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Summary Previous work on a snail community occurring throughout lakes in southwestern Michigan showed that predation by molluscivorous sunfish had large impacts on only the rarest snail species. Thus, competition might play a major role in population limitation because dominant members of the snail community are relatively immune to predation. The present experiments were conducted to determine the extent to which the snail community depleted the abundance of food resources (epiphytes) and the extent to which epiphyte abundances limited snail production. An experimental gradient in snail densities showed that removal of snails increased epiphyte biomass by approximately 3-fold relative to that observed at natural snail densities. Enrichment of the environment with phosphorus fertilizer increased epiphyte biomass by approximately 20-fold and provided a test of food limitation in the snail community. All snail taxa exhibited positive numerical or growth responses to enrichment. The observations that snails depleted resources and that resources limited snail production demonstrated that snails competed exploitatively for epiphytes. The response of each snail species to increased food abundance differed depending on the timing of fertilization relative to the snails' life histories. Snails hatched before the experiment began were larger in fertilized treatments, due to increased growth, but their densities were similar among treatments. On the other hand, densities of snails born during the experiment were up to 15-fold greater in fertilized treatments, due in part to increased survival of newborn snails. Comparison of the responses of snails to food addition and to predator removals (based on prior experiments) suggested that food availability limits snail production more than predators do. Additionally, the large responses by algae and snails to fertilization demonstrated that both the producers and herbivores in this simplified food chain were strongly resource limited.  相似文献   

N. A. Straw 《Oecologia》1991,86(4):492-502
Summary The intensity of resource exploitation by phytophagous insects is usually considered to reflect population size. For populations of two flowerhead-attacking tephritid flies, however, the resources utilised were not related to the numbers of searching adults. Tephritis bardanae Schrank attacked 11–13% of the total flowerheads each year, and Cerajocera tussilaginis (Fab) 17–65%, despite much wider and uncorrelated variation in adult numbers. Analysis of field data showed that the proportion of flowerheads used was not limited by poor flowerhead quality, but was restricted by (1) the synchronisation of adult activity with the appearance of flowerheads at the correct age for oviposition, and (2) by factors which influenced the ability of female flies to locate available heads. These restrictions were more severe in T. bardanae and explained its relatively low rate of infestation. Both tephritids tended to avoid flowerheads in open areas. The processes governing resource exploitation in each tephritid operated independently of the other, and a partial separation of the two species between flowerhead types and habitats arose simply because of their different timing of attack.  相似文献   

Pollen limitation through insufficient pollen deposition on stigmas caused by too infrequent pollinator visitation may influence the reproductive outcome of plants. In this study we investigated how pollinator visitation rate, the degree of pollen limitation, and flower longevity varied spatially among three sites at different altitudes within a population of the dwarf shrub Dryas octopetala L. in alpine southern Norway. Significant pollen limitation on seed set only occurred at the mid-elevation site, while seed set at the other sites appeared to be mainly resource limited, thus indicating a spatial variation in pollen limitation. There was no association between the spatial variation in the extent of pollen limitation and pollinator visitation rate to flowers. However, pollinator visitation rates were related to flower longevity of Dryas; sites with low visitation rates had long-lived flowers and vice versa. Thus, our results suggest within-population spatial co-variation between pollinator visitation rates, pollen limitation, and a developmental response to these factors, flower longevity.  相似文献   

This paper continues to explore niche differentiation in Gammarus pulex and Asellus aquaticus by analysis of their food preferences. Individuals from both species discriminated between leaf discs colonized by different fungal species and exhibited strong preferences for Anguillospora longissima and Heliscus lugdunensis. Fungal preferences were not correlated with the relative abundance of fungi in the field and there was considerable intra-population variability in food preferences — both between individuals and for the same individual through time. Niche overlap between animals from all four study populations was high and there was no evidence of differences in the potential trophic niches of animals from sympatric and allopatric populations.  相似文献   

