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对浙江木犀属植物资源的种类、分布及其开发与利用进行论述,给出了分布于浙江的该属植物的检索表与详细分布地点,分析了浙江开发该属植物的有利条件,以期对于浙江本属植物的开发与利用提供参考.  相似文献   

石蒜属资源开发与利用   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
本文论述了中国石蒜属植物资源的特点 ,对其开发与应用作了初步的探讨与分析 ,认为中国石蒜属植物具有种类丰富 ,花色多样 ,分布集中等特点。在园林观赏、药用、工业等方面都具有较大的开发价值  相似文献   

中国酸浆属植物药用资源研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对在我国分布的茄科酸浆属植物进行综述,从植物生物多样性、本草记载、化学研究、药理研究、临床应用等方面体现了酸浆属植物的药用价值。为酸浆属植物的药物开发奠定了基础。  相似文献   

对中国壳斗科柯属植物的开发利用情况进行了研究。通过对该属植物资源的调查,筛选出国内具有较高开发价值的7种柯属植物,分析了该属开发过程中存在的问题,并针对资源现状提出相关建议,为柯属种质资源的收集、保护和开发利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

近几十年来,从木槿属植物中分离得到多种化合物,如木脂素、黄酮、萜类、mansonones类等化合物类型。文章重点介绍了木槿属及该属植物海滨木槿的研究进展,有助于对该属植物海滨木槿的进一步开发与研究。  相似文献   

通过对南京紫金山紫堇属野生观赏植物资源现状的调查,结合相关资料,从观赏特性、生态习性、园林应用等方面探讨了紫金山紫堇属植物的应用方向和前景,以期对紫堇属野生观赏植物资源的保护、开发、利用提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对南京市堇菜属植物资源进行调查与分析,介绍了南京市堇菜属植物资源的种类、分布及观赏特性,阐述了堇菜属植物在园林绿化中的观赏应用价值,认为其在南京园林绿化中具有很大的开发应用前景。  相似文献   

长白山区鸢尾属植物资源及其开发利用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对长白山鸢尾属植物的种类、分布、储量、生境、鉴别及开发利用等方面做了评细地调查研究,为开发长白山区鸢尾属植物资源提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

虫草属真菌化学成分及药理作用研究进展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
虫草属真菌是一类十分重要的药用真菌,具有多种活性物质及广泛的药理作用、对该属真菌的化学成分及药理作用的研究进展进行了综述,为虫草属药用真菌的研究和开发提供依据。  相似文献   

丝状真菌以其优秀的表达分泌能力和良好的环境适应能力,使得其在蛋白质表达领域应用越来越广泛。近几十年来,通过诱变、培养优化及遗传改造等手段,使得包含曲霉属、木霉属、青霉属等在内的丝状真菌被开发成高效表达宿主。为促进丝状真菌蛋白表达系统的开发,结合作者的研究工作,对工业上丝状真菌表达宿主、蛋白质表达元件及其改造策略进行综述,并探讨了当前丝状真菌表达系统开发过程中的不足之处,为新型丝状真菌表达系统的研究提供参考和启示。  相似文献   

柃属植物叶宏观结构及其分类学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨柃属植物属下等级的系统演化路线及一些种的具体分类学地位,采用脉络法对国产柃属植物34种1变种进行了叶宏观结构比较研究,结果显示柃属植物脉序类型皆为环节曲行羽状脉,一级脉表现为较高的一致性,二级脉与一级脉的夹角为锐角或近直角,二级间脉为简单型或复合型,三级脉多为结网型,叶缘末级脉序结环或不完全,网眼的形状和大小不规则,发育不完全或不完善;这些特征存在种间差异,可用于类群的比较和鉴别。研究同时采用UPGMA法对所选16个叶宏观结构性状进行聚类分析,根据系统树的5个分支,讨论了柃属植物叶的基本演化路线。研究证明叶宏观结构特征对本属植物分类及系统演化关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

广西大穗鹅耳枥林的分类和演替趋向   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
大穗鹅耳枥林是广西东北部黄壤山地常绿阔叶林遭受砍伐后,在保护较好的情况下迅速发展起来的一个演替阶段。本文通过群落分类的研究,从不同群丛的外貌、结构和种类组成的变化,论证其向常绿阔叶林恢复过程的演替趋向。  相似文献   

