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Although substantial economic barriers exist, marine diatoms such as Thalassiosira pseudonana and Phaeodactylum tricornutum hold promise as feedstock for biodiesel because of their ability to manufacture and store triacylglycerols (TAGs). The recent sequencing of these two marine diatom genomes by the United States Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute and the development of improved systems for genetic manipulation should allow a more systematic approach to understanding and maximizing TAG production. However, in order to best utilize these genomes and genetic tools, we must first gain a deeper understanding of the nutrient-mediated regulation of TAG anabolism. By determining both the yield and molecular species distribution of TAGs we will, in the future, be able to fully characterize the effects of genetic manipulation. Here, we lay the groundwork for understanding TAG production in T. pseudonana and P. tricornutum, as a function of nitrate and silicate depletion. Diatoms were starved of either nitrate or silicate, and TAGs were extracted with hexane from lyophilized samples taken at various time intervals following starvation. The timing of TAG production and the relative abundance of TAGs were estimated by fluorescence spectroscopy using Nile red and the total yield per biomass determined by gravimetric assay. TAGs were analyzed using thin layer chromatography, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry to identify the major TAG species produced during the growth curve. Under our conditions, the TAG yield from T. pseudonana is about 14–18% of total dry weight. The TAG yield from P. tricornutum is about 14% of total dry weight. Silicate-starved T. pseudonana accumulated an average of 24% more TAGs than those starved for nitrate; however, the chemotypes of the TAGs produced were generally similar regardless of the starvation condition employed.  相似文献   

Algal biofuels are a growing interest worldwide due to their potential in terms of sustainable greenhouse gas displacement and energy production. This article describes a comparative survey of biodiesel production and conversion yields of biodiesel via alkaline transesterification of acylglycerols extracted from the microalgae Thalassiosira pseudonana and Phaeodactylum tricornutum, grown under silicate or nitrate limitation, and that of model vegetable oils: soybean, and rapeseed oil. Acylglycerols were extracted with n-hexane and the total yield per biomass was determined by gravimetric assay. Under our conditions, the total acylglycerol yield from the microalgae studied was 13-18% of total dry weight. The biodiesel samples were analyzed using gas chromatography-flame ionization detector to determine quantitative information of residual glycerol, mono-, di-, and tri-acylglycerol concentrations in the biodiesel. All of the algal-based biodiesel demonstrated less mono-, di-, and tri-acylglycerol concentrations than the vegetable-based biodiesel under identical transesterification conditions. The fatty acid compositions of all the feedstock oils and their resultant biodiesel were also analyzed and reported. Based on the fatty acid methyl ester compositions of our samples we qualitatively assessed the suitability of the algal-derived biodiesel in terms of cetane number (CN), cold-flow properties, and oxidative stability.  相似文献   

Exopolymeric substances (EPS) isolated from a pure culture of the marine bacterium Marinobacter sp. and the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum (axenic) were partially purified, chemically characterized and used as dissolved organic matter (DOM) for the production of macroaggregates. The role of organic particles such as transparent exopolymeric particles (TEP) and Coomassie stained particles (CSP) in the production of macroaggregates was experimentally assessed. Three experimental rolling tanks containing sterile medium with: (1) EPS, (2) EPS + live diatom cells and (3) EPS + killed bacteria, and three control tanks without any added EPS were used for macroaggregate production. Changes in abundance and average size of macroaggregates were monitored using image analysis, whereas TEP and CSP were enumerated microscopically. In the presence of microbial EPS, macroaggregates of a size of 23-35 mm(2) were produced. Aggregate size and abundance considerably varied with both time and source of EPS. No correlation was observed for macroaggregate size and abundance with either TEP or CSP. One-way ANOVA demonstrated significant differences in the variance of particle abundance and size in tanks having only EPS or EPS in combination with live diatom cells. Our data suggest that production of macroaggregates was influenced by polymer chemistry and surface properties of colliding particles, whereas TEP and CSP concentrations were influenced by molecular weight of EPS and the presence of growing cells. Interestingly, macroaggregates were formed in the near absence of TEP and CSP, highlighting the role of other unknown processes in the transformation of DOM to particulate organic matter (POM) in aquatic environments.  相似文献   