Summary Artemisia tridentata seedlings were grown under carbon dioxide concentrations of 350 and 650 l l–1 and two levels of soil nutrition. In the high nutrient treatment, increasing CO2 led to a doubling of shoot mass, whereas nutrient limitation completely constrained the response to elevated CO2. Root biomass was unaffected by any treatment. Plant root/shoot ratios declined under carbon dioxide enrichment but increased under low nutrient availability, thus the ratio was apparently controlled by changes in carbon allocation to shoot mass alone. Growth under CO2 enrichment increased the starch concentrations of leaves grown under both nutrient regimes, while increased CO2 and low nutrient availability acted in concert to reduce leaf nitrogen concentration and water content. Carbon dioxide enrichment and soil nutrient limitation both acted to increase the balance of leaf storage carbohydrate versus nitrogen (C/N). The two treatment effects were significantly interactive in that nutrient limitation slightly reduced the C/N balance among the high-CO2 plants. Leaf volatile terpene concentration increased only in the nutrient limited plants and did not follow the overall increase in leaf C/N ratio. Grasshopper consumption was significantly greater on host leaves grown under CO2 enrichment but was reduced on leaves grown under low nutrient availability. An overall negative relationship of consumption versus leaf volatile concentration suggests that terpenes may have been one of several important leaf characteristics limiting consumption of the low nutrient hosts. Digestibility of host leaves grown under the high CO2 treatment was significantly increased and was related to high leaf starch content. Grasshopper growth efficiency (ECI) was significantly reduced by the nutrient limitation treatment but co-varied with leaf water content.  相似文献   

The success of species invasions depends on both the characteristics of the invaded habitat and the traits of the invasive species. At local scales biodiversity may act as a barrier to invasion; however, the mechanism by which biodiversity confers invasion resistance to a community has been the subject of considerable debate. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that productivity and diversity affected the ability of a regionally available species to colonize communities from which it is absent. We hypothesized that the invasibility of rock pool invertebrate communities would increase with increasing nutrients and decrease with increasing diversity. We tested this possibility using naturally invaded outdoor aquatic microcosms. We demonstrated that the invasibility of an experimental multi-trophic aquatic community by a competitive native midge species (Ceratopogonidae: Dasyhelea sp.) was determined by an interaction between resource availability, diversity, and the densities of two competitive ostracods species. Nutrient enrichment increased invasion success; however, within nutrient-enriched microcosms, invasion success was highest in the low-diversity treatments. Our results suggest that resource availability may in fact be the principal mechanism determining invasibility at local scales in multi-trophic rock pool communities; however resource availability can be determined by both nutrient input as well as by the diversity of the biotic community.  相似文献   

Fruit-set and seed weight variation was studied in a population ofAnthyllis vulneraria subsp.vulgaris (Fabaceae) in northwestern Spain. The plants produce several shoots, each bearing two to four inflorescences that open one at a time from bottom to top. Fruit-set, seed-pod weight and seed weight were found to be significantly higher in proximal inflorescences than in distal inflorescences of the same shoot; mean seed weight was up to three times higher in proximal than in distal inflorescences. By contrast, none of the three variables varied significantly among plants or among shoots of the same plant. Similarly, none of the three variables differed significantly between early- and late-flowering plants, or between plants monitored in 1993 and in 1994. These results are compatible with the view that shoots function as semiautonomous units as regards resource allocation, and that within the shoot resources are preferentially allocated to proximal (= early-opening) inflorescences. In the plants studied, the ratio of seed-pod weight to seed weight was fairly constant, suggesting that the pod is important for seed success.  相似文献   

Food limitation and seasonal population declines of rotifers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Keratella cochlearis exhibited consistent seasonal abundance patterns during a four-year study in Little Rock Lake, Wisconsin, U.S.A. In each year, spring population peaks were followed by strong summer reductions. Concomitant with population declines, there were reductions in rotifer egg ratios. Keratella taurocephala abundance patterns were similar to those of K. cochlearis during 1984 and 1985, but not in 1986 and 1987, when spring peaks and summer declines were not apparent. However, summer declines in the egg ratio of K. taurocephala were observed during each year. The reduction in rotifer populations simultaneously with decreased egg ratios suggested that population declines were caused by food limitation. Food-addition experiments conducted in situ in small enclosures indicated that food was limiting for K. cochlearis when its populations were declining, but not during other periods of the year. Keratella taurocephala did not show a consistent response to food addition.  相似文献   

Across different host plant species, the effects of mycorrhizal colonization on host growth parameters can vary, but intraspecific variation in this relationship has rarely been measured. We tested the direction and consistency of the relationship between ectomycorrhizal colonization level and growth responses across seed families of Pinus contorta var. latifolia. Root tips of seedlings from eight full sib seed families varied in levels of ectomycorrhizal fungal colonization from 39% to 100%. We observed positive, negative, or neutral relationships between colonization level and shoot mass, depending on plant family. For the majority of seed families no relationship was observed between colonization level and root mass; however, two seed families showed negative relationships. Shoot height differed only by seed family. Results from our study indicate that the relationship between colonization level and host growth depends on host genotype. We suggest that models of plant intraspecific interactions should consider ectomycorrhizal associations when assessing phenotypic variability.  相似文献   

