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Isolating high-quality RNA from mangroves without liquid nitrogen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mangroves form unique communities in tropical coastal regions and tidal lowlands. Isolating RNA from mangrove leaves is difficult because of high amounts of secondary metabolites and polysaccharides. Conventional extraction methods produce poor-quality mangrove RNA. We present a simple, fast, and convenient protocol for isolating RNA from 5 mangrove species:Aegiceras corniculatum, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Ceriops tagal, Kandelia candel, andSonneratia apetala. Isolating RNA from other mangrove species is also possible. Obtained RNA was of high quality and used in an RT-PCR reaction that amplified 0.6 kb of theA. corniculatum CPI-1 gene.  相似文献   

梨不同DNA提取方法的效果研究   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
以7个梨品种为实验材料,比较分析了SDS法、CTAB法、SDSCTAB法、改良的CTAB法、高盐低pH值法、分步离心法对梨总DNA提取的效果。结果表明:利用以上6种方法提取的梨总DNA在纯度和量上有很大的差别。所得到的平均DNA量从大到小依次为:分步离心法、SDS法、SDSCTAB法、改良的CTAB法、CTAB法、高盐低pH值法。DNA提取纯度依次为分步离心法、SDSCTAB法、改良的CTAB法、高盐低pH值法、CTAB法、SDS法。RAPD和自交不亲和基因(S基因)特异性引物扩增实验结果都比较理想,但分步离心法和SDSCTAB法提取的DNA双酶切效果较好。分步离心法提取的梨总DNA更适用于后续的分子生物学实验操作。  相似文献   

应用CTAB法对砂梨品种DNA提取效果的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了获得质量较好的DNA,我们采用CTAB法对11个砂梨品种的叶片DNA提取情况进行了研究,发现参试样品中一些样品的蛋白质含量较多,而另外一些样品的多糖、酚类物质含量较高。对于蛋。白质含量较多的这类材料,适当增加24:1的处理次数能够使蛋白质沉淀下来;对于多糖、酚类物质含量较高的材料,用5mol/L的NaCl和3mol/L的NaAc等处理能够有效的降低多糖含量。另外,对研磨样品的加入量和PVP的加入时间进行了对比,最后用双酶切、电脉检测等不同的分析方法对所得到的DNA提取物的浓度和纯度进行检测,发现加入样品量在0.3g左右、在研磨后的粗提液中加入PVP,所得到的DNA质量较好.  相似文献   

利用RAPD(随机扩增多态DNA)方法,选用37种10bp的随机引物,对罗曼蛋鸡基因组DNA进行多态性分析,发现其中两种引物(OPS-08,OPY-06)在三代7个品系中都能扩增出多条带并且反映其基因组DNA的多态性,可用于检测出不同品系间的差异,并且这两种引物的碱基序列有80%是对应互补的。  相似文献   

本文通过利用RAPD(随机扩增多态DNA)方法,选用20种10bp的随机引物(OPC-01-OPC—20),用于虹鳟鱼基因组DNA多态性分析,其中发现一种引物(OPC-02)在虹鳟鱼群体中能扩增出多条带,说明该引物能反映其基因组DNA的多态性,可用于检测出不同品系间的差异。  相似文献   

