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A species of Pseudo-nitzschia isolated from Sevastopol Bay, Black Sea, was examined for its toxicity. The species was identified as P. calliantha Lundholm, Moestrup et Hasle based on SEM and TEM examination. Domoic acid (DA) was detected in batch culture throughout the growth cycle of P. calliantha. The production of DA by this diatom species was confirmed by fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl (FMOC) derivatization and HPLC-fluorescence method. The cellular DA level was higher in the early exponential phase, with the maximum value of 0.95 pg DA cell−1. In the stationary phase, the cellular DA levels declined. This is the first record of a DA producing diatom isolated from the Black Sea.  相似文献   

Summary Quasi modern non-skeletal carbonates and stromatolites occur from the Red Sea shelf, proximal to the reef systems and continuous into the axial basin (512 to 2704 metres below present sea level). The lithified carbonates are intermixed with carbonate ooze forming a hard layer of 50 to 90 cm thickness. Decimetric platey fragments of lithified carbonate exhibit planar to columnar stromatolitic growth forms, lumpy microbial fabrics and internal brecciation features. The ultrastructures of lithified carbonates are formed by cryptocrystalline carbonate, mainly as aragonite spherulites, Mg-calcite peloids, anhedral mosaics of Mg-calcite and aragonite. Biogenic overgrowth, intercalations of calciturbidites and the type of interlocking relationships in the crystalline fabrics all indicate precipitation at the sea floor or close by. Morphological and mineralogical similarity with previously published microfabrics indicate microbial mediation of carbonate precipitation. The hard layer was formed during the last glacial maximum (LGM, approx. 23ka to 13ka), when pelagic sedimentation rates droped to a minimum due to high surface water salinities. Precipitation of the excess calcium carbonate in the deep ocean was strongly enhanced because the Hanish sill at the southern end of the Red Sea blocked input of cold bottom waters which in turn caused bottom water with high temperatures and salinities (>50 ‰), and low oxygen content. The scenario of a starved greenhouse-type ocean for the Red Sea during the LGM compliments models for the origin of ancient (Mesozoic and Palaeozoic) deepwater stromatolites.  相似文献   

Early detection is the most effective way to mitigate the effects of harmful algal blooms (HAB). Cell counts based on examination of microplankton samples using settling chambers and visual inspection with an inverted microscope are tedious and time consuming, and counting precision is generally poor at low cell densities. The FlowCAM is a continuous imaging flow cytometer designed to characterize particles in the microplankton size range (20–200 μm diameter). In this study we examined the ability of the FlowCAM to improve routine monitoring protocols for HAB species by automatically recording information on size and fluorescence per cell. This will eliminate the need to examine cells outside the ranges of these measurements for our target species, Karenia brevis. We also tested the ability of image comparison software to match images of cells in mixed assemblages to images of the target species. For simple mixtures of cultured dinoflagellates, the ability of the image matching software to discriminate target cells varied greatly depending on how similar the two species were in size and shape. When target cells were added to natural plankton samples, the image recognition software correctly identified 80–90% of the target cells, but misidentified 20–50% of non-target cells in the size range of the target species. We conclude that the FlowCAM is less tedious and time-consuming than microscopy, allowing for examination of more cells for greater counting precision. The cell recognition software helps reduce the numbers of cells that must be screened, but images must still be examined by a trained operator to identify the HAB species of interest.  相似文献   

