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Capsaicin has been shown to evoke the release of substance P (SP) from small diameter primary afferent fibers. Using an in vivo perfusion of the rat spinal cord, this study examined the pharmacology of opioid receptor systems which modulate the capsaicin-evoked release of SP. The addition of capsaicin (200 μM) to the perfusate raised SP-like immunoreactivity (SP-LI) from resting levels of 31±5 to 74±14 pg/ml or an increase of 139% above the baseline. Using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) the identity of the released SP-LI was determined to coelute primarily with authentic SP or the oxidized form of SP. Opioid receptor agonists were added to the perfusate and their ability to inhibit capsaicin-evoked release of SP-LI was assessed. Morphine (10–100 μM), DAGO (1–100 μM), DPLPE (10–100 μM), but not U50488H (100 μM) produced a dose-dependent reduction in the capsaicin-evoked release of SP-LI. Pretreatment with the opioid receptor antagonist naloxone (1 mg/kg, IP) had no effect on the basal or capsaicin-evoked release of SP-LI. Naloxone pretreatment was able to antagonize completely the opioid-produced inhibition of capsaicin-evoked SP-LI release. These data indicate that the release of SP from primary afferent fibers can be modulated by the activation of mu or delta but not kappa opioid receptors. Further, these data support the hypothesis that spinally administered mu and delta opioid agonists may produce their antinociceptive effect through the presynaptic inhibition of neuropeptide release from small diameter primary afferent fibers.  相似文献   

The release of Met-enkephalin immunoreactive material (ME-IR) from rat spinal slices was measured in vitro. This release increased about 4 fold in response to the addition of K+ ions. K+-evoked release of ME-IR was Ca++ dependent. Veratridine, a depolarizing agent, also stimulated the release of ME-IR. Veratridine-induced ME-IR release was completely prevented by tetrodotoxin (TTX), a Na+ channel blocker. Somatostatin (SRIF) inhibited both basal and K+-evoked release of ME-IR at 10?7 M. Substance P had a similar effect although higher concentrations were needed. γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) and neurotensin (NT) did not affect the basal release but slightly decreased K+-evoked release at 10?5 M. Serotonin (5-HT) and noradrenaline (NA), did not affect ME-IR release. These results suggest that some of the neuropeptides present in the spinal cord, especially SP and SRIF, may be potent modulators of ME-IR release at the spinal level.  相似文献   

Bombesin (BN), substance P-(SP) and somatostatin (SRIF) were measured in individual laminae of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar (L) spinal cord of control cats, and in the L6 segment of cats receiving a spinal hemisection (L2) or deafferentation via dorsal rhizotomy at L6, 7, S1. The interlaminar distribution of BN, SP, and SRIF was remarkably similar. Highest concentrations were found in the superficial dorsal horn, and progressively less was found proceeding ventrally. Some intersegmental variations in peptide concentration within a single lamina were found. Dorsal rhizotomy caused a significant decline in BN, SP and SRIF in lamina I-III, therefore all three peptides appear to be contained in dorsal root ganglion cells. Evidence is presented for the existence of ascending BN and SP projections originating in lamina I-III and VII, for a descending SRIF pathway terminating in lamina VIII, and for an ascending BN path in lamina VIII. Dorsal root afferents to lamina VIII influence levels of BN, SP and SRIF.  相似文献   

Summary A dorsal-horn fiber system is revealed in the thoracic spinal cord of guinea pig by means of substance P immunocytochemistry. This system has repeated craniocaudal and/or caudo-cranial extensions and possesses five main components: (1) a superficial network, situated beneath the dorsolateral surface of the spinal cord. This network is connected with the dorsal root fibers and the accumulations of substance P-like immunoreactive (SP-LI) fibers in the Lissauer's tract; (2) an accumulation of SP-LI fibers in the Lissauer's tract at the border of the dorsal horn; (3) two collateral SP-LI fascicles (one lateral and one medial) emerging from the SP-LI fiber accumulation in the Lissauer's tract; (4) a transversal fascicle running through laminae III–V, and (5) an SP-LI network in the region of the lateral spinal cord nucleus. These components of the dorsal-horn fiber system show widespread connections with ipsi-and contralateral spinal cord areas, connecting them in cranio-caudal and/or caudo-cranial directions. The SP-LI dorsal-horn system has close relationship with groups of preganglionic sympathetic cells in the intermediate zone of the spinal cord, respective with the vegetative network of this zone. It is suggested that some fibers of the dorsal-horn system that originate from dorsal-root ganglia may represent primary sensory or visceral afferents. It is likely that the dorsal-horn fiber system and the vegetative network of the thoracic spinal cord may represent the morphological basis for the integration of (1) the central and peripheral vegetative nervous systems, and (2) the somatic and vegetative nervous system.  相似文献   

