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In the moth Antheraea polyphemed at the onset of adult development. The subsequent breakdown of the isolated motor stulongated vesicles similar in structure to channels of smooth ER, appear in large numbers in the axoplasm. Their nature as well as the functional aspects of early axonal changes are discussed. From the 7th day onward two types of axonal breakdown become prominent. The first is characterized 0y swelling axon profiles, distorted vesicles and strongly shrunken mitochondria, uhile shrinking axon profiles containing tightly packed mitochondria and unaltered vesicles are typical of the second. Both types presumably take place independently of each other in different axon terminals. Axons and the contents of at least the first type are finally removed by transformation into lamellar bodies. Glial processes obviously behave independently of degenerating terminals; they loose any contact with them and never act as phagocytes for axon remnants. During the whole period of breakdown undifferentiated contacts between nerve fibers and muscle anlagen are present but synaptic structures as in normal developing dlm have never been observed. This fact, in comparison with earlier studies, suggests a lack of trophic nervous activity on the muscle anlagen tissue. A short time after removal of the isolated stumps new nerve tracts appear between dlm-fibers (which are, of course, strongly retarded in development). They are presumably sensory wing nerves which lack a guide structure to the central target, due to axotomy. Neuromuscular contacts or even junctions formed by axons of these nerves have occasionally been detected on the dlm. Their nature is discussed. Wallerian axon degeneration is compared to the normal, metamorphic breakdown of the innervation of the larval dlm-precursor. In contrast to the former, glial processes here remain in contact with the terminals. Glia and axons first swell. Then most glial processes are transformed into lamellar bodies whereas neurites shrink and become electron-dense. Axonal organelles remain intact for a long period.  相似文献   

Summary Electron microscopic observations have been made on the regeneration of neuromuscular junctions during spontaneous re-innervation of the rat diaphragm, following unilateral transsection of the phrenic nerve. 3 and 4 weeks after denervation motor end plates displayed the pattern of almost complete degeneration, i.e. persisting subneural foldings, deprived of neural contact and covered with collagen fibrils and fibrocytes. From observations at 5, 10 and 24 weeks after denervation the following sequence of events could be established: a few small axon terminals, accompanied by Schwann cells, became apposed to subneural folds, while most foldings were covered initially by Schwann cells or still by collagen fibrils. Gradually an increasing number of subneural folds came into contact with axon terminals. At 24 weeks all junctions displayed the pattern of a mature motor end plate. In the majority of regenerating neuromuscular junctions single dense-cored vesicles of approximately 900–1200 Å were present in axon terminals.It is concluded that under the present conditions restoration of neuromuscular transmission is accomplished by a re-innervation of the preserved subneural apparatuses of former junctions by regenerating axons. The significance of the occurrence of dense-cored vesicles in regenerating motor end plates is discussed.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Stiftung Volkswagenwerk.  相似文献   

The accessory muscle of the walking leg of the horseshoe crab, Tachypleus gigas, was examined electron microscopically. The muscle fibers vary in size but are small in diameter, when compared with other arthropod skeletal muscles. They are striated with A, I, Z and poorly defined H bands. The sarcomere length ranges from 3-10 μm with most sarcomeres in the range of about 6 μm. The myofilaments are arranged in lamellae in larger fibers and less well organized in the smaller ones. Each thick filament is surrounded by 9-12 thin filaments which overlap. The SR is sparse but well organized to form a fenestrated collar around the fibrils. Individual SR tubules are also seen among the myofibrils. Long transverse tubules extend inward from the sarcolemma to form dyads or triads with the SR at the A-I junction. Both dyads and triads coexist in a single muscle fiber, a feature believed to have evolutionary significance. The neuromuscular relationship is unique. In the region of synaptic contact, the sarcolemma is usually elevated to form a large club-shaped structure containing no myofilaments and few other organelles. The axons or axon terminals and glial elements penetrate deep into the club-shaped sarcoplasm and form synapses with the fiber. As many as 13 terminals have been observed within a single section. Synaptic vesicles of two types are found in the axon terminals.  相似文献   