鹦哥岭海南五针松的种内和种间竞争   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
游娟  林乐乐  谢磊  崔国发 《广西植物》2017,37(6):776-782
为了探讨海南五针松群落内物种间的竞争关系,该研究通过对海南鹦哥岭国家级自然保护区海南五针松群落内56株对象木及442株伴生种竞争木的调查,运用Hegyi的单木竞争模型分析其种内和种间竞争强度。结果表明:海南五针松的种内和种间竞争强度分别为31.31%和68.69%,说明竞争主要来自种间。海南五针松伴生种较多,种内与主要伴生种间的竞争关系为海南五针松线枝蒲桃海桐山矾五列木印度锥杏叶柯红鳞浦桃海南猴欢喜毛棉杜鹃浦桃木荷。竞争强度随海南五针松胸径的增大而减小,当海南五针松的胸径到达35 cm时,竞争强度变化很小,二者符合幂函数关系(CI=aD~b),所得模型能很好的预测海南五针松的种内和种间竞争强度。根据竞争模型预测,在海南五针松胸径达到35 cm之前,应对严重影响其生长的伴生种进行修枝或择伐,以保证其获得足够的生存资源,达到保护这一物种的目的。  相似文献   

We analysed intercohort variability of live weight and antler length of 5,123 reindeer calves. We further assessed the influence of climate and density on the interannual variation in antler length, and discussed sex-specific resource allocation and response to climate variability. Antler length varied significantly among years and between sexes, with interaction between year and sex. Body weight and antler length were highly positively correlated, showed similar intercohort variability, and had a strong allometrical link, suggesting that antler length could be an equally reliable measure of calf condition as live weight. We found a relative measure of antler length (i.e. antler length corrected for the allometric effect of body mass) to be positively influenced by increasing density and May–June precipitation, and also decreasing May–June temperature. We attributed the effect of early summer weather to its influence on forage availability and quality as well as the level of parasitic insect harassment. Gender difference in both the allometric exponents and the interannual variability suggest that young males and females may have different tactics for relative resource allocation towards growth of antlers as compared to body mass. Because antlers are costly to produce, they may be an honest signal of individual quality for both sexes. However, we found gender-specific allometry, as female calves more than males appear to prioritize their antler growth over body mass, especially when resources are limited. Thus, our results suggest that environmental variation may influence the extent of sexual dimorphism in antler length. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Estimation of larval dry weight of Chaoborus americanus   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A method for estimating larval dry weight as a function of tracheal front air sac length and instar was developed for second, third, and fourth instar Chaoborus americanus using linear regression analysis. The following equation: where W = larval dry weight (μg), L = front air sac length (mm), a = the y-intercept, and b = the slope provided accurate estimates of larval dry weight for three C. americanus populations. No detectable change in size occurred in the air sacs of larvae preserved for one year in 5% formalin. This indicates that air sacs can be used to accurately estimate larval dry weight for preserved as well as living specimens.  相似文献   

Lieb  David A.  Carline  Robert F. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,441(1):107-116
Thompson Run, a headwater stream in central Pennsylvania (U.S.A.), supports an impaired macroinvertebrate community downstream of the outlet of a detention pond that receives urban runoff. To determine if toxicity from the metals or other pollutants in urban runoff contributed to impairment, we exposed adult, male Gammarus minus to urban runoff during a 42-day in situ bioassay that included 12 rain events. Test animals were collected from a site upstream of the detention pond outlet using two methods: precopula pair separation and sieving. Water quality, temperature and tissue metal concentrations were measured during the bioassay. The survival of precopula G. minus was lower (p=0.048) at a site downstream of the detention pond outlet compared to a site upstream of it, but the survival of sieved G. minus was not different between sites (p=0.803). Large hourly increases in temperature (up to 6.6 °C) and major reductions in water quality including order of magnitude increases in suspended materials (measured as turbidity) and the concentrations of copper, zinc and lead occurred downstream of the detention pond outlet during stormflow (i.e. following rain events). In contrast, changes in temperature and water quality were minor upstream of the pond outlet throughout the bioassay. Copper and cadmium concentrations in leaf samples and copper, zinc and lead concentrations in G. minus samples were significantly higher downstream of the pond outlet than they were upstream of it. Despite harsh conditions downstream of the pond outlet (i.e. metal contamination, inputs of suspended materials and rapid temperature increases), the in situ bioassay did not convincingly demonstrate that urban runoff was toxic to adult, male G. minus.  相似文献   