C.J. Helke  E.T. Phillips 《Peptides》1988,9(6):1307-1315
Local spinal cord vasomotor effects of 3 substance P (SP) antagonists were studied in the rat following intrathecal (IT) administration. Each SP antagonist (3.3 nmol) increased spinal cord vascular resistance and reduced blood flow. A LH-RH antagonist analog (10 nmol) of similar molecular weight and which also contained multiple D-Trp residues did not cause spinal cord vasoconstriction. The vasoconstrictor action of the SP antagonist, [D-Arg1, D-Pro2, D-Trp7,9, Leu11]-SP ([D-Arg]-SP) was unaffected by pretreatment with a stable SP receptor agonist (5 nmol IT). Given evidence for a cerebral vasodilator action of TRH agonists, the effects of TRH (IV) and a stable TRH analog (MK-771, IT) on [D-Arg]-SP-induced vasoconstriction were also assessed. Neither TRH nor MK-771 prevented the [D-Arg]-SP-induced vasoconstriction. However, TRH (IV) but not MK-771 (IT) partially opposed [D-Arg]-SP-induced reduction in thoracic spinal cord blood flow. Thus, SP antagonists cause spinal cord vasoconstriction by a non-SP receptor mediated phenomenon. In addition, the attenuation of SP-antagonist-induced neuropathological changes previously reported with IV. TRH administration is likely due to less severe consequences of vasoconstriction in the presence of a higher initial baseline blood flow rather than direct prevention of the vasoconstriction.  相似文献   

Summary Using a highly sensitive antibody to somatostatin, its hypothalamic and extrahypothalamic distribution in the rat was re-examined by light microscopic immunohistochemistry (PAP-method). The scattered somatostatin-producing perikarya occur in multiple layers within the subependymal neuropil surrounding the third ventricle. They supply with short-distance projections the following hypothalamic nuclei: 1) preoptic nuclei (especially their suprachiasmatic and medial components), 2) the peripheral zones of the suprachiasmatic nuclei, 3) the ventromedial and 4) arcuate nuclei, and 5) the ventral premammillary nuclei. Furthermore, the following long-distance projections have been observed: In a rostral direction (A1) rostral of the anterior commissure to the lamina terminalis, (A2) to the OVLT, (A3) to the olfactory tubercle, and (A4) rostrally and caudally by-passing the anterior commissure to the dorsal part of the stria terminalis.More caudally, at the retrochiasmatic level an ascending dorso-lateral projection joins the ventral amygdalo-hypothalamic pathway in a reciprocal manner (B1). In addition, a descending ventrolateral tract projects to the optic tract bending dorsal to it in different directions: (C1) medial to the median eminence, (C2) lateral to the corticomedial amygdala, and (C3) caudal for additional support of the arcuate and ventral premammillary nuclei.The principal tract of somatostatin-containing fibers descends in the subependymal neuropil to the median eminence (D).The results are discussed with reference to a possible participation of the somatostatin fiber system in the afferent branch of the circuit connecting the hypothalamus with the amygdala via the stria terminalis.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Nr. Kr. 569/2) and Stiftung Volkswagenwerk.  相似文献   

Somatostatin distribution was measured quantitatively in the rat spinal cord by radioimmunoassay. Rostro-caudally, somatostatin content was about 50% higher in lumbar-sacral cord than in cervical or thoracic levels. The dorso-ventral distribution is more uneven: somatostatin is highest in the dorsal horn, where the peptide is 15 times as concentrated as it is in the ventral white matter, the region of lowest concentration. However, measurable amounts of the peptide were found in all regions studied. Dorsal root ganglionectomy decreased somatostatin levels in the dorsal cord, supporting the previously proposed role for this peptide as a primary sensory neurotransmitter or modulator; but somatostatin content also was decreased both rostral and caudal to spinal transection, indicating the presence of ascending and descending somatostatin pathways within the spinal cord. Brain levels did not change. Met-enkephalin and substance P were also measured after the above surgical manipulations. Met-enkephalin content was not altered and substance P content was lowered significantly only after ganglionectomy. Although this study confirms the primary sensory neuron as the origin of a part of spinal cord somatostatin, it further indicates the presence of ascending and descending somatostatin pathways within the rat spinal cord.  相似文献   