植物叶功能性状能反映植物对不同环境的响应及适应策略。以福建省福州市平潭海坛岛、大练岛、大怀屿的滨柃(Eurya emarginata)为研究对象,通过测定滨柃16项叶功能性状及14项环境因子,分析了环境因子对滨柃叶功能性状的影响。结果表明:(1)滨柃叶功能性状变异系数介于2.26%—25.78%,其中叶体积变异程度最大(25.78%),叶含水量变异程度最小(2.26%)。不同海岛滨柃大部分叶功能性状存在显著的差异性(P<0.05),说明滨柃叶片功能性状多样性丰富,其对异化环境表现出较强的适应性;(2)不同海岛的土壤因子指标间差异显著(P<0.05);(3)通过系统聚类可将30份滨柃聚为两类,海坛岛和大练岛为一类,大怀屿为一类,结果与海岛类型和地理分布相吻合;(4)冗余分析表明,滨柃的叶功能性状主要受郁闭度、土壤全钾、土壤有效磷、海拔、速效钾及碱解氮等环境因子的影响。研究结果表明滨柃叶片功能性状可通过一定的性状变异和性状组合,以及与环境因子间的相互作用弥补生境的不足,较好地适应海岛恶劣环境,研究结果有助于理解滨柃对不同海岛生境的响应特征及其在海岛的生态策略,对探究滨柃的资源利...  相似文献   

The genus Eurya was established by Thunberg in 1783 on a Japanese species E. japonica. Several decades later, many authors had made more or less intensive study on this genus. But in the earlier period, the different autherities had no clear conception of the genus. Thus Szyszylowicz (1893), Engler (1897) and Melchior (1925) entertained a much broader conception of this genus, including Freziera and Cleyera, both of which are now considered as distinct genera. A. Gray (1855), Vesque (1895), Urban (1896), and Kobuski (1935-37), however, concentrated their study only on the now accepted genus Eurya. Recently, a more detailed study of Chinese Eurya was made by Chang Hung-da (Acta Phytotax. Sin. 3 (1954) 1-59). But all of these authors did not subdivide this genus into more than subgenera except Vesque, who used the number of stamens and the septation of the anther cells to further subdivide this genus into 4 sections. In the present treatment, we base on the following characteristics to make subdivisions: the number of stamens, the septation of the anther cells, the hairness of the ovary, the length of the style, the shape and texture of the sepals, and the shape and hairness of the young branchlets. We assume that the morphology of the flowers has the following evolutionary tendencies: stamens from large (28) to small (5) numbers; anther cells from septate to nonseptate; ovary from being hairy to glabrous, styles from 5-4 free to 3 and more or less connate, from 2-6 mm to 0.5-1 mm long, and ovules from many (60) to few (2-4) in each cell. The genus Eurya has now about 140 species, being divided into 2 subgenera: Subg. Ternstroemiopsis Urban, with 2 species endemic in Sandwich Islands and Subg. Eurya with 138 species, in Asiatic tropic and subtropic regions and southwestern Pacific Islands. According to the characteristics mentioned above, we divide the second subgenus into 2 sections and 8 series, as follows: (I) Sect. Meristotheca Vesque (II) Sect. Eurya Ser. Ciliatae Hu et L. K. Ling Ser. Longistylae Hu et L. K. Ling Ser. Trichocarpae Hu et L. K. Ling Ser. Rigidisepalae Hu et L. K. Ling Ser. Tetragonocladae Hu et L. K. Ling Ser. Nitidae Hu et L. K. Ling Ser. Muricatae Hu et L. K. Ling Ser. Brevistylae Hu et L. K. Ling In China, the subgenus Eurya distributes east from Taiwan, west to the western part of Szechuan and Yunnan, and south from Hainan, north to the southern slope of Tsin-ling Range. The region north from southern part of Nan-ling Range, southwest to southeast Yunnan, south to northern part of the Peoples Republic of Vietnam, seems to be the centre of both maximum variety and frequency of this subgenus, for the number of species and the representatives of more primitive taxa in this region are much richer than in any other regions of the world. From this centre going northeast to Japan and Korea, west to eastern part of India, south to Java and Sumatra, north to the southern slope of Tsinling Range, the number of species and types gradually decreases, and especially the primitive series and species rapidly disappear. In addition, many species are also found in the Island of Irian, which we incline to consider as another young centre of development for this subgenus. Furthermore, according to the distribution of quite a large number of the species in China, we can recognize several boundary lines which are in agreement with the limits of the floristic and geobotanic provinces of China. In this article we have enumerated 80 species, and 11 varieties of the genus Eurya of China, among which are published for the first time 11 new species and 1 new variety, one species, E. persicaefolia Gagnepain, is first recorded from China, a number of specific names have been restored and a number reduced to synonyms. They are as follows: Restored species: Eurya acuminatissima Merrill & Chun E. patentipila Chun E. henryi Hemsley Reduced to synonyms: Eurya parastrigillosa Hsu ( E. patentipila Chun) E. changii Hsu (E. fangii var. megaphylla Hsu) E. chienii Hsu (E. persicaefolia Gagnepain) E. hwangshanensis Hsu (E. saxicola Chang) E. fangii Rehd. var. glaberrima Hsu (E. cavinervis Vesque) E. pseudopolyneura Chang (E. impressinervis Kobuski) E. longistyla Chang (E. stenophylla Merrill) E. huiana Kobuski f. glaberrima Chang (E. muricata Dunn) New combination: Eurya muricata Dunn var. huiana (Kob.) Hu et L. K. Ling E. aurea (Levl.) Hu et L. K. Ling  相似文献   

