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Halobacterium salinarum sensory rhodopsin I (HsSRI), a dual receptor regulating both negative and positive phototaxis in haloarchaea, transmits light signals through changes in protein-protein interactions with its transducer, halobacterial transducer protein I (HtrI). Haloarchaea also have another sensor pigment, sensory rhodopsin II (SRII), which functions as a receptor regulating negative phototaxis. Compared with HsSRI, the signal relay mechanism of SRII is well characterized because SRII from Natronomonus pharaonis (NpSRII) is much more stable than HsSRI and HsSRII, especially in dilute salt solutions and is much more resistant to detergents. Two genes encoding SRI homologs were identified from the genome sequence of the eubacterium Salinibacter ruber. Those sequences are distantly related to HsSRI ( approximately 40% identity) and contain most of the amino acid residues identified as necessary for its function. To determine whether those genes encode functional protein(s), we cloned and expressed them in Escherichia coli. One of them (SrSRI) was expressed well as a recombinant protein having all-trans retinal as a chromophore. UV-Vis, low-temperature UV-Vis, pH-titration, and flash photolysis experiments revealed that the photochemical properties of SrSRI are similar to those of HsSRI. In addition to the expression system, the high stability of SrSRI makes it possible to prepare large amounts of protein and enables studies of mutant proteins that will allow new approaches to investigate the photosignaling process of SRI-HtrI.  相似文献   

Sensory rhodopsin I (SR-I lambda(max) 587 nm) is a phototaxis receptor in the archaeon Halobacterium salinarium. Photoisomerization of retinal in SR-I generates a long-lived intermediate with lambda(max) 373 nm which transmits a signal to the membrane-bound transducer protein HtrI. Although SR-I is structurally similar to the electrogenic proton pump bacteriorhodopsin (BR), early studies showed its photoreactions do not pump protons, nor result in membrane hyperpolarization. These studies used functionally active SR-I, that is, SR-I complexed with its transducer HtrI. Using recombinant DNA methods we have expressed SR-I protein containing mutations in ionizable residues near the protonated Schiff base, and studied wild-type and site-specifically mutated SR-I in the presence and absence of the transducer protein. UV-Vis kinetic absorption spectroscopy, FT-IR, and pH and membrane potential probes reveal transducer-free SR-I photoreactions result in vectorial proton translocation across the membrane in the same direction as that of BR. This proton pumping is suppressed by interaction with transducer which diverts the proton movements into an electroneutral path. A key step in this diversion is that transducer interaction raises the pK(a) of the aspartyl residue in SR-I (Asp76) which corresponds to the primary proton-accepting residue in the BR pump (Asp85). In transducer-free SR-I, our evidence indicates the pK(a) of Asp76 is 7.2, and ionized Asp76 functions as the Schiff base proton acceptor in the SR-I pump. In the SR-I/HtrI complex, the pK(a) of Asp76 is 8.5, and therefore at physiological pH (7.4) Asp76 is neutral. Protonation changes on Asp76 are clearly not required for signaling since the SR-I mutants D76N and D76A are active in phototaxis. The latent proton-translocation potential of SR-I may reflect the evolution of the SR-I sensory signaling mechanism from the proton pumping mechanism of BR.  相似文献   

K H Jung  E N Spudich  P Dag  J L Spudich 《Biochemistry》1999,38(40):13270-13274
Sensory rhodopsin I (SRI) is a seven-transmembrane helix retinylidene protein that mediates color-sensitive phototaxis responses through its bound transducer HtrI in the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum. Deprotonation of the Schiff base attachment site of the chromophore accompanies formation of the SRI signaling state, S(373). We measured the rate of laser flash-induced S(373) formation in the presence and absence of HtrI, and the effects of mutations in SRI or HtrI on the kinetics of this process. In the absence of HtrI, deprotonation occurs rapidly (halftime 10 micros) if the proton acceptor Asp76 is ionized (pK(a) = approximately 7), and only very slowly (halftime > 10 ms) when Asp76 is protonated. Transducer-binding, although it increases the pK(a) of Asp76 so that it is protonated throughout the range of pH studied, results in a first order, pH-independent rate of S(373) formation of approximately 300 micros. Therefore, the complexation of HtrI facilitates the proton-transfer reaction, increasing the rate approximately 50-fold at pH6. Arrhenius analysis shows that HtrI-binding accelerates the reaction primarily by an entropic effect, suggesting HtrI constrains the SRI molecule in the complex. Function-perturbing mutations in SRI and HtrI also alter the rate of S(373) formation and the lambda(max) of the parent state as assessed by laser flash-induced kinetic difference spectroscopy, and shifts to longer wavelength are correlated with slower deprotonation. The data indicate that HtrI affects electrostatic interactions of the protonated Schiff base and not only receives the signal from SRI but also optimizes the photochemical reaction process for SRI signaling.  相似文献   

