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UV-B (290 nm) tolerance of Daphnia pulex, conditioned to four different food levels (Chlorophyta), was tested under standardized conditions with an artificial radiation source. Parameters measured were survival, percentage of egg bearing Daphnia and the number of juveniles produced after irradiation. UV-B tolerance of Daphnia pulex was found to be significantly improved with increasing food concentrations at all three parameters. The impact of the four different food concentrations on the photoreactivation system was tested with simultanous UV-B and white-light irradiation of Daphnia. Survival rate improved significantly with increasing food levels compared to solely UV-B irradiation. Photoreactivation had no effect on the reproductive parameters.  相似文献   

Mitchell  Suzanne E. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,442(1-3):145-156
Sex induction is environmentally stimulated in Daphnia and involves a cue-dependent response for sex determination. Somatic growth was shown to be similar in males and females during juvenile instars, but divergent due to a reduction in male somatic growth, at about the time that females produce ovaries. At this time, males appeared morphologically adult with respect to secondary sex characteristics. Intersex was rare and is unlikely to be important in natural populations. Intersex could be induced in both sexes, and observed more frequently after longer exposure to high temperature, or in the second generation following a temperature change. This indicates an impact on the ability of mothers to determine the sex of the offspring. It may be possible to use intersex characteristics for manipulative investigation of sex-determination mechanisms in Daphnia. Although sex-determination is initiated before birth, intersex occurrence suggests that development of male characters requires an additional process, probably involving hormone activity, during juvenile development and maturation.  相似文献   

Preferential feeding behaviour by Daphnia magna was shown when Daphnia were fed on a mixture of 14C-labelled algae (Chlorella vulgaris or Scenedesmus quadricauda) and 3H-labelled bacteria (Escherichia coli). Daphnia consumption of bacteria was equal or higher in the presence of algae. On the other hand, in the presence of bacteria, algal consumption decreased by 40–70% compared to algal consumption in the absence of bacteria. 14C radioactive uptake was in good agreement with the chlorophyll content and demonstrates the preferential feeding behaviour of Daphnia.  相似文献   

Wagner  Annekatrin  Kamjunke  Norbert 《Hydrobiologia》2001,442(1-3):165-176
The filtration rate of Daphnia galeata was determined in in situ experiments in Bautzen Reservoir and in laboratory experiments, where daphnids were exposed to filtrates that previously contained either natural phytoplankton or cultured eukaryotic algae (Scenedesmus obliquus or Asterionella formosa), respectively. Individual filtration rate (FR) was measured using fluorescent beads, taking into account ingested beads in the gut only. Compared to heated control treatments (100 °C), dissolved compounds released by the nutritious cultured algae during the preconditioning phase or by the natural phytoplankton assemblages from Bautzen Reservoir strongly reduced the filtration rate of D. galeata (down to 60%). Heating deactivated these dissolved compounds. A significant correlation was found between primary production measured in situ and the reduction of FR in the filtrate of reservoir water, indicating that extra-cellular products released during photosynthesis triggered the reduction of the filtration rate. The ratio of ingested to collected beads was used to quantify the proportion of food, which was not only collected but passed the mouth of D. galeata. The ratio of ingestion to collection was compared between filtered and unfiltered reservoir water both media identical with respect to the concentration of dissolved compounds, whereas other factors (e.g. food concentration, temperature, filtration rate) were different. The changes in this ratio between filtered and unfiltered reservoir water suggest that D. galeata is capable of a chemosensory control of the ingestion behaviour by detecting external metabolites.  相似文献   

Concentration factors (CF) of 54Mn for three aquatic species: green algae (Protococcoidal chlorella), Daphnia magna, and fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) were determined following direct exposure to the isotope in solution. The maximum accumulation (CF = 911) in P. chlorella was reached at 48 hours of exposure; the maximum uptake (CF = 65) in Daphnia was reached at 8 hours of exposure; and the maximum accumulation (CF = 22.6) in fathead minnows was at 128 hours of exposure. The data indicate that 54Mn accumulation decreases with ascent up a theoretical aquatic food chain when water is the only source of contamination.  相似文献   

