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The Ras–extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) pathway appears to be important for the development, maintenance, aging, and pathology of mammalian skeletal muscle. Yet no gene targeting of Erk1/2 in muscle fibers in vivo has been reported to date. We combined a germ line Erk1 mutation with Cre-loxP Erk2 inactivation in skeletal muscle to produce, for the first time, mice lacking ERK1/2 selectively in skeletal myofibers. Animals lacking muscle ERK1/2 displayed stunted postnatal growth, muscle weakness, and a shorter life span. Their muscles examined in this study, sternomastoid and tibialis anterior, displayed fragmented neuromuscular synapses and a mixture of modest fiber atrophy and loss but failed to show major changes in fiber type composition or absence of cell surface dystrophin. Whereas the lack of only ERK1 had no effects on the phenotypes studied, the lack of myofiber ERK2 explained synaptic fragmentation in the sternomastoid but not the tibialis anterior and a decrease in the expression of the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) epsilon subunit gene mRNA in both muscles. A reduction in AChR protein was documented in line with the above mRNA results. Evidence of partial denervation was found in the sternomastoid but not the tibialis anterior. Thus, myofiber ERK1/2 are differentially required for the maintenance of myofibers and neuromuscular synapses in adult mice.  相似文献   

The Drosophila larval neuromuscular preparation has proven to be a useful tool for studying synaptic physiology1,2,3. Currently, the only means available to evoke excitatory junctional potentials (EJPs) in this preparation involves the use of suction electrodes. In both research and teaching labs, students often have difficulty maneuvering and manipulating this type of stimulating electrode. In the present work, we show how to remotely stimulate synaptic potentials at the larval NMJ without the use of suction electrodes. By expressing channelrhodopsin2 (ChR2) 4,5,6 in Drosophila motor neurons using the GAL4-UAS system 7, and making minor changes to a basic electrophysiology rig, we were able to reliably evoke EJPs with pulses of blue light. This technique could be of particular use in neurophysiology teaching labs where student rig practice time and resources are limited.  相似文献   

Individual insect muscle fibers, whose neuromuscular junctions have been stained with a modification of Ranvier's gold chloride method, can be dissected free and mounted whole if the muscle is prefixed in aldehydes. The neuromuscular junctions along the length of the individual fibers are well delineated and can be measured and counted. Effective procedures include fixation with glutaraldehyde buffered to low pH with sodium citrate, or glutaraldehyde and paraformaldehyde combined in phosphate buffer at neutral pH, followed by exposure to citric acid and to gold chloride. The method is convenient, and could be useful for the study of arthropod neuromuscular junctions in general, since their nerve terminals do not release acetylcholine as a transmitter and cannot be stained by the more commonly used cholinesterase methods.  相似文献   

The lifetime of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) in neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) is increased from <1 day to >1 week during early postnatal development. However, the exact timing of AChR stabilization is not known, and its correlation to the concurrent embryonic to adult AChR channel conversion, NMJ remodeling, and neuromuscular diseases is unclear. Using a novel time lapse in vivo imaging technology we show that replacement of the entire receptor population of an individual NMJ occurs end plate-specifically within hours. This makes it possible to follow directly in live animals changing stabilities of end plate receptors. In three different, genetically modified mouse models we demonstrate that the metabolic half-life values of synaptic AChRs increase from a few hours to several days after postnatal day 6. Developmental stabilization is independent of receptor subtype and apparently regulated by an intrinsic muscle-specific maturation program. Myosin Va, an F-actin-dependent motor protein, is also accumulated synaptically during postnatal development and thus could mediate the stabilization of end plate AChR.  相似文献   

Agrin is a heparan sulfate proteoglycan that is required for the formation and maintenance of neuromuscular junctions. During development, agrin is secreted from motor neurons to trigger the local aggregation of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) and other proteins in the muscle fiber, which together compose the postsynaptic apparatus. After release from the motor neuron, agrin binds to the developing muscle basal lamina and remains associated with the synaptic portion throughout adulthood. We have recently shown that full-length chick agrin binds to a basement membrane-like preparation called Matrigel™. The first 130 amino acids from the NH2 terminus are necessary for the binding, and they are the reason why, on cultured chick myotubes, AChR clusters induced by full-length agrin are small. In the current report we show that an NH2-terminal fragment of agrin containing these 130 amino acids is sufficient to bind to Matrigel™ and that the binding to this preparation is mediated by laminin-1. The fragment also binds to laminin-2 and -4, the predominant laminin isoforms of the muscle fiber basal lamina. On cultured myotubes, it colocalizes with laminin and is enriched in AChR aggregates. In addition, we show that the effect of full-length agrin on the size of AChR clusters is reversed in the presence of the NH2-terminal agrin fragment. These data strongly suggest that binding of agrin to laminin provides the basis of its localization to synaptic basal lamina and other basement membranes.  相似文献   

