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The discrimination of the angular velocity of ventrodorsal and dorsoventral movement of an acoustic image was studied in nine test subjects. The experiments were performed using an apparent movement produced by consecutive activation of loudspeakers located along an arc in the vertical plane. The differential thresholds were measured by the minimum increment method. As the velocity of an acoustic image movement in opposite directions increased, the values of its mean absolute differential thresholds increased monotonically. Regression lines plotted by linear approximation of these values did not differ significantly.  相似文献   

The effect of a sound stimulus on postural responses was studied in five subjects (four females and one male). Sound stimuli were noise signals successively applied to loudspeakers placed along an arc, simulating movement of a sound source. A subject stood on a platform centered relative to the arc so that the sagittal plane of the subject coincided with the plane of the arc. Stabilograms of the body's general center of gravity (GCOG) were recorded for 15 s, including 6 s of silence, auditory stimulation (1.6, 3.2, or 4.8 s), and silence after the signal was cut off. A slight decrease in the amplitude of displacement of the GCOG was observed during auditory stimulation. For a signal duration of 4.8 s, a slight forward shift of the GCOG was observed in the sagittal plane, in which the auditory image moved.  相似文献   

在复杂声环境中,对声音强度的分辨是听觉系统对声音信号精确处理的重要功能之一.到目前为止,有关人对声音强度分辨的研究都是在单耳条件下进行的,然而,正常条件下人都是利用双耳感知强度和方位变化的声音.以人对声刺激强度的最小可察觉差异(just noticeable difference,JND)为强度分辨阈值的指标,观察双耳条件下超前声对人分辨滞后声强度的影响.实验在封闭声场中进行,声刺激强度和空间方位的控制是通过改变双耳平均声压(average binaural level,ABL)和双耳声压差(interaural level difference,ILD)来模拟的.实验结果表明,与安静条件下人对声刺激强度的分辨阈值相比,低强度的超前声对人分辨滞后声强度的阈值无显著影响,而中等及以上强度(ABL大于或等于40 dB)的超前声可提高人分辨滞后声强度的阈值,阈值的提高随超前声强度的增加呈单调增大的趋势.当超前声强度一定时,超前声对人分辨滞后声强度的影响随滞后声强度的增加而衰减,对分辨较高强度的滞后声的阈值影响不显著,该结果与单耳的研究结果有明显差异.实验未发现超前声和滞后声ILD的相对改变对人探测滞后声强度变化的阈值有显著影响.  相似文献   

Auditory training programs are being developed to remediate various types of communication disorders. Biological changes have been shown to coincide with improved perception following auditory training so there is interest in determining if these changes represent biologic markers of auditory learning. Here we examine the role of stimulus exposure and listening tasks, in the absence of training, on the modulation of evoked brain activity. Twenty adults were divided into two groups and exposed to two similar sounding speech syllables during four electrophysiological recording sessions (24 hours, one week, and up to one year later). In between each session, members of one group were asked to identify each stimulus. Both groups showed enhanced neural activity from session-to-session, in the same P2 latency range previously identified as being responsive to auditory training. The enhancement effect was most pronounced over temporal-occipital scalp regions and largest for the group who participated in the identification task. The effects were rapid and long-lasting with enhanced synchronous activity persisting months after the last auditory experience. Physiological changes did not coincide with perceptual changes so results are interpreted to mean stimulus exposure, with and without being paired with an identification task, alters the way sound is processed in the brain. The cumulative effect likely involves auditory memory; however, in the absence of training, the observed physiological changes are insufficient to result in changes in learned behavior.  相似文献   

1. Rapid sequences of vowels are discriminated considerably better than rapid sequences of tones.  相似文献   

哀牢山是横断山脉的分支之一,它由西北到东南贯穿云南省,一直延伸到越南境内。调查区域在云南省景东县和楚雄县的交界地区,位于哀牢山北段,属于哀牢山自然保护区。地理位置是北纬24°32′,东经101°01′。  相似文献   