Summary By use of the PAP-immunohistochemical staining technique with serial sections, somatostatin-immunoreactive fiber projections into the brain stem and the spinal cord are described. These projections originate in the periventricular somatostatin-immunoreactive perikarya of the hypothalamus and form three main pathways: (1) along the stria medullaris thalami and the fasciculus retroflexus into the interpeduncular nucleus; (2) along the medial forebrain bundle into the mammillary body; and (3) via the periventricular gray and the bundle of Schütz into the midbrain tegmentum. Densely arranged immunoreactive fibers and/or basket-like fiber terminals are observed within the following afferent systems: somatic afferent systems (nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini, substantia gelatinosa dorsalis of the entire spinal cord), and visceral afferent systems (nucleus solitarius, regio intermediolateralis and substantia gelatinosa of the sacral spinal cord). These projections form terminals around the perikarya of the second afferent neuron. Perikarya of the third afferent neuron are influenced by somatostatin-immunoreactive projections into the auditory system (nucleus dorsalis lemnisci lateralis, nucleus corporis trapezoidei). Furthermore, a somatostatin-immunoreactive fiber projection is found in the ventral part of the medial accessory olivary nucleus, in nuclei of the limbic system (nucleus habenularis medialis, nuclei supramamillaris and mamillaris lateralis) and in the formatio reticularis (nucleus Darkschewitsch, nuclei tegmenti lateralis and centralis, nucleus parabrachialis lateralis, as well as individual perikarya of the reticular formation). Targets of these projections are interneurons within interlocking neuronal chains.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Nr. Kr 569/3) and Stiftung Volkswagenwerk  相似文献   

A comparison of anatomical distributions of substance P (SP) and substance P receptors in the rat central nervous system was performed. SP was localized by microdissection and radioimmunoassay and SP fibers and cell bodies by immunohistochemistry. Receptors for 125I-Bolton Hunter labelled SP (125I-BH-SP) were characterized pharmacologically by a slice binding technique in sections that contained primarily striatum. The receptor was saturable and had an equilibrium dissociation constant (KD) of 0.30 nM and maximum number of binding sites (Bmax) of 37.8 fmol/mg protein. Pharmacological characterization using C terminal fragments and naturally occurring analogues of SP reflected characteristics of the receptor which had been shown previously in bioassays and biochemical assays. Comparison of distribution of SP fibers and cell bodies and SP receptors indicated that there is no consistent relationship between the amount of SP receptor and density of SP fibers or cell bodies in a given region of the brain.  相似文献   

Summary A preembedding dual immunolabeling technique and electron microscopy were utilized to demonstrate the localization of immunoreactive substance P and methionine-enkephalin-octapeptide (Enk-8) in ultrathin sections of the surface layer (laminae I and II) of rat spinal dorsal horn. The immunoreaction of Enk-8 was visualized as goldtoned silver particles and that of substance P as diaminobenzidine reaction products. Axonal terminals with immunoreactive substance P, and also unlabeled axonal terminals, formed synaptic junctions with the perikarya and dendritic processes of Enk-8-containing neurons. Dendritic profiles immunolabeled for substance P were synaptically linked with unlabeled axons but not with Enk-8-positive ones. Furthermore, it was found that Enk-8 axons and substance P axons terminated synaptically in juxtaposition to one another on the same immunonegative dendrites. Among the Enk-8-containing neurons axonal profiles also appeared to be synaptically associated with immunoreactive Enk-8 dendritic processes.  相似文献   

The present study localized corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) receptors and studied the actions of CRF in the neonatal rat spinal cord preparation. Lumbar CRF receptors were present in highest concentrations in laminae I and II with progressively lower concentrations in lamina IX and intermediate and central zones respectively. CRF directly and indirectly depolarized lumbar motoneurons in a concentration-related manner and the putative receptor antagonist, alpha helical oCRF(9–41), partially blocked the depolarizing response to CRF. The electrophysiological responses to CRF and the distribution of receptors within the spinal cord suggest that CRF may play a physiological role in regulating spinal cord reflex function.  相似文献   

Somatostatinergic nerves in the spinal cord of the monkey were investigated utilizing immunohistochemistry with various antibodies against synthetic somatostatin. In contrast to earlier investigations, it is shown that somatostatinergic nerve endings occur in most of the areas of the grey matter of the spinal cord. The somatostatinergic axons are, however, characteristically distributed in three main regions: (1) Densely-packed endings are seen in lamina II of the substantia gelatinosa, forming a crescent-shaped pattern in the columna dorsalis. Somatostatin immunoreactivity is also seen in lamina I and in the Lissauer tract. (2) A fine network of fibers is observed around the central canal; the endings are concentrated on special cell bodies. Some single perikarya are also stained in this region. (3) A loose network of single fibers is found ending on perikarya of the columna lateralis or ventralis. The perikarya of the nerve axons, with the exception of those terminating in the columna dorsalis, have as yet not been identified. In order to better understand the somatostatinergic system of the spinal cord, these newly-detected somatostatinergic nerves must be studied and their exact pathways analyzed.  相似文献   

