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Pinus nelsonii is a relictual pinyon pine distributed across a wide altitudinal range in semiarid zones in Mexico near the border between the States of Nuevo León and Tamaulipas. It also occurs in small patches in the State of San Luis Potosí. Pinus nelsonii is classified in the monotypic subsection Nelsoniae, separated from other pinyon pines (subsection Cembroides), because it possesses several distinctive characters including persistent fascicle sheaths, connate needles, and a distinctive wood anatomy. In the present study, chloroplast simple sequence repeats (cpSSRs) were used to estimate genetic variation in most known populations (nine) of P. nelsonii. The genetic variation (HT = 0.73; 27 haplotypes in 256 individuals) is moderate when compared to other pine species. Population differentiation ranged between low and moderate (FST = 0.13 and RST = 0.05), as did the Nei and Goldstein genetic distances between populations. However, this pattern varied depending on whether the infinite alleles or stepwise mutation model was used. In the former case a significant isolation by distance was found, but not in the latter. A significant association between geographical and genetic structure in one clade, through a nested clade analysis, was found, which suggested long-distance colonization between 125000 and 309000 years ago. We found weak evidence for a population expansion. A mismatch distribution suggests that P. nelsonii populations underwent an expansion 4.25 times their size between 59000 and 146000 years ago. On the other hand, the populations' star-like phylogeny and a slight parabolic relationship between coalescence times and lineage number also suggest weak population expansion. Overall, this species appears to have been in demographic stasis for a large proportion of the time detected by the markers used.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors determining genetic diversity and structure in peripheral populations is a long‐standing goal of evolutionary biogeography, yet little empirical information is available for tropical species. In this study, we combine information from nuclear microsatellite markers and niche modelling to analyse the factors structuring genetic variation across the southernmost populations of the tropical oak Quercus segoviensis. First, we tested the hypothesis that genetic variability decreases with population isolation and increases with local habitat suitability and stability since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Second, we employed a recently developed multiple matrix regression with randomisation (MMRR) approach to study the factors associated with genetic divergence among the studied populations and test the relative contribution of environmental and geographic isolation to contemporary patterns of genetic differentiation. We found that genetic diversity was negatively correlated with average genetic differentiation with other populations, indicating that isolation and limited gene flow have contributed to erode genetic variability in some populations. Considering the relatively small size of the study area (<120 km), analyses of genetic structure indicate a remarkable inter‐population genetic differentiation. Environmental dissimilarity and differences in current and past climate niche suitability and their additive effects were not associated with genetic differentiation after controlling for geographic distance, indicating that local climate does not contribute to explain spatial patterns of genetic structure. Overall, our data indicate that geographic isolation, but not current or past climate, is the main factor determining contemporary patterns of genetic diversity and structure within the southernmost peripheral populations of this tropical oak.  相似文献   

The eastern sedge frog Litoria fallax (Anura: Hylidae) is common throughout the open forests and coastal wetlands along the eastern coast of Australia. Its range spans four biogeographical zones from northern Queensland to central New South Wales. Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes of 87 L. fallax individuals from 22 populations identified two major mtDNA lineages, differing by 11-12% sequence divergence. The two clades of haplotypes were separated by the McPherson Range, indicating that this mesic upland area has acted as a major long-term barrier to gene flow for this open forest species. Slight isolation by distance was observed within both the northern and southern lineages but was insufficient to explain the large sequence divergence between lineages. Within the northern lineage, additional phylogeographical structure was observed across the relatively dry Burdekin Gap which separates Atherton populations from all populations in the central and eastern Queensland biogeographical zones. There was less phylogeographical structure in the southern lineage suggesting historical gene flow across the drier portions of the Great Dividing Range. These data, together with recent observations of deep phylogeographical divergences in rainforest-restricted Litoria suggest that the east coast hylids of Australia represent an old (Tertiary) radiation. Individual species of Litoria have been strongly affected by climatic and ecological barriers to gene flow during the Quaternary.  相似文献   

