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Collybistin (Cb) is a brain-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor that has been implicated in plasma membrane targeting of the postsynaptic scaffolding protein gephyrin found at glycinergic and GABAergic synapses. Here we show that Cb-deficient mice display a region-specific loss of postsynaptic gephyrin and GABA(A) receptor clusters in the hippocampus and the basolateral amygdala. Cb deficiency is accompanied by significant changes in hippocampal synaptic plasticity, due to reduced dendritic GABAergic inhibition. Long-term potentiation is enhanced, and long-term depression reduced, in Cb-deficient hippocampal slices. Consistent with the anatomical and electrophysiological findings, the animals show increased levels of anxiety and impaired spatial learning. Together, our data indicate that Cb is essential for gephyrin-dependent clustering of a specific set of GABA(A) receptors, but not required for glycine receptor postsynaptic localization.  相似文献   

Philpot BD  Bear MF 《Neuron》2002,33(5):665-667
In this issue of Neuron, record from synaptically coupled pairs of CA3 neurons to closely examine the induction of synaptic depression at a small number of identified synapses. The authors provide convincing evidence that the activation history of a synapse determines both the ability of a synapse to depress and the mechanism of depression.  相似文献   

Several dystrophin isoforms are known. The full-length isoform is present in striated and smooth muscles and neurons and its lack causes Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a progressive myopathy accompanied by mild cognitive deficits and gastrointestinal dismotility. An ultrastructural study was undertaken in the colon of mice lacking full-length dystrophin and maintaining shorter isoforms (mdx mice) to ascertain whether myenteric neurons have an altered morphology. Results showed a significant increase in the size of synaptic vesicle and in the number of recycling vesicles. An enlargement of endoplasmic reticulum cisternae in a subpopulation of neurons was also seen. Immunohistochemistry confirmed that the shorter isoforms were expressed in mdx mice myenteric neurons. These findings indicate the presence of a neuropathy at the myenteric plexus which might justify the defective neuronal control of gastrointestinal motility reported for these animals and which might be correlated with full-length dystrophin loss, since the shorter isoforms are present.  相似文献   

Recent genetic linkage analysis has shown that LRRTM1 (Leucine rich repeat transmembrane neuronal 1) is associated with schizophrenia. Here, we characterized Lrrtm1 knockout mice behaviorally and morphologically. Systematic behavioral analysis revealed reduced locomotor activity in the early dark phase, altered behavioral responses to novel environments (open-field box, light-dark box, elevated plus maze, and hole board), avoidance of approach to large inanimate objects, social discrimination deficit, and spatial memory deficit. Upon administration of the NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801, Lrrtm1 knockout mice showed both locomotive activities in the open-field box and responses to the inanimate object that were distinct from those of wild-type mice, suggesting that altered glutamatergic transmission underlay the behavioral abnormalities. Furthermore, administration of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (fluoxetine) rescued the abnormality in the elevated plus maze. Morphologically, the brains of Lrrtm1 knockout mice showed reduction in total hippocampus size and reduced synaptic density. The hippocampal synapses were characterized by elongated spines and diffusely distributed synaptic vesicles, indicating the role of Lrrtm1 in maintaining synaptic integrity. Although the pharmacobehavioral phenotype was not entirely characteristic of those of schizophrenia model animals, the impaired cognitive function may warrant the further study of LRRTM1 in relevance to schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Specific testicular binding of 125I-HCG and plasma levels of testosterone are decreased in rats three weeks after hypophysectomy or adrenalectomy plus thyroidectomy but they are not changed after adrenalectomy or thyroidectomy. The affinity of gonadotropin receptors to HCG is not altered.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitter release is triggered by the influx of Ca(2+) into the presynaptic terminal through voltage gated Ca(2+)-channels. The shape of the presynaptic Ca(2+) signal largely determines the amount of released quanta and thus the size of the synaptic response. Ca(2+)-channel function is modulated in particular by the auxiliary beta-subunits that interact intracellularly with the pore-forming alpha(1)-subunit. Using retrovirus-mediated gene transfer in cultured hippocampal neurons, we demonstrate that functional GFP-beta(4) constructs colocalize with the synaptic vesicle marker synaptobrevin II and endogenous P/Q-type channels, indicating that beta(4)-subunits are localized to synaptic sites. Costaining with the dendritic marker MAP2 revealed that the beta(4)-subunit is transported to dendrites as well as axons. The nonconserved amino- and carboxyl-termini of the beta(4)-subunit were found to target the protein to the synapse. Physiological measurements in autaptic hippocampal neurons infected with green fluorescent protein (GFP)-beta(4) revealed an increase in both excitatory post-synaptic current amplitude and paired pulse facilitation ratio, whereas the GFP-beta(4) mutant, GFP-beta(4)(Delta50-407), which demonstrated a cytosolic localization pattern, did not alter these synaptic properties. In summary, our data suggest a pre-synaptic function of the Ca(2+)-channel beta(4)-subunit in synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

