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The endocrine pancreas of birds contains cell populations similar, if not identical, to those found in mammalian pancreata, although the topographical distributions of these cell types differ to some extent. Insulin-secreting (B) cells, glucagon-secreting (A) cells, somatostatin-secreting (D) cells, and pancreatic polypeptide-secreting (PP or F) cells are distributed unequally among the four pancreatic lobes, with most of the A cells located in the third and splenic lobes and PP cells residing in both islet tissue and in acinar tissue. Glucagon appears to be a (the?) major pancreatic hormone involved in metabolic glucoregulation in birds. Yet the essentiality of insulin for this regulatory purpose also has been established. As a result, current thought is directed toward the molar ratio of insulin to glucagon (I/G) as a dominant force in homeostasis rather than toward either of the two hormones separately. Molar I/G ratios have been useful in mammals in studying the needs of the organism to produce glucose to meet a metabolic crisis/need and, when compared with that found in normal Aves, a value of 1.8-2.2 has been established. Such a molar ratio is indicative of a catabolic recovery of nutrients in mammals, suggesting that birds normally are in a catabolic mode (like diabetic, starving, or exercising mammals). Somatostatin (SRIF) is known to inhibit the release of all pancreatic hormones but has a greater inhibitory action on glucagon secretion than it does on any of the other peptides. (It has least effect on APP).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The hormone leptin is secreted from white adipocytes, and serum levels of leptin correlate with adipose tissue mass. Leptin was first described as acting on the satiety centre in the hypothalamus through specific receptors (ob-R) to restrict food intake and enhance energy expenditure. Leptin plays a crucial role in the maintenance of body weight and glucose homeostasis hrough central and peripheral pathways, including regulation of insulin secretion by pancreatic b cells. Leptin may also directly affect the metabolism and function of peripheral tissues. Leptin has been implicated in causing peripheral insulin resistance by attenuating insulin action, and perhaps insulin signalling, in various insulin-responsive cell types. Research has demonstrated a significant relationship between leptin and insulin, but the mechanisms underlying the changes of leptin induced by insulin, and vice versa, remain to be studied in more detail. Recent data provides convincing evidence that leptin has beneficial effects on glucose homeostasis in mouse models of insulin-deficient type 1 diabetes mellitus. Our study suggests that leptin could be used as an adjunct of insulin therapy in insulin-deficient diabetes, thereby providing an insight into the therapeutic properties of leptin as an anti-diabetic agent. Safety evaluation should include a careful assessment of the effects of this combination therapy on the counterregulatory response to hypoglycaemia. The role of leptin in alpha-cell function has not been studied in detail. Extensive studies will be needed to determine the long-term safety and efficacy of this therapy.  相似文献   

Rat liver regeneration is regulated by a humoral signal that includes insulin and a sustained elevation in glucagon. The intracellular response is characterized by a rise in cAMP as well as altered cGMP metabolism, i.e. increased particulate guanylate cyclase activity. To evaluate the role of hormones in the regulation of guanylate cyclase during liver regeneration, the enzyme activity of primary cultures of rat hepatocytes was examined. Hepatocytes were maintained for 22 h in medium containing various combinations of insulin, glucagon, and cAMP. The cells were then harvested and homogenized and the guanylate cyclase activity was assessed in vitro. Hepatocytes maintained in 100 nM insulin exhibited a 42% (p < 0.001) increase in guanylate cyclase activity when compared to cells cultured in medium alone. Incubation with glucagon (100 nM) produced a 52% (p < 0.01) rise. In the presence of insulin (100 nM), culturing with as little as 5 nM glucagon resulted in increased activity, and 100 nM glucagon produced a 161% (p < 0.001) rise above cultures maintained in insulin alone. Thus, the combination of the two hormones produced an effect that was significantly (p < 0.01) greater than additive. Dibutyryl cAMP and 8-bromoadenosine 3':5'-monophosphoric acid were at least as effective as glucagon; the enzyme activity of cells maintained in 5 microM N6,02'-dibutyryl adenosine 3':5'-monophosphoric acid and 100 nM insulin was 243% (p < 0.001) above those in insulin alone. The findings suggest that the activity of hepatocyte guanylate cyclase is regulated by a synergistic action of insulin and glucagon and that positive interactions between the two cyclic nucleotide second messenger systems exist.  相似文献   

The role of glucagon in regulating the lipoprotein lipase activities of rat heart and adipose tissue was examined. When starved rats were fed glucose, heart lipoprotein lipase activity decreased while that of adipose tissue increased. Glucagon administration to these animals at the time of glucose feeding prevented the decline in heart lipoprotein lipase activity, but had no effect on the adipose tissue enzyme. When glucagon was administered to fed rats, heart lipoprotein lipase activity increased to levels found in starved animals but there was no change in the adipose tissue enzyme. It is suggested that the reciprocal lipoprotein lipase activities in heart and adipose tissue of fed and starved animals may be regulated by the circulating plasma insulin and glucagon concentrations.  相似文献   

