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EL/Suz (EL) mice experience recurrent seizures that are similar to common partial complex epilepsy in humans. In the mice, seizures occur naturally at 90–100 days of age, but can be induced in younger mice and analyzed as a semi-quantitative trait after gentle rhythmic stimulation. A previous genetic mapping study of EL backcrosses to the strains ABP/LeJ or DBA/2J showed two quantitative trait loci (QTL) with large effects on seizure frequency (El1, Chr 9; El2, Chr 2) and implied the existence of other QTL with lesser effects. To further the understanding of EL-derived seizure alleles, we examined intercross progeny of EL and the strains ABP/LeJ and DDY/Jcl, and also a backcross of (EL x DDY)F1 hybrids to DDY. A new large-effect seizure frequency QTL was found (El5, Chr 14), a more minor QTL confirmed (El3, Chr 10), and two additional QTL proposed (El4, Chr 9; El6, Chr 11). The serotonin receptor gene, Htr2a, maps near and is a candidate for El5, and linkages of other serotonin receptor genes to seizure frequency QTL are noted. In addition, a strong gender effect was revealed, and epistasis was found between Chr 9 and Chr 14 markers. Despite this progress, however, our results revealed a more complex determinism of epilepsy in EL mice than previously described. In particular, no single El locus or pair was essential for frequent seizures, as QTL with large effects, such as El5, El2, and El1, were highly dependent on genetic context. Our studies highlight the importance of gene interaction in some complex mammalian traits defined by natural variation.  相似文献   

Gene therapy represents an innovative and promising alternative for the treatment of epileptic patients who are resistant to conventional antiepileptic drugs. Among the various approaches for the application of gene therapy in the treatment of CNS disorders, recombinant viral vectors have been most widely used so far. Several gene targets could be used to correct the compromized balance between inhibitory and excitatory transmission in epilepsy. Transduction of neuropeptide genes such as galanin and neuropeptide Y (NPY) in specific brain areas in experimental models of seizures resulted in significant anticonvulsant effects. In particular, the long-lasting NPY over-expression obtained in the rat hippocampus using intracerebral application of recombinant adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors reduced the generalization of seizures from their site of onset, delayed acquisition of fully kindled seizures and afforded neuroprotection. These results establish a proof-of-principle for the applicability of AAV-NPY vectors for the inhibition of seizures in epilepsy. Additional investigations are required to demonstrate a therapeutic role of gene therapy in chronic models of seizures and to address in more detail safety concerns and possible side-effects.  相似文献   

Auditory aspects of seizure in the genetically epilepsy prone rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The organ of Corti of Genetically Epilepsy Prone Rats was examined anatomically and electrophysiologically using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electrophysiological recording of alternating current cochlear potentials (ACCP) and N1, a volume conductor recording of the primary auditory afferent action potentials. ACCPs for GEPRs with low intensity seizures (Acoustic Response Score (ARS) = 2 or 3) and high intensity seizures (ARS = 9) showed similar impairment in cochlear function. Approximately a 25-35 dB shift in input-output functions was present in GEPRs as compared to controls. SEM revealed several types of possible genetic abnormalities which explain the deficits in cochlear function and could serve as the basis for seizure predisposition in these animals.  相似文献   

目的探讨抑制小胶质细胞活化对癫痫发作的影响及对脑神经元的保护作用。方法将大鼠随机分为4组:生理盐水对照组(NS组),海人酸致痫组(KA组),美满霉素预处理+海人酸组(MC+KA组),单纯美满霉素组(MC组)。采用免疫组化法观察各组大鼠造模后脑内Ox-42、c—fos和caspase-3免疫反应性。RT—PCR或Westernblot法检测造模后Apaf-1mRNA含量和caspase-3蛋白表达量。结果在KA致痫后2h大脑皮质及海马部位有明显的小胶质细胞活化、增殖,同时C—los蛋白的表达在致痫组也较对照组显著增强,Mc干预致痫组可明显减弱上述效应。Apaf-1mRNA的含量及caspase-3蛋白含量和免疫反应在造模后24h时间点四组之间无明显差异,在48h和72h时间点,KA组明显高于对照组(P〈0.05),MC预处理则明显拮抗其高表达(P〈O.05)。结论KA致痫不仅通过提高神经元的兴奋性而且也通过激活小胶质细胞共同导致癫痫发作,二者相互协同作用,可进一步促进神经元凋亡,而MC能通过抑制小胶质细胞活化在癫痫中发挥神经保护作用。  相似文献   

