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Mycoplasma mobile glides on surfaces at up to 7 microm/s by an unknown mechanism. We studied the energetics that power gliding by using a novel, growth medium-free system. We found that cells could glide in defined media if the glass substrate is preconditioned by exposure to horse serum. The active component that potentiates gliding is sensitive to proteinase K treatment. We used the defined medium system to test the effect of various inhibitors, ionophores, and poisons on motility of M. mobile. Valinomycin, carbonyl cyanide 4-(trifluoromethoxy)phenylhydrazone (FCCP), N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, phenamil, amiloride, rifampin, and puromycin had no short-term effects on gliding. We also confirmed that we were able to modulate the membrane potential with valinomycin and FCCP by using a potential-sensitive dye. Shifting the pH likewise had no effect on motility. These results rule out the use of conventional ion motive forces to power gliding. Arsenate had a dramatic inhibitory effect on gliding, and both the speed and the fraction of cells moving tracked ATP levels. Sodium orthovanadate had a slight but significant inhibitory effect on gliding. Taken together, these results suggest that the motor system of M. mobile is likely an ATPase or is directly coupled to an ATPase.  相似文献   

The twelve Mycoplasma species known to glide on solid surfaces all lack surface flagella or pili, and no genes homologous to known motility systems have been found in the five genomes sequenced to date. Recent studies on the fastest of these species, M. mobile, examined novel proteins involved in the gliding mechanism, binding targets on the solid surfaces, energy sources and mechanical characteristics of the movements. Accordingly, I propose a working model for the gliding mechanism, called the centipede (power stroke) model, in which the 'leg' proteins repeat a cycle of binding to and release from the solid surface, using energy from ATP. Another 'inchworm model' suggested from the structural studies of a human pathogen, M. pneumoniae, is also discussed.  相似文献   

The gliding bacterium Mycoplasma mobile adheres to plastic surfaces and moves around vigorously. However, it has not been possible to control the direction of movements on plain surfaces. Here we report that, on patterned lithographic substrates, M. mobile cells are unable to climb tall walls and move along the bottom edge of the walls. This property to move persistently along walls enabled us to design patterns that control direction of movements, resulting in uni-directional circling or one-way gating between two areas. Furthermore, cells loaded with streptavidin beads following biotinylation of surface proteins moved at normal speeds. These bacteria could be useful as living microtransporters, carrying cargo around within micrometer-scale spaces.  相似文献   

The wall-less prokaryote Mycoplasma pneumoniae, a common cause of chronic respiratory tract infections in humans, is considered to be among the smallest and simplest known cells capable of self-replication, yet it has a complex architecture with a novel cytoskeleton and a differentiated terminal organelle that function in adherence, cell division, and gliding motility. Recent findings have begun to elucidate the hierarchy of protein interactions required for terminal organelle assembly, but the engineering of its gliding machinery is largely unknown. In the current study, we assessed gliding in cytadherence mutants lacking terminal organelle proteins B, C, P1, and HMW1. Furthermore, we screened over 3,500 M. pneumoniae transposon mutants individually to identify genes associated with gliding but dispensable for cytadherence. Forty-seven transformants having motility defects were characterized further, with transposon insertions mapping to 32 different open reading frames widely distributed throughout the M. pneumoniae genome; 30 of these were dispensable for cytadherence. We confirmed the clonality of selected transformants by Southern blot hybridization and PCR analysis and characterized satellite growth and gliding by microcinematography. For some mutants, satellite growth was absent or developed more slowly than that of the wild type. Others produced lawn-like growth largely devoid of typical microcolonies, while still others had a dull, asymmetrical leading edge or a filamentous appearance of colony spreading. All mutants exhibited substantially reduced gliding velocities and/or frequencies. These findings significantly expand our understanding of the complexity of M. pneumoniae gliding and the identity of possible elements of the gliding machinery, providing a foundation for a detailed analysis of the engineering and regulation of motility in this unusual prokaryote.  相似文献   

