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In recent decades, human–Rangifer (reindeer and caribou) interactions have increasingly been studied from a scientific perspective. Many of the studies have examined Norwegian wild reindeer or caribou in North America. It is often questioned whether results from these studies can be applied to reindeer in managed herds, as these animals have been exposed to domestication and are also more used to humans. In order to examine the domesticated reindeer’s reactions to various disturbance sources, we reviewed 18 studies of the effects of human activity and infrastructure on 12 populations of domesticated reindeer and compared these to studies on wild reindeer and caribou; based on this, we discuss the effects of domestication and tameness on reindeer responses to anthropogenic disturbance. We also consider the relevance of spatial and temporal scales and data collection methods when evaluating the results of these studies. The reviewed studies showed that domesticated reindeer exhibit avoidance behaviours up to 12 km away from infrastructure and sites of human activity and that the area they avoid may shift between seasons and years. Despite a long domestication process, reindeer within Sami reindeer-herding systems exhibit similar patterns of large-scale avoidance of anthropogenic disturbance as wild Rangifer, although the strength of their response may sometimes differ. This is not surprising since current Sami reindeer husbandry represents an extensive form of pastoralism, and the reindeer are not particularly tame. To obtain a true picture of how reindeer use their ranges, it is of fundamental importance to study the response pattern at a spatial and temporal scale that is relevant to the reindeer, whether domesticated or wild.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that animals may escape attack from mobile parasites by aggregating in selfish herds. A selfish herd disperses the risk of being attacked among its members and the per individual risk of parasite infection should therefore decrease with increasing animal density through the encounter–dilution effect. Moreover, in a selfish herd, dominant and agile animals should occupy the best positions and thereby receive fewer attacks compared to lower ranked animals at the periphery. We tested these predictions on reindeer ( Rangifer tarandus tarandus ) parasitized by warble flies ( Hypoderma tarandi ). Warble flies oviposit their eggs on reindeer during summer and induce strong anti-parasitic behavioural responses in the herds. In this period, reindeer are sexually segregated; females and calves form large and dense herds while males are more solitary. After hatching, the warble fly larvae migrate under the skin of their host where they encyst. In the present study encysted larvae were counted on newly slaughtered hides of male calves and 1.5 year old males from 18 different reindeer herds in Finnmark, northern Norway with large contrasts in reindeer density. In reindeer, body mass is correlated with fitness and social status and we hypothesized that individual carcass mass reflected the animal's ability to occupy the best positions within the herd. Larval abundance was higher among the 1.5 year old males than among the calves. For calves we found in accordance with the selfish herd hypothesis a negative relationship between larval abundance and animal density and between larval abundance and body mass. These relationships were absent for the 1.5 year old males. We suggest that these differences were due to different grouping behaviour where calves and females, but not males, aggregated in selfish herds where they escaped parasitism.  相似文献   

It has long been known that the formation of a fibrous capsule around an implant is a general phenomenon in nature, an inevitable result of the tissue defense mechanism called the foreign body reaction. We have investigated this reaction in animals and find it consists of a series of interrelated processes in which the final result may vary, depending on the susceptibility of the foreign material to phagocytosis, incorporation by giant cells, or isolation by fibrosis. This susceptibility depends, in turn, on the physical and chemical properties of the implant. The process of capsule formation, as well as the structure of the final capsule, is similar in animal models and in humans--so that investigations of human encapsulation may be done in animals. The cause of abnormal induration around human breast implants is still unknown, and the question of whether normal induration in the animal model can be used to elucidate abnormal clinical induration depends on further investigation of both phenomena.  相似文献   