When incorporated in the top 5-cm of Tifton sandy loam at 11.2 kg/ha in the field, B-68138 [ethyl 4-(methylthio)-m-tolyl isopropyl phosphoramidate] prevented galling of tomato roots by Meloidogyne sp. down to 20 cm. A similar application of 16.8 kg/ha of V-C 9-104 [0-ethyl S,S-dipropyl phosphorodithioate] was 99% effective down to 20 cm. Aldicarb [2-methyl-2-(methylthio) propionaldehyde 0-(methylcarbamoyl) oxime], B-25141 [0,0-diethyl 0-{p-(methylsulfinyl) phenyl}phosphorothioate], and carbofuran [2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-7-benzofuranyl methylcarbamate] prevented galling only in the zone of incorporation (top 5-cm of soil). When aldicarb (11.2 kg/ha) was applied to the surface of Ontario fine sandy loam contained in clay pots in the greenhouse, it prevented galling of tomato roots down to 20 cm deep. V-C 9-104 and B-68138, applied similarly, were 100% effective to a depth of 5 cm. B-25141 was 100% effective in the zone of incorporation only. D-1410 [S-methyl-l-(dimethylcarbamoyl)-N-l(methylcarbamoyl)oxy] thioformimidatel did not control 100% of the root-knot nematodes at any depth.  相似文献   

The lipid and fatty acid (FA) compositions of a marine diatom alga Thalassiosira pseudonana grown in culture were investigated. The relative content of separate lipid classes and their FA composition varied during of the life cycle. During the periods of active cell division and resting cell production, the proportion of polar lipids, as the structural components of cell membranes, increased. Changes in the proportion of lipid classes resulted in shifts in the FA composition of total lipids. It is suggested that the structural components of photosynthetic and cells membranes accumulate in the resting cells. Thereby, a rapid cell growth and an extensive development of the species under favorable environmental conditions is provided.  相似文献   

‘Stimulus roving’ refers to a paradigm in which the properties of the stimuli to be discriminated vary from trial to trial, rather than being kept constant throughout a block of trials. Rhesus monkeys have previously been shown to improve their contrast discrimination performance on a non-roving task, in which they had to report the contrast of a test stimulus relative to that of a fixed-contrast sample stimulus. Human psychophysics studies indicate that roving stimuli yield little or no perceptual learning. Here, we investigate how stimulus roving influences perceptual learning in macaque monkeys and how the addition of flankers alters performance under roving conditions. Animals were initially trained on a contrast discrimination task under non-roving conditions until their performance levels stabilized. The introduction of roving contrast conditions resulted in a pronounced drop in performance, which suggested that subjects initially failed to heed the sample contrast and performed the task using an internal memory reference. With training, significant improvements occurred, demonstrating that learning is possible under roving conditions. To investigate the notion of flanker-induced perceptual learning, flanker stimuli (30% fixed-contrast iso-oriented collinear gratings) were presented jointly with central (roving) stimuli. Presentation of flanker stimuli yielded substantial performance improvements in one subject, but deteriorations in the other. Finally, after the removal of flankers, performance levels returned to their pre-flanker state in both subjects, indicating that the flanker-induced changes were contingent upon the continued presentation of flankers.  相似文献   

Artificial neural networks were used to explore the auditory function of the Mauthner system, the brainstem circuit in teleost fishes that initiates fast-start escape responses. The artificial neural networks were trained with backpropagation to assign connectivity and receptive fields in an architecture consistent with the known anatomy of the Mauthner system. Our first goal was to develop neurally specific hypotheses for how the Mauthner system discriminates right from left in the onset of a sound. Our model was consistent with the phase model for directional hearing underwater, the prevalent theory for sound source localization by fishes. Our second goal was to demonstrate how the neural mechanisms that permit sound localization according to the phase model can coexist with the mechanisms that permit the Mauthner system to discriminate between stimuli based on amplitude. Our results indicate possible computational roles for elements of the Mauthner system, which has provided us a theoretical context within which to consider past and future experiments on the cellular physiology. Thus, these findings demonstrate the potential significance of this approach in generating experimentally testable hypotheses for small systems of identified cells.  相似文献   

Spartina alterniflora has widely invaded the saltmarshes of the Yangtze River Estuary and brought negative effects to the ecosystem. Remote sensing technique has recently been used to monitor its distribution, but the similar morphology and canopy structure among S. alterniflora and its neighbor species make it difficult even with high-resolution images. Nevertheless, these species have divergence on phenological stages throughout the year, which cause distinguishing spectral characteristics among them and provide opportunities for discrimination. The field spectra of the S. alterniflora community as well as its major victims, native Phragmites australis and Scirpus mariqueter, were measured in 2009 and 2010 at multi-phenological stages in the Yangtze River Estuary, aiming to find the most appropriate periods for mapping S. alterniflora. Collected spectral data were analyzed separately for every stage firstly by re-sampling reflectance curves into continued 5-nm-wide hyper-spectral bands and then by re-sampling into broad multi-spectral bands – the same as the band ranges of the TM sensor, as well as calculating commonly used vegetation indices. The results showed that differences among saltmarsh communities’ spectral characteristics were affected by their phenological stages. The germination and early vegetative growth stage and the flowering stage were probably the best timings to identify S. alterniflora. Vegetation indices like NDVI, ANVI, VNVI, and RVI are likely to enhance spectral separability and also make it possible to discriminate S. alterniflora at its withering stage.  相似文献   