Livesley  S.J.  Gregory  P.J.  Buresh  R.J. 《Plant and Soil》2000,227(1-2):149-161
Complementarity in the distribution of tree and crop root systems is important to minimise competition for resources whilst maximising resource use in agroforestry systems. A field study was conducted on a kaolinitic Oxisol in the sub-humid highlands of western Kenya to compare the distribution and dynamics of root length and biomass of a 3-year-old Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. ex R. Br. (grevillea) tree row and a 3-year-old Senna spectabilis DC. (senna) hedgerow grown with Zea mays L. (maize). Tree roots were sampled to a 300 cm depth and 525 cm distance from the tree rows, both before and after maize cropping. Maize roots were sampled at two distances from the tree rows (75–150 cm and 450–525 cm) to a maximum depth of 180 cm, at three developmental stages. The mean root length density (Lrv) of the trees in the upper 15 cm was 0.55 cm cm−3 for grevillea and 1.44 cm cm−3 for senna, at the start of the cropping season. The Lrv of senna decreased at every depth during the cropping season, whereas the Lrv of grevillea only decreased in the crop rooting zone. The fine root length of the trees decreased by about 35% for grevillea and 65% for senna, because of maize competition, manual weeding, seasonal senescence or pruning regime (senna). At anthesis, the Lrv of maize in the upper 15 cm was between 0.8 and 1.5 cm cm−3. Maize root length decreased with greater proximity to the tree rows, potentially reducing its ability to compete for soil resources. However, the specific root length (m g−1) of maize was about twice that of the trees, so may have had a competitive uptake advantage even when tree root length was greater. Differences in maize fine root length and biomass suggest that competition for soil resources and hence fine root length may have been more important for maize grown with senna than grevillea. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Low dissolved oxygen (DO) levels often occur during summer in tidal creeks along the southeastern coast of the USA. We analyzed rates of oxygen loss as water-column biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and sediment oxygen flux (SOF) at selected tidal creek sites monthly over a 1-year period. Ancillary physical, chemical and biological data were collected to identify factors related to oxygen loss. BOD5 rates ranged from 0.0 mg l?1 to 7.6 mg l?1 and were correlated positively with organic suspended solids, total suspended solids, chlorophyll a concentrations, temperature, and dissolved oxygen, and negatively with pH and nitrate + nitrite. SOF rates ranged from 0.0 to 9.3 g O2 m?2 d?1, and were positively correlated with temperature, chlorophyll a, and total suspended solids, but negatively with dissolved oxygen. Both forms of oxygen uptake were seasonally dependent, with BOD5 elevated in spring and summer and SOF elevated in summer and fall. Average oxygen loss to sediments was greater and more variable than oxygen loss in the water column. Oxygen deficits at three of five locations were significantly related to BOD5 and SOF, but not at two sites where ground water discharges were observed. Correlation and principal component analyses suggested that BOD5 and SOF responded to somewhat different suites of environmental variables. BOD5 was driven by a set of parameters linked to warm season storm water inputs that stimulated organic seston loads, especially chlorophyll a, while SOF behaved less strongly so. Runoff processes that increase loads of organic material and nutrients and ground water discharges low in dissolved oxygen contribute to occurrences of low dissolved oxygen in tidal creeks.  相似文献   

The suitability of five grain legume species (narrow-leafed lupin, chickpea, faba bean, field pea, lentil) as hosts for three aphid species (green peach aphid, cowpea aphid, bluegreen aphid) was evaluated by measuring the mean relative growth rate (MRGR) and survivorship of nymphs over a 5 day period. For each aphid species, intraspecific (interclonal) variation was also determined by independently measuring the performance of 30 clones collected from a variety of hosts and from different parts of the Western Australia (WA) wheatbelt. The suitability of the grain legumes varied among aphid species. Chickpea was not a suitable host for any of the aphids tested. Averaged over all clones, lentil and faba bean were the most suitable hosts for cowpea aphid, and narrow-leafed lupin was the most suitable host for green peach aphid. Field pea was a suitable host for all three species, but only at a suboptimal level. Cowpea aphid showed the greatest amount of intraspecific variation, with significant variation in MRGR among clones on all hosts except chickpea and significant variation in survivorship on chickpea and lupin. For green peach aphid, there was significant variation in MRGR among clones on field pea and lupin, but in survivorship on lupin only. Bluegreen aphid clones showed significant variation only for MRGR on faba bean and lupin. There were positive correlations in performance of green peach aphid clones on faba bean and lentil, and of cowpea aphid clones on faba bean and lentil. Bluegreen aphid clones showed a negative correlation in performance on field pea and faba bean. These results show the importance of screening cultivars against a wide variety of aphid clones when assessing aphid susceptibility in breeding programmes. The implications of these results on the adaptability of parthenogenetic aphids are discussed.  相似文献   

