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Oceanic islands have long been considered to be particularly vulnerable to biotic invasions, and much research has focused on invasive plants on oceanic islands. However, findings from individual islands have rarely been compared between islands within or between biogeographic regions. We present in this study the most comprehensive, standardized dataset to date on the global distribution of invasive plant species in natural areas of oceanic islands. We compiled lists of moderate (5–25% cover) and dominant (>25% cover) invasive plant species for 30 island groups from four oceanic regions (Atlantic, Caribbean, Pacific, and Western Indian Ocean). To assess consistency of plant behaviour across island groups, we also recorded present but not invasive species in each island group.We tested the importance of different factors discussed in the literature in predicting the number of invasive plant species per island group, including island area and isolation, habitat diversity, native species diversity, and human development. Further we investigated whether particular invasive species are consistently and predictably invasive across island archipelagos or whether island-specific factors are more important than species traits in explaining the invasion success of particular species.We found in total 383 non-native spermatophyte plants that were invasive in natural areas on at least one of the 30 studied island groups, with between 3 and 74 invaders per island group. Of these invaders about 50% (181 species) were dominants or co-dominants of a habitat in at least one island group. An extrapolation from species accumulation curves across the 30 island groups indicates that the total current flora of invasive plants on oceanic islands at latitudes between c. 35°N and 35°S may eventually consist of 500–800 spermatophyte species, with 250–350 of these being dominant invaders in at least one island group. The number of invaders per island group was well predicted by a combination of human development (measured by the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita), habitat diversity (number of habitat types), island age, and oceanic region (87% of variation explained). Island area, latitude, isolation from continents, number of present, non-native species with a known invasion history, and native species richness were not retained as significant factors in the multivariate models.Among 259 invaders present in at least five island groups, only 9 species were dominant invaders in at least 50% of island groups where they were present. Most species were invasive only in one to a few island groups although they were typically present in many more island groups. Consequently, similarity between island groups was low for invader floras but considerably higher for introduced (but not necessarily invasive) species – especially in pairs of island groups that are spatially close or similar in latitude. Hence, for invasive plants of natural areas, biotic homogenization among oceanic islands may be driven by the recurrent deliberate human introduction of the same species to different islands, while post-introduction processes during establishment and spread in natural areas tend to reduce similarity in invader composition between oceanic islands. We discuss a number of possible mechanisms, including time lags, propagule pressure, local biotic and abiotic factors, invader community assembly history, and genotypic differences that may explain the inconsistent performance of particular invasive species in different island groups.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. A number of invasions in the family Tephritidae (fruit flies) have been observed worldwide despite quarantine procedures. In this review, the potential importance of interspecific competition and competitive displacement among different tephritid species is evaluated in the context of recent invasions.
2. Where polyphagous tephritid species have been introduced in areas already occupied by a polyphagous tephritid, interspecific competition has resulted in a decrease in number and niche shift of the pre-established species. No reciprocal invasions have been observed.
3. The data on tephritid invasions seem to support a hierarchical mode of competition; however, complete exclusion usually did not occur. Indeed, tephritid distribution and abundance are markedly structured by various abiotic (mostly climatic) and biotic (host plants) factors.
4. The primary determinant of competitive interactions in near-optimal conditions, such as lowlands with abundant fruit plantations, is probably the life-history strategy. The r – K gradient could be used as a predictor of potential invaders, because K traits (such as large adult size) may favour both exploitation and interference competition.
5. For future research, a better understanding of competition mechanisms seems essential. Different species competing in the same area should be compared with respect to: (i) demographic parameters, (ii) the outcome of experimental co-infestations on the same fruit, and (iii) behavioural and chemical interference mechanisms.  相似文献   

