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1H-NMR and fluorescence spectroscopic studies on the interaction between the Trp-Leu-Glu and m7GpppA have shown a specific binding mode, in which the pi-pi stacking interaction of the Trp indole ring and the hydrogen-bond pairing of Glu carboxyl side group with 7-methylguanine base are simultaneously formed.  相似文献   

A purification scheme has been developed for the m7G(5')pppN-pyrophosphatase from human placenta. The 1400-fold purified placental enzyme exhibited physical and enzymatic properties similar to those previously reported for a crude preparation of the human m7G(5')pppN-pyrophosphatase obtained from HeLa cells. Polyacrylamide gel analysis of enzyme fractions at different stages of purification revealed a Mr = 40,000 polypeptide that increased in relative concentration as the specific activity of the enzyme fractions increased. Copurification of this polypeptide with m7G(5')pppN-pyrophosphatase activity suggests the possibility that the 81,000-dalton native enzyme is a dimer composed of subunits of identical molecular weight. The highly purified placental enzyme, like the crude HeLa enzyme, failed to hydrolyze the cap moiety of intact mRNA even under conditions known to reduce mRNA secondary structure. Moreover, when a series of capped oligonucleotides that differed progressively in chain length by a factor of one nucleotide was tested as substrate, the rate of enzyme-catalyzed cap hydrolysis decreased as the chain length increased. The purified placental enzyme failed to release m7pG from oligonucleotides containing the cap and 3 or more additional nucleotides. These results are discussed in terms of the probable biological function of the m7G(5')pppN-pyrophosphatase.  相似文献   

The m7(G(5')pppN-pyrophosphatase activity previously detected in HeLa cells has been further characterized. Results from DEAE-cellulose column chromatography and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under nondenaturing conditions revealed only one enzyme activity in HeLa cell extracts which was capable of selectively hydrolyzing m7G(5')pppN to yield m7pG + ppN (where N = 2'-O-methylated or unmethylated ribonucleosides or oligonucleotides of up to 8 to 10 nucleosides in length). The majority (approximately 95%) of this activity was found in the cytoplasmic extract but appeared not to be associated with the lysosomal fraction. m7G(5')pppG was hydrolyzed by the partially purified enzyme in the absence of divalent cations at a pH optimum of 7.5 and a temperature optimum of 45 degrees, with a Michaelis constant (Km) of 1.7 micronM. Sedimentation analysis and gel filtration showed the molecular weight of the enzyme as approximately 81,000. Inhibition studies testing the effect of a number of prospective substrates on the rate of m7G(5')pppG hydrolysis have confirmed the importance of the methyl moiety at the N7 position of guanosine for enzyme-substrate interaction. Furthermore, the trimethylated guanosine-containing 5'-terminal structure derived from U-2 RNA was found not to serve as substrate, and 7-methylinosine, unlike 7-methylguanosine, was not an effective inhibitor of m7G(5')pppG hydrolysis. Thus, the 2-amino group of the 7-methylguanosine portion of m7G(5')pppN is also important for substrate interaction with this specific pyrophosphatase.  相似文献   

Gao M  Fritz DT  Ford LP  Wilusz J 《Molecular cell》2000,5(3):479-488
We have used an in vitro system that reproduces in vivo aspects of mRNA turnover to elucidate mechanisms of deadenylation. DAN, the major enzyme responsible for poly(A) tail shortening in vitro, specifically interacts with the 5' cap structure of RNA substrates, and this interaction is greatly stimulated by a poly(A) tail. Several observations suggest that cap-DAN interactions are functionally important for the networking between regulated mRNA stability and translation. First, uncapped RNA substrates are inefficiently deadenylated. Second, a stem-loop structure in the 5' UTR dramatically reduces deadenylation by interfering with cap-DAN interactions. Third, the addition of cap binding protein eIF4E inhibits deadenylation in vitro. These data provide insights into the early steps of substrate recognition that target an mRNA for degradation.  相似文献   