A protein with a molecular mass of 42 kDa (P42) from Mycoplasma mobile, one of several mycoplasmas that exhibit gliding motility, was shown to be a novel NTPase (nucleoside triphosphatase). Although the P42 protein lacks a common ATP-binding sequence motif (Walker A), the recombinant proteins expressed in Escherichia coli certainly hydrolysed some nucleoside triphosphates, including ATP. The results of photoaffinity labelling by an ATP analogue supported that the P42 protein contains a specific binding site for ATP (or another nucleoside triphosphate). In the M. mobile genome, the P42 gene is located downstream of gli123, gli349 and gli521 genes, and they have been reported to be polycis-tronically transcribed. As the huge proteins encoded by gli123, gli349 and gli521 play a role in gliding motility of M. mobile, P42 might also have some kind of function in the gliding motility. The gliding motility of M. mobile is driven directly by ATP hydrolysis, but the key ATPase has not been identified. Our results showed that, among these four proteins, only P42 exhibited ATPase activity. Biochemical characteristics--optimal conditions for activity, substrate specificities, and inhibiting effects by ATP analogues--of the recombinant P42 proteins were very similar to those of a putative ATPase speculated from a previous analysis with a gliding 'ghost' whose cell membrane was permeabilized by Triton X-100. These results support the hypothesis that the P42 protein is the key ATPase in the gliding motility of M. mobile.  相似文献   

The cell wall-less prokaryote Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a major cause of community-acquired bronchitis and pneumonia in humans. Colonization is mediated largely by a differentiated terminal organelle, which is also the leading end in gliding motility. Cytadherence-associated proteins P30 and P65 appear to traffic concurrently to the distal end of developing terminal organelles. Here, truncation of P65 due to transposon insertion in the corresponding gene resulted in lower gliding velocity, reduced cytadherence, and decreased steady-state levels of several terminal organelle proteins, including P30. Utilizing fluorescent protein fusions, we followed terminal organelle development over time. New P30 foci appeared at nascent terminal organelles in P65 mutants, as in the wild type. However, with forward cell motility, P30 in the P65 mutants appeared to drag toward the trailing cell pole, where it was released, yielding a fluorescent trail to which truncated P65 colocalized. In contrast, P30 was only rarely observed at the trailing end of gliding wild-type cells. Complementation with the recombinant wild-type P65 allele by transposon delivery restored P65 levels and stabilized P30 localization to the terminal organelle.  相似文献   

The cell-wall-less prokaryote Mycoplasma pneumoniae, long considered among the smallest and simplest cells capable of self-replication, has a distinct cellular polarity characterized by the presence of a differentiated terminal organelle which functions in adherence to human respiratory epithelium, gliding motility, and cell division. Characterization of hemadsorption (HA)-negative mutants has resulted in identification of several terminal organelle proteins, including P30, the loss of which results in developmental defects and decreased adherence to host cells, but their impact on M. pneumoniae gliding has not been investigated. Here we examined the contribution of P30 to gliding motility on the basis of satellite growth and cell gliding velocity and frequency. M. pneumoniae HA mutant II-3 lacking P30 was nonmotile, but HA mutant II-7 producing a truncated P30 was motile, albeit at a velocity 50-fold less than that of the wild type. HA-positive revertant II-3R producing an altered P30 was unexpectedly not fully wild type with respect to gliding. Complementation of mutant II-3 with recombinant wild-type and mutant alleles confirmed the correlation between gliding defect and loss or alteration in P30. Surprisingly, fusion of yellow fluorescent protein to the C terminus of P30 had little impact on cell gliding velocity and significantly enhanced HA. Finally, while quantitative examination of HA revealed clear distinctions among these mutant strains, gliding defects did not correlate strictly with the HA phenotype, and all strains attached to glass at wild-type levels. Taken together, these findings suggest a role for P30 in gliding motility that is distinct from its requirement in adherence.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma pneumoniae, a pathogen causing human pneumonia, binds to solid surfaces at its membrane protrusion and glides by a unique mechanism. In this study, P1 adhesin, which functions as a "leg" in gliding, was isolated from mycoplasma culture and characterized. Using gel filtration, blue-native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (BN-PAGE), and chemical cross-linking, the isolated P1 adhesin was shown to form a complex with an accessory protein named P90. The complex included two molecules each of P1 adhesin and P90 (protein B), had a molecular mass of about 480 kDa, and was observed by electron microscopy to form 20-nm-diameter spheres. Partial digestion of isolated P1 adhesin by trypsin showed that the P1 adhesin molecule can be divided into three domains, consistent with the results from trypsin treatment of the cell surface. Sequence analysis of P1 adhesin and its orthologs showed that domain I is well conserved and that a transmembrane segment exists near the link between domains II and III.  相似文献   

