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Five cadaveric adult human noses were examined to further elucidate the region of the soft triangle of the nose. Three distinct zones were found. Zone 1, just caudad to the lower lateral cartilages, consists of the fibers of the dilator nares anterior as it inserts into the dermis. Zone 2 is the dermal layer. Zone 3 is at the nostril rim and consists of muscle fibers interdigitating within the dermis; laterally, these fibers are continuations of the nasalis muscle, whereas medially they are extensions of the depressor septii muscle. Perpendicular incisions through any of these zones may cause notching and tip deformity. Incisions in zone 1 may, in addition, alter external nasal valve function by interrupting the fibers of the dilator naris anterior.  相似文献   

Mandel SP 《Genetics》1980,96(2):557-559
A simplified derivation of the "triangle inequality," first obtained by Lewontin, Ginzburg and Tuljapurkar (1978), is presented.  相似文献   

The present overview demonstrates that stress, fear, novelty, and learning processes are associated with arousal and increases of extracellular levels of cortical and hippocampal ACh, independently of increases of motor activity. Forebrain cholinergic systems appear to be regulated by GABAergic and glutamatergic inputs. However, several other neurotransmitter systems play a role.


Nous résumons ici un ensemble de résultats qui démontrent que le stress, la peur, la nouveauté, et les processus d'apprentissage sont associés a l'éveil et à une augmentation des niveaux d'acétylcholine extracellulaire dans l'hippocampe et le cortex, indépendamment de l'augmentation d'activité motrice. Le système cholinergique du cerveau antérieur semble être contrôlé par l'innervation GABAergique et glutamatergique. Cependant, plusieurs autres systèmes de neurotransmetteurs interviennent également.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the chick a-actin gene reveals that the gene is comprised of 7 exons separated by six very short intervening sequences (IVS). The first IVS interrupts the 73 nucleotide 5' untranslated segment between nucleotides 61 and 62. The remaining IVS interrupt the translated region at codons 41/42, 150, 204, 267, and 327/328. The 272 nucleotide 3' untranslated segment is not interrupted by IVS. The amino acid sequence derived from the nucleotide sequence is identical to the published sequence for chick a-actin except for the presence of a met-cys dipeptide at the amino-terminus. The IVS positions in the chick a-actin gene are identical to those of the rat a-actin gene. While there is partial coincidence of the IVS in the a-actin genes with the vertebrate b-actin genes and 2 sea urchin actin genes, there is no coincidence with actin genes from any other source except soybean where one IVS position is shared. This discordance in IVS positions makes the actin gene family unique among the eucaryotic genes analyzed to date.  相似文献   

The disease triangle: pathogens, the environment and society   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The primary means to define any disease is by naming a pathogen or agent that negatively affects the health of the host organism. Another assumed, but often overlooked, determinant of disease is the environment, which includes deleterious physical and social effects on mankind. The disease triangle is a conceptual model that shows the interactions between the environment, the host and an infectious (or abiotic) agent. This model can be used to predict epidemiological outcomes in plant health and public health, both in local and global communities. Here, the Irish potato famine of the mid-nineteenth century is used as an example to show how the disease triangle, originally devised to interpret plant disease outcomes, can be applied to public health. In parallel, malaria is used to discuss the role of the environment in disease transmission and control. In both examples, the disease triangle is used as a tool to discuss parameters that influence socioeconomic outcomes as a result of host-pathogen interactions involving plants and humans.  相似文献   

The genus Rattus is one of the main pest genus of rodent. Most species of the genus carry all kinds of pathogenic bacteria to human being. They are traditionally considered to be a least understood group. The complete mitochondrial genome of the White-Footed Indochinese Rat, Rattus nitidus was determined in this study. The characterization of mitochondrial genomes of Rattus genus was also analyzed based on comprehensive comparison. The result of evolutionary patterns of protein-coding genes (PCGs) suggested purifying selection was the predominant evolutionary forces in the mitochondrial genomes of Rattus genus. The NADH dehydrogenase 4 gene (ND4) showed a highly elevated Ka/Ks ratio compared to the other protein-coding genes, which indicated ND4 was most likely under relaxed selection pressure. Phylogenetic analysis provided a well-supported outline of Rattus genus, and revealed two groups in the genus. R. nitidus had a sister relationship with R. norvegicus.  相似文献   