Hylexetastes woodcreepers are endemic to the terra firme forests of the Amazon basin. Currently, most taxonomic sources recognize two species of Hylexetastes (H. perrotii and H. stresemanni), each divided into three subspecies. Some authors maintain that the H. perrotii subspecies should be elevated to full species status. In particular, Hylexetastes perrotii brigidai is endemic to the eastern Amazon, the second Amazonian area of endemism (Xingu) most affected by deforestation and habitat degradation. Consequently, the taxonomic status of H. p. brigidai is of particular concern for conservation. Thus far, only morphological characters have been evaluated for the taxonomic delimitation of species and subspecies of Hylexetastes. We present a molecular phylogenetic analysis of all subspecies to help delimit Hylexetastes interspecific limits. Fragments of two mitochondrial (Cytb and ND2) and three nuclear genes (FGB5, G3PDH and MUSK) from 57 Hylexetastes specimens were sequenced. An ecological niche model was estimated to describe more accurately the potential distributions of taxa and to evaluate their vulnerability to ongoing deforestation. Phylogenetic analyses support the paraphyly of the polytypic H. perrotii as currently delimited and the elevation of Hylexetastes perrotii uniformis to full species rank, as well as the presence of three evolutionary significant units (ESUs) within this newly delimited species, including one grouping all H. p. brigidai specimens. Alternatively, under lineage-based species concepts, our results support at least five evolutionary species in Hylexetastes: H. stresemanni, H. undulatus, H. perrotii, H. uniformis and H. brigidai. Each of these taxa and ESUs are distributed in different interfluvial areas of the Amazon basin, which have different degrees of disturbance. Because they occupy the most heavily impacted region among all Hylexetastes ESUs, regular assessments of the conservation statuses of H. p. brigidai and both H. uniformis ESUs are paramount.  相似文献   

Despite its amazing biodiversity, the Eastern Mediterranean remains a highly understudied region when compared withthe Western Mediterranean, restricting our understanding of diversity across the entire Mediterranean. Here we use a combination of molecular markers and presence/absence data from all species of the Eastern Mediterranean genus Ricotia collected across its full geographic range to determine historical, ecological, and evolutionary factors responsible for lineage-specific diversification in the Eastern Mediterranean. Network analysis based on molecular data revealed a high genetic structure within all lineages, and phylogenetic reconstructions based on the multispecies coalescent showed that within-lineage diversification corresponded to the onset of the Mediterranean climate. Reconstruction of ancestral histories indicates that the genus originated within Anatolia and spread across the Eastern Mediterranean and Levant using the Taurus mountains. Ecological niche models suggest that local populations did not go through any major distributional shifts and have persisted in present-day habitats since the Last Glacial Maximum. Furthermore, niche differentiation tests revealed significant differences between closely related species and showed the main variables predicting species limits to be different for each species. Our results give crucial information on the patterns and processes shaping diversity in the Eastern Mediterranean and show the main factors promoting diversification to be local environmental dynamics and ecological specialization and not large-scale latitudinal movements, as often reported for southern Europe. By determining local and regional patterns of diversification in an Eastern Mediterranean genus, we further our understanding of the major trends influencing plant diversity in the Mediterranean basin as a whole.  相似文献   

Identifying factors and the extent of their roles in the differentiation of populations is of great importance for understanding the evolutionary process in which a species is involved. Ctenomys minutus is a highly karyotype–polymorphic subterranean rodent, with diploid numbers ranging from 42 to 50 and autosomal arm numbers (ANs) ranging from 68 to 80, comprising a total of 45 karyotypes described so far. This species inhabits the southern Brazilian coastal plain, which has a complex geological history, with several potential geographical barriers acting on different time scales. We assessed the geographical genetic structure of C. minutus, examining 340 individuals over the entire distributional range and using information from chromosomal rearrangements, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences and 14 microsatellite loci. The mtDNA results revealed seven main haplogroups, with the most recent common ancestors dating from the Pleistocene, whereas clustering methods defined 12 populations. Some boundaries of mtDNA haplogroups and population clusters can be associated with potential geographical barriers to gene flow. The isolation-by-distance pattern also has an important role in fine-scale genetic differentiation, which is strengthened by the narrowness of the coastal plain and by common features of subterranean rodents (that is, small fragmented populations and low dispersal rates), which limit gene flow among populations. A step-by-step mechanism of chromosomal evolution can be suggested for this species, mainly associated with the metapopulation structure, genetic drift and the geographical features of the southern Brazilian coastal plain. However, chromosomal variations have no or very little role in the diversification of C. minutus populations.  相似文献   

