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In 1998 and 1999, pepper maggot flies, Zonosemata electa (Say), were excluded from pepper plants with row covers for 0-6 wk after initial oviposition was detected. The proportion of oviposition attempts (scars) and larval infestation that occurred each week and the cumulative oviposition and infestation over time were determined. Due to environmental factors, initial oviposition was delayed, and the numbers of oviposition scars on fruit and flies caught on traps were lower in 1998 than in 1999. The proportions of scarred or infested fruit were low (< 8% of total) during the first 7 d after the pest was detected each year. Oviposition peaked 8-14 d after beginning in 1998, but not until 21-28 d after the initial scar was detected in 1999. Because systemic insecticides tend to provide control of adults and most hatching larvae, it may be possible to delay the initial insecticide application for up to a week after oviposition commences and still minimize fruit damage. There was no association with either year between the proportion of flies captured on traps and the proportion of oviposition scars on fruit the same week or 1 and 2 wk later.  相似文献   

Trapping results indicate that pepper maggot, Zonosemata electa (Say), flies occupy tree canopies adjacent to fields when not on host plants. Several in- and near-field trap positions were used to find a reliable monitoring system for adult pepper maggots. Traps baited with liquid ammonium hydroxide (Stills-style trap), hung in the canopy of trees on the edges of pepper fields, caught significantly more Z. electa flies than when positioned lower along the treeline or in the field. In a second experiment, significantly more pepper maggot flies were captured in sugar maples compared with choke cherry trees, which indicates a pest preference for certain nonhost habitats. The lowest trap height tested (2.1 m) failed to capture Z. electa flies in either tree species when the pest population level was low. These studies demonstrated that pepper maggot flies can be reliably detected with Stills-style traps positioned at approximately 6.4 m height within the canopy of sugar maple trees adjacent to pepper fields. Fruit oviposition scars also are useful site-specific indicators of pepper maggot presence/absence and may aid in determining if insecticide applications are necessary and in timing sprays.  相似文献   

Two insecticide formulations containing the naturalyte insecticide spinosad, GF-120 Fruit Fly Bait and SpinTor 2 SC, were compared for control of apple maggot, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh), and blueberry maggot, Rhagoletis mendax Curran. In 2002 and 2003, larval infestation in blueberries and apples was significantly lower in plots treated with GF-120 (spinosad bait) or SpinTor than in untreated control plots. Fruit fly infestation in apples was reduced by 67% in 2002 after weekly application of GF-120 for 6 wk. Six weeks of GF-120 treatment reduced infestation in blueberries by 85% in 2002 and 98% in 2003. Plots treated weekly with the bait component of GF-120 for 6 wk had significantly higher infestation of blueberry maggot larvae compared with untreated plots in 2002. Observations of wild R. mendax flies revealed that similar numbers of flies landed on blueberry foliage treated with spinosad bait, the bait component alone, or water droplets. However, flies on spinosad bait and bait treated plants spent significantly more time within 5 cm of the treatment droplets compared with control (water) droplets. Overall, the results demonstrate a high degree of efficacy of baited spinosad formulations against these key pests of temperate fruit and suggest that GF-120 is an arrestant for foraging flies.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to evaluate the mortality of blueberry maggot, Rhagoletis mendax Curran, flies exposed to thiamethoxam- and imidacloprid-coated biodegradable (8-cm-diameter) red spheres, under both laboratory and field conditions. Laboratory studies with spheres coated with 0.1-2.0% (AI) of thiamethoxam indicated that they are effective against R. mendax; however, no dose-dependent response was observed. Studies on the effect of visitation time on thiamethoxam-coated spheres showed a decrease in R. mendax mortality as the duration of visitation time decreased from 60 to 10 s. Under field conditions, significantly more flies were captured on Plexiglas panes below the 2% (AI) thiamethoxam-coated spheres when compared with similar panes below untreated spheres. In field evaluations of thiamethoxam- and imidacloprid-coated spheres, imidacloprid-coated spheres (2.0% [AI]) were found to be significantly more effective than thiamethoxam-coated spheres (0.5-4.0% [AI]). Field trials to characterize the levels of mortality associated with aging pesticide-coated spheres revealed that the effectiveness of treated spheres decreased with increasing age of sphere, and this reduction in effectiveness is greater in thiamethoxam-coated spheres than in imidacloprid-coated spheres. These results provide comparative data on the effectiveness of thiamethoxam- and imidacloprid-coated spheres and support the potential of using pesticide-treated spheres for control of blueberry maggot flies.  相似文献   

