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Na(+)- and Cl(-)-dependent uptake of neurotransmitters via transporters of the SLC6 family, including the human serotonin transporter (SLC6A4), is critical for efficient synaptic transmission. Although residues in the human serotonin transporter involved in direct Cl(-) coordination of human serotonin transport have been identified, the role of Cl(-) in the transport mechanism remains unclear. Through a combination of mutagenesis, chemical modification, substrate and charge flux measurements, and molecular modeling studies, we reveal an unexpected role for the highly conserved transmembrane segment 1 residue Asn-101 in coupling Cl(-) binding to concentrative neurotransmitter uptake.  相似文献   

The second transmembrane domain (TM2) of neurotransmitter transporters has been invoked to control oligomerization and surface expression. This transmembrane domain lies between TM1 and TM3, which have both been proposed to contain residues that contribute to the substrate binding site. Rat serotonin transporter (SERT) TM2 was investigated by cysteine scanning mutagenesis. Six mutants in which cysteine replaced an endogenous TM2 residue had low transport activity, and two were inactive. Most of the reduction in transport activity was due to decreased surface expression. In contrast, M124C and G128C showed increased activity and surface expression. Random mutagenesis at positions 124 and 128 revealed that hydrophobic residues at these positions also increased activity. When modeled as an alpha-helix, positions where mutation to cysteine strongly affects expression levels clustered on the face of TM2 surrounding the leucine heptad repeat conserved within this transporter family. 2-(Aminoethyl)-methanethiosulfonate hydrobromide (MTSEA)-biotin labeled A116C and Y136C but not F117C, M135C, or Y134C, suggesting that these residues may delimit the transmembrane domain. None of the cysteine substitution mutants from 117 through 135 were sensitive to [2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl]methanethiosulfonate bromide (MTSET) or MTSEA. However, treatment with MTSEA increased 5-hydroxytryptamine transport by A116C. Activation of A116C by MTSEA was observed only in mutants containing Cys to Ile mutation at position 357, suggesting that modification of Cys-116 activated transport by compensating for a disruption in transport in response to Cys-357 replacement. The reactivity of A116C toward MTSEA was substantially increased in the presence of substrates but not inhibitors. This increase required Na+ and Cl-, and was likely to result from conformational changes during the transport process.  相似文献   

The L-aspartate:L-alanine antiporter of Tetragenococcus halophilus (AspT) possesses an arginine residue (R76) within the GxxxG motif in the central part of transmembrane domain 3 (TM3)—a residue that has been estimated to transport function. In this study, we carried out amino acid substitutions of R76 and used proteoliposome reconstitution for analyzing the transport function of each substitution. Both l-aspartate and l-alanine transport assays showed that R76K has higher activity than the AspT-WT (R76), whereas R76D and R76E have lower activity than the AspT-WT. These results suggest that R76 is involved in AspT substrate transport.  相似文献   

Excitatory amino acid transporter 2, also known as glial glutamate transporter type 1 (GLT-1), plays an important role in maintaining suitable synaptic glutamate concentrations. Reentrant helical hairpin loop (HP) 2, as the extracellular gate, has been shown to participate in the binding of substrate and ions. Several residues in transmembrane domain (TM) 5 have been shown to be involved in the construction of the transport pathway. However, the spatial relationship between HP2 and TM5 during the recycling of glutamate has not yet been clarified. We introduced cysteine residue pairs in HP2 and TM5 of cysteine-less-GLT-1 by using site-directed mutagenesis in order to assess the proximity of HP2 and TM5. A significant decrease in substrate uptake was seen in the I283C/S443C and S287C/S443C mutants when the oxidative cross-linking agent copper(II) (1,10-phenanthroline)3 (CuPh) was used. The inhibitory effect of CuPh on the transport activity of the S287/S443C mutant was increased after the application of glutamate or potassium. In contrast, an apparent protection of the transport activity of the I283C/S443C mutant was observed after glutamate or potassium addition. The membrane-impermeable sulfhydryl reagent (2-trimethylammonium) methanethiosulfonate (MTSET) was used to detect the aqueous permeability of each single mutant. The aqueous permeability of the I283C mutant was identical to that of the S443C mutant. The sensitivity of I283C and S443C to MTSET was attenuated by glutamate and potassium. All these data indicate that there is a complex relative motion between TM5 and HP2 during the transport cycle.  相似文献   

