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The effects of development states on the artemisinin content of clone S1 of Artemisia anuua L. grown in a greenhouse were investigated in the present study. The artemisinin content increased gradually during the phase of vegetative growth and reached its highest level at 8-9 mg/g dry weight (DW) when the S1 was 6 months old on a long day (LD) photoperiod. Treatment with 9-18 d of short day (SD) photoperiod resulted in the artemisinin content reaching and being maintained at a higher level (2.059-2.289 mg/g DW), twofold that of control plants and plants of S1 presented at the pro-flower budding and flower-budding stages. The artemisinin content varied in different parts of the plant. The artemisinin content of leaves was higher than that of florets and branches. The artemisinin content in middle leaves was higher than that of bottom leaves, and then top leaves. Different densities of capitate glands (the storage organ of artemisinin) located on the surface of leaves, florets, and branches explained the variations in artemisinin content in these parts of the plant. The correlation coefficient between artemisinin content and density of capitate glands on the surface of different organs was 0.987. The genetic marker for artemisinin content was screened using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) techniques. The random primer OPAl5 (5'-TTCCGAACCC-3') could amplify a specific band of approximately 1 000 bp that was present in all high-artemisinin yielding strains, but absent in all low-yielding strains in three independent replications. This specific band was cloned and its sequence was analyzed. This RAPD marker was converted into a SCAR marker to obtain a more stable marker.  相似文献   

Responses of caryopsis germination, seedling emergence, and development of Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. (Gramineae) and Bromus inermis Leyss. (Gramineae), two dominant perennial grasses in the Otindag Sandland of China, to different sand water content (SWC; 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 12%,16%, and 20%) were studied comparatively. The results showed that the germination responses of the two grasses to SWC were similar (i.e. caryopses could not germinate when the SWC was below 3%; at SWC ranging from 3% to 12%, the higher the SWC, the higher the germination percentage; and at a SWC of 12 %, germination reached similarly high percentages). At a sand burial depth of 0.5 cm, the threshold of SWC for seedling emergence was 6% forA. cristatum and 8% forB. inermis; at 12%-20% SWC, the seedling emergence of both species reached similarly high percentages. The seedling growth responses of these two species to SWC gradients were different. For A. cristatum, the biomass of seedlings increased with SWC from 6% to 12%, and decreased with SWC from 12% to 20%. For B. inermis, the biomass of seedlings always increased with SWC from 8% to 20%. The results also showed that the seedlings of both species allocated more biomass to the roots with decreases in SWC. The SWC changes from April to October in natural microhabitats of both species suggested that the SWC may play an important role in caryopsis germination,seedling emergence, and the growth characteristics of the two grasses. The responses of caryopsis germination, seedling emergence, and the growth characteristics of these two species to SWC may determine their distribution patterns in the Otindag Sandland.  相似文献   

研究了浑善达克沙地 4~ 10月份土壤含水量变动情况和冰草种子萌发、出苗和幼苗生长对土壤含水量的响应。结果表明 ,4月下旬至 5月上中旬的土壤含水量对冰草种子萌发、出苗和定居极为关键。控制条件下 ,冰草种子萌发和出苗的最适土壤含水量范围是 12 %~ 2 0 % ,幼苗生长的最适土壤含水量是 12 %。当土壤含水量低于 3% ,冰草种子不能萌发 ,土壤含水量低于 6 %时 ,幼苗不能出土并定居。当土壤含水量达到 16 %时 ,冰草幼苗生物量有所下降。在 6 %~ 8%的土壤含水量条件下 ,植株将更多的生物量投资于根的生长  相似文献   