Here we investigate the long-cited pattern that throughout the eastern United States, Solidago species (goldenrods), and in particular S. canadensis displace Aster species and dominate old-field communities. Theory predicts that such a ubiquitous pattern of repeated dominance should be linked to competitive ability for a limiting resource. However, no one has investigated this possibility in old-fields, representing a potentially significant gap in our understanding of a common human-altered environment. We tested the hypothesis that S. canadensis is the superior competitor for light compared to other common co-occurring goldenrod species, and that the goldenrods in general are the superior competitors for light compared to coexisting aster species, which are typically less abundant. We tested this hypothesis by comparing the light attenuation abilities of four goldenrod species, S. canadensis, S. rugosa, S. gigantea, and Euthamia graminifolia, and three aster species, Aster novae-angliae, A. pilosus, and A. prenanthoides. Consistent with our hypothesis, S. canadensis had a greater ability to attenuate light than any of the other goldenrods at higher densities, and the goldenrods overall had a greater ability to attenuate light than the asters. By conducting a census in our study area, we verified that S. canadensis is locally the most abundant goldenrod and that goldenrods are more locally abundant than asters. Furthermore, by conducting a literature survey we found evidence that S. canadensis replaces A. pilosus through time. Thus we found a close correspondence between relative abundance in the field and light attenuation ability in field experiments. These results are consistent with theory predicting that competition for limiting resources, in this case light, explains patterns of dominance and relative abundance in old-field plant communities.  相似文献   

The potential use of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was evaluated as a source of genetic markers for studying variation among four species of Panicum and within the crop species P. miliaceum and P. sumatrense. Polymorphism in RAPD markers was observed across and within species. The four species were distinct in RAPD patterns and were separated at low correlation values even with small samples involving single genotypes per species. Accessions of P. miliaceum were grouped according to geographical regions of origin. The study demonstrated that unlike isozyme and protein electrophoresis patterns, RAPD markers can be applied to studying genetic diversity, defining gene pools, and identifying cultivars for this group of millets.  相似文献   

Microsatellite variations in Castanopsis species in Japan were examined to clarify the genetic relationships among 25 local populations according to the difference in the number of layers of adaxial epidermis in the leaves. Six microsatellite loci were assayed for 629 seedlings from the populations, and these seedlings were classified into five types according to the state of the leaf epidermis. Remarkable differences in the allele frequency of the six microsatellite loci were observed among these local populations. The coefficients of genetic differentiation, RST, of each locus ranged from 0.209 to 0.388. An unweighted pair-group method (UPGMA) phenogram constructed on the population pairwise RST over the loci revealed three clusters (A–C), and six sub-clusters. These clusters reflected the differences in the occurrence frequency of seedlings in each epidermis type within a population. Our findings suggest that clusters A and C are the local populations dominated by Castanopsis sieboldii and Castanopsis cuspidata, respectively, while local populations of cluster B are composed of the two Castanopsis species and/or include many individuals derived by hybridization. The six sub-clusters were found to reflect the geographic relationship among the populations, suggesting a different process for geographic population dynamics during the postglacial period.  相似文献   

Variability in the plastic responses of seven life history traits to different chilling and photoperiod regimes was studied in four wild populations of Cardamine flexuosa. This species, a winter-green or year-long annual, showed a facultative long-day and chilling requirement for flowering. Considerable variation among populations was noted in plasticity of all traits. Differences in plasticity were greater among three paddy field populations from different climatic areas than between adjacent populations under different disturbance regimes. A paddy field population (OP) and an adjacent orchard population (OG) exhibited similar plasticity, in both amounts and patterns of response. TP, a Japan Sea coast population, was distinct from three other populations, especially in the small amounts of plasticity. Differences in amount of response were much more common than differences in pattern of response. Character expressions of five traits were significantly correlated with the number of days to flowering. Days to flowering and the numbers of inflorescences and siliques showed high negative correlations because the branching ability of meristems decreased with delay of flowering.  相似文献   

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