Alendal, E., de Bie, S. and van Wieren, S. E. 1979. Size and composition of the wild reindeer Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus population in the Southeast Svalbard Nature Reserve. Holarct. Ecol. 2: 101-107. In the summer of 1977 we studied the reindeer population on the islands Barentsøya and Edgeøya in the eastern part of the Svalbard archipelago. A total of 1374 reindeer were observed: 326 animals in the western parts of Barentsøya and 1048 animals on Edgeøya. Considering those parts of Edgeøya which were not visited, the total number of reindeer on Edgeøya was estimated at 1300 animals. The total number of reindeer was lower than in previous years. The decline probably was due to severe winter conditions in 1975/1976 and 1976/1977 confirmed by the fact that many carcasses and few yearlings were observed. Nearly all reindeer occurred on the coastal plains and in the valleys. These areas have the relatively richest vegetation. The average recruitment of the total population (counted) was 15.9%. The adult sex ratio was in favour of females: 59% females versus 41% males. There were differences both in the recruitment and in the adult sex ratio between three distinct areas on Edgeøya and between two on Barentsøya. These differences may be due to dissimilarities in food quality and feeding conditions caused by climate, and by small exchange of reindeer between the areas. The high frequency of shed male antlers on Frankenhalvøya and Talaveraflya, north and south coast of Barentsøya respectively, indicates that these areas belong to the wintering grounds of reindeer on this island. Concentrations of shed female antlers on Barentsøya were less pronounced. The highest frequency was in the areas Sjodalen and Kvistdalen-Talaveraflya in the northwest and south respectively. Females may use these areas as late wintering grounds and possibly as calving areas. The average group size was 2.2 and the aggregation index 3.1. Seventytwo per cent of all groups, containing 48% of all reindeer, fell into group size 1 and 2. Males mostly were observed alone or together with one other animal. Females with calves most frequently occurred in groups of 2 and 4 animals.  相似文献   

During an 18-mo period (May 2002-November 2003), 10 animals in a herd of 19 reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) at the National Animal Disease Center (NADC) experienced episodes of anemia. Affected animals had histories of weight loss, unthriftiness, occasionally edema of dependent parts and moderate anemia characterized by microcytosis or macrocytosis, hypochromasia, schistocytosis, keratocytosis, acanthocytosis, and dacryocytosis. Numerous basophilic punctate to ring-shaped bodies, measuring less than 1.0 microm, were found on the surface of red blood cells and were often observed encircling the outer margins of the cells. Based on cytologic findings, DNA preparations from selected affected animals in the NADC herd and one animal from a private herd experiencing similar episodes of anemia were assayed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the presence of hemotropic bacteria using primers targeting the 16S rRNA genes of Mycoplasma (Eperythrozoon) suis, Mycoplasma (Haemobartonella) haemofelis, Anaplasma marginale, Anaplasma spp., and Ehrlichia spp. Amplification products were detected from four of the affected animals using primers specific for the 16S rRNA gene of M. haemofelis and Mycoplasma haemocanis. Product from one of the animals was sequenced and internal primers were designed from the resulting sequence to perform a nested PCR assay. Samples from 10 reindeer were positive using the nested PCR reaction and products from seven animals were sequenced; BLAST searches and phylogenetic analysis were performed on the resulting sequences. Sequence data from six animals revealed homology to an organism most closely related to Mycoplasma ovis, Mycoplasma wenyonii, and Mycoplasma haemolamae; sequence from a single animal was most closely related to M. haemofelis and M. haemocanis. This represents the first identification of a haemomycoplasma species in reindeer. Although several animals were also infected with abomasal nematodes, the presence of this newly described haemomycoplasma may have contributed to the anemic syndrome.  相似文献   

The paper introduces a new vision advanced by the recent project, Arctic People and Animal Crashes: Human, Climate and Habitat Agency in the Anthropocene (2014–2015) developed at the Smithsonian Institution. Unlike earlier top-down models of polar animal-climate-people connections that tied changes in Arctic species’ abundance and ranges to alternating warmer and cooler temperatures or high ice/low sea-ice regimes, rapid animal declines (‘crashes’) may be better approached at regional and local scales. This approach is close to Arctic peoples’ traditional vision that animals, like people, live in ‘tribes’ and that they ‘come and go’ according to their relations with the local human societies. As the Arctic changes rapidly and climate/sea-ice/ecotone boundaries shift, we see diverse responses by Arctic people and animals to environmental stressors. I examine recent data on the status of three northern mammal species – caribou/reindeer, Pacific walrus, and polar bear—during two decades of the ongoing Arctic warming. The emerging record may be best approached as a series of local human-animal disequilibria interpreted from different angles by population biologists, indigenous peoples, and anthropologists, rather than a top-down climate-induced ‘crash.’ Such new understanding implies the varying speed of change in the physical, animal, and human domains, which was not factored in the earlier models of climate–animal–people’s interactions.  相似文献   