Mice deficient for the gene encoding the RNA-binding protein CELF4 (CUGBP, ELAV-like family member 4) have a complex seizure phenotype that includes both convulsive and non-convulsive seizures, depending upon gene dosage and strain background, modeling genetically complex epilepsy. Invertebrate CELF is associated with translational control in fruit fly ovary epithelium and with neurogenesis and neuronal function in the nematode. Mammalian CELF4 is expressed widely during early development, but is restricted to the central nervous system in adults. To better understand the etiology of the seizure disorder of Celf4 deficient mice, we studied seizure incidence with spatial and temporal conditional knockout Celf4 alleles. For convulsive seizure phenotypes, it is sufficient to delete Celf4 in adulthood at the age of 7 weeks. This timing is in contrast to absence-like non-convulsive seizures, which require deletion before the end of the first postnatal week. Interestingly, selective deletion of Celf4 from cerebral cortex and hippocampus excitatory neurons, but not from inhibitory neurons, is sufficient to lower seizure threshold and to promote spontaneous convulsions. Correspondingly, Celf4 deficient mice have altered excitatory, but not inhibitory, neurotransmission as measured by patch-clamp recordings of cortical layer V pyramidal neurons. Finally, immunostaining in conjunction with an inhibitory neuron-specific reporter shows that CELF4 is expressed predominantly in excitatory neurons. Our results suggest that CELF4 plays a specific role in regulating excitatory neurotransmission. We posit that altered excitatory neurotransmission resulting from Celf4 deficiency underlies the complex seizure disorder in Celf4 mutant mice.  相似文献   

The synaptonemal complex (SC) promotes fusion of the homologous chromosomes (synapsis) and crossover recombination events during meiosis. The SC displays an extensive structural conservation between species; however, a few organisms lack SC and execute meiotic process in a SC-independent manner. To clarify the SC function in mammals, we have generated a mutant mouse strain (Sycp1(-/-)Sycp3(-/-), here called SC-null) in which all known SC proteins have been displaced from meiotic chromosomes. While transmission electron microscopy failed to identify any remnants of the SC in SC-null spermatocytes, neither formation of the cohesion axes nor attachment of the chromosomes to the nuclear membrane was perturbed. Furthermore, the meiotic chromosomes in SC-null meiocytes achieved pre-synaptic pairing, underwent early homologous recombination events and sustained a residual crossover formation. In contrast, in SC-null meiocytes synapsis and MLH1-MLH3-dependent crossovers maturation were abolished, whereas the structural integrity of chromosomes was drastically impaired. The variable consequences that SC inactivation has on the meiotic process in different organisms, together with the absence of SC in some unrelated species, imply that the SC could have originated independently in different taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

Even though recent studies have suggested that seizures do not occur suddenly and that before a seizure there is a period with an increased probability of seizure occurrence, neurophysiological mechanisms of interictal and pre-seizure states are unknown. The ability of mathematical methods to provide much more sensitive tools for the detection of subtle changes in the electrical activity of the brain gives promise that electrophysiological markers of enhanced seizure susceptibility can be found even during interictal periods when EEG of epilepsy patients often looks 'normal'. Previously, we demonstrated in animals that hippocampal and neocortical gamma-band rhythms (30-100 Hz) intensify long before seizures caused by systemic infusion of kainic acid. Other studies in recent years have also drawn attention to the fast activity (>30 Hz) as a possible marker of epileptogenic tissue. The current study quantified gamma-band activity during interictal periods and seizures in intracranial EEG (iEEG) in 5 patients implanted with subdural grids/intracranial electrodes during their pre-surgical evaluation. In all our patients, we found distinctive (abnormal) bursts of gamma activity with a 3 to 100 fold increase in power at gamma frequencies with respect to selected by clinicians, quiescent, artifact-free, 7-20 min "normal" background (interictal) iEEG epochs 1 to 14 hours prior to seizures. Increases in gamma activity were largest in those channels which later displayed the most intensive electrographic seizure discharges. Moreover, location of gamma-band bursts correlated (with high specificity, 96.4% and sensitivity, 83.8%) with seizure onset zone (SOZ) determined by clinicians. Spatial localization of interictal gamma rhythms within SOZ suggests that the persistent presence of abnormally intensified gamma rhythms in the EEG may be an important tool for focus localization and possibly a determinant of epileptogenesis.  相似文献   