Different modes of proton translocation by sensory rhodopsin I.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
U Haupts  E Bamberg    D Oesterhelt 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(8):1834-1841
The membrane-bound complex between sensory rhodopsin I (SRI) and its transducer HtrI forms the functional photoreceptor unit that allows transmission of light signals to the flagellar motor. Although being a photosensor, SRI, the mutant SRI-D76N and the HtrI-SRI complex can transport protons, as we demonstrate by using the sensitive and ion-specific black lipid membrane technique. SRI sustains an orange light-driven (one-photon-driven) outward proton transport which is enhanced by additional blue light (two-photon-driven). The vectoriality of the two-photon-driven transport could be reversed at neutral pH from the outward to the inward direction by switching the cut-off wavelength of the long wavelength light from 550 to 630 nm. The cut-off wavelength determining the reversal point decreases with decreasing pH. The currents could be enhanced by azide. A two-photon-driven inward proton transport by SRI-D76N (catalyzed by azide) and by the complex HtrI-SRI is demonstrated. The influence of pH and azide concentration on the rise and decay kinetics of the SRI380 intermediate is analyzed. The different modes of proton translocation of the SRI species are discussed on the basis of a general model of proton translocation of retinal proteins and in the context of signal transduction.  相似文献   

Primary structure of sensory rhodopsin I, a prokaryotic photoreceptor.   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
The gene coding for sensory rhodopsin I (SR-I) has been identified in a restriction fragment of genomic DNA from the Halobacterium halobium strain L33. Of the 1014 nucleotides whose sequence was determined, 720 belong to the structural gene of SR-I. In the 5' non-coding region two putative promoter elements and a ribosomal binding site have been identified. The 3' flanking region bears a potential terminator structure. The SR-I protein moiety carries no signal peptide and is not processed at its N terminus. The C terminus, however, lacks the last aspartic acid residue encoded by the gene. Analysis of the primary structure of SR-I reveals no consistent homology with the eukaryotic photoreceptor rhodopsin, but 14% homology with the halobacterial ion pumps, bacteriorhodopsin (BR) and halorhodopsin (HR). Residues conserved in all three proteins are discussed with respect to their contribution to secondary structure, retinal binding and ion translocation. The aspartic acid residue which mediates in BR the reprotonation of the Schiff base (D96) is replaced in SR-I by a tyrosine (Y87). This amino acid replacement is proposed to be of crucial importance in the evolution of the slow-cycling photosensing pigment SR-I.  相似文献   

Organisms utilize light as energy sources and as signals. Rhodopsins, which have seven transmembrane α-helices with retinal covalently linked to a conserved Lys residue, are found in various organisms as distant in evolution as bacteria, archaea, and eukarya. One of the most notable properties of rhodopsin molecules is the large variation in their absorption spectrum. Sensory rhodopsin I (SRI) and sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) function as photosensors and have similar properties (retinal composition, photocycle, structure, and function) except for their λ(max) (SRI, ~560 nm; SRII, ~500 nm). An expression system utilizing Escherichia coli and the high protein stability of a newly found SRI-like protein, SrSRI, enables studies of mutant proteins. To determine the residue contributing to the spectral shift from SRI to SRII, we constructed various SRI mutants, in which individual residues were substituted with the corresponding residues of SRII. Three such mutants of SrSRI showed a large spectral blue-shift (>14 nm) without a large alteration of their retinal composition. Two of them, A136Y and A200T, are newly discovered color tuning residues. In the triple mutant, the λ(max) was 525 nm. The inverse mutation of SRII (F134H/Y139A/T204A) generated a spectral-shifted SRII toward longer wavelengths, although the effect is smaller than in the case of SRI, which is probably due to the lack of anion binding in the SRII mutant. Thus, half of the spectral shift from SRI to SRII could be explained by only those three residues taking into account the effect of Cl(-) binding.  相似文献   