The human serotonin transporter (hSERT) terminates neurotransmission by removing serotonin (5HT) from the synaptic cleft, an essential process for proper functioning of serotonergic neurons. Structures of the hSERT have revealed its molecular architecture in four conformations, including the outward-open and occluded states, and show the transporter’s engagement with co-transported ions and the binding mode of inhibitors. In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanism by which the hSERT occludes and sequesters the substrate 5HT. This first step of substrate uptake into cells is a structural change consisting of the transition from the outward-open to the occluded state. Inhibitors such as the antidepressants citalopram, fluoxetine, and sertraline inhibit this step of the transport cycle. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we reached a fully occluded state, in which the transporter-bound 5HT becomes fully shielded from both sides of the membrane by two closed hydrophobic gates. Analysis of 5HT-triggered occlusion showed that bound 5HT serves as an essential trigger for transporter occlusion. Moreover, simulations revealed a complex sequence of steps and showed that movements of bundle domain helices are only partially correlated. 5HT-triggered occlusion is initially dominated by movements of transmembrane helix 1b, while in the final step, only transmembrane helix 6a moves and relaxes an intermediate change in its secondary structure.  相似文献   

Chimeric transporters were constructed in which the predicted external loops of the serotonin transporter (SERT) were replaced one at a time with a corresponding sequence from the norepinephrine transporter (NET). All of the chimeric transporters were expressed at levels equal to or greater than those of wild type SERT, but the transport and binding activity of the mutants varied greatly. In particular, mutants in which the NET sequence replaced external loops 4 or 6 of SERT had transport activity 5% or less than that of wild type, and the loop 5 replacement was essentially inactive. In some of these mutants, binding of a high affinity cocaine analog was less affected than transport, suggesting that the mutation had less effect on the initial binding steps in transport than on subsequent conformational changes. The more severely affected mutants also displayed an altered response to Na(+). In contrast to the dramatic reduction in transport and binding, the specificity of ligand binding was essentially unchanged. Chimeric transporters did not gain affinity for dopamine, a NET substrate, or desipramine, an inhibitor, at the expense of affinity for serotonin or paroxetine, a selective SERT inhibitor. The results suggest that external loops are not the primary determinants of substrate and inhibitor binding sites. However, they are not merely passive structures connecting transmembrane segments but rather active elements responsible for maintaining the stability and conformational flexibility of the transporter.  相似文献   

Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are large proteinaceous channels embedded in the nuclear envelope (NE), through which exchange of molecules between the nucleus and cytosol occurs. Biogenesis of NPCs is complex and poorly understood. In particular, almost nothing is known about how NPCs are anchored in the NE. Here, we characterize vertebrate NDC1--a transmembrane nucleoporin conserved between yeast and metazoans. We show by RNA interference (RNAi) and biochemical depletion that NDC1 plays an important role in NPC and NE assembly in vivo and in vitro. RNAi experiments suggest a functional link between NDC1 and the soluble nucleoporins Nup93, Nup53, and Nup205. Importantly, NDC1 interacts with Nup53 in vitro. This suggests that NDC1 function involves forming a link between the NE membrane and soluble nucleoporins, thereby anchoring the NPC in the membrane.  相似文献   

Microautophagy involves direct invagination and fission of the vacuolar/lysosomal membrane under nutrient limitation. This occurs by an autophagic tube, a specialized vacuolar membrane invagination that pinches off vesicles into the vacuolar lumen. In this study we have identified the VTC (vacuolar transporter chaperone) complex as required for microautophagy. The VTC complex is present on the ER and vacuoles and at the cell periphery. On induction of autophagy by nutrient limitation the VTC complex is recruited to and concentrated on vacuoles. The VTC complex is inhomogeneously distributed within the vacuolar membranes, showing an enrichment on autophagic tubes. Deletion of the VTC complex blocks microautophagic uptake into vacuoles. The mutants still form autophagic tubes but the production of microautophagic vesicles from their tips is impaired. In line with this, affinity-purified antibodies to the Vtc proteins inhibit microautophagic uptake in a reconstituted system in vitro. Our data suggest that the VTC complex is an important constituent of autophagic tubes and that it is required for scission of microautophagic vesicles from these tubes.  相似文献   