The intensive development of industry and urban structures along the seashores of the world, as well as the immense increase in marine transportation and other activities, has resulted in the deposition of thousands of new chemicals and organic compounds, endangering the existence of organisms and ecosystems. The conventional single biomarker methods used in ecological assessment studies cannot provide an adequate base for environmental health assessment, management and sustainability planning. The present study uses a set of novel biochemical, physiological, cytogenetic and morphological methods to characterize the state of health of selected molluscs and fish along the shores of the German North Sea, as well as the Israeli Mediterranean and Red Sea. The methods include measurement of activity of multixenobiotic resistance-mediated transporter (MXRtr) and the system of active transport of organic anions (SATOA) as indicators of antixenobiotic defence; glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity as an indicator of biotransformation of xenobiotics; DNA unwinding as a marker of genotoxicity; micronucleus test for clastogenicity; levels of phagocytosis for immunotoxicity; cholinesterase (ChE) activity and level of catecholamines as indicators of neurotoxicity; permeability of external epithelia to anionic hydrophilic probe, intralysosomal accumulation of cationic amphiphilic probe and activity of non-specific esterases as indicators of cell/tissue viability. Complete histopathological examination was used for diagnostics of environmental pathology. The obtained data show that the activity of the defensive pumps, MXRtr and SATOA in the studied organisms was significantly higher in the surface epithelia of molluscs from a polluted site than that of the same species from control, unpolluted stations, providing clear evidence of response to stress. Enhanced frequency of DNA lesions (alkaline and acidic DNA unwinding) and micronucleus-containing cells was significantly higher in samples from polluted sites in comparison to those from the clean sites that exhibited genotoxic and clastogenic activity of the pollutants. In all the studied molluscs a negative correlation was found between the MXRtr levels of activity and the frequency of micronucleus-containing hemocytes. The expression of this was in accordance with the level of pollution. The complete histopathological examination demonstrates significantly higher frequencies of pathological alterations in organs of animals from polluted sites. A strong negative correlation was found between the frequency of these alterations and MXRtr activity in the same specimens. In addition to these parameters, a decrease in the viability was noted in molluscs from the polluted sites, but ChE activities remained similar at most sites. The methods applied in our study unmasked numerous early cryptic responses and negative alterations of health in populations of marine biota sampled from the polluted sites. This demonstrates that genotoxic, clastogenic and pathogenic xenobiotics are present and act in the studied sites and this knowledge can provide a reliable base for consideration for sustainable development. Received: 2 March 1999 / Received in revised form: 2 August 1999 / Accepted: 3 August 1999  相似文献   

Previous studies in fringing reefs of the Northern Red Sea demonstrated that the in-situ competition of corals and algae in natural assemblages is highly variable between seasons displaying fast overgrowth of corals by benthic reef algae in fall that follows close to equilibrium between both groups of organisms in summer. This may be caused by up to 5-fold higher inorganic nutrient and 6-fold higher organic nutrient concentrations in fall and winter, thereby potentially promoting algae and cyanobacteria growth with concomitant phase shift. A long term mesocosm experiment (duration: 90 days) was conducted in order to study the effect of dissolved inorganic (ammonium, phosphate, nitrate, and mix of all three) and organic (glucose) nutrient addition onto the competitive process in the dominant coral–algae assemblages of the Northern Red Sea involving branching corals of the genus Acropora and a typical consortium of benthic turf algae. Nutrients were added in 3-fold higher concentrations compared to the annual averages, and the parameters algal growth, extension of bleached area on corals, tissue colour change and chlorophyll a concentrations were monitored at regular intervals over experimental duration. This revealed that elevated ammonium concentrations and elevated organic nutrient concentrations stimulate algal growth, while coral tissue pigmentation and chlorophyll a content were significantly decreased. But only in the elevated organic nutrient treatment all effects on corals were significantly pronounced when assembled with benthic turf algae. Supplementary logger measurements revealed that O2 water concentrations were significantly lower in the elevated organic nutrient mesocosm compared to all other treatments, confirming side-effects on microbial activity. These findings indicate that organic nutrient input into coral reefs can affect physiology and metabolism of both corals and benthic turf algae. Reinforcing interaction between both groups of organisms along with involvement of microbes may facilitate phase shifts in coral reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

The composition and distribution of the benthic meiofauna assemblages of the Egyptian coasts along the Red Sea are described in relation to abiotic variables. Sediment samples were collected seasonally from three stations chosen along the Red Sea to observe the meiofaunal community structure, its temporal distribution and vertical fluctuation in relation to environmental conditions of the Red Sea marine ecosystem. The temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, and redox potential were measured at the time of collection. The water content of the sediments, total organic matters and chlorophyll a values were determined, and sediment samples were subjected to granulometric analysis. A total of 10 meiofauna taxa were identified, with the meiofauna being primarily represented by nematodes (on annual average from 42% to 84%), harpacticoids, polycheates and ostracodes; and the meiofauna abundances ranging from 41 to 167 ind./10 cm2. The meiofaunal population density fluctuated seasonally with a peak of 192.52 ind./10 cm2 during summer at station II. The vertical zonation in the distribution of meiofaunal community was significantly correlated with interstitial water, chlorophyll a and total organic matter values. The present study indicates the existence of the well diversified meiofaunal group which can serve as food for higher trophic levels in the Red Sea interstitial environment.  相似文献   

