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Calcium signalling in smooth muscle   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Wray S  Burdyga T  Noble K 《Cell calcium》2005,38(3-4):397-407
Calcium signalling in smooth muscles is complex, but our understanding of it has increased markedly in recent years. Thus, progress has been made in relating global Ca2+ signals to changes in force in smooth muscles and understanding the biochemical and molecular mechanisms involved in Ca2+ sensitization, i.e. altering the relation between Ca2+ and force. Attention is now focussed more on the role of the internal Ca2+ store, the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), global Ca2+ signals and control of excitability. Modern imaging techniques have shown the elaborate SR network in smooth muscles, along with the expression of IP3 and ryanodine receptors. The role and cross-talk between these two Ca(2+) release mechanisms, as well as possible compartmentalization of the SR Ca2+ store are discussed. The close proximity between SR and surface membrane has long been known but the details of this special region to Ca2+ signalling and the role of local sub-membrane Ca2+ concentrations and membrane microdomains are only now emerging. The activation of K+ and Cl- channels by local Ca2+ signals, can have profound effects on excitability and hence contraction. We examine the evidence for both Ca2+ sparks and puffs in controlling ion channel activity, as well as a fundamental role for Ca2+ sparks in governing the period of inexcitability in smooth muscle, i.e. the refractory period. Finally, the relation between different Ca2+ signals, e.g. sparks, waves and transients, to smooth muscle activity in health and disease is becoming clearer and will be discussed.  相似文献   

Calcium sparks in smooth muscle   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
Local intracellular Ca2+transients, termed Ca2+ sparks, are caused by thecoordinated opening of a cluster of ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ release channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulum ofsmooth muscle cells. Ca2+ sparks are activated byCa2+ entry through dihydropyridine-sensitivevoltage-dependent Ca2+ channels, although the precisemechanisms of communication of Ca2+ entry toCa2+ spark activation are not clear in smooth muscle.Ca2+ sparks act as a positive-feedback element to increasesmooth muscle contractility, directly by contributing to the globalcytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration([Ca2+]) and indirectly by increasingCa2+ entry through membrane potential depolarization,caused by activation of Ca2+ spark-activatedCl channels. Ca2+ sparks also have aprofound negative-feedback effect on contractility by decreasingCa2+ entry through membrane potential hyperpolarization,caused by activation of large-conductance, Ca2+-sensitiveK+ channels. In this review, the roles of Ca2+sparks in positive- and negative-feedback regulation of smooth musclefunction are explored. We also propose that frequency and amplitudemodulation of Ca2+ sparks by contractile and relaxantagents is an important mechanism to regulate smooth muscle function.


Calcium release in smooth muscle   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
H Karaki  G B Weiss 《Life sciences》1988,42(2):111-122
In smooth muscle, maintenance of the contractile response is due to Ca2+ influx through two types of Ca2+ channel, a voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel and a receptor-linked Ca2+ channel. However, a more transient contraction can be obtained by release of Ca2+ from a cellular store, possibly the sarcoplasmic reticulum. In spike generating smooth muscle (e.g., guinea-pig taenia caeci), spike discharges may trigger the release of cellular Ca2+ by activating a Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release mechanism. Caffeine directly activates this mechanism in the absence of a triggered Ca2+ influx. In contrast to this, maintained depolarization may not only release but also refill the Ca2+ store. Drug-receptor interactions also release Ca2+ from a cellular store. This release may be elicited with inositol trisphosphate produced by receptor-linked phosphoinositide turnover. In non-spike generating smooth muscle (e.g., rabbit thoracic aorta), maintained membrane depolarization does not release but, instead, fills the Ca2+ store. However, caffeine and receptor-agonists release the Ca2+ store - possibly by activating the Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release mechanism and phosphoinositide turnover, respectively. The Ca2+ store in smooth muscle is filled by Ca2+ entry through voltage dependent Ca2+ channels and also by resting Ca2+ influx in the absence of receptor-agonists. The Ca2+ entering the cells through these pathways may be accumulated by the Ca2+ store and may activate the contractile filaments.  相似文献   