The objective of this study is to conduct a systematic review of studies reporting the frequency of neurocysticercosis (NCC) worldwide.

Methods/Principal Findings

PubMed, Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau (CAB) abstracts and 23 international databases were systematically searched for articles published from January 1, 1990 to June 1, 2008. Articles were evaluated for inclusion by at least two researchers focusing on study design and methods. Data were extracted independently using standardized forms. A random-effects binomial model was used to estimate the proportion of NCC among people with epilepsy (PWE). Overall, 565 articles were retrieved and 290 (51%) selected for further analysis. After a second analytic phase, only 4.5% of articles, all of which used neuroimaging for the diagnosis of NCC, were reviewed. Only two studies, both from the US, estimated an incidence rate of NCC using hospital discharge data. The prevalence of NCC in a random sample of village residents was reported from one study where 9.1% of the population harboured brain lesions of NCC. The proportion of NCC among different study populations varied widely. However, the proportion of NCC in PWE was a lot more consistent. The pooled estimate for this population was 29.0% (95%CI: 22.9%–35.5%). These results were not sensitive to the inclusion or exclusion of any particular study.


Only one study has estimated the prevalence of NCC in a random sample of all residents. Hence, the prevalence of NCC worldwide remains unknown. However, the pooled estimate for the proportion of NCC among PWE was very robust and could be used, in conjunction with estimates of the prevalence and incidence of epilepsy, to estimate this component of the burden of NCC in endemic areas. The previously recommended guidelines for the diagnostic process and for declaring NCC an international reportable disease would improve the knowledge on the global frequency of NCC.  相似文献   

Kifafa is the Swahili name for an epileptic seizure disorder, first reported in the early 1960s, that is prevalent in the Wapogoro tribe of the Mahenge region of Tanzania in eastern Africa. A 1990 epidemiological survey of seizure disorders in this region reported a prevalence in the range of 19/1,000-36/1,000, with a mean age at onset of 11.6 years; 80% of those affected had onset prior to 20 years of age. A team of investigators returned to Tanzania in 1992 and collected data on > 1,600 relatives of 26 probands in 20 kifafa families. We have undertaken a genetic analysis of these data in order to detect the presence of familial clustering and whether such aggregation could be attributed to genetic factors. Of the 127 affected individuals in these pedigrees, 23 are first-degree relatives (parent, full sibling, or offspring) of the 26 probands; 20 are second-degree relatives (half-sibling, grandparent, uncle, or aunt). When corrected for age, the risk to first-degree relatives is .15; the risk to second-degree relatives is .063. These risks are significantly higher than would be expected if there were no familial clustering. Segregation analysis, using PAP (rev.4.0), was undertaken to clarify the mode of inheritance. Among the Mendelian single-locus models, an additive model was favored over either a dominant, recessive, or codominant model. The single-locus model could be rejected when compared with the mixed Mendelian model (inclusion of a polygenic background), although the major-gene component tends to be recessive.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   



To compare the efficacy of pregabalin and gabapentin at comparable effective dose levels in patients with refractory partial epilepsy.


Eight randomized placebo controlled trials investigating the efficacy of pregabalin (4 studies) and gabapentin (4 studies) over 12 weeks were identified with a systematic literature search. The endpoints of interest were "responder rate" (where response was defined as at least a 50% reduction from baseline in the number of seizures) and "change from baseline in seizure-free days over the last 28 days (SFD)". Results of all trials were analyzed using an indirect comparison approach with placebo as the common comparator. The base-case analysis used the intention-to-treat last observation carried forward method. Two sensitivity analyses were conducted among completer and responder populations.