The 5'-terminal structures of mRNA bearing the so-called 'cap' from cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (CPV), m7G5' pppAmpG and m7G5' pppAmpGpU, were first chemically synthesized. S,S-Di(4-methoxyphenyl) N6-benzoyl-2'-O-methyladenosine 5'-phosphorodithioate ((ArS) 2pAbmz) was prepared by phosphorylation of the 5'-hydroxyl group of N6-benzoyl-2'-O-methyladenosine with S,S-di(4-methoxyphenyl) phosphorodithioate by TPS. By the triester approach using (ArS) 2pAbmz as starting material, the protected dinucleotide and trinucleotide bearing 5'-phosphate group were synthesized. The protective groups of the dinucleotide and trinucleotide were removed to obtain pAmpG and pAmpGpU, respectively. By the reaction of a capping agent ((PhS) ppm7G) with pAmpG and pAmpGpU in the presence of silver nitrate or iodine. The 5'-terminal structure of the messenger RNA strand of CPV which was labelled isotopically, was confirmed completely as m7G5' pppAmGpU by cochromatography with the materials chemically synthesized here.  相似文献   

A variety of 2-5A (px(A2'p)nA; x = 2 or 3, n greater than or equal to 2) analogs were assayed for their abilities to activate murine 2-5A-dependent RNase (subsequently "the nuclease") using a recently developed method. This technique consists of immobilizing and partially purifying the nuclease using core-cellulose [A2'p)3A-cellulose) and then monitoring the breakdown of poly(U)-3'-[32P]Cp into acid-soluble fragments. Several 5'-adenosinecapped analogs of 2-5A (containing a tetra-, tri-, or diphosphate) were analyzed, and it was found that reducing the number of phosphoryl groups between the 5' to 5'-diadenosine linkages resulted in a progressive loss of activity. Because A5' pppp(A2'p)3A was a potent activator of the nuclease yet stable during the assay these results suggested that a free 5'-phosphoryl group may not be required for the activation of the nuclease. A number of 8-bromoadenosine-substituted analogs of 2-5A were also studied. Curiously, the brominations decreased the activities of the 5'-di- and triphosphorylated molecules while substantially increasing the activities of the 5'-monophosphorylated species. The results indicated that a tri- or diphosphate moiety on the 5'-end of 2-5A or the presence of ATP is not absolutely required for the nuclease to be active. Furthermore, the ATP analog, beta, gamma-methylene ATP, did not inhibit the activity of the nuclease. Finally, a 3',5'-phosphodiester linkage isomer of 2-5A and a 3'-deoxy (cordycepin) analog of 2-5A were tested, and both were found to be completely without activity.  相似文献   

In order to provide a structural basis for the unusual properties of 2',5' nucleic acids, especially their unsuitability as information molecules, we report here a high resolution NMR structure of a 2',5' RNA fragment r(GCCGCGGC). It forms an A type duplex with C2'endo compact nucleotide repeat, instead of the familiar C3'endo compact nucleotide (seen in RNA) supporting the deductions made earlier from stereochemical considerations. This data together with the observation that 2',5' nucleic acids require mandatory slide and displacement for duplex and triplex structure formation suggest their reluctance to form the biologically relevant B type duplex. It is argued that this lack of flexibility for helical polymorphism and other inadequacies as a consequence of this may be a contributing factor for the rejection of 2',5' links by nature. The structure exhibits interesting features such as the syn glycosyl conformation for the terminal guanine and a hydrogen bond between O3' hydroxyl and anionic oxygen of the phosphate.  相似文献   

