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中国北方新发现的大角鹿化石   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文对两件大角鹿新材料做了描述、定种,同时对更新世大角鹿的系统发育关系和地理分布做了讨论。  相似文献   

本文讨论了从中新世末期到晚更新世在欧亚大陆已绝灭的大角鹿类。原始大角鹿头骨某些特点与晚中新世的Cervavitus鹿相似。已知欧洲最古老的大角鹿化石是Neomegaloceros gracilis,亚洲是Praesinomegaceros asiaticus。更新世时欧洲大角鹿类存在两个支系:一支与Megaceros giganteus相连,另一支与Praemegaceros verticornis相连。中国大角鹿类由晚上新世在苏联塔什干地区发现的塔什干大角鹿Sinomegaceros tadzhikistanis进化而来。  相似文献   

在距今二百万年左右的第四纪期间,大角鹿是广泛分布于欧亚大陆的鹿类动物。就是说,在全北区中,都有大角鹿的踪迹。大角鹿具有巨大的掌状角,肿厚的颌骨等方面的特点,常引起古生物学者的注意。更为特别是,这种引人注目的鹿类化石,常常与人类化石相伴生。我国境内著名的北京人、篮田人及大荔人等相伴生的动物群中,都有众多的大角鹿化石出现。同人类化石一起出现,多少显示了这种鹿类化石是远古人类狩猎的对象。大角鹿化石最为显著和别具一格的特点是具有肿厚的颌骨及巨大的掌状角。著名的北京猿人地点的大角鹿化石,由已故杨钟健教授命名为肿骨鹿。顾名思义,就是根据其肿厚的颌骨而命名。正因为有如  相似文献   

秋末的北美针阔混交林,蔫巴了一整个夏天的寒风,又开始变得张牙舞爪起来。整个林子仿佛被人塞进了冰箱冷藏室一般,就连平日里光滑舒展的叶片们,也纷纷把自己团成干巴巴的卷儿,哆哆嗦嗦地呵着寒气。  相似文献   

陕西洛川黑木沟有发育完好的黄土剖面。各黄土层中几乎都产有哺乳类化石,找到者以鼢鼠类为主。中更新统中(或中上)部的洛川大角鹿(Megaloceros luochuanensis)是一新种,其主要构造特征介于扁角大角鹿及河套大角鹿之间。  相似文献   

中国磨芋属的分类问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对中国磨芋属植物进行了订正,已知国产21种,其中9个为特有种。提出了一个中国磨芋属分种检索表。  相似文献   

目的建立高精度低误差的《Mus和Rattus属鼠类下颌骨形态特征测量分析系统》。方法运用Microsoft Visual Basic6.0语言设计程序,自动测量、计算、分析下颌骨形态特征。实例运行评估其可操作性。结果本系统可提高测量精度28倍,减少计算误差40余倍。可适用于Mus和Rattus属的野生动物、实验动物的下颌骨形态特征测量分析。结论《Mm和Rottus属鼠类下颌骨形态特征测量分析系统》具有成为可操作的遗传检测方法。  相似文献   

中国新记录属—皮司霉属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

中国蟾蜍科一新属   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对世界蟾蜍科动物的分类现状做了概述,并对我国原定名为鳞皮游蟾Nectophryne scalptus Liu and Hu(1973)及叶昌嫒等(1978)将其改为鳞皮厚蹼蟾Pelophryne scalptus(Frost,1985订正种名为scalpta)的海南标本做了进一步研究,与现有蟾蜍科各属、特别是与东南亚地区的几个特有属的特征做了对比研究。结果表明:原定名为鳞皮游蟾Nectophryne scalptus的海南标本应代表一个新属即小蟾属Parapelophryne gen.nov.,因此原定名为鳞皮游蟾(或鳞皮厚蹼蟾)的标本为新属的成员,即种名应改为鳞皮小蟾Parapelophryne scalpta(Liu and Hu)。  相似文献   

鲢、鳙、青、草鱼地理分布的研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
李思忠  方芳 《动物学报》1990,36(3):244-250
鲢、鳙、青、草鱼是我国最重要的四种淡水家养鱼类,自1958年人工繁育成功后,现已被各处广为引种养殖,其原来的自然分布区迄今尚无专文研究,为了避免将来无从查考,本文根据较早文献记载及有关鱼化石的研究等,对其自然分布区作了归纳,并对其分布规律作了较详的分析及说明。  相似文献   