广东植物增补   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
报道广东分布新记录7种:糙叶卷柏,阔片里白,海南马兜铃,大叶五室柃,银毛叶山黄麻,海南杜鹃,心叶帚菊。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜对35种1变种柃属(Eurya)植物种子的微形态特征进行了研究,并采用相对大小(长×宽)RS值和种皮表面纹饰作为种子形态比较的特征参数。结果显示,柃属种子根据相对大小RS值可划分为小型(RS<1.0),中型(1.03.0)三个等级,最小的种子相对大小不足0.5,最大的种子相对大小超过10;种皮表面纹饰分为负网纹和网纹两种类型,网纹类型在网眼的方向性、网眼形状、网眼深度、网脊特点等方面呈现出种间多样性,可用于类群的比较和鉴别。文中同时还探讨了种子大小及种皮微形态在属内的系统发育关系,推测了种皮表面纹饰的演化路线,研究结果表明种子的微形态特征对本属植物系统分类及进化研究具有重要意义,可为属内一些关键种系统位置的分析提供重要佐证。  相似文献   

报道了中国小光壳炱属(Asteridiella McAlpine)1个新种和13个国内新记录种。新种是柃小光壳炱Asteridiella euryae B.Song et Y.X.Hu。全部标本存放在广东省微牛物研究所(GDIM)。  相似文献   

Using dendrochronological techniques, this study examined whether tree-ring width of two evergreen broad-leaved species (Cleyera japonica, Eurya japonica) at their inland northern distribution limit in central Japan is more limited by low temperature compared with two co-dominating deciduous broad-leaved species (Fagus japonica, Magnolia hypoleuca) and two evergreen conifer species (Chamaecyparis obtusa, Abies firma), whose distribution limits are further north. The two deciduous broad-leaved species and the two evergreen conifers are tall tree species. Evergreen broad-leaved Cleyera japonica is a sub-canopy species and Eurya japonica is a small tree species. The tree-ring widths of four of the six species (except for Eurya japonica and Magnolia hypoleuca) correlated positively with the March temperature just before the start of the growth period. For deciduous broad-leaved Magnolia hypoleuca, the tree-ring width was correlated positively and negatively with July temperature and precipitation, respectively. However, the other deciduous broad-leaved Fagus japonica showed no such relationships. For the evergreen broad-leaved Cleyera japonica and evergreen conifers Chamaecyparis obtusa and Abies firma, tree-ring widths correlated positively with winter temperatures, probably because evergreen species can assimilate during warm winters. The tree-ring width of Cleyera japonica also correlated positively with temperatures of many months of the growth period. By contrast, the tree-ring width of the other evergreen broad-leaved Eurya japonica showed no positive correlation with the temperature in any month. Most Eurya japonica trees were suppressed by tall trees, which might disguise any climate effect. Thus, there were species differences in response to climate for each life form, and the tree-ring width of Cleyera japonica at the northern distribution limit was more limited by low temperatures compared with co-dominating species. It is suggested that growth of Cleyera japonica is increased by global warming at the latitudinal ecotone.  相似文献   

Anatomical characters of the mature leaf blade, petiole, young stem and wood were examined in order to substantiate taxonomic boundaries between genera and species of Theaeeae in Sri Lanka. Two species of Temstroemia , one of Adinandra , four of Eurya and two of Gordonia were studied.
The presence of sclereids in most organs of the plant was found to be a common character within the family. However, three distinct types of sclereid are reported. Two basic types of stomata, anomocytic and gordoniaceous, are recognized. The origin of phellogen in the young stems is pericyclic in Gordonia and subepidermal in the other three genera. The species within these genera also appear to have several distinctive characters of their own. Important wood characters have been tabulated in order to illustrate the primitive and advanced characters. Gordonia , especially, exhibits anatomical features which are quite different from those of Temstroemia, Adinandra send Eurya.  相似文献   

报道散斑壳属的3个分类单元,其中微毛柃Eurya hebeclados上的柃木散斑壳Lophodermium euryae sp.nov.是新种,多寄主种贝壳杉散斑壳L.agathidise和小散斑壳L.minus为中国新记录。对各种进行了汉文描述和讨论,新种附有拉丁文特征简介和形态结构图。供研究标本存放在安徽农业大学森林保护教研室(AAUFP)。  相似文献   

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