The acidic residues Asp-111, Asp-113, and Glu-115 of Escherichia coli DNA topoisomerase I are located near the active site Tyr-319 and are conserved in type IA topoisomerase sequences with counterparts in type IIA DNA topoisomerases. Their exact functional roles in catalysis have not been clearly defined. Mutant enzymes with two or more of these residues converted to alanines were found to have >90% loss of activity in the relaxation assay with 6 mM Mg(II) present. Mg(II) concentrations (15-20 mM) inhibitory for the wild type enzyme are needed by these double mutants for maximal relaxation activity. The triple mutant D111A/D113A/E115A had no detectable relaxation activity. Mg(II) binding to wild type enzyme resulted in an altered conformation detectable by Glu-C proteolytic digestion. This conformational change was not observed for the triple mutant or for the double mutant D111A/D113A. Direct measurement of Mg(II) bound showed the loss of 1-2 Mg(II) ions for each enzyme molecule due to the mutations. These results demonstrate a functional role for these acidic residues in the binding of Mg(II) to induce the conformational change required for the relaxation of supercoiled DNA by the enzyme.  相似文献   

We have fused GFP to the C-terminus of McpA to study chemoreceptor polar localization in Caulobacter crescentus. The full-length McpA-GFP fusion is polarly localized and methylated. The methylation is dependent on the chemoreceptor methyltransferase (cheR) and chemoreceptor methylesterase (cheB) genes present in the mcpA operon. C-terminal and internal deletions of McpA were constructed and fused to the N-terminus of GFP to identify the domains required for polar localization. When the R1 methylation domain was deleted, the McpA-GFP fusion was still polarly localized, suggesting that this domain is dispensable for polar localization. However, when the highly conserved domain (HCD), which is involved in interacting with CheW, was deleted either by an internal deletion or C-terminal deletion, the resulting McpA-GFP fusions were completely delocalized. When the mcpA operon, which contains the cheW and cheA homologues, was deleted, the full-length McpA-GFP fusion was delocalized. Although additional chemotaxis genes are required for the polar localization of McpA-GFP, the presence of the single polar flagellum is not required. However, in filamentous cells, which are frequently found in C. crescentus fliF mutants, the McpA-GFP fusion was observed at mid-cell positions.  相似文献   

EmrE is an Escherichia coli multidrug transporter that confers resistance to a variety of toxins by removing them in exchange for hydrogen ions. The detergent-solubilized protein binds tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP(+)) with a K(D) of 10 nM. One mole of ligand is bound per approximately 3 mol of EmrE, suggesting that there is one binding site per trimer. The steep pH dependence of binding suggests that one or more residues, with an apparent pK of approximately 7.5, release protons prior to ligand binding. A conservative Asp replacement (E14D) at position 14 of the only membrane-embedded charged residue shows little transport activity, but binds TPP(+) at levels similar to those of the wild-type protein. The apparent pK of the Asp shifts to <5.0. The data are consistent with a mechanism requiring Glu14 for both substrate and proton recognition. We propose a model in which two of the three Glu14s in the postulated trimeric EmrE homooligomer deprotonate upon ligand binding. The ligand is released on the other face of the membrane after binding of protons to Glu14.  相似文献   

Transport proteins exhibiting broad substrate specificities are major determinants for the phenomenon of multidrug resistance. The Escherichia coli multidrug transporter EmrE, a 4-transmembrane, helical 12-kDa membrane protein, forms a functional dimer to transport a diverse array of aromatic, positively charged substrates in a proton/drug antiport fashion. Here, we report (13)C chemical shifts of the essential residue Glu(14) within the binding pocket. To ensure a native environment, EmrE was reconstituted into E. coli lipids. Experiments were carried out using one- and two-dimensional double quantum filtered (13)C solid state NMR. For an unambiguous assignment of Glu(14), an E25A mutation was introduced to create a single glutamate mutant. Glu(14) was (13)C-labeled using cell-free expression. Purity, labeling, homogeneity, and functionality were probed by mass spectrometry, NMR spectroscopy, freeze fracture electron microscopy, and transport assays. For Glu(14), two distinct sets of chemical shifts were observed that indicates structural asymmetry in the binding pocket of homodimeric EmrE. Upon addition of ethidium bromide, chemical shift changes and altered line shapes were observed, demonstrating substrate coordination by both Glu(14) in the dimer.  相似文献   

Hxt2 and Hxt1 are high affinity and low affinity facilitative glucose transporter paralogs of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, respectively, that differ at 75 amino acid positions in their 12 transmembrane segments (TMs). Comprehensive analysis of chimeras of these two proteins has previously revealed that TMs 1, 5, 7, and 8 of Hxt2 are required for high affinity glucose transport activity and that leucine 201 in TM5 is the most important in this regard of the 20 amino acid residues in these regions that differ between Hxt2 and Hxt1. To evaluate the importance of the remaining residues, we systematically shuffled the amino acids at these positions and screened the resulting proteins for high affinity and high capacity glucose transport activity. In addition to leucine 201 (TM5), four residues of Hxt2 (leucine 59 and leucine 61 in TM1, asparagine 331 in TM7, and phenylalanine 366 in TM8) were found to be important for such activity. Furthermore, phenylalanine 198 (TM5), alanine 363 (TM8), and either valine 316 (TM7) or alanine 368 (TM8) were found to be supportive of maximal activity. Construction of a homology model suggested that asparagine 331 interacts directly with the substrate and that the other identified residues may contribute to maintenance of protein conformation.  相似文献   

Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins are synthesized as precursor proteins that are processed in the endoplasmic reticulum by GPI transamidase (GPIT). Human GPIT is a multisubunit membrane-bound protein complex consisting of Gaa1, Gpi8, phosphatidylinositol glycan (PIG)-S, PIG-T, and PIG-U. The enzyme recognizes a C-terminal signal sequence in the proprotein and replaces it with a preformed GPI lipid. The nature of the functional interaction of the GPIT subunits with each other and with the proprotein and GPI substrates is largely unknown. We recently analyzed the GPIT subunit Gaa1, a polytopic protein with seven transmembrane (TM) spans, to identify sequence determinants in the protein that are required for its interaction with other subunits and for function (Vainauskas, S., Maeda, Y., Kurniawan, H., Kinoshita, T., and Menon, A. K. (2002) J. Biol. Chem. 277, 30535-30542). We showed that elimination of the C-terminal TM segment of Gaa1 allows the protein to interact with Gpi8, PIG-S, and PIG-T but renders the resulting GPIT complex nonfunctional. We now show that GPIT complexes containing C-terminally truncated Gaa1 possess a full complement of subunits and are able to interact with a proprotein substrate but cannot co-immunoprecipitate GPI. We go on to show that mutation of a conserved proline residue centrally located within the C-terminal TM span of Gaa1 is sufficient to abrogate the ability of the resulting GPIT complex to co-immunoprecipitate GPI. We suggest that the putative dynamic hinge created by the proline residue provides a structural basis for the interaction of GPI with GPIT.  相似文献   

Excitatory amino acid transporter 1 (EAAT1) plays an important role in restricting the neurotoxicity of glutamate. Previous structure–function studies have provided evidence that reentrant helical hairpin loop (HP) 1 has predominant function during the transport cycle. The proposed internal gate HP1 is packed against transmembrane domain (TM) 2 and TM5 in its closed state, and two residues located in TM2 and HP2 of EAAT1 are in close proximity. However, the spatial relationship between TM2 and HP1 during the transport cycle remains unknown. In this study, we used chemical cross-linking of introduced cysteine pair (V96C and S366C) in a cysteine-less version of EAAT1 to assess the proximity of TM2 and HP1. Here, we show that inhibition of transport by copper(II)(1,10-phenanthroline)3 (CuPh) and cadmium ion (Cd2+) were observed in the V96C/S366C mutant. Glutamate or potassium significantly protected against the inhibition of transport activity of V96C/S366C by CuPh, while TBOA potentiated the inhibition of transport activity of V96C/S366C by CuPh. We also checked the kinetic parameters of V96C/S366C treated with or without CuPh in the presence of NaCl, NaCl + l-glutamate, NaCl + TBOA, and KCl, respectively. The sensitivity of V96C and S366C to membrane-impermeable sulfhydryl reagent MTSET [(2-trimethylammonium) methanethiosulfonate] was attenuated by glutamate or potassium. TBOA had no effect on the sensitivity of V96C and S366C to MTSET. These data suggest that the spatial relationship between Val-96 of TM2 and Ser-366 of HP1 is altered in the transport cycle.  相似文献   

Zhang X  Qu S 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e30961


Excitatory amino acid transporter 1 (EAAT1) is a glutamate transporter which is a key element in the termination of the synaptic actions of glutamate. It serves to keep the extracellular glutamate concentration below neurotoxic level. However the functional significance and the change of accessibility of residues in transmembrane domain (TM) 5 of the EAAT1 are not clear yet.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used cysteine mutagenesis with treatments with membrane-impermeable sulfhydryl reagent MTSET [(2-trimethylammonium) methanethiosulfonate] to investigate the change of accessibility of TM5. Cysteine mutants were introduced from position 291 to 300 of the cysteine-less version of EAAT1. We checked the activity and kinetic parameters of the mutants before and after treatments with MTSET, furthermore we analyzed the effect of the substrate and blocker on the inhibition of the cysteine mutants by MTSET. Inhibition of transport by MTSET was observed in the mutants L296C, I297C and G299C, while the activity of K300C got higher after exposure to MTSET. Vmax of L296C and G299C got lower while that of K300C got higher after treated by MTSET. The L296C, G299C, K300C single cysteine mutants showed a conformationally sensitive reactivity pattern. The sensitivity of L296C to MTSET was potentiated by glutamate and TBOA,but the sensitivity of G299C to MTSET was potentiated only by TBOA.


