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Surface free energies of oral streptococci and their adhesion to solids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract The adhesion of 3 strains of oral streptococci from a buffered suspension onto 3 different solid substrata was studied. Representative strains of streptococci were selected on the basis of their surface free energy ( γ b), namely Streptococcus mitis L1 ( γ b= 37 mJ·m−2), Streptococcus sanguis CH3 (95 mJ·m−2) and Streptococcus mutans NS (117 mJ·m−2). Solid substrata were also selected on basis of their surface free energy ( γ s), and included polytetrafluorethylene ( γ s= 20 mJ·m−2), polymethylmethacrylate (53 mJ·m−2) and glass (109 mJ·m−2). Bacterial adhesion was measured as the number of bacteria adhering per cm2 at equilibrium. Equilibrium was usually obtained within 20 min. S. sanguis CH3, having an intermediate surface free energy did not show a clear preference for any of the 3 solids. S. mitis L1, however, the lowest surface free energy strain, adhered in highest numbers to the low energy solid PTFE, whereas the highest γ b strain, S. mutans NS, adhered in highest numbers to the highest γ s solid, glass. Calculation of the interfacial free energy of adhesion ( ΔF adh) for each bacterial strain showed that this parameter was predictive of bacterial adhesion to solid substrata.  相似文献   

Abstract The reversibility of adhesion of 3 representative strains of oral streptococci from a phosphate-buffered suspension onto 5 different solid substrata was studied.
Streptococcus mitis T9 (surface free energy γb= 39 mJ · m−2). Streptococcus sanguis CH3 (γb= 95 mJ · m−2) and Streptococcus mutans NS (γb= 117 mJ · m−2) were selected on basis of their surface free energy. Solid substrata were employed with a surface free energy γs ranging from 20 mJ · m−2 for polytetrafluorethylene to 109 mJ · m−2 for glass. Bacterial suspensions containing 2.5 × 109 cells per ml were incubated with 2 samples of each substratum. After 1 h the number of adhering bacteria was evaluated on one sample, while the second sample was kept for another hour at a 10-fold lower bacterial concentration. Bacteria with a low surface free energy desorbed only from substrata with a high surface free energy, while bacteria with a high surface free energy desorbed from substrata with a low surface free energy. Thus low energy bacterial strains adhered reversibly to high energy substrata and vice versa. Similar observations were made with polystyrene particles. Calculation of the interfacial free energy of adhesion (Δ F adh) for each bacterial strain as well as for the polystyrene particles showed that a reversible adhesion was associated with a positive Δ F adh, denoting unfavourable adhesion conditions upon a thermodynamic basis.  相似文献   

Using the statistical theory of nonequilibrium thermodynamics we explore the nature of nonequilibrium corrections to chemical potentials in simple enzyme-catalyzed reactions. The statistical definition of the chemical potential, which pertains to systems that are at stable steady states, is applied to the Michaelis-Menten reaction scheme in a cellular-sized compartment that communicates with out-side reservoirs. Calculations based on the kinetic parameters for hexokinase and triose phosphate isomerase show that substantial corrections to the chemical potential of product (the order of 25 mV) are possible if the reaction is sufficiently far from equilibrium. The dependence of the corrections to the chemical potentials on the size of the cellular compartment are explored, and the relevance of the corrections for understanding the thermodynamics of metabolites is discussed.  相似文献   


The aim of this work was to carry out a comparative study of microbial adhesion on dental alloys and glass ionomers that release fluoride. The action of NaF on the early stages of biofilm development and on the corrosion of the metallic dental materials was analysed. Open circuit potential measurements and potentiostatic electrochemical techniques with different perturbation programs as well as SEM observations, and optical and epifluorescence microscopy were employed. A notable effect of topography and the nature of the substratum on bacterial distribution was observed. In addition, changes in the density and thickness of microbial colonies were noticed when fluoride was present. The results show that the antimicrobial effect of fluoride was significant against planktonic but not against sessile microorganisms. Fluoride released by glass ionomers did not impede bacterial adhesion to the surface. With respect to corrosion, fluoride did not alter significantly the passivity of the dental metallic biomaterials assayed, except for Cu‐Al alloy. Titanium dissolution could occur at high fluoride concentrations (8gl‐1) during oxide layer formation. Consequently, bacterial adherence was influenced by the nature and topography of the substratum and by the presence of fluoride which could also affect the electrochemical behaviour of some metallic substrata.  相似文献   