Invasive aliens on tropical East Asian islands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tropical East Asia (TEA) has numerous islands, both continental and oceanic. This study uses information on invasive aliens in terrestrial habitats on these islands to test the generality of the continental-oceanic contrast in invasibility, assess the conservation impacts of invasive species, and suggest ways to mitigate these. The continental islands of Hong Kong and Singapore are worst-case scenarios for continental invasibility and alien species often dominate in chronically disturbed sites, but very few have successfully invaded closed forests, with the exception of birds in Hong Kong. On other, less densely populated, continental islands, closed-canopy forests appear to resist invasions by all taxa, with few known exceptions. Forests on oceanic islands isolated by <100 km during the last glacial maximum appear no more susceptible to plant and invertebrate invasions than those on continental islands, but invasions by mammals are widespread. Snake invasions may be under-recognized. The remote oceanic Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands, >1000 km from the nearest continent, have a native biota of largely tropical East Asian origin and are suffering from alien forest invasions across the taxonomic spectrum. These patterns of invasibility are consistent with the idea that alien invasion is facilitated by the absence of native species in the same functional group. Alien invasives are not yet a major conservation problem in TEA, except on remote islands, but their dominance on disturbed sites may slow or prevent recovery of native biodiversity. Strict quarantine is impractical in TEA, although some major introduction routes could be blocked. Management efforts should focus on early recognition and immediate control of potential problem species.  相似文献   

Biological invasions have become one of the main drivers of habitat degradation and a leading cause of biodiversity loss in island ecosystems worldwide. The spread of invasive species poses a particular environmental threat on the islands of the Mediterranean Basin, which are hot spots of biodiversity and contain rare habitats and endemic species, especially on small islands, which are highly vulnerable to biodiversity loss. Following a recent survey, in this paper we aim to provide an overview of the present-day non-native vascular flora of small Mediterranean islands based on a sample of 37 islands located in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Italy. By comparing the current data with those gathered during a previous survey conducted in the same study area, we also aim to highlight the main changes that have occurred in non-native plant species diversity, establishment and distribution in recent years and to present a first general overview of the most prominent plant taxa in the island’s introduced flora, focusing on those most responsible for these changes and those that pose the greatest environmental threats. We recorded 203 non-native plant species, 147 of which have established on at least one of the islands investigated. Overall, we detected a sharp increase in the number of species, in their levels of establishment and in the extent of their distribution within the study area in recent years. This may be explained by the intensification of research on plant invasions, as well as to new introduction, escape, establishment and invasion events on the islands in recent decades. The most remarkable plants detected include acacias and succulents, two groups that appear to be emerging very rapidly and to be posing new threats to the conservation of the islands’ natural environment, especially the genus Carpobrotus, whose spread into natural habitats containing rare and endemic taxa is seriously threatening biodiversity on both a local and global scale. On the whole, our results show that the plant invasion phenomenon in the study area has in recent years intensified considerably. As this process seems likely to continue, we should expect more establishment events in the future and the further spread of species that are already present. This is of particular conservation concern on the islands investigated in this survey, which are rich in endemisms, but have been facing deep socio-economic and environmental transformations in these last decades as a consequence of the abandonment of traditional management practices and the development of tourism. Our study thus confirms that plant invasions on Mediterranean islands are a serious environmental problem that threatens biodiversity conservation not only in the Mediterranean biogeographic region, but also on the global scale, and highlights the need to further increase efforts aimed at preventing, controlling or mitigating the effects of plant invasions in island ecosystems.  相似文献   

