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We describe a new species of gundi (Rodentia: Ctenodactylidae: Ctenodactylinae), Sayimys negevensis, on the basis of cheek teeth from the Early Miocene of the Rotem Basin, southern Israel. The Rotem ctenodactylid differs from all known ctenodactylid species, including Sayimys intermedius, which was first described from the Middle Miocene of Saudi Arabia. Instead, it most resembles Sayimys baskini from the Early Miocene of Pakistan in characters of the m1-2 (e.g., the mesoflexid shorter than the metaflexid, the obliquely orientated hypolophid, and the presence of a strong posterolabial ledge) and the upper molars (e.g., the paraflexus that is longer than the metaflexus). However, morphological (e.g., presence of a well-developed paraflexus on unworn upper molars) and dimensional (regarding, in particular, the DP4 and M1 or M2) differences between the Rotem gundi and Sayimys baskini distinguish them and testify to the novelty and endemicity of the former. In its dental morphology, Sayimys negevensis sp. nov. shows a combination of both the ultimate apparition of key-characters and incipient features that would be maintained and strengthened in latter ctenodactylines. Thus, it is a pivotal species that bridges the gap between an array of primitive ctenodactylines and the most derived, Early Miocene and later, gundis.  相似文献   

Sevket Sen 《Geobios》1977,10(6):983-986
Three species of so-called “African rodents” (Megapedetes aegaeus n. sp., Phiomyidae indet. and Dakkamys sp.) have been recently discovered in Western Anatolia in the Middle Miocene localities of Bayraktepe, Chios and Yeni Eskihisar. The first species alone is described and discussed in this paper. The occurence of such rodents in Anatolia leeds to an evaluation of the special paleogeographic position of Africa to Asia at this time.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Archaeopsittacus sp. (Psittaciformes) in the fossil deposits of Sansan (France) is reported, testifying to a survival of this genus in the Middle Miocene, as Archaeopsittacus verreauxi was described from the Early Miocene of Saint-Gérand-le-Puy (France) and was recorded only from its type locality. The data discussed here indicate the presence of two parrot species from Sansan, as it is the type locality of another parrot species, Pararallus dispar, only known from this locality. The differences between the humeri of these two taxa are described in detail, together with the differences from the other European fossil parrot species. The presence of more than one species of parrot in the same locality is not rare, but in Europe it is recorded in Sansan for the second time. Evidence for parrots also confirms the paleoenvironmental reconstruction of Sansan, as parrots are primarily arboreal species. Archaeopsittacus also represents one of the few common elements between the Early and Middle Miocene European bird assemblages.  相似文献   

A new genus and two new species of ducks (Aves: Anatidae) from the Middle Miocene Sharga locality are described. Mioquerquedula minutissima gen. et sp. nov. is a very small duck. Anas velox Milne-Edwards, 1868 from the Middle Miocene of France is transferred to the genus Mioquerquedula. Aix praeclara sp. nov. described here is the oldest record of the modern genus Aix. A revision of the previously described small duck Anas soporata Kurochkin, 1976 shows that only the specimens from the Sharga locality should be referred to this species. The status of other small ducks from the Neogene of Europe and North America is discussed. The diversity of herbivorous and diving ducks in the Sharga locality indicates that Miocene Shargyn Govi Lake was rich in food resources.  相似文献   

Newly discovered Miocene hyaenid specimens, recently collected from the Siwalik Group, are described and discussed. A careful comparison with the known material reveals that these specimens belong to the early hyaenid species Thalassictis cf. T. proava, Ictitherine indet. and Lepthyaena sivalensis. The stratigraphic range of T. proava extended up to the Dhok Pathan Formation (Middle Miocene to Early Pliocene). The stratigraphic range of T. proava comprises the Middle to Late Miocene, with the youngest record in Hasnot, Potwar Plateau in the Siwalik Group. The material is of great interest because Siwalik carnivoran material is rare.  相似文献   

Ant imprints, new and previously known, from Middle Miocene deposits near Kerch (Crimean Peninsula, Russia) are described or redescribed. A new Myrmicinae species, Solenopsis atavinus sp. nov., is described based on a wingless female. A winged female similar to the earlier described Dolichoderus tauricus Dlussky, 1981 is found: due to the excellent preservation of this specimen, the new specimen and the holotype of D. tauricus are redescribed and can be reclassified as Ponerites tauricus (Dlussky, 1981), comb. nov. Oecophylla taurica sp. nov. is described based on a partly preserved imprint of a female thorax with a forewing, the venation of which allows it to be positively identified as a weaver ant. Two other species are transferred from the formal genus Camponotites to Oecophylla based on forewing venation: O. kraussei (Dlussky et Rasnitsyn, 1999), comb. nov. (Early Eocene, United States) and O. macroptera (Dlussky, 1981), comb. nov. (Middle Miocene, Stavropol, Russia). One of the studied forewing imprints is similar in venation to Paraphaenogaster microphthalmus Dlussky, 1981, described from the Middle Miocene of Vishnevaya Balka (Stavropol province, Russia) and so is attributed to this species. Dolichoderus tavridus sp. nov. is described based on a forewing.  相似文献   

