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The effect of glucocorticoids on lymphokine production by T lymphocytes was examined by using long-term alloreactive T cell clones that secreted one or more of the lymphokines interleukin 2 (IL 2), interferon-gamma, macrophage-activating factor (MAF), and colony-stimulating factor when stimulated by an antigen or a mitogen. Production of all of these four lymphokines was inhibited when glucocorticoids were added at physiologic concentrations (10(-8) to 10(-6) M) to clones stimulated with concanavalin A (Con A). Clones were heterogeneous with respect to their sensitivity to glucocorticoid inhibition of MAF production; cytolytic clones were generally more resistant than noncytolytic clones. The glucocorticoid dexamethasone (Dex) and an IL 2-containing supernatant exerted opposing effects on clonal MAF production. Kinetics experiments showed that Dex inhibited MAF production by reducing the rate of secretion without causing a compensatory increase in the duration of secretion, whereas the IL 2 source increased the rate and the total amount of MAF secretion. Dex abrogated the effect of IL 2. Inhibition by Dex was apparent from the earliest time of detectable MAF production (about 4 hr after stimulation) and increased with longer exposure until production ceased (12 to 24 hr). Pre-exposure and removal of Dex before Con A stimulation also inhibited MAF release. Effects of Dex on lymphokine secretion by clones could be dissociated from effects on their growth in response to stimulator cells and IL 2. Factor production by the 16 clones tested was inhibited to some degree. Proliferation, however, by two of these clones (both cytolytic) was unaffected by Dex, whereas proliferation of two noncytolytic clones was strongly inhibited even in the presence of a saturating dose of IL 2.  相似文献   

Although there is currently no doubt that regulatory lymphocytes represent a master player in the immune system, a major unresolved problem is the accurate quantitation of these cells among unfractionated cell populations. This difficulty mainly arises because there are no specific immunophenotypic markers that can reliably discriminate between effector and regulatory lymphocytes. To face this problem, we have developed computational models of limiting dilution analyses addressing the question of the accurate estimation of the frequencies of effector and regulatory cells functionally engaged in an immune response. A set of generic equations were provided to form a framework for modeling limiting dilution data, enabling discrimination between qualitatively different models of suppression. These models include either one or two subpopulations of regulatory cells, featured by either low or potent regulatory activity. The potential of this modeling approach was illustrated by the accurate determination of the frequencies of effector and regulatory T lymphocytes in one real limiting dilution experiment of CD4+ CD25+ T lymphocytes performed in the context of an allogeneic response in the human system. The crucial advantage of the limiting dilution method over the "static, phenotype-based" method is the dynamic evaluation of effector and regulatory T cell biology through their actual functional activity.  相似文献   

The goal of these studies was to define the stimuli and factors that control the induction of anergy in unimmunized resting T lymphocytes. Initial experiments, aimed at establishing the system, showed that exposure of Th1 but not Th2 clones to immobilized anti-CD3 leads to a block in autocrine growth factor production and proliferation upon subsequent restimulation with Ag+APC. Anergy is not prevented by accessory cells, suggesting that this model of T cell tolerance may be due to receptor-mediated inhibitory signals, independent of costimulatory molecules. Culture of small (resting) unimmunized T lymphocytes with anti-CD3 +/- IL-2 induces unresponsiveness to restimulation with anti-CD3, but culture with anti-CD3+IL-4, which stimulates the differentiation of resting cells into IL-4 producers, does not induce anergy. Thus, IL-4-producing clones and bulk populations of IL-4-producing T cells are resistant to Ag receptor-mediated inhibitory stimuli. These results provide experimental models for studying the mechanisms of anergy in normal, unselected, mature T cells, and demonstrate fundamental similarities between cloned cell lines and unimmunized T lymphocytes in the induction of anergy.  相似文献   