Summary This is the first study based on numerical analysis of the abundance of 11 scleractinian corals of depths at between 100–210 m in the Red Sea twilight zone. Two distinct coral communities were found: a Leptoseris fragilis community at a depth of 100–130 m (zone 1) and a Dendrophillia horsti community below 130 m (zone 2, 3). Population densities and coral coverage are very low; distribution of individuals is highly clumped. Highest observed densities on 100 m2 were 2720 individuals for L. fraglis, 2720 for D. horsti and 2260 for Javania insignis. Calculated coverage rates were maximally 3.6% (L. fragilis), 0.08% (D. horsti) and 0.11% (J. insignis). L. fragilis, the only symbiont bearing coral, was very abundant. It has an unusual depth range for a photosynthesising coral. Coral density is only weakly correlated with hard bottom coverage. Species diversity with an average of 8 species is highest at 120–170 m and decreases in shallower and deeper water. The study depth range is a transient zone for coral distribution. It contains the upper distribution limits of a few deep sea corals and the lower ones of several shallower water species. Ahermatypic corals, collected at 160–170 m depth, were transplanted from their original depth to 159, 118, 70 and 40 m; after one year most species survived transplantation far beyond their upper distributional limits. The symbiotic L. fragilis, collected at 120 m, survived transplantation to deep water (159 m) as well as shallow zones (90, 70 and 40 m). The study demonstrates the feasibility of line-transect methods for coral community studies with a submersible.  相似文献   

The vertical zonation of 38 species of fish inhabiting coral reefs in the Sudanese Red Sea is described. A marked degree of vertical zonation of the fishes is shown to exist. The usefulness of a depth oriented survey method for studying reef fish is discussed in relation to these results.General relationships between vertical zonation and species diversity are noted.  相似文献   

Fishes of the family Lethrinidae form a considerable portion of the catch from both the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf in Saudi Arabia, and the species Lethrinus lentjan (Lacepède, 1802) is one of the most important among these fishes. This study was conducted to evaluate the demographic structure coefficients, survival rate, and stock status of L. lentjan from the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia. A total of 593 samples were collected on a monthly basis for a period of one year from the landing site for fishing boats operating in Red Sea waters off Jeddah. The results indicated that 88.87% of the specimens were female; the maximum total length recorded was 43.5 cm with the most frequent length (14.67%) being 23–23.9 cm. The maximum age recorded for both males and females was 6 year-plus, and the 1 year-plus age category represented the majority of the samples (57.67%). The total mortality coefficient, natural mortality coefficient, and fishing mortality coefficient were 1.538, 0.315, and 1.223, respectively; all mortality coefficients in the female fishes were higher than those in the male fishes. The survival rate of males was higher (0.617) than that of females (0.214). The results of the present study indicate that L. lentjan is subjected to overfishing and a new management strategy is necessary to improve the stock status of this fish species.  相似文献   

An ecological survey of the mangrove vegetation in the littoral salt marshes of the Red Sea coast of the Sudan was made during short periods between 1980 and 1982. Avicennia marina (Forsk) Vierh occurs in pure stands of different dimensions in four types of locations. In each location, the responses of Avicennia are expressed in the degree of compactness of aggregation, canopy, height and regeneration potential. Grazing by camels is the primary agent in degradation of accessible locations; salt pans and to a limited extend cutting contribute in part to the process of degradation. The badly damaged aggregations may benefit from protection through control of grazing by nomadic camel tribesmen.  相似文献   

Stomach contents of 252 lago omanensis were examined. Sharks were collected in deep water between 150 and 450 m depth off the Marine Laboratory of Eilat. This species feeds on benthopelagic fishes, deep water cephalopods, crustaceans, benthic molluscs and polychaetes. Cephalopods were the main food of I. omanensis , except during the summer when fishes (mainly myctophids) were ingested in greater quantity. Stomachs also contained terrigenous plant matter, animal remains and large quantities of mud. Prey taxa included two new cephalopod records for the Red Sea.  相似文献   

This study confirms the presence of the toxigenic benthic dinoflagellates Gambierdiscus belizeanus and Ostreopsis spp. in the central Red Sea. To our knowledge, this is also the first report of these taxa in coastal waters of Saudi Arabia, indicating the potential occurrence of ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) in that region. During field investigations carried out in 2012 and 2013, a total of 100 Turbinaria and Halimeda macroalgae samples were collected from coral reefs off the Saudi Arabian coast and examined for the presence of Gambierdiscus and Ostreopsis, two toxigenic dinoflagellate genera commonly observed in coral reef communities around the world. Both Gambierdiscus and Ostreopsis spp. were observed at low densities (<200 cells g−1 wet weight algae). Cell densities of Ostreopsis spp. were significantly higher than Gambierdiscus spp. at most of the sampling sites, and abundances of both genera were negatively correlated with seawater salinity. To assess the potential for ciguatoxicity in this region, several Gambierdiscus isolates were established in culture and examined for species identity and toxicity. All isolates were morphologically and molecularly identified as Gambierdiscus belizeanus. Toxicity analysis of two isolates using the mouse neuroblastoma cell-based assay for ciguatoxins (CTX) confirmed G. belizeanus as a CTX producer, with a maximum toxin content of 6.50 ± 1.14 × 10−5 pg P-CTX-1 eq. cell−1. Compared to Gambierdiscus isolates from other locations, these were low toxicity strains. The low Gambierdiscus densities observed along with their comparatively low toxin contents may explain why CFP is unidentified and unreported in this region. Nevertheless, the presence of these potentially toxigenic dinoflagellate species at multiple sites in the central Red Sea warrants future study on their possible effects on marine food webs and human health in this region.  相似文献   