A general purpose transformation vector, designated pPha-T1, was constructed for use with the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin. This vector harbors the sh ble cassette for primary selection on medium containing the antibiotic zeocin, and a multiple cloning site flanked by the P. tricornutum fcp A promoter. pPha-T1 was used to establish the utility of three selectable marker genes and two reporter genes for P. tricornutum transformation. The nat and sat-1 genes confer resistance to the antibiotic nourseothricin, and npt II confers resistance to G418. Each of these genes was effective as a selectable marker for identifying primary transformants. These markers could also be used for dual selections in combination with the sh ble gene. The reporter genes uid A and gfp were also introduced into P. tricornutum using pPha-T1. Gus expression in some transformants reached 15 μg·μg−1 of total soluble protein and permitted excellent cell staining, while GFP fluorescence was readily visible with standard fluorescence microscopy. The egfp gene, which has optimal codon usage for expression in human cells, was the only version of gfp that produced a strong fluorescent signal in P. tricornutum. The codon bias of the egfp gene is similar to that of P. tricornutum genes. This study suggests that codon usage has a significant effect on the efficient expression of reporter genes in P. tricornutum. The results presented here demonstrate that a variety of selectable markers and reporter genes can be expressed in P. tricornutum , enhancing the potential of this organism for exploring basic biological questions and industrial applications.  相似文献   

Davis AK  Palenik B 《Protist》2008,159(2):195-207
We report the characterization of a cell-surface protein isolated from copper-stressed cells of the centric diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana Hasle and Heimdal (CCMP 1335). This protein has an apparent molecular weight of 100kDa and is highly acidic. The 100kDa protein (p100) sequence is comprised almost entirely of a novel domain termed TpRCR for T. pseudonana repetitive cysteine-rich domain, that is repeated 8 times and that contains conserved aromatic, acidic, and potential metal-binding amino acids. The analysis of the T. pseudonana genome suggests that p100 belongs to a large family of modular proteins that consist of a variable number of TpRCR domain repeats. Based on cell surface biotinylation and antibody data, p100 appears to migrate more rapidly with SDS-PAGE when extracted from cells exposed to high levels of copper; however, the discovery of a large family of TpRCR domain-containing proteins leaves open the possibility that the antibody may be cross-reacting with members of this protein family that are responding differently to copper. The response of the gene encoding p100 at the mRNA level during synchronized progression through the normal cell cycle is similar to previously characterized genes in T. pseudonana encoding cell wall proteins called silaffins.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) are important in prokaryotes and eukaryotes for cell–cell and cell–substratum interactions. The characteristics of adhesive proteins in the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum were investigated by bioinformatic analysis and in vivo characterization. Bioinformatic analysis of the protein coding potential of the P. tricornutum genome used an amino‐acid profile that we developed as a new system to identify uncharacterized or novel CAMs. Putative diatom CAMs were identified and seven were characterized in vivo, by generation of transgenic diatom lines overexpressing genes encoding C‐terminal yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) fusion proteins. Three of these selected genes encode proteins with weak similarity to characterized proteins, a c‐type lectin and two fasciclins, whereas the others are novel. The resultant cell lines were investigated for alterations in their adhesive ability. Whole cell‐substratum adhesion strength was measured in a fully turbulent flow chamber, while atomic force microscopy was used to quantify the relative frequency of adhesion, as well as the length and strength of single molecules in the secreted mucilage. Finally, quartz crystal microbalance analysis characterized the visco‐elastic properties and interaction of the mucilage–substratum interface. These combined studies revealed a range of phenotypes affecting adhesion, and led to the identification of candidate proteins involved in diatom adhesion. In summary, our study has for the first time combined bioinformatics and molecular physiological studies to provide new insights into diatom adhesive molecules.  相似文献   