The level of invasion (number or proportion of invasive species) in a given area depends on features of the invaded community, propagule pressure, and climate. In this study, we assess the invasive flora of nine islands in the West Indies to identify invasion patterns and evaluate whether invasive species diversity is related to geographical, ecological, and socioeconomic factors. We compiled a database of invasive plant species including information on their taxonomy, origin, pathways of introduction, habitats, and life history. This database was used to evaluate the similarity of invasive floras between islands and to identify invasion patterns at regional (West Indies) and local (island) scales. We found a total of 516 alien plant species that are invasive on at least one of the nine islands studied, with between 24 to 306 invasive species per island. The invasive flora on these islands includes a wide range of taxonomic groups, life forms, and habitats. We detected low similarity in invasive species diversity between islands, with most invasive species (>60%) occurring on a single island and 6% occurring on at least five islands. To assess the importance of different models in predicting patterns of invasive species diversity among islands, we used generalized linear models. Our analyses revealed that invasive species diversity was well predicted by a combination of island area and economic development (gross domestic product per capita and kilometers of paved roadways). Our results provide strong evidence for the roles of geographical, ecological, and socioeconomic factors in determining the distribution and spread of invasive species on these islands. Anthropogenic disturbance and economic development seem to be the major drivers facilitating the spread and predominance of invasive species over native species.  相似文献   

Anthropogenically driven changes in bird communities on oceanic islands exemplify the biotic upheaval experienced by island floras and faunas. While the influence of invasions and extinctions on species richness and beta‐diversity of island bird assemblages has been explored, little is known about the impact of these invasions and extinctions on phylogenetic diversity. Here we quantify phylogenetic diversity of island bird assemblages resulting from extinctions alone, invasions alone, and the combination of extinctions and invasions in the historic time period (1500 CE to the current), and compare it to the expected phylogenetic diversity that would result if these processes involved randomly selected island bird species. We assessed phylogenetic diversity and structure at the scale of the island (n = 152), the archipelago containing the islands (n = 22), and the four oceans containing the archipelagos using three measures. We found that extinction, invasion, and the combination of invasion and extinction generally resulted in lower phylogenetic diversity than expected, regardless of the spatial scale examined. We conclude that extinction and invasion of birds on islands are non‐random with respect to phylogeny and that these processes generally leave bird assemblages with lower phylogenetic diversity than we would expect under random invasion or extinction.  相似文献   

With the growing body of literature assessing the impact of invasive alien plants on resident species and ecosystems, a comprehensive assessment of the relationship between invasive species traits and environmental settings of invasion on the characteristics of impacts is needed. Based on 287 publications with 1551 individual cases that addressed the impact of 167 invasive plant species belonging to 49 families, we present the first global overview of frequencies of significant and non‐significant ecological impacts and their directions on 15 outcomes related to the responses of resident populations, species, communities and ecosystems. Species and community outcomes tend to decline following invasions, especially those for plants, but the abundance and richness of the soil biota, as well as concentrations of soil nutrients and water, more often increase than decrease following invasion. Data mining tools revealed that invasive plants exert consistent significant impacts on some outcomes (survival of resident biota, activity of resident animals, resident community productivity, mineral and nutrient content in plant tissues, and fire frequency and intensity), whereas for outcomes at the community level, such as species richness, diversity and soil resources, the significance of impacts is determined by interactions between species traits and the biome invaded. The latter outcomes are most likely to be impacted by annual grasses, and by wind pollinated trees invading mediterranean or tropical biomes. One of the clearest signals in this analysis is that invasive plants are far more likely to cause significant impacts on resident plant and animal richness on islands rather than mainland. This study shows that there is no universal measure of impact and the pattern observed depends on the ecological measure examined. Although impact is strongly context dependent, some species traits, especially life form, stature and pollination syndrome, may provide a means to predict impact, regardless of the particular habitat and geographical region invaded.  相似文献   

Islands are susceptible to exotic plant invasion, and Robinson Crusoe Island (RCI), Juan Fernandez Archipelago (33°S, 78°7′W, Chile) is no exception. Through a literature review, we assessed plant invasion and compared it to other oceanic islands worldwide. Here, we discuss measures to enhance forest recovery on RCI based on knowledge accumulated from studies on RCI and other islands. Although these findings are designed to halt the progress of invasion on RCI, they could also be applied to other insular ecosystems. We addressed the following questions: (1) What is the plant invasion status on RCI in relation to other islands worldwide? (2) How imminent is biodiversity loss by plant invasion on RCI? (3) How is woody plant invasion taking place on RCI? (4) What methods are effective in controlling invasive woody species on islands worldwide? (5) What is the ability of natural forests to recover after controlling invasive plants on RCI? We found that (1) RCI is globally the fourth most invaded island for woody species. (2) Invasive woody species expansion is estimated at 4.3 ha annually. (3) Some invasive species establish under forest canopy gaps, out-competing native species. (4) Control of invasive plant species should focus on small gaps, and restoration should promote plant cover and soil protection. Mechanical and chemical control of invasive species seemed to be insufficient to prevent biodiversity loss. Developing alternatives like biological control are indispensable on RCI. (5) Six years after invasive species control, floristic composition tended to recover.  相似文献   