Neuromuscular Junctions in Flight and Tymbal Muscles of the Cicada   总被引:1,自引:11,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The tymbal muscle fiber in the cicada closely resembles the indirect flight muscle fiber in its structural detail. We agree with other authors that the tymbal muscle is a modified indirect flight muscle. The peripheral nerve branches to the tymbal and flight muscle fibers are similar to those in the wasp leg. The axon is loosely mantled by irregular turns of the mesaxon, enclosing cytoplasm. The nerve is therefore a tunicated nerve. The neuromuscular junction in the high frequency muscle fibers shows direct apposition of plasma membranes of axon and muscle fiber, large numbers of mitochondria and synaptic vesicles in the axon, and concentrations of mitochondria, aposynaptic granules, and endoplasmic reticulum in the postsynaptic area of the muscle fiber. Of special interest is the multitude of intracellular, opposing membranes in the postsynaptic area. They form laminated stacks and whorls, vesicles, cysternae, and tubules. They occasionally show continuity with the plasma membrane, the outer nuclear envelope, and the circumfibrillar endoplasmic reticulum. The membrane system in this area is designated "rete synapticum." It is believed to add to the electrical capacity of the neuromuscular junction, to serve in transmission of potentials, and possibly is the site of the oscillating mechanism in high-frequency muscle fibers.  相似文献   

Summary Development of the axon cap neuropil of the Mauthner neuron in post-hatching larval goldfish brains was observed electron-microscopically. The axonal initial segment of newly hatched (day-4) larvae is completely covered with synaptic terminals containing clear spherical synaptic vesicles. Profiles of thin terminal axons, the spiral fibers, containing similar synaptic vesicles, rapidly increase in number around the initial segment and form glomerular neuropil similar to the central core of the adult axon cap by day 7. Three types of synapses are formed in the core neuropil. Bouton-type synapses contacting the initial segment are most abundant in day-4 to-14 larvae; they decrease thereafter and are rare on the distal half of the initial segment of day-40 larvae. Asymmetric axo-axonic synapses are commonly observed between spiral fibers in the core neuropil of day-7 to -19 larvae, but become fewer by day 40. Unique symmetrical axo-axonic synapses showing accumulation of synaptic vesicles on either side of apposed membrane thickenings first appear in day-14 core neuropil, gradually increase in number, and become the predominant type in day-40 core neuropil. Thick myelinated axons, which lose their myelin sheaths in the glial cap cell layer, start to penetrate into the axon cap on day 10. They gradually increase in number and form the peripheral part of the axon cap together with the cap dendrites, which finally grow into the axon cap from the axon hillock region of the Mauthner cell by day 40.  相似文献   

This ultrastructural study has investigated the development of the innervation of second order mesenteric arteries from the ileum region of the rat intestine, particularly, the time course of the formation of the plexus of varicose axons around the arteries, and the formation of autonomic neuromuscular junctions. The time points studied were postnatal days-2, -4, -8 and -13. This study has revealed that the formation of neuromuscular junctions with mature structural characteristics occurred at ~2 weeks postnatal. The plexus of varicose axons developed predominantly between day-4 and day-13, which agrees with previous light microscopy studies of catecholamne containing nerves around similar vessels. At day-2 and day-4, the axons lacked varicosities and were mainly contained in large bundles located in the outer region of the adventitia. The medio-adventitial border consisted of a dense layer of extracellular matrix and fibroblasts. By day-8, there were more axons and most were distributed in smaller bundles. Some had grown through the adventitia to lie at the medio-adventitial border and axon varicosities were also observed. Some varicosities had formed rudimentary neuromuscular contacts. By day-13, there were significantly more contacting varicosities compared to day-8. They were structurally more mature, being twice the size with three times the number of synaptic vesicles and consistently contained a mitochondrion. Conversely, the neuromuscular contact areas were similar at both time points. Some organisation of the synaptic vesicles associated with the prejunctional membrane, was evident in varicosities at day-8 but there were no presynaptic membrane specialisations similar to the putative neurotransmitter release sites found at mature skeletal neuromuscular junctions. The aggregation of small vesicles at the prejunctional membrane was more pronounced in neuromuscular junctions at day-13 with some having presynaptic membrane specialisations. Comparison of the structure of developing autonomic neuromuscular junctions with that of skeletal neuromuscular junctions has revealed a number of similarities.  相似文献   