Abstract: Glycoproteins were isolated from a rat brain synaptic junction fraction by affinity chromatography on Concanavalin A-agarose. The isolated glycoproteins were digested with pronase and radiolabeled with 125I-Bolton Hunter reagent, and 125I-Concanavalin A-binding glycopeptides were isolated by chromatography on Concanavalin A-agarose. Treatment of the 125I-Concanavalin A-binding glycopeptides with either α-mannosidase or endo-β- N -acetylglucosaminidase-C11 abolished their interaction with Concanavalin A. The pronase digest was reacted with endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase-C11 and released oligosaccharides were reduced with NaB3H4. Following affinity chromatography on Concanavalin A-agarose, Concanavalin A-binding [3H]oligosaccharides were chromatographed on Biogel P4. Two major oligosaccharides corresponding to standard carbohydrates containing eight and five mannose residues were identified. Treatment of these oligosaccharides with α-mannosidase converted them to smaller saccharides having a mobility on Biogel P4 columns equal to the standard disaccharide mannose-β-1-4- N '-acetylglucosamine. These results demonstrate that the Concanavalin A receptor activity associated with CNS synaptic junctions resides in asparaginelinked oligosaccharides of the high-mannose type.  相似文献   

Methylation of histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9) is a key feature of silent chromatin and plays an important role in stabilizing the interaction of heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) with chromatin. Genomes of metazoans such as the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster generally encode three types of H3K9-specific SET domain methyltransferases that contribute to chromatin homeostasis during the life cycle of the organism. SU(VAR)3-9, dG9a, and dSETDB1 all function in the generation of wild-type H3K9 methylation levels in the Drosophila genome. Two of these enzymes, dSETDB1 and SU(VAR)3-9, govern heterochromatin formation in distinct but overlapping patterns across the genome. H3K9 methylation in the small, heterochromatic fourth chromosome of D. melanogaster is governed mainly by dSETDB1, whereas dSETDB1 and SU(VAR)3-9 function in concert to methylate H3K9 in the pericentric heterochromatin of all chromosomes, with dG9a having little impact in these domains, as shown by monitoring position effect variegation. To understand how these distinct heterochromatin compartments may be differentiated, we examined the developmental timing of dSETDB1 function using a knockdown strategy. dSETDB1 acts to maintain heterochromatin during metamorphosis, at a later stage in development than the reported action of SU(VAR)3-9. Surprisingly, depletion of both of these enzymes has less deleterious effect than depletion of one. These results imply that dSETDB1 acts as a heterochromatin maintenance factor that may be required for the persistence of earlier developmental events normally governed by SU(VAR)3-9. In addition, the genetic interactions between dSETDB1 and Su(var)3-9 mutations emphasize the importance of maintaining the activities of these histone methyltransferases in balance for normal genome function.  相似文献   

During development of the zebrafish inner ear, regional patterning in the ventral half of the otic vesicle establishes zones of gene expression that correspond to neurogenic, sensory and non-neural cell fates. FGF and Retinoic acid (RA) signalling from surrounding tissues are known to have an early role in otic placode induction and otic axial patterning, but how external signalling cues are translated into intrinsic patterning during otic vesicle (OV) stages is not yet understood. FGF and RA signalling pathway members are expressed in and around the OV, suggesting important roles in later patterning or maintenance events. We have analysed the temporal requirement of FGF and RA signalling for otic development at stages after initial anteroposterior patterning has occurred. We show that high level FGF signalling acts to restrict sensory fates, whereas low levels favour sensory hair cell development; in addition, FGF is both required and sufficient to promote the expression of the non-neural marker otx1b in the OV. RA signalling has opposite roles: it promotes sensory fates, and restricts otx1b expression and the development of non-neural fates. This is surprisingly different from the earlier requirement for RA signalling in specification of non-neural fates via tbx1 expression, and highlights the shift in regulation that takes place between otic placode and vesicle stages in zebrafish. Both FGF and RA signalling are required for the development of the otic neurogenic domain and the generation of otic neuroblasts. In addition, our results indicate that FGF and RA signalling act in a feedback loop in the anterior OV, crucial for pattern refinement.  相似文献   

Long-term functional plasticity in the nervous system can involve structural changes in terminal arborization and synaptic connections. To determine whether the differential expression of intrinsic neuronal determinants affects structural plasticity, we produced and analyzed transgenic mice overexpressing the cytosolic proteins cortical cytoskeleton–associated protein 23 (CAP-23) and growth-associated protein 43 (GAP-43) in adult neurons.

