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Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) inhabit coastal regions because they feed on the aquatic vegetation that grows in shallow waters, which are the same areas where human activities are greatest. Noise produced from anthropogenic and natural sources has the potential to affect these animals by eliciting responses ranging from mild behavioral changes to extreme aversion. Sound levels were calculated from recordings made throughout behavioral observation periods. An information theoretic approach was used to investigate the relationship between behavior patterns and sound level. Results indicated that elevated sound levels affect manatee activity and are a function of behavioral state. The proportion of time manatees spent feeding and milling changed in response to sound level. When ambient sound levels were highest, more time was spent in the directed, goal‐oriented behavior of feeding, whereas less time was spent engaged in undirected behavior such as milling. This work illustrates how shifts in activity of individual manatees may be useful parameters for identifying impacts of noise on manatees and might inform population level effects.  相似文献   

The recently introduced term 'optogenetics' describes a variety of techniques for expressing genes in nerve cells that render them responsive to light. This approach makes use of light-sensitive channel proteins that can be used to manipulate neuronal function. Using genetic strategies, these channel proteins can be expressed in neurons defined by a common genetic identity, which can then be selectively activated or silenced through illumination. In?this minireview, we shall describe the basic principles of such manipulative optogenetic approaches in neuroscience and summarize how these tools are being exploited to investigate neuronal circuits and behavior.  相似文献   

Simpson LL 《Biochimie》2000,82(9-10):943-953
Botulinum toxin is a uniquely potent substance whose natural site of action is the peripheral cholinergic nerve ending. A substantial amount of information on the cellular, subcellular and molecular aspects of toxin action has been accumulated, and as a result a sound understanding of the basis for toxin potency has been developed. The principal characteristics of the toxin molecule that account for its potency are its ability: a) to be absorbed from the gut with minimal degradation; b) to bind to receptors that maximize the prospects of a pathophysiologic outcome; c) to act by a multiplicative (viz., enzymatic) mechanism; and d) to modify a substrate that is essential for neuronal function. Interestingly, the same properties that account for potency can also be exploited to utilize the toxin as a research tool and as a therapeutic agent. Several specific examples of ways to use the toxin advantageously are presented, including: a) development of oral medications and vaccines; b) analysis of subcellular mechanisms that govern transcytosis; c) identification of cell surface markers characteristic of cholinergic nerve endings; and d) analysis of specific aspects of exocytosis, such as spontaneous quantal release and synchronous quantal release. In all likelihood, further studies on the mechanism of botulinum toxin action will reveal yet further opportunities for utilizing it as a research tool or therapeutic agent.  相似文献   

Walter Heiligenberg (1938–1994) was an exceptionally gifted behavioral physiologist who made enormous contributions to the analysis of behavior and to our understanding of how the brain initiates and controls species-typical behavioral patterns. He was distinguished by his rigorous analytical approach used in both behavioral studies and neuroethological investigations. Among his most significant contributions to neuroethology are a detailed analysis of the computational rules governing the jamming avoidance response in weakly electric fish and the elucidation of the principal neural pathway involved in neural control of this behavior. Based on his work, the jamming avoidance response is perhaps the best-understood vertebrate behavior pattern in terms of the underlying neural substrate. In addition to this pioneering work, Heiligenberg stimulated research in a significant number of other areas of ethology and neuroethology, including: the quantitative assessment of aggressivity in cichlid fish; the ethological analysis of the stimulus–response relationship in the chirping behavior of crickets; the exploration of the neural and endocrine basis of communicatory behavior in weakly electric fish; the study of cellular mechanisms of neuronal plasticity in the adult fish brain; and the phylogenetic analysis of electric fishes using a combination of morphology, electrophysiology, and mitochondrial sequence data.T. H. Bullock: deceased 2005  相似文献   