Mathematical models afford a procedure of unifying concepts and hypotheses by expressing quantitative relationships between observables. The model presented indicates the roles of both insulin and glucagon as regulators of blood glucose, albeit in different ranges of the blood glucose concentrations. Insulin secretion is induced during hyperglycemia, while glucagon secretion results during hypoglycemia. These are demonstrated by simulations of a mathematical model conformed to data from the oral glucose tolerance test and the insulin infusion test in normal control subjects and stable and unstable diabetic patients. The model studies suggest the parameters could prove of value in quantifying the diabetic condition by indicating the degree of instability. Presented at the Society for Mathematical Biology Meeting, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, August 19–21, 1976.  相似文献   

SRIF receptors are membrane-bound glycoproteins. To structurally identify the carbohydrate components of SRIF receptors, solubilized rat brain SRIF receptors were subjected to lectin affinity chromatography. Solubilized SRIF receptors specifically bound to wheat germ agglutinin-lectin affinity columns but not to succinylated wheat germ agglutinin. This finding, as well as the ability of the solubilized receptor to interact with a Sambucus nigra L. lectin affinity column suggested that sialic acid residues are associated with SRIF receptors. The inability of the receptor to bind to concanavalin A, Dolichus biflorus agglutinin, Ulex europeaus I, and Jacalin lectin affinity columns suggests that high mannose, N-acetylgalactosamine, fucose, and O-linked carbohydrates are not associated with receptor. To investigate the functional role of the carbohydrate groups in brain SRIF receptors, specific sugars were selectively cleaved from SRIF receptors and the subsequent effect on the specific high affinity binding of the agonist [125I]MK 678 to SRIF receptors was determined. Treatment of the receptor with endoglycosidase D did not affect the specific binding of [125I] MK 678 to the solubilized SRIF receptors, consistent with the finding from lectin affinity chromatography that high mannose-type carbohydrate structures were not associated with SRIF receptors. Treatment of solubilized SRIF receptors with peptide-N-glycosidase F and endoglycosidases H and F reduced [125I]MK 678 binding to SRIF receptors indicating that either hybrid, or a combination of hybrid and complex N-linked carbohydrate structures, have a role in maintaining the receptor in a high affinity state for agonists. Treatment of solubilized SRIF receptors with neuraminidase from Vibrio cholera abolished high affinity agonist binding to the receptors, whereas treatment of the receptor with neuraminidase from Newcastle disease virus did not affect [125I]MK 678 binding to the receptor. These findings suggest that sialic acid residues in an alpha 2,6-configuration have a role in maintaining the SRIF receptor in a high affinity conformation for agonists. This is further indicated by studies on SRIF receptors in the pituitary tumor cell line, AtT-20. Treatment of AtT-20 cells in culture with neuraminidase (V. cholera) greatly reduces high affinity [125I] MK 678 binding sites, but did not alter the maximal ability of SRIF to inhibit forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation in intact AtT-20 cells. This finding suggests that the desialylated SRIF receptor is functionally active and remains coupled to GTP-binding proteins, but exhibits a reduced affinity for agonists. Treatment of AtT-20 cell membranes with neuraminidase from V. cholera was also able to greatly reduce the affinity of SRIF receptors for [125I]MK 678.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Somatostatin was discovered four decades ago as hypothalamic factor inhibiting growth hormone release. Subsequently, somatostatin was found to be widely distributed throughout the brain and to exert pleiotropic actions via interaction with five somatostatin receptors (sst1–5) that are also widely expressed throughout the brain. Interestingly, in contrast to the predominantly inhibitory actions of peripheral somatostatin, the activation of brain sst2 signaling by intracerebroventricular injection of stable somatostatin agonists potently stimulates food intake and independently, drinking behavior in rodents. The orexigenic response involves downstream orexin-1, neuropeptide Y1 and μ receptor signaling while the dipsogenic effect is mediated through the activation of the brain angiotensin 1 receptor. Brain sst2 activation is part of mechanisms underlying the stimulation of feeding and more prominently water intake in the dark phase and is able to counteract the anorexic response to visceral stressors.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that depression of insulin and glucagon levels during rapid, acute hemorrhage is controlled by somatostatin was supported by hormonal changes measured in the cat. By 5 min of hemorrhage to 50 mmHg (1 mmHg = 133.322 Pa) arterial blood pressure, insulin and glucagon were severely depressed and somatostatin levels rose to 232% of basal levels. Insulin and glucagon suppression was maintained for the 30-min period of hemorrhage. Following return of the blood, somatostatin levels remained high and insulin and glucagon suppression was maintained. The data support, but do not prove, the hypothesis.  相似文献   