A new genus, Naslavcea, is erected for the Middle Miocene species Spicara fundata Bannikov, 1990 (Centracanthidae) from the Lower Sarmatian of northern Moldova. This genus is characterized by the relatively small number of rays in the dorsal and anal fins. At the same time, Pelates islamdagicus Prokofiev, 2001 from the Lower Miocene of the Apsheron Peninsula (Azerbaijan) is transferred from the family Terapontidae to Centracanthidae and referred to the genus Spicara.  相似文献   

Anthracotheres of late Middle Miocene and Late Miocene age have been described from several localities in northern Africa, all of them currently assigned to the genus Libycosaurus Bonarelli, although in several previous works they were assigned to Merycopotamus Falconer and Cautley, a considerably younger and specialised form from the Indian subcontinent which has quite different dental and cranial morphology. Three species of Libycosaurus have been named, but there has been some doubt about the morphometric variation within the various species, with some authors such as Gaziry (1987) placing the fossils from Sahabi (Latest Miocene, Libya) and Beglia (end Middle Miocene to basal Late Miocene, Tunisia) into the same species despite marked size differences, and others (Ducrocq et al., 2001) creating a species for a restricted sample of small specimens from Nementcha (Late Middle Miocene, Algeria), but which overlaps with the range of size variation of Beglia fossils. The aim of this paper is to examine the available samples in greater depth in order to understand the morphometric variation in these anthracotheres. It is confirmed that the Beglia sample is quite variable (Black, 1972), both morphologically and metrically, but it is concluded that it nevertheless belongs to a single species, because specimens from some of the localities within the Beglia Formation (e.g. Loc. 17 in the lower levels at Beglia) span the entire range of variation (Pickford, 1994). The sample from Nementcha cannot be distinguished from the Beglia sample on any consistent metric or morphological basis, but in general the specimens fall at the low end of the range of variation of the Beglia sample. It is thus likely that L. algeriensis is a synonym of L. anisae. The Sahabi and Chad samples (L. petrocchii), in contrast, fall above the known range of variation of the Beglia material in almost all metric features, but are close to it morphologically, and they are considered to represent a species distinct from the Beglia sample.  相似文献   

A proboscidean skull from Cheparawa, (Muruyur Formation, Kenya), differs markedly from those of Eurasian Choerolophodon (C. pentelici, C. dhokpathanensis). It is morphologically and metrically close to the holotype of Choerolophodon kisumuensis (MacInnes) a partial skull from Maboko, much of which has been reconstructed in plaster of Paris. The more complete remains of this species now available indicate that it should be placed in a genus separate from Choerolophodon. The new genus Afrochoerodon is erected for it. Choerolophodon ngorora from Ngorora and Fort Ternan (Kenya), Choerolophodon zaltaniensis from Gebel Zelten (Libya) and Choerolophodon chioticus from Chios, Greece, should be transferred to the genus Afrochoerodon. Late Miocene specimens from Nakali, Kenya are probably referrable to the genus Choerolophodon. Fossils from Burji-Soyama (Ethiopia) hitherto assigned to Choerolophodon sp. are excluded from the subfamily Choerolophodontinae.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2008,7(8):557-569
New observations on the Late Miocene and Earliest Pliocene mustelids from the Middle Awash of Ethiopia are presented. The Middle Awash study area samples the last six million years of African vertebrate evolutionary history. Its Latest Miocene (Asa Koma Member of the Adu-Asa Formation, 5.54–5.77 Ma) and Earliest Pliocene (Kuseralee and Gawto Members of the Sagantole Formation, 5.2 and 4.85 Ma, respectively) deposits sample a number of large and small carnivore taxa among which mustelids are numerically abundant. Among the known Late Miocene and Early Pliocene mustelid genera, the Middle Awash Late Miocene documents the earliest Mellivora in eastern Africa and its likely first appearance in Africa, a new species of Plesiogulo, and a species of Vishnuonyx. The latter possibly represents the last appearance of this genus in Africa. Torolutra ougandensis is known from both the Late Miocene and Early Pliocene deposits of the Middle Awash. The genus Sivaonyx is represented by at least two species: S. ekecaman and S. aff. S. soriae. Most of the lutrine genera documented in the Middle Awash Late Miocene/Early Pliocene are also documented in contemporaneous sites of eastern Africa. The new observations presented here show that mustelids were more diverse in the Middle Awash Late Miocene and Early Pliocene than previously documented.  相似文献   

The linguliform inarticulate brachiopod genus Discradisca Stenzel, 1964 has been identified for the first time from the Early Burdigalian (Early Miocene) sandy deposits of the Aquitaine Basin, south-western France. The species studied here, D. multiradiata (de Morgan, 1915), originally described from the Middle Miocene of the Loire Basin, north-western France, is characterized by a small size, ornamentation of numerous (up to 100), fine but distinct and beaded tuberculate ribs, and an apex situated subposteriorly to subcentrally. The ecological and taphonomic aspects of this species are also presented. The attribution of some previously described Discinisca Dall, 1871 species from the Tertiary to the genus Discradisca is discussed.  相似文献   