We report here the development of an alternative limiting dilution assay (LDA) of T lymphocytes (T cells). Blood mononuclear cells were first stimulated for 60 hr with PHA and then cultured in microwells in the presence of recombinant interleukin-2 without feeder cells. After 4 days of culture, wells were scored for proliferation. Clonal expansion of T cells followed the single-hit model of the Poisson distribution. The progenitor frequency (f) in the mononuclear cells and E-rosette-positive cells from normal donors were 0.082 +/- 0.025 (n = 12) and 0.236 +/- 0.029 (n = 5), respectively, but this was markedly decreased in patients who underwent marrow-ablative chemotherapy and autografts with blood hematopoietic stem cells. This LDA system should be of value in routine use for the evaluation of T cell proliferative activities.  相似文献   

A Lagoo  C K Tseng  S Sell 《Cytokine》1990,2(4):272-279
Normal peripheral blood B cells produce a soluble factor after activation that is functionally indistinguishable from interleukin 2 (IL 2) and can support B cell proliferation in vitro. Purified rabbit peripheral blood B cells, when stimulated with a combination of ionomycin (0.5 microgram/mL) and phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) (1 ng/mL), secreted a soluble factor in the culture medium that supported the IL 2-dependent cell line CTLL-2. The ability of these supernatants to support CTLL-2 growth was almost completely blocked by rabbit antibodies against human recombinant IL 2 and by the anti-IL 2 receptor monoclonal antibody 7D4. These data strongly suggest that the growth factor secreted by rabbit B cells is IL 2. To examine the possibility that the IL 2 activity detected in the B-cell cultures may be derived from residual T cells, B cells were further purified by successive panning with a pan-T-cell monoclonal antibody, L11-135, and goat anti-rabbit IgG. These highly purified B cells produced levels of IL 2 activity comparable to those produced by the initial B cell populations. Comparison of IL 2 production by decreasing numbers of purified T cells and purified B cells also indicated that the B cells were the source of IL 2 activity. Supernatants of activated B cells could support proliferation of B-cell blasts, and this activity could be completely absorbed by CTLL-2 cells, indicating that IL 2 is a major growth factor for B cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We present here a culture method for the estimation, in human blood, of the number of lymphocytes that can respond to mitogen by producing interleukin 2 (IL 2). T cells are cultured at limiting dilutions with PHA or Con A in the presence of Epstein Barr virus-transformed human lymphoblastoid cells (EB-LCL), and supernatants are tested 3 days later for IL 2 content by a cell proliferation assay. The distribution of negative wells follows the expected Poisson "single-hit" relationship, suggesting that the assay is sensitive to single cells of a single limiting cell type. On average, 16.3% of peripheral blood mononuclear cells can produce IL 2 in such clonal cultures (mean of 12 determinations; SD = 5.6%). Surprisingly, irradiation (up to 2000 rad) of the titrated responder cell population diminishes the estimated frequencies by less than 50%. The ability to detect IL 2 levels in cultures containing only a single, nonproliferating T lymphocyte allows us to estimate the amount of IL 2 generated by an individual effector cell during a 3-day culture interval after mitogen stimulation. The average responding, irradiated T cell generates 0.92 pg of IL 2 (median) within 3 days. The method presented provides a straightforward way to provide independent estimates of responding cell number and of lymphokine production per cell in a variety of clinical situations.  相似文献   