Glucagon can interact rapidly with multilamellar vesicles of dimyristoyl glycerophosphocholine over a narrow temperature range around or above the phase transition temperature of the pure phospholipid. The temperature dependence of the rates arises, in large part, from glucagon-induced alterations in the phase transition properties of the phospholipid. Similar effects are observed with dilaury glycerophosphocholine but the rate of reaction of glucagon with multilamellar dipalmitoyl glycerophosphocholine is too slow to measure.The rate of reaction of glucagon with equimolar mixtures of two phospholipid molecules has also been studied. Mixtures of dilauryl glycerophosphocholine and distearoyl glycerophosphocholine are known to exhibit lateral phase separation in the gel state. The presence of distearoyl glycerophosphocholine has no effect on the rate of reaction with glucagon, despite the increased number of phase boundaries present. In the case of mixtures of dilauryl glycerophosphocholine and dimyristoyl glycerophosphocholine, glucagon appears to induce some lateral phase separation. This is demonstrated by the ability of glucagon to react rapidly with this lipid mixture, even at temperatures well below the phase transition temperature of the mixture and by differential scanning calorimetry.The thermodynamics of the binding of glucagon to dimyristoyl glycerophosphocholine and dilauryl glycerophosphocholine were analyzed with Scatchard plots calculated from measurements of the fluorescence enhancement caused by lipids. Equilibrium binding constants of glucagon to dimyristoyl glycerophosphocholine and dilauryl glycerophosphocholine are 1·105 and 5·104 M?1, respectively. These values are relatively insensitive to temperature, indicating that the equilibrium being measured is between lipid-bound glucagon and free lipid which has had its phase transition properties altered. The number of moles of lipid bound per mole of glucagon decreases markedly above the phase transition temperature. In the water-soluble complex formed between glucagon and dimyristoyl glycerophosphocholine, the peptide binds directly to only 40% of the lipid molecules but, nevertheless, is able to modify the phase transition properties of all of the lipid in the particle.  相似文献   

Calcium homeostasis in crustaceans is influenced by their natural molting cycle that periodically requires replacement of the calcified exoskeleton in order for growth to occur. Whole body Ca balance transitions from intermolt (zero net flux) to premolt (net efflux) and postmolt (net influx at the rate of 2 mmol kg(-1)h(-1)). As such, molting provides a convenient model to study up- and down-regulation of epithelial Ca transporting proteins (such as Ca pumps and exchangers), the genes that encode them, and the steroid hormone (ecdysone) that putatively regulates the genes. Species residing in either freshwater or in terrestrial environments are more limited in their Ca availability than are marine species. Further the advance towards terrestriality is accompanied by decreased reliance upon branchial Ca uptake and increased reliance upon digestive uptake. This review will correlate Ca handling strategies with environment in semi-terrestrial and terrestrial crabs through examining environmental sources of Ca uptake. Ca homeostasis will also be discussed at the whole animal level, cellular, subcellular and molecular levels of regulation.  相似文献   

AMP-deaminase (AMPD) catalyzes the irreversible hydrolysis of AMP to IMP and ammonia. Being the integral enzyme of purine nucleotide cycle, AMPD participates in deamination of amino acids and their involvement into carbohydrate metabolism. This enzyme competes with 5'-nuclease for AMP it is indirectly involved in regulation of adenosine level. The role of AMPD may be supported also by the correlation between its activity and several neuromuscular and immunologic pathologies. The information on the izoforms, gene expression both in the normal and pathological states is given. Activity of AMPD is regulated by the substrate availability, adenylate pool, GTP, product of catalysed reaction IMP, ++inorganical phosphate, etc. Currently the growing scope of data is displaying the possible role of reversible phosphorylation and binding to cellular elements in regulation of the properties of AMPD under change of physiological state of organism.  相似文献   