The base-case analysis revealed statistically significant differences in response rate in favor of pregabalin 300 mg versus gabapentin 1200 mg (odds ratio, 1.82; 95% confidence interval, 1.02, 3.25) and pregabalin 600 mg versus gabapentin 1800 mg (odds ratio, 2.52; 95% confidence interval, 1.21, 5.27). Both sensitivity analyses supported the findings of the base-case analysis, although statistical significance was not demonstrated. All dose levels of pregabalin (150 mg to 600 mg) were more efficacious than corresponding dosages of gabapentin (900 mg to 2400 mg) in terms of SFD over the last 28 days.


In patients with refractory partial epilepsy, pregabalin is likely to be more effective than gabapentin at comparable effective doses, based on clinical response and the number of SFD.

A closed-loop system for the automated detection and control of epileptic seizures was created and tested in three Genetic Absence Epilepsy Rats from Strasbourg (GAERS) rats. In this preliminary study, a set of four EEG features were used to detect seizures and three different electrical stimulation strategies (standard (130 Hz), very high (500 Hz) and ultra high (1000 Hz)) were delivered to terminate seizures. Seizure durations were significantly shorter with all three stimulation strategies when compared to non-stimulated (control) seizures. We used mean seizure duration of epileptiform discharges persisting beyond the end of electrical stimulation as a measure of stimulus efficacy. When compared to the duration of seizures stimulated in the standard approach (7.0 s ± 10.1), both very high and ultra high frequency stimulation strategies were more effective at shortening seizure durations (1.3 ± 2.2 s and 3.5 ± 6.4 s respectively). Further studies are warranted to further understand the mechanisms by which this therapeutic effect may be conveyed, and which of the novel aspects of the very high and ultra high frequency stimulation strategies may have contributed to the improvement in seizure abatement performance when compared to standard electrical stimulation approaches.  相似文献   

Luo C  Qiu C  Guo Z  Fang J  Li Q  Lei X  Xia Y  Lai Y  Gong Q  Zhou D  Yao D 《PloS one》2011,7(1):e28196
Examining the spontaneous activity to understand the neural mechanism of brain disorder is a focus in recent resting-state fMRI. In the current study, to investigate the alteration of brain functional connectivity in partial epilepsy in a systematical way, two levels of analyses (functional connectivity analysis within resting state networks (RSNs) and functional network connectivity (FNC) analysis) were carried out on resting-state fMRI data acquired from the 30 participants including 14 healthy controls(HC) and 16 partial epilepsy patients. According to the etiology, all patients are subdivided into temporal lobe epilepsy group (TLE, included 7 patients) and mixed partial epilepsy group (MPE, 9 patients). Using group independent component analysis, eight RSNs were identified, and selected to evaluate functional connectivity and FNC between groups. Compared with the controls, decreased functional connectivity within all RSNs was found in both TLE and MPE. However, dissociating patterns were observed within the 8 RSNs between two patient groups, i.e, compared with TLE, we found decreased functional connectivity in 5 RSNs increased functional connectivity in 1 RSN, and no difference in the other 2 RSNs in MPE. Furthermore, the hierarchical disconnections of FNC was found in two patient groups, in which the intra-system connections were preserved for all three subsystems while the lost connections were confined to intersystem connections in patients with partial epilepsy. These findings may suggest that decreased resting state functional connectivity and disconnection of FNC are two remarkable characteristics of partial epilepsy. The selective impairment of FNC implicated that it is unsuitable to understand the partial epilepsy only from global or local perspective. We presumed that studying epilepsy in the multi-perspective based on RSNs may be a valuable means to assess the functional changes corresponding to specific RSN and may contribute to the understanding of the neuro-pathophysiological mechanism of epilepsy.  相似文献   