Certain L3T4+, Lyt-2- cloned murine helper T lymphocytes (HTL), when cultured with a high concentration of interleukin 2 (IL 2), become temporarily unresponsive to antigenic stimulation, as indicated by failure to proliferate and by reduced secretion of lymphokines when challenged with antigen. Exposure of cloned HTL to IL 2 also renders these cells less responsive to concanavalin A (Con A). Here we demonstrate that antigen-unresponsive HTL also accumulate reduced levels of lymphokine mRNA, thus indicating a pretranslational block of the response to antigen. However, HTL which had been pretreated with IL 2 and were unresponsive to antigen responded strongly to antigen + A23187 or to A23187 + PMA but failed to respond to antigen + PMA. With HTL made unresponsive to antigen or to Con A by exposure to IL 2, increases in intracellular calcium ion levels stimulated by Con A also were reduced. Thus, for mouse HTL clones, the IL 2-induced state of unresponsiveness to antigen or Con A appears to reflect an inability of such HTL to increase intracellular free calcium to a level sufficient for activation of lymphokine genes.  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL)-4 has been shown to be secreted simultaneously with IL-2 and interferon (IFN)-gamma by the majority of CD4+ human T cell clones isolated and cultured using IL-2 as a growth factor. Moreover, IL-4 was found to be as efficient as IL-2 to promote the outgrowth of human T cell clones. In this study we have investigated the pattern of lymphokine production by human T cell clones isolated and cultured in IL-4. Most of the CD4+ T cell clones isolated in IL-4 were found to have the ability to simultaneously secrete IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-gamma upon activation. The T cell clones isolated in IL-4 produced, in general, more IL-4 and less IL-2 than the clones isolated and cultured in IL-2. This tendency did not appear to be a stable feature inasmuch as when representative CD4+ T cell clones were split and cultured in either IL-2 or IL-4, the clones in IL-2 secreted more IL-2 and less IL-4 than the same cells cultured in IL-4. These results indicate that the isolation and culture of human CD4+ T cells in IL-4 did not lead to an "irreversible" development of these cells into Th-1- or Th-2-like cells. Clones isolated in IL-4 responded better to IL-4 than they did to IL-2. On the other hand, T cell clones from the same donor isolated in IL-2 showed the reverse pattern since these latter cells were found to respond better to IL-2 than to IL-4. Furthermore, "nonresponsiveness" of a T cell clones in a [3H]TdR assay to either IL-2 or IL-4 is not a stable feature since clones, unresponsive to a particular lymphokine, could be adapted to become responsive.  相似文献   

We have previously described a variant murine CTL clone that in contrast to all other clones tested, exhibited a novel capacity to produce IFN-gamma in response to IL-2. This alternative pathway of IFN-gamma induction differed from the conventional TCR complex-mediated pathway in that it was independent of elevated intracellular Ca2+ and insensitive to cyclosporine A. We report here the presence of an analogous pathway in the majority of T lymphocyte clones tested, when these clones are stimulated with IL-2 in the presence of syngeneic or third-party splenocytes. The accessory function of splenocytes in this alternative pathway is mediated by the MAC-1+ subpopulation and apparently involves cell-cell contact. However, the structure with which the MAC-1 antibody reacts probably is not involved directly. No involvement of Ag or the TCR for Ag could be demonstrated in this alternative pathway of lymphokine induction. The array of lymphokines induced by this alternative pathway is only a subset of those induced by antigenic stimulation. Finally, as with the previously described variant clone, IL-2-mediated induction of IFN-gamma production by the normal T lymphocyte clones is independent of normal extracellular Ca2+ levels and insensitive to cyclosporine A. Thus, this alternative pathway of lymphokine induction apparently constitutes a distinct signaling pathway in cloned T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The estimate of the frequency of suppressor T lymphocytes in unfractionated cell populations remains challenging, mainly because these regulatory cells do not display specific immunophenotypic markers. In this paper, we describe a novel theoretical approach for quantifying the frequency of suppressor cells. This method is based on limiting dilution data modeling, and allows the simultaneous estimation of the frequencies of both proliferating and suppressor cells. We used previously published biological data, characterizing the inhibiting activity of suppressor T cell clones. Starting from these data, we propose a mathematical model describing the interaction between suppressor and proliferating T cells, and applied to a Poisson process. Limiting dilution data corresponding to this non-single-hit, suppressor two-target Poisson model were artificially generated, then modeled according to a generalized linear regression procedure. Deviation from the single-hit Poisson model was revealed by a statistical slope test, and a stepwise analysis of the regression appeared to be an efficient method that strongly argued in favor of the presence of suppressor cells. By using the frequency of proliferating T cells calculated in the first step of the regression, we demonstrated the possibility to provide a reasonable estimate of the frequency of suppressor T cells. Based on these findings, a practical decision-making procedure is given to perform standard analyses of limiting dilution data.  相似文献   