The role that temperature plays in excluding large daphnid species from subtropical and tropical ponds, and competitive relationships between Daphnia laevis and Daphnia magna, are explored. D. magna, a large temperate species is probably not excluded from subtropical or tropical systems by elevated temperatures. However, D. magna was a poorer competitor, under a restricted set of laboratory conditions, than D. laevis, the only pond dwelling daphnid in subtropical Florida. Competition is proposed as one mechanism that may limit the number of daphnid species in subtropical and tropical ponds and lakes. Reduced environmental fluctuations in subtropical and tropical systems (compared with temperate systems) may allow zooplankton populations to reach an environmental carrying capacity where competition limits the number of similar, coexisting species in a habitat.  相似文献   

Iris D. Zellmer 《Hydrobiologia》1995,307(1-3):153-159
Survival of transparent and pigmented Daphnia from alpine as well as arctic habitats, exposed to solar radiation with total or reduced UV-B, was measured. In the alpine pond, survivorship and reproduction of transparent juvenile as well as adult Daphnia were significantly reduced due to UV-B. Transparent adult arctic Daphnia also showed significant reduction in survivorship when exposed to total, when compared with controlled solar radiation. In contrast, heavily melanized adult arctic Daphnia showed no increase in mortality when exposed to natural solar radiation. There appeared to be differences both in tolerance and behavior in the two arctic forms when exposed to solar radiation.  相似文献   

In vivo exposure of Daphnia magna Straus to parathion in concentrations from 0.05 to 5 µg/l resulted in a concentration-dependent decrease in aliesterase activity of the homogenate of the animals. Decrease in this activity after 48 hours of exposure was maximal for concentrations > 1.5 µg/l and amounted to about 90% of the activity of the blank.  相似文献   

Egg predation by copepods in Daphnia brood cavities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Both field observations and enclosure experiments show that juvenile copepods enter Daphnia brood cavities to feed on Daphnia eggs and embryos. The ability to perform such in vivo exploitation is reported for both cyclopoid and calanoid copepods. Copepodites of Acanthocyclops robustus (G.O. Sars) were found to eat eggs in brood cavities of D. magna, D. pulex and D. pulicaria in experimental enclosures rich in algae. Copepodites of Eudiaptomus gracilus (G.O. Sars) were found in brood cavities of D. hyalina in a mesotrophic lake. The copepods' intrusions into brood cavities caused dramatic declines in the clutch size of infested Daphnia, and this predation effect could easily be confused with the effect of severe food limitation.  相似文献   

Summary Models incorporating the energetics of individual daphnids (Cladocera) have been developed to predict the effect of environmental variables, particularly food availability, on population dynamics. One of them, that of Kooijman (1986), assumes that all assimilated energy enters a storage compartment prior to use in production and metabolism, and that under starvation the stores are used to support maintenance, reproduction and somatic growth, in that order of priority. This predicts that, under starvation, reproduction and growth will continue for a time, and that after they cease death will be immediate. Another model, that of McCauley et al. (1990), assumes that assimilated energy is used directly for maintenance and production, and that stores are accumulated to support maintenance metabolism under starvation. This predicts that growth and reproduction should cease immediately upon starvation and that death will not be immediate. We have carried out laboratory experiments, manipulating starvation time, on Daphnia magna to distinguish between these two models. The results support features of both models in that reproduction, but not growth, ceases upon starvation. We therefore developed a third model in which both maintenance and growth are supported from stores under starvation, with maintenance taking priority over growth under these conditions.  相似文献   