Ammonium acetate and protein hydrolysate baited and unbaited green spheres (3.6, 9.0, and 15.6 cm diameter) were evaluated for effectiveness in capturing blueberry maggot flies, Rhagoletis mendax Curran. Early in the season, baited spheres (9.0 cm diameter) captured significantly more R. mendax flies than spheres of 3.6 and 15.6 cm diameter. As the season progressed, the differences in trap captures became less pronounced among the 3.6-, 9.0-, and 15.6-cm-diameter spheres. In other experiments, the effects of trap positions and age on captures of blueberry maggot flies were assessed. Traps were positioned 15 cm above the bush canopy, 15 cm inside the canopy (from top of the bush), and 45 cm from the ground. Traps placed within the canopy captured 2.5 and 1.5 times as many flies compared with traps placed above the canopy and 45 cm from the ground, respectively. When sticky yellow Pherocon AM boards and green sphere traps were allowed to age in field cages, freshly baited (0 d) yellow sticky boards captured significantly more blueberry maggot flies than boards aged for 11, 28, and 40 d, respectively. No significant differences were observed among boards aged for 11, 28, and 40 d. However, when baited 9-cm sticky spheres were aged in field cages, there were no significant differences between freshly baited spheres and spheres aged for 11 and 28 d, respectively. Spheres aged for 40 d differed significantly from freshly baited ones. The study demonstrated that the baited 9-cm-diameter sphere was more effective in capturing blueberry maggot flies than spheres of 3.6 and 15.6 cm diameter. When this trap is deployed in the center of the bush canopy approximately 15 cm from the top of the bush, it is attractive and accessible to R. mendax flies. The data also indicated that a baited 9-cm sphere has a longer effective life span than Pherocon AM boards when deployed under the same field conditions.  相似文献   

The apple maggot, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh), was monitored with baited yellow panels and red spheres in commercial orchards, abandoned orchards, and unsprayed backyard apple trees in 1998 and 1999. Apple maggot adults were captured in all apple habitats, but the capture levels in the abandoned orchards and unsprayed backyard trees tended to be higher than in the commercial orchards. Peak capture occurred between mid-July and late August in both years. Emergence cages seeded with infested fruits were used to investigate bivoltinism, which was observed in both years.  相似文献   

An electric walk-through fly trap was evaluated for the management of the horn fly, Hematobia irritans (L.), on dairy cattle in North Carolina over 2 yr. The trap relies on black lights and electrocution grids to attract and kill flies that are brushed from the cattle passing through. During the first season, horn fly densities were reduced from >1,400 to <200 flies per animal. Horn fly density averaged 269.2 +/- 25.8 on cattle using the walk-through fly trap twice daily, and 400.2 +/- 43.5 on the control group during the first year. The second year, seasonal mean horn fly density was 177.3 +/- 10.8 on cattle using the walk-through fly trap compared with 321.1 +/- 15.8 on the control group. No insecticides were used to control horn flies during this 2-yr study.  相似文献   

Apple maggot, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh), is a quarantine pest of apples, Malus domestica Borkhausen, and pears, Pyrus communis L., shipped from much of the United States and Canada. As such, these fruits shipped from infested areas to uninfested areas must undergo a quarantine disinfestation treatment. The objective of this research was to develop irradiation quarantine treatments against apple maggot considering that fruit hosts may be stored under hypoxic or cold conditions when they are irradiated. Hypoxia increased from 30.5 to 35.7 Gy (17%) the estimated dose to achieve 99% prevention of the full pupal stage from irradiated third instars in apples compared with ambient atmospheres. However, 50 Gy completely prevented the full pupa in 22,360 and 15,530 third instars, respectively, irradiated in apples in ambient and hypoxic atmospheres. There was no difference in development to the full pupal stage in apple maggot third instars held at 1 or 24 degrees C when irradiated with 20 Gy. Because the maximum dose measured when 50 Gy was sought was 57 Gy, the latter should be the dose recommended for quarantine disinfestation of host fruits of the apple maggot. Apples and pears tolerate much higher doses.  相似文献   