In smooth muscle cells, the electrophysiological properties of potential-dependent calcium channels are similar to those described in other excitable cells. The calcium current is dependent on the extracellular calcium concentration; it is insensitive to external sodium removal and tetrodotoxin application. Other ions (Ba2+, Sr2+, Na+) can flow through the calcium channel. This channel is blocked by Mn2+, Co2+, Cd2+ and by organic inhibitors. The inactivation mechanism is mediated by both the membrane potential and the calcium influx. Ca2+ ions can also penetrate into the cell through receptor-operated channels. These channels show a low ionic selectivity and are generally less sensitive to organic Ca-blockers than the potential-dependent calcium channels. The finding of specific channel inhibitors as well as the study of the biochemical pathways between receptor activation and channel opening are prerequisites to further characterization of receptor-operated channels.  相似文献   

Calcium diffusion in uterine smooth muscle sheets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The potassium contracture in the longitudinal muscle of estrogen- treated rat uterus was kinetically investigated. The rates of tension development after Ca addition and relaxation after Ca removal were measured under the high-potassium depolarization. Both rates decreased with an increase in preparation thickness. The relaxation rate had only a slight dependence on temperature. On the contrary, both relaxation and contraction rates in a contraction induced by an electrical stimulation strongly depended on temperature, but not on preparation size. These results suggest that the Ca diffusion process in the extracellular space is the rate-limiting step in relaxation of Ca- dependent contracture under potassium depolarization. The diffusion model, in which the effect of the unstirred layer was considered, could quantitatively explain the experimental results. The apparent diffusion coefficient in the muscle sheet was estimated to be approximately 3 x 10(-7) cm2/s. The difference from that in aqueous solution is discussed.  相似文献   

血管平滑肌细胞外的Ca~(2+)通过多种通道进入细胞内。Ca~(2+)通道的本质是镶嵌在膜脂质双分子层中的糖蛋白,神经介质和药物可影响Ca~(2+)通道的功能。靠近胞膜的肌质网和胞膜内侧面的高亲和性Ca~(2+)结合位点是血管平滑肌细胞内储存和释放Ca~(2+)的主要部位。胞浆[Ca~(2+)]增高后在钙调蛋白的介导下引起血管收缩。高血压等血管性疾病的发生与其平滑肌细胞的钙动力学异常有关。  相似文献   

Prostacyclin plays an important cardioprotective role, which has been increasingly appreciated in recent years in light of adverse effects of COX-2 inhibitors in clinical trials. This cardioprotection is thought to be mediated, in part, by prostacyclin inhibition of platelet aggregation. Multiple lines of evidence suggest that prostacyclin additionally protects from cardiovascular disease by pleiotropic effects on vascular smooth muscle. Genetic deletion of the prostacyclin receptor in mice revealed an important role for prostacyclin in preventing the development of atherosclerosis, intimal hyperplasia, and restenosis. In vitro studies have shown these effects may be due to prostacyclin inhibition of vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration. Prostacyclin has also been shown to promote vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation at the level of gene expression through the Gs/cAMP/PKA pathway. Recently identified single nucleotide polymorphisms in the prostacyclin receptor that compromise receptor function suggest that some genetic variations may predispose individuals to increased cardiovascular disease. Herein, we review the literature on the cardioprotective effects of prostacyclin on vascular smooth muscle, and the underlying molecular signaling mechanisms. Understanding the role of prostacyclin and other eicosanoid mediators in the vasculature may lead to improved therapeutic and preventative options for cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

M2 receptor stimulation results in the gating of nonselective cation channels in several smooth muscle cell types. However the requirement for current activation includes a rise in cytosolic calcium mediated by M3 receptor induced calcium release. This complex signaling system confers substantial complexity on the interpretation of pharmacological experiments. M2 and M3 receptor stimulation has also been linked to the inhibition of potassium channels in smooth muscle. These signaling events are likely to play important roles in excitation/contraction coupling.  相似文献   