Diffusible factors, including netrins and semaphorins, are believed to be important cues for the formation of neural circuits in the forebrain. Here we have examined the role of netrin 1 in the development of hippocampal connections. We show that netrin 1 and its receptor, Dcc, are expressed in the developing fimbria and in projection neurons, respectively, and that netrin 1 promotes the outgrowth of hippocampal axons in vitro via DCC receptors. We also show that the hippocampus of netrin 1-deficient mice shows a misorientation of fiber tracts and pathfinding errors, as detected with antibodies against the surface proteins TAG-1, L1 and DCC. DiI injections show that hippocampal commissural axons do not cross the midline in these mutants. Instead, when axons approach the midline, they turn ventrally and form a massive aberrant projection to the ipsilateral septum. In addition, both the ipsilateral entorhino-hippocampal and the CA3-to-CA1 associational projections show an altered pattern of layer-specific termination in netrin 1-deficient mice. Finally, optical recordings with the Ca(2+) indicator Fura 2-AM show that spontaneous neuronal activity is reduced in the septum of netrin 1-mutant mice. We conclude that netrin 1 is required not only for the formation of crossed connections in the forebrain, but also for the appropriate layer-specific targeting of ipsilateral projections and for the control of normal levels of spontaneous neural activity.  相似文献   

Growth‐associated protein 43 (GAP‐43), a novel axonal phosphoprotein, is originally identified as a growth‐cone‐specific protein of developing neurons in vitro. The expression of GAP‐43 is also shown to be up‐regulated concomitant with increased synaptic plasticity in the brains in vivo, but how GAP‐43 is concerned with synaptic plasticity is not well understood. In the present study, therefore, we aimed to elucidate subcellular localization of GAP‐43 as culture development of rat hippocampal neurons. Western blotting showed that the expression of GAP‐43 in the cerebral and hippocampal tissues was prominently high at postnatal days 14 and 21 or the active period of synaptogenesis. Double‐labelling immunohistochemistry with an axonal marker Tau revealed that the immunoreactivity of GAP‐43 was seen throughout axons of cultured hippocampal neurons but stronger at axonal puncta of developing neurons than axonal processes. Double‐labelling immunohistochemistry with presynaptic terminal markers of synapsin and synaptotagmin revealed that the immunoreactivity of GAP‐43 was observed mostly at weak synapsin‐ and synaptotagmin‐positive puncta rather than strong ones. The quantitative analysis of immunofluorescent intensity showed a clear inverse correlation between GAP‐43 and either synapsin or synaptotagmin expression. These data indicate that GAP‐43 is highly expressed at immature growing axonal terminals and its expression is decreased along with the maturation of synaptogenesis. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Starch biosynthesis during pollen maturation is not well understood in terms of genes/proteins and intracellular controls that regulate it in developing pollen. We have studied two specific developmental stages: "early," characterized by the lack of starch, before or during pollen mitosis I; and "late," an actively starch-filling post-pollen mitosis I phase in S-type cytoplasmic male-sterile (S-CMS) and two related male-fertile genotypes. The male-fertile starch-positive, but not the CMS starch-deficient, genotypes showed changes in the expression patterns of a large number of genes during this metabolic transition. In addition to a battery of housekeeping genes of carbohydrate metabolism, we observed changes in hexose transporter, plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase, ZmMADS1, and 14-3-3 proteins. Reduction or deficiency in 14-3-3 protein levels in all three major cellular sites (amyloplasts [starch], mitochondria, and cytosol) in male-sterile relative to male-fertile genotypes are of potential interest because of interorganellar communication in this CMS system. Further, the levels of hexose sugars were significantly reduced in male-sterile as compared with male-fertile tissues, not only at "early" and "late" stages but also at an earlier point during meiosis. Collectively, these data suggest that combined effects of both reduced sugars and their reduced flux in starch biosynthesis along with a strong possibility for altered redox passage may lead to the observed temporal changes in gene expressions, and ultimately pollen sterility.  相似文献   