Species delimitation within recently evolved groups can be challenging because species may be difficult to distinguish morphologically. Following the General Lineage Concept, we apply a multiple evidence approach to assess species limits within the carpet chameleon Furcifer lateralis, which is endemic to Madagascar and exported in large numbers for the pet trade. Cryptic speciation within F. lateralis was considered likely because this species (1) has a vast distribution, (2) occupies exceptionally diverse habitats and (3) exhibits subtle regional differences in morphology. Phylogenetic trees reconstructed using nuclear and mitochondrial genes recovered three well-supported clades corresponding with geography. Morphological results based on canonical variates analysis show that these clades exhibit subtle differences in head casque morphology. Ecological niche modelling results found that these phylogenetic groups also occupy unique environmental space and exhibit patterns of regional endemism typical of other endemic reptiles. Combined, our findings provide diverse yet consistent evidence for the existence of three species. Consequently, we elevate the subspecies F. lateralis major to species rank and name a new species distributed in northern and western Madagascar. Initial ecological divergence, associated with speciation of F. lateralis in humid eastern habitat, fits the Ecographic Constraint model for species diversification in Madagascar. By contrast, the second speciation event provides some support for the Riverine Barrier model, with the Mangoky River possibly causing initial isolation between species. These findings thus support two contrasting models of speciation within closely related species and demonstrate the utility of applying a combined-evidence approach for detecting cryptic speciation.  相似文献   

Biogeographical patterns within the California Floristic Province have been greatly affected by geological and climatic events. Here, we investigate the phylogeography of foxtail pine (Pinus balfouriana) in an effort to date its range disjunction using molecular data and to further our understanding of phylogeographical patterns for plants within the California Floristic Province. The distribution of foxtail pine is characterized by a 500-km disjunction separating populations located in the Klamath Mountains from those in the southern Sierra Nevada. Previous authors suggested that this disjunction occurred approximately 4000-8000 years ago during the Holocene Xerotherm when western North America became warmer and drier. Those dates, however, are inconsistent with the morphological differences that separate regional populations into formally recognized subspecies. Using the coalescent-based isolation with migration model and DNA sequence data from the chloroplast, mitochondrial, and nuclear genomes, we evaluate several hypotheses addressing the timing of this range disjunction and its effects on subsequent patterns of gene flow. Results from all three genomes are largely consistent with Middle to Early Pleistocene divergence dates. Those dates correspond to the Sherwin glaciation, which was the largest Pleistocene glacial episode in the Sierra Nevada. Gene flow, moreover, was only documented using data from the chloroplast genome, suggesting that low levels of long-distance pollen dispersal (N(e)m < 0.5) have occurred since this divergence event. These results are extended to a discussion of the biogeographical development of subalpine forests in California.  相似文献   

Aim Anticipating the potential distributions of emerging invasive species is complicated by the tendency for species distribution models to perform better when both native and invasive range data are available for model development. If invasive range data are lacking, species models are liable to under‐estimate distributions for emerging invaders, particularly for species that are not at equilibrium with their native range environment due to historical factors, dispersal limitation and/or ecological interactions. We demonstrate the potential to use well‐quantified niche shifts from established ‘avatar’ (i.e. the remote or virtual manifestation of an entity) invaders to develop plausible distributions for data‐poor emerging invaders contingent on niche shifts of similar magnitude or character. Location Global. Methods Using the globally invasive crayfishes Pacifastacus leniusculus and Procambarus clarkii as our avatar invaders, we quantify how niche position, size and structure differs between native and total ranges using Mahalanobis distance (a measure of multivariate similarity) and the climate predictors of annual minimum and maximum air temperature. We then generalize patterns of niche shift from these species to the emerging crayfish invader Cherax quadricarinatus. Results Some patterns of niche shifts were similar for Pacifastacus leniusculus and Procambarus clarkii, but niche shifts were of considerably greater magnitude for P. clarkii. When a native range model for C. quadricarinatus was modified with generalized niche shifts similar to Pacifastacus leniusculus and Procambarus clarkii, the potential global distribution for this species increased considerably, including many areas not identified by the native range model. Main conclusions We illustrate the potential to use avatar invaders to provide cautionary, niche shift‐assuming species distribution models for emerging invaders. Many theoretical and applied implications of the avatar species concept require additional investigation, including the development of frameworks to select appropriate avatar species and evaluate the performance of avatar‐derived models for emerging invaders. Despite these research needs, we believe this concept will have considerable utility for predicting vulnerability to invasion by data‐poor species; this is a critical management need because shifting pathways of introduction and climate change will produce many novel, emerging invasive species in the future.  相似文献   