Biological invasion science lacks standardised measures of invasion success that would provide effective prioritisation of invasive species and invaded areas management. Prevalence (area of occupancy) of invasive species is often used as proxy of their success but this metric ignores the extent to which a species fills its potential distribution. This study aims to estimate the performance of invasive tree species by computing the ratio between the compressed canopy area (CCA), assessed through remote sensing, and their potential distribution, estimated using invasive species distribution modelling. This index of ‘range filling’ (RF) has applicability to a broad set of invasive plant species in any biome. A case study is provided using the invasive African tulip tree Spathodea campanulata (Bignoniaceae) on three small tropical oceanic islands (South Pacific) exhibiting different invasion levels to test for differences between CCA and RF. The results show that the RF of Spathodea campanulata varied within islands depending on elevation but not proportionally to the CCA of the species. Another key result was that the RF of the species and its CCA provided different between-island perspectives on the invasions and lead to distinct ranking among islands to prioritise for management. Therefore, managers should disregard species’ prevalence as a measure of success and rather weight it with potential distribution to quantify how an invader is performing in a given environment.  相似文献   

Litchman E 《Ecology letters》2010,13(12):1560-1572
Although the number of studies on invasive plants and animals has risen exponentially, little is known about invasive microbes, especially non-pathogenic ones. Microbial invasions by viruses, bacteria, fungi and protists occur worldwide but are much harder to detect than invasions by macroorganisms. Invasive microbes have the potential to significantly alter community structure and ecosystem functioning in diverse terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Consequently, increased attention is needed on non-pathogenic invasive microbes, both free-living and symbiotic, and their impacts on communities and ecosystems. Major unknowns include the characteristics that make microbes invasive and properties of the resident communities and the environment that facilitate invasions. A comparison of microbial invasions with invasions of macroorganisms should provide valuable insights into general principles that apply to invasions across all domains of life and to taxon-specific invasion patterns. Invasive microbes appear to possess traits thought to be common in many invasive macroorganisms: high growth rate and resource utilization efficiency, and superior competitive abilities. Invading microorganisms are often similar to native species, but with enhanced performance traits, and tend to spread in lower diversity communities. Global change can exacerbate microbial invasions; therefore, they will likely increase in the future.  相似文献   