Like GAP-43, CAP-23 was downregulated in mouse motor nerves and neuromuscular junctions during the second postnatal week and reexpressed during regeneration. In transgenic mice, the expression of either protein in adult motoneurons induced spontaneous and greatly potentiated stimulus-induced nerve sprouting at the neuromuscular junction. This sprouting had transgene-specific features, with CAP-23 inducing longer, but less numerous sprouts than GAP-43. Crossing of the transgenic mice led to dramatic potentiation of the sprout-inducing activities of GAP-43 and CAP-23, indicating that these related proteins have complementary and synergistic activities. In addition to ultraterminal sprouting, substantial growth of synaptic structures was induced. Experiments with pre- and postsynaptic toxins revealed that in the presence of GAP-43 or CAP-23, sprouting was stimulated by a mechanism that responds to reduced transmitter release and may be independent of postsynaptic activation.

These results demonstrate the importance of intrinsic determinants in structural plasticity and provide an experimental approach to study its role in nervous system function.


The pathophysiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is very complex and still rather elusive but in recent years evidence of early involvement of the neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) has accumulated. We have recently reported that the human extraocular muscles (EOMs) are far less affected than limb muscles at the end-stage of ALS from the same donor. The present study aimed to compare the differences in synaptic protein composition at NMJ and in nerve fibers between EOM and limb muscles from ALS donors and controls. Neurofilament light subunit and synaptophysin decreased significantly at NMJs and in nerve fibers in limb muscles with ALS whereas they were maintained in ALS EOMs. S100B was significantly decreased at NMJs and in nerve fibers in both EOMs and limb muscles of ALS donors, but other markers confirmed the presence of terminal Schwann cells in these NMJs. p75 neurotrophin receptor was present in nerve fibers but absent at NMJs in ALS limb muscles. The EOMs were able to maintain the integrity of their NMJs to a very large extent until the end-stage of ALS, in contrast to the limb muscles. Changes in Ca2+ homeostasis, reflected by altered S100B distribution, might be involved in the breakdown of nerve-muscle contact at NMJs in ALS.  相似文献   

Connexins (Cx) are considered to play a crucial role in the differentiation of epithelial cells and to be associated with adherens and tight junctions. This review describes how connexins contribute to the induction and maintenance of tight junctions in epithelial cells, hepatic cells and airway epithelial cells. Endogenous Cx32 expression and mediated intercellular communication are associated with the expression of tight junction proteins of primary cultured rat hepatocytes. We introduced the human Cx32 gene into immortalized mouse hepatic cells derived from Cx32-deficient mice. Exogenous Cx32 expression and the mediated intercellular communication by transfection could induce the expression and function of tight junctions. Transfection also induced expression of MAGI-1, which localized at adherens and tight junction areas in a gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC)–independent manner. Furthermore, expression of Cx32 was related to the formation of single epithelial cell polarity of the hepatic cells. On the other hand, Cx26 expression, but not mediated intercellular communication, contributed to the expression and function of tight junctions in human airway epithelial cells. We introduced the human Cx26 gene into the human airway epithelial cell line Calu-3 and used a model of tight junction disruption by the Na+/K+-ATPase inhibitor ouabain. Transfection with Cx26 prevented disruption of both tight junction functions, the fence and barrier, and the changes of tight junction proteins by treatment with ouabain in a GJIC–independent manner. These results suggest that connexins can induce and maintain tight junctions in both GJIC-dependent and –independent manners in epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Homeostatic temperature regulation is fundamental to mammalian physiology and is controlled by acute and chronic responses of local, endocrine and nervous regulators. Here, we report that loss of the heparan sulfate proteoglycan, syndecan-1, causes a profoundly depleted intradermal fat layer, which provides crucial thermogenic insulation for mammals. Mice without syndecan-1 enter torpor upon fasting and show multiple indicators of cold stress, including activation of the stress checkpoint p38α in brown adipose tissue, liver and lung. The metabolic phenotype in mutant mice, including reduced liver glycogen, is rescued by housing at thermoneutrality, suggesting that reduced insulation in cool temperatures underlies the observed phenotypes. We find that syndecan-1, which functions as a facultative lipoprotein uptake receptor, is required for adipocyte differentiation in vitro. Intradermal fat shows highly dynamic differentiation, continuously expanding and involuting in response to hair cycle and ambient temperature. This physiology probably confers a unique role for Sdc1 in this adipocyte sub-type. The PPARγ agonist rosiglitazone rescues Sdc1−/− intradermal adipose tissue, placing PPARγ downstream of Sdc1 in triggering adipocyte differentiation. Our study indicates that disruption of intradermal adipose tissue development results in cold stress and complex metabolic pathology.  相似文献   