T-Cell subsets identified by polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DP IV) were investigated. Analysis in a cytofluorograf revealed 63 +/- 7% positive scatter-gated T lymphocytes. DP IV-positive cells were found to be T11+, 74-81% OKT4+, and 12-19% OKT8+. DP IV-negative cells were T11+ and comprise 16-40% OKT8+, and 10-30% OKT4+ T cells. Treatment of T lymphocytes with rabbit anti-DP IV and complement as well as the presence of rabbit anti-DP IV during culture resulted in a reduction of interleukin 2 (IL-2) production. This reduction was not observed with the mouse monoclonal anti-DP IV antibody II-19-4-7. Positive enrichment of DP IV-positive lymphocytes by cell sorting revealed excellent IL-2 production of DP IV-positive cells and very poor IL-2 activity in supernatants obtained from DP IV-negative lymphocytes. Thus, DP IV may serve as cell surface marker for IL-2-producing T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

T lymphocytes respond to mitogenic stimulation by expressing the receptor for interleukin 2 (Il-2) and secreting Il-2; once the receptor is expressed, Il-2 induces these cells to proliferation. In the present report using mouse T lymphocytes, thymocytes, and the lymphoma cell line EL4, we studied receptor expression and Il-2 secretion as early parameters for T-lymphocyte activation in response to ionomycin, concanavalin A (Con A), 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol 13-acetate (TPA), and interleukin 1 (Il-1). Il-1 is required for mitogenic response of lymphocyte preparations that are rigorously depleted of macrophages. On its own, Il-1 had very little effect on Il-2 secretion and Il-2 receptor expression by T lymphocytes. TPA strongly synergized with ionomycin both for Il-2 secretion and for Il-2 receptor expression whereas Il-1 did not. Il-1 required the simultaneous presence of ionomycin and TPA to have any demonstrable effect on T lymphocytes from spleen and on thymocytes. However, on EL4 cells which were also partially responsive to TPA alone, Il-1 showed strong synergy with TPA to induce Il-2 secretion and Il-2 receptor expression. The effect of Il-1 on EL4 cells was dose dependent where increasingly higher concentrations of Il-1 in the presence of a fixed concentration of TPA caused higher percentage of EL4 cells to become Il-2 receptor positive. The present results suggest that Il-1 does not cause its effect on T lymphocytes via the same mechanism of protein kinase C activation that has been proposed for TPA.  相似文献   

T lymphocytes are thought to provide "help" for B cells by activating them from the resting state, by secretion of antigen-nonspecific lymphokines that promote B cell differentiation and maturation, and by providing signals that induce isotype switching. To clarify the extent to which these different forms of helper activity could be carried out by individual T cells, we set up cultures in which B cells activated, and were in turn themselves stimulated by, limiting numbers of T cells through differences at the H-2 or Mls loci. At T cell doses at which responses were likely to represent the activity of individual helper T cells (or their immediate clonal progeny), we found that some T cells were able both to produce interleukin 2 (IL-2) and to induce secretion of both IgM and IgG, whereas others induced immunoglobulin (Ig) secretion without detectable IL-2 production, and still others made IL-2 but did not promote antibody secretion. We could not detect B cell stimulatory factor 1 production by alloantigen-stimulated T cells, and the addition of antibodies to B cell stimulatory factor 1 did not prevent Ig production. Two results, however--higher Ig accumulation in those wells that received an IL-2-producing cell, and inhibition by anti-IL-2 receptor antibodies of B cell but not T cell function--are consistent with a direct stimulatory effect of IL-2 on B cells in this system. The pattern of helper functions exhibited by T cells freshly isolated from mice differs from that inferred from studies of cloned lines of T cells in long term cultures.  相似文献   