中国南方海域鲎的种类和分布   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The northern sea area of the South China Sea is situated between 107.5°~122.5°East longitude and 17°~25° North latitude with high temperature and a large quantity of rainfall which belongs to the oceanic climate of the torrid zone and subtropical zone. From September, 1994 to June, 1998,during the research on the species of Horseshoe crab within the scope between the south from North gulf and the north to Xiamen, choosing Xiamen, Shantou, Wuchuan, Donghaidao and Qishui as fixed positions and irregularly going to Xuwen and Suixi in Guangdong province and Fangcheng in Guangxi province, we found that there was only Tachypleus tridentatus in the northern sea area of the South China Sea and the sea area from Wuchuan to Xiamen, and found that there were two species of horseshoe crab which were Tachypleus tridentatus and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda in the southern area to East Sea Island, referring to East Sea Island, Qishui, Xuwen, Suixi and Fangcheng, most of which were Tachypleus tridentatus, and found a great number of larvae of Tachypleus tridentatus including zooids with different sizes from 7cm bodily length to mature. In Minan we found not only big colonies of adult Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda , but also a great number of larvae of Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda with different body size from 7cm body length to maturity. All these show that the northern sea area of the South China Sea is the area where both Tachypleus tridentatus and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda distribute and reproduce. On January 1st, 1998 at the town of Qishui in Leizhou, we found an adult male Horseshoe crab and majority of its eggs was immature, while the eggs with above 4mm diameters were only 0.87 percent but the eggs with below 1.0mm diameter was 58 percent(1 160 pills). It shows that Qishui is a place where Tachyplers tridentatus survive in the winter.  相似文献   

1985年,我在参加由安徽省芜湖市科委、卫生局和九华山管理处联合组织的九华山植物资源调查中,采到一种兰科毛兰属植物,经鉴定系葡萄毛兰Eria reptans(Fr. et Sav.)Makino。本种只记载分布于日本和我国台湾岛,而在中国大陆是地理分布新记录。同时,毛兰属也是安徽省地理分布新记录的属。  相似文献   

Peak-to-peak distances between two dense lines of the unit membranes of cell organelles were measured on electron micrographs. These distances were compared with corresponding measurements on the plasma membrane and assigned a percentage value. The comparison between organelle and plasma membrane was always carried out with the same negative, in order to exclude as far as possible errors due to differences in focus or other causes. It was revealed by this study that the membranous structures of the cell can be classified into two groups, one thicker and one thinner. Unit membranes of the thicker group (synaptic vesicles, vesicles and capsules of multivesicular bodies, Golgi vesicles) were not significantly different in thickness from the plasma membrane. Unit membranes of the thinner group (mitochondria, nuclear membranes, Golgi lamellae, endoplasmic reticulum), however, were between 85 and 90 per cent of the thickness of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Abstract We combine the methods of geometric morphometrics and multivariate quantitative genetics to study the patterns of phenotypic and genetic variation of mandible shape in random‐bred mice. The data are the positions of 11 landmarks on the mandibles of 1241 mice from a parent‐offspring breeding design. We use Procrustes superimposition to extract shape variation and restricted maximum likelihood to estimate the additive genetic and environmental components of variance and covariance. Matrix permutation tests showed that the genetic and phenotypic as well as the genetic and environmental covariance matrices were similar, but not identical. Likewise, principal component analyses revealed correspondence in the patterns of phenotypic and genetic variation. Patterns revealed in these analyses also showed similarities to features previously found in the effects of quantitative trait loci and in the phenotypes generated in gene knockout experiments. We used the multivariate version of the breeder's equation to explore the potential for short‐term response to selection on shape. In general, the correlated response is substantial and regularly exceeds the direct response: Selection applied locally to one landmark usually produces a response in other parts of the mandible as well. Moreover, even selection for shifts of the same landmark in different directions can yield dramatically different responses. These results demonstrate the role of the geometry and anatomical structure of the mandible, which are key determinants of the patterns of the genetic and phenotypic covariance matrices, in molding the potential for adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

我国熊的分布   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
熊是大型兽类,历史上人类与熊的关系很密切,我国劳动人民对熊的认识和猎取利用具有悠久的历史。然而,采用近代动物分类学方法研究我国熊类的,最初还是一些外国人。1853年,Blyth根据得自我国西藏拉萨的棕熊标本命名为Ursus< pruinosus,Swinhoe(1864)将台湾的熊标本订名为Ursvs formosanus,Gray(1867)则依据一个活的由我国北部运到英国伦敦动物学会公园的棕熊订名为Ursus lasiotus,后来,Heude(1901),Pocock(1914,1932,1941 Sowerby (1920,1923) Howell (1928,1929),Allen ( 1929,1938 ) , Schwarz ( 1940)等人相继对我国的熊进行了研究。由于他们多依据个别标本订名,现在看来所发表的许多种实际上并不存在或仅是亚种,而绝大多数亚种则是某一亚种的同物异名,因而,也给我国熊的分类带来某些混乱。  相似文献   

试论中国第三果树带的形成与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了果树带的新概念,即根据果树栽培的高效优质及其自然分布情况,提出在长江以南(北纬18─32°)柑桔为主的第一果树带和长江以北(北纬32─43°)苹果为主的第二果树带之间,即北纬25─35°建立和发展以猕猴桃为主的第三果树带的新论点。同时,因海拔高度的变化以及在两带的边缘地域,表现出部分过度交互型特征。本文还进一步阐述了以猕猴桃为代表的第三果树带形成和发展的可能与条件,指出提高果树种植效益与不同果树相应气候带的关系,分析说明了中国第三果树带的形成与发展的重要意义。此外,还对第三果树带的果树组成、发展方向和途径等关键性问题进行了讨论,为中国第三果树带的形成与发展提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

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