Chlorophyllase from a diatom alga (Phaeodactylum tricornutum) was obtained and the partially purified extract has been further purified using preparative isoelectric focusing on a Rotofor cell. Three fractions, FI, FII, and FIII, were separated from the Rotofor cell and salt and ampholytes were removed to give fractions FI′, FII′, and FIII′, respectively. Enzyme fractions FI′, FII′, and FIII′, respectively. Enzyme fractions FI′, FII′, and FIII′ showed specific activities of 15.2 × 10?4, 226.7 ×10?4 and 33.8 × 10?4 µmol/mg protein/min, respectively. Most of the enzyme activity (84%) was in fraction FII′. The optimum pH for chlorophyllase activity was 8.0 for FI′ and 8.5 for both FII′ and FIII′. Apparent Km values for enzyme fractions FI′, FII′, and FIII′ were 2.1nM, 2.3nM, and 2.0 nM, respectively. Enzyme fractions FII′ and FIII′ showed higher chlorophyllase activity towards the partially purified chlorophyll when it was compared to that with the crude chlorophyll as well as with both chlorophylls a and b. However, the enzyme fraction FI′ had higher activity towards the crude chlorophyll when it was compared to that with both chlorophylls a and b, but with a preference for chlorophyll a over chlorophyll b. The inhibitory effect of diisopropyl flurophosphate (DIFP) on chlorophyllase activity demonstrates a noncompetitive inhibitor kinetics with Ki values of 1.29mM, 2.14mM, and 0.71mM for FI′. FII′, and FIII′, respectively.  相似文献   

Phaeodactylum tricornutum is a widely studied diatom and has been proposed as a source of oil and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Recent studies indicate that lipid accumulation occurs under nutritional stress. Aim of this research was to determine how changes in nitrogen availability affect productivity, oil yield, and fatty acid (FA) composition of P. tricornutum UTEX 640. After preliminary laboratory trials, outdoor experiments were carried out in 40‐L GWP® reactors under different nitrogen regimes in batch. Nitrogen replete cultures achieved the highest productivity of biomass (about 18 g m?2 d?1) and EPA (about 0.35 g m?2 d?1), whereas nitrogen‐starved cultures achieved the highest FA productivity (about 2.6 g m?2 d?1). The annual potential yield of P. tricornutum grown outdoors in GWP® reactors is 730 kg of EPA per hectare under nutrient‐replete conditions and 5,800 kg of FA per hectare under nitrogen starvation. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2017;114: 2204–2210. © 2017 The Authors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

A checklist based on net samples taken twice weekly from 2001 until May 2003 is presented. Identification is based on observations under direct light microscopy and after taking some organisms in culture. The checklist includes 227 taxa observed at the Helgoland Reede sampling station. One hundred and thirty-two species of diatoms from 53 genera and 95 species of dinoflagellates from 35 genera have been recorded from net samples and cultures. Thirty-five diatom and 28 dinoflagellate taxa were documented in the Helgoland phytoplankton for the first time. The list does not claim to be complete, but provides an updated list of the taxa found at Helgoland and, for convenience, also includes data published for different adjacent areas.Communicated by K. Wiltshire  相似文献   

Phaeodactylum tricornutum is a lipid‐rich marine diatom that contains a high level of omega‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). In an effort to reduce costs for large‐scale cultivation of this microalga, this study first established a New BBM medium (0.3 x strength BBM with only 3% of the initial phosphate level) to replace the traditional F/2 medium. Phaeodactylum tricornutum could grow in extremely low phosphate concentrations (25 µM), without compromising the EPA content. In the presence of sea salts, silicate addition was not necessary for high rate growth, high EPA content, or lipid accumulation in this species. Using urea as the sole nitrogen source tended to increase EPA contents per dry biomass (by 24.7%) while not affecting growth performance. The use of sea salts, rather than just sodium chloride, led to significantly improved biomass yields (20% increase) and EPA contents of total fatty acid (46–52% increase), most likely because it supplied sufficient essential elements such as magnesium. A salinity level of 35 led to significantly higher biomass yields compared with 20, but salinity had no significant influence on EPA content. EPA became the dominant fatty acid with average levels of 51.8% of total fatty acids during the exponential growth phase at 20 ppt in New BBM medium with sea salts.  相似文献   