The Siberian Northeast shows striking parallels between the cosmologies of hunters and reindeer herders. What may this tell us about the transformation from hunting to pastoralism? This article argues for a structural identity between hunting and sacrifice, and for the domestication of the reindeer as the result of hunters' efforts to use sacrifice to control the accidental variables of the hunt. Hunters can practise their ethos of ‘trust’ with prey only through highly controlled ritual enactments. We describe two: the famous bear festival of the Amur Gulf region and the consecrated reindeer of the Eveny. Both express the same overall logic by which sacrifice functions as an ideal hunt. The animal is involved in a relation not of domination but of trust, while also undergoing a process of taming. We therefore suggest that the reindeer's domestication may be based not only on ecological or economic adaptations, but also on cosmology.  相似文献   

Most of the existing anthropological literature that recognizes human-animal interaction as being at the core of nomadic pastoralism focuses on nomads as the only active agents of this interaction. Nomads interact with their animals by either adapting their actions to animal behavior or by changing this behavior in ways to suit them. Based on empirical material from two groups of reindeer herding nomads in northern Russia, we suggest that human-animal interaction in nomadic pastoralism can be better understood as being the result of a dynamic mutual behavioral adaptation. In the process of this adaptation, animals change their behavior in response to the herders’ actions, which in turn leads to a responsive change to herders’ patterns of actions, etc. We argue that this approach can account for the differences in both animal behavior and herding technologies across nomadic pastoralist cultures, as well as for some of the divergent developments within these cultures.  相似文献   

In 2004 to 2006, studies on free-ranging reindeer and musk oxen on Wrangel island were performed to estimate the nutrient value, daily intake, and digestibility of forage in different seasons of the year. Forage digestibility was determined from the ratio between the contents of indigestible components (lignin) in forage and animal feces. Daily forage intake was calculated from data on daily feces excretion and forage digestibility. The amount of feces and parameters of life activity of individual animals were estimated by following their 24-hour tracks. The results show that the daily intake of forage (dry weight) in musk oxen amounts to 7.8 kg in the summer period and decreases to 6.1 kg in the snow period (March–April). Grazing reindeer in the snow period consume 3.9 kg of forage per day. Forage digestibility in reindeer reaches 56% in March to April and decreases to 52% in June. In musk oxen, forage digestibility in different seasons (March, June, September) varies within a similar range (53–57%). Nutrition parameters (diet composition, forage intake rate and digestibility) of reindeer and musk oxen on grazing grounds of Wrangel Island are similar. Metabolizable energy consumption in both animals during the winter period is at the maintenance level (917–930 kJ/kg0.75 body weight). In the summer period, this parameter in musk oxen increases to 1163 kJ/kg0.75 body weight to meet the energy demand of the animals.  相似文献   

In his novel Elizabeth Costello (2003), J. M. Coetzee's title character espouses philosophical perspectives on cruelty and the human condition in a series of fictionalized lectures. In particular, she takes on the question of human cruelty to animals. As novelist, Coetzee relies on lyrical statements about the nature of cruelty, analogies between the atrocities of fascism and factory farms, and ethical elitism to address these issues. In this article, I use anthropological data to investigate such constructed notions of "human cruelty" and "human nature." I end with a discussion of cross-cultural variation in animal use by humans and of the current animal rights movement. The goal of this article is to engage, anthropologically, perspectives on cruelty in human natures and our relations with other animals.  相似文献   