The pulmonary circulation constricts in response to acute hypoxia, which is reversible on reexposure to oxygen. On exposure to chronic hypoxia, in addition to vasoconstriction, the pulmonary vasculature undergoes remodeling, resulting in a sustained increase in pulmonary vascular resistance that is not immediately reversible. Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction is physiological in the fetus, and there are many mechanisms by which the pulmonary vasculature relaxes at birth, principal among which is the acute increase in oxygen. Oxygen-induced signaling mechanisms, which result in pulmonary vascular relaxation at birth, and the mechanisms by which chronic hypoxia results in pulmonary vascular remodeling in the fetus and adult, are being investigated. Here, the roles of cGMP-dependent protein kinase in oxygen-mediated signaling in fetal pulmonary vascular smooth muscle and the effects of chronic hypoxia on ion channel activity and smooth muscle function such as contraction, growth, and gene expression were discussed.  相似文献   

A K Grover 《Cell calcium》1986,7(2):101-106
Rat myometrium plasma membrane showed a number of 45Ca-binding proteins as identified by gel electrophoresis. An attempt was made to identify these either by studying the inhibition of this binding by several ions or by studying binding of these proteins to calmodulin, A9 an antibody against skeletal muscle Ca-binding proteins and Stains-all. On the basis of the molecular weight, calmodulin binding and La-sensitivity of Ca-binding, the Ca-binding protein at 137 +/- 2 kDa has been identified as the Ca-pump. This protein as judged from Coomassie blue staining forms a very small percentage of the proteins present in the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Phenylephrine (PE)-induced oscillatory fluctuations in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) of vascular smooth muscle have been observed in many blood vessels isolated from a wide variety of mammals. Paradoxically, until recently similar observations in humans have proven elusive. In this study, we report for the first time observations of adrenergically-stimulated [Ca2+]i oscillations in human mesenteric artery smooth muscle. In arterial segments preloaded with Fluo-4 AM and mounted on a myograph on the stage of a confocal microscope, we observed PE-induced oscillations in [Ca2+]i, which initiated and maintained vasoconstriction. These oscillations present some variability, possibly due to compromised health of the tissue. This view is corroborated by our ultrastructural analysis of the cells, in which we found only (5 ± 2)% plasma membrane-sarcoplasmic reticulum apposition, markedly less than measured in healthy tissue from laboratory animals. We also partially characterized the oscillations by using the inhibitory drugs 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB), cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) and nifedipine. After PE contraction, all drugs provoked relaxation of the vessel segments, sometimes only partial, and reduced or inhibited oscillations, except CPA, which rarely caused relaxation. These preliminary results point to a potential involvement of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) in the maintenance of the Ca2+ oscillations observed in human blood vessels.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present work was to study the factors influencing calcium incorporation into a microsomal fraction prepared from the longitudinal smooth muscle of the guinea-pig ileum. Calcium incorporation required the presence of both ATP and Mg2+ and was unaffected by azide. It was enhanced by oxalate; this effect was pH dependent and it was maximal at pH 6.6. The relation between calcium uptake with oxalate and free Ca2+ concentration in the medium was represented by a curve with an optimum for Ca2+ equal to 3-10-5 M. The threshold concentration was comprised between 5-10-7 and 10-6 7. The optimum calcium uptake rate was 4.5 nmol Ca2+/mg protein per min. In the absence of oxalate, two distinct groups of binding sites were identified. Low affinity sites had a binding constant of 7-104 M-1 and a maximum binding capacity of 0.6-106 M-1 and a binding capacity of 33 nmol Ca2+/mg protein; their capacity was sensitive to pH changes. In the absence of oxalate, Ca2+ binding was depressed by Na+ with respect to K+ or choline. When the medium was supplemented with oxalate, the stimulation of 45Ca incorporation was barely detectable in the presence of choline+ and it was lower in a medium containing Na+ instead of K+. The subcellular distribution profiles of calcium incorporation with and without oxalate indicate the microsomal location of both activities. However, the oxalate-stimulated calcium uptake activity sedimented faster than the calcium binding activity. The subcellular distribution of marker enzyme actvities has been examined. The present results indicate that Ca2+ incorporations with and without oxalate are the result of two processes likely related to two different structures. The role of microsomal calcium uptake in excitation-contraction coupling and its modification by the activity of the sodium pump is discussed.  相似文献   

