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P Schenk  A S Woods    W Gibson 《Journal of virology》1991,65(3):1525-1529
Intranuclear B-capsids from cytomegalovirus (strain Colburn)-infected cells contain an abundant 37-kDa assembly protein, thought to be involved in capsid formation, and three minor protein constituents (i.e., 45, 39, and 38 kDa) that are immunologically and structurally related to the assembly protein. In the experiments reported here, antisera produced against synthetic peptides were used in conjunction with chemical protein cleavage to examine the structural relationship of these proteins in more detail. Results of these experiments verify that the carboxyl end of the 39-kDa assembly protein precursor is lost during maturation and suggest that the 38-kDa protein may be a processing intermediate. It is shown that the 45-kDa protein is coterminal with the mature assembly protein at its carboxyl end but differs by a predicted 115-amino-acid extension at its amino terminus. In addition, evidence is presented that the 45-kDa protein has a 48-kDa precursor and a 47-kDa putative processing intermediate which have the same carboxy-terminal sequences and undergo the same maturational events as those of the assembly protein. A working model considering the structural relationship of these proteins is presented.  相似文献   

A 2.4 kb fragment of hCMV (Towne strain), containing the 5' end of the major immediate-early gene, has been cloned, sequenced, and used to construct a series of mammalian cell expression plasmids. The effects of regulatory regions present on this fragment were assessed using human glycoproteins as reporter molecules. We compared secreted levels of Factor VIII, t-PA, and HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins in cells transfected with plasmids in which intron A of the immediate-early gene was present or absent. Secretion of several glycoproteins was significantly higher when cells were transfected with intron A-containing plasmids. Mutation of three basepairs in the strong nuclear factor 1 (NF1) binding site in intron A led to reduced transient expression levels, but not to the level observed in the absence of intron A. Reduced expression from NF1 mutant plasmids was roughly correlated with reduced binding in vitro of NF1 proteins to a synthetic oligonucleotide containing the mutation. The evidence indicates that sequences in intron A positively regulate expression from the hCMV immediate-early enhancer/promoter in transformed monkey kidney cells.  相似文献   

The immediate-early two (IE2) gene products of human cytomegalovirus negatively regulate gene expression from the major immediate-early promoter in permissive human fibroblasts. A mutational analysis of the IE2 proteins indicated that the carboxyl-terminal region is required for negative regulation. The IE2 proteins that lack amino acid residues 365 to 519, or the carboxyl-terminal amino acids failed to negatively regulate. Most of the amino-terminal portion of the IE2 protein was not required for negative regulation. A possible explanation of the negative effect on downstream expression by the IE2 proteins is discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The cytomegalovirus immediate early (CMV IE) promoter has been widely used for heterologous expression. Further enhancements of gene expression from this potent promoter may allow for the development of improved gene transfer strategies. We aimed to determine whether inclusion of the first exon (5' untranslated) and first intron of the CMV IE gene would increase heterologous transgene expression in primary target cells and to determine the sequences required for any observed increases. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Comparisons of reporter gene expression were made following transient transfection of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) with plasmids containing the first exon and intron from the CMV IE gene or deletional mutations. Comparisons were also made using a heterologous promoter (RSV). RESULTS: Gene expression from the CMV IE promoter was increased 5.7-fold in VSMC with the inclusion of the first exon and intron. Similar increases were seen with other target cells and from the heterologous RSV promoter. This increase was associated with an increase in steady-state mRNA. Deletion analyses demonstrated that the enhancement was dependent on the presence of the 5' portion of the first exon while deletion of large segments within the intron was associated with similar levels of expression compared with the parental plasmid. CONCLUSIONS: Inclusion of the first exon and intron from the CMV IE gene increases expression from the CMV IE promoter. This enhancement is seen with the heterologous RSV promoter and is associated with an increase in steady-state mRNA. Deletion analyses suggest that this enhancement is associated with inclusion of sequences within the 5' portion of the first exon and inclusion of an intron.  相似文献   