The procedure of Berry and Friend for isolation of inntact hepatocytes has been adapted to mouse livers. The ultrastructure of these cells was satisfactorily preserved. Isolated mouse hepatocytes secreted proteins and triacyglycerols. These secretory processes were inhibited by colchicine, indicating a likely involvement of the microtubular system for their normal occurence. Ultracentrifugation of medium incubated with hepatocytes, followed by electrophoresis and electron microscopic examination of the floating fraction (density < 1.006) allowed to conclude that secreted triacyglycerols were very low density lipoproteins. Glycogenolysis and lipogenesis were stimulated or inhibited, respectively, by low concenrations of glucagon (10?10 M). Other metabolic parameters were influenced by the hormone but were less sensitive to its action. Inhibition of lipogenesis by glucagon was associated with a decrease in acetyl CoA carboxylase activity. This increases does not appear to be related to intracellular fatty acyl-CoA accumulation secondary to hepatic lipase activation by the hormone. Insulin was effective alone or counteracted glucagon effects on lipogenesis or glycogenolysis only when exposure of cells to collagenase was held minimal. This suggests that, during isolation of hepatocytes, insulin receptors may, for unknown reasons, be more fragile than those of glucagon.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the effect of glucagon antiserum on the endocrine pancreas, the release of somatostatin, glucagon, and insulin from the isolated perfused rat pancreas was studied following the infusion of arginine both with and without pretreatment by glucagon antiserum. Various concentrations of arginine in the presence of 5.5 mM glucose stimulated both somatostatin and glucagon secretion. However, the responses of somatostatin and glucagon were different at different doses of arginine. The infusion of glucagon antiserum strongly stimulated basal secretion in the perfusate total glucagon (free + antibody bound glucagon) and also enhanced its response to arginine, but free glucagon was undetectable in the perfusate during the infusion. On the other hand, the glucagon antiserum had no significant effect on either insulin or somatostatin secretion. Moreover, electron microscopic study revealed degrannulation and vacuolization in the cytoplasm of the A cells after exposure to glucagon antiserum, suggesting a hypersecretion of glucagon, but no significant change was found in the B cells or the D cells. We conclude that in a single pass perfusion system glucagon antiserum does not affect somatostatin or insulin secretion, although it enhances glucagon secretion.  相似文献   

The procedure of Berry and Friend for isolation of intact hepatocytes has been adapted to mouse livers. The ultrastructure of these cells was satisfactorily preserved. Isolated mouse hepatocytes secreted proteins and triacylglycerols. These secretory processes were inhibited by colchicine, indicating a likely involvement of the microtubular system for their normal occurrence. Ultracentrifugation of medium incubated with hepatocytes, followed by electrophoresis and electron microscopic examination of the floating fraction (density less than 1.006) allowed to conclude that secreted triacylglycerols were very low density lipoproteins. Glycogenolysis and lipogenesis were stimulated or inhibited, respectively, by low concentrations of glucagon (10(-10) M). Other metabolic parameters were influenced by the hormone but were less sensitive to its action. Inhibition of lipogenesis by glucagon was associated with a decrease in acetyl CoA carboxylase activity. This decrease does not appear to be related to intracellular fatty acyl-CoA accumulation secondary to hepatic lipase activation by the hormone. Insulin was effective alone or counteracted glucagon effects on lipogenesis or glycogenolysis only when exposure of cells to collagenase was held minimal. This suggests that, during isolation of hepatocytes, insulin receptors may, for unknown reasons, be more fragile than those of glucagon.  相似文献   

Vasopressin and oxytocin administered subcutaneously and intravenously in a dose of 0.5 IU/kg were studied in experiments on albino male rats for their effect on the glycogen content and gluconeogenesis enzymes activity in the liver as well as on the glycemia level. Neurohormones injected subcutaneously have no effect on the values of the measured indices. Vasopressin already the first 15-60 min after its intravenous injection in the mentioned dose leads to an essential decrease of the glucose content in blood, glycogen amount, glucose-6-phosphatase and fructose-1.6-diphosphatase (EC and activity in the liver of test animals. The intravenous injection of oxytocin in the same dose induces changes in the carbohydrate metabolism indices similar in their direction and magnitude to the effects of intravenous injection of vasopressin.  相似文献   

Uncoupling proteins (UCPs), members of mitochondrial carrier family, are present in mitochondrial inner membrane and mediate free fatty acid-activated, purine-nucleotide-inhibited H+ re-uptake. UCPs can modulate the tightness of coupling between mitochondrial respiration and ATP synthesis. A physiological function of the first described UCP, UCP1 or termogenin, present in mitochondria of mammalian brown adipose tissues is well established. UCP1 plays a role in nonshivering thermogenesis in mammals. The widespread presence of UCPs in eukaryotes, in non-thermogenic tissues of animals, plants and in unicellular organisms implies that these proteins may elicit other functions than thermogenesis. However, the physiological functions of UCP1 homologues are still under debate. They can regulate energy metabolism through modulation of the electrochemical proton gradient and production of ROS. Functional activation of UCPs is proposed to decrease ROS production. Moreover, products of lipid peroxidation can activate UCPs and promote feedback down-regulation of mitochondrial ROS production.  相似文献   

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