Techniques for fast, noninvasive measurement of neuronal excitability within a broad area will be of major importance for analyzing and understanding neuronal networks and animal behavior in neuroscience field. In this research, a novel implantable imaging system for fluorescence potentiometry was developed using a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology, and its application to the analysis of cultured brain slices and the brain of a living mouse is described. A CMOS image sensor, small enough to be implanted into the brain, with light-emitting diodes and an absorbing filter was developed to enable real-time fluorescence imaging. The sensor, in conjunction with a voltage-sensitive dye, was certainly able to visualize the potential statuses of neurons and obtain physiological responses in both right and left visual cortex simultaneously by using multiple sensors for the first time. This accomplished multiplanar and multipoint measurement provides multidimensional information from different aspects. The light microsensors do not disturb the animal behavior. This implies that the imaging system can combine functional fluorescence imaging in the brain with behavioral experiments in a freely moving animal.  相似文献   

Spiking information of individual neurons is essential for functional and behavioral analysis in neuroscience research. Calcium imaging techniques are generally employed to obtain activities of neuronal populations. However, these techniques result in slowly-varying fluorescence signals with low temporal resolution. Estimating the temporal positions of the neuronal action potentials from these signals is a challenging problem. In the literature, several generative model-based and data-driven algorithms have been studied with varied levels of success. This article proposes a neural network-based signal-to-signal conversion approach, where it takes as input raw-fluorescence signal and learns to estimate the spike information in an end-to-end fashion. Theoretically, the proposed approach formulates the spike estimation as a single channel source separation problem with unknown mixing conditions. The source corresponding to the action potentials at a lower resolution is estimated at the output. Experimental studies on the spikefinder challenge dataset show that the proposed signal-to-signal conversion approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art-methods in terms of Pearson’s correlation coefficient, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient and yields comparable performance for the area under the receiver operating characteristics measure. We also show that the resulting system: (a) has low complexity with respect to existing supervised approaches and is reproducible; (b) is layer-wise interpretable, and (c) has the capability to generalize across different calcium indicators.  相似文献   

In controlling animal behavior the nervous system has to perform within the operational limits set by the requirements of each specific behavior. The implications for the corresponding range of suitable network, single neuron, and ion channel properties have remained elusive. In this article we approach the question of how well-constrained properties of neuronal systems may be on the neuronal level. We used large data sets of the activity of isolated invertebrate identified cells and built an accurate conductance-based model for this cell type using customized automated parameter estimation techniques. By direct inspection of the data we found that the variability of the neurons is larger when they are isolated from the circuit than when in the intact system. Furthermore, the responses of the neurons to perturbations appear to be more consistent than their autonomous behavior under stationary conditions. In the developed model, the constraints on different parameters that enforce appropriate model dynamics vary widely from some very tightly controlled parameters to others that are almost arbitrary. The model also allows predictions for the effect of blocking selected ionic currents and to prove that the origin of irregular dynamics in the neuron model is proper chaoticity and that this chaoticity is typical in an appropriate sense. Our results indicate that data driven models are useful tools for the in-depth analysis of neuronal dynamics. The better consistency of responses to perturbations, in the real neurons as well as in the model, suggests a paradigm shift away from measuring autonomous dynamics alone towards protocols of controlled perturbations. Our predictions for the impact of channel blockers on the neuronal dynamics and the proof of chaoticity underscore the wide scope of our approach.  相似文献   