To determine the role of integrins in mature osteoblasts in vivo, we expressed in transgenic mice a dominant-negative integrin subunit (beta1-DN) consisting of the beta1 subunit cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains, driven by the osteoblast-specific osteocalcin promoter. Immature osteoblasts isolated from transgenic animals differentiated normally in vitro until the osteocalcin promoter became active; thereafter they detached from the substratum, suggesting that beta1-DN was impairing adhesion in mature osteoblasts. Transgenic animals had reduced bone mass, with increased cortical porosity in long bones and thinner flat bones in the skull. At 35 days, the rate of bone formation was reduced in cortical bone, and the parietal bones were 45% thinner than in wild-type animals. Active osteoblasts were less polar and had larger areas of cytoplasm with intracellular stores of matrix molecules. Osteocyte lacunae appeared normal around the cell body but did not have normal canilicular structures. At 90 days, the parietal bone of transgenic males was of normal width, suggesting that the original defect in matrix deposition had been repaired or compensated for. In contrast, transgenic females still had decreased bone mass in the parietal bone at 90 days. The decreased bone mass in TG females was accompanied by increased staining for osteoclast activity, suggesting that there was a sex-specific defect in mature animals.  相似文献   

Using intravital fluorescence microscopy in the ears of hairless mice, we determined skin microvascular adaptations during the process of aging from juvenile to adult and senescent life (6-78 wk). Despite an increase of ear area within the first 36 wk, the number and branching pattern of both arteriolar and venular microvessels remained constant during the whole life period. Both arterioles and venules exhibited an increase in length, diameter, and intervascular distance up to the age of 36 wk. With the increase of the size of the ears, the observation that cutaneous capillary density remained unchanged implied new capillary formation. During aging to 78 wk, capillary density in the ears was reduced to approximately 40%. Functional analysis revealed an appropriate hyperemic response to a 2-min period of ischemia during late juvenile and adult life, which, however, was markedly reduced during senescence. Thus, except for capillaries, there is no indication for age-related new vessel formation. The process of aging from adult to senescent life does not cause any significant remodeling but is associated with a decrease of nutritive perfusion and a functional impairment to respond to stimuli such as ischemia.  相似文献   

Changes in androgen production by isolated Leydig cells were evaluated from 20 through 60 days of age in the mouse. Leydig cells were obtained by mechanical dissociation of testes, purified by centrifugation in metrizamide gradients, and incubated with increasing concentrations of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Testosterone and 5 alpha-androstane-3 alpha, 17 beta-diol (androstanediol) were measured by radioimmunoassay in samples of cells plus medium. Sensitivity of mouse Leydig cells, evaluated as the concentration of hCG that elicited half-maximum androgen responses, was essentially the same at all ages. Maximum testosterone production increased by about 20-fold from 20 to 45 days of age but was no greater at 60 days than at 45 days. Maximum androstanediol production increased by about 3- to 4-fold from 20 to 25 days and declined after 30 days of age. Androstanediol predominated over testosterone by about 2-fold at 20 days; this relationship was reversed by 30 days, and at later ages testosterone greatly predominated over androstanediol (by at least 4- and 6-fold at 45 and 60 days of age, respectively). Maximum total androgen production, estimated from the sum of the values for testosterone and androstanediol, increased by about 7-fold from 20 to 30 days of age and remained essentially constant thereafter. These results are compared with those from previous studies of the rat.  相似文献   



It is well established that the immature myocardium preferentially utilises non-oxidative energy-generating pathways. It exhibits low energy-transfer capacity via the creatine kinase (CK) shuttle, reflected in phosphocreatine (PCr), total creatine and CK levels that are much lower than those of adult myocardium. The mechanisms leading to gradually increasing energy transfer capacity during maturation are poorly understood. Creatine is not synthesised in the heart, but taken up exclusively by the action of the creatine transporter protein (CrT). To determine whether this transporter is ontogenically regulated, the present study serially examined CrT gene expression pattern, together with creatine uptake kinetics and resulting myocardial creatine levels, in rats over the first 80 days of age.  相似文献   

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