Divergent host use has long been suspected to drive population differentiation and speciation in plant‐feeding insects. Evaluating the contribution of divergent host use to genetic differentiation can be difficult, however, as dispersal limitation and population structure may also influence patterns of genetic variation. In this study, we use double‐digest restriction‐associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing to test the hypothesis that divergent host use contributes to genetic differentiation among populations of the redheaded pine sawfly (Neodiprion lecontei), a widespread pest that uses multiple Pinus hosts throughout its range in eastern North America. Because this species has a broad range and specializes on host plants known to have migrated extensively during the Pleistocene, we first assess overall genetic structure using model‐based and model‐free clustering methods and identify three geographically distinct genetic clusters. Next, using a composite‐likelihood approach based on the site frequency spectrum and a novel strategy for maximizing the utility of linked RAD markers, we infer the population topology and date divergence to the Pleistocene. Based on existing knowledge of Pinus refugia, estimated demographic parameters and patterns of diversity among sawfly populations, we propose a Pleistocene divergence scenario for N. lecontei. Finally, using Mantel and partial Mantel tests, we identify a significant relationship between genetic distance and geography in all clusters, and between genetic distance and host use in two of three clusters. Overall, our results indicate that Pleistocene isolation, dispersal limitation and ecological divergence all contribute to genomewide differentiation in this species and support the hypothesis that host use is a common driver of population divergence in host‐specialized insects.  相似文献   

Many temperate species experienced demographic and range contractions in response to climatic changes during Pleistocene glaciations. In this study, we investigate the evolutionary history of the Tyrrhenian tree frog Hyla sarda, a species inhabiting the Corsica-Sardinia island system (Western Mediterranean basin). We used sequence analysis of two mitochondrial (overall 1229 bp) and three nuclear (overall 1692 bp) gene fragments to assess the phylogeography and demographic history of this species, and species distribution modelling (SDM) to predict its range variation over time. Phylogeographic, historical demographic and SDM analyses consistently indicate that H. sarda does not conform to the scenario generally expected for temperate species but rather underwent demographic and range expansion mostly during the last glacial phase. Palaeogeographic data and SDM analyses suggest that such expansion was driven by the glaciation-induced increase in lowland areas during marine regression. This unusual scenario suggests that at least some temperate species may not have suffered the adverse effects of glacial climate on their population size and range extent, owing to the mitigating effects of other glaciations-induced palaeoenvironmental changes. We discuss previous clues for the occurrence of such a scenario in other species and some possible challenges with its identification. Early phylogeographic literature suggested that responses to the Pleistocene glacial-interglacial cycles were expected to vary among species and regions. Our results point out that such variation may have been greater than previously thought.  相似文献   

Prehistoric climate and landscape features play large roles structuring wildlife populations. The amphibians of the northern Great Plains of North America present an opportunity to investigate how these factors affect colonization, migration, and current population genetic structure. This study used 11 microsatellite loci to genotype 1,230 northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) from 41 wetlands (30 samples/wetland) across North Dakota. Genetic structure of the sampled frogs was evaluated using Bayesian and multivariate clustering methods. All analyses produced concordant results, identifying a major east–west split between two R. pipiens population clusters separated by the Missouri River. Substructuring within the two major identified population clusters was also found. Spatial principal component analysis (sPCA) and variance partitioning analysis identified distance, river basins, and the Missouri River as the most important landscape factors differentiating R. pipiens populations across the state. Bayesian reconstruction of coalescence times suggested the major east–west split occurred ~13–18 kya during a period of glacial retreat in the northern Great Plains and substructuring largely occurred ~5–11 kya during a period of extreme drought cycles. A range‐wide species distribution model (SDM) for R. pipiens was developed and applied to prehistoric climate conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum (21 kya) and the mid‐Holocene (6 kya) from the CCSM4 climate model to identify potential refugia. The SDM indicated potential refugia existed in South Dakota or further south in Nebraska. The ancestral populations of R. pipiens in North Dakota may have inhabited these refugia, but more sampling outside the state is needed to reconstruct the route of colonization. Using microsatellite genotype data, this study determined that colonization from glacial refugia, drought dynamics in the northern Great Plains, and major rivers acting as barriers to gene flow were the defining forces shaping the regional population structure of R. pipiens in North Dakota.  相似文献   