Proteolytic activity of oral streptococci   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus were the least proteolytic of 8 species of oral streptococci while Streptococcus oralis and Streptococcus sanguis were the most proteolytic. Degradation of FITC-BSA was significantly correlated with the hydrolysis of synthetic endopeptidase substrates. As S. oralis strains proliferate in dental plaque in the absence of dietary food their success, in vivo, might be due partially to their greater proteolytic activity compared to other oral streptococci.  相似文献   

Dental implant abutments that emerge through the mucosa are rapidly covered with a salivary protein pellicle to which bacteria bind, initiating biofilm formation. In this study, adherence of early colonizing streptococci, Streptococcus gordonii, Streptococcus oralis, Streptococcus mitis and Streptococcus sanguinis to two saliva-coated anodically oxidized surfaces was compared with that on commercially pure titanium (CpTi). Near edge X-ray absorption (NEXAFS) showed crystalline anatase was more pronounced on the anodically oxidized surfaces than on the CpTi. As revealed by fluorescence microscopy, a four-species mixture, as well as individual bacterial species, exhibited lower adherence after 2?h to the saliva-coated, anatase-rich surfaces than to CpTi. Since wettability did not differ between the saliva-coated surfaces, differences in the concentration and/or configuration of salivary proteins on the anatase-rich surfaces may explain the reduced bacterial binding effect. Anatase-rich surfaces could thus contribute to reduced overall biofilm formation on dental implant abutments through diminished adherence of early colonizers.  相似文献   

The Gibbs free energy of formation of chlorinated aliphatic compounds was estimated with Mavrovouniotis' group contribution method. The group contribution of chlorine was estimated from the scarce data available on chlorinated aliphatics in the literature, and found to vary somewhat according to the position of chlorine in the molecule. The resulting estimates of the Gibbs free energy of formation of chlorinated aliphatic compounds indicate that both reductive dechlorination and aerobic mineralization of these compounds can yield sufficient energy to sustain microbial growth.  相似文献   

AIMS: The objective of the present study was to explore the role of immobilized fructosyltransferase (FTF) in adhesion process. METHODS AND RESULTS: We investigated real-time biospecific interactions between several types of oral bacteria and recombinant FTF immobilized on a biosensor chip, using surface plasmon resonance technology. Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus and Actinomyces viscosus demonstrated significant binding to FTF. Actinomyces viscosus had a greater binding to FTF, with 373 Resonance Units (RU), than the other tested bacteria. The binding level to FTF of Strep. sobrinus was 320 RU, whereas Strep. mutans and Streptococcus salivarious show binding of 296 and 245 RU, respectively. The binding sensograms displayed different profiles for the tested bacteria at various cell density, suggesting a different affinity to immobilized FTF. CONCLUSIONS: The results from this study suggest that FTF may influence bacterial adherence and colonization of the dental biofilm. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The biomolecular interaction analysis enables real-time monitoring of the interaction between adhesions of intact bacteria and their ligands, which might be crucial in the initial phase of biofilm development in vivo.  相似文献   

To verify the validity of thermodynamic approaches to the prediction of cellular behavior, cell spreading of three different cell types on solid substrata was determined in vitro. Solid substrata as well as cell types were selected on the basis of their surface free energies, calculated from contact angle measurements. The surface free energies of the solid substrata ranged from 18–116 erg cm−2. To measure contact angles on cells, a technique was developed in which a multilayer of cells was deposited on a filter and air dried. Cell surface free energies ranged from 60 erg cm−2 for fibroblasts, and 57 for smooth muscle cells, to 91 for HeLa epithelial cells. After adsorption of serum proteins, cell surface free energies of all three cell types converged to approx 74 erg cm−2. The spreading of these cell types from RPMI 1640 medium on the various solid substrata showed that both in the presence and in the absence of serum proteins in the medium, cells spread poorly on low energy substrata (Y s <50 erg cm−2), whereas good cell spreading was observed on the higher energy substrata. Calculations of the interfacial free energy of adhesion (ΔF adh) show that ΔF adh decreases with increasingY s , and equals zero around 45 erg cm−2 for all three cell types in the presence of serum proteins and for HeLa epithelium cells in the absence of serum proteins. This explains the spreading of these cells on the various substrata upon a thermodynamic basis. The results clearly show that substratum surface free energy has a predictive value with respect to cell spreading in vitro, both in the presence and absence of serum proteins. It is noted, however, that interfacial thermodynamics fail to explain the behavior of fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells in the absence of serum proteins, most likely because of the relatively high surface charges of these two cell types.  相似文献   