N E Naftchi 《Peptides》1982,3(3):235-247
Cats were used as models of traumatic spinal cord injury. Each experimental animal received a 500 g-cm force to the exposed dura at the level of thoracic fourth vertebra. Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs), carotid arterial blood pressure (BP), and abdominal aorta blood flow in the treated groups were compared with those of the control group. The three treated groups received naloxone (5 mg/kg), TRH (5 mg/kg), and a combination of methyl-prednisolone sodium succinate (MP, 35 mg/kg) and epsilon-aminocaproic acid (EACA, 350 mg/kg). The SEPs which were done only in the naloxone treated group approached "normalcy" 24-26 hours after trauma as compared with the absence of SEPs in traumatized untreated group. In all three groups, the treatment increased the blood flow in abdominal aorta significantly. Morphine sulfate increased substance P (SP) immunoreactivity in the dorsal and ventral gray matter. Naloxone not only reversed this effect, it depleted SP below the saline control level. In order to establish that lipid free radicals are responsible for damage to biological membranes, their effects were also investigated in vitro: 14C-GABA uptake by mouse cortical slices which had decreased by 33% in the presence of superoxide (. O-2) generating system, horseradish peroxidase (HRP), was reduced only by 9% when superoxide dismutase was added to the medium. The latter also protected the nerve endings from damage by (. O-2) as examined by electron microscopy. It is concluded that the agents used in this study produce their ameliorating effects by virtue of their anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and membrane stabilizing properties in addition to their effect on enhancing the regional microcirculation. The release of SP by naloxone may be responsible for the increase in blood flow. The consequences of traumatic injury as depicted in Fig. 1 are discussed at length.  相似文献   

Little is known about the internal mechanics of the in vivo spinal cord during injury. The objective of this study was to develop a method of tracking internal and surface deformation of in vivo rat spinal cord during compression using radiography. Since neural tissue is radio-translucent, radio-opaque markers were injected into the spinal cord.Two tantalum beads (260 µm) were injected into the cord (dorsal and ventral) at C5 of nine anesthetized rats. Four beads were glued to the lateral surface of the cord, caudal and cranial to the injection site. A compression plate was displaced 0.5 mm, 2 mm, and 3 mm into the spinal cord and lateral X-ray images were taken before, during, and after each compression for measuring bead displacements. Potential bead migration was monitored for by comparing displacements of the internal and glued surface beads.Dorsal beads moved significantly more than ventral beads with a range in averages of 0.57–0.71 mm and 0.31–0.35 mm respectively. Bead displacements during 0.5 mm compressions were significantly lower than 2 mm and 3 mm compressions. There was no statistically significant migration of the internal beads.The results indicate the merit of this technique for measuring in vivo spinal cord deformation. The pattern of bead displacements illustrates the complex internal and surface deformations of the spinal cord during transverse compression. This information is needed for validating physical and finite element spinal cord surrogates and to define relationships between loading parameters, internal cord deformation, and biological and functional outcomes.  相似文献   

Using immunohistochemistry and optical densitometry, substance P (SP) was investigated in the lumbar spinal cord of the frog Rana catesbeiana after sciatic nerve transection. In control animals, there was a high density of SP fibers in the Lissauer's tract and in the mediolateral band of the dorsal gray matter. Other SP immunoreactive fibers were observed in the dorsal part of the lateral funiculus and in the ventral horn. No SP label was found in any cell bodies. After axotomy, SP immunoreactive fibers decreased in the Lissauer's tract on the same side of the lesion. The other regions remained labeled. The changes were observed at 3 days following axonal injury and persisted at 5, 8 and 15 days. At 20 days, there was no significant difference between the axotomized side and the control one, thus indicating a recovery of the SP expression. These results indicate that the frog may be used as a model to study the effects of peripheral axotomy, contributing to elucidate the SP actions in the pain neuropath.  相似文献   