All these facts suggest that the accessibility of some positions of the external part of the TM5 is conformationally sensitive during the transport cycle. Our results indicate that some residues of TM5 take part in the transport pathway during the transport cycle.  相似文献   

Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter, and is inactivated by cellular uptake catalyzed mostly by the glutamate transporter subtypes GLT‐1 (EAAT2) and GLAST (EAAT1). Astrocytes express both GLT‐1 and GLAST, while axon terminals in the neocortex only express GLT‐1. To evaluate the role of GLT‐1 in glutamate homeostasis, we injected GLT‐1 knockout (KO) mice and wild‐type littermates with [1‐13C]glucose and [1,2‐13C]acetate 15 min before euthanization. Metabolite levels were analyzed in extracts from neocortex and cerebellum and 13C labeling in neocortex. Whereas the cerebellum in GLT‐1‐deficient mice had normal levels of glutamate, glutamine, and 13C labeling of metabolites, glutamate level was decreased but labeling from [1‐13C] glucose was unchanged in the neocortex. The contribution from pyruvate carboxylation toward labeling of these metabolites was unchanged. Labeling from [1,2‐13C] acetate, originating in astrocytes, was decreased in glutamate and glutamine in the neocortex indicating reduced mitochondrial metabolism in astrocytes. The decreased amount of glutamate in the cortex indicates that glutamine transport into neurons is not sufficient to replenish glutamate lost because of neurotransmission and that GLT‐1 plays a role in glutamate homeostasis in the cortex.


l(2)01810 causes glutamine-dependent megamitochondrial formation when it is overexpressed in Drosophila cells. In the present study, we elucidated the function of l(2)01810 during megamitochondrial formation. The overexpression of l(2)01810 and the inhibition of glutamine synthesis showed that l(2)01810 is involved in the accumulation of glutamate. l(2)01810 was predicted to contain transmembrane domains and was found to be localized to the plasma membrane. By using (14)C-labelled glutamate, l(2)01810 was confirmed to uptake glutamate into Drosophila cells with high affinity (K(m)=69.4 μM). Also, l(2)01810 uptakes glutamate in a Na(+)-independent manner. Interestingly, however, this uptake was not inhibited by cystine, which is a competitive inhibitor of Na(+)-independent glutamate transporters, but by aspartate. A signal peptide consisting of 34 amino acid residues targeting to endoplasmic reticulum was predicted at the N-terminus of l(2)01810 and this signal peptide is essential for the protein's localization to the plasma membrane. In addition, l(2)01810 has a conserved functional domain of a vesicular-type glutamate transporter, and Arg(146) in this domain was found to play a key role in glutamate transport and megamitochondrial formation. These results indicate that l(2)01810 is a novel type of glutamate transporter and that glutamate uptake is a rate-limiting step for megamitochondrial formation.  相似文献   

OCT1 and OCT2 are involved in renal secretion of cationic drugs. Although they have similar selectivity for some substrates (e.g. tetraethylammonium (TEA)), they have distinct selectivities for others (e.g. cimetidine). We postulated that "homolog-specific residues," i.e. the 24 residues that are conserved in OCT1 orthologs as one amino acid and in OCT2 as a different one, influence homolog-specific selectivity and examined the influence on substrate binding of three of these conserved residues that are found in the C-terminal half of the rabbit orthologs of OCT1/2. The N353L and R403I substitutions (OCT2 to OCT1) did not significantly change the properties of OCT2. However, the E447Q replacement shifted substrate selectivity toward an OCT1-like phenotype. Substitution of glutamate with cationic amino acids (E447K and E447R) abolished transport activity, and the E447L mutant displayed markedly reduced transport of TEA and cimetidine while retaining transport of 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium. In a novel homology model of the three-dimensional structure of OCT2, Glu(447) was found in a putative docking region within a hydrophilic cleft of the protein. In addition, six residues identified in separate studies as exerting significant effects on OCT binding were also found within the putative cleft region. There was a significant correlation (r(2) = 0.82) between the IC(50) values for inhibition of TEA transport by 14 different compounds and their calculated K(D) values for binding to the model of rabbit OCT2. The results suggest that homology modeling offers an opportunity to direct future site-directed studies of OCT/substrate interaction.  相似文献   

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