant progress has been made in determining their atomic structure using X-ray crystallography. However, a major bottleneck in MP crystallography still remains, namely, the identification of conditions that give crystals that are suitable for structural determination. In 2008, we undertook an analysis of the crystallization conditions for 121 α-helical MPs to design a rationalized sparse matrix crystallization screen, MemGold. We now report an updated analysis that includes a further 133 conditions. The results reveal the current trends in α-helical MP crystallization with notable differences since 2008. The updated information has been used to design new crystallization and additive screens that should prove useful for both initial crystallization scouting and subsequent crystal optimization.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria are enveloped by two membranes, the inner (cytoplasmic) (CM) and the outer (OM). The majority of integral outer membrane proteins are arranged in β-barrels of cylindrical shape composed of amphipathic antiparallel β-strands. In bacteria, β-barrel proteins function as water-filled pores, active transporters, enzymes, receptors, and structural proteins. Proteins of bacterial OM are synthesized in the cytoplasm as unfolded polypeptides with an N-terminal sequence that marks them for transport across the CM. Precursors of membrane proteins move through the aqueous medium of the cytosol and periplasm under the protection of chaperones (SecB, Skp, SurA, and DegP), then cross the CM via the Sec system composed of a polypeptide-conducting channel (SecYEG) and ATPase (SecA), the latter providing the energy for the translocation of the pre-protein. Pre-protein folding and incorporation in the OM require the participation of the Bam-complex, probably without the use of energy. This review summarizes current data on the biogenesis of the β-barrel proteins of bacterial OM. Data on the structure of the proteins included in the multicomponent system for delivery of the OM proteins to their destination in the cell and on their complexes with partners, including pre-proteins, are pre-sented. Molecular models constructed on the basis of structural, genetic, and biochemical studies that describe the mechanisms of β-barrel protein assembly by this molecular transport machinery are also considered.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2021,120(23):5295-5308
The outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria presents a robust physicochemical barrier protecting the cell from both the natural environment and acting as the first line of defense against antimicrobial materials. The proteins situated within the outer membrane are responsible for a range of biological functions including controlling influx and efflux. These outer membrane proteins (OMPs) are ultimately inserted and folded within the membrane by the β-barrel assembly machine (Bam) complex. The precise mechanism by which the Bam complex folds and inserts OMPs remains unclear. Here, we have developed a platform for investigating Bam-mediated OMP insertion. By derivatizing a gold surface with a copper-chelating self-assembled monolayer, we were able to assemble a planar system containing the complete Bam complex reconstituted within a phospholipid bilayer. Structural characterization of this interfacial protein-tethered bilayer by polarized neutron reflectometry revealed distinct regions consistent with known high-resolution models of the Bam complex. Additionally, by monitoring changes of mass associated with OMP insertion by quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring, we were able to demonstrate the functionality of this system by inserting two diverse OMPs within the membrane, pertactin, and OmpT. This platform has promising application in investigating the mechanism of Bam-mediated OMP insertion, in addition to OMP function and activity within a phospholipid bilayer environment.  相似文献   

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