Climate change affects the rate of insect invasions as well as the abundance, distribution and impacts of such invasions on a global scale. Among the principal analytical approaches to predicting and understanding future impacts of biological invasions are Species Distribution Models (SDMs), typically in the form of correlative Ecological Niche Models (ENMs). An underlying assumption of ENMs is that species–environment relationships remain preserved during extrapolations in space and time, although this is widely criticised. The semi-mechanistic modelling platform, CLIMEX, employs a top-down approach using species ecophysiological traits and is able to avoid some of the issues of extrapolation, making it highly applicable to investigating biological invasions in the context of climate change. The tephritid fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) comprise some of the most successful invasive species and serious economic pests around the world. Here we project 12 tephritid species CLIMEX models into future climate scenarios to examine overall patterns of climate suitability and forecast potential distributional changes for this group. We further compare the aggregate response of the group against species-specific responses. We then consider additional drivers of biological invasions to examine how invasion potential is influenced by climate, fruit production and trade indices. Considering the group of tephritid species examined here, climate change is predicted to decrease global climate suitability and to shift the cumulative distribution poleward. However, when examining species-level patterns, the predominant directionality of range shifts for 11 of the 12 species is eastward. Most notably, management will need to consider regional changes in fruit fly species invasion potential where high fruit production, trade indices and predicted distributions of these flies overlap.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of biotic resistance to exotic plant invasions   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Biotic resistance describes the ability of resident species in a community to reduce the success of exotic invasions. Although resistance is a well‐accepted phenomenon, less clear are the processes that contribute most to it, and whether those processes are strong enough to completely repel invaders. Current perceptions of strong, competition‐driven biotic resistance stem from classic ecological theory, Elton's formulation of ecological resistance, and the general acceptance of the enemies‐release hypothesis. We conducted a meta‐analysis of the plant invasions literature to quantify the contribution of resident competitors, diversity, herbivores and soil fungal communities to biotic resistance. Results indicated large negative effects of all factors except fungal communities on invader establishment and performance. Contrary to predictions derived from the natural enemies hypothesis, resident herbivores reduced invasion success as effectively as resident competitors. Although biotic resistance significantly reduced the establishment of individual invaders, we found little evidence that species interactions completely repelled invasions. We conclude that ecological interactions rarely enable communities to resist invasion, but instead constrain the abundance of invasive species once they have successfully established.  相似文献   

The success of species invasions depends on multiple factors, including propagule pressure, disturbance, productivity, and the traits of native and non‐native species. While the importance of many of these determinants has already been investigated in relative isolation, they are rarely studied in combination. Here, we address this shortcoming by exploring the effect of the above‐listed factors on the success of invasions using an individual‐based mechanistic model. This approach enables us to explicitly control environmental factors (temperature as surrogate for productivity, disturbance, and propagule pressure) as well as to monitor whole‐community trait distributions of environmental adaptation, mass, and dispersal abilities. We simulated introductions of plant individuals to an oceanic island to assess which factors and species traits contribute to invasion success. We found that the most influential factors were higher propagule pressure and a particular set of traits. This invasion trait syndrome was characterized by a relative similarity in functional traits of invasive to native species, while invasive species had on average higher environmental adaptation, higher body mass, and increased dispersal distances, that is, had greater competitive and dispersive abilities. Our results highlight the importance in management practice of reducing the import of alien species, especially those that display this trait syndrome and come from similar habitats as those being managed.  相似文献   

Retracing introduction routes is crucial for understanding the evolutionary processes involved in an invasion, as well as for highlighting the invasion history of a species at the global scale. The Asian long‐horned beetle (ALB) Anoplophora glabripennis is a xylophagous pest native to Asia and invasive in North America and Europe. It is responsible for severe losses of urban trees, in both its native and invaded ranges. Based on historical and genetic data, several hypotheses have been formulated concerning its invasion history, including the possibility of multiple introductions from the native zone and secondary dispersal within the invaded areas, but none have been formally tested. In this study, we characterized the genetic structure of ALB in both its native and invaded ranges using microsatellites. In order to test different invasion scenarios, we used an approximate Bayesian “random forest” algorithm together with traditional population genetics approaches. The strong population differentiation observed in the native area was not geographically structured, suggesting complex migration events that were probably human‐mediated. Both native and invasive populations had low genetic diversity, but this characteristic did not prevent the success of the ALB invasions. Our results highlight the complexity of invasion pathways for insect pests. Specifically, our findings indicate that invasive species might be repeatedly introduced from their native range, and they emphasize the importance of multiple, human‐mediated introductions in successful invasions. Finally, our results demonstrate that invasive species can spread across continents following a bridgehead path, in which an invasive population may have acted as a source for another invasion.  相似文献   