Laboratory and field assays using insecticides for organic pest management were conducted on the blueberry maggot, Rhagoletis mendax Curran. Topical exposure of flies to spinosad (Entrust), pyrethrum (PyGanic 1.4 EC), azadirachtin (Aza-Direct), and phosmet (Imidan 70-W) resulted in significantly higher mortality compared with the water control after 2 and 24 h. After 24 h, there were no significant differences in fly mortality among treatments of Entrust, PyGanic, or Imidan, whereas fly mortality to Aza-Direct was significantly lower. Another laboratory assay evaluated mortality of flies after residual exposure to these insecticides on leaves, after 24 and 48 h. In this assay, there were no significant differences in fly mortality after 48 h among treatments of PyGanic, Aza-Direct, and the water control, whereas significantly higher fly mortality resulted from exposure to Entrust and Imidan. A repellency assay found no measurable effects of Aza-Direct. Large-scale field trials found no treatment effect for number of adults of the blueberry maggot captured in sticky traps; however, there were significantly lower levels of fruit-infesting larvae in treated plots compared with the untreated control. Spinosad bait (GF-120 NF Naturalyte Fruit Fly Bait), Entrust, and PyGanic were not different from imidacloprid (Provado 1.6 F). However, there was a significantly higher infestation in the plot treated with azadirachtin (Agroneem) compared with Provado. Overall, the insecticides evaluated in these trials showed good ability to control blueberry maggot, suggesting that they can be incorporated in a blueberry maggot management program under organic standards.  相似文献   

Apple maggot flies, Rhagoletis pomonella, were found to be highly responsive to visual stimuli, with maximum responses dependent upon color, shape, and size characteristics of the stimulus. Each sex had a significant preference for yellow 30×40 cm rectangles over green, orange, red, blue, violet, black, white and clear rectangles of the same size. On the other hand, each sex had a significant preference for red, blue, violet, dark organge, and black spheres 7.5 cm in diameter over green, light orange, yellow, white, and clear spheres of the same size. Both sexes had a significant preference for 7.5 cm spheres over equivalent-sized cubes, cylinders and rectangles. As the diameter of a sphere was increased from 7.5 to 45 cm, there was an orderly and significant decrease in the attractiveness of those that were darkcolored (red) but a progressive and significant increase in the attractiveness of those that were yellow. The flies did not congregate on trees with apples or respond strongly to 7.5 cm, darkcolored spheres until they were sexually mature (at least in the case of females). Relative to other colors, females were often significantly more attracted than males to yellow. The attractiveness of an olfactory stimulus eliciting feeding-type reactions was enhanced to a substantial degree when employed in conjunction with a 30×40 cm yellow rectangle, but to only a very slight degree when in conjunction with a 7.5 cm red sphere.Evidence presented suggests the following explanation for these findings. The flies are attracted to large surfaces of yellow because they react to yellow, on the basis of true color discrimination, as if it were foliage on which to find food. On the other hand, they are attracted to small, dark-colored spheres because they react to such spheres as they react to apples, which are the oviposition site and which also appear to serve as a rendezvous site for the sexes in mating activity. Once the flies have arrived on apple trees, they detect apples solely through vision. Red, blue, violet, dark orange, and black small spheres are preferred over small spheres of other colors on the basis that they stand out in strongest contrast against the background and not on the basis of true color discrimination. Large, dark-colored spheres are unattractive because the range of sphere sizes eliciting positive responses is near the size of an apple.These findings have proven useful in designing effective devices for sampling orchard populations of the flies and may also prove useful in fly control.
Zusammenfassung Imagines von Rhagoletis pomonella reagieren positiv auf visuelle Reize, wobei Farbe, Form und Grösse des Stimulus von ausschlaggebender Bedeutung sind. Beide Geschlechter zeigten in den Versuchen eine signifikante Präferenz für gelbe Rechtecke (30×40 cm), die sie häufiger anflogen als grüne, orange, rote, blaue, violette, schwarze, weisse und farblose Flächen gleicher Grösse. Ebenso zeigte es sich, dass Kugeln von 7.5 cm Durchmesser von den Fliegen eindeutig Kuben, Zylindern und Rechtecken gleicher Grössenordnung für den anflug bevorzugt wurden. Mit zunehmendem Durchmesser der Kugeln von 7.5 cm bis 45 cm konnte eine abnehmende Anziehung von dunkel gefärbten Kugeln, jedoch eine zunehmende Anziehung von gelben Kugeln auf die Fliegen beobachtet werden. Vor der Geschlechtsreife reagierten die Weibchen nicht in ausgeprägtem Maße auf die 7.5 cm dunkel gefärbte grossen Kugeln, sondern wurden mehr als die Männchen von Gelb angezogen. Die Wirkung eines Nahrungsköders wurde in Kombination mit einer gelben Fläche von 30×40 cm signifikant erhöht, während die Kombination des Köders mit einer roten Kugel von 7.5 cm Durchmesser die Anziehung von Weibchen nur unwesentlich erhöhte.Die Resultate lassen sich damit erklären, dass die Fliegen durch gelbe Flächen angezogen werden, weil sie dank Diskriminierung der Farbe auf Gelb reagieren als wäre es Blattwerk, auf dem sich die Nahrungsquellen befinden. Auf der anderen Seite werden sie von dunklen Kugeln in den Dimensionen eines Apfels angezogen, da im Freiland Äpfel Orte für die Eiablage und offenbar Treffpunkte für die Geschlechter darstellen. Sobald die Fliegen den Apfelbaum beflogen haben, orientieren sie sich allein mit dem Gesichtssinn gegen die Früchte. Kleinere rote, blaue, dunkel orange, violette und schwarze Kugeln werden anders gefärbten vorgezogen, weil sie den grössten Kontrast gegenüber dem Hintergrund bilden und nicht auf Grund echter Farbdiskriminierung. Grosse dunkle Kugeln verlieren ihre Wirkung auf die Fliegen, weil nur Kugeln in der Grössenordnung eines Apfels positive Reaktionen auslösen.Diese Befunde haben sich als nützlich erwiesen in der Ausarbeitung von Sammelmethoden für Freilandpopulationen und dürften auch in der Bekämpfung der Apfelfliegen Anwendung finden.