Two types of presumed synaptic contacts have been recognized by electron microscopy in the synaptic plexus of the median ocellus of the dragonfly. The first type is characterized by an electron-opaque, button-like organelle in the presynaptic cytoplasm, surrounded by a cluster of synaptic vesicles. Two postsynaptic elements are associated with these junctions, which we have termed button synapses. The second synaptic type is characterized by a dense cluster of synaptic vesicles adjacent to the presumed presynaptic membrane. One postsynaptic element is observed at these junctions. The overwhelming majority of synapses seen in the plexus are button synapses. They are found most commonly in the receptor cell axons where they synaptically contact ocellar nerve dendrites and adjacent receptor cell axons. Button synapses are also seen in the ocellar nerve dendrites where they appear to make synapses back onto receptor axon terminals as well as onto adjacent ocellar nerve dendrites. Reciprocal and serial synaptic arrangements between receptor cell axon terminals, and between receptor cell axon terminals and ocellar nerve dendrites are occasionally seen. It is suggested that the lateral and feedback synapses in the median ocellus of the dragonfly play a role in enhancing transients in the postsynaptic responses.  相似文献   

Two types of interstitial cells have been demonstrated in close association in the deep muscular plexus of rat small intestine, by electron microscopy. Cells of the first type are characterized by a fibroblastic ultrastructure, i.e. a well-developed granular endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and absence of the basal lamina. They form a few small gap junctions with the circular muscle cells and show close contact with axon terminals containing many synaptic vesicles. They may play a role in conducting electrical signals in the muscle tissue. Cells of the second type are characterized by many large gap junctions that interconnect with each other and with the circular muscle cells. Their cytoplasm is rich in cell organells, including mitochondria, granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. They show some resemblance to the smooth muscle cells and have an incomplete basal lamina, caveolae and subsurface cisterns. However, they do not contain an organized contractile apparatus, although many intermediate filaments are present in their processes. They also show close contacts with axon terminals containing synaptic vesicles. These gap-junction-rich cells may be regular components of the intestinal tract and may be involved in the pacemaking activity of intestinal movement.  相似文献   

Summary Synaptic connections between neurons immunoreactive for arginine vasopressin (AVP) and axon terminals immunoreactive for neuropeptide Y (NPY) were found in the magnocellular part of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) in the rat hypothalamus. In pre-embedding double immunolabeling, NPY axon terminals labeled with diamin-obenzidine (DAB) reaction product established synaptic junctions on the perikarya and neuronal processes of AVP neurons labeled with silver-gold particles. Ultrastructural morphology of the neurons was more suitably preserved by a combination of pre- and post-embedding procedures. The presynaptic NPY terminals contained many small clear vesicles and a few cored vesicles, and DAB chromogen (immunoreaction product) was located on the surface of the vesicular profiles and on the core. The postsynaptic AVP neurons possessed many large secretory granules labeled with gold particles. At the synaptic junctions, small clear vesicles were accumulated at the presynaptic membrane, and the postsynaptic membrane was coated with a dense accumulation of fine electron dense particles. The perikarya also received synapses made by immuno-negative axon terminals containing many small clear vesicles and a few cored vesicles. These terminals were found more frequently than those containing NPY.  相似文献   

Synaptic vesicles dock at active zones on the presynaptic plasma membrane of a neuron’s axon terminals as a precondition for fusing with the membrane and releasing their neurotransmitter to mediate synaptic impulse transmission. Typically, docked vesicles are next to aggregates of plasma membrane-bound macromolecules called active zone material (AZM). Electron tomography on tissue sections from fixed and stained axon terminals of active and resting frog neuromuscular junctions has led to the conclusion that undocked vesicles are directed to and held at the docking sites by the successive formation of stable connections between vesicle membrane proteins and proteins in different classes of AZM macromolecules. Using the same nanometer scale 3D imaging technology on appropriately stained frog neuromuscular junctions, we found that ∼10% of a vesicle’s luminal volume is occupied by a radial assembly of elongate macromolecules attached by narrow projections, nubs, to the vesicle membrane at ∼25 sites. The assembly’s chiral, bilateral shape is nearly the same vesicle to vesicle, and nubs, at their sites of connection to the vesicle membrane, are linked to macromolecules that span the membrane. For docked vesicles, the orientation of the assembly’s shape relative to the AZM and the presynaptic membrane is the same vesicle to vesicle, whereas for undocked vesicles it is not. The connection sites of most nubs on the membrane of docked vesicles are paired with the connection sites of the different classes of AZM macromolecules that regulate docking, and the membrane spanning macromolecules linked to these nubs are also attached to the AZM macromolecules. We conclude that the luminal assembly of macromolecules anchors in a particular arrangement vesicle membrane macromolecules, which contain the proteins that connect the vesicles to AZM macromolecules during docking. Undocked vesicles must move in a way that aligns this arrangement with the AZM macromolecules for docking to proceed.  相似文献   

