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The xcp genes are required for protein secretion by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. They are involved in the second step of the process, i.e. the translocation across the outer membrane, after the exoproteins have reached the periplasm in a signal peptide dependent fashion. The nucleotide sequence of a 2.5 kb DNA fragment containing xcp genes showed at least two complete open reading frames, potentially encoding proteins with molecular weights of 41 and 19 kd. Products with these apparent molecular weights were identified after expression of the DNA fragment in vitro and in vivo. Subcloning and complementation experiments showed that both proteins are required for secretion. The two products are located in the inner membrane and share highly significant homologies with the PulL and PulM proteins which are required for the specific secretion of pullulanase in Klebsiella pneumoniae. These homologies reveal the existence of a common mechanism for protein secretion in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae.  相似文献   

Regulated covalent modifications of lipid A are implicated in virulence of pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria. The Salmonella typhimurium PhoP/PhoQ-activated gene pagP is required both for biosynthesis of hepta-acylated lipid A species containing palmitate and for resistance to cationic anti-microbial peptides. Palmitoylated lipid A can also function as an endotoxin antagonist. We now show that pagP and its Escherichia coli homolog (crcA) encode an unusual enzyme of lipid A biosynthesis localized in the outer membrane. PagP transfers a palmitate residue from the sn-1 position of a phospholipid to the N-linked hydroxymyristate on the proximal unit of lipid A (or its precursors). PagP bearing a C-terminal His(6)-tag accumulated in outer membranes during overproduction, was purified with full activity and was shown by cross-linking to behave as a homodimer. PagP is the first example of an outer membrane enzyme involved in lipid A biosynthesis. Additional pagP homologs are encoded in the genomes of YERSINIA: and BORDETELLA: species. PagP may provide an adaptive response toward both Mg(2+) limitation and host innate immune defenses.  相似文献   

Summary Freeze-fracture and ultrathin section electron microscopy as well as31P-NMR spectroscopy and light scattering ofEscherichia coli andPseudomonas putida cells under conditions promoting the ability of cells to take up exogenous DNA's (high concentrations of divalent cations and a specific temperature regime) reveal the extensive polymorphic changes and the formation of various structural defects in cellular membranes. Polymorphic changes occur during the heat shock at 42 to 44°C of the cells preincubated at 0°C in the presence of high concentration of Ca2+ or Ba2+ cations and include the formation of various vesicle- and tube-like structures, intermembrane and intercellular contacts followed by membrane fusion and sometimes even by cell fusion. The results obtained suggest the occurrence of phospholipid-enriched zones in the outer leaflet ofE. coli outer membrane. This suggestion is verified and confirmed with the help of phospholipase C, a specific phospholipid binding and digesting enzyme. The presented experimental evidence directly supports the suggestion of Ahkong et al. (Nature 253:194–195, 1975) on the identity of the mechanisms of membrane contact formation and membrane fusion in model and cellular membranes. The biological relevance of the polymorphic changes observed is shortly discussed.  相似文献   

T Dinh  I T Paulsen    M H Saier  Jr 《Journal of bacteriology》1994,176(13):3825-3831
Seventeen fully sequenced and two partially sequenced extracytoplasmic proteins of purple, gram-negative bacteria constitute a homologous family termed the putative membrane fusion protein (MFP) family. Each such protein apparently functions in conjunction with a cytoplasmic membrane transporter of the ATP-binding cassette family, major facilitator superfamily, or heavy metal resistance/nodulation/cell division family to facilitate transport of proteins, peptides, drugs, or carbohydrates across the two membranes of the gram-negative bacterial cell envelope. Evidence suggests that at least some of these transport systems also function in conjunction with a distinct outer membrane protein. We report here that the phylogenies of these proteins correlate with the types of transport systems with which they function as well as with the natures of the substrates transported. Characterization of the MFPs with respect to secondary structure, average hydropathy, and average similarity provides circumstantial evidence as to how they may allow localized fusion of the two gram-negative bacterial cell membranes. The membrane fusion protein of simian virus 5 is shown to exhibit significant sequence similarity to representative bacterial MFPs.  相似文献   

Two simple lipid A analogues methyl 2,3-di-O-tetradecanoyl-alpha-D-glucopyranoside (GL1) and methyl 2,3-di-O-tetradecanoyl-alpha-D-glucopyranoside 4-O-phosphate (GL2) were synthesized and used for preparing mixed phosphocholine vesicles as models of the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria. The interaction of these model membranes with magainin 2, a representative of the alpha-helical membrane active peptides, and apidaecin Ib and drosocin, two insect Pro-rich peptides which do not act at the level of the cellular membrane, were studied by CD and dye-releasing experiments. The CD spectra of apidaecin Ib and drosocin in the presence of GL1- or GL2-containing vesicles were consistent with largely unordered structures, whereas, according to the CD spectra, magainin 2 adopted an amphipathic alpha-helical conformation, particularly in the presence of negatively charged bilayers. The ability of the peptides to fold into amphipathic conformations was strictly correlated to their ability to bind and to permeabilize phospholipid as well as glycolipid membranes. Apidaecin Ib and drosocin, which are unable to adopt an amphipathic structure, showed negligible dye-leakage activity even in the presence of GL2-containing vesicles. It is reasonable to suppose that, as for the killing mechanism, the two classes of antimicrobial peptides follow different patterns to cross the bacterial outer membrane.  相似文献   