The cell wall-less prokaryote Mycoplasma pneumoniae causes bronchitis and atypical pneumonia in humans. Mycoplasma attachment to the host respiratory epithelium is required for colonization and mediated largely by a differentiated terminal organelle. P30 is an integral membrane protein located at the distal end of the terminal organelle. The P30 null mutant II-3 is unable to attach to host cells and nonmotile and has a branched cellular morphology compared to the wild type, indicating an important role for P30 in M. pneumoniae biology. P30 is predicted to have an N-terminal signal sequence, but the presence of such a motif has not been confirmed experimentally. In the current study we analyzed P30 derivatives having epitope tags engineered at various locations to demonstrate that posttranslational processing occurred in P30. Several potential cleavage sites predicted in silico were examined, and a processing-defective mutant was created to explore P30 maturation further. Our results suggested that signal peptide cleavage occurs between residues 52 and 53 to yield mature P30. The processing-defective mutant exhibited reduced gliding velocity and cytadherence, indicating that processing is required for fully functional maturation of P30. We speculate that P30 processing may trigger a conformational change in the extracellular domain or expose a binding site on the cytoplasmic domain to allow interaction with a binding partner as a part of functional maturation.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma mobile glides on solid surfaces by the repeated binding of leg structures to sialylated oligosaccharide fixed on a solid surface. To obtain information about the propulsion caused by the leg, we made elongated and stiff cells using a detergent. Within 30 min after the cells were treated with 0.1% Tween 60, the cells were elongated from 0.8 μm to 2.2 μm in length while maintaining their gliding activity. Fluorescence and electron microscopy showed that a part of the cytoskeletal structure was elongated, while the localization of proteins involved in the gliding was not modified significantly. The elongated cells glided with repeated pivoting around the cellular position of gliding machinery by 10 degrees of amplitude at a frequency of 2 to 3 times per second, suggesting that the propulsion in a line perpendicular to the cell axis can occur with different timings. The pivoting speed decreased as the cell length increased, probably from the load generated by the friction. The torque required to achieve the actual pivoting increased with the cell length without saturation, reaching 54.7 pN nm at 4.3 μm in cell length.  相似文献   

The cell wall-less prokaryote Mycoplasma pneumoniae causes bronchitis and atypical pneumonia in humans. Mycoplasma attachment and gliding motility are required for colonization of the respiratory epithelium and are mediated largely by a differentiated terminal organelle. P30 is a membrane protein at the distal end of the terminal organelle and is required for cytadherence and gliding motility, but little is known about the functional role of its specific domains. In the current study, domain deletion and substitution derivatives of P30 were engineered and introduced into a P30 null mutant by transposon delivery to assess their ability to rescue P30 function. Domain deletions involving the extracellular region of P30 severely impacted protein stability and adherence and gliding function, as well as the capacity to stabilize terminal organelle protein P65. Amino acid substitutions in the transmembrane domain revealed specific residues uniquely required for P30 stability and function, perhaps to establish correct topography in the membrane for effective alignment with binding partners. Deletions within the predicted cytoplasmic domain did not affect P30 localization or its capacity to stabilize P65 but markedly impaired gliding motility and cytadherence. The larger of two cytoplasmic domain deletions also appeared to remove the P30 signal peptide processing site, suggesting a larger leader peptide than expected. We propose that the P30 cytoplasmic domain may be required to link P30 to the terminal organelle core, to enable the P30 extracellular domain to achieve a functional conformation, or perhaps both.  相似文献   