An expansion accompanying the formation of the first intermediate in the photocycle of transducer-free sensory rhodopsin I (SRI) was determined by means of time-resolved laser-induced optoacoustic spectroscopy. For the native protein (SRI-WT), the absolute value of the expansion is approximately 5.5 mL and for the mutant SRI-D76N, approximately 1.5 mL per mol of phototransformed species (in 0.5 M NaCl), calculated by using the formation quantum yield for the first intermediate (S610) of Phi610 = 0.4 +/- 0.05 for SRI-WT and 0.5 +/- 0.05 for SRI-D76N, measured by laser-induced optoacoustic spectroscopy and by laser flash photolysis. The similarity in Phi610 and in the determined value of the energy level of S610, E610 = (142 +/- 12) kJ/mol for SRI-WT and SRI-D76N indicates that Asp76 is not directly involved in the first step of the phototransformation. The increase with pH of the magnitude of the structural volume change for the formation of S610 in SRI-WT and in SRI-D76N upon excitation with 580 nm indicates also that amino acids other than Asp76, and other than those related to the Schiff base, are involved in the process. The difference in structural volume changes as well as differences in the activation parameters for the S610 decay should be attributed to differences in the rigidity of the cavity surrounding the chromophore. Except for the decay of the first intermediate, which is faster than in the SRI-transducer complex, the rate constants of the photocycle for transducer-free SRI in detergent suspension are strongly retarded with respect to wild-type membranes (this comparison should be done with great care because the preparation of both samples is very different).  相似文献   

FTIR difference spectra have been obtained for the sR587----S373 phototransition of sensory rhodopsin I (sR-I), a signal-transducing protein of Halobacterium halobium. The vibrational modes of the sR587 chromophore have frequencies close to those of the bacteriorhodopsin bR568 chromophore, confirming that the two chromophores have very similar structures and environments. However, the sR-I Schiff base C = N stretch frequency is downshifted relative to bR, consistent with weaker hydrogen bonding with its counterion(s). The carboxyl (COOH) stretch modes of sR-I and halorhodopsin (hR) are at the same frequencies. On the basis of sequence homologies, these bands can be assigned to Asp-106 in helix D and/or Asp-201 in helix G. In contrast, no band was found that could be assigned to the protonation of Asp-76. In bR, the homologous residue Asp-85 serves as the acceptor group for the Schiff base proton. Bands appear in the amide I and II regions at similar frequencies in sR-I, hR, and bR, indicating that despite their different functions they all undergo closely related structural changes. Bands are also detected in the C-H stretch region, possibly due to alterations in the membrane lipids. Similar spectral features are also observed in the lipids of rhodopsin-containing photoreceptor membrane upon light activation.  相似文献   

Circular dichroic (CD) spectra of three related protein pigments from Halobacterium halobium, halorhodopsin (HR), bacteriorhodopsin (BR), and sensory rhodopsin I (SR-I), are compared. In native membranes the two light-driven ion pumps, HR and BR, exhibit bilobe circular dichroism spectra characteristic of exciton splitting in the region of retinal absorption, while the phototaxis receptor, SR-I, exhibits a single positive band centered at the SR-I absorbance maximum. This indicates specific aggregation of protein monomers of HR, as previously noted [Sugiyama, Y., & Mukohata, Y. (1984) J. Biochem. (Tokyo) 96, 413-420], similar to the well-characterized retinal/retinal exciton interaction in the purple membrane. The absence of this interaction in SR-I indicates SR-I is present in the native membrane as monomers or that interactions between the retinal chromophores are weak due to chromophore orientation or separation. Solubilization of HR and BR with nondenaturing detergents eliminates the exciton coupling, and the resulting CD spectra share similar features in all spectral regions from 250 to 700 nm. Schiff-base deprotonation of both BR and HR yields positive CD bands near 410 nm and shows similar fine structure in both pigments. Removal of detergent restores the HR native spectrum. HR differs from BR in that circular dichroic bands corresponding to both amino acid and retinal environments are much more sensitive to external salt concentration and pH. A theoretical analysis of the exciton spectra of HR and BR that provides a range of interchromophore distances and orientations is performed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Sensory rhodopsin I (SRI) from Halobacterium salinarum was functionally expressed in Escherichia coli and subsequently purified to homogeneity using a C-terminal His-tag anchor. Yields of 3-4 mg SRI/l cell culture can be obtained. The absorption and photocycle properties of SRI were similar if not indistinguishable from those of the homologously expressed SRI. A global fit analysis of the photocycle data and the calculation of the spectra of states provided strong evidence for the existence of an N-like intermediate.  相似文献   