Synaptic connections between neurons immunoreactive for arginine vasopressin (AVP) and axon terminals immunoreactive for neuropeptide Y (NPY) were found in the magnocellular part of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) in the rat hypothalamus. In pre-embedding double immunolabeling, NPY axon terminals labeled with diaminobenzidine (DAB) reaction product established synaptic junctions on the perikarya and neuronal processes of AVP neurons labeled with silver-gold particles. Ultrastructural morphology of the neurons was more suitably preserved by a combination of pre- and post-embedding procedures. The presynaptic NPY terminals contained many small clear vesicles and a few cored vesicles, and DAB chromogen (immunoreaction product) was located on the surface of the vesicular profiles and on the core. The postsynaptic AVP neurons possessed many large secretory granules labeled with gold particles. At the synaptic junctions, small clear vesicles were accumulated at the presynaptic membrane, and the postsynaptic membrane was coated with a dense accumulation of fine electron dense particles. The perikarya also received synapses made by immuno-negative axon terminals containing many small clear vesicles and a few cored vesicles. These terminals were found more frequently than those containing NPY.  相似文献   

The docking of synaptic vesicles at active zones on the presynaptic plasma membrane of axon terminals is essential for their fusion with the membrane and exocytosis of their neurotransmitter to mediate synaptic impulse transmission. Dense networks of macromolecules, called active zone material, (AZM) are attached to the presynaptic membrane next to docked vesicles. Electron tomography has shown that some AZM macromolecules are connected to docked vesicles, leading to the suggestion that AZM is somehow involved in the docking process. We used electron tomography on the simply arranged active zones at frog neuromuscular junctions to characterize the connections of AZM to docked synaptic vesicles and to search for the establishment of such connections during vesicle docking. We show that each docked vesicle is connected to 10-15 AZM macromolecules, which fall into four classes based on several criteria including their position relative to the presynaptic membrane. In activated axon terminals fixed during replacement of docked vesicles by previously undocked vesicles, undocked vesicles near vacated docking sites on the presynaptic membrane have connections to the same classes of AZM macromolecules that are connected to docked vesicles in resting terminals. The number of classes and the total number of macromolecules to which the undocked vesicles are connected are inversely proportional to the vesicles' distance from the presynaptic membrane. We conclude that vesicle movement toward and maintenance at docking sites on the presynaptic membrane are directed by an orderly succession of stable interactions between the vesicles and distinct classes of AZM macromolecules positioned at different distances from the membrane. Establishing the number, arrangement and sequence of association of AZM macromolecules involved in vesicle docking provides an anatomical basis for testing and extending concepts of docking mechanisms provided by biochemistry.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the neuromuscular junction (n.m.j.) of the androgen-sensitive levator ani muscle was studied in normal adult male rats, in 8-month-old rats castrated at the age of one month and in castrated rats treated with testosterone propionate (TP). Castration does not result in significant changes of the n.m.j. The density of synaptic vesicles and the postsynaptic junctional folds remain practically normal in spite of marked atrophy of the muscle. TP administration for 7 days results in marked changes in preand postsynaptic structures. There is slow progressive depletion of synaptic vesicles, appearance of cisternae and coated vesicles in axon terminals, and coalescence of coated vesicles with the plasma membrane. Coated vesicles are also found inside Schwann cells and among junctional folds. Dense core vesicles appear both in the axon terminals and in the postsynaptic area. Collateral sprouting of terminal axons with the formation of new immature junctions is observed. After 35 days of TP administration depletion of synaptic vesicles continues. Glycogen -particles, mostly freely dispersed, occasionally seen in axon terminals 7 days after TP administration, subsequently increase in number. In the endplate zone of the muscle fibre increased protein synthesis is indicated by a rapid increase in ribosomes and irregularly located myofilaments and myofibrils. The appearance of n.m.j. after testosterone administration resembles that described after nerve stimulation; the degree of change is however less pronounced.The authors wish to acknowledge the skillful technical assistance of Mrs. L. Vedralová  相似文献   

