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Some of the effects of oxygen concentration in the external medium bathing castor bean cotyledons were investigated. At 700 μM O2, the sucrose-dependent proton influx was dependent on external pH while sucrose influx was independent of pH between 4,5 and 6; proton influx and sucrose influx were both dependent on external sucrose concentration; both were saturated above 50 mM sucrose. The stoichiometry H+/S decreased with increasing pH and sucrose concentration. These data were consistent with the results obtained in stirred or aerated external medium. Oxygen consumption, acidification of the medium, sucrose-dependent proton influx and sucrose uptake increased with increasing oxygen concentration up to 700 μM where saturation was reached. Bubbling with air (O2, 160 μM) resulted in the same increase despite lower oxygen concentration. It is suggested that not only O2 concentration but also CO2 concentration act on O2 consumption, and proton and sucrose fluxes.

This study was designed to determine whether intermittent fasting induces malnutrition that, according to many authors, accentuates the cytotoxic effects of environmental pollutants, or caloric restriction that reduces these effects. Ninety six male Wistar rats (180g) were divided into two groups: one group was fed daily (N) and the other group was fed every second day (J) for one month. At the end of one month, each group was then divided into two subgroups, one subgroup received an injection of 0.9% NaCI (groups NO and JO), the other subgroup received an injection of 4 mg/kg NiCIb2 (groups NNi and JNi). Intermittent fasting was continued in parallel to treatment for 1, 3, 5 and 10 days. Under these experimental conditions, nickel increased testicular aromatase activity and altered total RNA, while no alteration of these biomarkers was observed with intermittent fasting. The combination of these two factors, nickel and intermittent fasting, did not amplify these effects. In contrast, protection of RNA by intermittent fasting was observed, especially overexpression of aromatase mRNA.  相似文献   

Résumé Un examen comparatif in vitro fait ressortir que l’augmentation de la résistance des bacilles tuberculeux vis-à-vis d’un mélange d’INH et de P.A.S. ne se présente pas ou seulement lentement après des ensemencements successifs sur des milieux qui contiennent ce mélange. Ceci à l’opposé de bacilles exposés a l’influence de ces deux éléments isolés. Les bacilles qui subissent l’influence du mélange font voir également une légère augmentation de la résistance à l’égard des composants isolés. Les travaux de recherches furent supportés en partie par Riker Laboratories Inc., Los Angeles, California.  相似文献   

Despite surgical treatment, cryptorchidism is the most common cause of infertility. Through a literature review, the authors report current data on the influence of age at the time of orchidopexy, testicular size, the position of the testis, and the existence of epididymal anomalies on fertility.  相似文献   

S. Bateman 《Andrologie》2011,21(3):192-198


This article, based on sociological research on the activity of donor insemination and semen cryopreservation, addresses four questions concerning the present policy of donor anonymity: What is the principle of anonymous semen donation? Where does it come from? What is its purpose in the organization of donor insemination (DI)? How is the anonymity principle applied in daily practice?

Material and methods

Analysis of the origins and transformations of this policy is based on documents, published in the 70s and the 80s, which provide a history of the practice of donor insemination, in particular within the framework of rules devised by Centre for the Study and Cryopreservation of Semen (Cecos).


This history shows that donor anonymity has been a de facto policy for over two centuries, whereas the notion of an anonymity principle is relatively recent.


Present challenges to this principle have brought to the fore long-standing queries about what establishes fatherhood in cases where paternity is dissociated from impregnation.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2014,38(5):303-310
The aim of this article is to describe the anatomic specificities of each different digestive tumors in CT imaging and to show the interest of contrast-enhanced CT and bowel opacification. Some specific points about lymph nodes of the abdomen and peritoneum anatomy will be discussed.  相似文献   



It is now very important to investigate azoospermia because the introduction of the intracytoplasmic sperm injection technique during the last decade has allowed many infertile men to achieve their dreams of fatherhood. The purpose of this study was to define the characteristics of infertile men with azoospermia, and to analyse the clinical and laboratory features and the causes of infertility in Tunisia. The authors also discuss various aspects that they consider to be very important in the diagnosis of male fertility.

Material and Methods

This retrospective study analysed the parameters of physical examination, laboratory tests, semen analysis, radiographic examinations, testicular biopsy, karyotype and AZF microdeletions.


Based on the results of endocrinological and cytogenetic examinations, the aetiology of azoospermia was considered to be secretory in 43 cases of azoospermia. Physical examination revealed a high percentage of hypotrophic/atrophic testes (43.9%). Serum follicle stimulating hormone levels were high in 58.5% of cases. The overall incidence of chromosomal abnormalities was 31.4%. The most frequent anomaly was Klinefelter syndrome (9 cases). Seven out of 28 patients (25%) with nonobstructive azoospermia had AZF deletions. None of the patients with excretory azoospermia and severe oligospermia had an abnormal karyotype or AZF microdeletions. 48.8% of patients presented a varicocele, 13.9% had cryptorchidism and 13.0% had a history of genital tract infection.