Summary Distribution of serotonin fibers in the spinal cord of the dog was investigated by means of a modified PAP method; a rabbit anti-serotonin serum prepared in the laboratory of the authors was used in this study. Serotonin fibers were revealed as PAP-positive dark-brown elements displaying dot-like varicosities (0.5–2.0 m in diameter). In the spinal cord of the dog, the distribution of serotonin fibers is extensive. These fibers occur more densely in more caudal segments and are most prominent at the sacrococcygeal level. From the level of the cervical spinal cord to the upper lumbar region, the descending serotonin fibers are located immediately under the pia mater in the ventrolateral portion of the lateral funiculus. In more caudal segments, serotonin fibers are dispersed throughout the ventral and lateral funiculi. These longitudinal en passage-fibers send numerous transverse collaterals to the gray matter. Serotonin fibers are distributed abundantly in the laminae I and III of the posterior column, while only a few fibers are found in the lamina II (substantia gelatinosa). In the intermediate zone, two descending serotonin pathways, i.e., lateral and medial longitudinal bundles, are observed to coincide topographically with the nucleus intermediolateralis at C8(T1)-L3(L4) and the nucleus intermediomedialis at C1-Co respectively. The former is particularly prominent and communicates with the contralateral bundle via commissural bundles at intervals of 300–500 m. The large motoneurons in the anterior column, especially those in the nucleus myorabdoticus lateralis within the cervical and lumbar enlargements, are closely surrounded by fine networks of serotonin fibers and terminals.Supported by a grant (No. 56440022) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan  相似文献   

Summary Cholecystokinin-like immunoreactivity has been demonstrated by radioimmunoassay and immunocytochemistry in the spinal cord of various mammals, in particular in nerve fibers of the superficial layers of the posterior column, but had not been detected in neuronal cell bodies. We report immunohistochemical evidence for the presence of a group of cholecystokinincontaining neuronal cell bodies in the lumbar spinal cord of the rat. This group of cells is only visualized after direct injection of colchicine into the spinal cord and is located near the central canal in the intermedio-medial nucleus of area X of Rexed.  相似文献   

Summary The noradrenergic terminals in the substantia gelatinosa of the dorsal horn of the cervical spinal cord of the rat were investigated by means of the histofluorescence technique and electron-microscopic cytochemistry using the glyoxylic acid-KMnO4 fixation technique. In accordance with the topographical distribution of fluorescent catecholaminergic fibers, noradrenergic terminals containing small granular vesicles were frequently observed electron microscopically in the outer layer of the substantia gelatinosa. These terminals were most frequently found to appose without showing typical synaptic features, small-caliber dendrites, spine apparatus, and rarely, large caliber dendrites. Only in a few cases, the noradrenergic terminals exhibited typical synaptic contacts with dendritic elements of small size. In addition, noradrenergic terminals apposed non-noradrenergic terminals containing small agranular vesicles. In rats bearing surgical lesions of the dorsal roots, no noradrenergic terminal were found in contact with the degenerated axon terminals in the substantia gelatinosa. These findings suggest that the noradrenergic afferents to the substantia gelatinosa may exert their influence on sensory transmission via dorsal horn cells.  相似文献   

Rabbit spinal cords were subjected to 10 to 40 minutes of ischemia with and without 4 days of recirculation and L-4 segment was analyzed for adenylates and ATP-induced bioluminiscence. ATP level and energy charge was progressively reduced by increasing durations of ischemia. Regional evaluation of ATP-induced bioluminiscence after 10 and 20 minutes of ischemia revealed ATP depletion mainly in the gray matter of spinal cord. Forty minutes of ischemia resulted in complete reduction of ATP bioluminiscence in both gray and white matter. Within 4 days of recirculation following all periods of ischemia studied, only partial metabolic recovery occurred. Restitution of ATP-induced bioluminiscence was regionally heterogeneous, reduced predominantly in the anterior horns of gray matter.  相似文献   

Impact spinal cord injury (20 g-cm) was induced in rat by weight drop. The immunoreactivity of mcalpain was examined in the lesion and adjacent areas of the cord following trauma. Increased calpain immunoreactivity was evident in the lesion compared to control and the immunostaining intensity progressively increased after injury. The calpain immunoreactivity was also increased in tissue adjacent to the lesion. mCalpain immunoreactivity was significantly stronger in glial and endothelial cells, motor neurons and nerve fibers in the lesion. The calpain immunoreactivity also increased in astrocytes and microglial cells in the adjacent areas. Proliferation of microglia and astrocytes identified by GSA histochemical staining and GFAP immunostaining, respectively, was seen at one and three days after injury. Many motor neurons in the ventral horn showed increased calpain immunoreactivity and were shrunken in the lesion. These studies indicate a pivotal role for calpain and the involvement of glial cells in the tissue destruction in spinal cord injury. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Marion E. Smith.  相似文献   

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