Plant–animal mutualisms such as seed dispersal can play an important role in enabling some species to become invasive. For example, an introduced species could become invasive because birds prefer its fruits to those of native plants. To investigate this possibility, we compared various measures of fruit quality of 22 of the most common native and invasive woody species on the oceanic island Mahé (Seychelles, Indian Ocean). Individual measures of food quality tended to vary much more amongst invasive species than amongst native species; thus, whereas for particular traits the fruits of some invasive species had higher values than any native species, others had relatively low values. However, invasive species consistently produced fruits with a lower water content, resulting in a higher relative yield (i.e. dry pulp weight to total wet fruit weight ratio), and a higher energy content. The fruits of the most abundant invasive tree Cinnamomum verum (Lauraceae) were of particularly high nutritional quality, with individual berries containing 3.5 times more protein and 55 times more lipid than the median values of the native species. We suggest that our results may reflect a general tendency for island plants to produce fruits of low energy content, perhaps reflecting reduced competition for dispersal agents on isolated islands. In addition, we argue that inconsistent results on the relevance of fruit quality for plant invasions reported in the literature may be resolved by comparing the widths of trait spectra for native and alien floras rather than average values. Gaps in the native fruit trait spectrum may provide opportunities for particular invasive species, and weaken the resistance of regional floras to invasions. Such empty niche opportunities may occur for several reasons, including generally broader trait spectra in globally assembled alien than regional native floras (especially on oceanic islands), or the loss of native species due to human activities. More generally, a focus on trait variation rather than average trends may help to advance generalisation in invasion biology.  相似文献   

Successful microbial invasions are determined by a species’ ability to occupy a niche in the new habitat whilst resisting competitive exclusion by the resident community. Despite the recognised importance of biotic factors in determining the invasiveness of microbial communities, the success and impact of multiple concurrent invaders on the resident community has not been examined. Simultaneous invasions might have synergistic effects, for example if resident species need to exhibit divergent phenotypes to compete with the invasive populations. We used three phylogenetically diverse bacterial species to invade two compositionally distinct communities in a controlled, naturalised in vitro system. By initiating the invader introductions at different stages of succession, we could disentangle the relative importance of resident community structure, invader diversity and time pre‐invasion. Our results indicate that multiple invaders increase overall invasion success, but do not alter the successional trajectory of the whole community.  相似文献   

Many species in the family Pinaceae are invaders. These species are relatively easy to control because of some of their intrinsic characteristics and because they are highly visible and easy to eliminate. Many Pinaceae species have been well studied because of their use in forestry and their invasive behavior in many countries. The impacts of invasive Pinaceae are not only ecological, but also economic and social. We review the ecology and management of Pinaceae invasions and explore how restoration of invaded areas should be addressed. There are many ways to prevent invasions and to deal with them. Planting less invasive species, better site selection, and invasion monitoring are used successfully in different parts of the world to prevent invasion. Mechanical and chemical methods are used effectively to control Pinaceae invasions. Control is more effective at the early stages of invasion. Old invasions are more problematic as their elimination is more expensive, and the restoration of native vegetation is challenging. In some areas, native vegetation cannot thrive after Pinaceae have been removed, and weeds colonize cleared areas. More attention is needed to prevent the initiation and spread of invasions by focusing control interventions at early stages of invasion. Finding new ways of dealing sustainably with conflicts of interest between foresters and conservationists is crucial. Non-native Pinaceae are important parts of the economies and landscapes in several countries and they will continue to play such a role in the future. Despite the numerous challenges facing Pinaceae invasion management, several approaches can be successful at controlling them. Proper application of current techniques and development of more efficient ones is needed if the goal of maximizing benefits and minimizing negative impacts is to be achieved.  相似文献   