We used electron microscopy to evaluate the effect of support unloading of m. soleus in adult Wistar rats (restrained in antiorthostatic position for 23–24 h/day within 24 days) on the ultrastructure of the intrafusal fibers and motor neuromuscular junctions of the muscle spindles, as well as the efficiency of intermittent hypergravity (+2GZ; 1 h/day for 19 days in a centrifuge in hypokinetic cages) as a countermeasure used in conditions of support unloading of this muscle. In the absence of support on the hind limbs, most of intrafusal fibers of m. soleus preserved the typical ultrastructure, while the axon terminals of the neuromuscular junctions accumulated a lot of synaptic vesicles (including large vesicles); the coated vesicles were absent due to unloading of the muscle and its muscle spindles (no contractions of the intrafusal fibers). A short-term effects of hypergravity at the background of support unloading of m. soleus mostly induced static loading of the muscle inducing different responses of the intrafusal fibers in different regions of the muscle spindles: local lysis of myofilaments was observed in single intrafusal fibers of the equatorial and intracapsular motor regions, while myofibrils remained intact in most fibers in the intra- and extracapsular regions of the spindles. The revealed adaptive response of the intrafusal fibers is, on the one hand, due to their specific innervation and ultrastructure and, on the other hand, to positive effect of hypergravity on the motor and extracapsular regions of the muscle spindles. Hypergravity decreased the number of synaptic vesicles and induced appearance of the coated vesicles in the axon terminals of the neuromuscular junctions of the intrafusal fibers in the animals restrained in antiorthostatic position (support unloading of m. soleus), which is due to increased functional load of the muscle. The ultrastructure of the muscle spindles adequately reflected the functional status of the postural m. soleus both during support unloading and support unloading combined with hypergravity load.  相似文献   

At various stages of pre- and postnatal ontogenesis ultrastructure of contacts of smooth myocytes and nervous terminals in the white mice bronchial wall has been investigated. Nervous fibers grow into the forming tissue of the lung beginning from the 11th day of embryogenesis. By the end of the prenatal development the nervous fibers fasciculi with varicosites and having vesicles are localized at the distance of 100-300 nm from the developing myocytes. Formation of dense neuromuscular junctions with the distance of 35-60 nm between the axonal membranes and the myocyte is observed on the 10-15 day after birth. In mature animals combination of various types of neuromuscular connections is revealed; they ensure local and distant neurotrophic regulation. In the bronchial smooth musculature afferent connections are revealed, as well as connections of myocytic processes with the effectors. Terminals of the cholinergic type predominate, adrenergic effectors occur very seldom. There are terminals, in which combination of vesicles having various structure and diameter are observed.  相似文献   

Seiei Aizu 《Tissue & cell》1982,14(2):329-339
Two morphologically distinct types of neuromuscular junction on the coxal leg muscles of the cockroach, Periplaneta americana, which have been physiologically described as innervated by fast, slow and inhibitory nerve fibers, have been found. In one type of neuromuscular junction the axon terminal contains many round clear synaptic vesicles and contacts several sarcoplasmic extensions from the muscle fiber. The muscle processes adhere to the axon terminal for a short distance (short contact or SC type). The axon terminal of the other type of neuromuscular junction directly contacts the muscle fiber and no extensions of the muscle fiber are formed. The contact region is comparatively long (long contact or LC type). The nerve terminal contains many polymorphic synaptic vesicles. From a correlation of the present morphological findings and the previous physiological results, it may be suggested that the SC type of nerve terminal represents both fast and slow nerve terminals and the inhibitory terminal is of the LC type.  相似文献   

The incidence of coated vesicles under sarcolemmal surfaces of equatorial, juxta-equatorial and polar regions in developing and adult spindles of the rat soleus muscle was examined by quantitative morphometry of transverse ultrathin sections. Coated vesicles were more numerous: 1) under primary sensory endings than under other types of neuromuscular contacts; 2) under the appositional sarcolemma between neighbouring intrafusal fibres than under free surfaces of the sarcolemma; and 3) in developing than in mature spindles. Factors such as location and age of the animal often interacted to produce an additive effect on the incidence of coated vesicles. Although there was a high incidence of coated vesicles at the postsynaptic surface under sensory terminals of bag2 fibres in 18 and 19 day gestational embryonic rats, it peaked in 4 day postnatal animals. The high incidence of coated vesicles at sensory endings supports the view that coated vesicles mediate neurotrophic interactions between afferents and intrafusal fibres during the critical late gestation and early postnatal time period, as sensory axons first contact their target fibres and exert a maximal directing influence on the differentiation of intrafusal fibre types. In addition, the preferential localization of coated vesicles under appositional rather than free surfaces of developing intrafusal fibres in 0-4 day rats suggests that they play a role in the transport of active substances among intrafusal fibres exhibiting different stages of maturity.  相似文献   

