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Summary Knowing the ontogenesis of the central monoamine neurons of the rat it is possible to obtain, by free-hand dissection from embryos and newly born animals, pieces containing dopamine (DA), noradrenaline (NA), and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) neurons that are small enough to permit homologous transplantation to the anterior chamber of the eye of adult animals. With this technique it was established that all three types of immature monoamine neurons are able to survive in the anterior chamber. Fluorescence histochemical analysis of whole mount preparations of the sympathetically denervated host irides revealed that both the catecholamine- and the 5-HT-neurons are able to partly reinnervate the irides, forming networks of varicose nerve terminals similar to the normally present sympathetic adrenergic ground plexus.Monoamine nerve cell bodies are attached to the irides but the majority of fluorescent nerve cell bodies is located within the transplants. Serial sectioning of these transplants showed rather well organized brain tissue, containing groups of fluorescent and non-fluorescent cell bodies, many areas being innervated by monoamine nerve terminals. When brain tissue was transplanted before the normal appearance of fluorescent neuroblasts (embryos with a crown-rump length less than 8 mm) monoamine neurons developed and matured within the eye.The amount of newly formed nerves of central origin recovered on the irides increased with time between the 2nd and 4th postoperative week and persisted after 2 months. The yield of new fibers was better using transplants from embryos with a crown-rump length between 15 and 30 mm than using transplants from larger embryos and newly born animals.If embryonic brain tissue known to be devoid of monoamine nerve cell bodies but containing monoamine nerve terminals in the adult state (cortex cerebri and cerebelli, spinal cord) was transplanted to sympathetically non-denervated eyes, the sympathetic adrenergic fibers seemed to be able to innervate the transplants.This work was supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (14×–3185), Karolinska Institutets fonder, and Magnus Bergvalls Stiftelse. We thank Miss Monica Eliasson, Mrs. Ulla Flyger, Mrs. Barbro Norstedt and Miss Ingrid Strömberg for skilful technical assistance. The generous gifts of Nialamide, Pfizer, and Pargyline, Abbott are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary Small pieces of fetal rat brain selected to contain a high number of noradrenaline (NA), dopamine (DA), or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) neuroblasts were transplanted to the anterior chamber of the eye of adult rats. The sympathetic ground plexus of the host iris was removed by superior cervical ganglionectomy so that transmitter mechanisms of the different central monoamine fibers innervating the iris could be selectively studied after intraocular maturation. Such irides, containing NA, DA, or 5-HT nerve terminals were incubated with radiolabelled transmitters and then stimulated by an electrical field while superfused, to investigate the spontaneous and stimulation-induced release of amine, both in drug-free buffer and buffer containing drugs acting on monoamine receptors.The central monoamine neurons of all three types were able to take up exogenous amines and release them upon stimulation by an electrical field, in much the same way as corresponding nerves in situ in slices of cerebral cortex (NA, 5-HT) or olfactory tubercle (DA).The -adrenergic receptor blocking agent phentolamine increased the stimulation-induced release of 3H-NA from central NA fibers on the iris significantly. The dopamine receptor stimulating agent apomorphine decreased the stimulation-induced release of 3H-DA from central DA fibers on the iris. Pimozide, a DA receptor blocking drug tended to increase the 3H-DA release. The 5-HT receptor stimulating agent ergocornine tended to reduce the stimulation-induced release of 3H-5-HT from central 5-HT fibers on the iris. It was concluded that all three types of central monoamine nerve fibers develop essentially normal transmitter storage and release mechanisms also in an environment completely devoid of normal postsynaptic receptors. The drug experiments add strong support to the view that there are presynaptic monoamine receptors (autoreceptors) able to modulate transmitter release present on the monoamine nerve terminals.Supported by the Swedish Medical Research Council (04X-3185 and 04X-2330) and by grants from Magnus Bergvalls Stiftelse and Karolinska Institutets Fonder, we thank Miss Ingrid Strömberg and Miss Ulla Enberg for skilful technical assistance.  相似文献   

DBA/2 mastocytoma (P815) cells are able to grow when inoculated into the anterior chamber of eyes of histoincompatible mice. Tumor growth is unrestrained in recipient mice differing from the DBA/2 strain at multiple minor H loci, but sharing the H-2 d haplotype; progressive tumor growth in these animals involves the entire eye, invades the orbit and kills the hosts by extension into the cranial vault. Alternatively, P815 cells grow initially but are unable to sustain continued growth in the anterior chambers of recipient mice differing from DBA/2 at the H-2 complex. Recipients differing from DBA/2 at either the K or D regions of H-2 develop anti-DBA/2 immunity that destroys the intraocular tumor within 20 days of inoculation. Severe inflammatory reactions in these eyes produce innocent bystander destruction of ocular tissue and produce blindness. Recipients differing from DBA/2 at both K and D regions of H-2 also mount vigorous anti-DBA/2 immunity that destroys the intraocular tumor. In these instances, the nonspecific component of the rejection reaction is minimal: when the tumor cells are destroyed, the eyes are restored to anatomic and functional integrity. These results indicate that immunologic privilege in the anterior chamber of the eye is afforded to allogeneic tissues to varing degrees depending upon allodisparity at H-2 loci encoding class I MHC products. The results further imply that the precision of the alloimmune response may be under the control of these same MHC products.  相似文献   

Summary Substance P-immunoreactive nerve terminals were found in several locations in the anterior segment of the rabbit eye. In the iris they occurred in the sphincter muscle and were randomly distributed in the iris stroma with some fibres running close to the dilator muscle. In the ciliary body these immunoreactive elements were few and occurred within bundles of nerve fibres, while in the ciliary processes they were more numerous with a predominantly subepithelial location. Blood vessels in the anterior uvea were often surrounded by substance P-immunoreactive fibres. No substance P-fibres were found in the cornea, while the sclera contained very few such elements.Using conventional in vitro techniques it was found that the sphincter pupillae muscle of the iris responded to electrical stimulation with a contraction that was resistant to cholinergic and adrenergic blockade, but was inhibited by the neuronal blocker tetrodotoxin. This indicates the existence of a non-cholinergic, non-adrenergic neuronal mediator of the contractile response. Exogenously applied substance P produced a long-lasting contraction of the spincter muscle, an observation compatible with the view that substance P is the noncholinergic, non-adrenergic neurotransmitter involved.  相似文献   

The aqueous humor (AH) flow in the anterior chamber (AC) due to saccadic movements is investigated in this research. The continuity, Navier-Stokes and energy equations in 3D and unsteady forms are solved numerically and the saccadic motion was modeled by the dynamic mesh technique. Firstly, the numerical model was validated for the saccadic movement of a spherical cavity with analytic solutions and experimental data where excellent agreement was observed. Then, two types of periodic and realistic saccadic motions of the AC are simulated, whereby the flow field is computed for various saccade amplitudes and the results are reported for different times. The results show that the acting shear stress on the corneal endothelial cells from AH due to saccadic movements is much higher than that due to normal AH flow by buoyancy induced due to temperature gradient. This shear stress is higher on the central region of the cornea. The results also depict that eye saccade imposes a 3D complicated flow field in the AC consist of various vortex structures. Finally, the enchantment of heat transfer in the AC by AH mixing as a result of saccadic motion is investigated.  相似文献   

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