Synthesis and properties of an oligonucleotide uniformly modified with 2'-O,4-C-ethylene-bridged nucleic acid (ENA) units were compared with those of GRN163, which is modified with N3'-P5' thiophosphoramidates, with the sequence targeting human telomerase RNA subunit. Although an ENA phosphorothioate oligonucleotide, ENA-13, could be synthesized using ENA phosphoramidites on a 100-mg scale, synthesis of GRN163 was very hard even on a 1-micomol scale. In view of both stability of the duplex formation with complementary RNA and the efficiency of cellular uptake by endocytosis, ENA-13 was superior to GRN163. These findings suggest that ENA-13 has useful properties for antisense therapeutic application.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the RNase S complex with the synthetic dinucleoside monophosphate cytidilyl(2′,5′)adenosine(C2,p5,A) is determined using difference Fourier techniques at 2.0 Å resolution in conjunction with computer graphic model-building and energy minimization. The latter has been carried out as a function of the rigid body parameters of the dinucleoside monophosphate and the dihedral angles of the nucleoside portion as well as of relevent amino acids in the active site of the enzyme.The bound dinucleoside monophosphate is found to assume an extended conformation, with the adenine and cytidine bases nearly perpendicular. The bases form specific hydrogen bonds with groups in the active site. Although the atoms involved in the recognition of the pyrimidine base by the enzyme are the same as in the pyrimidine bases of UMP, CMP and UpcA, the details of the binding are different. The adenosine moiety blocks most of the various positions that His119 occupies in the native enzyme and forces it into one well-defined position. One of the His119 ring protons is in contact with O(5′) (the leaving group), O(1′) of the adenine ribose and with a free phosphoryl oxygen. No strong charge contacts with the phosphate group are observed.We show how combining X-ray data with computer graphic model-building, electron density fitting and energy calculations leads to the model we propose and discuss in detail the enzyme-nucleic acid interactions.  相似文献   