M. Satou    M. Kubota    K. Nishi 《Journal of Phytopathology》2006,154(10):592-597
Two model systems were constructed to measure horizontal and vertical movement of bacteria in soil. These systems were applied to measuring movement of Ralstonia solanacearum (race 1, biovar 3), a causal agent of bacterial wilt of tomato, in andosol and sand at 28°C. The first system was used to measure horizontal movement of the bacteria in soil packed in a narrow horizontal frame. Suspension of the pathogen was applied to soil at one end of the frame, and bacterial number per gram of soil was measured over distance from the inoculation point after 4 days. Horizontal movement of R. solanacearum in supersaturated soil, but without flow, was possibly due to diffusion and the front advanced at 2.2 cm/day in andosol, and at 8.1 cm/day in sand. Using the same experimental system, but applying water inflow to one end of the frame only, the bacterium was detected at the front of water in andosol and sand. The front of the distribution advanced at 20.4 cm/h in andosol and 66.3 cm/h in sand. In the second experimental system, a cylinder of soil packed in a short tube was soaked with water, and soil at the top of the tube was inoculated with bacterial suspension. Immediately, soil cylinders were turned upward, and the bacterial number per gram of soil was measured along vertical distance from the inoculation point after 7 days. Using the system with andosol, the capillary water front rose to 32.5 cm over 7 days after inoculation, and R. solanacearum reached to 18.8 cm height. In sand, capillary water rose to 20.0 cm and the bacteria reached to 16.3 cm height.  相似文献   

It has been speculated that some deep-sea fishes can display large vertical migrations and likely doing so to explore the full suite of benthopelagic food resources, especially the pelagic organisms of the deep scattering layer (DSL). This would help explain the success of fishes residing at seamounts and the increased biodiversity found in these features of the open ocean. We combined active plus passive acoustic telemetry of blackspot seabream with in situ environmental and biological (backscattering) data collection at a seamount to verify if its behaviour is dominated by vertical movements as a response to temporal changes in environmental conditions and pelagic prey availability. We found that seabream extensively migrate up and down the water column, that these patterns are cyclic both in short-term (tidal, diel) as well as long-term (seasonal) scales, and that they partially match the availability of potential DSL prey components. Furthermore, the emerging pattern points to a more complex spatial behaviour than previously anticipated, suggesting a seasonal switch in the diel behaviour mode (benthic vs. pelagic) of seabream, which may reflect an adaptation to differences in prey availability. This study is the first to document the fine scale three-dimensional behaviour of a deep-sea fish residing at seamounts.  相似文献   

Light is considered the most potent synchronizer of the human circadian system and exerts many other non-image-forming effects, including those that affect brain function. These effects are mediated in part by intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells that express the photopigment melanopsin. The spectral sensitivity of melanopsin is greatest for blue light at approximately 480 nm. At present, there is little information on how the spectral composition of light to which people are exposed varies over the 24 h period and across seasons. Twenty-two subjects, aged 22±4 yrs (mean±SD) participated during the winter months (November–February), and 12 subjects aged 25±3 yrs participated during the summer months (April–August). Subjects wore Actiwatch-RGB monitors, as well as Actiwatch-L monitors, for seven consecutive days while living in England. These monitors measured activity and light exposure in the red, green, and blue spectral regions, in addition to broad-spectrum white light, with a 2 min resolution. Light exposure during the day was analyzed for the interval between 09:00 and 21:00 h. The time course of white-light exposure differed significantly between seasons (p?=?0.0022), with light exposure increasing in the morning hours and declining in the afternoon hours, and with a more prominent decline in the winter. Overall light exposure was significantly higher in summer than winter (p?=?0.0002). Seasonal differences in the relative contribution of blue-light exposure to overall light exposure were also observed (p?=?0.0006), in particular during the evening hours. During the summer evenings (17:00–21:00 h), the relative contribution of blue light was significantly higher (p?<?0.0001) (40.2±1.1%) than during winter evenings (26.6±0.9%). The present data show that in addition to overall light exposure, the spectral composition of light exposure varies over the day and with season.  相似文献   