T cell activation is widely believed to depend on interleukin 1 (IL 1) provided by antigen (Ag)-presenting cells (APC). Because IL 1 is not a constitutive product of APC, we examined the features of its production during the interaction of murine T cell clones and APC. We observed that IL 1 was detectable in supernatants of most myoglobin-specific T cell clones grown with APC and Ag. Two of these T cell clones induced exceptionally high levels of IL 1 in their supernatants, and these same clones demonstrated the unusual restriction to I-Ek, which is a low responder type for sperm whale myoglobin. One of these clones was characterized additionally as to the mechanism of IL 1 induction. This clone rapidly stimulated IL 1 production in the APC population (detectable at 4 hr of co-culture) or in macrophages (M phi) or a M phi-like cell line. IL 1 induction was Ag dependent and H-2 restricted. Induction was radioresistant, both on the part of the T cell and of the IL 1 producer. The IL 1-induction process was attributable to a lymphokine produced by the T cell clone. This lymphokine was distinct from IFN-gamma, TNF and CSF-1 and may account for a principal mechanism of T----APC signalling. The induced IL 1 was the same in size, co-mitogenicity, and pyrogenicity as lipopolysaccharide-induced IL 1.  相似文献   

Nonspecific cytotoxicity developed reproducibly and with high frequency in limit dilution cultures consisting of low numbers of murine cells stimulated with concanavalin A in the presence of growth factors and irradiated filler cells. The individual clones in cultures showing nonspecific killing were all derived from single, Thy-1+, Ly-2+ cells. At early times of culture (day 5 or 6), clones appeared to be specific in their lytic activity, as expected of cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL). On continued culture (day 8 or 9), most of the originally specific CTL clones became nonspecific, killing a range of murine target cells, both syngeneic and allogeneic. The lack of specificity was observed at all effector cell doses. The effector cells responsible for the nonspecific cytolysis were Thy-1+ and Ly-2+, as were most cells in the cultures. The effector cells had the normal DNA content for a dividing T cell population, and most cells in the cultures had a normal chromosome complement. In mixed cultures in which the responder cells and the irradiated filler cells were from different mouse strains, the nonspecific killers displayed the Thy-1 and H-2 allotypes of the responder, and not of the filler cells. The development of a broad cytotoxic potential appears to be a normal and rapid event when Ly-2+ T cell-derived CTL-clones are grown under these conditions; this is a caveat for the use of limit dilution cultures to determine the T cell specificity repertoire. The relationship between these nonspecific CTL, activated lymphocyte killers, and natural killer cells is discussed.  相似文献   

The low reactivity to donor alloantigens reported in PBL from kidney transplant recipients might be related to clonal deletion and/or suppression of donor-specific alloreactive cells. To discriminate between these two hypotheses, we quantified the number of IL-2 secreting cells (IL-2-SC) and of cytotoxic precursors (CTLp) in the T cells from tolerant recipients when stimulated with either donor specific or nonrelated third-party LCL. To eliminate the irrelevant reactivity, we used as responding cells high-density T cells that had been depleted of such reactivity by 4 days preculture with autologous lymphoblastoid cell line in the presence of bromodeoxyuridine. Thus, frequencies of IL-2-SC and CTLp specifically directed at alloantigens could be measured. In 11 recipients, there was no strong decrease in the frequency of donor-reactive T cells when compared to the frequency of those directed at a third-party lymphoblastoid cell line, either for IL-2-SC (tested in 11 patients) or for CTLp (tested in 6 patients). In three cases of seven, a suppression was observed only when T cells were stimulated by donor cells. These data suggest that donor-reactive cells are still present in PBL of kidney-transplant recipients tested from 6 mo to 4 y posttransplantation. Moreover, suppression of donor-specific cells can be demonstrated in peripheral T cells of some recipients, which may account in part for the absence of rejection.  相似文献   