We studied the photochemical reaction cycle of sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) by flash photolysis of Halobacterium salinarum membranes genetically engineered to contain or to lack its transducer protein HtrII. Flash photolysis data from membranes containing HtrII were fit well in the 10 micros-10 s range by three rate constants and a linear unbranched pathway from the unphotolyzed state with 487 nm absorption maximum to a species with absorption maximum near 350 nm (M) followed by a species with maximum near 520 nm (O), as has been found in previous studies of wild-type membranes. Data from membranes devoid of HtrII exhibited similar M and O intermediates but with altered kinetics, and a third intermediate absorbing maximally near 470 nm (N) was present in an equilibrium mixture with O. The modulation of SRII photoreactions by HtrII indicates that SRII and HtrII are physically associated in a molecular complex. Arrhenius analysis shows that the largest effect of HtrII, the acceleration of O decay, is attributable to a large decrease in activation enthalpy. Based on comparison of SRII photoreactions to those of sensory rhodopsin I and bacteriorhodopsin, we interpret this kinetic effect to indicate that HtrII interacts with SRII so that it alters the reaction process involving deprotonation of Asp73, the proton acceptor from the Schiff base.  相似文献   

A photoactive yellow protein purified from the phototrophic bacterium Ectothiorhodospira halophila, has been crystallized by vapor diffusion from ammonium sulfate solution. The hexagonal crystals are in space group P6(3) with unit cell dimensions a = b = 66.89, c = 40.68 A and appear to have one 15,000-dalton protein in the asymmetric unit. Photoactive yellow protein contains a chromophore with retinal-like properties; its color can be reversibly bleached, by visible light, with kinetics similar to those of sensory rhodopsin. The crystals can also be bleached by an intense visible light source without cracking, but are not bleached by x-rays. This suggests that structures can be obtained for both bleached and colored conformations of the protein-bound chromophore. The crystals diffract strongly to at least 1.3 A resolution, are resistant to radiation damage, and are suitable for a high resolution structure determination. The covalently bound chromophore and photobleaching characteristics of the protein offer unique opportunities to study protein conformational change and refolding as well as to understand the mechanisms of light-induced conformational change at atomic resolution.  相似文献   

Ring desmethyl and acyclic analogues of all-trans retinal were incorporated into the apoprotein of the phototaxis receptor sensory rhodopsin I (SR-I) in Halobacterium halobium membranes. All modified retinals generate SR-I analogue pigments which exhibit "opsin shifts," i.e., their absorption spectra are shifted to longer wavelengths compared with model protonated Schiff bases of the same analogues. Each SR-I pigment analogue exhibits cyclic photochemical reactions as monitored by flash spectroscopy, but the analogue photocycles differ from that of native SR-I by exhibiting pronounced biphasic recovery of flash-induced absorption changes and abnormal flash-induced absorption difference spectra. Despite perturbations in the photochemical properties, the SR-I pigment analogues are capable of both attractant (single photon) and repellent (two photon) phototaxis signaling in cells. Our interpretation is that the hydrophobic ring substituents interact with the binding pocket to maintain the correct configuration for native SR-I absorption and photochemistry, but these interactions are not essential for the physiological function of SR-I as a dual attractant/repellent phototaxis receptor. These results support the conclusion emerging from several studies that the photoactivation process that triggers the conformation changes of SR-I and the related proton pump bacteriorhodopsin is conserved despite the different biological functions of their photoactivation.  相似文献   

The purple photosynthetic bacteria contain a large variety of sensory and regulatory proteins, and those responding to light are among the most interesting. These currently include bacteriophytochrome (Bph), sensory rhodopsin (SR), and photoactive yellow protein (PYP), which all appear to function as light sensors. We herein interpret new findings within the context of current knowledge. For greater detail, the reader is referred to comprehensive reviews on these topics. Of the three proteins, only PYP has been well-characterized in terms of structure and physical-chemical properties in the purple bacteria, although none have well-defined functions. New findings include a cluster of six genes in the Thermochromatium tepidum genome that encodes presumed sensory rhodopsin and phototaxis proteins. T. tepidum also has a gene for PYP fused to bacteriophytochrome and diguanylate cyclase domains. The genes for PYP and its biosynthetic enzymes are associated with those for gas vesicle formation in Rhodobacter species, suggesting that one function of PYP is to regulate cell buoyancy. The association of bacteriophytochrome genes with those for reaction centers and light-harvesting proteins in Rhodopseudomonas palustris suggests that the photosynthetic antenna as well as the reaction center are regulated by Bphs. Furthermore, Rc. centenum PPR is reversibly photobleached at 702 nm rather than red-shifted as in other phytochromes, suggesting that PPR senses the intensity of white light rather than light quality. PYP from Halorhodospira(aka Ectothiorhodospira)halophila is of special interest because it has become the structural prototype for the PAS domain, a motif that is found throughout the phylogenetic tree and which plays important roles in many signaling pathways. Thus, the structural and photochemical characterization of PYP, utilizing site-directed mutagenesis, provides insights into the mechanism of signal transduction.  相似文献   