Otoom SA  Nusier MK 《Cytobios》2001,106(Z1):75-83
The effect of lamotrigine (LTG) on evoked and spontaneous seizure-like activity induced by veratridine, was investigated. Rat brain slices were examined using conventional electrophysiological intracellular techniques. Alteration of sodium channel function by veratridine (0.3 microM) induced spontaneous seizure-like activity in the hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. Therapeutic concentrations of LTG (5-10 microM) inhibited both evoked and spontaneous bursting induced by veratridine. This inhibition was voltage-dependent indicating possible interaction between the drug and the inactivated state of sodium channels. There was an increase in the firing threshold of the bursting but no change in the resting membrane potential (RMP) and membrane input resistance. Results from this work suggest that the veratridine model of epilepsy is very sensitive to drugs which act on sodium channels. These data make the veratridine model a suitable tool for screening potential sodium channel-dependent antiepileptic drugs.  相似文献   

氧对膜生物反应器短程硝化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武小鹰  郑平 《生物工程学报》2014,30(12):1828-1834
为了研究膜生物反应器的短程硝化性能以及氧对短程硝化的影响,通过对比耗氧率和供氧率,提出了膜生物反应器短程硝化的控制优化建议。在膜生物反应器硝化过程中,DO小于1 mg/L开始出现亚硝氮积累;DO降到0.5 mg/L,出水氨氮浓度与亚硝氮浓度之比接近1∶1;DO调控在0.5-1 mg/L范围内,有利于前置硝化反应器与后续厌氧氨氧化反应器衔接。膜生物反应器中污泥浓度可达20 g/L,耗氧能力可达19.86 mg O2/(L·s),但最大供氧能力仅为0.369 mg O2/(L·s),供氧成为反应器运行的制约瓶颈,"低DO高流量"曝气是继续提高短程硝化效能的控制策略。  相似文献   

In absence epilepsy, epileptogenic processes are suspected of involving an imbalance between GABAergic inhibition and glutamatergic excitation. Here, we describe alteration of the expression of glutamate transporters in rats with genetic absence (the Genetic Absence Epilepsy Rats from Strasbourg: GAERS). In these rats, epileptic discharges, recorded in the thalamo-cortical network, appear around 40 days after birth. In adult rats no alteration of the protein expression of the glutamate transporters was observed. In 30-day-old GAERS protein levels (quantified by western blot) were lower in the cortex by 21% and 35% for the glial transporters GLT1 and GLAST, respectively, and by 32% for the neuronal transporter EAAC1 in the thalamus compared to control rats. In addition, the expression and activity of GLAST were decreased by 50% in newborn GAERS cortical astrocytes grown in primary culture. The lack of modification of the protein levels of glutamatergic transporters in adult epileptic GAERS, in spite of mRNA variations (quantified by RT-PCR), suggests that they are not involved in the pathogeny of spike-and-wave discharges. In contrast, the alteration of glutamate transporter expression, observed before the establishment of epileptic discharges, could reflect an abnormal maturation of the glutamatergic neurone-glia circuitry.  相似文献   

The activity of the neurones of the medial septal region (MS) and the hippocampal EEG in control and during the appearance of seizure discharges provoked by electrical stimulation of the perforant path were investigated in the awake rabbit. During afterdischarge generation in the hippocampus the dense neuronal bursts separated by periods of inhibition were recorded in the MS. In one group of neurons the bursts of spikes coincided with the discharges in the hippocampus, in other group-occured during inhibitory periods. When the afterdischarge stopped, in the septal neurons with theta activity the disruption of theta pattern was recorded, which have been correlated with the occurrence of low amplitude high frequency (20-25 Hz) waves in the hippocampal EEG. As a rule, the neuronal activivity of the MS recovered much quickly than EEG of the hippocampus; in some cases the increasing of the theta regularity was observed. The definite accordance of the electrical activity of the hippocampus and MS during seizure discharges suggests that the septohippocampal system operate as integral nervous circuit in these conditions. Diverse in the temporal interrelations between the discharges of MS neurones and ictal discharges in the hippocampus in the different cells possible indicate that various groups of the septal nervous elements have different participation in the seizure development. Appearance of the high frequency bursts in the MS is a possible "precursor" of the seizure onsets.  相似文献   

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