The solvation free energies of five nucleic acid bases in [Cnbim]Br (where n = 2, 4, 6) ionic liquids (ILs) were computed using the Bennett acceptance ratio (BAR) method employing molecular dynamics simulations. The computed free energies using BAR were in agreement with other methods. The large and negative predicted free energies of the bases in ILs indicated that the bases were better solvated in the ILs rather than in water. Hydrogen bonding interactions between polar sites of the bases and ILs’ ions significantly contributed to the solvation mechanism.  相似文献   

The adhesion of twenty nine Staphylococcus epidermidis strains to teflon, polyethylene, polycarbonate and bovine pericardium was studied in vitro and examined in relation to the surface free energies of both bacteria and biomaterials. All S. epidermidis strains had similar surface free energies, close to that of water, and adhered better to the materials with analogous surface free energies. There was a significant correlation (Kendall's Tau B = 1000) of biomaterial's surface free energy with the number of adhering bacteria. This correlation is inverse (Kendall's Tau B = -1000) when surface hydrophobicity is considered instead of surface free energy. This indicates that in Staphylococcus epidermidis adherence to biomaterials is inversely correlated to the surface hydrophobicity of the last, being so just the opposite of that occurring with other bacteria.  相似文献   

Mutans streptococci (Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus) exhibited low levels of proteolytic activity against the model protein substrate, FITC-labelled bovine serum albumin, when incubated alone. Inclusion of other members of the dental plaque microflora in the assay usually resulted in marked increases in the degree of proteolysis and a high level of synergy. Interactions between mutans streptococci and either Streptococcus oralis or Fusobacterium nucleatum gave rise to the greatest degree of synergistic proteolytic degradation.  相似文献   

Abstract Based on a literature review, a hypothesis is forwarded on the mechanism of initial bacterial adhesion to solid substrata, which accounts both for the role of specific microscopic surface components as well as for the role of non-specific macroscopic surface properties (surface free energy, zeta potential or hydrophobicity). Three distinct regions in the adhesion process are suggested in which at large and intermediate separation distances adhesion is mediated by the macroscopic surface properties as surface free energy and surface charge, respectively. At small separation distances specific short-range interactions can occur, leading to a strong and irreversible bonding, provided the water film present in between the interaction surfaces can be removed. A major role of hydrophobic groups, supposed to be associated with bacterial surface appendages is suggested to be its dehydrating capacity, enabling the removal of the vicinal water film yielding small areas of direct contact between protruberant parts of the cell surface and the substratum.  相似文献   

For every n amino acids linked in a protein there are n − 1 peptide bonds. The free energy of peptide bond hydrolysis and formation in aqueous solution defines the equilibrium position between peptide and amino acid hydrolysis products. Yet few experimental values exist. With a minimum of assumptions, this paper deduces the free energies of hydrolysis of a variety of peptide bonds. Formation of a dipeptide from two amino acids is about eight times more difficult than subsequent condensations of an amino acid to a dipeptide or longer chain. Condensation of an amino acid to a peptide of any size is five times more difficult than joining two smaller peptides of at least dipeptide size. Thus in an abiogenesis scenario there is a kind of nucleation in peptide bond formation with the initial condensation of two amino acids to yield a dipeptide more difficult than subsequent condensations to a growing chain. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 45: 351–353, 1998  相似文献   

While infecting a vertebrate host, blood flukes (Schistosoma mansoni) must continually resist adhesions by immune effector cells. However, the male and female schistosomes must adhere to one another in order to establish and maintain the sexual pairing process after 4 wk postinfection. Using a contact angle method, the relative adhesiveness of male and female parasites were determined. Results indicate that schistosomes restrict effector cell adhesion through developmental, sexual, and regional differences in adhesive properties.  相似文献   