Abstract:  Aiming to minimize visual competition between large red apples and red sphere traps from influencing effectiveness of traps for apple maggot fly (AMF) control, we compared AMF captures by red spheres in standard recommended position (no fruit within 15 cm), red spheres in similar position but with all fruit removed within a 30-cm radius (fruitless), red spheres with additional visual competition provided by three plastic red spheres hung 15 cm from sphere traps, and yellow panels. Traps were coated with adhesive, baited with synthetic fruit odour, and hung on trees of an apple cultivar bearing red fruit (Akeene) and trees of an apple cultivar bearing pale yellow fruit (Golden Delicious). On Akeene trees, red spheres in recommended position and fruitless red spheres caught more AMF than red spheres surrounded by plastic spheres and than yellow panels. Towards harvest, effectiveness of red spheres in recommended position decreased as reflectance of the surface of Akeene apples approached that of red spheres. By contrast, effectiveness of fruitless spheres increased over time. On Golden Delicious trees, fruitless spheres were the most effective, followed by spheres surrounded by uncoated plastic spheres and red spheres in recommended position. We conclude that removing all fruit within a 30-cm radius around red sphere traps results in similar or increased trap effectiveness relative to red spheres in recommended position.  相似文献   

We report the isolation and development of 81 novel primers for amplifying microsatellite loci in the Rhagoletis pomonella sibling species complex, and the sequencing, characterization and analysis of basic population genetic parameters for nine of these genes. We also report the successful cross‐species amplification of several of these loci. The R. pomonella sibling species complex is a textbook example of genetic differentiation in sympatry via host‐plant shifting. Microsatellite markers can be useful for mapping host‐plant‐associated adaptations in Rhagoletis that generate reproductive isolation and facilitate speciation, as well as for resolving the genetic structure and evolutionary history of fly populations.  相似文献   