In line with the literature, genetic abmormalities are the main causes of severe forms of impaired spermatogenesis in the Tunisian population.  相似文献   

Funaria spores must structure their photosynthetic apparatus before germination. A lack of manganese in the culture media affects neither the final structure of chloroplast nor the chlorophyll synthesis. Fixation of CO2, reducing power of chloroplasts (DPIP) and RPE photo-induced signal S II are modified by this lack of manganese. The study of Mn/Chl and CO2 fixed/Mn ratios shows that Mn is a limiting factor for CO2 fixation and that in the spores depleted of Mn the residual Mn is “structural” Mn.  相似文献   

Opening towards the eastern steppe landmass, the Eastern Romania area covers 87,500 km2, and shelters the biggest number of Gravettian and Epigravettian sites currently known. Archaeological researches in the area expanded in the 1950's, during the construction of dams on the Prut and Bistrița valleys. The efforts of the multidisciplinary teams involved and the subsequently published papers highlighted the archaeological potential of the region and, with some inevitable interruptions, investigations continued to this day. Although the time and resources spent were not modest, the outcomes regarding the Upper Palaeolithic cultural sequence often proved contradictory and somehow distant from the general European cultural dynamic. Thus, this reassessment tries to put the chronological, palaeoenvironmental, and empirical data in a more coherent framework. A synthesis of the available Gravettian and Epigravettian data east of the Carpathians reveals the following sequence: (1) an Aurignacian stage on the Prut Valley, paralleled by an indefinite Upper Palaeolithic stage, from sites on the Bistrița Valley, between 31 and 28 ka (uncal BP); (2) a quite early Gravettian presence, roughly between 27 and 25.5 ka, which includes backed laminar blanks, schematic decoration of one pendant, and the use of perforated shells as adornments; (3) a scant shouldered points stage, chronologically close to the European similar phases (25–23 ka), for which the feeble use of obsidian points toward contacts with Central European resources/populations; (4) a Gravettian/Epigravettian interface, between 21 and 19 ka, manifested within numerous archaeological layers, mainly through an increase in bladelets and organic artefacts production/use; (5) an Epigravettian stage, between 18 and 16 ka, largely defined through an upturn in raw material choices, backed implements production, and tool types; (6) one last, roughly 14 ka old Epigravettian stage, in which the technological choices recalled those of the previous one. Regional variability elements and radiocarbon chronology limitations considered, apparently, the Gravettian and the Epigravettian of Eastern Romania share quite a lot of traits with the corresponding Central and Eastern European technocomplexes.  相似文献   

PSA is a tumor marker usually determined for prostate cancer at diagnosis for its pronostic value and at therapy follow-up. But lack of specificity of PSA for prostate cancer and variability between assays demonstrated by the quality program survey make this marker not valuable in mass screening program. Market control of Afssaps on analysis devices of PSA showed a correct harmonization for total PSA. Biological tools available and easy to perform could improve ability of PSA for early detection of prostate cancer at a curable stage without induction of unnecessary biopsies prescribed because elevated total PSA values.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to analyse the evolution of sperm characteristics according to age. To this end we analysed the spermogram of 2,126 men aged 20 to 64 who came for consultation for feminine indications for in vitro fertilization at the Clermont-Ferrand Human Reproduction Unit during the period 1980 to 1994. A search for a link between the age of the patient at the time of the spermogram and 10 sperm parameters, by studying a linear regression, did not reveal any evidence of a significant correlation between the age and the parameters studied. The mean values for volume, concentration of spermatozoa, percentage of mobile forms (normal, diminished), percentage of typical and mobile forms and percentage of abnormal forms were compared for age classes covering 5 years. These values showed no significant difference according to the age classes. Between 20 and 60 years the essential parameters of the spermogram seem generally to be independent of age, from which it can be deduced that ejaculate quality remains the same until 50 years of age. However a bias in the recruitment of the population studied and a very wide spread for the values for a given age mean that we may not have detected fluctuations in sperm characteristics linked with age.  相似文献   

Sylvain Mimoun 《Andrologie》1994,4(2):234-240
Through the opening offered by the psychosomatic approach, we encounter patients with all kinds of andrologic complaints, even quite unspecific ones. But we do know this mode of contact is particulary useful and fruitful when the troubles lean towards chronicity, or are linked to anxiety and/or depression, be that condition cause or consequence. As far as functional symptoms are involved, there is a specific value to this approach. The key-time of that consultant, i.e; psychosomatic andrology, will be described, with the particularity of a ?conversation” instead of the mandatory anamnesis, meanwhile in his life, the possibly perturbing psychological events, as well as an attempt to evaluate the patient’s behaviour. The richness of the clinical examination within this doctor’s induced environment of ?words” coupled to some therapeutic means will be summarized: drugs, somatic and psychological methods (meaning all kind of psychotherapic techniques: support, behaviourist, couple, psychoanalytic or psychoanalysis…) When symptom(s) tend towards chronicity, an emotional subjective life grafts itself on the anatomical substratum, thus creating the opening for psychoemotional affects. This is the core we try to attain and assess through the psychosomatic approach.  相似文献   

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