To study neuronal networks in terms of their function in behavior, we must analyze how neurons operate when each behavioral pattern is generated. Thus, simultaneous recordings of neuronal activity and behavior are essential to correlate brain activity to behavior. For such behavioral analyses, the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, allows us to incorporate genetically encoded calcium indicators such as GCaMP1, to monitor neuronal activity, and to use sophisticated genetic manipulations for optogenetic or thermogenetic techniques to specifically activate identified neurons2-5. Use of a thermogenetic technique has led us to find critical neurons for feeding behavior (Flood et al., under revision). As a main part of feeding behavior, a Drosophila adult extends its proboscis for feeding6 (proboscis extension response; PER), responding to a sweet stimulus from sensory cells on its proboscis or tarsi. Combining the protocol for PER7 with a calcium imaging technique8 using GCaMP3.01, 9, I have established an experimental system, where we can monitor activity of neurons in the feeding center – the suboesophageal ganglion (SOG), simultaneously with behavioral observation of the proboscis. I have designed an apparatus ("Fly brain Live Imaging and Electrophysiology Stage": "FLIES") to accommodate a Drosophila adult, allowing its proboscis to freely move while its brain is exposed to the bath for Ca2+ imaging through a water immersion lens. The FLIES is also appropriate for many types of live experiments on fly brains such as electrophysiological recording or time lapse imaging of synaptic morphology. Because the results from live imaging can be directly correlated with the simultaneous PER behavior, this methodology can provide an excellent experimental system to study information processing of neuronal networks, and how this cellular activity is coupled to plastic processes and memory.  相似文献   

Reverse engineering takes the facts we know about a device or a process and reasons backwards to infer the principles underlying the structure-function relations. The goal of this review is to apply this approach to a well-studied hormone-controlled behavior, namely the reproductive stance of female rodents, lordosis. We first provide a brief overview on the considerable amount of progress in the analysis of female reproductive behavior. Then, we propose an analysis of the mechanisms of this behavior from a reverse-engineering perspective with the goal of generating novel hypotheses about the properties of the circuitry elements. In particular, the previously proposed neuronal circuit modules, feedback signals, and genomic mechanisms are considered to make predictions in this manner. The lordosis behavior itself appears to proceed ballistically once initiated, but negative and positive hormonal feedback relations are evident in its endocrine controls. Both rapid membrane-initiated and slow genomic hormone effects contribute to the behavior's control. We propose that the value of the reverse-engineering approach is based on its ability to provide testable, mechanistic hypotheses that do not emerge from either traditional evolutionary or simple reductionistic perspectives, and several are proposed in this review. These novel hypotheses may generalize to brain functions beyond female reproductive behavior. In this way, the reverse-engineering perspective can further develop our conceptual frameworks for behavioral and systems neuroscience.  相似文献   

1. The cellular distribution of the histamine-metabolizing enzyme, gamma-glutamylhistamine synthetase, was studied in the CNS of Aplysia californica. 2. Enzyme activity was assayed in single, re-identifiable neuronal cell bodies, clusters of nerve cells and neuropil and capsule tissue surrounding the ganglia. 3. The "histaminergic" C-2 cells and all other single nerve cell bodies contained measurable gamma-glutamylhistamine synthetase activity. 4. The cerebral E cluster, which houses the C-2 cells and several of its post-synaptic neurons, had an apparently higher specific enzyme activity than other neuronal clusters. 5. The finding of measurable enzyme activity in the histamine-rich C-2 cell bodies and in clusters of cells responsive to this imidazoleamine supports the hypothesis that one function for gamma-glutamylhistamine synthetase is in the disposal of neuronally released histamine. 6. The average specific activity of gamma-glutamylhistamine synthetase in single cells was 3.64 +/- 0.32 mumol g protein hr. This represented only 5% of the enzyme activity measured in the whole ganglion. 7. The bulk of synthetase activity was found to reside in the capsule tissue.  相似文献   

It is suggested that the term neurotransmission, which is used to designate neuronal communication at synaptic level, be associated to the less restrictive term neuromodulation. These two types of intercellular communication seem in fact to be two basically different mechanisms, both of which contribute to neuronal integration. The integration of neuronal information at cellular level appears to be more complex than the simple addition of excitatory plus inhibitory influences eliciting postsynaptic responses. Evidence has been obtained that non synaptic transmission can alter the capacity of a given synapse to transfer neuronal information from the presynaptic element to the postsynaptic neuron. For instance, presynaptic mechanisms provide evidence for the functional independence of the nerve terminals, since the release of neuromediators by the latter is sometimes independent of the axonal firing rate. Similarly, the somato-dendritic part of some neurons exhibits intrinsic functions, such as a dendritic release of neuromediator, suggesting that the control of the axonal firing rate takes place partly at this somato-dendritic level and does not depend for the totality on afferent axonic information. The intercellular operations which organize individual neurons into neuronal networks will also occur either at somato-dendritic level or at the level of specific nerve terminals selected as the result of presynaptic interactions. This integration of neuronal information also seems to take place at postsynaptic level, where cooperative interactions have been shown to occur between various receptors. These mechanisms will function at the level of a single nerve terminal containing more than one neuromediator. Neuromodulation can therefore be said to involve very efficient adaptive processes, which help to account for the fact that such large behavioral responses are expressed by such a small number of neuronal elements.  相似文献   