Thalassiocyclus pankensis sp. nov. is described from Panke Swamp (Panke-numa) located in Horonobe Town, Hokkaido, northern Japan. The species is characterized by a strong transversely undulate central area of the valve face with one to three fultoportulae on the elevated part and one fultoportula on the depressed part. The external valve face has costate radial interfascicles and very wide fascicles on the marginal area. Thickened openings of mantle fultoportulae are located at the end of interfascicles with roofed board spines. The cingulum consists of five bands. The new species is compared to the only other species belonging to genus Thalassiocyclus , T. lucens (Hustedt) Håkansson & Mahood. Thalassiocyclus pankensis is the second species in the genus Thalassiocyclus and also the first report of a Thalassiocyclus species in Japan.  相似文献   

The effect of Fe(III) deficiency on qualitative and quantitative changes in pigment composition in Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin was demonstrated by HPLC and AAS. Maximum content of pigments showed the diatom cells incubated at the optimum iron concentration, i.e., 10 M. The contents of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll c 1+c 2, fucoxanthin, diadinoxanthin and ,-carotene were 109.99, 20.16, 40.39, 1.29 and 1.48 fg per cell, respectively. The results obtained showed that Fe(III) affected qualitative and quantitative pigment composition in P. tricornutum. The content of individual pigments, proportions between accompanying pigments and their ratios to chlorophyll a were important indicators of phytoplankton response to iron stress. The strong reduction in ,-carotene content, several times (2–5) increase in diadinoxanthin level as compared to ,-carotene, and high amount of diadinoxanthin in relation to chlorophyll a were observed in algae growing at very low Fe(III) concentrations, 0.001 and 0.01 M. The data suggested that phytoplankton pigments could be a potential physiological marker.  相似文献   

Asporogenus yeast strains W113AT and W113B were isolated from the intestine of a dead Trinket snake. The two isolates showed 100% sequence similarity in the D1/D2 domain of the large-subunit (LSU) rRNA gene, internal transcribed spacer (ITS) 1-5.8S rRNA gene-ITS2 region and mitochondrial small-subunit rRNA gene and the cytochrome oxidase II gene sequence and also showed similar phenotypic characteristics. The nearest phylogenetic neighbors of W113AT and W113B based on the sequence of the D1/D2 domain of the LSU rRNA gene were Blastobotrys chiropterorum NRRL Y-17017T and Blastobotrys terrestris NRRL Y-17704T with about 98% similarity. The close affiliation of W113AT and W113B with B. chiropterorum NRRL Y-17017T and B. terrestris NRRL Y-17704T was also evident from the high similarity observed in the nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial small subunit rRNA (96-97.8%) and the cytochrome oxidase II (95.5-95.6%) genes. In the neighbor-joining phylogenetic trees constructed based on the D1/D2 domain or cytochrome oxidase gene, the isolates clustered with the above-mentioned species. However, the isolates showed a number of differences in their phenotypic properties with B. chiropterorum NRRL Y-17017T and B. terrestris NRRL Y-17704T and hence are regarded as representing a novel member of the genus Blastobotrys, for which the name Blastobotrys serpentis sp. nov. is proposed.  相似文献   

Thalassiosira Cleve is one of the most species-rich marine diatom genera. Previous studies have mainly focused on polar and temperate areas, but recent studies on material from Asian waters suggested that a high and undescribed species diversity of Thalassiosira occurs in Asia. On the basis of plankton samples collected from the South China Sea, a new species, T. sinica sp. nov. Y. Li & Y. Q. Guo is described. The morphology of the cells was examined by light and scanning electron microscopy. The hypervariable region of the nuclear large-subunit ribosomal DNA and the relatively conserved region of the nuclear small-subunit ribosomal DNA were sequenced for information on phylogenetic relationships. The living cells are usually solitary and drum-shaped. The areolae on the valve are delicate, small and arranged in fascicles. In addition to a regular ring of marginal fultoportulae on the valve edge, T. sinica possesses one central fultoportula and a number of fultoportulae arranged into 2–3 irregular rings on the valve face. A rimoportula located inside the ring of marginal fultoportulae possesses a long and strong external tube. The valvocopula and the copulae have rows of pores, but the pores on the valvocopula are larger than those on the copulae. Thalassiosira sinica appears to be included in subgroup C sensu Gedde because of a rimoportula with a distinct external tube located on the valve face. The molecular phylogeny, inferred from both SSU and LSU sequences, does, however, not support the validity of subgroup C, as the closest allies of T. sinica here turned out to be T. diporocyclus and T. lundiana, species in which the rimoportulae are located on the valve margin.  相似文献   