The evidence for occurring lipopolysaccharide-protein complexes in the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria has been summarized. The composition and supramolecular structure of these complexes as well as their functions in microbial envelope and substantial role in membrane organization have been discussed. The biological properties of the complexes as endotoxins and O-specific antigens have been considered.  相似文献   

Brochocin-C is a two-peptide bacteriocin produced by Brochothrix campestris ATCC 43754 that has a broad activity spectrum comparable to that of nisin. Brochocin-C has an inhibitory effect on EDTA-treated gram-negative bacteria, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium lipopolysaccharide mutants, and spheroplasts of Typhimurium strains LT2 and SL3600. Brochocin-C treatment of cells and spheroplasts of strains of LT2 and SL3600 resulted in hydrolysis of ATP. The outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria protects the cytoplasmic membrane from the action of brochocin-C. It appears that brochocin-C is similar to nisin and possibly does not require a membrane receptor for its function; however, the difference in effect of the two bacteriocins on intracellular ATP indicates that they cause different pore sizes in the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

The effect of lactic acid on the outer membrane permeability of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium was studied utilizing a fluorescent-probe uptake assay and sensitization to bacteriolysis. For control purposes, similar assays were performed with EDTA (a permeabilizer acting by chelation) and with hydrochloric acid, the latter at pH values corresponding to those yielded by lactic acid, and also in the presence of KCN. Already 5 mM (pH 4.0) lactic acid caused prominent permeabilization in each species, the effect in the fluorescence assay being stronger than that of EDTA or HCl. Similar results were obtained in the presence of KCN, except for P. aeruginosa, for which an increase in the effect of HCl was observed in the presence of KCN. The permeabilization by lactic and hydrochloric acid was partly abolished by MgCl(2). Lactic acid sensitized E. coli and serovar Typhimurium to the lytic action of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) more efficiently than did HCl, whereas both acids sensitized P. aeruginosa to SDS and to Triton X-100. P. aeruginosa was effectively sensitized to lysozyme by lactic acid and by HCl. Considerable proportions of lipopolysaccharide were liberated from serovar Typhimurium by these acids; analysis of liberated material by electrophoresis and by fatty acid analysis showed that lactic acid was more active than EDTA or HCl in liberating lipopolysaccharide from the outer membrane. Thus, lactic acid, in addition to its antimicrobial property due to the lowering of the pH, also functions as a permeabilizer of the gram-negative bacterial outer membrane and may act as a potentiator of the effects of other antimicrobial substances.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic membranes of rod outer segments from frog retina intact rods in retina were stained with fluorescent dye fluoresceinmonomercur acetate. The dye is covalently bound to proteins of cytoplasmic membrane and doesn't penetrate into the cells. Upon isolation of the purified outer segments with the labeled cytoplasmic membranes the cells were disrupted and fractionated in density sucrose gradient. Cytoplasmic membranes possess floating densities different from those of disk membranes and thus providing a mean for separating them from the latter. The main peptides of cytoplasmic membranes are 56, 53, 45, 30 and 28 kDa proteins.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptides with alpha-helical structures and positive net charges are in the focus of interest with regard to the development of new antibiotic agents, in particular against Gram-negative bacteria. Interaction between seven polycationic alpha-helical CAP18-derived peptides and different types of artificial membranes composed of phosphatidylcholine or lipopolysaccharide of the Gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli were investigated using different biophysical techniques. Results obtained from fluorescence energy transfer spectroscopy with liposomes, monolayer measurements on a Langmuir trough, and electrophysiological measurements on planar reconstituted asymmetric bilayer membranes including the lipid matrix of the outer membrane of E. coli were correlated, and these data were, furthermore, correlated with structural parameters of the peptides (net charge, alpha-helical content, hydrophobic moment, and hydrophobicity). All peptides induced current fluctuations in planar membranes due to the formation of transient lesions above a peptide- and lipid-specific minimal clamp voltage. Antibacterial activity was exhibited only by those peptides that induced lesion formation in the reconstituted outer membrane at clamp voltages below the transmembrane potential of the natural membrane. Thus, we propose that the physicochemical properties of both the peptides as well as of the target membranes are important for antibacterial activity.  相似文献   