Understanding ecological niche evolution over evolutionary timescales is crucial to elucidating the biogeographic history of organisms. Here, we used, for the first time, climate‐based ecological niche models (ENMs) to test hypotheses about ecological divergence and speciation processes between sister species pairs of lemurs (genus Eulemur) in Madagascar. We produced ENMs for eight species, all of which had significant validation support. Among the four sister species pairs, we found nonequivalent niches between sisters, varying degrees of niche overlap in ecological and geographic space, and support for multiple divergence processes. Specifically, three sister‐pair comparisons supported the null model that niches are no more divergent than the available background region. These findings are consistent with an allopatric speciation model, and for two sister pairs (E. collaris–E. cinereiceps and E. rufus–E. rufifrons), a riverine barrier has been previously proposed for driving allopatric speciation. However, for the fourth sister pair E. flavifrons–E. macaco, we found support for significant niche divergence, and consistent with their parapatric distribution on an ecotone and the lack of obvious geographic barriers, these findings most strongly support a parapatric model of speciation. These analyses thus suggest that various speciation processes have led to diversification among closely related Eulemur species.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The flora of the Sino-Japanese plant region of eastern Asia is distinctively rich compared with other floristic regions in the world. However, knowledge of its floristic evolution is fairly limited. The genus Ainsliaea is endemic to and distributed throughout the Sino-Japanese region. Its interspecific phylogenetic relationships have not been resolved. The aim is to provide insight into floristic evolution in eastern Asia on the basis of a molecular phylogenetic analysis of Ainsliaea species. METHODS: Cladistic analyses of the sequences of two nuclear (ITS, ETS) and one plastid (ndhF) regions were carried out individually and using the combined data from the three markers. KEY RESULTS: Phylogenetic analyses of three DNA regions confirmed that Ainsliaea is composed of three major clades that correspond to species distributions. Evolution of the three lineages was estimated to have occurred around 1.1 MYA during the early Pleistocene. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that Ainsliaea species evolved allopatrically and that the descendants were isolated in the eastern (between SE China and Japan, through Taiwan and the Ryukyu Islands) and western (Yunnan Province and its surrounding areas, including the Himalayas, the temperate region of Southeast Asia, and Sichuan Province) sides of the Sino-Japanese region. The results suggest that two distinct lineages of Ainsliaea have independently evolved in environmentally heterogeneous regions within the Sino-Japanese region. These regions have maintained rich and original floras due to their diverse climates and topographies.  相似文献   

Understanding the ecological and evolutionary forces that shape the genetic structure of invasive populations and facilitate their expansion across a large spectrum of environments is critical for the prediction of spread and management of ongoing invasions. Here, we study the dynamics of postestablishment colonization in the colonial ascidian Botrylloides violaceus, a notorious marine invader. After its initial introduction from the Northwest Pacific, B. violaceus spread rapidly along the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of North America, impacting both aquaculture facilities and natural ecosystems. We compare genetic diversity and patterns of gene flow among 25 populations (N=679) from the West and East coasts, and evaluate the contribution of sexual vs. asexual reproduction to this species' invasion success using data from the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene and 13 nuclear polymorphic microsatellite loci. Our results reveal contrasting patterns of spread in the coastal waters of North America. While the West coast was colonized by noncontiguous (long-distance) dispersal, the East coast invasion appears to have occurred through contiguous (stepping-stone) spread. Molecular data further indicate that although dispersal in colonial ascidians is predominantly achieved through sexually produced propagules, aquaculture practices such as high-pressure washing can facilitate fragmentation and potentially exacerbate infestations and spread via asexual propagules. The results presented here suggest that caution should be used against the general assumption that all invasions, even within a single species, exhibit similar patterns of colonization, as highly contrasting dynamics may transpire in different invaded ranges.  相似文献   

Genetic structure can be strongly affected by landscape features and variation through time and space of demographic parameters such as population size and migration rate. The fossorial water vole (Arvicola terrestris) is a cyclic species characterized by large demographic fluctuations over short periods of time. The outbreaks do not occur everywhere at the same time but spread as a wave at a regional scale. This leads to a pattern of large areas (i.e. some hundreds of km2), each with different vole abundances, at any given time. Here, we describe the abundance and genetic structures in populations of the fossorial water vole. We use the data to try to understand how landscape and demographic features act to shape the genetic structure. The spatial variability of vole abundance was assessed from surface indices, collected in spring 2002 (April) in eastern central France. Genetic variability was analysed using eight microsatellite loci at 23 localities sampled between October 2001 and April 2002. We found some congruence between abundance and genetic structures. At a regional scale, the genetic disruptions were associated with both sharp relief and transition between an area of low abundance and another of high abundance. At a local scale, we observed a variation of the isolation-by-distance pattern according to the abundance level of vole populations. From these results we suggest that the dispersal pattern in cyclic rodent populations varies throughout the demographic cycle.  相似文献   