C Lee  R J Suhadolnik 《Biochemistry》1985,24(3):551-555
The enzymatic synthesis and characterization of (RP)-2',5'-AMPS trimer and tetramer (SP)-5'-O-(1-thiotriphosphates) from chirally substituted (SP)-[alpha-35S]ATP alpha S by 2',5'-oligoadenylate synthetase from interferon-treated L cell extracts are described. The (RP)-ATP alpha S isomer is not a substrate for the synthetase. The identification of the trimer and tetramer analogues (molar ratio 70:30) was accomplished by high-performance liquid chromatography and subsequent separation by charge using DEAE-cellulose thin-layer chromatography. The digestion of the analogue by snake venom phosphodiesterase I (SVPD) to [alpha-35S]ATP alpha S and [35S]AMPS but not by T2 RNase demonstrated the presence of the 2',5' linkage. The assignment of RP configuration of the 2',5'-phosphorothiodiester linkage was based on the highly specific stereoselectivity of SVPD for RP diastereomers [Burgers, P. M. J., & Eckstein, F. (1978) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 75, 4978-4800; Bryant, F. R., & Benkovic, S. J. (1979) Biochemistry 18, 2825-2828; Nelson, P. S., Bach, C. T., & Verheyden, J. P. H. (1984) J. Org. Chem. 49, 2314-2317]. This suggests that the synthesis of the phosphorothioate analogues proceeded via inversion of configuration at the chiral phosphorus of (SP)-ATP alpha S. The putative (RP)-2',5'-AMPS tetramer (SP)-5'-O-(1-thiotriphosphate) displaced the 2',5'-p3A4[32P]pCp analogue from 2',5'-oligoadenylate-dependent endonuclease 5 times more efficiently than did equimolar concentrations of authentic 2',5'-adenylate tetramer triphosphate. Furthermore, in studies using the calcium phosphate coprecipitation technique, the 2',5'-phosphorothioate trimer and tetramer analogues inhibited protein synthesis better than did 2',5'-adenylate trimer and tetramer triphosphates.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Expressions for the partition function Q (T) of DNA hairpins are presented. Calculations of Q (T), in conjunction with our previously reported numerically exact algorithm [T. M. Paner, M. Amaratunga, M. J. Doktycz, and A. S. Benight (1990) Biopolymers, 29, 1715-1734], yield a numerical method to evaluate the temperature dependence of the transition enthalpy, entropy, and free energy of a DNA hairpin directly from its optical melting curve. No prior assumptions that the short hairpins melt in a two-state manner are required. This method is then applied in a systematic manner to investigate the stability of the six basepair duplex stem 5'-GGATAC-3' having four-base dangling single-strand ends with the sequences (XY)2, where X, Y = A, T, G, C, on the 5' end and a T4 loop on the 3' end. Results show that all dangling ends of the sample set stabilize the hairpin against melting. Increases in transition temperatures as great as 4.0 degrees C above the blunt-ended control hairpin were observed. The hierarchy of the hairpin transition temperatures is dictated by the identity of the first base of the dangling end adjoining the duplex in the order: purine greater than T greater than C. Calculated melting curves of every hairpin were fit to experimental curves by adjustment of a single parameter in the numerically exact theoretical algorithm. Exact fits were obtained in all cases. Experimental melting curves were also calculated assuming a two-state melting process. Equally accurate fits of all dangling-ended hairpin melting curves were obtained with the two-state model calculation. This was not the case for the melting curve of the blunt-ended hairpin, indicating the presence of a four-base dangling-end drives hairpin melting to a two-state process. Q (T) was calculated as a function of temperature for each hairpin using the theoretical parameters that provided calculated curves in exact agreement with the experimentally obtained optical melting curves. From Q (T), the temperature dependence of the transition enthalpy delta H, entropy delta S, and free energy delta G were calculated for every hairpin providing a quantitative assessment of the effects of dangling ends on hairpin thermodynamics. Comparisons of our results are made with those of the Breslauer group [M. Senior, R. A. Jones, and K. J. Breslauer (1988) Biochemistry 27, 3879-3885] on the T2 5' dangling-ended d(GC)3 duplexes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Exon 7B in the hnRNP A1 pre-mRNA is alternatively spliced to yield A1 and A1(B), two proteins that differ in their ability to modulate 5' splice site selection. Sequencing the murine intron downstream of exon 7B revealed the existence of several regions of similarity to the corresponding human intron. In vitro splicing assays indicate that an 84-nt region (CE6IO) decreases splicing to the proximal 5' splice site in a pre-mRNA carrying the 5' splice sites of exon 7 and 7B. In vivo, the CE6IO element promotes exon 7B skipping in pre-mRNAs expressed from a mini-gene containing the hnRNP A1 alternative splicing unit. Using oligonucleotide-targeted RNase H cleavage assays, we provide support for the existence of highly stable base pairing interactions between CE6IO and the 5' splice site region of exon 7B. Duplex formation occurs in naked pre-mRNA, resists incubation in splicing extracts, and is associated with a reduction in the assembly of U1 snRNP-dependent complexes to the 5' splice site of exon 7B. Our results demonstrate that pre-mRNA secondary structure plays an important role in promoting exon 7B skipping in the A1 pre-mRNA.  相似文献   

Infection of 13 month-old C3H mice with EMC virus or inoculation with the interferon inducer poly(I)poly(C) results in elevated levels of the enzyme 2',5' oligo(A) synthetase only in animals with spontaneous tumors (breast cancer or hepatomas). High enzymatic activities are detected in homogenates from liver, spleen, plasma and neoplastic cells of the animals with breast carcinomas and only in the neoplastic liver cells of the animals with hepatomas.  相似文献   

A comparative 270 MHz NMR spectroscopic study on the solution structure of the dimer d(TpT) 1, and its two analogues, namely, d(TpST) 2, and NH2d(TcmT) 4 has been reported. Analysis of chemical shifts and coupling constants indicate that: (i) The sugar moieties of the constituent nucleotides are not affected by modification of the internucleotide linkages and adopt preferentially an S-type conformation. (ii) The C4'-C5' bond in the pT part of the modified dimers 2 and 4 shows a large conformational freedom (gamma+ = 32% and 35%, respectively) compared to 1 (gamma+ = 75%). (iii) The population of the trans conformer about C5'-O5' is less important in d(TpST) 2 compared to d(TpT) 1. (iv) The C3'-O3' bond in 2 adopts a trans conformation as in 1. (v) The glycosidic bonds in the modified dimers 2 and 4 showed preferential syn conformation. UV and CD data show that the modified dimers 2 and 4 have poor tendency to stack intramolecularly, they also base pair less efficiently with d(ApA) as compared to d(TpT) 1.  相似文献   