AIMS: To validate perfused, inline, filter-based fermentation systems (multiple Sorbarod devices, MSD) for their ability to maintain stable oral bacterial communities. MSD enable replicate (n=5) microcosm biofilms (BF) to be established and sampled, together with their perfusates (PA, cells in eluted medium). METHODS AND RESULTS: Fresh saliva from human volunteers was used to inoculate MSD, incubated in an anaerobic cabinet and perfused with artificial saliva at 7 ml h(-1). BF within Sorbarod filters and cells eluted in the PA were analysed at 24-h intervals by differential bacteriological culture and checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization (CKB, 40 oral species). Dynamic stability was apparent after 2-3 days within both BF and PA as evidenced by culture, CKB data and pH measurements. BF harboured large numbers of anaerobic species and facultative anaerobes [ca 10-11 log10 colony-forming units (CFU)/filter] comprising considerable numbers of streptococci and Gram-negative species. PA contained ca 9-10 log(10) CFU ml(-1) suggesting an apparent mean growth rate of 0.1 h(-1) for the BF, as a whole corresponding to a mean generation time of 10 h. CKB analysis revealed considerable bacterial diversity within the respective MSD. Inter-individual variations in the relative species abundance of inocula was broadly reproduced in the MSD (BF and PA), although considerable variation was apparent between triplicate models established using saliva from one saliva donor or from three individual donors. The dominance of Gram-negative species, indicated by culture was supported by CKB analysis (major species, Prevotella melaninogenica and Fusobacterium nucleatum). CONCLUSIONS: Data obtained from the various analytical approaches showed a high degree of congruence. The MSD enables the maintenance of complex, stable salivary microcosms and represents a simple, reproducible tool for modelling individual oral bacterial ecosystems. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study demonstrates the utility of the MSD for studying the micro-ecology of the oral cavity.  相似文献   

In this study, we use the measured extent of metal adsorption onto bacterial cells to constrain a linear free energy relationship that allows estimation of unknown stability constants for metal-bacterial surface complexes based on the value of corresponding aqueous metal-acetate stability constants. A previous study (Fein et al., 2001 Fein, J B, Martin, A M and Wightman, P G. 2001. Metal adsorption onto bacterial surface: Development of a predictive approach. Geochim Cosmochim Acta, 65: 42674273. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) used metal adsorption experiments to constrain a similar relationship, but the experiments were conducted using acid-washed bacteria, and subsequent evidence (Borrok et al., 2004a Borrok, D, Fein, J B, Tischler, M, O'Loughlin, E, Meyer, H, Liss, M and Kemner, K M. 2004a. The effect of acidic solutions and growth conditions on the adsorptive properties of bacterial surfaces. Chem Geol, 209: 107119. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) shows that the acid-washing step affects the extent of adsorption of a number of metals onto bacterial surfaces. We measured the adsorption of Zn, Ni, Co, Sr, and Nd onto Bacillus subtilis in 0.1 M NaClO4 as a function of pH and metal:bacterial site ratio, using a non-electrostatic discrete four-site model of the bacterial protonation reactions as a basis for the metal adsorption modeling. The adsorption of the divalent cations (Zn, Ni, Co, and Sr) could best be modeled by considering adsorption reactions involving three sites on the bacterial surface; we used a one-site model to account for the Nd data that covered a more restricted pH range. The calculated stability constants for metal-Site 2 bacterial surface complexes are used to re-calibrate the linear free energy relationship previously defined by Fein et al. (2001) Fein, J B, Martin, A M and Wightman, P G. 2001. Metal adsorption onto bacterial surface: Development of a predictive approach. Geochim Cosmochim Acta, 65: 42674273. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. There is a significant difference between the original and the re-calibrated lines for weakly binding cations such as Sr2 +, but the difference becomes negligible for the stronger-binding cations. Because the linear free energy relationship defined in this study was calibrated from experiments that involved bacteria that were not exposed to acidic conditions, the estimated stability constant values that result from using this relationship are likely to reasonably reflect bacterial adsorption behaviors that occur in realistic geologic settings.  相似文献   

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