The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) major immediate-early promoter (MIEP) is one of the first promoters to activate upon infection. To examine HCMV MIEP tissue-specific expression, transgenic mice were established containing the lacZ gene regulated by the MIEP (nucleotides -670 to +54). In the transgenic mice, lacZ expression was demonstrated in 19 of 29 tissues tested by histochemical and immunochemical analyses. These tissues included brain, eye, spinal cord, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, testis, ovary, spleen, salivary gland, thymus, bone marrow, skin, cartilage, and cardiac, striated and smooth muscles. Although expression was observed in multiple organs, promoter activity was restricted to specific cell types. The cell types which demonstrated HCMV MIEP expression included retinal cells of the eye, ductile cells of the salivary gland, exocrine cells of the pancreas, mucosal cells of the stomach and intestine, neuronal cells of the brain, muscle fibers, thecal cells of the corpus luteum, and Leydig and sperm cells of the testis. These observations indicate that the HCMV MIEP is not a pan-specific promoter and that the majority of expressing tissues correlate with tissues naturally infected by the virus in the human host.  相似文献   

Previous studies of nucleoside transport in mammalian cells have identified two types of activities: the equilibrative nucleoside transporters and concentrative, Na+-nucleoside cotransporters. Characterization of the concentrative nucleoside transporters has been hampered by the presence in most cells and tissues of multiple transporters with overlapping permeant specificities. With the recent cloning of cDNAs encoding rat and human members of the concentrative nucleoside transporter (CNT) family, it is now possible to study the concentrative transporters in isolation by use of functional expression systems. We report here the isolation of a nucleoside transport-deficient subline of L1210 mouse leukemia (L1210/DNC3) that is a suitable recipient for stable expression of cloned nucleoside transporter cDNAs. We have used L1210/DNC3 as the recipient in gene transfer studies to develop a stable cell line (L1210/DU5) that produces the recombinant concentrative nucleoside transporter with selectivity for pyrimidine nucleosides (CNT1) that was initially identified in rat intestine (Q.Q. Huang, S.Y. Yao, M.W. Ritzel, A.R.P. Paterson, C.E. Cass, and J.D. Young. 1994. J. Biol. Chem. 269: 17,757-17,760). L1210/DU5 was used to examine the permeant selectivity of recombinant rat CNT1 by comparing a series of nucleoside analogs with respect to (i) inhibition of inward fluxes of [3H]thymidine, (ii) initial rates of transport of 3H-analog, and (iii) cytotoxicity to L1210/DU5 versus the parental transport-deficient cell line. By all three criteria, recombinant CNT1 transported 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine and 5-fluorouridine well and cytosine arabinoside poorly. Although some purine nucleosides (2'-deoxyadenosinedeoxyadeno-2'-deoxyadenosine, 7-deazaadenosine) were potent inhibitors of CNT1, they were poor permeants when uptake was measured directly by analysis of isotopic fluxes or indirectly by comparison of cytotoxicity ratios. We conclude that comparison of analog cytotoxicity to L1210/DU5 versus L1210/DNC3 is a reliable indirect predictor of transportability, suggesting that cytotoxicity assays with a panel of such cell lines, each with a different recombinant nucleoside transporter, would be a valuable tool in the development of antiviral and antitumor nucleoside analogs.  相似文献   