Short-term storage regimens containing elevated atmospheres of carbon dioxide (CO2) were evaluated for their ability to disinfest newly harvested 'McIntosh' apples of apple maggot, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh). Infested fruits containing newly laid eggs were either placed directly into the high-CO2 atmosphere at 10 degrees C to expose this life stage, or else held first for 7 d at room temperature, to allow development to the neonate larval stage. Treatment combinations consisted of three different CO2 levels (10.6, 14.9, and 19.0% CO2) and two periods of exposure (7 and 14 d). Apple maggot eggs subjected to the treatments always exhibited some survival, which was lower for the 14-d than the 7-d exposure periods. In contrast, newly hatched larvae were less able to survive the treatments. The 7-d exposure allowed low levels of survival of this life stage, but virtually none survived the 14-d exposure period. To determine the age at which eggs become more susceptible to high-CO2 atmospheres, infested fruits containing eggs three or 3d old were submitted to a 14-d exposure to 19.0% CO2. Survival of 3-d old eggs was similar to that of eggs exposed at an age of 1 d or less, but this dropped to near zero for 5-d old eggs, indicating an increase in susceptibility sometime during the 3-5-d age range. Fruits exposed to 19.0% CO2 for 14 d were significantly firmer than untreated fruits. No apparent browning, internal breakdown or other fruit defects were detected in any of the treatments.  相似文献   

Trapping experiments were conducted during the period of flight activity of the cherry fruit fly Rhagoletis cerasi L. in the area of Thessaloniki, northern Greece, during the years 1993-1997 to test several traps alone and in combination with different food attractants. Yellow sticky-coated visual traps were more effective than McPhail-type traps baited with different food attractants. Of the visual traps, the most effective was the yellow Rebell trap. The Rebell trap, provided with a dispenser containing a slow release formulation of ammonium acetate attached to the lower part of the trap, was found to be the most effective of all treatments tested, capturing approximately 50% more R. cerasi flies than the Rebell trap without any attractant. Ammonium carbonate dispensers did not increase the performance of Rebell traps. More mature females were captured in Rebell traps baited with or without ammonium acetate than in McPhail-type traps baited with ammonium acetate. This study demonstrates that Rebell traps baited with an ammonium acetate dispenser can provide a more effective tool for monitoring and mass trapping of R. cerasi than the currently used unbaited Rebell traps.  相似文献   

Phagostimulatory effects of pH values of sucrose on Rhagoletis pomonella adults were studied in the laboratory. Flies were standardized for age, diet and food deprivation. Two presentation schemes were employed. The first varied pH value (3.0-10.0) with sucrose concentration kept constant at 40%. The second varied both sucrose concentration (8%, 24% and 40%) and pH value (5.0-8.0). Fly feeding propensity was evaluated by observation of fly acceptance or rejection of sucrose and duration of feeding. When tested on red wooden spheres treated with 40% sucrose, fly feeding acceptance was significantly greater when pH ranged from 5.0 to 8.0, and duration of feeding was significantly longer at pH 6.0-7.0. At pH /=8.0, feeding propensity was significantly reduced. Decrease in sucrose concentration significantly increased fly sensitivity to pH. Males were more responsive to varying pH than females. The sucrose pH shown to stimulate maximal feeding response was 6.4. Such information is relevant to formulation improvement of a coating mixture of sucrose and insecticide applied to red spheres as part of apple maggot fly control programs.  相似文献   

Laboratory bioassays and field tests were conducted to compare the effectiveness of the new insecticides, imidacloprid, indoxacarb, pyriproxyfen, spinosad, thiacloprid, and thiamethoxam, against apple maggot. The activity ranking of the compounds in reducing oviposition in laboratory bioassays was: imidacloprid, 95% reduction at 11 ppm > thiamethoxam, 91% and thiacloprid, 89% reduction at 100 ppm > spinosad, 98% reduction at 316 ppm > indoxacarb, 80% reduction at 1000 ppm > pyriproxyfen, 0% reduction at 38 ppm. In laboratory bioassays, the only insecticides that were toxic to flies at concentrations equal to or below the recommended field rates were imidacloprid, (50% of flies at 11 ppm), spinosad (90% of flies at rates > 10 ppm), and thiamethoxam (approximately 50% of flies at 32 ppm). In field trials, thiacloprid was the only material that consistently controlled apple maggot fruit infestation that was comparable to standard treatments of organophosphate insecticides. Spinosad applied at weekly intervals, and indoxacarb applied as biweekly sprays provided adequate control of apple maggot damage when infestation levels in the field were low, but were not effective in preventing damage in small plots when apple maggot pressure was high.  相似文献   