Divergence of ecological niches in phylogenetically closely related species indicates the importance of ecology in speciation, especially for sympatric species are considered. Such ecological diversification provides an advantage of alleviating interspecies competition and promotes more efficient exploitation of environmental resources, thus being a basis for ecological speciation. We analyzed a group of closely related species from the subgenus Neritrema (genus Littorina, Caenogastropoda) from the gravel‐bouldery shores. In two distant sites at the Barents and Norwegian Sea, we examined the patterns of snail distribution during low tide (quantitative sampling stratified by intertidal level, presence of macrophytes, macrophyte species, and position on them), shell shape and its variability (geometric morphometrics), and metabolic characteristics (metabolomic profiling). The studied species diversified microbiotopes, which imply an important role of ecological specification in the recent evolution of this group. The only exception to this trend was the species pair L. arcana / L. saxatilis, which is specifically discussed. The ecological divergence was accompanied by differences in shell shape and metabolomic characteristics. Significant differences were found between L. obtusata versus L. fabalis and L. saxatilis / L. arcana versus L. compressa both in shell morphology and in metabolomes. L. saxatilis demonstrated a clear variability depending on intertidal level which corresponds to a shift in conditions within the occupied microhabitat. Interestingly, the differences between L. arcana (inhabiting the upper intertidal level) and L. compressa (inhabiting the lower one) were analogous to those between the upper and lower fractions of L. saxatilis. No significant level‐dependent changes were found between the upper and lower fractions of L. obtusata, most probably due to habitat amelioration by fucoid macroalgae. All these results are discussed in the contexts of the role of ecology in speciation, ecological niche dynamics and conservatism, and evolutionary history of the Neritrema species.  相似文献   

The phylogeographical structure of coral‐associated reef fishes may have been severely affected, more than species from deeper habitats, by habitat loss during periods of low sea level. The humbug damselfish, Dascyllus aruanus, is widely distributed across the Indo‐West Pacific, and exclusively inhabits branching corals. We used mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence and seven microsatellite loci on D. aruanus samples (260 individuals) from 13 locations across the Indo‐West Pacific to investigate its phylogeographical structure distribution‐wide. A major genetic partition was found between the Indian and Pacific Ocean populations, which we interpret as the result of geographical isolation on either side of the Indo‐Pacific barrier during glacial periods. The peripheral populations of the Red Sea and the Society Islands exhibited lower genetic diversity, and substantial genetic differences with the other populations, suggesting relative isolation. Thus, vicariance on either side of the Indo‐Pacific barrier and peripheral differentiation are considered to be the main drivers that have shaped the phylogeographical patterns presently observed in D. aruanus. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 931–942.  相似文献   

The anadromous-freshwater three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) system allows for inferring the role of adaptation in speciation with a high level of accuracy because the freshwater ecotype has evolved multiple times from a uniform anadromous ancestor. A cause for concern is that independent evolution among drainages is not guaranteed in areas with a poorly resolved glacial history. This is the case for the west European great rivers, whose downstream valleys flanked the southern limit of the late Pleistocene ice sheet. We tested for independent and postglacial colonization of these valleys hypothesizing that the relationships among anadromous and freshwater sticklebacks correspond to a raceme structure. We compared the reduction in plate number accompanying this colonization to the genetic differentiation using 13 allozyme and five microsatellite loci in 350 individuals. Overall microsatellite differentiation (F(ST) = 0.147) was twice as large as allozyme differentiation (F(ST) = 0.066). Although habitat-specific gene flow may mask the ancestral relationships among both ecotypes, levels of microsatellite differentiation supported the hypothesis of raceme-like divergence, reflecting independent colonizations rather than the presence of two distinct evolutionary clades. Under an infinite alleles model and in the absence of gene flow, the observed freshwater divergence might be reached after 440 (microsatellites) to 4500 (allozymes) generations. Hence, the anadromous-freshwater stickleback system most likely diverged postglacially. We conclude that the reduction in plate number in two freshwater basins probably occurred independently, and that its considerable variation among populations is not in agreement with the time since divergence.  相似文献   

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