The ability of cyclic AMP to inhibit growth, cause cytolysis and induce synthesis of cyclic AMP-phosphodiesterase in S49.1 mouse lymphoma cells is deficient in cells selected on the basis of their resistance to killing by 2 mM dibutyryl cyclic AMP. The properties of the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (ATP:protein phosphotransferase, EC in the cyclic AMP-sensitive (S) and cyclic AMP-resistant (R) lymphoma cells were comparatively studied. The cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity or R cells cytosol exhibits an apparent Ka for activation by cyclic AMP 100-fold greater than that of the enzyme from the parental S cells. The free regulatory and catalytic subunits from both S and R kinase are thermolabile, when associated in the holoenzyme the two subunits are more stable to heat inactivation in R kinase than in S kinase. The increased heat stability of R kinase is observed however only for the enzyme in which the catalytic and cyclic AMP-binding activities are expressed at high cyclic AMP concentrations (10(-5)--10(-4) M), the activities expressed at low cyclic AMP concentrations (10(-9)--10(-6) M) being thermolabile. The regulatory subunit of S kinase can be stabilized against heat inactivation by cyclic AMP binding both at 2-10(-7) and 10(-5) M cyclic AMP concentrations. In contrast, the regulatory subunit-cyclic AMP complex from R kinase is stable to heat inactivation only when formed in the presence of high cyclic AMP concentrations (10(-5)M). The findings indicate that the transition from a cyclic AMP-sensitive to a cyclic AMP-resistant lymphoma cell phenotype is related to a structural alteration in the regulatory subunit of the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase which has affected the protein's affinity for cyclic AMP and its interaction with the catalytic subunit.  相似文献   

Albumin-synthesizing polysomes from mouse liver and mouse hepatoma cells in in tissue culture have been localized on sucrose gradients with 125I-labeled antimouse serum albumin used as a marker. Competition studies show that the 125I-labeled antibody binds specifically to albumin-synthesizing polysomes from both tissues. The 125I-labeled polysomes from liver and hepatoma cells have identical sedimentation properties on sucrose gradients, which indicates that the polysomes range in size from 9–14 ribosomes. This is comparable in size to polysomes from rat liver and Morris hepatoma. One significant difference between these albumin-synthesizing polysomes is that those extracted from hepatoma cells bind 70% less antibody than equivalent amounts of polysomes from liver cells. Since the level of albumin synthesis in the hepatoma cells is comparable to the level of albumin synthesis in vivo, this difference in antibody-binding capacity is not likely to be due to differences in polysomal content, but appears to be a characteristic difference between hepatoma and normal mouse liver cells.  相似文献   

Incubation of hepatocytes from 24 h-starved rats in the presence of 0.5 mM-adenosine decreased gluconeogenesis from lactate, but not from alanine. The inhibition of gluconeogenesis was associated with a stimulation of ketone-body production and an inhibition of pyruvate oxidation. These metabolic changes were suppressed in the presence of iodotubercidin (an inhibitor of adenosine kinase), but were reinforced in the presence of deoxycoformycin (an inhibitor of adenosine deaminase); 2-chloroadenosine induced no change in gluconeogenesis from lactate. These data indicate that the inhibition of gluconeogenesis by adenosine probably results from its conversion into adenine nucleotides. In the presence of lactate or pyruvate, but not with alanine or asparagine, this conversion resulted in a decrease in the [ATP]/[ADP] ratio in both mitochondrial and cytosolic compartments. Adenosine decreased the Pi concentration with all gluconeogenic substrates.  相似文献   

An alpha-subunit-secreting cell line derived from a mouse thyrotrope tumor.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The anterior pituitary contains multiple distinct endocrine cell types that secrete individual hormones. To derive a pure cell culture population in which to study the regulation of the alpha-subunit of TSH free of other hormones and cell types, we have developed a clonal continuous cell line from the transplantable thyrotrope tumor MGH101A. This cell line expresses alpha-subunit mRNA, secretes alpha-subunit protein, and has maintained a stable phenotype for over 3 yr in culture. However, as is the case for the transplantable tumor from which they are derived, these cells do not express the beta-subunit of TSH or respond to TRH or thyroid hormone. We have used this cell line to investigate regulation of the alpha-subunit mRNA by the second messengers, cAMP and phorbol esters, and by glucocorticoids. Phorbol esters increase alpha-subunit mRNA levels significantly (3.5-fold), as does cAMP (1.8-fold). In contrast, glucocorticoids decrease mRNA levels from cAMP-induced or basal levels (2-fold). These cells should prove valuable for study of alpha-subunit gene expression in an isolated renewable clonal cell culture system.  相似文献   

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