The variation of six growth and reproduction traits in the parthenogenetic clones of Daphnia magna and its relationships with the genotypes at 5 isozyme loci were studied under controlled conditions at three food concentrations. A significant genetic component of age at maturity, growth rate and fecundity variation was detected. Nested ANOVA revealed the influences of the genotypes of the isozyme loci, that are more pronounced at the high food concentration. In some cases the genotype-environment interactions were found.The variation of body length at 6 days and total number of offspring includes a significant heterozygosity — environment interaction. The most heterozygous clones show the least differences in life history traits between food conditions.Life-history traits heritability, genotype-environment interactions and different reproductive strategies of the clones are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of the two integumental layers comprising the carapace of female D. magna was examined at several points through the molt cycle. The epicuticle and procuticle are simple in organisation; pore canals are absent but intracuticular fibres are present, forming complexes with invaginations of the epidermal plasma membrane similar to such complexes described in the literature for other arthropods. The epidermis consists almost entirely of cuticle-secreting cells. Secretion of the new cuticle begins when 50–67% of the instar has elapsed by which time the epidermal cells have increased in height and their nuclei have become more rounded. However, other presumed secretory phenomena observed viz. the formation of dense core vesicles by Golgi bodies, and the occurrence of these and coated vesicles near the apical plasma membrane are not restricted to any particular period during the molt cycle. This suggests that the mechanisms of cuticle secretion do not undergo marked changes in activity as they do in decapods; presumably this relative continuity is related to the much shorter molt cycle of cladocerans.The technical assistance of G.A. Bance, and the financial support provided by the National Research Council of Canada are gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

Sandor Doma 《Hydrobiologia》1979,67(2):183-188
A new rearing technique ideally suitable for promoting either the parthenogenetic or the gametogenetic (ephippia) type of reproduction ofDaphnia magna in the laboratory is described. Airdrying and rehydration induces rapid hatching. Using this technique it is possible to measure the toxicity of chemicals to ephippia in an 8 day test procedure.  相似文献   

Winfried Lampert 《Oecologia》1986,70(4):495-501
Summary The respiratory rate of the cladoceran Daphnia magna was measured at varying concentrations of a green alga in a flow-through respirometer. Daphnids were either preconditioned to the respective food concentration or the food concentration was suddenly changed during the experiment and the response of the respiratory rate monitored. Previously starved animals were provided with food or prefed animals were deprived of food. The respiratory rate increased considerably with increasing concentrations of algae until a maximum rate was reached at a critical algal concentration corresponding to the incipient limiting level for feeding. The response of the respiratory rate to changing food conditions was fast, lagging only a few minutes behind the change in food. The respiratory rate of starved daphnids increased quickly when they received food, even at low concentrations. Prefed daphnids responded to the replacement of the food suspension by filtered water with reductions in their respiratory rates. A linear relationship between the assimilation rate and the respiration rate was found, indicating that the more than twofold range of the respiratory rate was due to specific dynamic action. The SDA coefficients of 0.15–0.24 found for Daphnia are consistent with values for marine zooplankton.  相似文献   

L. De Meester 《Hydrobiologia》1995,307(1-3):167-175
In an analysis of a life table experiment involving positively, intermediately and negatively phototactic Daphnia magna clones, life history traits such as the average duration of the adult instar, neonate and adult body size were found to be correlated with phototactic behaviour. The size of the eggs and neonates was positively correlated with adult body size, and with egg development time. Adult body size was positively correlated with the size of the second and subsequent clutches. I argue that the intrinsic positive correlation between offspring size and egg development time is a key factor structuring the differences in life history patterns observed between the positively and intermediately phototactic Daphnia genotypes, and that the two life history patterns are to be considered alternatives suited for different environmental conditions (e.g. habitats with and without strong predation pressure on adults).  相似文献   

Concentration factor and biological half-life of 54Mn were determined in three species representing an ecologically and economically important food chain. Green algae (Chlorella spp.), Daphnia magna and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) were exposed to 54Mn in water and assayed for 54Mn uptake. Steady state concentration factors computed from the laboratory data for algae, Daphnia and perch were 4230, 17 000 and 11, respectively. Respective biological half-lives were 1.6, 1.2 and 8.3 days.  相似文献   

Experiments conducted on samples collected from a large oligotrophic lake revealed the following: (1) excretion rates of PO inf4 sup3– by single Daphnia thorata were below detection (5 pmol animal–1 min–1) in 20 ml of oligotrophic lake water over a period of 10 min, (2) experimental addition of D. thorata to 20 ml aliquots of lake water decreased community-wide microbial uptake of PO inf4 sup3– on two occasions (as measured by 32PO inf4 sup3– incorporation), and (3) the presence of D. thorata increased uptake by organisms smaller than 1µm, and decreased uptake by large phytoplankton. The specific mechanism for these responses remains unclear, but the results imply that when phytoplankton larger than 1µm encounter cm scale patches of water recently occupied by Daphnia they may experience decreased PO inf4 sup3– availability rather than elevated concentrations of PO inf4 sup3– caused by excretion. We show that 32P uptake experiments using natural plankton assemblages can be influenced by the presence or absence of large zooplankton, and that neither grazing, turbulence, nor PO inf4 sup3– excretion can account for this influence.  相似文献   