Cloning of a human T cell leukemic cell line, HSB.2, was performed by a limiting dilution method to obtain clones with high levels of IL 2 production. None of the subclones that were obtained produced IL 2 constitutively, and only a low level of IL 2 was produced by the stimulation of these subclones with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) alone. High levels of IL 2 production (greater than 300 U/ml) were observed in several clones when stimulated with a cocktail of PHA and IL 1. Among them, HSB.2-A7-D2, A7-D9, or C5-B2 subclones, which were selected after cloning twice, were most effective in IL 1-dependent IL 2 production. HSB.2 subclones exhibited IL 1-dependent production of a variety of lymphokines other than IL 2, e.g., interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), B cell growth factor (BCGF), and colony-stimulating factor (CSF). We observed that subclones with high IL 2-producing capacity tended to produce high levels of IFN-gamma or BCGF as well, while the capacity of CSF production was not parallel to these properties. Although several subclones were found to produce IFN-gamma and BCGF simultaneously with minimal IL 2 activity, no subclones with an exclusive BCGF production were obtained. Furthermore, when supernatants from the stimulated A7-D9 subclone were applied to an Ultro-gel AcA54 gel chromatography, it was revealed that IL 2 activity (m.w. 17K to 18K) and IFN-gamma (40K to 45K) were clearly separated, whereas two peaks of BCGF activity coincided with each peak of IL 2 and IFN-gamma, respectively. On the other hand, CSF activity was eluted at a different peak (30K to 35K). These data indicate that IL 2, IFN-gamma, and CSF activities are based on distinct molecules, whereas BCGF activities are indistinguishable from IL 2 and IFN-gamma. The HSB.2 subclones thus selected will provide a useful model for delineating the mechanism of IL 1-dependent lymphokine(s) production, and are a promising candidate for better lymphokine(s) producers.  相似文献   

The ability of human T cell leukemia/lymphoma virus (HTLV)-I to alter the function of infected T lymphocytes was examined directly by investigating the properties of an antigen-specific T cell clone before and after transformation with HTLV-I. Following infection, the T4 antigen-specific clone manifested a tenfold increase in its surface interleukin 2 (IL 2) receptor (Tac) density and acquired the viral determinants p19, p24, and 4D12 not present in the uninfected clone. Prior to infection, the T cell clone responded to antigen stimulation in the presence of histocompatible antigen-presenting cells with proliferation and secretion of multiple lymphokines, including IL 2, B cell growth factor (BCGF), B cell differentiation factor (BCDF), and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma). Following infection, the T cell clone both proliferated and produced constitutively three of these lymphokines (BCGF, BCDF, and IFN-gamma) in the absence of accessory cells or antigen. Co-cultivation with any accessory cells regardless of histocompatibility resulted in increased proliferation and lymphokine production. IL 2 production by the HTLV-I-transformed cell, however, could not be detected. Similarly, the uninfected clone was able to provide B cell help for Ig production only when stimulated with both histocompatible cells and antigen. In contrast, the infected cell provided T cell help to B cells in an unregulated manner, independent of antigen or histocompatibility. Thus, functions such as the induction of proliferation, B cell help, and lymphokine production, which are finely regulated in uninfected antigen-specific T cell clones, became indiscriminant after HTLV-I infection.  相似文献   

A limiting dilution assay (LDA) was developed for the quantification of Trypanosoma cruzi in the heart and blood of infected mice. Three groups of swiss mice were injected ip with "CL", "Colombiana," and "Y" strains. At 1-day intervals after infection, blood and the heart were removed. Serial blood dilutions in LIT medium were performed and distributed in four groups of 24 microplate wells. The growth of parasite was visually checked in an inverted microscope. It was found that curves of parasitemia obtained by parasite counting in a hemocytometer or estimated by LDA were similar. A similar method was used to quantify parasites in the heart of mice. The heart was cut, washed, dried, and its weight was determined. The heart pieces were disrupted by passage through a mesh stainless-steel screen into LIT. Serial dilutions of the heart homogenate were made in LIT and added to at least 24 replicate microplate wells. Parasites were detectable earlier in the heart of mouse infected with Y strain when compared to CL and Colombiana strains. Parasites were detected in the heart of mice of all strains by 6 days after infection. This LDA for quantification of T. cruzi permits a more precise evaluation of the number of living parasites in infected tissues.  相似文献   

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