Middle Miocene limnic deposits from Stavropol contain wings of the limomidToxorhina (Ceratocheilus) caucasiensis n. sp. Recent species of this genus are distributed in tropic regions around the world.  相似文献   

From the Bavarian Early/Middle Miocene (MN5) site Sandelzhausen, nine species of carnivoran mammals are identified including the hemicyonine ursid Hemicyon stehlini, the amphicyonids Amphicyon cf. major and Pseudarctos bavaricus, the mustelids Ischyrictis zibethoides and Martes cf. munki, the mephitid Proputorius pusillus, the viverrid Leptoplesictis cf. aurelianensis, the felid Pseudaelurus romieviensis, and finally the recently described barbourofelid Prosansanosmilus eggeri. With these taxa present, Sandelzhausen shows a carnivoran community typical, though deprived, for the Lower to Middle Miocene of Europe, but different from roughly contemporary Mediterranean faunas such as those from Çandir or Pa?alar in Turkey.  相似文献   

A new species, Laricioxylon erkovetskiense sp. nov. (Pinaceae) identified on the basis of anatomical features of fossil wood from the Sazanka Formation (upper Middle Miocene–Upper Miocene) of the Erkovetskii Brown Coal Field (Amur Region) is described. The new species shares some characters with the extant larches Larix cajanderi and L. olgensis.  相似文献   

John R Groves  Alda Nicora 《Geobios》2003,36(4):379-389
The Chios Mélange is a thick Paleozoic wildflysch sequence that crops out on the Greek island Chios. It is composed of chert, limestone and volcanic blocks floating in a siliciclastic turbiditic matrix. New data suggest that the youngest blocks within the Chios Mélange are clasts of a breccia from the Kouramia-Nenitouria area that contain conodonts of late Visean or early Serpukovian age. The conodont fauna from the breccias is characterized by the genera Gnathodus and Lochriea, which favored deeper-water, open-marine facies. Elsewhere on the island, in the Papalia-Nagos area, calcareous microfossils of middle to late Visean age have been recovered from lime grainstone beds within the Chios Mélange. Allochems making up the grainstones are interpreted to have been transported into deeper-water turbiditic facies, but there is no evidence of stratigraphic reworking. Age-diagnostic calcareous microfossils include the alga Koninckopora inflata and foraminifers in the genus Paraarchaediscus. In situ Mississippian microfossils indicate that the Chios Mélange is older than Pennsylvanian (Upper Carboniferous) - Permian, as previously thought. The revised age suggests that the origin of the Chios Mélange may be related to the development of an accretionary prism during the Hercynian Orogeny.© 2003 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Kalyan Halder 《Palaeoworld》2012,21(2):116-130
The Cenozoic marine succession of Kutch, India, is rich in benthic molluscs and other invertebrates, but nautiloids are very scanty. Three nautiloid species, with two being new, are reported here: Deltoidonautilus vredenburgi n. sp. from the Early Eocene Naredi Formation, Cimomia forbesi (d’Archiac and Haime, 1854) from the Middle Eocene Harudi Formation, and Aturia gujaratensis n. sp. from the Early Miocene Khari Nadi and Chhasra formations. Taphonomic and sedimentary features reveal that the Eocene nautiloids were parautochthonous whereas the Miocene species might have been transported post-mortally for some distance. Palaeobiogeographic distribution of the Cenozoic nautiloids of the Indian subcontinent and other parts of the world reveals that though the genera are pandemic the species are often endemic to a basin or a province. Specific endemism and pattern of broad faunal similarity of nautiloids among different provinces within the Tethys Realm (sensu Harzhauser et al., 2002) mimic those of the benthic molluscs during the Palaeogene.  相似文献   

We describe unpublished material of the poorly known hyracoid, Brachyhyrax aequatorialis from the Early Miocene of Songhor and Koru, Kenya, on the basis of specimens stored in the Community Museums of Kenya, the National Museums of Kenya and the Natural History Museum, London. As a result, we added 17 specimens to the hypodigm of this species which was previously known from only seven specimens. In addition, we describe further material of another hyracoid, Afrohyrax championi, from the Early Miocene of Mfwangano and the Middle Miocene of Kipsaraman. The chronological distributions of the two hyracoids do not overlap. Brachyhyrax appears to have lived in forest environments, a suggestion supported by its brachyodont dentition and the associated molluscan fauna, whereas Afrohyrax seems to have lived in more open wooded habitats which agree with its slightly more hypsodont dentition and the cursorial postcranial skeleton as well as with the land snails that occur with it.  相似文献   

New species of the pine fossil wood, Pinus priamurensis sp. nov. (Pinaceae) from the Sazanka Formation (upper Middle Miocene–Upper Miocene) of the Erkovetskii Brown Coal Field (Amur Region) is described. The new species shares some wood anatomical features with modern species of the subsection Pinus (section Pinus, subgenus Pinus). This is the first record of fossil wood of Pinus in the Amur Region.  相似文献   

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