In the budding yeast, centromeres stay clustered near the spindle pole bodies (SPBs) through most of the cell cycle. This SPB-centromere proximity requires microtubules and functional kinetochores, which are protein complexes formed on the centromeres and capable of binding microtubules. The clustering is suggested by earlier studies to depend also on protein-protein interactions between SPB and kinetochore components. Previously it has been shown that the absence of non-essential kinetochore proteins of the Ctf19 complex weakens kinetochore-microtubule interaction, but whether this compromised interaction affects centromere/kinetochore positioning inside the nucleus is unknown. We found that in G1 and in late anaphase, SPB-centromere proximity was disturbed in mutant cells lacking Ctf19 complex members,Chl4p and/or Ctf19p, whose centromeres lay further away from their SPBs than those of the wild-type cells. We unequivocally show that the SPB-centromere proximity and distances are not dependent on physical interactions between SPB and kinetochore components, but involve microtubule-dependent forces only. Further insight on the positional difference between wild-type and mutant kinetochores was gained by generating computational models governed by (1) independently regulated, but constant kinetochore microtubule (kMT) dynamics, (2) poleward tension on kinetochore and the antagonistic polar ejection force and (3) length and force dependent kMT dynamics. Numerical data obtained from the third model concurs with experimental results and suggests that the absence of Chl4p and/or Ctf19p increases the penetration depth of a growing kMT inside the kinetochore and increases the rescue frequency of a depolymerizing kMT. Both the processes result in increased distance between SPB and centromere.  相似文献   

Neuromuscular Junctions in Flight and Tymbal Muscles of the Cicada   总被引:1,自引:11,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The tymbal muscle fiber in the cicada closely resembles the indirect flight muscle fiber in its structural detail. We agree with other authors that the tymbal muscle is a modified indirect flight muscle. The peripheral nerve branches to the tymbal and flight muscle fibers are similar to those in the wasp leg. The axon is loosely mantled by irregular turns of the mesaxon, enclosing cytoplasm. The nerve is therefore a tunicated nerve. The neuromuscular junction in the high frequency muscle fibers shows direct apposition of plasma membranes of axon and muscle fiber, large numbers of mitochondria and synaptic vesicles in the axon, and concentrations of mitochondria, aposynaptic granules, and endoplasmic reticulum in the postsynaptic area of the muscle fiber. Of special interest is the multitude of intracellular, opposing membranes in the postsynaptic area. They form laminated stacks and whorls, vesicles, cysternae, and tubules. They occasionally show continuity with the plasma membrane, the outer nuclear envelope, and the circumfibrillar endoplasmic reticulum. The membrane system in this area is designated "rete synapticum." It is believed to add to the electrical capacity of the neuromuscular junction, to serve in transmission of potentials, and possibly is the site of the oscillating mechanism in high-frequency muscle fibers.  相似文献   

The functional integrity of neurons requires the bidirectional active transport of synaptic vesicles (SVs) in axons. The kinesin motor KIF1A transports SVs from somas to stable SV clusters at synapses, while dynein moves them in the opposite direction. However, it is unclear how SV transport is regulated and how SVs at clusters interact with motor proteins. We addressed these questions by isolating a rare temperature-sensitive allele of Caenorhabditis elegans unc-104 (KIF1A) that allowed us to manipulate SV levels in axons and dendrites. Growth at 20° and 14° resulted in locomotion rates that were ∼3 and 50% of wild type, respectively, with similar effects on axonal SV levels. Corresponding with the loss of SVs from axons, mutants grown at 14° and 20° showed a 10- and 24-fold dynein-dependent accumulation of SVs in their dendrites. Mutants grown at 14° and switched to 25° showed an abrupt irreversible 50% decrease in locomotion and a 50% loss of SVs from the synaptic region 12-hr post-shift, with no further decreases at later time points, suggesting that the remaining clustered SVs are stable and resistant to retrograde removal by dynein. The data further showed that the synapse-assembly proteins SYD-1, SYD-2, and SAD-1 protected SV clusters from degradation by motor proteins. In syd-1, syd-2, and sad-1 mutants, SVs accumulate in an UNC-104-dependent manner in the distal axon region that normally lacks SVs. In addition to their roles in SV cluster stability, all three proteins also regulate SV transport.  相似文献   