Gram-negative rods such as Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonadaceae are normal habitants of the digestive tract. However, if defense mechanisms of the host are compromised by underlying diseases such as malignant neoplasms, renal insufficiency, extensive traumata, or immunosuppressive therapy, invasion of the blood-stream can occur. Gram-negative septicaemia is associated with high morbidity and mortality, despite intensive care and administration of potent antibiotics. A central role in the pathophysiology of life-threatening bacteraemia is attributed to endotoxin, a constituent of the gram-negative cell wall. This paper reviews current concepts of septic shock, the acquisition of gram-negative bacteraemia and the role of endotoxin. It also deals with a new approach to prevention and control of severe gram-negative infections using serotherapy based on the structure of endotoxin.  相似文献   

The outer membranes of several strains of Escherichia coli, other enteric bacteria, and a variety of nonenteric gram-negative bacteria all contain a major heat-modifiable protein similar to the OmpA protein of E. coli K-12. The heat-modifiable proteins from these bacteria resemble the K-12 protein in molecular weight, in preferential release from the outer membrane by sodium dodecyl sulfate in the presence of Mg2+, and in characteristic cleavage by proteases to yield a smaller fragment which remains membrane bound. Antiserum directed against the K-12 protein precipitated the heat-modifiable protein from all strains of Enterobacteriaceae, and chemical comparison by isoelectric focusing, cyanogen bromide cleavage profiles, and proteolytic peptide analysis indicated that the proteins from the various enteric bacteria were nearly identical in primary structure. The heat-modifiable proteins from bacteria phylogenically distant from E. coli shared many of the properties of the E. coli protein but were chemically distinct. Thus, it appears that the structure (and, presumably, the function) of the heat-modifiable protein of gram-negative bacteria is strongly conserved during evolution.  相似文献   

The outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria is a dynamic structure that is capable of altering its ultrastructure and chemistry in order to adapt to changes in its environment. In human infections, outer-membrane alterations are known to play a role in mediating serum resistance, iron uptake, adaptation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa to colonization of the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients, and adaptive resistance to the polymyxin and aminoglycoside antibiotics. This adaptive antibiotic resistance is due to alterations in the cation binding sites within the outer membrane so that these cationic antibiotics can no longer penetrate through the membrane effectively. Adaptive resistance is not stable but is maintained only in the continued presence of the antibiotic. Hence, the role that this type of resistance to cationic antibiotics plays in clinical treatment of human infections remains inadequately assessed.  相似文献   

1. The distribution of phosphatidylethanolamine, the major lipid of Erwinia carotovora, was investigated in intact bacteria, spheroplasts and outer- and inner-membrane preparations, with the amino-group reagent 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid. Only 4% was found on the external surface of the outer membrane with 30% on the internal surface, whereas the inner membrane had 27 and 38% on its external and internal surfaces respectively. Some comparative studies were made with three other bacteria. 2. The fluidity of the membranes of E. carotovora was studied by using the fluorescent probe 1,6-diphenylhexa-1,3,5-triene. Results were consistent with the hydrocarbon region of the outer membrane bilayer being less fluid than that of the inner one. 3. On the basis of these and other results a model for the outer- and inner-membrane structures of E. carotovora is proposed.  相似文献   

易洁  刘青  孔庆科 《微生物学报》2016,56(6):911-921
外膜囊泡(OMVs,Outer membrane vesicles)是一种在革兰氏阴性菌甚至某些革兰氏阳性菌中普遍存在的包含生物学活性物质的囊泡状结构,其大小在20–250 nm之间。其组成成分包括脂多糖、外膜蛋白、磷脂、DNA以及在形成过程中被外膜包裹的周质成分等。由于外膜囊泡不能复制且含有大量的细菌抗原,并能有效激活免疫系统,所以被认为是极具潜力的疫苗候选。虽然外膜囊泡从发现至今有50多年的历史,但针对其作为疫苗的潜力探究最近几年才开始,中国关于这方面的文献报道还很少。本文从外膜囊泡诱导免疫应答的机制以及其作为疫苗的研究进展两个方面概述了外膜囊泡可以作为一种新颖的防控疾病的疫苗策略,为今后外膜囊泡疫苗的深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms of bacteria induced apoptosis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Interaction of mammalian cells with pathogenic bacteria results in a whole variety of responses in the infected cells including internalization or phagocytosis of the bacterium, release of cytokines, secretion of defensins or production of oxygen radicals. However, recent studies pointed out that many bacteria are able to trigger apoptosis in the host cell. The induction of apoptosis upon infection results from a complex interaction of bacterial proteins with cellular proteins finally mediating apoptosis. Thus, bacteria are able to activate several pro-apoptotic proteins, e.g. caspases, to inactivate anti-apoptotic proteins, e.g. NFB or MAP-kinases, or to upregulate endogenous receptor/ligand systems, that induce apoptosis, on the surface of the infected cell. Host cell apoptosis very often serves the bacteria to attack the host and to gain access to the tissue. However, in some infections, apoptosis of mammalian cells significantly contributes to the host defense against the bacteria further indicating the role of apoptosis in host-pathogen interactions.  相似文献   

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