High molecular weight (50–70 kb) genomic DNA was isolated from the eukaryotic green alga, Chlorella sorokiniana spec. nov, (formerly Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick, strain 7-11-05), for restriction endonuclease digestion studies and for preparation of a genomic DNA library. Twenty restriction endonucleases were examined for their abilities to digest this DNA. Nine of the endonucleases gave nearly complete digestion of the DNA, whereas 11 gave only partial digestion. Additional purification steps to remove possible contamination by proteins, RNAs, or polysaccharides did not improve digestion. Digestion studies with pairs of endonuclease isoschizomers, of which one member was sensitive to base methylation, suggested that 5-methylcytosine might be responsible Jor inhibition of certain endonucleases. Analysis of the DNA showed it to contain 63% GC and to have a high content (5.1 mol %) of 5-methylcytostne but no other methylated or unusual bases. Evidence indicates that this high 5-methylcytosine content, which is a characteristic of higher plant genomic DNA rather than of eukaryotic microorganisms, interfered with the cloning of restriction fragments (or fragments produced by mechanical shearing) of C. sorokiniana genomic DNA in standard bacterial host-strains. Escherichia coli strain K803, which is a permissive host for cloning highly methylated DNA from higher plants, also permitted the cloning of a complete genomic library of 15–20 kb Mbol restriction fragments inserted into the BamHI site of the γ vector, EMBL 3. This C. sorokiniana genomic library appears to be the first genomic-library constructed for any species of Chlorella.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA was isolated from frozen needles of maturePinus radiata clones using a modified extraction technique incorporating cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) for cell lysis. A high sodium chloride concentration (2 M) was used at 2 stages of the extraction procedure to eradicate polysaccharides, yielding pure genomic DNA suitable for restriction enzyme digestion and PCR amplification. Extractions were scaled down to suit 1.5-mL Eppendorf tubes, allowing easier handling and enhanced sterility.  相似文献   

一种优化的植物总DNA提取方法   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
根据自己提取植物基因组DNA的实际经验,改进了Clark利用CTAB提取植物基因组DNA的方法。在试验过程中发现,通过在研磨材料时加入液氮、用剪去端部的吸头转移含有DNA的溶液,并且将加入RNase A消化RNA的步骤改在最后进行等一系列改进,可以获得高质量的DNA。本文同时就主要提取步骤进行了分析。  相似文献   

A method for generation of arbitrary peptide libraries using genomic DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Random peptide libraries can be constructed either by in vitro synthesis of random peptides, or through translation of DNA sequences from synthetic random oligonucleotides. Here we describe an alternative way of making arbitrary peptide libraries with high diversity that can be used in screening as random peptide libraries. Genomic DNA digested with a frequent-cutting restriction enzyme recognizing four nucleotides will theoretically consist of small DNA pieces with average length of 256 nucleotides, and on average around 107 fragments can be generated from a genome of 3 × 109 bases. A peptide library translated from these fragments will have sufficient diversity for some protein interaction screening experiments. Moreover, the same genome digested with a different four-cutter enzyme or ligated into different reading frames will result in different nonoverlapping libraries. A series of such libraries could be generated with genomic DNAs from different species. In this study, human genomic DNA was digested with four-cutter restriction enzymes DpnII and Tsp509I, respectively, and cloned into yeast expression vector pGADT7 to generate arbitrary peptide libraries. These libraries were used in yeast two-hybrid assays to screen for binding motifs of the PDZ domain containing protein synectin. Our results showed that in addition to various native carboxy-terminal tails, synectin could also bind to many artificial ones, some of which contained a consensus sequence—(S/T)XC-COOH.  相似文献   

One-step isolation of plant DNA suitable for PCR amplification   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We report a one-step extraction technique for the isolation of plant DNA, DNA suitable for amplification by PCR can be produced from leaf material smaller than 0.3 mm2 in less than 20 min, with no tube changes. The method was tested on several plant specA00AK020ies. The described method was found to extract DNA that could be amplified without any further purification or treatment. The isolated DNA was amplified using a universal chloroplast primer set. The method was validated by comparing size of PCR products generated by the novel method to PCR products generated using standard DNA isolation techniques.  相似文献   

西伯利亚蝗基因组DNA提取及RAPD分析条件的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以西伯利亚蝗Gomphocerus sibiricus(L.)为研究材料,利用改良的SDS法提取高质量的DNA,分别测试了dNTP浓度、镁离子浓度、TaqDNA聚合酶用量、模板DNA的量等因素对反应结果的影响。通过各因子的组合比较,建立了西伯利亚蝗RAPD优化体系:25μLPCR反应体系,10×buffer2·5μL;dNTP0·24mmol/L;MgCl22·0mmol/L;Taq DNA聚合酶1U;DNA模板45ng;引物30ng。扩增程序为:94℃预变性1min45s、94℃变性30s、35℃退火1min30s、72℃延伸2min,45个循环、72℃延伸10min。结果表明,利用优化的反应条件进行西伯利亚蝗基因组DNA分析,实验有着良好的重复性和稳定性。  相似文献   