The importance of brown adipose tissue as a site of nonshivering thermogenesis has been well documented. Emerging studies suggest that skeletal muscle is also an important site of thermogenesis especially when brown adipose tissue function is lacking. We recently showed that sarcolipin (SLN), an uncoupler of the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA) pump, could contribute to heat production in skeletal muscle. In this study, we sought to understand how loss of UCP1 or SLN is compensated during cold exposure and whether they are both necessary for thermogenesis. Toward this goal, we generated a UCP1;SLN double knock-out (DKO) mouse model and challenged the single and DKO mice to acute and long-term cold exposures. Results from this study show that there is up-regulation of SLN expression in UCP1-KO mice, and loss of SLN is compensated by increased expression of UCP1 and browning of white adipose tissue. We found that the DKO mice were viable when reared at thermoneutrality. When challenged to acute cold, the DKO were extremely cold-sensitive and became hypothermic. Paradoxically, the DKO mice were able to survive gradual cold challenge, but these mice lost significant weight and depleted their fat stores, despite having higher caloric intake. These studies suggest that UCP1 and SLN are required to maintain optimal thermogenesis and that loss of both systems compromises survival of mice under cold stress.  相似文献   

The relative contribution of pre- and postsynaptic mechanisms to peripheral inhibition has been analyzed in the abdominal slow flexor muscles of crayfish and lobsters. The conductance of the muscle fiber membrane may be increased to five or more times its resting value by repetitive stimulation of the peripheral inhibitory axon, and this effect accounts for all of the attenuation exerted by the inhibitor against excitatory junctional potentials. No "critical interval" has been found at which an inhibitory nerve impulse produces anomalously large reduction of a following depolarizing junctional potential; electrotonic depolarizations and junctional potentials are identically affected under all phase conditions. The presynaptic inhibitory mechanism is, therefore, absent in this system. In the dactyl opener muscle, on the contrary, most of the attenuation of excitatory junctional potentials is achieved presynaptically, though equally large postjunctional conductance changes are also seen (Dudel and Kuffler, 1961). The difference is correlated with a difference in the reflex operation of the two muscles. Reflex inhibition in the abdominal slow flexors is primarily central, whereas in the dactyl opener, inhibition is brought about by an increase in inhibitory nerve discharge frequency without central suppression of the single excitatory axon. The function of peripheral inhibition in the abdominal flexors is presumably to terminate residual depolarization by reducing the long time-constant of the muscle fibers.  相似文献   

Abstract: To test the hypothesis that neuronal growth requires the synthesis and supply of new membrane components to the growing neurite, we have examined the relationship between the synthesis of sphingolipids and the ability of two growth factors, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and laminin, to stimulate axonal growth in cultured hippocampal neurons. Both bFGF and laminin stimulate axonal growth by approximately fourfold, but the stimulatory effects of both factors can be abolished completely by two inhibitors of sphingolipid synthesis, fumonisin B1 and d - threo -1-phenyl-2-decanoylamino-3-morpholino-1-propanol. By using these inhibitors, together with two stereoisomers of short acyl chain derivatives of ceramide, only one of which is metabolized to glucosylceramide, we demonstrate that ongoing synthesis of glucosylceramide, the simplest glycosphingolipid, is a prerequisite for both bFGF and laminin to stimulate axon growth. These data imply that the ability of a growth factor to stimulate neuronal growth is dependent on the synthesis of an essential membrane lipid.  相似文献   

Neuroligins (Nlgs) are a family of cell adhesion molecules thought to be important for synapse maturation and function. Mammalian studies have shown that different Nlgs have different roles in synaptic maturation and function. In Drosophila melanogaster, the roles of Drosophila neuroligin1 (DNlg1), neuroligin2, and neuroligin4 have been examined. However, the roles of neuroligin3 (dnlg3) in synaptic development and function have not been determined. In this study, we used the Drosophila neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) as a model system to investigate the in vivo role of dnlg3. We showed that DNlg3 was expressed in both the CNS and NMJs where it was largely restricted to the postsynaptic site. We generated dnlg3 mutants and showed that these mutants exhibited an increased bouton number and reduced bouton size compared with the wild-type (WT) controls. Consistent with alterations in bouton properties, pre- and postsynaptic differentiations were affected in dnlg3 mutants. This included abnormal synaptic vesicle endocytosis, increased postsynaptic density length, and reduced GluRIIA recruitment. In addition to impaired synaptic development and differentiation, we found that synaptic transmission was reduced in dnlg3 mutants. Altogether, our data showed that DNlg3 was required for NMJ development, synaptic differentiation, and function.  相似文献   

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