Enzyme fraction A from Chlorella which catalyzes the formation of adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate from adenosine 3'-phosphate 5'-phosphosulfate is further characterized. Fraction A is found to contain an Mg2+ -activated and Ca2+ -inhibited 3' (2')-nucleotidase specific for 3' (2'), 5'-biphosphonucleosides. This activity has been named 3' (2), 5'-biphosphonucleoside 3' (2')-phosphohydrolase. The A fraction is also found to contain an activity which catalyzes the formation of adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) from adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate cyclase). Under the same conditions of assay, 5'-ATP and 5'-ADP are not substrated for cyclic AMP formation. Unlike the 3' (2'), 5'-biphosphonucleoside 3' (2')-phosphohydrolase activity, the adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate cyclase activity does not require Mg2+, requires NH+4 or Na+, and is not inhibited by Ca2+. The A fraction also contains an adenosine 5'-phospho sulfate sulfohydrolase activity which forms 5'-AMP and sulfate. The three activities remain together during purification and acrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified preparation yields a pattern where only one protein band has all three activities. The phosphohydrolase can be separated from the other two activities by affinity chromatography on agarose-hexyl-adenosine 3'n5'-bisphosphate yielding a phosphohydrolase preparation showing a single band on gel electrophoresis. The adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate cyclase may provide an alternate route of cyclic AMP formation from sulfate via ATP sulfurylase, but its regulatory significance in Chlorella, if any, remains to be demonstrated. In sulfate reduction, the phosphohydrolase may serve to provide a readily utilized pool of adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate as needed by the adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate sulfotransferase. The cyclase and sulfohydrolase activities would be regarded as side reactions incidental to this pathway, but may be of importance in other metabolic and regulatory reactions.  相似文献   

-Methoxy-5-(2',3',4'-trimethoxyphenyl) tropone is an active analog of colchicine, a mitotic spindle inhibitor, which is missing the middle "B" ring. This compound crystallizes in the triclinic system, space group P1, with Z = 2; a = 10.135(2), b = 10.166 (4), and c = 7.863(2) A; alpha = 82.15(3), beta = 103.49(3), and gamma = 107.16(2); degrees and V = 750.7(4) A. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined by full-matrix least-squares to a final R = 0.063, using 2503 observed reflections and 271 parameters. Despite the absence of the middle ring, the conformation of the molecule is similar to that of colchicine, isocolchicine , and their derivatives. The troponoid ring is dissimilar to the phenyl ring in that it is not aromatic and does have alternating short and long bond lengths. The dihedral angle between the least-squares planes of the two rings is -57.4 degrees. Van der Waals surface representations of the analog and colchicine are presented to demonstrate the similarity and differences of these two molecules . The structural information of the analog is consistent with the interpretation of thermodynamic parameters which govern the interactions between brain tubulin and the analog.  相似文献   