Shore fish community structure off the Jordanian Red Sea coast was determined on fringing coral reefs and in a seagrass-dominated bay at 6 m and 12 m depths. A total of 198 fish species belonging to 121 genera and 43 families was recorded. Labridae and Pomacentridae dominated the ichthyofauna in terms of species richness and Pomacentridae were most abundant. Neither diversity nor species richness was correlated to depth. The abundance of fishes was higher at the deep reef slope, due to schooling planktivorous fishes. At 12 m depth abundance of fishes at the seagrass-dominated site was higher than on the coral reefs. Multivariate analysis demonstrated a strong influence on the fish assemblages by depth and benthic habitat. Fish species richness was positively correlated with hard substrate cover and habitat diversity. Abundance of corallivores was positively linked with live hard coral cover. The assemblages of fishes were different on the shallow reef slope, deep reef slope and seagrass meadows. An analysis of the fish fauna showed that the Gulf of Aqaba harbours a higher species richness than previously reported. The comparison with fish communities on other reefs around the Arabian Peninsula and Indian Ocean supported the recognition of an Arabian subprovince within the Indian Ocean. The affinity of the Arabian Gulf ichthyofauna to the Red Sea is not clear. Received in revised form: 2 November 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The stability and persistence of coral reefs in the decades to come is uncertain due to global warming and repeated bleaching events that will lead to reduced resilience of these ecological and socio‐economically important ecosystems. Identifying key refugia is potentially important for future conservation actions. We suggest that the Gulf of Aqaba (GoA) (Red Sea) may serve as a reef refugium due to a unique suite of environmental conditions. Our hypothesis is based on experimental detection of an exceptionally high bleaching threshold of northern Red Sea corals and on the potential dispersal of coral planulae larvae through a selective thermal barrier estimated using an ocean model. We propose that millennia of natural selection in the form of a thermal barrier at the southernmost end of the Red Sea have selected coral genotypes that are less susceptible to thermal stress in the northern Red Sea, delaying bleaching events in the GoA by at least a century.  相似文献   

Macroborings provide detailed information on the bioerosion, accretion and palaeoenvironment of both modern and fossil reefs. Dolomitized reefal carbonates in the Um Mahara Formation exhibit an outstanding example of spatially distributed, well‐preserved bioerosion structures in tropical to subtropical syn‐rift Miocene reefs. Ten ichnospecies belonging to five ichnogenera are identified; three belonging to the bivalve‐boring ichnogenus Gastrochaenolites, three attributed to the sponge‐boring ichnogenus Entobia, and four ichnospecies assigned to three worm‐boring ichnogenera Trypanites, Maeandropolydora and Caulostrepsis. The distribution of the reported borings is strongly linked to the palaeo‐reef zones. Two distinctive ichnological boring assemblages are recognized. The Gastrochaenolites‐dominated assemblage reflects shallower‐marine conditions, under water depths of a few metres, mostly in back‐reef to patch‐reef zones of a back‐reef lagoon. The Entobia‐dominated assemblage signifies relatively deeper marine conditions, mostly in reef core of the fringing Miocene reefs. These ichnological assemblages are attributed herein to the Entobia sub‐ichnofacies of the Trypanites ichnofacies. This ichnofacies indicates boring in hard carbonate substrates (such as corals, rhodoliths, carbonate cements and hardgrounds) during periods of non‐sedimentation or reduced sediment input.  相似文献   