The phototaxis receptor sensory rhodopsin-I (SR-I) was genetically truncated in the COOH terminus which leads to overexpression in Halobacterium salinarium and was expressed in the presence and absence of its transducer, HtrI. Pyranine (8-hydroxyl-1,3,6-pyrene-trisulfonate) was used as a pH probe to show that proton release to the bulk phase results from the SR-I587 to S373 photoconversion, but only in the absence of transducer. The stoichiometry is 1 proton/S373 molecule formed. When SR-I is overexpressed in the presence of HtrI, the kinetics of the thermal return of S373 to SR-I587 is biphasic. A kinetic dissection indicates that overexpressed SR-I is present in two pools: one pool which generates an SR-I molecule possessing a normal (i.e., transducer-interacting) pH-independent rate of S373 decay, and a second pool which shows the pH-dependent kinetics of transducer-free S373 decay. The truncated SR-I receptor functions normally based on the following criteria: (i) Truncated SR-I restores phototaxis (attractant and repellent responses) when expressed in a strain lacking native SR-I, but containing HtrI. (ii) The absorption spectrum and the flash-induced absorption difference spectrum are indistinguishable from those of native SR-I. (iii) The rate of decay of S373 is pH-dependent in the absence of HtrI but not in the presence of HtrI. The data presented here indicate that a proton-conducting path exists between the protonated Schiff base nitrogen and the extramembranous environment in the transducer-free receptor, and transducer binding blocks this path.  相似文献   

The phototaxis receptor sensory rhodopsin I (SRI) transmits signals through a membrane-bound transducer protein, HtrI. The genes for the receptor and transducer, sopI and htrI, respectively, are normally cotranscribed; however, previous work has established that fully functional interacting proteins are produced when htrI is expressed from the chromosome and sopI is expressed from a different promoter on a plasmid. In this report we show that in the membrane, concentrations of SRI from plasmid expression of wild-type sopI are negligible in the absence of HtrI protein in the cell. This requirement for HtrI is eliminated when sopI is extended at the 5'-end with 63 nucleotides of the bop gene, which encodes the N-terminal signal sequence of the bacteriorhodopsin protein. The signal is cleaved from the chimeric protein, and processed SRI is stable in the HtrI-free membrane. These results suggest a chaperone-like function for HtrI that facilitates membrane insertion or proper folding of the SRI protein. Six deletion constructs of HtrI were examined to localize the interaction sites for its putative chaperone function and for HtrI control of the SRI photocycle, a phenomenon described previously. The smallest HtrI fragment identified, which contained interaction sites for both SRI stability and photocycle control, consisted of the N-terminal 147 residues of the 536-residue HtrI protein. The active fragment is predicted to contain two transmembrane helices and the first approximately 20% of the cytoplasmic portion of the protein.  相似文献   

The phototaxis receptor sensory rhodopsin I (SRI) from Halobacterium salinarum interacts with its cognate transducer (HtrI) forming a transmembrane complex. After light excitation of the chromophore all-trans retinal, SRI undergoes structural changes that are ultimately transmitted to HtrI. The interaction of SRI with HtrI results in the closure of the receptor's proton pathway, which renders the photocycle recovery kinetics of SRI pH-independent. We demonstrate on heterologously expressed and reconstituted SRI-HtrI fusion proteins that the transmembrane part of HtrI (residues 1-52) as well as the downstream cytoplasmic part (residues 53-147) exhibit conformational changes after light excitation. The sum of these conformational changes is similar to those observed in the fusion constructs SRI-HtrI 1-71 and SRI-HtrI 1-147, which display pH-independent receptor kinetics. These results indicate the occurrence of spatially distinct conformational changes that are required for functional signal transmission. Kinetic and spectroscopic analysis of HtrI point mutants of Asn53 provides evidence that this residue is involved in the receptor-transducer interaction. We suggest that Asn53 plays a role similar to that of Asn74 of the HtrII from Natronobacterium pharaonis, the latter forming a hydrogen bond to the receptor within the membrane.  相似文献   

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