The DNA recombination and repair machineries of Mycoplasma genitalium and Mycoplasma pneumoniae differ considerably from those of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Most notably, M. pneumoniae is unable to express a functional RecU Holliday junction (HJ) resolvase. In addition, the RuvB homologues from both M. pneumoniae and M. genitalium only exhibit DNA helicase activity but not HJ branch migration activity in vitro. To identify a putative role of the RuvA homologues of these mycoplasmas in DNA recombination, both proteins (RuvA(Mpn) and RuvA(Mge), respectively) were studied for their ability to bind DNA and to interact with RuvB and RecU. In spite of a high level of sequence conservation between RuvA(Mpn) and RuvA(Mge) (68.8% identity), substantial differences were found between these proteins in their activities. First, RuvA(Mge) was found to preferentially bind to HJs, whereas RuvA(Mpn) displayed similar affinities for both HJs and single-stranded DNA. Second, while RuvA(Mpn) is able to form two distinct complexes with HJs, RuvA(Mge) only produced a single HJ complex. Third, RuvA(Mge) stimulated the DNA helicase and ATPase activities of RuvB(Mge), whereas RuvA(Mpn) did not augment RuvB activity. Finally, while both RuvA(Mge) and RecU(Mge) efficiently bind to HJs, they did not compete with each other for HJ binding, but formed stable complexes with HJs over a wide protein concentration range. This interaction, however, resulted in inhibition of the HJ resolution activity of RecU(Mge).  相似文献   

Non-toxic concentrations of various substances were tested for their influence on the gliding motility of Mycoplasma mobile 163K. A significant inhibitory effect on motility was observed with agents acting on nucleic acid synthesis (mitomycin), protein synthesis (puromycin, chloramphenicol), energy metabolism (p-chloromercuribenzoate, iodoacetate) and with compounds reacting with the cytoplasmic membrane or contractile elements (albumin, cholesterol, EDTA, 2-propanol, procain, CaCl2, MgCl2, colchicin and KI). The surface-active compounds Triton X-100, Tego and SDS increased the gliding velocity significantly in some concentrations and incubation periods. The results suggest that the motility of M. mobile depends on a functional cytoplasmic membrane and that cytoskeletal elements are involved in the gliding mechanism.  相似文献   

To examine the participation of P1 adhesin in gliding of Mycoplasma pneumoniae, we examined the effects of an anti-P1 monoclonal antibody on individual gliding mycoplasmas. The antibody reduced the gliding speed and removed the gliding cells from the glass over time in a concentration-dependent manner but had only a slight effect on nongliding cells, suggesting that the conformational changes of P1 adhesin and its displacement are involved in the gliding mechanism.  相似文献   

Site-specific DNA invertible elements often control the production of bacterial surface proteins that are subject to phase variation (ON/OFF switching). Inversion of the DNA element occurs as a result of the reciprocal exchange of DNA catalysed by a specialized enzyme (recombinase) that acts at specific sites. By continually switching the orientation of the invertible element in the chromosome, and consequently the production of the variable protein(s), the cell population remains continually responsive to environmental change such as immunological challenge. In addition to phase-variable surface proteins, Mycoplasma pulmonis has a family of phase-variable restriction-modification enzymes. We report here that a single recombinase in M. pulmonis, HvsR, catalyses independent DNA inversions at non-homologous loci, causing variations in surface lipoproteins and in the DNA recognition sequence specificity of restriction enzymes. Thus, HvsR is a site-specific DNA recombinase with dual substrate specificity.  相似文献   

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