The slaughterhouse, whether it is seen as an institution, as an industry, or as a unique technological system, is arguably right at the heart of modernism. Human–animal relationships and more generally human–nature relationships bring about issues of rationalization, alienation, and commodity fetishism, while raising philosophical concerns of the human worldview. Current practices of animal slaughter in Iran challenge the core values of Islamic teachings. Slaughterhouses are hidden from the public, segregated into various sections, and follow the exact same models of industrial production as in other parts of the world. Since they must abide by Islamic ways of slaughter and therefore become Halal, these slaughterhouses are slightly modified accordingly. When meat, or what is recently referred to as protein, shows up in the market, it conceals any sign of its true origin—it is neatly packaged with layers of plastic and modern colorful labels showing animals happily grazing on open, green pasture. The findings of this research point to the subtle imbalance and alienation created between humans and animals in Iran.  相似文献   


During 2009–10, I conducted ethnographic fieldwork with 31 immunologists, virologists, and neuroscientists working with either rats or mice. I encountered how the conceptual and physical bounds that have traditionally separated nature from culture, specie from specie, human from animal, are crossed, blurred, and reasserted. In this ambiguous zone, a scientific incuriosity about animals themselves persists, in the practice of inquiring into animal bodies and minds to produce insights into human health and its betterment. This privileging of human health bypasses animals themselves in favor of a view of them as human similars and prone objects, wholly available to persons, and affirms the Heideggarian thesis, that science occupies an arrogated position in modernity. Such incurious encounters with animals produced ideas and pronouncements about the close biological and genetic similarities that humans and animals share, that scientists in my study called “biokinship” and “genekinship.” These terms indicate both a close relation between animals and persons, but they also present the terms upon which hierarchical relations between humans and animals might be arrayed. Equally present among the scientists with whom I worked was a curiosity about animals themselves. This manifested in understandings and articulations of animals as beings with whom one might make a relationship in which mutually understood communication was possible. Attendant to this curiosity about animals themselves was an awareness scientists in my study had of what these relationships, or what I have called fleshy kinships with rats and mice, might mean for scientific practice, for good science, and for human–animal relatedness in the laboratory. This ambiguous situation calls for analytic attention to biotic materiality and process, but equally for attention to rodents as beings with whom scientists interact on an everyday basis, and with whom they form communicative relations.  相似文献   

The audiogram of two yearling male reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) were determined using a conditioned suppression/avoidance procedure. During testing, the animal was drinking from a metal bowl while pure tone signals were played at random intervals and followed by an electric shock in the bowl. By breaking contact with the bowl at sound signals, the animal avoided the shock. The animals detected sounds at intensities of 60 dB or less from 70 Hz to 38 kHz. The frequency range of best sensitivity was relatively flat from 1 kHz to 16 kHz, with a best sensitivity of 3 dB at 8 kHz. The hearing ability of reindeer is similar to the hearing ability of other ungulates.  相似文献   

Animal models have received particular attention as key examples of material models. In this paper, we argue that the specificities of establishing animal models—acknowledging their status as living beings and as epistemological tools—necessitate a more complex account of animal models as materialised models. This becomes particularly evident in animal-based models of diseases that only occur in humans: in these cases, the representational relation between animal model and human patient needs to be generated and validated. The first part of this paper presents an account of how disease-specific animal models are established by drawing on the example of transgenic mice models for Alzheimer’s disease. We will introduce an account of validation that involves a three-fold process including (1) from human being to experimental organism; (2) from experimental organism to animal model; and (3) from animal model to human patient. This process draws upon clinical relevance as much as scientific practices and results in disease-specific, yet incomplete, animal models. The second part of this paper argues that the incompleteness of models can be described in terms of multi-level abstractions. We qualify this notion by pointing to different experimental techniques and targets of modelling, which give rise to a plurality of models for a specific disease.  相似文献   

Wild reindeer have a range that extends across the circumpolar region. In the last few decades, however, populations of wild reindeer have been on the decline. The reasons for these declines are poorly understood, but are suggested to be linked to both local and global climatic factors, disease, and human interference. Hardangervidda plateau in Norway is home to the largest wild reindeer population in Europe, and is at the southern end of its European range. This population is therefore of particular importance, particularly in the light of climate change. We investigated how weather and hunting have affected the wild reindeer population in Hardangervidda over the last two decades. Our findings suggest that the wild reindeer population in Hardangervidda is most affected by winter temperature and hunting, where colder temperatures and lower harvest rates typically result in higher growth rates. We did not find significant evidence for linear density dependence. Our results show trends across Hardangervidda, and give an indication of how region-wide weather and hunting pressure can affect the wild reindeer population. As new data emerge, future investigations should look into the existence and nature of density dependence and the influence of other weather and human disturbance related factors.  相似文献   