Here we describe a spectral imaging system for minimally invasive identification, localization, and relative quantification of pigments in cells and microbial communities. The modularity of the system allows pigment detection on spatial scales ranging from the single-cell level to regions whose areas are several tens of square centimeters. For pigment identification in vivo absorption and/or autofluorescence spectra are used as the analytical signals. Along with the hardware, which is easy to transport and simple to assemble and allows rapid measurement, we describe newly developed software that allows highly sensitive and pigment-specific analyses of the hyperspectral data. We also propose and describe a number of applications of the system for microbial ecology, including identification of pigments in living cells and high-spatial-resolution imaging of pigments and the associated phototrophic groups in complex microbial communities, such as photosynthetic endolithic biofilms, microbial mats, and intertidal sediments. This system provides new possibilities for studying the role of spatial organization of microorganisms in the ecological functioning of complex benthic microbial communities or for noninvasively monitoring changes in the spatial organization and/or composition of a microbial community in response to changing environmental factors.  相似文献   

At studying localization by human of moving solid sound image (SSI) under conditions of dichotic stimulation, an asymmetry has been revealed in evaluation of a shift of the initial and final points of the opposite SSI movement under mirror-symmetry conditions of stimulation. The shift to the right in all cases exceeds that to the left (by 3.4–32.1 degrees). The most pronounced asymmetry is observed at the initial moment of the SSI movement at the synergism of interaural differences in stimulation by its time and intensity; under these conditions, the trajectory of the SSI movement to the left turns out to be about 1.8 times longer than the movement to the right. Possible neurophysiological mechanisms of the obtained results are considered.  相似文献   

Human-health relevant impacts on marine ecosystems are increasing on both spatial and temporal scales. Traditional indicators for environmental health monitoring and microbial risk assessment have relied primarily on single species analyses and have provided only limited spatial and temporal information. More high-throughput, broad-scale approaches to evaluate these impacts are therefore needed to provide a platform for informing public health. This study uses shotgun metagenomics to survey the taxonomic composition and antibiotic resistance determinant content of surface water bacterial communities in the Puget Sound estuary. Metagenomic DNA was collected at six sites in Puget Sound in addition to one wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) that discharges into the Sound and pyrosequenced. A total of ∼550 Mbp (1.4 million reads) were obtained, 22 Mbp of which could be assembled into contigs. While the taxonomic and resistance determinant profiles across the open Sound samples were similar, unique signatures were identified when comparing these profiles across the open Sound, a nearshore marina and WWTP effluent. The open Sound was dominated by α-Proteobacteria (in particular Rhodobacterales sp.), γ-Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes while the marina and effluent had increased abundances of Actinobacteria, β-Proteobacteria and Firmicutes. There was a significant increase in the antibiotic resistance gene signal from the open Sound to marina to WWTP effluent, suggestive of a potential link to human impacts. Mobile genetic elements associated with environmental and pathogenic bacteria were also differentially abundant across the samples. This study is the first comparative metagenomic survey of Puget Sound and provides baseline data for further assessments of community composition and antibiotic resistance determinants in the environment using next generation sequencing technologies. In addition, these genomic signals of potential human impact can be used to guide initial public health monitoring as well as more targeted and functionally-based investigations.  相似文献   

Velocity of IAA movement was determined by noting the time of arrival of an ether-soluble auxin wave, at a fixed distance, after presentation of an auxin pulse to bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Pinto) hypocotyl segments. The effects of IAA adsorption on wave symmetry were reduced by monitoring the arrival of ether-soluble auxin molecules. Velocity of auxin movement, as estimated by wave arrival, was slower than velocity estimated by the intercept method in controls and in both iodoacetate (IOAA) and 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) treated tissue. Velocity of wave migration was reduced by both treatments but intercept velocity was reduced only by TIBA treatment. Velocity of IAA migration was faster in segments (independent of method of measurement) than from segments into agar by a factor of 4 to 8. The rate limiting step of auxin migration in the traditional agar-plant sandwich is the partitioning of IAA between the tissue and agar. It was suggested that arrival curves for pulsed auxin migration are analogous to elution profiles of chromatographic columns and that at least two populations of mobile molecules with different velocities exist. It was also suggested that the two velocities represent migration of auxin on two different pathways: the faster velocity representing auxin movement of water films which coast highly crosslinked polymers in the segment and the slower component representing a population which moves primarily within the matrices of crosslinked polymers. Velocity of both populations may be a function of tissue hydration and charge interactions of mobile molecules and matrix polymers.  相似文献   

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