Calcium binding by the vesiculate fraction of rabbit small intestine myocyte plasma membranes was studied. It was shown that the membrane fraction as well as the muscle tissue contain two types of Ca2(+)-binding sites with binding constants of 2.3-2.5 x 10(4) and 2.1-1.25 x 10(3) M-1. The number of binding sites and their affinity for Ca2+ depend on the presence in the incubation medium of Mg2+, Na+ and ATP.  相似文献   

Striated muscles (skeletal and cardiac) are major physiological targets of insulin and this hormone triggers complex signaling pathways regulating cell growth and energy metabolism. Insulin increases glucose uptake into muscle cells by stimulating glucose transporter (GLUT4) translocation from intracellular compartments to the cell surface. The canonical insulin-triggered signaling cascade controlling this process is constituted by well-mapped tyrosine, lipid and serine/threonine phosphorylation reactions. In parallel to these signals, recent findings reveal insulin-dependent Ca2+ mobilization in skeletal muscle cells and cardiomyocytes. Specifically, insulin activates the sarco-endoplasmic reticulum (SER) channels that release Ca2+ into the cytosol i.e., the Ryanodine Receptor (RyR) and the inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor (IP3R). In skeletal muscle cells, a rapid, insulin-triggered Ca2+ release occurs through RyR, that is brought about upon S-glutathionylation of cysteine residues in the channel by reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by the early activation of the NADPH oxidase (NOX2). In cardiomyocytes insulin induces a fast and transient increase in cytoplasmic [Ca2+]i trough L-type Ca2+ channels activation. In both cell types, a relatively slower Ca2+ release also occurs through IP3R activation, and is required for GLUT4 translocation and glucose uptake. The insulin-dependent Ca2+ released from IP3R of skeletal muscle also promotes mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake. We review here these actions of insulin on intracellular Ca2+ channel activation and their impact on GLUT4 traffic in muscle cells, as well as other implications of insulin-dependent Ca2+ release from the SER.  相似文献   

Airway smooth muscle (ASM) regulation of airway structure and contractility is critical in fetal/neonatal physiology in health and disease. Fetal lungs experience higher Ca2+ environment that may impact extracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]o) sensing receptor (CaSR). Well-known in the parathyroid gland, CaSR is also expressed in late embryonic lung mesenchyme. Using cells from 18-22 week human fetal lungs, we tested the hypothesis that CaSR regulates intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) in fetal ASM (fASM). Compared with adult ASM, CaSR expression was higher in fASM, while fluorescence Ca2+ imaging showed that [Ca2+]i was more sensitive to altered [Ca2+]o. The fASM [Ca2+]i responses to histamine were also more sensitive to [Ca2+]o (0–2 mM) compared with an adult, enhanced by calcimimetic R568 but blunted by calcilytic NPS2143. [Ca2+]i was enhanced by endogenous CaSR agonist spermine (again higher sensitivity compared with adult). Inhibition of phospholipase C (U73122; siRNA) or inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor (Xestospongin C) blunted [Ca2+]o sensitivity and R568 effects. NPS2143 potentiated U73122 effects. Store-operated Ca2+ entry was potentiated by R568. Traction force microscopy showed responsiveness of fASM cellular contractility to [Ca2+]o and NPS2143. Separately, fASM proliferation showed sensitivity to [Ca2+]o and NPS2143. These results demonstrate functional CaSR in developing ASM that modulates airway contractility and proliferation.  相似文献   

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