Although there is little doubt that the domestication of mammals was instrumental for the modernization of human societies, even basic features of the path towards domestication remain largely unresolved for many species. Reindeer are considered to be in the early phase of domestication with wild and domestic herds still coexisting widely across Eurasia. This provides a unique model system for understanding how the early domestication process may have taken place. We analysed mitochondrial sequences and nuclear microsatellites in domestic and wild herds throughout Eurasia to address the origin of reindeer herding and domestication history. Our data demonstrate independent origins of domestic reindeer in Russia and Fennoscandia. This implies that the Saami people of Fennoscandia domesticated their own reindeer independently of the indigenous cultures in western Russia. We also found that augmentation of local reindeer herds by crossing with wild animals has been common. However, some wild reindeer populations have not contributed to the domestic gene pool, suggesting variation in domestication potential among populations. These differences may explain why geographically isolated indigenous groups have been able to make the technological shift from mobile hunting to large-scale reindeer pastoralism independently.  相似文献   

Psoriasis is a chronic recurrent disorder that affects predominantly the skin and is autoimmune in nature. Experimental models help to study the development of psoriasis in controlled conditions and investigate particular aspects of the pathological process. Many mouse models were obtained to reproduce, to a certain extent, the psoriasis signs seen in humans. Genetically modified animals help to reveal the new genes whose mutations potentially underlie the disease and to search for new therapeutic targets. Moreover, the animal models are used to test new drugs and therapies. The review summarizes the published data on the laboratory animal models of the psoriatic process.  相似文献   

The use of rodent models for research and testing on endocrine-active compounds necessitates an awareness of a number of laboratory animal science issues to standardize bioassay methods and facilitate reproducibility of results between laboratories. These issues are not unique to endocrine research but are particularly important in this field due to the complexities and interdependencies of the endocrine system, coupled with the inherently sensitive and variable nature of physiological endpoints. Standardization of animal models and the control of animal environments depend on the establishment of strong scientific partnerships between research investigators and laboratory animal scientists. Laboratory animal care and use programs are becoming increasingly complex and are constantly changing, fueled in part by technological advances, changes in regulations concerning animal care and use, and economic pressures. Since the early 1980s, many institutions have moved to centralization of animal facility operations concomitant with numerous changes in housing systems, barrier concepts, equipment, and engineering controls of the macro- and microenvironment. These and other changes can have an impact on animals and the conduct of endocrine experiments. Despite the potential impact of animal care and use procedures on research endpoints, many investigators are surprisingly naive to the animal facility conditions that can affect in vivo studies. Several key animal care and use issues that are important to consider in endocrine experiments with rodent models are described.  相似文献   

A technique was developed for the measurement of levels of caesium radionuclides (137Cs+134Cs) in live reindeer, cattle, and sheep and in carcasses from these species. The instrument used was a sodium iodide scintillation detector coupled to a portable multi-channel analyser. Based on a combination of background measurements and measurements of impulses from animals with the detector in different anatomical positions we recommmend the following procedures: Lamb: The detector placed on os sacrum (standing animal). Reindeer: The detector placed between the hind legs (animal lying on its side). Cattle: The detector placed on the back of the standing animal, midway between os sacrum and trochanter major. Average geometrical factors for live animals were estimated. It was a linear correlation between measured activity levels in meat samples and counted impulses per sec in live animals. Geometrical factors were estimated at 95% confidence level with uncertainty between 6–14%. The detection limits varied between 50–200 Bq (becquerel)/kg in areas with ground depositions between 5–200 kBq/m2. Since the winter 1986/87 the technique has been the standard procedure for monitoring slaughter animals and carcasses for radiocaesium activity concentrations.  相似文献   

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