To develop a novel type of biocontrol agent, we focus on bacteria that are characterized by both chitinase activity and biofilm development. Chitinolytic bacteria were isolated from sediments and chitin flakes immersed in the water of a sand dune lake, Sakata, in Niigata, Japan. Thirty-one isolates from more than 5100 isolated strains were examined chitinase activity and biofilm formation. Phylogenetic analysis of these isolates based on the 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that most isolates belonged to the family Aeromonadaceae, followed by Paenibacillaceae, Enterobacteriaceae, and Neisseriaceae. The specific activity of chitinase of four selected strains was higher than that of a reference strain. The molecular size of one chitinase produced by Andreprevotia was greater than that of typical bacterial chitinases. The dialyzed culture supernatant containing chitinases of the four strains suppressed hyphal growth of Trichoderma reesei. These results indicate that these four strains are good candidates for biocontrol agents.  相似文献   

Toda H  Itoh N 《Phytochemistry》2011,72(4-5):337-343
Several marine algae including diatoms exhibit S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM) halide/thiol methyltransferase (HTMT) activity, which is involved in the emission of methyl halides. In this study, the in vivo biogenic emission of methyl iodide from the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum was found to be clearly correlated with iodide concentration in the incubation media. The gene encoding HTMT (Pthtmt) was isolated from P. tricornutum CCAP 1055/1, and expressed in Escherichia coli. The molecular weight of the enzyme was 29.7kDa including a histidine tag, and the optimal pH was around pH 7.0. The kinetic properties of recombinant PtHTMT towards Cl(-), Br(-), I(-), [SH](-), [SCN](-), and SAM were 637.88mM, 72.83mM, 8.60mM, 9.92mM, 7.9mM, and 0.016mM, respectively, and were similar to those of higher-plant HTMTs, except that the activity towards thiocyanate was lower. The biogenic emission of methyl halides from the cultured cells and the enzymatic properties of HTMT suggest that the HMT/HTMT reaction is key to understanding the biogenesis of methyl halides in oceanic environments as well as terrestrial ones.  相似文献   

We obtained carotenoid-producing microorganisms at a high frequency from water samples collected at Misasa (Tottori, Japan), a region known for its high natural radioactivity content. A comprehensive 16S rRNA gene-based phylogenetic analysis revealed that the 104 potential carotenoid producers isolated from Misasa could be classified into 38 different species belonging to seven bacterial classes (Flavobacteria, Sphingobacteria, alpha-Proteobacteria, gamma-Proteobacteria, Deinococci, Actinobacteria, and Bacilli). Of these 38 species, 14 showed sequence similarities less than 97% to their closest identified relatives, and 9 were related to genera that have not been described earlier in terms of carotenoid production. The red-pigmented isolates belonging to Deinococci showed marked resistance to gamma rays and UV irradiation, while those related to Sphingomonas showed weak resistance. The carotenoids produced by the isolates were zeaxanthin (6 strains), dihydroxyastaxanthin (24 strains), astaxanthin (27 strains), canthaxanthin (10 strains), and unidentified molecular species that were produced by the isolates related to Deinococcus, Exiguobacterium, and Flectobacillus. UV irradiation would be useful for the selective isolation of carotenoid-producing microorganisms, and that new microbial producers and other molecular species of carotenoids may potentially be identified from radioactive environments.  相似文献   

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