Identifying behaviorally relevant sounds in the presence of background noise is one of the most important and poorly understood challenges faced by the auditory system. An elegant solution to this problem would be for the auditory system to represent sounds in a noise-invariant fashion. Since a major effect of background noise is to alter the statistics of the sounds reaching the ear, noise-invariant representations could be promoted by neurons adapting to stimulus statistics. Here we investigated the extent of neuronal adaptation to the mean and contrast of auditory stimulation as one ascends the auditory pathway. We measured these forms of adaptation by presenting complex synthetic and natural sounds, recording neuronal responses in the inferior colliculus and primary fields of the auditory cortex of anaesthetized ferrets, and comparing these responses with a sophisticated model of the auditory nerve. We find that the strength of both forms of adaptation increases as one ascends the auditory pathway. To investigate whether this adaptation to stimulus statistics contributes to the construction of noise-invariant sound representations, we also presented complex, natural sounds embedded in stationary noise, and used a decoding approach to assess the noise tolerance of the neuronal population code. We find that the code for complex sounds in the periphery is affected more by the addition of noise than the cortical code. We also find that noise tolerance is correlated with adaptation to stimulus statistics, so that populations that show the strongest adaptation to stimulus statistics are also the most noise-tolerant. This suggests that the increase in adaptation to sound statistics from auditory nerve to midbrain to cortex is an important stage in the construction of noise-invariant sound representations in the higher auditory brain.  相似文献   

The brain is comprised of four primary cell types including neurons, astrocytes, microglia and oligodendrocytes. Though they are not the most abundant cell type in the brain, neurons are the most widely studied of these cell types given their direct role in impacting behaviors. Other cell types in the brain also impact neuronal function and behavior via the signaling molecules they produce. Neuroscientists must understand the interactions between the cell types in the brain to better understand how these interactions impact neural function and disease. To date, the most common method of analyzing protein or gene expression utilizes the homogenization of whole tissue samples, usually with blood, and without regard for cell type. This approach is an informative approach for examining general changes in gene or protein expression that may influence neural function and behavior; however, this method of analysis does not lend itself to a greater understanding of cell-type-specific gene expression and the effect of cell-to-cell communication on neural function. Analysis of behavioral epigenetics has been an area of growing focus which examines how modifications of the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) structure impact long-term gene expression and behavior; however, this information may only be relevant if analyzed in a cell-type-specific manner given the differential lineage and thus epigenetic markers that may be present on certain genes of individual neural cell types. The Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) technique described below provides a simple and effective way to isolate individual neural cells for the subsequent analysis of gene expression, protein expression, or epigenetic modifications of DNA. This technique can also be modified to isolate more specific neural cell types in the brain for subsequent cell-type-specific analysis.  相似文献   


The aim of this study is to develop a nanofibrous polymeric nerve conduit with Schwann cells (SCs) and to evaluate its efficiency on the promotion of functional and locomotive activities in rats. The conduits were implanted into a 30-mm gap in the sciatic nerves of the rats. Four months after surgery, the rats were monitored and evaluated by behavioral analyses such as toe out angle, toe spreading analysis, walking track analysis, extensor postural thrust, open-field analysis, swimming test and nociceptive function, four months post surgery. Four months post-operatively, the results from behavioral analyses demonstrated that in the grafted groups especially in the grafted group with SCs, the rat sciatic nerve trunk had been reconstructed with functional recovery such as walking, swimming and recovery of nociceptive function. This study proves the feasibility of artificial conduit with SCs for nerve regeneration by bridging a longer defect in the rat model.  相似文献   