The temporal variation of the surface deposit feeders in a mudflat of Chuwei Mangrove Forest showed a significant input of populations from the recruitments in the spring. The chemical analysis of the sediment in the top 8 cm showed that the sedimentary organic content had a subsurface maximum value in the deeper layer in most cases. Most of the temporal variations in the organic carbon and nitrogen contents occurred in the top few centimeters. The high C:N ratio and low organic nitrogen content in the sediment suggests the supply of carbon (or energy) to the benthos was low. The increase of labile protein content in the deep layer might be due to the downcore transport of sediment nutrients by the bioturbation. Laboratory growth experiment suggests that some the chemical characters examined in this study may represent the sediment nutrients to the animals.  相似文献   

Degans  Hanne  De Meester  Luc 《Hydrobiologia》2002,479(1-3):39-49
Biomanipulation, through the reduction of fish abundance resulting in an increase of large filter feeders and a stronger top-down control on algae, is commonly used as a lake restoration tool in eutrophic lakes. However, cyanobacteria, often found in eutrophic ponds, can influence the grazing capacity of filter feeding zooplankton. We performed grazing experiments in hypertrophic Lake Blankaart during two consecutive summers (1998, with and 1999, without cyanobacteria) to elucidate the influence of cyanobacteria on the grazing pressure of zooplankton communities. We compared the grazing pressure of the natural macrozooplankton community (mainly small to medium-sized cladocerans and copepods) with that of large Daphnia magna on the natural bacterioplankton and phytoplankton prey communities. Our results showed that in the absence of cyanobacteria, Daphnia magna grazing pressure on bacteria was higher compared to the grazing pressure of the natural zooplankton community. However, Daphnia grazing rates on phytoplankton were not significantly different compared to the grazing rates of the natural zooplankton community. When cyanobacteria were abundant, grazing pressure of Daphnia magnaseemed to be inhibited, and the grazing pressure on bacteria and phytoplankton was similar to that of the natural macrozooplankton community. Our results suggest that biomanipulation may not always result in a more effective top-down control of the algal biomass.  相似文献   

Effects of UV-B irradiated algae on zooplankton grazing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
De Lange  Hendrika J.  L&#;rling  Miquel 《Hydrobiologia》2003,491(1-3):133-144
We tested the effects of UV-B stressed algae on grazing rates of zooplankton. Four algal species (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Cryptomonas sp., Scenedesmus obliquus and Microcystis aeruginosa) were used as food and fed to three zooplankton species (Daphnia galeata, Bosmina longirostris and Brachionus calyciflorus), representing different taxonomic groups. The phytoplankton species were cultured under PAR conditions, and under PAR supplemented with UV-B radiation at two intensities (0.3 W m–2 and 0.7 W m–2, 6 hours per day). Ingestion and incorporation experiments were performed at two food levels (0.1 and 1.0 mg C l–1) using radiotracer techniques. The effect of food concentration on ingestion and incorporation rate was significant for all three zooplankton species, but the effect of UV-B radiation was more complex. The reactions of the zooplankton species to UV-B stressed algae were different. UV-B stressed algae did not affect Daphnia grazing rates. For Bosmina the rates increased when feeding on UV-B stressed Microcystis and decreased when feeding on UV-B stressed Chlamydomonas, compared with non-stressed algae. Brachionus grazing rates were increased when feeding on UV-B stressed Cryptomonas and UV-B stressed Scenedesmus, and decreased when feeding on UV-B stressed Microcystis, compared with non-stressed algae. These results suggest that on a short time scale UV-B radiation may result in increased grazing rates of zooplankton, but also in decreased grazing rates. Long term effects of UV-B radiation on phytoplankton and zooplankton communities are therefore difficult to predict.  相似文献   

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