This report summarizes major changes in previously published protocols for DNA extraction to improve the quality of DNA extracted from plants. Here, we highlight the critical modifications in the original protocols. The efficiency of these changes results in high-quality DNA ready to use in a variety of phytogenetically distant plant families, in particular species with mucopolysaccharides. The DNA obtained can be used without further purification in various molecular biology assays, including direct sequencing and AFLP and RAPD (random-amplified polymorphic DNA) analyses. The effectiveness of this method is proven by the amplification and sequencing of PCR products of up to 1 kb with DNA extracted from herbarium tissue ≥60 years old. This versatility is not usually found in DNA extraction protocols. In addition, this method is quick, adaptable to standard laboratories, and most important, safer and more cost-effective.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA was extracted from eight medicinal plants using the present DNA extraction protocols (CTAB extraction method) with some modifications. Leaves were fixed in different fixing solutions containing absolute alcohol (99.99%), chloroform and EDTA, but without liquid nitrogen. DNA quality and quantity obtained were comparable to those isolated with liquid nitrogen, as the lambda260/lambda280 ratio with liquid nitrogen was in range 1.3-1.7 and with other fixing solutions it was 1.1-1.5. Absolute alcohol showed best results as fixing solution. Good quality of DNA was isolated without using liquid nitrogen from different medicinal plant species. DNA isolated by this method was suitable for various molecular biology applications.  相似文献   

We present results from a comparison of six methods for rapid DNA extraction from leaf and other plant tissues. We have used samples from six plant species in our study, including both crop species and their wild relatives. The success of the methods is assessed by PCR of the DNA using conserved primers, and the applicability of the different methods to particular species and tissues is assessed. The speed, reliability, convenience, and potential for further improvement of the methods are also discussed.  相似文献   

松突圆蚧基因组DNA提取方法的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别采用醋酸钾(KAc)法、十二烷基硫酸钠-蛋白酶K(SDS-PK)消化法、十六烷基三乙基溴化铵(CTAB)法及DNA提取试剂盒(吸附柱型)对单只松突圆蚧的基因组DNA进行提取。同时针对盾蚧科昆虫的特点,在提取前利用氯仿和解剖针去除样品表面的介壳。结果表明,用同种提取方法提取的经氯仿处理与未经处理样本的提取效果无明显差异,而采用解剖针去除介壳的样本提取效果较好。所采用的4种提取方法均能从新鲜标本中提取出DNA,其中CTAB法提取的DNA量较多,而SDS-PK法提取的DNA质量较好。  相似文献   

荔枝基因组DNA的提取   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
介绍一种提取荔枝基因组DNA的有效方法,即在传统CTAB法的基础上,于CTAB抽提液中加入1%的PVP。影响荔枝基因组DNA提取质量的因素有3个:第一是取材,第二是磨样与温育时间,第三是防止褐化。  相似文献   

为了建立一套适合红曲属真菌RAPD反应的优化体系,用改进的CTAB法提取红曲菌基因组DNA,采用单因素试验探讨RAPD反应体系中模板DNA、随机引物、Taq酶、Mg^2+、dNTPs对扩增结果的影响。结果在20μL体积中,模板DNA20 ng、随机引物0、2μmol/L、Taq酶、Mg^2+1.5mmol/L,dNTPs 1mmol/L的反应体系可得到稳定清晰的RAPD扩增图谱,为采用RAPD技术进行红曲菌种质资源遗传多样性研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

冬虫夏草是真菌与昆虫形成的复合生物体,本研究建立了一种可同时提取冬虫夏草真菌子座和虫体全部基因组DNA的方法。该方法稳定高效,简便易行,提取纯度高,适用于冬虫夏草多重PCR、Realtime-PCR和DNA指纹图谱等分子水平的研究。  相似文献   

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