The flora and fauna of oceanic islands have inspired research since the early scientific explorations. Islands can be considered 'nature's test tubes'- simple systems with multiple replicates. Our research has used the simplicity of island systems to understand ecological community dynamics and to compare the properties of island communities with those in more complex mainland systems. Here, we present three topics: (i) current patterns of biodiversity on isolated islands of the Pacific; (ii) current patterns of disturbance and invasion on islands; and (iii) future trajectories inferred from these patterns. We examine features of islands (in particular, topography and isolation) that have allowed for given levels and distribution of endemicity. The extent to which island communities are impacted by, resist or accommodate disturbance and/or invasions by nonindigenous species appears to be dictated to a large extent by properties of the native communities and how these communities were originally assembled. Accordingly, patterns of disturbance and invasion are very different for high (montane) islands that are extremely isolated compared to those that are nearer to a source of natural migrants. As with all biotas, those on islands are dynamic entities. However, the unique aspect of islands is their isolation, and extreme isolation has largely been lost over the course of the last few centuries due to the development of transportation routes. We argue that such a modified dynamic will affect the future of the biota and the processes that gave rise to the biota. Specifically for isolated habitats, ecological processes will become increasingly more likely to generate biodiversity than evolutionary processes which have been relatively more important in the past. In the short term, island biotas and other similar biotas that occur in montane habitats may fare well as species are often abundant locally in the habitat to which they are indigenous, and may demonstrate considerable resistance and resilience to invasion. However, island biotas - and other biotas that show high local endemism - will likely not fare well in the face of prolonged disturbance. The biotas in these areas generally display a relatively low dispersal capacity; therefore, under conditions of long-term habitat modification, isolated biotas are likely to be swamped by non-natives, which - simply because of random processes and higher propagule pressure - will move more readily into available habitats. Thus, despite the importance of incorporating the evolutionary process into conservation efforts, we must also be careful to evaluate the likely form that the processes will take when the context (specifically, extent of isolation) has been highly modified.  相似文献   

By virtue of their isolation and depauperate faunas, oceanic islands offer unique opportunities to characterize the historical development of ecological communities derived from both natural and anthropogenic invasions. Barbados, an outlying island in the Lesser Antilles, was formed approximately 700,000 YBP by tectonic uplift and was then colonized by birds via natural invasion from the much older volcanic islands in the main Lesser Antillean arc. We investigated the timing and sources of the avian invasion of Barbados by determining levels of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) divergence between populations of eight bird species from Barbados and those on the nearby putative source islands of St. Lucia and St. Vincent. Although all Barbados populations appeared to be young relative to the geological age of the island, we found differences among species in their inferred times of colonization and we identified at least two sources of immigrants to Barbados. In contrast to these historical differences across species and populations, our characterization of the mitochondrial genotypes of 231 individual birds suggests that each island population represents the descendants of a single founding maternal lineage. Considered in concert, the results of this molecular survey indicate that the Barbados bird community is composed of species with different invasion histories, which in turn suggests that the island's community composition has changed repeatedly over its 700,000 year history.  相似文献   

To become invasive, exotic species have to succeed in the consecutive phases of introduction, naturalization, and invasion. Each of these phases leaves traces in genetic structure, which may affect the species’ success in subsequent phases. We examined this interplay of genetic structure and invasion dynamics in the South African Ragwort (Senecio inaequidens), one of Europe’s fastest plant invaders. We used AFLP and microsatellite markers to analyze 19 native African and 32 invasive European populations. In combination with historic data, we distinguished invasion routes and traced them back to the native source areas. This revealed that different introduction sites had markedly different success in the three invasion phases. Notably, an observed lag‐phase in Northern Germany was evidently not terminated by factors increasing the invasiveness of the resident population but by invasive spread from another introduction centre. The lineage invading Central Europe was introduced to sites in which winters are more benign than in the native source region. Subsequently, this lineage spread into areas in which winter temperatures match the native climate more closely. Genetic diversity clearly increases with population age in Europe and less clearly decreases with spread rate up to population establishment. This indicates that gene flow along well‐connected invasion routes counteracted losses of genetic diversity during rapid spread. In summary, this study suggests that multiple introductions, environmental preadaptation and high gene flow along invasion routes contributed to the success of this rapid invader. More generally, it demonstrates the benefit of combining genetic, historical, and climatic data for understanding biological invasions.  相似文献   

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