An investigation of the hydrography and the population, production and biomass of plankton in the Red Sea, carried out during the METEOR cruise in summer 1987, aimed to describe the ecosystem characteristics during the SW monsoon period. Vertical profiles of in-vivo chlorophyll fluorescence intensity, measured in the presence of chlorphenyl-dimethyl-urea (CMU), are presented. Variations in the fluorescence pattern were observed and assumed to be due to the influence of a reef and surface influx of nutrient rich water from the Gulf of Aden into the Red Sea. This northward influx was driven by SE winds, caused by an unusual northward shift of the innertropical convergence zone up to 20°N in summer 1987. Integrated chlorophyll a values were calculated from fluorescence data. They showed a slight increase from north to south and higher pigment contents in August (8.7–20.2 mg m–2) than in July (3.3–9.0 mg m–2), the latter was attributed to the above mentioned influx. Calibration of the fluorescence measurements using cultures of a green alga and cyanobacterium indicated that there may have been an underestimate of the contribution of Oscillatoria populations to the chlorophyll a concentration of the samples. Fluorescence peaks were recorded in the lower part of the euphotic zone, indicating a deep maximum of phytoplankton and/or an increase in chlorophyll fluorescence per unit biomass at these depths.  相似文献   

Satellite pictures and in situ observations indicate strong phytoplankton blooms including harmful algae blooms (HABs) during southwest (SW) summer monsoon in the Vietnamese upwelling area. In this period, nutrients are provided by coastal upwelling and by the very high river runoff from the Mekong River. During SW monsoon, in general two circulation patterns exist which allow the prediction of advection and diffusion of HAB patches. A Lagrangian HAB model that is driven by a circulation model and applied to HABs in Vietnamese waters is presented. Advection which is the most complicated part in modelling transport of passive substances is validated with a Lagrangian sediment trap experiment. The model produces realistic results compared to in situ observations and satellite images and might be used for real time forecast in the future.  相似文献   

Parrotfishes (family Scaridae) are important agents in marine bioerosion. Here, the feeding ecology of seven species of parrotfishes was studied on Egyptian Red Sea reefs. The most abundant species on both the reef flat and slope was Chlorurus sordidus. In contrast, C. gibbus had the lowest abundance on the reef flat, and Cetoscarus bicolor was the least abundant species on the reef slope. Scarus niger exhibited the highest feeding rate (98.9 bites 5 min− 1), followed by C. sordidus (76.5 bites 5 min− 1), whereas the rates for C. bicolor and C. gibbus were low (29.4 and 31.9 bites 5 min− 1, respectively). The daily feeding patterns of all seven species showed agreement in that activity was relatively constant over the day, with highest values in the early afternoon (1400 h) and a steady decrease until 1800 h. C. sordidus was more similar to S. niger and S. ghobban in showing somewhat higher activities in the morning (0800 h) followed by a slight decrease until noon. The average bite volumes of C. gibbus and C. bicolor were high (0.114 and 0.110 cm3, respectively), whereas S. niger had the lowest average value (0.002 cm3). Based on their feeding intensity, C. gibbus, S. ghobban and C. bicolor have high bioerosion rates on the Egyptian Red Sea reefs. Overall, S. ghobban is the most important bioeroder because it is more abundant than the other two species. All parrotfish species fed on dead coral and hard substrates which are rich in algae, but C. gibbus, C. bicolor and S. ghobban also fed on live coral on both reef zones; C. sordidus avoided live coral. The fresh scars on live coral were bigger than on dead coral because the three large parrotfish (C. gibbus, C. bicolor and S. ghobban) fed mainly on live corals.  相似文献   

High‐biomass blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense occur most summers in Tampa Bay, Florida, USA, posing a recurring threat to ecosystem health. Like many dinoflagellates, P. bahamense forms immobile resting cysts that can be deposited on the seafloor—creating a seed bank that can retain the organism within the ecosystem and initiate future blooms when cysts germinate. In this study, we examined changes in the dormancy status of cysts collected from Tampa Bay and applied lessons from plant ecology to explore dormancy controls. Pyrodinium bahamense cysts incubated immediately after field collection displayed a seasonal pattern in dormancy and germination that matched the pattern of cell abundance in the water column. Newly deposited (surface) cysts and older (buried) cysts exhibited similar germination patterns, suggesting that a common mechanism regulates dormancy expression in new and mature cysts. Extended cool‐ and warm‐temperature conditioning of field‐collected cysts altered the cycle of dormancy compared with that of cysts in nature, with the duration of cool temperature exposure being the best predictor of when cysts emerged from dormancy. Extended warm conditioning, on the other hand, elicited a return to dormancy, or secondary dormancy, in nondormant cysts. These results directly demonstrate environmental induction of secondary dormancy in dinoflagellates—a mechanism common and thoroughly documented in higher plants with seasonal growth cycles. Our findings support the hypothesis that a seasonal cycle in cyst germination drives P. bahamense bloom periodicity in Tampa Bay and point to environmentally induced secondary dormancy as an important regulatory factor of that cycle.  相似文献   

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