The distribution of serotonin (5-HT) was determined by the application of the prembedding peroxidase-anti-peroxidase (PAP) technique in vibratome and ultrathin sections of the brain stem. The antiserum stained the neuronal groups B1 to B9. Somata, dendrites and axons of multipolar and bipolar neurons were recognized in the usual locations. The most commonly found profiles in the area of the n.raphe dorsalis were dendrites. The search for axon terminals was unsuccesful. The labeled dendrites appear in synaptic contact with unlabeled endings containing round or pleomorphic vesicles, and occasionally some large dense core vesicles. Contacts between two labeled dendrites or processes were not found. Occasionally a dendrodendritic junction between a 5-HT labeled dendrite and an unlabeled dendrite has been found. There are areas of the dendritic membrane free of synaptic junctions and free of glial insulation. Results are discussed in relation with the previously proposed presynaptic role of the dendrites in the neuronal circuitry of then. raphé dorsalis.Special Issue dedicated to Prof. Eduardo De Robertis.Research supported by grants from the CONICET and SECYT, Argentina.  相似文献   

Development of the neuromuscular junction on differentiating muscle was investigated in the regenerating limb of the newt Triturus. Motor end-plate formation begins when vesicle-filled axon terminations approach differentiating muscle cells that have reached the stage of a multinucleate cell containing myofibrils. Slight ridges or elevations occur on the muscle surface, and there is an increase in density of the cytoplasm immediately beneath the plasma membrane of the elevation. The axon becomes more closely approximated to the muscle cell and comes to lie in a shallow depression or gutter on the surface of the muscle. The surface ridges increase in length and constrict at their bases to form junctional folds. In the axon terminal, focal accumulations of vesicles are found where the axon contour projects slightly opposite the secondary synaptic clefts. Cholinesterase activity in the developing junctions was demonstrated by the thiolacetic acid-lead nitrate method. Enzymatic activity is not found on intercellular nerve fibers or the muscle surface prior to close approximation of axon endings and muscle. Eserine- and DFP-sensitive activity appears concurrently with morphological differentiation. Activity occurs in membranous tubulovesicles in the sarcoplasm subjacent to the neuromuscular junction and in association with the sarcolemma. The largest reaction deposits occur at the tips of the emerging junctional folds. Smaller and less numerous localizations occur on the axon membrane and within the axoplasm. It is concluded from these studies that the nerve endings have an inductive effect on both the morphological and chemical specializations of the neuromuscular junction.  相似文献   

Summary The threedimensional ultrastructure of presynaptic dense bars was examined by serial section electron microscopy in the excitatory neuromuscular synapses of the accessory flexor muscle in the limbs of larval, juvenile, and adult lobsters. The cross-sectional profile of the dense bar resembles an asymmetric hourglass, the part contacting the presynaptic membrane being larger than that projecting into the terminal. The bar has a height of 55–65 nm and varies in length from 75–600 nm. In its dimensions it resembles the dense projections in the synapses of the CNS of insects and vertebrates. The usual location of these dense bars is at well defined synapses, though a few are found at extrasynaptic sites either in the axon or terminal. In the latter case the bars are close to synapse-bearing regions, particularly in the larval terminals, suggesting that the extrasynaptic bars denote early events in synapse formation. In all cases the bars are intimately associated with electron lucent, synaptic vesicles located on either side, in the indentation of its hourglass-shaped cross sectional profile. The vesicles occur along the length of the bar and contact the presynaptic membrane. Consequently the dense bar may serve to align the vesicles at the presynaptic membrane prior to exocytosis. A similar role has been suggested for the presynaptic dense bodies at the neuromuscular junction of the frog, where synaptic vesicles form a row on either side of this structure.Supported by Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada and NSERCC. Generous use of laboratory facilities at Woods Hole was provided by the late Fred Lang  相似文献   

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