Nuclei prepared from HeLa cells by lysis with nonionic detergents or by a nonaqueous fractionation procedure were assayed for enzymatic activities which synthesize, bind, and degrade 2',5'-oligo(A). Isolated nuclei synthesized micromolar concentrations of 2',5'-oligo(A) when incubated with poly(inosinic) . poly(cytidylic) acid. The products of nuclear synthesis were identified with authentic 2',5'-oligo(A) by several criteria. The nuclei synthesized nanomolar amounts of 2',5'-oligo(A) even when incubated without added double-stranded RNA. These oligonucleotides were identified by their pattern of degradation with different nucleases and by a specific competition-binding assay. This assay revealed the presence in nuclei of an activity which binds 2',5'-oligo(A) with an affinity constant similar to that of the cytoplasmic binding activity previously identified with the 2',5'-oligo(A)-dependent endoribonuclease (Nilsen, T. W., Wood, D. L., and Baglioni, C. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 10751-10754). The nuclei had also an activity which degraded 2',5'-oligo(A). Finally, unincubated nuclei isolated by the nonaqueous fractionation procedure contained detectable concentrations of 2',5'-oligo(A). These results show that an activator of the enzyme which synthesize 2',5'-oligo(A) is present in nuclei and that these oligonucleotides are normally formed in HeLa cells, and suggest a possible role for the 2',5'-oligo(A)-activated endoribonuclease in nuclear RNA metabolism.  相似文献   

Guanine-containing mono- and dinucleotides bind to the active site of ribonuclease A in a nonproductive mode (retro-binding) (Aguilar CF, Thomas PJ, Mills A, Moss DS, Palmer RA. 1992. J Mol Biol 224:265-267). Guanine binds to the highly specific pyrimidine site by forming hydrogen bonds with Thr45 and with the sulfate anion located in the P1 site. To investigate the influence of the anion present in the P1 site on retro-binding, we determined the structure of two new complexes of RNase A with uridylyl(2',5')guanosine obtained by soaking two different forms of pre-grown RNase A crystals. In one case, RNase A was crystallized without removing the sulfate anion strongly bound to the active site; in the other, the protein was first equilibrated with a basic solution to displace the anion from the P1 site. The X-ray structures of the complexes with and without sulfate in P1 were refined using diffraction data up to 1.8 A (R-factor 0.192) and 2.0 A (R-factor 0.178), respectively. The binding mode of the substrate analogue to the protein differs markedly in the two complexes. When the sulfate is located in P1, we observe retro-binding; whereas when the anion is removed from the active site, the uridine is productively bound at the B1 site. In the productive complex, the electron density is very well defined for the uridine moiety, whereas the downstream guanine is disordered. This finding indicates that the interactions of guanine in the B2 site are rather weak and that this site is essentially adenine preferring. In this crystal form, there are two molecules per asymmetric unit, and due to crystal packing, only the active site of one molecule is accessible to the ligand. Thus, in the same crystal we have a ligand-bound and a ligand-free RNase A molecule. The comparison of these two structures furnishes a detailed and reliable picture of the structural alterations induced by the binding of the substrate. These results provide structural information to support the hypotheses on the role of RNase A active site residues that have recently emerged from site-directed mutagenesis studies.  相似文献   

The dyes carboxy-SNARF-1 and BCECF are fluorescent probes of intracellular pH that exhibit changes in spectral shape upon proton binding which allow one to use measurements of fluorescence at two or more wavelengths in order to measure pH without artifacts associated with variability in dye loading, etc. In evaluating these dyes for this study, whole spectra, rather than measurements at two wavelengths, were analyzed. For BCECF, the effects of the intracellular milieu were minimal: both the pH-sensitive excitation spectrum and the pKa agreed closely with values found in extracellular solution. In contrast, both the spectra and the pKa for the emission spectrum-shifting carboxy-SNARF-1 showed significant differences between intracellular and extracellular dye. As a result, extremely misleading values for intracellular pH will be obtained if one attempts to use extracellular dye to calibrate intracellular carboxy-SNARF-1 measurements. Multiple origins were found for the discrepancy: (i) the intracellular dye was found to be significantly quenched, with the deprotonated form being more strongly quenched than the protonated form; and (ii) the pKa for the equilibrium with intracellular hydrogen ions was shifted by +0.2 pH units. These effects were readily reversed by disruption of the cell, but were not due to sequestering of dye in an acidic cell compartment.  相似文献   

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