大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)发情期叫声及其行为意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大熊猫发情期是它叫声最频繁的时期。本文分析研究了大熊猫发情期的12种叫声和喘气声,按其物理特性和行为意义分析了它们的特点。按行为意义可将叫声归为三类。证明雌性大熊猫咩叫颇次高峰与发情高峰有直接关系。声音通讯对于大熊猫远距离传递信息,节省能量是有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

Most sexually reproducing animal species are characterized by two morphologically and behaviorally distinct sexes. The genetic, molecular and cellular processes that produce sexual dimorphisms are phylogenetically diverse, though in most cases they are thought to occur early in development. In some species, however, sexual dimorphisms are manifested after development is complete, suggesting the intriguing hypothesis that sex, more generally, might be considered a continuous trait that is influenced by both developmental and postdevelopmental processes. Here, we explore how biological sex is defined at the genetic, neuronal and behavioral levels, its effects on neuronal development and function, and how it might lead to sexually dimorphic behavioral traits in health and disease. We also propose a unifying framework for understanding neuronal and behavioral sexual dimorphisms in the context of both developmental and postdevelopmental, physiological timescales. Together, these two temporally separate processes might drive sex‐specific neuronal functions in sexually mature adults, particularly as it pertains to behavior in health and disease.  相似文献   

Noise has already been shown to play a constructive role in neuronal processing and reliability, according to stochastic resonance (SR). Here another issue is addressed, concerning noise role in the detectability of an exogenous signal, here representing an electromagnetic (EM) field. A Hodgkin–Huxley like neuronal model describing a myelinated nerve fiber is proposed and validated, excited with a suprathreshold stimulation. EM field is introduced as an additive voltage input and its detectability in neuronal response is evaluated in terms of the output signal-to-noise ratio. Noise intensities maximizing spiking activity coherence with the exogenous EM signal are clearly shown, indicating a stochastic resonant behavior, strictly connected to the model frequency sensitivity. In this study SR exhibits a window of occurrence in the values of field frequency and intensity, which is a kind of effect long reported in bioelectromagnetic experimental studies. The spatial distribution of the modeled structure also allows to investigate possible effects on action potentials saltatory propagation, which results to be reliable and robust over the presence of an exogenous EM field and biological noise. The proposed approach can be seen as assessing biophysical bases of medical applications funded on electric and magnetic stimulation where the role of noise as a cooperative factor has recently gained growing attention. This work investigates the role of noise as a cooperative factor for the detection of an exogenous electromagnetic field in a compartimental model of a myelinated nerve fiber. The occurrence of stochastic resonance is discussed in relation to neuronal frequency sensitivity.  相似文献   

Compared with more complex behavior patterns involving goal selection, evasive behavior of prey animals elicited by the presence of a natural predator is usually considered to be relatively inevitable and stereotyped. Noctuid moths, while flying in the field at night, show two types of evasive response pattern when their tympanic organs detect the ultrasonic cries of marauding insectivorous bats. Since sound is the sole communication channel between prey and predator, this situation invites neurophysiological and behavioral analysis. When, in the course of studying this behavior, moths are removed by stages from the natural circumstances of this interaction their evasion responses become much less invariant; that is, more evitable. The possible survival value of some evitability in this behavior under natural circumstances is discussed. The afferent nerve response of the noctuid auditory organ is highly stable; therefore, the source or sources of this evitability must lie down-stream in the moth central nervous system. Acoustic interneuronal systems within the thoracic ganglia and the brain have been examined for lapses in responsiveness and for other indications of transsynaptic instability that might correlate with the demonstrated behavioral evitability.  相似文献   

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