1. The visual functions of a completely colorblind individual are compared with those of the normal. The sensibility distribution in the spectrum has a maximum at 520 mmicro at all brightnesses and thus corresponds to rod vision alone. This is confirmed by studies of dark adaptation which show final thresholds like those usually found for rod vision. Dark adaptation, measured both centrally and peripherally in the retina, is a single continuous function, and regardless of the brightness of the preceding light adaptation, is of the rapid type only, such as that found for the normal following low light adaptation. Visual acuity also shows a single continuous function like that for rod vision. 2. Both critical fusion frequency and intensity discrimination show two sections, one at low and the other at high intensities with a sharp transition from one to the other. Intensity discrimination is as good as for the normal eye, and covers much the same range. The maximal critical fusion frequency is only about 20 cycles per second as compared to 55 cycles for the normal. 3. The two sections shown by the colorblind eye for intensity discrimination and fusion frequency possess the spectral sensitivity of rod vision since the relative positions on the intensity scale are not influenced by using different parts of the spectrum.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, large body size is often a key diagnostic feature of species threatened with extinction. However, in amphibians the link between body size and extinction risk is highly uncertain, with previous studies suggesting positive, negative, u-shaped, or no relationship. Part of the reason for this uncertainty is ‘researcher degrees of freedom’: the subjectivity and selectivity in choices associated with specifying and fitting models. Here, I clarify the size–threat association in amphibians using Specification Curve Analysis, an analytical approach from the social sciences that attempts to minimize this problem by complete mapping of model space. I find strong support for prevailing negative associations between body size and threat status, the opposite of patterns typical in other vertebrates. This pattern is largely explained by smaller species having smaller geographic ranges, but smaller amphibian species also appear to lack some of the life-history advantages (e.g. higher reproductive output) that are often assumed to ‘protect’ small species in other taxa. These results highlight the need for a renewed conservation focus on the smallest species of the world''s most threatened class of vertebrates, as aquatic habitats become increasingly degraded by human activity.  相似文献   

测定了中国鲹科8属9种鱼的细胞色素b基因的全序列(1141bp),结合来自GenBank中分布于美国、安哥拉、希腊以及巴拿马的鲹科4属14种鱼的相应同源序列生成供系统发育分析的序列矩阵,用最大简约法和邻接法构建分子系统树。结果显示:(1)支持科下设四个亚科(鲹亚科,亚科,鲳鲹亚科,鰆鲹科)阶元的分类系统;(2)亚科属下不宜设亚属分类阶元;(3)及达副叶鲹与丽叶鲹亲缘关系较近,应同属于副叶鲹属;(4)我国传统的鱼类检索系统将狮鼻鲳鲹误鉴定为卵形鲳鲹,建议予以修正。  相似文献   

We here tabulate and describe all currently recognized proteins of the phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) and their homologues encoded within the genomes of sequenced E. coli strains. There are five recognized Enzyme I homologues and six recognized HPr homologues. A nitrogen-metabolic PTS phosphoryl transfer chain encoded within the rpoN and ptsP operons and a tri-domain regulatory PTS protein encoded within the dha (dihydroxyacetone catabolic) operon, probably serve regulatory roles exclusively. In addition to several additional putative regulatory proteins, there are 21 (and possibly 22) recognized Enzyme II complexes. Of the 21 Enzyme II complexes, 7 belong to the fructose (Fru) family, 7 belong to the glucose (Glc) family, and 7 belong to the other PTS permease families. All of these proteins are briefly described, and phylogenetic data for the major families are presented.  相似文献   

The problem of complete Y-linkage in man   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

A biphasic auxin dose-response curve has been obtained for indole-acetic acid (IAA)-stimulated growth of subapical sections of coleoptiles from totally dark-grown oats (Avena sativa L. cv Lodi). The curve for growth at 6 h is composed of a log-linear phase and a modified bell-shaped phase separated by a plateau. The curve is log-linear from 0.003 to 0.4 micromolar IAA when sections are incubated in pH 5.9 buffer. The plateau of IAA concentration-neutral growth is seen from 0.4 to 4.0 micromolar IAA. Further increase in growth occurs from 4.0 to 10 micromolar IAA. Changing the pH of the buffer from 5.9 to 5.5 or 6.2 changes the shape of the curve, shifting the plateau to lower IAA concentration, or abolishing it, respectively. The synthetic auxin 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid also shows a biphasic dose-response curve, but the synthetic auxin 1-naphthalene acetic acid does not. The plateau is not affected by the auxin-transport inhibitor 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid. The plateau is eliminated by taking sections from coleoptiles grown under continuous dim red light. We advance a model to account for these results based on two modes of auxin uptake into the cell: carrier-mediated uptake and uptake via chemiosmotic diffusion.  相似文献   

Lv HJ  Huang Y 《动物学研究》2012,33(3):319-328
该研究基于直翅目56种昆虫的COI基因全序列构建了该目部分类群间的系统发育关系,同时也分析了COI基因编码的氨基酸序列构建直翅目系统发育关系的可靠性。将COI序列按照密码子一、二、三位点划分,分别计算PBS(partioned Bremer support)值,评估蛋白质编码基因密码子不同位点的系统发生信号强度。分析结果支持螽亚目和蝗亚目的单系性;剑角蝗科、斑腿蝗科、斑翅蝗科、网翅蝗科和槌角蝗科5科均不是单系群,科间的遗传距离在0.107~0.153之间变化,与其他科相比遗传距离较小,符合将这5科合并为一科(即蝗科)的分类系统,瘤锥蝗科和锥头蝗科归为锥头蝗总科,癞蝗科单独成为一科,这也与Otte(1997)系统的划分一致。根据PBS值的大小推断密码子第三、第一位点对系统树分支的贡献比第二位点大,并且较长的序列含有较多的信息位点。研究也证实将各物种COI基因之间的遗传距离作为直翅目划分科级阶元的工具是可行的。  相似文献   

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