The esophageal bulb (EB) of Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) (Diptera : Tephritidae) is a diverticulum which forms early in pupal development and persists through adult life. Columnar cells at the apex of the EB remain ultrastructurally undifferentiated for 1–2 weeks after the organ's first appearance. They then undergo modifications, the most prominent being the invagination of apical and apicolateral plasma membranes into leaflets, which lie in close proximity to mitochondria. Extracellular spaces defined by these membranes often become distended with electron-lucent material following the ingestion of glucose solutions. Following sexual maturity, a gradual, progressive degeneration becomes evident in the columnar cells. The cuboidal cells, which comprise the remainder of the EB, remain ultrastructurally unspecialized throughout life. The lumen of the EB is lined with an intima continuous with that of the esophagus. A fibrous mass found in the lumen may be derived from this intima. Actively dividing bacteria are found in close association with the fibers. The possible roles of the EB in the prevention of loss of beneficial gut flora and the maintenance of salt and water balance are discussed in light of the ultrastructural findings.  相似文献   

Abstract: We evaluated three different deployment patterns of sticky red sphere traps, baited with a five-component blend of synthetic attractive fruit odour and placed on perimeter apple trees bordering adjacent habitat (front-row trees), for control of apple maggot flies, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh), in small plots of apple trees (about 30 × 30 m) in Massachusetts commercial apple orchards. Degree of fly penetration from front-row to interior apple trees was assessed for R. pomonella of wild origin and for marked adults released in habitats adjacent to front-row trees. Traps placed 10  and 5 m apart on front-row trees or grouped on a single central front-row tree performed as well as grower-applied insecticide sprays in preventing penetration of plots by wild and released flies and in preventing fruit injury . This was equally true for plots whose front-row trees consisted of cultivars comparatively susceptible to apple maggot as for plots whose front-row trees were comprised of comparatively tolerant cultivars. It was also true for each seasonal period during which sampling for treatment performance occurred.  相似文献   

Apple maggot, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) (Diptera: Tephritidae), is a pest of major concern to apple, Malus x domestica (Borkh.) production in eastern North America. Host plant resistance to apple maggot among apple germplasm has been previously evaluated among a small number of exotic Malus accessions and domestic hybrid selections. However, a large number of exotic accessions housed in USDA collections have never been evaluated for their susceptibility to apple pests. Additionally, previous reports of resistance need to be confirmed under both field conditions and with more rigorous laboratory evaluations. Thus, studies were conducted to evaluate the susceptibility of a number of Malus accessions housed at the USDA Plant Genetic Resources Unit "core" collection. Contrary to earlier published reports, these results suggest that some selections previously described as "resistant" are in fact susceptible to both oviposition damage and larval feeding damage by apple maggot. One domestic, disease-resistant apple accession, 'E36-7' is resistant to survival of apple maggot larvae except when the fruit is nearly ripe in late fall. This is the first report of an apple cultivar that is confirmed to be resistant to larval feeding of apple maggot. Although adults can successfully oviposit on all accessions examined, larval survival was zero in a number of small-fruited crabapple accessions classified as resistant in previous studies and also in two accessions, Malus tschonoskii (Maxim) C. K. Schneid. and M. spectabilis (Aiton) Borkh., that have not been previously evaluated.  相似文献   

The ovipositor of Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) (Diptera : Tephritidae) has a dorsal process which terminates distally in a slightly upcurved tip and 2 ventral processes that are joined throughout their length by a membrane up to the region of the cloaca, where the ventral processes are not attached. The surface of the ovipositor contains both hair-like and campaniform mechanosensilla capable of monitoring both cuticular stress and mechanical contact of the ovipositor from the initial through the final steps of penetration of the fruit, egg-laying, copulation, and possibly dragging the ovipositor during deposition of the oviposition deterrent pheromone. Near the tip of the ovipositor are 2 longitudinally aligned grooves, each containing 3 pairs of chemosensilla. In addition, 1 pair of shorter chemosensilla are just distal to and outside the groove. All chemosensilla contain 3 or 4 chemosensitive neurons. During fruit penetration and egg-laying, the ovipositor is protracted, thus placing the chemosensilla in contact with various fruit chemicals. These chemosensilla are responsive to naturally occurring fruit chemicals. The possible role of the ovipositor chemosensilla in monitoring fruit quality, the deposition of the oviposition deterrent pheromone, the presence of chemical contaminants on the ovipositor, and the female's own accessory reproductive gland secretions remains to be established.  相似文献   

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