沙埋对无芒雀麦种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了沙埋对浑善达克沙地植物群落中多年生禾草无芒雀麦种子萌发、出苗和幼苗生长的影响.结果表明:无芒雀麦种子能在深度≤12cm的沙埋中萌发,≤8cm的沙埋中出苗.在此范围内,随着沙埋深度的增加,无芒雀麦种子的萌发率和出苗率逐渐降低.沙埋深度在植株高度的33%时,无芒雀麦1周龄和2周龄幼苗均全部存活,且总生物量≥对照(未沙埋幼苗);当沙埋深度增至植株高度的66%时,1周龄和2周龄幼苗的存活率分别降至70%和25%,生长也受到抑制;而遭受全部沙埋时,1周龄和2周龄幼苗均不能存活.遭受沙埋后,无芒雀麦幼苗分配较多的生物量用于地上部分的生长,其生物量分配模式改变可能是无芒雀麦幼苗对沙埋环境的重要适应对策.  相似文献   

浑善达克沙地无芒雀麦(Bromus inermis)空间分布格局   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过西北-东南和东北-西南方向两条宽5m×长3km的样带和一块4m×4m的样方调查,研究了浑善达克沙地无芒雀麦、植被、土壤水分及土壤盐分的空间变异特点及其相互关系。结果表明,样带内植被盖度、无芒雀麦盖度、土壤水分和土壤盐分的空间变化格局相似,然而,在不同的空间方向上,它们具有不同的空间变化;样方内无芒雀麦地上部生物量、分株数和土壤盐分具有相似的空间变化格局,但却不同于植被地上部总生物量和土壤水分的空间变化格局。相关分析表明,样带内植被盖度、无芒雀麦盖度与土壤水分和土壤盐分之间均具有显著的正相关关系。土壤水分和土壤盐分也具有显著的正相关。样方内无芒雀麦地上部生物量、分株数及植被地上部总生物量与土壤水分均具有显著的正相关关系,但与土壤盐分没有显著的相关关系。无芒雀麦地上部生物量、分株数和植被地上部总生物量三者之间,以及土壤水分和土壤盐分之间也均具有显著的正相关关系。研究结果表明了植被与土壤之间的相互关系依赖于空间尺度。  相似文献   

普通小麦与冰草间杂种的细胞遗传学及其自交可育性   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
李立会  董玉琛 《遗传学报》1995,22(2):109-115
为了进一步研究冰草属(Agropyron Gaertn.)的P染色体组与小麦染色体组间的遗传关系和评价P染色体组在属间杂种自交可育性上的遗传效应,获得了普通小麦品种Fukuho(Triticum aestivum cv.Fukuho,2n=42;AABBDD)与3个不同来源的四倍体冰草(A.cristatum<L.>Gaertn.,2n=28;PPPP)间的杂种(2n=35;ABDPP)。结果表明  相似文献   

为研究磁化水对作物的生物学效应,本文详细分析了磁化水处理对小麦种子萌发、幼苗生长和生理特性的影响。研究结果显示:磁化水处理小麦的种子发芽参数与对照相比无显著差异;磁化水处理对小麦的株高、根长、地上部和根部鲜重等生长参数也无显著影响;同样,磁化水处理在叶片色素含量、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质含量、含水量、细胞汁液渗透势等重要生理特征参数方面也未显示出显著差异。此外,磁化水并未显著影响小麦叶片的光合作用。综上所述,磁化水处理对小麦种子萌发和幼苗生长无明显的生物学效应。  相似文献   

室内培养和盆栽试验结果表明,多裂骆驼蓬生物碱提取液浸种的小麦萌发种子呼吸速率、淀粉酶和蛋白酶活性受抑,种子萌发率下降并随处理浓度提高而降低。幼苗根系活性和叶绿素含量提高,叶片硝酸还原酶(NR)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性增强,过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性下降;幼苗根体积,株高、根系和地上部干重增加。多裂骆驼蓬生物碱提取液浸种对小麦种子萌发和幼苗生长作用的大小顺序为:总生物碱〉水溶性生物碱〉脂溶性生物碱。  相似文献   

Data on germination of tubers and subsequent growth of young plants of Potamogeton pectinatus were recorded at different depths of the water column in Lake Nainital. The depth of euphotic zone is about 5 m. Tubers were placed at 1, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10 m water depth in brass net bags. A highly significant negative correlation was found between depth on one hand and germination percentage of tubers, length of shoots and number of leaves on the other hand. Germination of tubers was positively related to pH, dissolved oxygen and temperature of water.  相似文献   

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